• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 6: Severe Repercussions

Auntie Celeste and I walked to her carriage, which was parked near the back of the school, which was where I was when she caught me.

Coincidence is a bitch.

I didn’t say, or rather, I wasn’t able to say another word to Rarity or Octavia before Celeste left with me in tow. Once we got to the carriage, she made me go in before her, and I sat down without saying a word.

The ride to the castle was dead silent. I tried not to look at Auntie Celeste for the whole trip, but I could feel her gaze piercing through me, and it made me shift in my seat uncomfortably. I dared to look up at her for just a second, but I looked back down when I saw the expression of sheer anger on her face.

I was SO gonna get it.

When we got back to the castle, the guards stepped back and let us in. I saw the looks of fear on their faces. They didn’t say a word as Celeste and I entered the castle. She walked in front of me, and I knew that I was to follow her, wherever she was taking me.

It turned out that she was taking me to her room. She opened the door with her magic and looked at me.

“In,” she said coldly.

I nervously walked into the room and took a seat in a nearby chair. I looked to my left, and saw that the fireplace was lit. The dim lighting from the fire made the atmosphere more tense and scary than it already had been.

Celeste walked over to the fireplace and stared into it for a moment. This was my chance to get myself together. I may be scared, but I can at least stand my ground. Despite the fact that I did break her trust, and while I was ready to take any punishment that I was going to get, I still believed that I was in the right. I still believed that she should’ve let me go to that party in the first place.

I steeled myself and prepared for my tongue lashing.

“I cannot believe that you deliberately disobeyed me, Marcus” Celeste said, her back still turned towards me. “I thought you knew better than that… To go behind my back like this… I’m incredibly disappointed.”

I said nothing.

“And to think that Luna helped you, too,” she continued. “All this effort just to go some ridiculous party.” Auntie Celeste then turned to face me for the first time since we got home. “So what do you have to say for yourself?”

I already knew the responses she expected.

“I’m sorry.”

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

“I’ll never do it again.”

She wasn’t getting any of that from me.

“I don’t have anything to say,” I told her calmly.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Nothing at all, huh? So you’re not even the least bit sorry for breaking my trust and going to that party?”

“I never said that I wasn't sorry for breaking your trust,” I explained, “but I’m not sorry for going to the party.”

“And why is that?” Celeste asked. I could feel her frustration rising with every word.

I took a deep breath and stood up, looking her dead in the face. “Because I should’ve been allowed to go in the first place.” I then proceeded to explain myself to her in the calmest way possible.

“Auntie Celeste, I’m seventeen years old. I know how to act at a party. I don’t go to parties to smoke and drink alcohol. I go to parties so I can spend time with my friends. It’s like you don’t trust me to take care of myself.”

“I told you before that that wasn’t the case.”

“Then what IS the case!?” I ask agitatedly, forgetting to-

“Watch your tone with me, Marcus!” Celeste said threateningly.

I took a moment to compose myself before speaking, but then she continued.

“You think you’re grown, but you’re not! I’ve lived several of your lifetimes and I’ve seen things that you’ve never seen. I know what’s out there, and I know what’s best for you. When I tell you that you can’t go somewhere, it’s because I’m trying to protect you!”

You know what? Fuck it. I needed to speak my mind.

“Protect me from what!?” I ask angrily. “It was a friggin’ college party!”

“I told you to watch your tone with me, Marcus. And I don’t appreciate that language, either.”

“Well, if you just let me go to the party instead of locking me up in the castle all night and treating me like a damn baby, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation!”

It was then that I felt it. You could call it guy’s intuition, or some sort of sixth sense, but whatever it was, it didn’t change the fact that I sensed it.

Celeste’s last nerve had snapped.

“Alright… that is IT!!!” she yelled, her voice causing the room to shake. Her horn lit up and emitted a shockwave that almost knocked me over, and the flames in the fireplace flared up violently. When I recovered, though, I looked up and saw that Celeste was airborne, staring down at me with glowing white eyes.

“I’VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS!” she yelled in a voice I’ve never heard before. It sounded like her normal voice on top of a deeper, more distorted voice.


I opened my mouth in a pathetic attempt to object, but I was quickly interrupted.


I blinked. “What did you call me?” I asked in confusion.

Realizing what she had just said, Celeste snapped out of her goddess-like rage trance and lowered herself to the floor slowly. She had a look of… fear? Hesitation? Uncertainty? The look was hard to read, but I could tell that something was on her mind. However, she simply shook it off and turned her back to me. “Just go to your room,” she said coldly.

Knowing that there was nothing more I could do, I left her room and slowly walked towards mine. As I walked, I noticed some of the guards looking at me fearfully. They must have heard when Celeste was screaming at me. Their constant stares quickly started to annoy me. “WHAT!?” I yelled, and they quickly looked away. I grunted and continued on to my room, which was now guarded, and slammed the door behind me once I entered. After changing into my sleeping clothes, I angrily got into my bed.

This was such BULLSHIT! Why did Celeste have to treat me like such a little kid!? I tried to wrap my head around why she would do that, but it only made me angrier!

But then I remembered the last thing she said when she was yelling at me. She called me by a name I’d never heard before. What was it… Orion?

Just then, I heard two thudding sounds from just outside my room. “What the hell was that?” I thought as I walked to the double doors. Before I got to it, though, the doors opened on their own, then closed two seconds later.

“What the-”

“Relax. It’s just me,” a voice said.


“Who else,” she said as she suddenly appeared right in front of me. “I had to use an invisibility spell to get here undetected.”

“And I’m assuming those loud thuds were the guards falling to the ground.”

“Quite perceptive, aren’t you?”

“You didn’t knock them out, did you?” I asked worriedly.

Luna scoffed. “I would never take such barbaric measures,” she said defensively. “Not anymore, at least. I simply lulled them to sleep with a spell.”

“Why go through all this trouble just to see me?” I asked.

“Why do you think?” she answered with an incredulous look. “Celestia, of course. I got quite the reprimanding from her when she found out that I helped you sneak out, and she told me to stay away from you while you’re grounded. She said that I was being a ‘bad influence’ on you.”

“I guess we both got busted, huh?” I sighed.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to keep Tia from finding out,” Luna apologized. “She would have been completely in the dark had it not been for one minor oversight.”

“It’s okay,” I assured her. “Wait a sec… What minor oversight?”

Luna put her fingers to her forehead and sighed. “Blueblood. He saw us leave the castle from his room.”

I twitched the moment I heard his name. That stuck-up little prick snitched on me! I would have to teach him a lesson later.

You know what they say: snitches get stitches.

“I can’t believe it!” I exclaim, trying not to be too loud. “This plan would have gone without a hitch if that jackass hadn’t gotten in the way! Now the both of us are in trouble.”

“Yes, but you more so than me,” Luna lamented. “I could hear Tia using the Royal Canterlot Voice on you. You weren’t too scared were you?”

“I didn’t cry, if that’s what you meant.”

“That’s rare. Most ponies end up drowning in a pool of their own tears when Celestia uses the Voice on them. Then again, the instance of her using the Voice at all is rare in and of itself.”

“Did she use the Voice on you when she found you out,” I asked.

Luna shook her head. “No. What had happened was… You know what? Why don’t I just show you?”

“You can do that?”

“Sure. Just hold still,” Luna said as she took her hands and held my shoulders to keep me from moving. She then focused some magic into her horn and rested it on my forehead. The next thing I felt was my mind going blank; as if every thought was being washed away to make room for what was to come. Before I knew it, I was standing in Luna’s room, watching her being confronted by Auntie Celeste.

“Luna,” she said to her little sister, “where is Marcus?”

“In his room, sleeping, like I told you the last time you asked,” Luna answered sarcastically.

“That’s interesting,” the older princess said, “because Blueblood told me that he saw Marcus flying out of his bedroom window towards the school.”

“You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?”

“Of course, but then Blueblood mentioned that you were flying with him, and that you were using a spell to carry him with you. Sounds a lot less ridiculous, doesn’t it?”

“That may be so, but you’re forgetting that you saw Marcus in his room sleeping not ten minutes ago. I was there with you when you checked.”

“I know, but after Blueblood told me what he saw, I checked again and saw that it wasn’t Marcus sleeping in his bed, but a mere illusion spell meant to fool me.”

Luna cursed under her breath at the realization that she had been found out.

“You’d think that I could trust my sister not to go behind my back,” said Celeste.

“What was I supposed to do?” Luna asked.

“Mind your own business, for one,” her elder sister retorted. “Raising Marcus is my responsibility, and my word is final. I don’t need you being a bad influence on him.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Raise him? He’s seventeen! He’ll be grown in less than a year. If anything, you’re merely taking care of him.”

“Regardless of his age, I’m still his aunt, and he needs to get over his problem with authority.”

Luna scoffed. “If there’s anyone with a problem that they need to get over, it’s you. You keep treating him like a baby when he’s almost an adult. Did it ever occur to you that the more you try, the more you’ll push him away?”

“Luna, I’m warning you, don’t push me!” Celeste threatened. “I don’t want you near Marcus for a month, got it?”

“See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. You have this incessant need to control everything. Mark my words, Marcus will end up wanting nothing to do with you.”

“That’s enough Luna!” Celeste warned. “Drop it or I’ll-”

“You’ll what? Use the Royal Canterlot Voice on me? We both know you can’t bring yourself to do that to your own sister.”

Celeste hesitated when she heard Luna say that, because she knew she was right. The elder princess merely grunted and left her sister’s room, and the memory started to fade as my mind came back to reality.

“Phew!” I said in exhaustion. “That was… something.”

“It is quite the trip the first time around,” Luna said. “Well, there you have it. That’s the lecture I got.”

“Lecture? More like an argument,” I chuckled.

“Oh hush, you,” she said as she playfully shoved me, and then she put her arm around my shoulder. “Again, I’m sorry you had to get in trouble. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you did anything wrong. If it were up to me, you would still be at that party right now.”

“Thanks, Luna,” I said, and then I remembered something. “Oh, before you go, I’ve got something for you.”

“A present? For moi?” she asked coyly.

I chuckled and reached for my bag. I dug around a little and found what I was looking for. “Here ya go,” I said as I presented the gift to Luna.

“Ah, so this is one of those Blind Boxes I’ve been hearing so much about,” she said as she took the gift. “I wonder what little trinket is inside…”

Luna fidgeted with the box a little before getting it open, and she gasped at what was inside. I curiously peered into the box and saw that it contained a necklace with a hooded unicorn emblem engraved into it. The back said “CUFTA Pre-Nightmare Night Festival.”

“Thank you, Marcus!” she said excitedly. “This is beautiful!”

“I guess I got lucky,” I said. “You never know what you’ll get in those things. Anywho, I’ve got something else for you.”

“You shouldn’t have,” she joked.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a plastic bag. “Here, I got some treats for you at the festival.”

“How sweet!” she said, chuckling to herself at her pun

“Well, I won’t be able to go out on the actual Nightmare Night, and I wouldn’t want you to gobble me up.”

Luna chuckled again, only this time it was more sinister. “Well unfortunately for you, child, this meager amount treats isn’t sufficient enough to satisfy me. Looks like I will have to eat you anyway!” The princess then tackled me, and I fell backwards onto the bed. I tried pushing her off of me, and succeeded after a few minutes. While I knew that Luna was obviously holding back her strength, I still felt a sense of victory when I got her off of me.

“I should be leaving, now,” she said. “Those guards might be waking up soon.”

“Hold on, Luna,” I said. “There’s one thing that I need to ask you before you leave.”


“Does the name Orion mean anything to you?” I asked.

Luna looked at me with a sad expression and shook her head “No, I don’t recognize the name.”

“Oh, okay,” I said.

Luna smiled, said goodbye, cast her invisibility spell, and left the room. I sighed and went to bed. It was minutes after midnight, and I needed some sleep.

Then again, considering the fact that I won't be able to leave the castle for any reason besides school, I’ll most likely be getting a lot of sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, this was an interesting chapter. We got to see the worst sides of both Celestia AND Marcus. Let me know what you guys thought. Was it fair for Marcus to get punished? Should he have gotten a worse punishment? Is Celestia being too overprotective? Did Luna deserve to get punished too? Who the fuck is Orion!? Let me know all your thoughts in the comments!

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