• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 9: Mares on My Mind


It’s been a week and a half since my second encounter with Auntie Celeste. Since then, I made sure that I always checked in with Luna so I wouldn’t run into her older sister again. Not only was she my way of knowing where Celeste was, she was also my way of knowing how my avoidance has been affecting her. Speaking of which, I needed a status update.

“Hey, Luna. You there?”

“As always.”

“How’s Celeste doing? Has she been showing any signs of breaking?”

“She has had a rather melancholy air about her as of late, and she’s seemed rather distant, as well.”

“Perfect. Although… I do feel somewhat guilty for making her suffer like this.”

“As do I, but it’s necessary. She won’t get the message otherwise.”

“Trust me, I know that. I never said that I was gonna back out. I was just saying I felt a little guilty.”

“Ah, I see. Anywho, you do realize what day it is, right?”

“No,” I thought, but then I looked at my calendar. “Oh, shit! It’s Nightmare Night!”

“That’s right!” Luna excitedly told me. “Isn’t it your first Nightmare Night, as well?”

“Well, yeah, but you know I can’t go out.”

“Oh yeah… Well, don’t you fret! I’ll think of something that should make this holiday enjoyable for you, Marcus!”

“Thanks, Luna. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay, bye!”

Just then, I got a knock on my door, it was breakfast time again. When I opened the door, I saw that it was Honey Pot who was bringing my food again. She was filling in for my usual maid last time, but then she got better the next day, so I hadn’t seen Honey Pot since then.

“Oh… Hey there…” I said nervously.

“Good morning, Sir Marcus!” she greeted happily. “Here’s your breakfast!”


“You’re probably wondering why I’m serving you today, huh?”

I nodded my head.

“Well your usual maid, Dusty Feather, is now working in the castle’s infirmary, and I was asked to fulfill her regular duties from now on, so expect to see me more often.”

“Oh, okay…” I said with an unsure voice.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?”

“Well, I’m not so sure about what I’m gonna do.”

“Oh yeah, considering your… situation.”

Damn, did everypony hear when Celeste was screaming at me?

“Well, I hope you have a good night regardless. I’m sure you’ll find something exciting around the castle to do. I’ll see you later, Sir Marcus.”

Honey Pot gave me a wink before leaving, and just like last time, she made a point of strutting as sexily as she could while leaving. Once she was gone, my guards started laughing… again.

“Okay, a joke can’t be funny for that long,” I commented.

“Sorry, Sir, but the fact that she’s interested in you is so obvious!” the guard on my left said in-between fits of laughter.

“You don’t think I know that?” I asked incredulously, but then a clever thought came to my head. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, or are you just jealous that I’m the one that she has her eyes on?”

The guards stopped laughing them moment I said that.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I said victoriously as I walked into my room, breakfast in hand.

As I ate my breakfast, I looked around my room, wondering what I could do to pass the time away. I had already finished all my projects for school thanks to the amount of spare time I had as it was. Maybe I could just draw until my hand fell off?

Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

I first took a shower, and then for the next several hours, I sat in my little mini studio and drew to my heart’s content. After finishing about ten pages of comics, I decided to switch it up and draw some portraits.

Who was I gonna draw, though?

Eh, screw it. I’ll just start drawing and then it’ll come to me naturally. It’s a technique that I picked up from one of my classes, and my teacher said that it was a good mental exercise, as well.

Nothing like a good workout, right?

I started with the basic construction lines, and then I drew a crosshair on the face so I had an idea of where the face was looking and where to put its features. I then started sketching out a muzzle.

Okay, so whoever I was drawing, it’s obviously a pony, and judging from the shape of the muzzle, it was most likely a mare.

I continued to draw the mare’s face, and I was starting to get into the rhythm of this technique. I started to draw the ears, and then the eyes. The lashes were long and elegant, and I shaded the area above the upper eyelashes to mimic the look of eyeshadow. I then drew the mane, which had a set of elegant curls in it, and I added a horn just because. I decided to stop drawing once I got the head done, and I signed the bottom right-hand corner of the drawing. With that done, I put my pencil aside and looked at my finished piece, but then I realized something…

Mare, unicorn, long eyelashes, elegant curly mane…

I had just drawn Rarity!

That was a little weird. I mean, I wasn’t thinking about her at all when I was drawing, yet here she is on the paper. I decided not to dwell on it too much, chalked it up to coincidence, and flipped the page in my book to start a new blind portrait. From there, I repeated the same process I did last time.

Circle, crosshair, facial structure, facial features, hair, signature.

Once I signed the drawing, I took a look at what I had drawn, and my jaw dropped.

It was Octavia.

Okay, maybe I’m just a little out of it today. Maybe one more drawing will help.

Circle, crosshair, facial structure, facial features, hair, signature.

Okay, maybe this time I didn’t draw somepony I knew… Fuck.

I couldn’t believe it. Did I just draw…

Princess Luna!?!?

Okay, enough drawing for the day.

I get out of my chair and look at the time. It was two-thirty in the afternoon, so I still had a lot of time on my hands.

Fuck it. I’ll just take a nap.

I jumped into my bed and wrapped myself under the covers, allowing sleep to take me.

I found myself in a desert, a desert that was uncharacteristically cool. I looked around, and there was nothing but sand for miles around; I wondered what I was to do.


Huh? What was that?


I looked around to see who was calling me, but there wasn’t anyone around. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I practically jumped out of my skin and turned around to see who it was that tapped me.


“You picked the perfect time to sleep, Marcus,” she told me.

I gave her an irritated look. “Oh really? Why is that?”

“Because I’ve finally come up with something exciting for you to do. You know the old tradition of offering candy to Nightmare Moon on Nightmare Night, correct?”


“Well, since my return, the citizens of Equestria send me treats as a form of offering, but my damned advisor intercepted the mail and took all the candy so that I could stay on my diet. That’s where you come in. Now, I could easily get the candy myself. An invisibility spell here, a sleeping spell there, and the treats are mine, but I wanted to give you something to do.”

“So you decided to make me your errand boy?”

“Don’t think of it as an errand. Think of it as a challenge. You have until eleven thirty tonight to get the treats, and it doesn’t matter what you do to get them, so long as you get them. Good luck!”

With that, she snapped her fingers and everything became white.

I woke up with a start, breathing heavily with my hand on my chest. Being forced out of my own dream was quite the rush.

I looked at the clock, and it was minutes to three. I had eight and a half hours before I had to give the treats to Luna. While it was quite the problem to figure out, there was a more pressing matter at hand.

I was hungry as fuck.

I rang the kitchen and waited for my lunch to arrive, wondering how I was gonna get Luna’s treats as I waited.


Feeding time.

I approached the door and opened it, and I saw Honey Pot with her cart again. “Here’s your lunch!” she said with glee.


“No problem! If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Hang on a sec… Honey Pot was obviously into me, so maybe…

“Actually, could you come in, for a sec? I have a favor to ask.”

Honey Pot’s face brightened up. “Of course!” she happily accepted, and she quickly walked into my room.

When I closed the door, I turned around and looked at the maid that had just entered my room. She looked… excited.

She obviously was getting the wrong idea.

“Oh my… I’ve never done this on the job before, Sir Marcus,” she told me. “Are you sure that Princess Celestia won’t catch us? I surely wouldn’t want to get you in trouble or anything.”

Okay, she DEFINITELY got the wrong idea.

“Um… I didn’t call you in here for that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that there’s something else I wanted to ask of you. You know how Luna’s advisor put her on a diet over three weeks ago?”


“Well, he’s keeping the treats that were sent to her for Nightmare Night in his office. I was wondering if you could get them for me.”

Honey Pot stopped and thought for a moment. “Hmm… Well, I could do that for you, but what’s in it for me?”

“Well, what do you want?”

I immediately regretted asking that question once I asked it.

“I dunno,” she said. “I guess it would be too much to ask you to sleep with me. There’s a chance that somepony, namely Celestia, would find out. Plus, I don’t know how comfortable you are with having a partner that’s ten years older than you.”

Ten!? She was twenty seven!?!?

“I know!” she said suddenly. Honey Pot started to walk towards me, and I backed up as she got closer. “Relax, I won’t bite,” she crooned.

I found myself with my back against the wall, and Honey Pot was inches away from me. She turned around and put her back against me, and then she grabbed my wrists with her hands. The mare brought my hands up, and then she placed them on her boobs.

My senses were suddenly overtaken by the feeling of these two round cushions resting on my palms, right between my fingers! I tried to restrain myself from yelling, and it came out as a pathetic whimper.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Honey Pot whispered sultrily. “Go ahead and give them a grope. If you don’t, the deal’s off.”

Shit, she had me cornered, both literally AND figuratively. She pretty much gave me an ultimatum: grope her tits or find another way to get Luna’s Nightmare Night candy.

I didn’t want to disappoint Luna, so had no other choice.

“Fine,” I whispered back to Honey Pot. “But don’t make any noise.”

“That all depends on how good you are.”

Having heard enough from her, I tightened my grip on her chest, deciding to get it over with. The form of her round perky breasts shifted easily, accommodating the touch of my hands as if they were full of cream. The skin of those things was very thick, soft and tender, considering it was my first time touching a pair. After about five seconds, I attempted to let go because I was afraid of getting excited, but then Honey Pot tightened her grip on my wrists, making me flinch.

“Not so fast,” she whispered. “I’m not letting you off that easy. You can keep this up for a full minute, can’t you?”

I look at the clock. One whole minute? This mare really was pushing it.

“One minute and that’s it,” I told her with finality.

“Oh and since you’ve stopped, now you have to put your hands underneath my top!” The maid added, smiling at me devilishly. “No way!” I protested but when I saw the fierce look on her face, I flinched before finally responding.

“Fine, you win!”

It was the longest minute of my life.

The moment my hands slipped underneath the dark fabric, I was instantly surprised to realize that she wore no bra. Cursing inwardly, I advanced, roughly groping her melons, rolling my eyes at the ridiculousness of it all. Honey Pot squealed a couple of times but to my relief it wasn’t very loud. While my hands roamed, I had to admit that the feeling of my fingers mashing her bare jugs felt differently than when I was doing it over her clothes. They felt much softer, smoother and squishier like a pair of big marshmallows. And quite frankly, the feeling of silky fur was strangely erotic. However as I continued, I found two firm nubs appear in between my pointing and middle finger. They hardened and grew as I explored them which in turn made Honey moan lustfully.

“Ooooooh! That feels so good when you play with ‘em like that! And I see your naughty side is finally showing.” Honey Pot commented.

“What are you talking about?” I asked indignantly.

“Why the anomaly happening in your pants, boy! It feels great when you press it against my bum!” She crooned the last part seductively as she rubbed her ass against something big and stiff that I had been ignoring so far.

I was officially freaking out!

To make it even harder on me, the mare squeezed my wrists, making my hands reflexively squeeze on her boobs harder.

She practically made me her puppet.

"Your hands feel heavenly," she whispered, and I watched the clock in agonizing humiliation. Finally, after sixty seconds had passed, she released my wrists and walked away from me.

“Thank you, Sir Marcus. I’ll happily do that favor for you now. Oh, and this will be our little secret, right?”

I grunted. “Trust me. I won’t be telling anypony about the humiliation you put me through.”

“Oh, don’t be like that. I felt it when you found some enjoyment in it.”

This mare was starting to get on my nerves.

“I’ll see you later, sweetheart,” she teased as she left my room, leaving the door open. When she was gone, the two guards looked inside.

"What happened?” they asked.

“I asked her to run an errand for me.”

“Taking advantage of her attraction to you, I see,” the guard on the left said.

“Hardly,” I told them.

“If anyone got taken advantage of, it was definitely me,” I thought.

Nearly an hour later, I heard another knock on my door. “Finally,” I thought. I answered the door, and Honey Pot was standing before me with her cart, only a tarp was over it. She pulled the tarp away and presented me with two bowls of treats.

“The one on the left is from Luna’s advisor’s office. The one on the right is from the kitchen. Consider it a Nightmare Night gift to you.”

“Thanks…” I uttered nervously.

I took the two bowls from Honey Pot and went back into my room, but not before she gave me a wink and turned around to show off her rear.

While I appreciated the gift, this mare was getting way too overzealous for her own good.

With the treats secured, and some for myself, I decided to eat some of the candy Honey Pot gave me. As I dug around the bowl. I found an envelope with my name on it under all the treats. I hesitantly opened the envelope, knowing full well who it was from, and looked at what was inside.

It was a photograph of Honey Pot in what looked like a Nightmare Night costume. I said “what looked like” because there was barely anything there. The mare was wearing a black-furred two-piece outfit, a choker with a bell on it, black stockings, cat ears, and a furry tail sock.

And I thought the sexy kitty costume was done to death in the human world.

At least it explains why she took so long to get the treats.

On the lower right-hand corner of the picture, there was something scribbled in black marker.

“Happy Nightmare Night, Marcus!

Love, your kinky kitty,

Honey Pot.”

I think I have a predator on my hands. I wonder if I can keep the guards once I get off of my punishment.

I waited and waited for eleven-thirty, when Luna would come to collect her treats. In the meantime, I found a secure place to hide the photo of Honey Pot.

What? Just because I didn’t like her doesn’t mean that I was just gonna throw the photo away. I’m not heartless.

At eight-thirty, I decided to take a walk through the castle to kill some time, and as I walked, I got an idea. I turned to my guards and asked. “You guys wanna help me knock Blueblood down a few pegs.”

They looked at each other, and then they looked back at me. “Definitely,” they said.

After procuring the necessary supplies, my guards and I went to Blueblood’s room. He was sleeping, and that was the perfect time to strike. The guards opened the doors and I got to work. Earlier, we had gotten some rolls of extra-strong transparent tape.

If you don’t know where this is going, let me explain. The plan was to put a thick line of tape in the doorway that was about the same height as Blueblood’s head. Then, I would wake him up, agitate him to the point where he decides to charge at me, and then he’d run right into the tape, effectively knocking himself out.

Time to put the plan in motion.

“HEY, BLUEBLOOD!” I yelled, waking the stallion up.

“What the-” he groggily uttered. “Who’s… You! What are you doing in my room!?”

“Dude, you sound like a chick. Besides, I’m not in your room. I’m standing outside it.”

“Either way, get out of my sight!”

“Nah, I’m good here.”

“I mean it, peasant!”


“Go away, or else!”

“Or else what?”

That was the straw that broke the pony’s back. “That’s it! I warned you!”

The foolish unicorn got out of bed and charged at me. I took a few steps back and watched as his face collided with the tape. The momentum of his charge sent his body flying forward while his head stayed in place. Blueblood then fell to the floor like a ragdoll, and I stepped over his ragged body.

“That’s what you get for snitching, bitch!” I taunted with a hearty laugh, and the guards behind me were in stitches. It took a while for them to calm down, and then we walked back to my room. When I got to the door, however, I saw somepony I didn’t want to see.

No, not Honey Pot.

It was Auntie Celeste.

She happened to be walking down the hall when I saw her, and when she passed me by, she gave me a hopeful smile, and then she did something that I wasn’t expecting her to do.

She spoke to me.

“Good evening, Marcus,” she said. “Happy Nightmare Night.”

I didn’t even bother to acknowledge her.

I simply entered my room, leaving my aunt standing in the hallway. The second I did, though, I felt a pang of guilt coarse through me.

It hurt like a bitch.

As mad as I was with Celeste, doing that to her just now really hurt. I had to remind myself that I had to stay strong. I couldn’t break, not when she was on the verge of breaking, herself.

I had to outlast her.

It was eleven twenty-nine.

I watched the clock as it ticked on. I felt like I was about to make a drug deal. I obtained contraband goods, bribed a slutty female to do my dirty work, and was waiting until near-midnight to make the trade-off.

Yeah, sounds a lot like a drug deal.

I continued to look at the clock as the second hand approached twelve.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Just then, I saw a surge of magic coat the walls of my room, and all the lights in the room went out. After that, a swirl of dark blue clouds appeared, dimly lighting the area.

I watched in fear as a figure lowered itself from the clouds. It was an black-coated alicorn mare clad in light blue plated armor. Her pupils were slitted, like a cat, and she had sharp teeth. She had the same voluptuous figure as Princess Luna, the only difference being that her wings were larger and more pointed.

Subconsciously, I knew that this was just Luna putting on a show, but I was too scared to think about that.

“Hear me, human!” she announced with a booming voice similar to Celeste’s yelling voice, only lower in volume. “I am Nightmare Moon, and I have come to collect the goods that I have been promised!”

“Th-they’re right here,” I whimpered as I scrambled to get the treats for her. Nightmare Moon chuckled at my clumsiness as I offered the bowl of goodies to her. She took them from me and looked them over.

“Hmph. This tribute seems good enough. I suppose I could spare your life this year, but there’s one thing I must say.”

“And that is?” I asked, fearing the answer.

Nightmare Moon walked up to me with a wicked grin. She lowered her face to mine and looked me in the eye before saying:

“Thank you, Marcus.”

My heartbeat slowed down once I heard Luna’s normal speaking voice.

“And I lied about what I thought of these treats. They look spectacular! Just how did you procure them?”

“You don’t wanna know.”

“Very well. By the way, I saw your little prank on Blueblood. Nicely done, if you ask me.”

“You know me. I try to go above and beyond.”

“Which explains why you were able to get these goodies for me. Oh! There are cookies in here! Yum! With all this treasure, I’ll be able to gain back all the weight I lost!”

“How much would that be?”

“Twenty pounds. Twenty blasted pounds”

“I thought you looked a little scrawny.”

“Look who’s talking! Anyway, with all this deliciousness, I’ll finally get my posterior back to its proper size!” Luna then shot me a sneaky look. “And then you can get back to staring at it.”

“I don’t stare!” I yelled defensively.

“You’re lucky I cast a soundproofing spell on this room, otherwise, the guards would hear you yelling,” Luna giggled, and then she approached me. “Seriously though, thanks for doing this for me. It was really nice of you.”

Then, unexpectedly, Luna wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. She then loosened her grip a little, and did something I really didn’t expect.

She planted a kiss on my cheek.

Luna let me go and smiled. She then picked up the goodie bowl and looked back at me.

“Happy Nightmare Night, Marcus,” she told me before disappearing in a swirl of blue mist

I stood there dumbfounded for a second before going on about my business. I looked at my phone and saw that somepony sent me a message with an attachment

Said attachment was a photo of Rarity and Octavia at CUFTA’s Nightmare Night fashion show. Rarity was dressed in her Audrey Hepburn costume, Octavia was in her Phantom of the Opera costume, and there was a text message under the photo.

“Wish you were here.


Rarity and Octavia.”

I smiled as I saw the picture, and I felt a warmth inside me. Even when those two were having fun, they were still thinking about me.

It was then, when that warm feeling engrossed me, and when I thought about all the good times that I had with Rarity, Octavia and Luna, I realized something:

I loved them, and they loved me.

At least, I hoped they did. I had enough reason to believe they did. I mean, Rarity and Octavia's behavior the other day was peculiar, and Luna just kissed me not a minute ago.

But with that realization came a harsh reality:

I loved three mares, but I could only have one.

Author's Note:

Such a somber ending to a chapter that was otherwise full of laughs. At least, I hope so.

See, people? Marcus knows when the mares want him.

Anywho, I decided to take a risk with the Honey Pot scenes. By "risk", I don't mean breaking the Teen rating. I mean writing a very sexual scene. I'm pretty new at writing something so blatantly sexual, because subtlety is more my style, but I think it worked out.

So, Celestia looks like she can break any second, but so can Marcus, and we'll finally get to see who outlasts whom in the next chapter! Make your predictions down below!

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