• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 3,708 Views, 568 Comments

An Earthbound Journey - ShadeJak

An Earthbound crossover of sorts. The return of an ancient evil starts a weird and crazy adventure for Rainbow Dash and her friends all around Equestria and beyond!

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The Eighth Sanctuary

“Of course! It all makes sense, now!” Whooves shouted with a grin.

“What does, Doctor?” Luna asked, approaching the earth pony physicist.

“Good news and bad news, highness.” The Doctor explained as several gizmonks worked tenaciously nearby.

“Then please tell us.” Celestia said.

“Well, good news first, I have a very working theory on King Sombra’s location… unfortunately I cannot be sure until I am able to get there myself for proper study.”

“Which means?” Luna asked, cocking her head.

“Which means, highness... we’d better start packing. Send word to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor immediately! We must journey to the Crystal Empire without delay!” Whooves ordered. “Once I am certain, we can contact the bearers of the Elements, and we can set my new Phase Distorter to bring them to where…” He began. “…and when…” he muttered softly to himself. “…King Sombra should be hiding out. I only hope they can find the final sanctuaries you’ve told me of, first… if they are heading to the Badlands, then if my knowledge of this world’s history serves me well… and it always has… the last one should not be too far off once they’ve entered…”


“Wow…” Rainbow muttered, staring agape at the vast home of the dragons that stood before them. The afternoon skies bathed the many mountains and mostly barren lands before them in a dull red light, and large reptilian shapes moved about the craggy spires and mountains framing the dusty landscapes; some walking and others flying overhead.

“Shame I didn’t make us a new dragon suit…” Rarity mused.

“We’re gonna have to stay low, girls. One adolescent dragon was tough enough. Dragons are very territorial!” Twilight warned as she carefully lead the group down the hill from the cave entrance and into the crags below.

With very few trees and bushes to provide cover, the four ponies had to move fast and carefully to avoid detection as the massive reptilian beasts passed them by. The one that had taken brief residence in Smoky Mountain had proven impossible to drive off without Fluttershy’s intervention, and as she was not with them at the moment, they knew fighting a fully-grown, enraged dragon was out of the question.

“Okay…” Twilight whispered as they hid behind a rock spire. “I think the coast is clear again…” As soon as she spoke, however, a huge and scaly head turned from around the corner and roared in their faces, prompting all four ponies to scream.

“What are you four little ponyfolk doing here?” The dragon demanded, its entire body coming into view now and revealing itself to be a wyvern-type, which had wings for its forelegs.

“Heh, well you see, mister… uh…. Sir…” Twilight began, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. “We’re sorta on a mission, we came through the Ancient Hoard tunnel and—”

“Is that SO…” The wyvern asked, grinning as he licked his lips and approached more. “How… deliciously fascinating…”

“Look, we ain’t here for trouble or nothin’!” Applejack said.

“Oh, just like the other three who thought I didn’t spot them sneaking around here?” The wyvern asked with a deep belly laugh. “I know their type… they love gems… and I’m sure you ponies would just love to get your hooves on the thousands of gems in any dragon’s hoard… They were fortunate to escape into the volcano caves south of here… you on the other claw… I’m doubting it…”

The dragon drew in a deep breath, Twilight quickly summoned up a barrier to protect herself and her friends, or would have, if they weren’t interrupted by a loud and familiar fanfare.

“What in the world?!” The wyvern asked, looking around for the source of the noise and then looking up, noticing the spinning figure descending then staring in confusion at the ponies’ exasperated looks.

“Hello, ponies and dragon!” Discord said cheerfully as he touched down. “What can I say? I don’t miss good photo opportunities when I see them and you four being cornered by a very angry dragon is just too good to miss!”

“Does the fact we’re in mortal danger mean anything to you, Discord?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Perhaps you could be so kind as to pop in after we handle this brute?” Rarity asked, though the trembling in her tone defied the certainty of her words, especially when smoke puffed from its nostrils as it glared down at them.

“How can I be sure that’ll happen? I’m not a fan of grimdark so I wouldn’t want to photograph the aftermath… or have to bear tragic news to friend and family alike!” Discord said matter-of-factly. “So let’s just go with this! Ready? Say fuzzy pickles!”

The wyvern cocked an eyebrow as he looked at Discord “Fuzzy what?!”

The click of the camera gave the wyvern Discord’s response, and soon a photo slid out, depicting the worried looks of Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack and enough of the wyvern’s gigantic face was in the photo to capture its confused expression.

“Well this one came out just perfect!” Discord said, looking it over with a goggle eyepiece that had appeared in his claw out of thin air. “Sure to bring back truly wonderful memories! Well, I don’t wish to hold you up, so I’ll just let you all get back to your impending doom! Ta-ta!” The draconequus declared, raising his claw up and spinning back up into the sky, vanishing in a flash of light.

A second of silence passed before the dragon narrowed his eyes and returned his focus on the four ponies. “Now where were we?” The wyvern wondered. “Oh yes…” He said with a grin before drawing in a deep breath and releasing a burst of fire. Twilight hurriedly summoned her barrier, protecting them from the flames before they began running, the wyvern crawling after them as they approached a small crater. Leaping into the air and landing in the crater, the wyvern’s impact knocked the four over. “Now, who wants to be dinner, first?” The wyvern asked.

Everyone froze as the ground suddenly shook. The wyvern stared down for a second, a look of worry on its face as it realized what it’d landed on before the crater blew apart and the beast was blasted hundreds of feet up into the sky by a mighty geyser that had erupted out of the ground. Seconds later, the wyvern plummeted back down, crashing into the ground and letting out a slight moan before passing out.

“Well that was close!” Applejack remarked.

“What was that anyway?” Rainbow asked.

“There’s a volcano here… it all makes sense, now. The volcano’s heat and underground magma flow are probably responsible for the steam pressure of underground water causing geysers… no doubt there are hot springs as well.” Twilight remarked as they abandoned the unconscious dragon and walked towards the volcano in curiosity.

As they continued, however, a flash of light appeared before them, and there stood a translucent image of Princess Luna.

“Luna? What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked

“I come bearing important news, subjects.” The Princess of the Night explained. “Celestia and I have taken the liberty of studying the nature of these ‘sanctuaries’ and now have a full understanding of them.”

“And…?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow Dash, you were the one entrusted with the Harmony Stone from the future, correct?” Luna asked.

“Yeah, so?” Rainbow asked.

“This adventure has chosen you to lead it. It is you who is burying an inner strength that will help you and your friends against Sombra.” Luna explained. “These places are ancient parts of the world that existed before Equestria’s founding, places of great spiritual influence.” She approached the pegasus. “And with each one, you have made them your own sanctuaries… I have seen fragments of your dreams, Rainbow Dash. There is still something holding back your full potential.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m as awesome and strong as ever! Didn’t you see me handle that dragon back before?” Rainbow asked.

“Bravado and true inner strength are separate things, Rainbow Dash.” The princess explained. “As Princess of the Night, I see into the deepest thoughts, the souls of ponykind. I sensed you tapping into the seventh sanctuary and freeing it of the corrupted creature Sombra had guided to protect it from you. Your next, and last sanctuary will be found… there.” She said, pointing her hoof out to the distant volcano. “…In Mount Lavan.”

“You know about this volcano?” Rarity asked.

“Of course I do, Rarity.” Luna said. “Mount Lavan is an active volcano, its lava flows create the hot springs dragons are known to bathe in, and are also known to cause the occasional tremor when a geyser is about to go off…” As Luna said this, the ground trembled slightly and another geyser in the distance erupted.

“There is a myth that an ancient lava monster once lived there, but was destroyed long ago when he tried to increase his power to become a being of diamond crystal. The magical residue left from his destruction made the volcano fully active again, and his remains left a spring of magical flame called the Fire Ruby Grave.”

“A volcano, huh? Well that sounds mighty safe…” Applejack said.

“So this must be why Sombra’s attempted to keep us away from the Badlands!” Twilight said.

“That would be my assumption.” Luna replied, looking at Rainbow Dash again. “No doubt Sombra has guided another foe for you to face before you can claim its power. Defeat it and awaken the power of this last sanctuary. Then, Rainbow Dash… you will face a trial that will free you of your greatest burden… should you succeed.”

“My… greatest burden?” Rainbow asked, looking away and not wishing to address it. “Well what’re we waiting for? We better at least get there before any more dragons come around!” Rainbow said as she looked at her friends.

“My sister and I wish you luck. Go now, to Mount Lavan. When you have finished, return to your friends and meet us at the Crystal Empire. We will be waiting for you.” Luna said, her horn glowing and she vanished in a bright flash.


“Phew, think the heat’s up enough in ‘ere?” Applejack asked, fanning herself with her hat as they entered the cave at the base of the volcano, and it did not take long for the place to start feeling a great deal warmer.

“Interesting. By now we should be choking from the heat and sulfur…” Twilight wondered. “Must be the magical properties of this place’s activity. Still, though… I wouldn’t recommend messing with anything hot.”

“Like oh, say, EVERYTHING?" Rarity asked, noticing thin trails of lava running along in deep crevices down below, small fires burned here and there, and red gems embedded in the walls gave off a magnificent red illumination to the place, prompting an awed expression from the unicorn. “Oh my goodness! Fire rubies! Fire rubies everywhere!!!” She squealed in excitement before shrinking down sheepishly from the stares her friends gave her.

“Sorry, just… it’s positively dazzling! Nearly impossible to get in Equestria and here they are by the loads in this volcano!” Rarity beamed.

“Well, given the conditions, it probably makes sense.” Twilight said. “And the entrance is too small for dragons to get through, so it’s probably undisturbed…” She then noticed several holes in the walls where she suspected some gems once were. “…Mostly.”

“Well, I feel it’s only appropriate I procure one for little Spikey-wikey for the time he gave me his!” Rarity said, using her magic to pry one loose and dropping it into her saddlebag. “But who do you suppose could have been here? I highly doubt that, like you said, many dragons would be able to enter this place.”

“We’re not alone in here, that’s for sure…” Rainbow said, noticing several blobs of lava suddenly emerged from the crevices and began to slither towards them as if alive. “Whoa! Look out!”

Rainbow leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding getting incinerated by a stream of flame the lava blob seemed to throw at her. Turning, Twilight fired a blue bolt of magic that froze it in place. The ice shattered seconds later, revealing a lifeless black rock.

“There’s more comin’, Twi!” Applejack warned as the other living blobs of lava approached.

“Oh what I would give to know advanced ice magic right about now!” Rarity protested as she edged away from an advancing lava blob as it suddenly burst into flame. The unicorn shrieked and leaped away, barely avoiding getting scorched. Twilight fired another blast of ice magic, freezing it as well.

Looking around at her hoofwork, Twilight looked towards the passage ahead. “We should probably move before more come!” She ordered, and the four hurried onward deeper into the volcanic caves.


“These tracks look familiar…” Applejack remarked, looking at the strange paw prints in the ground.

“Yeah, they look… doglike!” Rainbow said.

“You don’t think…?” Rarity muttered, her eyes wide.

“A place full of big shiny hoards and a volcano full of fire rubies? I wouldn’t doubt it.” Twilight said.

“Well I simply can NOT allow those ruffians to plunder these caves! Let’s get moving!” Rarity snapped, and the four hurried down the tunnels and soon found themselves in what appeared to be crumbled ruins of an ancient palace. Broken columns lay about everywhere, small fire ruby spires and gems jutting out of places in the walls and tiled ground, and up ahead was a set of crumbling stairs leading up.

“Ah’m gonna reckon the Fire Ruby Grave’s gotta be up there!” Applejack said, taking note of the increasing number of fire rubies, though there were signs of digging all around and as they drew closer, they noticed a few sacks filled with chunks of the precious red gem. Lava flowed down the sides of the ruined palace and into the depths of the volcano, framing the stairs, and at the top was an archway leading deeper into the volcano.

“Come on out, you mutts!” Rainbow shouted, looking around.

“Argh! Who’re you calling mutts?!” A growly voice asked and a short, tan-colored diamond dog stepped out of the archway and snarled.

“What’s going on, Spot?” Another, deeper voice protested and a large, brutish blue diamond dog emerged as well. “Ack! It’s those ponies again!”

“You try to loot volcano! We got here first, ponies!” Spot snapped. “Let’s show these pesky ponies how big a mistake they make, Fido!”

“Oh yes!” Fido said with a growl as the two approached, drawing out a pair of dynamite sticks and flinging them, setting off explosions that sent the four ponies tumbling backward near the stairs.

“Like we’re really scared of you two stooges? Get ‘em, Twi!” Applejack said, and with a nod, Twilight summoned her Starstorm spell, causing explosive blasts of magic to rain down on the two diamond dogs, causing them to cry out and yelp in a panic as they attempted to flee.

“You ain’t goin’ nowhere!” Applejack said, whipping out her lasso and snaring the two canine creatures.

“Wait a sec, weren’t there originally three of these guys?” Rainbow asked.

“Heh! Rover found the biggest shiny place of all!” Fido said with a chuckle, and worried looks quickly crossed the ponies’ faces.

“Oh no…” Twilight muttered. “Rainbow, you don’t think…”

Rainbow hurriedly pulled out the Harmony Stone and held it out towards the archway, only to be met with a horrible, earsplitting screeching noise.

“He did…” Rainbow said, nursing her sore ears.

A chuckling was heard and light shone from the archway, growing brighter then before.

“So much power! Ha ha!” Rover declared proudly, clenching his paw into a fist as he approached from it. “This place is diamond dog’s volcano now! Take it from us, if you dare!” He shouted, raising his paws up and twin bursts of flame emitted from them, his eyes glowing a fiery red instead of their usual green as the distorted melody of the corrupted sanctuary began to echo around them.

“Get those pesky ponies, Rover!” Spot cheered, prompting Applejack to buck him in the face to knock him unconscious.

“We’re gonna make you pay for costing us all those gems last time!” Rover shouted, thrusting his paws forward and flinging a pair of fireballs at the four ponies, causing them to immediately scatter. The diamond dog laughed madly as he began flinging more, one after the other at any pony that caught his attention.

“Can’t catch me!” Rainbow said, zipping around several fireballs and then flying straight at Rover, decking him in the face with her hoof. Rover snarled and raised up his fiery paws again, creating a whip of flame as he swung it at the pegasus, striking several parts of the ceiling and making stalactites rain down. Rainbow swerved out of the way and avoided most of them, until one lucky hit from a falling rock struck her on the back and sent her plummeting back down to the floor.

“What was that you were saying, pony?” Rover asked, the fire whip transforming into a large fireball that he prepared to fling at her.

Rarity rushed across the tile floor and fired several magic blasts at Rover, causing the fireball he was holding to explode on him, startling the diamond dog. Turning, he began flinging several at Rarity as she countered with more magic blasts, making them explode before they could reach her or her friends. “You never quit, do you? And clearly your sense of hygiene has not improved in the least, may I just add!” She snapped.

“ARGH! Still so annoying!” Rover shouted. “You get fried first, pony!” He said, shoving his paw out and a long stream of fire shot from it, slightly scorching the top of Rarity’s mane and prompting a laugh from Fido.

“MY MANE!!!” Rarity shouted, before her horrified expression became one of pure rage. “I… WILL… DESTROY YOU!” She screamed out, using her magic to levitate several chunks of fallen stone and flinging them one after another at the diamond dog, who struggled to blow up as many as he could with his fireballs but several got through and knocked him over, bruising him up.

“No one… NO ONE…. Pony or otherwise… defiles my mane!” Rarity said lividly, firing magical blasts at the diamond dog. “Stay out of this one, girls, this uncouth fiend is MINE!”

“Ah don’t think ah’ve ever seen Rarity this mad…” Applejack said, looking over at Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who shook their heads in agreement.

“…And furthermore I will expect a full apology from you once I have put you in your place for burning a lady’s mane!” Rarity shouted, bombarding the diamond dog with magical blasts as she rushed at him.

“ENOUGH!” Rover shouted, bursting into flame as Rarity charged at him and swatting her aside as she came to a halt to avoid getting burned. “You ponies think you’re better then us? We are not mice, we are diamond dogs! And when we’re through with you, any of you who live will pull out every last one of these fire rubies for us!!!” He shouted, raising his paws up and a prismatic rainbow of colors covered his body. Rover’s form grew a few inches, his shape becoming more rigid and sharper, with spikes jutting from his shoulders and elbows, his ears and snout becoming straighter and more pointed, and his eyes now glowed brightly. As the colorful aura faded, the four ponies could see his appearance had changed drastically; his entire body now looked to be made entirely out of diamond crystal.

“I….” Rarity stammered, not sure how to react to this.

“Ha! Not so confident are you, now, pony!” Rover said with a grin, showing of glistening gemlike teeth as his eyes flashed brightly, freezing the unicorn in her place.

“Applejack! C’mon!” Rainbow shouted, flying at the crystalline diamond dog with Applejack galloping right behind her, the two leaped forward with their hooves aimed out, and struck with all their might.

As soon as they hit, the impact sent them both flying and tumbling away.

“Whoa… he’s mighty tough now…” Applejack muttered as she stood back up.

“Ha ha! Yessss!” Rover sneered. “So much power this shiny place gives! Ponies stand no chance against diamond dogs now!” He said, raising his paw up and a giant crystal spire erupted right from under Rainbow Dash, nearly impaling the pegasus as she narrowly leaped out of the way. The spire broke free from the ground and tilted its pointed tip towards Rarity, who still sat there in a stupefied daze.

“Rarity! Snap out of it!” Twilight shouted to her friend, who remained unresponsive. Quickly, Twilight took aim at the floating chunk of crystal and fired a blast of magic at it, shattering it and causing it crumble over top of Rover, who thrashed about and swatted them away angrily. Turning towards Twilight, Rover’s eyes began to glow again and a dazzling light emitted from them. The unicorn closed her eyes just in time and fired another magic blast, this time at the crystal dog. Rover cried out and stumbled back, shocked that his crystal armor did not protect him from the magic attack.

“Ah-ha!” Twilight said with a grin. “His armor’s not resistant to magic! If we can crack it, we should be able to defeat him!” She said. “Get the big bottle rocket out of my saddle bag, girls, and use it when I say so.”

“On it, Twi.” Applejack said, opening Twilight’s saddlebag and recovering the bottle rocket, which magically grew to its proper size as soon as it was removed.

“You’ll pay for that, pony!” Rover snapped, levitating several chunks of shattered crystal and sending them flying at Twilight, who quickly summoned a barrier to block them.

“I think that’s enough from you! Rainbow said, taking to the air and flying circles around the crystal dog, sucking all the crystal shards into a small tornado and sending them flying off into the archway. “You’re clear, Twi!”

Immediately, Twilight summoned another Starstorm spell and rained down magical blasts on Rover, causing numerous chips and cracks to appear in his crystalline armor as he attempted to block it.

“No! Stop!” Rover shouted, charging up another dazzling light, only to suddenly be blasted in the back by a blue bolt of magic.

“Bad dog!” Rarity snapped, back on her hooves and firing another magic blast at him, causing a series of cracks to appear in his chest and the glow of his crystal armor began fading.

“And NOW!” Twilight said as Applejack tossed the bottle rocket to her. Using her magic to charge up the bottle rocket and light it, Twilight launched it at the distracted diamond dog, striking him in the chest and knocking him into the archway, the bottle rocket exploding on impact. As the smoke cleared, Rover lay barely conscious on the ground, surrounded by shards of his destroyed crystal armor, the magical glow fading from his body and the distorted melody fading away with it.

“Honestly, I don’t understand you diamond dogs, you’re always so mean, greedy, filthy, and rude and might I add absolutely appalling in every way!” Rarity complained as she paced around the fallen diamond dog with a disapproving tone that prompted him to cover his ears frantically.

Rover growled in exasperation. “I can’t take this annoying whiny pony anymore!” He cried out.

“Whining? Do I need to remind you of the difference between whining and complaining again?” Rarity asked sternly, and Rover’s eyes widened with absolute horror.

“F-Fido…” The diamond dog gasped out.

“Y-yeah?” The largest diamond dog asked.

“G-get us… out of here… now! Before she starts whining again and makes us want to hurt ourselves!” Rover pleaded.

“Right away!” Fido said, sliding himself out of the lasso Applejack had left unattended and grabbing up Rover and Spot, before sprinting down the stairs and leaving the cave as fast as he could.

“Well… that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Rarity asked the others with a smile.

“If ya say so, Rarity. He almost had ya there, though.” Applejack said. “But really, all that for a few scorched mane hairs?”

“A. FEW scorched…. Mane hairs?!” Rarity asked, indignant. “I’ll have you know I spend a copious amount of time making sure my mane looks positively fabulous and unquestionably presentable, even for adventures such as this. Not that you’d understand.”

“Whatever ya say…” Applejack muttered, facehoofing. “So is everypony else alright?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” Twilight said. “By my guess the Fire Ruby Grave is right through that door!” she explained, gesturing up ahead.

“Well then let’s go!” Rainbow said, flying in front of the others. Going through the archway, they found themselves in another part of the ruined volcanic palace, though it was in notably better condition. At the center of the tiled floor was a dome of fire ruby crystal with a hole in its center, where magical flame danced in the center.

The pegasus slowly took out the Harmony Stone and held it out. Closing her eyes, Rainbow could hear the soft melody play from it, and a faint light seemed to grow all around her.

A tiny cyan pegasus foal lay there in a crib, looking right up at her. She had a tiny mane that had the colors of the rainbow, and large rose-colored eyes that stared at Rainbow Dash in curiosity and wonder.

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked, her voice sounding faint and distant.

“Dear… are you alright?” Rarity asked, her voice even more faint then Twilight’s had been.

“Hey, Dash! Anypony there?” Applejack called out to her, sounding almost inaudible.

The cave, the world itself, all seemed to slowly begin to fade around her, bathed in growing light.

“What’s… happening…” The pegasus muttered, her voice echoing into the emptiness of the warm light that surrounded her, the melodies from the eight places she and her friends had visited playing in succession all around her as she felt more and more tired, and the last traces of the world faded from her...

Author's Note:

A THIRD chapter done! Hope you all enjoyed this final sanctuary battle, and be ready for one of the most memorable metaphysical moments in Mother history next time around! :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:


And of course...