• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 20: Parental Supervision Required

As we walked out of the city square, Rarity, Octavia, and Celeste decided amongst themselves where we were all going to go for lunch while I tried to figure out how I was gonna survive this. Throughout my life, I’ve heard horror stories from other guys about when they introduced their girlfriends to their mothers, and they never ended well.

“Is that okay with you, Marcus?” Octavia asked me.

“Wait, what?”

“We decided to have lunch at the diner by the mountainside. Is that okay with you?”

“Oh, yeah. That’s cool.”

The mare giggled at me, and so did Rarity, as well, and the four of us headed towards the diner with Rarity and Octavia leading us. As the two mares walked in front of me, I couldn’t help taking a good look at what they were wearing. I mean, they liked me, and I liked them, too, so it’s not like they would be offended if I let my eyes wander a little.

That’s how I justified it, at least.

I looked at Octavia, first. She was wearing a short, purple, long-sleeved button-down dress that that matched her eyes. The silky-looking material hugged her waist tightly, the folds of the dress moving in sync with her body. Her muscled thighs meanwhile swayed to and fro creating quite the hypnotizing display.

As for Rarity, she was wearing a red hat with a red top and black fall jacket with matching jeans. I thanked heaven that they were skinny jeans, since Rarity’s hips were unarguably her most attractive physical features.

Well, that’s not to say that I didn’t notice her generous backside, its cheeks grinding against each other like a fluctuating number eight, the motion itself driving me insane. I could almost swear that the mare that possessed that magnificent ass was doing this on purpose and was smirking as I stared.

I then felt something soft brush against my neck, and when I looked down, I saw that it was Auntie Celeste’s tail. I looked up at her, and she raised her eyebrows at me with a smirk. “Like what you see?” she mouthed, nudging her head towards the two mares, their tails swishing left and right in front of me.

“Shut up,” I mouthed back, and she chuckled silently.

“You are so going to hell,” she mouthed.

The four of us finally made it to the diner, and thanks to my aunt, we ended up getting the best booth in the house, which had a picturesque view from the side of the mountain.

The funny thing, though, was that she didn’t even ask for it.

The stallion that seated us handed us some menus and told us that our waiter would be with us shortly, so the four of us made small talk while we waited, which was fine, until…

“So, ladies, did my nephew treat you nicely yesterday?” Auntie Celeste asked as she set her stuffed phoenix in her lap.

“You mean he didn’t tell you?” Rarity asked back.

“Oh, he did, but I just want to make sure he wasn’t lying.”

“You know, I’d appreciate it if you guys didn’t speak as though I wasn’t here,” I interjected.

“Why don’t we start with you, Rarity,” Celeste continued, practically ignoring me, making my eye twitch in irritation.

“Well, Marcus started our date by taking me to the royal gardens, and he showed me a secret spot that had a view of the entire garden,” Rarity told her. “We then slept together under the shade of a beautiful tree. It was like something out of a romance novel!”

“And what happened after that?”

“We took a cab into the city, and Marcus treated me to a wonderful lunch!” Rarity continued, and then she pulled her sleeve back to show her wrist, and the piece of jewelry adorning it. “After that, he took me to a jewelry store and got me this lovely bracelet!”

“Well, I’m not surprised. I did tell Marcus to spare no expense, after all,” Celeste said with a smile, and Rarity let out a giggle. Octavia, on the other hand, looked a little… uncomfortable. “So, Octavia, how was your date with Marcus?”

The earth mare brightened up and she began to tell my aunt about her date with me. “Well, Marcus pretty much let me decide where we went on our date, so I decided to show him my more adventurous side.”

“Really? And how did you do that?”

“I took him to a ropes course.”

“You don’t say? I bet you had a hard time getting Marcus to go through with it. He can be such a coward sometimes!”

“HEY!” I objected.

“Actually, while he was a little nervous, he didn’t show that much apprehension,” Octavia answered.

“Well, it’s good to know you didn’t let my nephew fall to his death,” Auntie Celeste laughed.

“Of course not. I’d never let that happen.”

“So, where did you two go afterward?”

“We went to a photo studio and had a shoot with Photo Finish herself, and then we went to a lovely Japaneighse restaurant!”

Rarity scrunched her snout and pouted as Octavia recalled my outing with her, and I saw her ear twitch at the mention of Photo Finish, which reminded me that she was a big fan of the famous photographer.

“After that, he walked me back to school as the sun set in the sky…” Octavia swooned, fondly remembering that moment.

“Well, it looks like Marcus wasn’t lying,” Celeste smiled.

“What would make you believe that I even was lying?” I asked, annoyed.

“Well, there’s the time you snuck out to that party last month.”

I sighed. “Point taken.”

Just then, our waiter came to take our orders, and I sighed in relief. Finally, I could get a break from the torture Auntie Celeste was putting me through.

If only that break lasted a little longer.

Once the waiter left, Celeste wasted no time getting back to her little game. “Okay, girls, time to get to the juicy stuff. I’m sure you’ve both kissed Marcus by now, right?”

Rarity and Octavia averted their eyes from Celeste in slight embarrassment. “Maybe…” they said with blushes on their faces.

An evil smile grew on my aunt’s face. “So, how was he? Was he aggressive, or did he let you take control? Did he use any tongue? Give me ALL the details.”

I sunk in my seat, hoping that lightning would strike me down. Thankfully, when I looked up at Rarity and Octavia, neither of them looked eager to share.

“Don’t be shy, ladies,” said Celeste. “This is really for Marcus’s benefit, after all.”

Say what?

“He needs to know how he did so he can do better next time!”

“I resent that statement,” I muttered.

“Sorry, princess, but I’d rather not say…” Octavia admitted.

“Me neither,” Rarity added.

“Oh, well. I suppose I can’t force you two to tell me,” my aunt shrugged, “but enough about the present for now. Let’s talk about the future.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Rarity, Octavia, I can tell you both love my nephew very much, so why don’t we talk weddings?”

I almost stabbed myself with my own fork.

“Or better yet, why don’t we talk kids?”

I hate my life.

“I’ve wanted to talk about this one day and now is the perfect time! So, how many great nieces or nephews am I going to be expecting?”

Unfortunately for me, this was a subject that Rarity and Octavia didn’t mind talking about.

“Well, if I were to have kids,” said the unicorn, “I don’t think that I would want more than two, and I’d like for them to be close in age.”

“Two kids, huh?” I thought. “I could deal with that.”

“And you, Octavia?”

“Well, I never actually thought about the idea of having kids…” the earth mare admitted, “although, if I were to have any, I’d probably want… three, maybe?” For some reason, she looked at me as though she were asking my permission to have three kids, which made me feel uncomfortable.

“I’ll admit, I was hoping for one of you to want at least five,” Celeste pouted.

“Not even,” I commented.

“Oh, really? And how many kids do you want, Marcus?”

“It’s a bit early to be thinking about that, isn’t it?”

“It’s never too early to think about the kids,” my aunt told me. “Then again, you do have a point. You three have your schooling and your careers to think about. Besides, I’m a very traditional mare when it comes to these kinds of things, so I expect these kids to be born within wedlock.”

Just then, the waiter came with our food, which meant that Celeste could finally stop talking about marriage, and kids, and whatever other embarrassing thing she could come up with. After we finished our food, our waiter asked if we wanted any desserts, to which Auntie Celeste enthusiastically said “yes.”

Octavia ordered some cream puffs topped with dark chocolate sauce, Rarity got a bowl of ice cream, and Celeste and I got several slices of vanilla cake; I got two slices while she got five.

One thing about Auntie Celeste and cake: she LOVES it! If she could, she’d have different flavors of cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I shit you not. I’ve seen her eat a whole three-tier chocolate cake by herself in less than a half hour!

It was not a pretty sight.

And don’t even get me started on what happens when you try to separate her from cake. Let’s just say that things can get pretty… violent.

Anyway, the four of us dug into our desserts, savoring their taste. After I finished my first slice of cake, I felt a familiar soft feeling on my neck. I looked down and saw that it was Celeste again, this time brushing me with her mane instead of her tail. I then looked at her plate and saw that it was completely empty. The princess pointed at my remaining slice of cake with her mane and gave me a hopeful smile.

I raised an eyebrow at her. She really expected me to give her a slice of cake after embarrassing me like that? She had another thing coming.

I turned my head away from her, but she pulled it back using her magic and gave me a pleading look, watering puppy-dog eyes and all.

I raised an eyebrow at her again, and then a malicious smile creeped its way onto my face. I looked at Octavia, who was nearly done with her cream puffs.

“Hey, ‘Tavi,” I said to her. “Do you want my last slice of cake?”

The look of devastation on Auntie Celeste’s face was priceless.

“Really? Thanks, Marcus!” she said gratefully as I slid the plate over to. “Would you like to split it with me, Rarity?”

“Sure,” the unicorn answered, and she used her magic to break the slice in half and levitate her piece to her mouth.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“It tastes amazing!” Octavia exclaimed. “I should have ordered a slice or two for myself!”

“Me too,” Rarity agreed. “This cake is delightful! I can see why you and Celestia love it so much!”

“I’m glad you like it,” I said with a smile. Just then, I felt several crushing impacts on my left foot, and I barely kept myself from yelling in pain. I looked down and saw Auntie Celeste’s hoof on top of my foot, pressing it to the floor with a great amount of force. I looked up at her, and she gave me a deadly stare.

“That’s what you get,” she mouthed.

“It was worth it,” I mouthed back with a pained smile.

After about a minute, Celeste removed her hoof and the waiter came with the check. Auntie Celeste offered to pick up the tab, a gesture that the rest of us accepted gratefully. When we walked out of the restaurant, it was half past two.

“Are you okay, Marcus?” the unicorn asked. “You look like you’re limping.”

“Nah, I’m good,” I told her with a dismissive wave. “My foot just fell asleep, that’s all.”

“Well, Rarity and I have to go. We’re attending a light show at three,” said Octavia.

“Sounds like fun!” said Celeste. “Marcus and I are going to head back to the castle. Have fun at the show!”

The two mares smiled and said “Thank you, princess.”

Octavia then walked up to me and gave me a warm hug. “See you at school tomorrow,” she said as she let me go, and she gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I looked at Rarity, who had an envious look on her face, and she walked up to me and gave me a tighter hug. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, too,” she said as she let me go, and she gave me a kiss that lasted a second longer than Octavia’s.

Auntie Celeste chuckled at the mares’ hidden competitiveness towards each other. “That reminds me,” she said as she walked up to them. “I need to tell you two something.”

“What is it, Princess?” Rarity asked.

“Just to let you know, Marcus is very precious to me, and I love him like he’s my own son,”

Oh, no. I know where this is going.

“and I will do everything in my power to keep him from getting hurt,” Auntie Celeste then bent down to look Rarity and Octavia in the eyes. “So, consider this a warning, if either of you two do anything to hurt my precious nephew, there will be consequences, understood?”

The tone of her voice was a severe contrast to the look on her face, and that alone terrified the two young mares.

“Y-yes, ma’am,” they said in unison as they held each other, shivering in fear.

“Now run along, you two!” Celeste said with a happy demeanor. “You wouldn’t want to miss your show, would you?”

“Umm… yes!” Rarity answered, still shaken up by my aunt’s threat. “Come on, Octavia!”

“Right behind you!” the earth mare said hastily as she and Rarity walked away as fast as their legs could carry them.

“Was that really necessary?” I asked. “There wasn’t any need to scare the-”

Celeste gave me a serious look as she lit up her horn, reminding me to choose my next word wisely.

“-living daylights out of them.”

“Well, as your guardian, I felt the need to send a message, just in case those two ever tried to hurt you. I have to protect those that are precious to me, after all.” She raised her stuffed phoenix to her face. “Isn’t that right, my widdle Sunshine?” My eye twitched as I watched her make kissy faces to her stuffed toy.

“Sometimes I wonder if you’re insane,” I muttered.

“Who knows? I probably am,” she chuckled. “So, did you happen to notice how jealous those two were of each other?”

“Pretty much,” I answered.

“I wonder if they ever get into catfights over you?”

“Nah, they’re too classy for that.”

“Hah! Don’t even front, Marcus!” Celeste laughed. “You know you’d love to see two hot mares fighting over you!”

“I never said that I wouldn’t. I’m just saying that it’s not likely to happen.”

My aunt giggled at my comment. “I suppose that’s true, but it can’t hurt to dream right.”

“I guess not.”

Auntie Celeste and I had a little laugh as we walked back to the city square and Celeste called a carriage to take us home.

So far, this day out with my aunt was pretty good, despite the embarrassment she put me through at lunch, but I promised to spend the ENTIRE day with my aunt, so I still had some bonding time left.

Not that I minded, of course. In fact, I was looking forward to it.

Author's Note:

Damn... over twenty chapters...

I finally feel like I'm getting back into my rhythm of writing chapters. I kind-of hit a little hurdle when I decided to alternate between two stories (if you haven't read Facing Changes yet, what are you waiting for?), but I think I'm getting back into the groove.

So, we got some good interaction between, Marcus's aunt and his remaining potential marefriends, and we got some good comedy, as well.

Thanks for all the compliments on the previous chapter. When I finished it, part of me felt like it wasn't as good as the others, but I guess I was worried about nothing!

I'll see you guys next chapter!

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