• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,708 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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Where It Began

“We’re back!” Twilight declared as she and her friends appeared in the flutterpony village.

“You’re okay!” Pinkie shouted, rushing over and somehow managing to get all four of them into a group hug. “So, was the trip through the Badlands exciting? Why do you smell like volcano?”

“Pinkie, how would you know what volcano smells like, ya never even been in one.” Applejack said.

“I just smelt you and figured ‘I bet that has to be what a volcano smells like!’ So I decided just that!” Pinkie said with a big grin as though the answer were obvious.

“Oh, you look like you’ve been through a lot.” Fluttershy said, her attention shifted over to Rainbow, who looked especially proud. “Well you seem to be in high spirits… if you don’t mind me saying so, I mean.” She said.

“Yeah, after we handled the last sanctuary, I kinda… it was way weird but I ended up in this crazy dream world, had to sort some stuff out.” Rainbow explained.

“Even… well, you know…?” Fluttershy asked timidly. Her friend just smiled and put her hoof around her.

“Yeah. Even that.” Rainbow said. “And I’m ready to make her proud.”

“I see…” Fluttershy said, smiling. “Well, I’m glad you were able to get that off your shoulders, I know it’s been awhile.”

“Yeah. Once this is all over, I think I’ll be ready to talk it over with the others.” Rainbow replied.

“Well, now that we’re all here, it’s probably time to get going. We can’t keep the princesses waiting, after all.” Twilight said.

“…Especially when Equestria is in mortal danger again, Twilight.” Rarity replied.

“Next stop, the Crystal Empire!” Twilight said as her friends gathered around her while her magic charged up.

“Goodbye!” Fluttershy said, waving to the flutterponies as they all gathered to see them off.

“Thanks for everything!” The flutterpony leader said. “And good luck!”

Focusing all her power, and Rarity adding to the power necessary to travel such a distance, Twilight and her friends vanished in a bright flash of light.


“It’s getting worse out there by the minute.” Shining Armor explained as he entered the throne room. “Even with Canterlot’s soldiers and King Charlatan’s penguin troops, and my barrier being amplified by the Crystal Heart… these… black crystal ponies… they just keep coming and coming!”

“I should be out there…” Celestia said softly, staring out the windows.

“No! Aunt Celestia, we can’t risk losing you as well!” Cadance insisted.

“You’re Equestria’s last line of defense, Princess.” Shining explained. “You and your sister...”

“Without the Elements of Harmony, this fight may well be a lost cause as King Sombra seems to have all of his forces attempting a full assault... who knows how many other places in Equestria he is preparing to lay siege to.” Luna said as she joined her sister’s side. “With the entire Lunar Guard and half the Solar Guard in Canterlot, and the Wonderbolts spread out as well… even with our power, the best we may be able to do is prolong the inevitable… Unless they get here soon.”

“I sure hope so…” Spike said sadly, pacing about in frustration as he worried about Twilight and her friends’ well-being.

“HIGHNESS!” A guard suddenly shouted, rushing in. “Somepony has breached the defenses!”

“WHAT?!” Luna demanded. “Where are they?”

“In the back chamber where the Doctor’s working on his invention!”

“Oh no!” Celestia immediately rushed down the hall, accompanied by Shining Armor. Finding the door magically locked, Celestia fired a blast of magic with her horn, causing it to burst open just in time to be nearly blinded by a bright flash of light that suggested whoever had intruded had just now escaped. The gizmonks and the three Cutie Mark Crusaders lay sprawled about on the floor in a heap, barely conscious.

“Oh dear… oh dear, oh dear…” Whooves said as he rubbed his forehead, standing back up.

“What happened?!” Celestia demanded.

“Blue unicorn… Trixie, was it? She was here… stole my invention and escaped with it! The invention I was working on to get to Sombra’s location!”

“How did she succeed in this?” Luna asked, entering the room.

“There’s no way. We had security at every corner!” Shining explained.

“She just teleported in! Something… she had something around her neck! Made her really powerful!” A gizmonk said.

“Around her neck?” Celestia asked, worry on her face. “Like an amulet? Red and silver, shaped like an alicorn?”

“Yeah! That was it! Made her magic red ‘n everythin’!” Applebloom said, standing up.

“Looked like that thing she had that time she challenged Twilight a few months ago!” Sweetie Belle explained.

Celestia sighed, her fears confirmed. “Then he’s done it…”

“Excuse me?” Shining asked.

“The Alicorn Amulet. He has seen to it that Trixie has reacquired it.” The Princess of the Sun facehoofed. “Of course! As the Alicorn Amulet was King Sombra’s creation, forged and infused with dark magic so he could match our power. Sombra is linked to it and Trixie was its most previous wearer, so he must have been able to send it to her so she could accomplish this… taking away our one chance at confronting him.”

“Not… necessarily…” Whooves said, pacing back and forth, an idea forming.


In a bright flash of light, the six friends appeared in the throne room of the Crystal Palace. Smiling at the first good news in awhile, Cadance trotted over to greet them, Spike rushing behind her.

“Twilight!” Spike cried out, rushing over and hugging his friend, then smiling at Rarity. “And you’re okay too!”

“Of course, Spike! And look what I brought you from the Badlands!” Rarity said with a smile, floating out the fire ruby she’d taken from her saddlebag and into Spike’s eager claws. A huge grin formed on the dragon’s face as he hugged it tightly.

“Is this a…?!” The dragon asked in astonishment.

“Why of course it is, Spikey-wikey!” Rarity said. “I saw it and thought to myself, I certainly should return the favor for the one you gave me!”

“It’s so beautiful! Thank you so much!” Spike replied excitedly, not even waiting a second longer to pop the gem into his mouth, savoring every bite.

“It’s such a relief that you’re here.” The princess said with a smile. “I hope you’re alright…” She said, noticing how roughed up most of the six visitors looked.

“Eh, we’ll be fine!” Rainbow said proudly. “Nothin’ we couldn’t handle!”

“What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked timidly as she looked around.

“King Sombra’s forces are attacking!” Cadance explained. “The crystal pony guards, what Canterlot could spare, and even King Charlatan’s penguin troops from the Frozen North have all joined together to fight, but it’s still showing no sign of stopping. They’re some sort of pony construct created from black crystal, and they just keep coming and coming…”

“Black crystal…” Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Like that one who showed up by the big crystal spire in Ponyville!”

“Then Sombra’s clearly got a lot more of them.” Twilight said, her ears drooping. “Cadance, Princess Luna instructed us to come here right away, where are she and Celestia?”

“Right here, Twilight…” Celestia said, re-entering the throne room with her sister, Shining, and Whooves.

“Shining Armor! Princess Celestia!” Twilight said, rushing over and hugging her brother, then bowing her head to Celestia and Luna. “What’s going on? Don’t you have the way for us to stop King Sombra?”

“Yes and no, my faithful student…” Celestia said softly. “The Doctor will explain.”

“You see…” Whooves said, clearing his throat. “Shortly before you got here, Trixie had snuck into the palace with help of a powerful artifact… she stole the invention I was working on and escaped with it.”

“She WHAT?!” Rarity shouted, staring agape, then noticing her friends’ looks. “Don’t tell me you’re not all thinking the same thing!” She said.

“Then what’s the ‘yes’ part’a this if ya don’t mind us askin’?” Applejack asked.

“Wait, I know! You got another one, don’t you, but you need us to get stuff to make it work!” Pinkie said with a wide smile.

“Long and short of it, yes.” Whooves replied. “The invention, the phase distorter, would have transported you to Sombra’s location. See… with some help from Charlatan’s scouts, I’ve been able to pinpoint where Sombra is supposedly located… the very place the Princesses had placed him in deep underground over a millennia ago. Except… well, he’s there but he’s not there. He’s now there in the distant past, you see. By my theory, Sombra has left some contingency plan to resurrect himself, should he have been defeated. A part of him remains there, now reunited with what remained of him after you had defeated him… you’re staring.” The Doctor remarked.

“Sorry… just a lot to take in.” Twilight said. “So how do we get to him if Trixie took the invention?”

“Well…” The Doctor explained. “The phase distorter was created from technology used from some of my previous work; that combined time travel magic with technology to create a functional time machine that allows an indefinite amount of time for a pony to remain in a different period. However, my earlier design would not be able to home in on where Sombra is like the phase distorter could without the proper materials...”

“And what would that be?” Rainbow asked.

“A piece of what started it all.” Whooves said. “…The crystal spire in Ponyville. If you can get a piece of it and bring it back here, we can prepare my other machine and have you six sent back to stop him!”

“Also…” Celestia said. “It is essential you recover the Elements of Harmony, and bring them back here as well. I am certain you will need them if you are going to succeed in stopping Sombra for good.”

“They should be in the library.” Twilight said. “But… will you all be okay?”

“Don’t worry, Twily, we’ll hold ‘em off till you get back. I promise.” Shining said with a smile, mussing his sister’s mane.

“I just hope that the next time the four of us will get to spend time together without an impending crisis.” Cadance said.

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “Wait, four?” She asked.

Cadance laughed, patting the side of her barrel. “Yes, four.” She said.

The crisis briefly forgotten, Twilight’s eyes widened in astonishment and a big smile formed on her face. “Ohmygosh! I’m gonna be an aunt???” She asked, prompting a nod from Celestia, Cadance, and Shining. Staring in awe at her brother and sister-in-law, Twilight let out a squeal of joy. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!” She cheered, bouncing around them excitedly and causing everyone else to laugh in amusement, taking in the much-needed cheer in light of the situation.

“I’m so happy for you… if you don’t mind me saying so…” Fluttershy said, blushing.

“That’s beyond awesome! Now we definitely gotta save Equestria!” Rainbow said, looping in the air with a grin.

“What do you mean, Rainbow Dash? Of course you’re gonna!” Scootaloo said, rushing in with her two friends. “You’re way too cool to lose.

“Rarity! You’re alright!” Sweetie Belle said, nuzzling her sister, but then staring up at her mane. “Oh no… your mane!”

Rarity shuddered, remembering the damage it’d sustained from the fight with the diamond dogs. “…Twilight, if you could, please?” She asked, gesturing to her still slightly-damaged mane. Twilight rolled her eyes and cast her magic, restoring it to its former splendor.

“We’re gonna have to go away again, lil’ sis.” Applejack said, hugging her little sister. “But don’cha worry, we’ll be right back.”

“You better!” Applebloom said. “That mean ol’ Sombra’s gonna wish he never met y’all!”

“Durn right, Applebloom” The farmpony said with a laugh.

“SO! There’s gonna be a shower, right?” Pinkie asked, bouncing around the married couple. “You just leave it to Pinkie Pie! I promise you’re gonna get the biggest, bestest foal shower party Equestria’s EVER seen!”

“Well, we’ll be looking forward to that.” Shining said with a chuckle. “…If we can all make it through this.”

“No, when.” Twilight said, determined. “Soon as we get back, we’ll deal with Sombra and end this. Come on girls, let’s get to Ponyville right away!” She ordered, her friends gathering around her as she teleported them all away once more.


“We’re here!” Twilight said as the group found themselves in the darkened library, prompting the unicorn to light up the end of her horn. “Now let’s get the elements and head out to the site of the crystal spire.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard!” Rainbow said. “It’s on top of that hill, should be a synch!”

“Uh…. girls…?” Fluttershy asked nervously, gesturing to the window as she peered out of it.

To say Ponyville had taken a turn for the worse would be an understatement. Every house was as dark as the night surrounding it, and changelings were buzzing about everywhere, seeking out any stray ponies, and it was highly likely that some had already been abducted.

“Well ah gotta admit this might complicate things…” Applejack said.

Rarity approached the window, peering out in disgust. “I hope the boutique is doing alright. If those dreadful changelings even TOUCHED my new silk imports… I don’t know what I’d do!” She scoffed.

“Well, first thing’s first. I have the Elements stored in a chest downstairs. Let’s hurry!” Twilight ordered, using her magic to open the passageway leading into her basement laboratory deep under the library and leading her friends to where a safe sat in the corner. Focusing her magic, the dials shifted, and Twilight sent a charge of magic through an opening that appeared, causing several gears to turn and door opened, revealing a mahogany chest. Opening it, Twilight floated the six elements out and their respective owners immediately put them on.

“Well, the easy part’s out of the way. Time for the tough part.” Twilight said. “Are we ready?”

“More then ready.” Rainbow said with a grin.

“Oh just let ‘em TRY and stop us!” Pinkie said, pulling out her party cannon.

“Honestly, Pinkie… where do you even… oh, nevermind.” Rarity said with a sigh.

“Ya can count on me!” Applejack said, giving a quick stretch.

“I’m ready… I guess…” Fluttershy said, though the nervousness in her voice was evident. “If it’s not too much trouble, though… I’d like to stop by my place first, and make sure Angel and the other animals are okay.”

“I guess we can do that. The hill’s not too far off from your home is it?” Twilight asked.

“Not for me it wasn’t.” Rainbow said.

“Well, then let’s get going.” Twilight said, teleporting them all away to Fluttershy’s cottage.


“Oh my!” Fluttershy squeaked when she saw the changelings hovering about, and they immediately turned their attention on the six ponies. The moment Fluttershy saw her animals all cocooned to the wall, however, something in her snapped. “You… hurt… my FRIENDS!!!! the pegasus shouted, and before any of her friends could react, Fluttershy flew straight at the changelings at a speed comparable to Rainbow’s own, violently beating senseless every changeling that dared come near her.

“AND TAKE THAT!” Fluttershy screamed out furiously, grabbing one with her forehooves and flinging it into two others, knocking them out of the sky.

“Whoa…” Rainbow muttered as Fluttershy suddenly grabbed up a baseball bat on the ground with her teeth and smashed it into another changeling’s face with incredible force, knocking it out.

“Dang… remind me not ta get on her bad side…” Applejack remarked, staring agape.

The remaining changeling fired a blast of magic at Fluttershy, disarming her but the pegasus simply hovered in front of him, glaring with an intimidating stare. For a moment, the two eyed one-another, and in seconds, the changeling trembled.

“Now… WHO is behind this?” Fluttershy demanded.

“It’s… our Queen… she had us invade… Sombra’s orders…” The changeling said, shifting a little under Fluttershy’s stare.

“Where is she?” Fluttershy asked.

“The black crystal spire. Orders are not to let you near it!” The changeling said, shaking even more now.

“Very good.” Fluttershy said, her demeanor changing as she gave a sunny smile again, patting the changeling on the head. “Thank you very much, you can go now.” She said with a genuine friendly tone as the changeling turned and flew off trying to hide its embarrassment. The pegasus immediately flew over to her captured animal friends, tears in her eyes. “Ohhh are you all okay? You weren’t hurt were you?” She asked, worried. “Twilight? Can you set them free? They look so scared!”

“Sure thing, Fluttershy…” Twilight said, still overcoming the shock from the display she’d just seen and firing bolts of magic at the cocoons, shattering them apart and freeing the animals within.

“Oh, Angel! You’re okay!” Fluttershy said, hugging her pet bunny. “And all of you!” The pegasus flew around, giving every animal a hug. “Don’t worry, momma’s gonna deal with the big mean old bug queen who hurt you!”

“Oooh! This just gets better and better!” Discord’s voice suddenly announced, prompting the six to look up on Fluttershy’s roof, where he was seated comfortably and munching on popcorn.

“Have you been here this whole time?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course I was! Not that any of you seemed to notice!” Discord said with a chuckle.

“Ponyville’s a mess and you’ve just been chilling on Fluttershy’s cottage eating popcorn?!” Twilight demanded angrily.

A pause followed before a grin spread on Discord’s face. “Yes?” He asked, a halo appearing briefly over his head. “I’m not about to go and interfere with your little journey! Besides, it’s evident you handled the situation just fine without my help!”

“…Um… Discord?” Fluttershy asked softly, flying up so she was eye-level with him. “If it’s not too much trouble, could you please look after my animals until Queen Chrysalis is dealt with? Please?”

The draconequus grit his teeth, clenching his claws as he struggled to resist Fluttershy’s hopeful expression and let out a very audible sigh. “Oh FINE. Anything for you, Fluttershy. I’ll keep them under my protection…” He said, folding his arms and looking away as though he’d been saddled with overwhelming chores.

“Thank you so much!” Fluttershy said.

“But you six had better learn to show some more enthusiasm next time I want photos.” Discord mumbled.


“They just don’t stop coming!” Twilight shouted as she and Rarity fired another series of magic bolts at several incoming changelings as they drew closer to the summit.

“Tell me about it! My party cannon keeps needing to get reloaded!” Pinkie Pie said, blasting a group of changelings away with an explosion of decorations.

“It’s not much further!” Rainbow said, creating a cyclone that engulfed several more of the buglike creatures as they swooped down towards them with far more ease then she ever had before. “Chrysalis is gonna be way sorry she got in our way!” She declared, zipping left and right at incredible speeds decking the drones left and right.

Breaking through a patch of trees and bushes, the six found themselves at the clearing of the summit, where the black crystal spire lay, but what they saw froze them in their tracks.

All the citizens of ponyville stood gathered, their eyes in a glassy, green-tinted daze as they stared blankly at them. Several changelings hovered above them, sneering at the six friends, and standing atop the crystal spire was Queen Chrysalis herself.

“I was waiting for you pests would show up!” Chrysalis said with a laugh. She still looked a little roughed up from the earlier encounter, but seemed no more the worse for it. “It would seem King Sombra doesn’t wish for you to make it any further...” She said with a sinister smile as a crimson aura similar to the one the crystal shard was emitting surrounded her.

Author's Note:

The first of many for this weekend hopefully! Stay tuned for the next chapter, which I hope to have done sometime later tonight! :twilightsmile: