• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,707 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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The First Sanctuary

Getting through the Everfree Forest had been easy enough this time, namely because Rainbow had kept herself on the trails thanks to the map and avoided as many conflicts as she could, though some of the creatures within still managed to threaten her, namely…

“STUPID CROWS!!!” Rainbow growled as she knocked three more out of the sky. These birds were driving her up the wall but thankfully the hill that the cave she intended to find was at was finally just up ahead. Landing with a sigh of relief, Rainbow quietly approached, looking around to make sure nothing else was going to jump out at her and seeing the coast was clear, the pegasus immediately galloped inside.

The cave was large and dank, an odd glow kept the place surprisingly but reasonably lit enough that Rainbow could see where she was going. She knew the sanctuary location had to be around here somewhere. Pressing on, the pegasus looked about at the passages here and there, and a few rope ladders probably intended for ponies who lacked wings or sufficient magic to pull themselves up. Having the former, Rainbow Dash flew herself up and landed on a ledge. “Ha! Piece of ca—“

Before she could finish several large mice approached her.

“Hey, what’s up, guys? I just need to find this glow-y magic space so…”


With the strength of a thousand mice, one of the rodents slammed its tiny fist into the pegasus, sending her falling from the ledge. Landing with a loud thump, Rainbow stared up at the ledge, seeing the rowdy mice all snickering down at her, their eyes all briefly glowing green before they turned and disappeared.

“Alright, that’s it! No bucking mouse is gonna laugh at Rainbow Dash and get away with it!” the pegasus snapped, spreading her wings and flying back up, only to get knocked back down courtesy of a mouse delivering a flying kick and rebounding off her so it landed safely back on the ledge. “Okay, no more Miss Nicepony!” Ready this time, Rainbow flew up as fast as she could, sneering smugly as the mice went flying under her, having missed their target and falling to the ground, the impact putting them out of the fight. “Yeah, that’s what you get for messing with the awesome Rainbow Dash!” the pegasus said with a laugh, landing on the ledge and continuing her search.


Several more troublesome rodents later, Rainbow had found her way to another long passage, this time seeing nothing in the dim halls and feeling confident now. As she proceeded, she heard a skittering and paused as a mass of tiny black shapes began to approach.

“What in the—“ Before Rainbow could finish a swarm of spiders came her way, their red eyes glowing as they charged forward. The pegasus took to the air and avoided them, but they suddenly began jumping towards her, but Rainbow swerved around, barely avoiding them. “Alright, creepy-crawlies! Time for a tornado!” the pegasus flew around in several circles as fast as she can, circulating the air enough to suck all the spiders up into the funnel and finally abandoning it, sending the cyclone spinning towards the way she came and leaving her able to proceed unopposed.

As she emerged from the tunnel, Rainbow found herself in a large passage, with several ledges leading further and further upward, with a few more rope ladders, though having wings she didn’t need them. Looking upward, Rainbow could see a glow emanating from the top… that had to be the Sanctuary source, she figured. Flying up the ledges, Rainbow proceeded up to the top; a few spiders were here and there along the way, but they made no move, all of them just watched her, as if… unimpressed. On closer inspection, Rainbow noticed webbing all over the walls and ceiling, making the place look just a little more creepy but did not deter her otherwise.

Reaching the top, Rainbow found the source of the glow and landed. “Excellent!” She tugged open her satchel and took the stone out, holding it out. As soon as she did, however, a strange, piercing noise that sounded like feedback went off, hurting the pegasus’ ears and causing her to step backward. “What the?!” She looked at the stone, which showed no sign of having acquired anything.

“You’ve found the first Sanctuary…” a voice hissed from within the glow. “But it’s MINE now!” A form emerged from it, revealed to be a gigantic spider, about Rainbow’s size. Its four eyes glared at her as they glowed green with wispy traces of purple smoke trailing from them, and it gave a fanged grin at the pegasus as a gleaming star-like aura glowed around its body. Suddenly, distorted music, the harmony twisted and disrupted by this creature that had seized its power for itself echoed around them. “Take it from me, if you dare!”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Rainbow muttered, staring agape at the giant arachnid that immediately charged her. Taking to the air, Rainbow flew over the massive creature and kicked one of its legs. The creature grunted and swept another of its legs out, swatting the pegasus and sending her flying into one of the walls. Whoa… thing’s got a mean swing… Rainbow thought to herself, getting up off the ground and twitching a little from the pain. “Oh snap!” She immediately jumped out of the way avoiding a blast of webbing that came her way. “Fat chance some big ugly spider’s gonna be taking down Rainbow Dash!” the pegasus shouted, flying high up into the air and swooping down at the spider, dodging more blasts of webbing and slamming her hooves into its face and knocking it backward.

The huge spider hissed angrily and suddenly scurried up the wall into the shadows of the ceiling, letting out a shriek. Rainbow looked around a moment, then heard skittering from all around as several normal-sized spiders began crawling out from behind stalagmites and corners towards her, their eyes glowing a bright green as they advanced on her. "Okay, who wants some?" Rainbow demanded, glaring as the many spiders drew closer. Timing it right, Rainbow swung her forehoof out, knocking one aside, then kicking another away. One scurried up her leg, causing the pegasus to immediately take to the air in a panic, spinning around as she flailed her forelegs trying to get it off. Finally catching it, Rainbow swiped it off her shoulder, sending it falling to the floor. "Ha!" she declared proudly, only to suddenly have the much larger one she'd been fighting tackle her from above and pin her on the ground.

The giant spider's fangs glistened and its many eyes trailed purple smoke as it reared back, preparing to bite down on the pegasus. Gritting her teeth, Rainbow scrunched in her hind legs and kicked the gigantic arachnid in the chest, sending it flying into the air.

The spider tumbled several times and fell from the ledge, letting out a shriek as it fell and a loud crash was heard.

“Well, that takes care of that!” Rainbow said with a grin, approaching the passageway up ahead. As she drew closer, however, she noticed a shadow rise up from behind her and turned. The titanic spider was horribly battered and barely standing, its green eyes narrowing at Rainbow as it drew closer, letting out a hiss as it made one last desperate lunge at her. The pegasus jumped out of the way as the giant arachnid collapsed and let out a groan, and the star-like aura coming from its body faded. Seconds after, the creature shrank down to a normal spider and its eyes turned from a glowing green to black. With a look of terror, immediately skittered away with its remaining followers trailing close behind it, the distorted melodies fading.

“Hm, guess the thing was getting power from the Sanctuary. Sombra-Ordered Special I guess…” Rainbow mused to herself. “Alright, let’s see about getting this Sanctuary thingy!” Rainbow said with a grin, entering the passage and soon finding herself on the hill summit where a large crater of sorts resembling a hoofprint waited for her. Setting the stone down, she noticed it had begun to glow, and a serene melody started playing. It was a tad cheesy for somepony as cool as she considered herself but it was also… relaxing. It brought back memories, of when she first took Tank home after he’d saved her from the rockslide…

Shaking her head, Rainbow took up the stone again and set it in her satchel, satisfied. Now all she needed to do was get back to town and get an idea of where to go next. Before she could, however, she heard that fanfare again and rolled her eyes, knowing what was coming next.

"Well, well, nicely done, Rainbow Dash!" Discord said joyously as he spun down from out of the sky and made the camera appear in his paw in a flash of light.

"Seriously, Discord? How long do you plan on doing this?!" Rainbow asked with an annoyed groan.

"Oh come on now, Rainbow Dash! Don't be such a killsport!" Discord said. "Now let's earn this moment a place in the scrapbook, hm? Say Fuzzy Pickles!" the draconequus said with a grin as he raised up the camera.

Sighing, Rainbow took a half-hearted pose. "I hate you..." she muttered as Discord snapped the photo.

"Make no mistake, Rainbow Dash, one day you're going to look back on all this and thank me!" Discord said with a laugh as he looked over the photo that had now immortalized Rainbow's exasperation with him at this historic landmark. "Well, I better be going! Best of luck, little pony!" And with that, the chimeric demigod spun back up into the sky, vanishing in a flash of light. That issue resolved, Rainbow walked over to the cliffside, spreading her wings as she prepared to fly back into town.


The pegasus paused… was that Rarity’s voice?

“Rarity? Where are you?” Rainbow looked about frantically, she didn’t think the unicorn seamstress would enter the Everfree, let alone a muggy cave alone, she’d have at least attempted to get her attention sooner.

Rainbow… I may… be… in… t.rou…ble… something… weird… happening…

The voice was distant and broken, like she was being told these words every second or so... and she sounded extremely annoyed about something. Rainbow could have sworn that was… in her head? Did Rarity somehow use a spell? She remembered Twilight droning on about unicorns all being taught a few basic defense spells to get them out of tight spots. But even then, why not call Pinkie Pie? She was closer. Maybe she was in trouble too? They were at Fillydelphia, weren’t they? If both of them were in trouble, she’d have to get over there right away then! Who knew how much worse Sombra’s power was starting to affect other places!

“HEY! What do you think you’re doing up here?!” an angry female voice shouted, interrupting the pegasus from her thoughts. Rainbow looked up and saw a streak of orange and yellow circle above and land before her, revealing itself to be none other then Spitfire.

“Oh, hey, Spitfire! I just—“

“That’s Spitfire ma’am, to you,” the Wonderbolt captain said in a icy tone. “What made you think it was okay to go against my specific orders that the Everfree was closed off till further notice?” she asked, giving Rainbow a glare that made the one she gave cadets at the academy look tame in comparison.

“Look, it’s a really long story, I can explain all of this, see—“ Rainbow started again when suddenly Spitfire lunged right at her, hoofing her in the chest.

“Sorry to hear that, Rainbow Dash, but believe me, you can save it when I have you locked up and feel bored enough to hear you out,” the other pegasus responded.

What in the hay is her problem? Spitfire was stern when she needed to be but she was never like this! Rainbow thought to herself. “Sorry, but I kinda got a big save-the-world mission here, and I should really go find my friends, so can we please just—“

Again, she was attacked. This time, Spitfire flew circles around her, sending her spinning into the air and then drop-kicked her in the chest, sending Rainbow tumbling backward.

“You’re not going anywhere, Rainbow Dash. ‘Cept maybe the hospital if you don’t come along quietly… then again I may just rough you up anyway!” Spitfire said with a sneer, and the moment that cruel smirk came on the Wonderbolt captain’s face, Rainbow saw her eyes glow green, the irises of her eyes briefly turning from orange to red. Oh no! She’s possessed too!

“I’m sorry ma’am…” Rainbow said softly, approaching, Spitfire just scoffed.

“Not as much as you will be,” Spitfire answered, approaching and raising her hoof back. Before she could, though, Rainbow swung her own hoof up, uppercutting the other pony and sending her flying backward.

“Really, really sorry about this,” Rainbow said, approaching the fallen pegasus and immediately turning and bucking her off the hilltop, causing Spitfire to tumble all the way down.

“You’ll pay for that!” Spitfire hissed as she came out swinging and flying up into the air, swooping down at Rainbow, who barely moved out of the way in time, though the speed from the wonderbolt’s pass caused Rainbow to spin about several times in the air. Righting herself, Rainbow flew up in the air and flew as fast as she could to avoid Spitfire’s attacks, then went straight up and straight towards the older pegasus, doing a quick turn and fanning her wings, recalling a move she’d not gotten to show off, and a bright flash of light and sparks erupted in Spitfire’s face.

“The Buccaneer Blast! Just remembered it now, pretty cool, huh?” Rainbow asked, seizing the advantage to slam her hoof in Spitfire’s face, sending her spinning down onto the hilltop with a resounding thump. Flying down after her, Rainbow landed and found the Wonderbolt captain barely conscious in the crater. Spitfire suddenly jerked up, letting out a shudder as her eyes returned to normal and a confused look came over her.

“Rainbow… where… what happened?” Spitfire asked, confused as she noticed she was laying in the Centaur’s Step and much more bruised up then she’d been earlier.

“Ma’am, I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you, but you attacked me for coming here, and when I saw you were possessed…”

“Wait, possessed?!” Spitfire asked.

“Yeah, notice how animals and stuff are getting really weird lately?” Rainbow asked. “Well ponies can apparently get affected too! Sorry I had to rough you up a bit, but at least you’re okay now, right?”

“Okay’s kinda stretching it but… yeah, sure,” The Wonderbolt captain said. “So… thanks, I guess. If you can get me to Ponyville General Hospital, is there anything I can… do for ya?”

“Yeah, sure,” Rainbow said, crouching a little so Spitfire could get ahold of her. “If you can maybe grant me permission to leave Ponyville and get to Fillydelphia that’d be great. I need to go find the others if we’re gonna stop this thing!”

“Shouldn’t I get the rest of the squad in on this?” Spitfire asked.

“Probably, just get ‘em to keep a lookout for any animals or ponies that start acting weird, okay? I got a bit of a beatdown from some really angry mice and a giant spider for Celestia sake!” Rainbow said, cringing a little from the memory of that.

“Duly noted, cadet,” Spitfire said, holding on tight and preparing for the ride to the hospital.


“Hold it, where are you going?” Rapidfire asked, flying in Rainbow’s path.

“It’s alright, Spitfire said I can pass,” Rainbow said, opening her satchel and fishing out the letter, allowing the Wonderbolt to look it over.

“Well, this is her signature,” the Wonderbolt said with a nod. “Okay, guess I gotta accept. Take care of yourself!”

With a grin, Rainbow flew off towards the northeast train station fast as she could. She’d need a rest from all she’d just gone through but flying part of the way would thankfully cut some of the time away, especially if Rarity’s brief call for help in her head was anything to go by. Sweetie Belle and her friends were also in Fillydelphia supposed to be staying with Rarity at the time, so there was a chance they may have known what happened to her and Pinkie. This adventure was just too weird for her to want to keep doing by herself, after all...

Author's Note:


At long last, another chapter up, and Rainbow finally moves on to the next town! What has become of Rarity and Pinkie Pie? Will she find them? Will the next destination be crazier then the last?

The adventure shall continue, more weirdness, more mishaps for Rainbow, and yes Trixie will show up again too, eventually... :trollestia: