• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,708 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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Repairs An Order

“Well, that didn’t take long at all!” Twilight said with a smile as she looked over the finished potion. “Thanks so much for getting us the ingredients we needed, Fancy Pants.”

“It’s the least I can do, Miss Twilight Sparkle. Anything for Miss Rarity’s health,” the businesspony said as Twilight floated the finished mixture to her friend.

“Alright, Rarity. Drink up and we can give a permanent goodbye to Smooze and nightmare contamination!” Twilight said. Rarity stared at the mixture for a moment, and caught it in her magic aura, floating it over to her lips.

“You promise it at least tastes good?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know. Never had to make one before!” Twilight said with a sheepish smile. “Guess we’ll find out!”

With a sigh, Rarity closed her eyes and chugged down the potion. For a moment, she looked like she was going to be sick. Collapsing to the floor, the purple marks reappeared, but then drifted off of her coat like smoke and faded away. As her vision cleared, the unicorn shook her head and got back up. “Horrid taste but… you have my thanks, Twilight.”

“Well, that still doesn’t solve our problem of how we’ll get to Bahamare Island. Trixie kinda took our one and only way of flying there. Well… as a group anyway,” Rainbow said.

“Not necessarily,” Twilight said, rubbing her chin with her hoof. “The flying machine Dr. Whooves let me borrow is still in that catacomb under the Hollow Shades, if I remember correctly.”

“One thing, though, darling, it’s wrecked! Not to mention it’s several hours before the next train and you’re still far too worn from that last fight to be in any shape for such a long-distance teleportation spell!”

“You’re right, it’s gonna take me a while to fix it.”

“Hold on, Vinyl’s probably still in town. We can send her a message to wait for us and give us a lift back!” Rainbow said. “Besides, she’s way more fun to ride with then some train,” she added with a grin, prompting an eyeroll from Rarity.

“Good idea,” Twilight said, floating out the candle and preparing a letter before sending it off. Within a few moments, they got a response.


It’s no problem, I’m just finished packing and I’m right outside! Head on down whenever you’re ready!

~Vinyl “DJ PON-3” Scratch

“Um, Twilight? There’s something you should know about Vinyl…” Rarity began.

“Not now, Rarity! We need to get back to Hollow Shades on the double!” Twilight said, putting her hooves on her friends and focusing her magic, teleporting them outside as Fancy Pants waved goodbye to them.


“ROCK THIS WORRRRLD!” Rainbow and Vinyl shouted in unison along with the loud, pulsing music that blared from the wagon’s stereos.

“OH YEAH! LET’S CRANK THIS BABY UP!” Vinyl shouted, using her magic to do just that and then giving a hoof bump to Rainbow after, and the two ponies promptly began cheering even louder then ever.

In the back, Twilight and Rarity lay covering their ears with pillows they’d found. Rarity mouthed something but the noise and muffling efforts drowned her out completely to Twilight.

“What?” Twilight yelled, though unable to hear herself either.

Rarity mouthed something again, but paused and rolled her eyes, hoping this trip would end soon.

“…WHAT?” Twilight shouted.

“Hey, keep it down back there or we’ll turn the volume up!” Rainbow yelled, before proceeding to head-bang to the music along with Vinyl, unaware of the synchronized facehooves that the two unicorn passengers in the back made.


“THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUUU!!!” Rarity cried out, having leapt out of the wagon and hugging the ground after another hour of pounding dubstep music; forgetting all about her aversion to rolling in dirt while caught up in the moment of finally being away from the excruciating noise she dare not ever call music. Twilight had managed to exit in a more reserved manner, but showed very obvious signs of relief as well.

“Some ponies… no appreciation for the awesome,” Rainbow said with an eyeroll as she trotted out.

“Well, I better split. And don’t worry, I’ll be more careful next time!” Vinyl said. “You girls be safe! I’m rootin’ for ya, and you can always remember DJ PON-3’s epic wubs whenever you’re in a pinch!”

“I doubt we’ll forget any time soon.” Rarity said flatly, standing back up and giving Vinyl a wave as the unicorn magically reactivated her wagon.

“We totally gotta hang sometime after all this is over!” Rainbow said.

“Oh yeah, totally!” Vinyl said with a grin, hoofbumping the pegasus and hopping back into the wagon, and speeding off back down the road.

“Well, now that we’re here we can go check out the Whoovesmobile. With a little time and effort, it should be an easy fix!” Twilight said.

A quick journey through town later, the three ponies found themselves back in the now-far more peaceful cemetery, though the hole in the ground was still present from where Twilight had crash-landed earlier. Entering the pit, they found that the wrecked machine had remained untouched.

“Hopefully this won’t take too long. I suggest ordering a meal, though,” Twilight said, looking it over. “I’m gonna need a few tools if I’m gonna—” At that moment a compartment on the passenger side fell open, and a few tools spilt out, along with a booklet of some kind with a picture of the vehicle on it. “Okay, nevermind. Guess he thinks of everything!”

“Well, I know what I’m having!” Rainbow said with a grin, getting out the candle and a parchment scrap, along with a quill ready.

“Rainbow, don’t you dare..," Rarity said. “I already have no love for this place after spending hours trapped in it do we really need pizza?”

“Hey, you don’t want any more for me,” the pegasus said with a smirk, sending the note through the flame.


Two hours later, Twilight had finished. “Well girls, what do you think?” she asked with a proud smile.

“It looks lovely, Twilight! We’ll certainly be heading to Bahamare Island in style!” the other unicorn said.

“Eh, it’s alright I guess.” Rainbow said, having already finished the last of the pizza some time ago. “So, hope you can drive this thing better now,” she said.

“Rainbow, I learn from experience, I won’t crash us this time!” Twilight said. “Everypony get in!”

As the three got inside the machine, Twilight used her magic to activate it, and the Whoovesmobile roared to life and rose from the pit, causing a few stares from random townsponies.

“Um, Twilight? Do we even know how to get to Bahamare Island? And what’s that meter for?” Rarity asked.

“Hm… good point it’s not on Equestria’s map. That meter… huh… I guess us not knowing where the island is exactly is just as well, it looks a little low on power. We may need to make a quick stop to Canterlot and see if Dr. Whooves has a way of recharging it and maybe get us a map to get to the island.” Twilight said, studying the meter. “I guess the crash may have drained it a little, it wasn’t this low when I got here. We’d better hurry, then!”

“Well let’s go!” Rainbow said.

“Indeed, I’d much like to see Bahamare Island for myself as soon as possible,” Rarity said, grinning. “I admit our quest is important but I can’t shrug off an opportunity of a lifetime after all.”

“Well at any rate, you may want to buckle up, this may be a little…” Twilight began, pressing one of the buttons. “FAAAAAST!!!” she screamed out as the vehicle rocketed off in the direction of Canterlot, carrying three screaming ponies.


“Slow it down, Twilight!” Rarity shouted as Twilight managed to pull a lever to steer it, then managed to get the machine to slow down to a hover.

“Yeah, I only like going this fast when I have control over it, Twi!” Rainbow said.

“Dr. Whooves’ lab should be just around here…” she said, before getting a good look at the land around her. “What the?!”

The entire ground was blanketed in snow. All the water was frozen and icicles hung over everything in sight; the trees, buildings, cliffsides, everything.

“I was wondering why so many thick clouds were building up around the place, I admit,” Rarity said. “Whatever could have caused this?”

“I dunno… but I should probably ask Celestia as soon as we land. I’m sure she’ll have an answer, or an idea of what to do.” Twilight replied, spying the roof of Dr. Whooves’ lab and landing on it. Shivering from the cold, Twilight climbed out. “W-wai-ait h-h-here, g-girls,” she said, and she vanished. Seconds later, the place the Whoovesmobile had been parked on began to descend into the building, a roof closing overtop them as the elevator brought them down.

“Well, good to see you three are well!” Dr. Whooves said. “Interesting weather!” he remarked as he sipped a mug of hot chocolate. “You’re staring…”

“TWILIGHT!” Spike shouted, rushing over from behind the earth pony and giving Twilight a hug. “You’re alright!” His attention immediately fell on Rarity. “Rarity! You’re safe, too!”

“Of course I am, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity said. “And thank you so much for the lovely mane spray!” She added, giving the young dragon an affectionate nuzzle, causing Spike to nearly faint of happiness.

“Never… washing this cheek… again,” he fawned as he lay on his back, hearts in his eyes as Rarity giggled in amusement.

“Anyway, we did notice the weather,” Twilight said. “It’s a bit early for winter, isn’t it?”

“Oh! So it is! Well there’s no time anomalies that suggest it is suddenly winter now,” the earth pony said.

“Time anomalies?” Rainbow asked.

“No concern of yours, I’m afraid. There is one however that I am hard at work on figuring out but it has nothing to do with this,” the Doctor remarked casually.

“So, why hasn’t Celestia done anything about this? This seems like something she’d show at least a little concern for!” Rarity protested.

“Hm… don’t know actually,” Whooves replied, rubbing his chin with his hoof. “But I’m sure she does! So anyway, what brings you back here, because I assume you didn’t see the weather until you made it over…” His eyes widened. “Oh my, Minuette isn’t feeling homesick, is she? I know she can get rather touchy when dad’s not around for too long, but honestly…”

“No, not that I know of,” Twilight said. “Look, the Whoovesmobile’s really low on… whatever you use for fuel, and also I need directions to get to Bahamare Island. Whatever Sombra’s after, it’s there so we need to get there next!”

“Is that so? Well that’s interesting!” Whooves said. “Can’t be for the sights and a nice tan… well no matter! I’ll have this recharged and get the location imprinted into it for you! You won’t need to know where to go, by the time I’m done it’ll take you there itself in a flash!”

“So what do we do till then?” Rainbow asked. As if to respond to her inquiry, Spike suddenly twitched on the ground, his eyes wide with realization.

“Oh! Right! I got this not long before you came here! It’s from Princess Luna of all ponies!” the dragon said, rushing off and returning with a scroll.

“Luna?!” Twilight wondered aloud, magically opening the scroll and looking it over.

Twilight Sparkle,

I’m certain by now you’ve noticed the odd weather around Canterlot as well as my sister’s inability to resolve the matter. Please come to the palace as soon as you receive this message and I will explain everything.

~Princess Luna

“Girls, hold onto me. Spike, stay here and help the Doctor with repairing the machine. We’ll be back later!” Twilight said.

“Aye-aye!” Spike said with a salute as Rainbow and Rarity placed their hooves on Twilight’s shoulders, and the unicorn focused her magic, prompting the three to vanish immediately.


“Princess Luna!” Twilight cried out, leading the way as she galloped into the throne room, followed by her friends. Upon entering, she found a downcast and slightly fatigued-looking Princess.

“Greetings, bearers of the Elements.” Luna said. “No doubt you wonder why I called you here…”

“Yeah, what’s up with all the weather? Why aren’t the pegasi on this?” Rainbow asked.

“And where is Princess Celestia?” Rarity asked. Luna shifted uncomfortably.

“Perhaps it is better I show you,” Luna said. “Come out, sister.” Luna turned around, and immediately the three were treated to the most unexpected of sights when a very different-looking Celestia trotted out from behind the throne…

“Awwww, Woona! I was having fun pwaying Hide and Seek!” the small, pink-maned filly said with a giggle.

“…Princess... Celestia...?” Twilight asked, staring agape at the filly.

“Nope! I’m CEWESTIA! PWINCESS OF DA SUN!” the filly cheered in her own attempt at the Royal Canterlot Voice as she reared back on her hind legs proudly, then she stared wide-eyed at Twilight. “I missed you so much, Twilight!” She immediately galloped over to the unicorn as fast as her stubby legs could carry her and hugged her tightly. “My most favowitest student!”

“Uh, hi!” Twilight said nervously, putting her forehoof around the filly.

“Wanna play? I wanna play!” the alicorn filly said with a big cheerful smile, trotting in place. “How about tag?”

“With all due respect, Princess, this is NOT the time for games!” Rarity said firmly.

“Woonaaaa! The mean old lady mare doesn’t wanna play!” Celestia said, her large round eyes tearing up.

Rainbow immediately fell to the floor, bursting into laughter at the filly’s complaint and forgetting the seriousness of the situation while Rarity looked ready to explode with rage.

“Why you LITTLE!!!!!” Rarity shouted lividly as Celestia began flying around her, giggling playfully.

“Old lady! Old lady!” the filly sang before being snagged into Luna’s magical aura, while Twilight did the same to the now-furious Rarity.

“That’s quite enough, sister,” Luna said firmly.

“Woo-naaaaaa!” Celestia protested, pouting as she was brought back towards her now-older sister.

"Release me, Twilight!" Rarity yelled, struggling wildly in Twilight's magic aura. "Princess or not, she will pay for that remark!"

“Would you believe I was actually the more mature one out of the two of us during our fillyhood?” Luna asked with an eyeroll. “Anyway, the weather and my sister’s condition are in fact connected. Sombra’s resurfacing is growing all the more evident, as is his influence over the other lands outside Equestria,” she explained. “Just two days ago, penguins from up north descended upon Canterlot. Their leader froze much of the kingdom and unleashed a powerful blizzard over the city. When Celestia and I attempted to stop him, he cast an age spell on my sister… reducing her to this. I would not have expected such power from them, let alone one strong enough to oppose us so effectively.

“So where are they now?” Twilight asked as Celestia flailed about in the air trying to free herself from her sister’s aura. “How could their leader have gotten this much power?”

“I’m not sure, but they are based in a cave leading to an old tourist attraction near here. The Ever Frozen Circle… a spot where the ice never melts and a cold air is always present… it’s existed before Equestria was founded,” Luna explained.

“Wait! Maybe it’s a Sanctuary!” Rainbow said.

“Excuse me?” Luna asked.

“When I first got dragged into this crazy adventure, this weird creature from the future gave me this… Harmony Stone thing,” the pegasus explained, removing it from her saddlebag. Luna narrowed her eyes in curiosity and floated it over to herself. Immediately her eyes widened.

“How did you get this? My sister has the only one but it’s been dormant ever since she’s had it!” Luna said.

“Like I said, a creature from the future gave it to me. I think Celestia in that time sent it. She said it would… gather the harmonious energy from these eight special places in Equestria and give us strength to stop Sombra. Maybe this Ever Frozen Circle is one of those places!” Rainbow said.

“It would make sense…” Luna said. “I’ve heard of there being certain places in Equestria where spiritual energy focuses.”

“If the penguins’ leader got ahold of this place, he could have gained its power,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I’ve been to three of these places, each one had something there, guarding it,” Rainbow explained.

“If that’s the case, then it’s important that you get to this place and defeat him so you can acquire its power,” Luna said. “I will continue to tend to matters here… including my sister,” she explained, eyeing the filly who now sulked as she hovered in the air. “Be wary… several of his forces are already attempting to invade Canterlot!”

“I know where it is! I saw it not far from Dr. Whooves’ laboratory! We can teleport there right away,” Twilight explained.

“Good luck, my subjects,” Luna said, before gritting her teeth and attempting to keep her rambunctious de-aged sister under control.

“I wanna move da sun!” Celestia protested.

“You’re not strong enough for that right now, sister!” Luna replied.

“Then can we make a cake? Cewestia, Pwincess of da Sun is hungwy!” the filly pleaded, giving the best puppy-dog eyes she could muster, prompting a snicker from Rainbow Dash and a facehoof from Luna as the three friends vanished from the throne room.

“Ugghhh… very well,” Luna muttered, unable to resist her sister’s adorable face and leading her to the kitchen, hoping the three element bearers got this taken care of quickly.


Appearing in the middle of the snow-covered fields, the three ponies found themselves caught in a monstrous blizzard.

“Whoa!” Rainbow shouted, nearly getting blown off her hooves. “Things are getting pretty intense out here!”

“Tell me about it! And I don’t even have my winter wardrobe!” Rarity protested.

“Girls, the cave’s just up that hill!” Twilight said, narrowing her eyes to peer through the blowing snow and ice. “Now come on, let’s do this!”

Before they could move, however, spires of ice burst from the ground in front of them, blocking their way as several large penguins emerged from the cave, wielding ice spears.

“Going somewhere?” one asked with a sneer, as the others quacked with laughter, drawing their spears on them as well.

Author's Note:

Not the most action-packed chapter, but not all of it can be! I may get another chapter up during the christmas break, or by the following weekend. We shall see! In the meantime, enjoy the lovely jig of Winters!

Filly Celestia came from here. Beware the artist's other work if you fear death by overwhelming filly adorableness :trollestia: