• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 24: Tis the Season For Shopping - Part One [The Musician and the Fashionista]

The next day, at around eleven forty-five, I was getting ready to go out into the city to meet Vinyl. I was already dressed, and I was making sure I had everything before I left.

Oh, and Auntie Celeste was in the room with me, too.

“So you’re getting a jump on your Hearth’s Warming shopping, huh, nephew?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I answered. “Rarity and Octavia are gonna be at the spa this afternoon, and Octavia’s friend Vinyl offered to shop with me.”

“Well, that’s nice of her. I’ll bet you’ll find the perfect gift for both your mares.” Celeste lit up her horn and levitated something over to me. “This may help you a little.”

I looked at the object that I was given, and my eyes widened when I saw that it was the same credit card that Celeste let me use when I went on my dates with Rarity and Octavia.

“Just don’t go too overboard and buy something like a carriage-car.”

I chuckled. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

“Good,” my aunt smiled. “So, what do you plan on getting your dear old auntie for Hearth’s Warming?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno. I’ll think of something.”

Celeste gave me an offended look and stared me down. “What kind of answer is that? You should’ve had an idea of what you were gonna get me by now!”

“Relax, Auntie,” I smirked. “Don’t be a spoiled princess… Oh, wait…”

“Very funny, Marcus, but I’m being serious. I’m getting you a really great present this year, and I expect to get a present just as great.”

“You are such a virtuous mare,” I told her sarcastically. “No wonder all the ponies in Equestria look up to you.”

“Watch your tone with me boy. Go on and head out to the city before I put you over my knee.”

“Pshh. You wouldn’t,” I laughed.

“Keep talking and you’ll find out,” Celeste threatened, but then she cracked a smile and began to laugh, too. “Okay, you got me. I’d never do that to my precious nephew, now go on, then. I’ll leave the room behind you.”

I rolled my eyes at my aunt and left my room. If I stayed and kept humoring her foolishness, I’d be late for my meet-up with Vinyl.

I was relieved when my taxi was able to get to the city before noon. Vinyl and I agreed to meet at that time, and I didn’t like to keep others waiting for too long. We arranged to meet each other in the shopping district of the city. As I entered the area, I looked around for the mare, and I found her leaning against the wall of a building with her shades over her eyes and a pair of earbuds in her ears.

I approached the mare as she bopped her head to the music that was blasting in her ears. It was so loud I could hear what song she was playing. I could even hear the lyrics clearly.

“Vinyl?” I called once I was standing in front of her, only to receive no response. “Vinyl?” I called again, waving my hand in front of her face, but to no avail.

Were her eyes closed?

Realizing that just calling her name wasn’t getting me anywhere, I let out a frustrated sigh and yanked the earbuds out of her ears.

“Huh? What?” the confused unicorn said as she jolted up, her shades falling off of her face.

“Man, you were really out there, weren’t you?”

“Oh, sorry about that, man,” Vinyl said as she picked up her shades off the ground. “I tend to go into my own little world when I’m listening to music.”

“It’s fine. At least I have your attention now. So, where do you think we should go first?”

The mare shrugged. “That depends. How much money are you able to spend?”

“My aunt gave me a card to use, and she said that I could spend as much as I needed, so long as I don’t go too crazy.”

Vinyl smirked. “Luckily for you, Octavia isn’t too high maintenance. Do you plan on getting some other gifts?”

“Yeah. I want to get a gift for Rarity, Princess Luna, and Auntie Celest…ia.”

Phew, that was close.

“Well, we have plenty of time, so we don’t need to rush. C’mon, I already have an idea of what to get Octavia.”

Vinyl took the lead as she and I walked through the district until we finally stopped by a music store. “Well, this isn’t surprising,” I said, more to myself than to her.

“I know this seems predictable, but trust me on this one,” the unicorn said as we walked inside. “Last night, while Octavia was practicing her cello, she was telling me and Rarity about how she needed a new one since her current one was getting worn out.”

“You know, I was hoping to get Octavia something more meaningful than a new cello,” I interjected, disappointed at Vinyl’s idea.

“You didn’t let me finish, Marcus. This shop sells custom made instruments, so you add a personal touch. Plus, you can engrave a special message into the bow. It’s the perfect chance to come up with something romantic for one of your special someponies.”

I blinked when I heard her say that. “You know?” I asked.

“Of course. When three mares are living under the same roof, the subject of the opposite sex is bound to come up. Besides, ‘Tavi and I tell each other everything.”

“You two really are best friends, huh?”

“Of course! Now, I think we can get the cello with a nice glossy finish. As for the color, I was thinking one that matched her coat with her cutie mark painted on the side.”

“You know what it looks like?”

“I’ve been Octi’s roommate for two years. Of course I know what it looks like. I’m surprised you don’t know, or have you two not reached that point in your relationship yet.”

I gave Vinyl an unamused look, not impressed in the slightest by her little joke. She merely laughed in response.

“Dude, relax! I’m just screwin’ with ya! C’mon, let’s place the order in.”

The two of us walked up to the front desk to place the order, and the store owner, a human man, looked at Vinyl with a surprised look.

“Vinyl! Vinyl Scratch! Long time no see!” he said happily.

“What’s up, Gavin?” she asked as she bumped fists with him.

“Same old, same old. Where have you been, though?”

“Studying in Saddle Arabia. I’m visiting for the holidays.”
“Well, in that case, welcome back to Canterlot!” Gavin said. “Doing some early Hearth’s Warming shopping?”

“Actually, I’m helping out my friend Marcus here,” she answered as she put a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey,” I said as I shook hands with Gavin.

“So, whaddaya say, G? Can you hook him up for me?”

“Sure! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine! What do you need, Marcus?”

“Well, Vinyl told me you did custom jobs,” I explained.

Gavin smiled. “That I do, that I do.”

“In that case, I’d like to get a grey cello with a glossy finish,” I requested.

“And paint a magenta treble clef on the side, and make the strings the same color, too, while you’re at it.”

“Sure,” the owner chuckled. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, I’d like to get the bow in matching colors, and I want to engrave a message into it.”

“What kind of message did you have in mind?”

I immediately blushed when I was asked that question. Of course I knew that I had to say what my message was if I wanted Gavin to engrave it, but having to say it was a little embarrassing.

“Well, the message is… ‘For my beautiful Octavia’,” I admitted.

Gavin blinked. “Aaaaaaaaaah, I get it now. You’re getting this done for a special lady, aren’t ya?”

“You could say that,” I chuckled nervously.

“Well, with that in mind, on top of the fact that Vinyl asked me to hook you up, I’m gonna do all that for half the normal price. Quite the steal, if you ask me.”

“He’s right, you know,” the unicorn added.

“In that case, I’ll take it,” I said with a smile.

“Sweet! That’ll be seven hundred and fifty bits.” I handed Gavin my card and he swiped it with no problem. Once he returned the card to me, he handed me a slip of paper and a pen. “Alright, I should be able to get this done in about a week. Just fill out your contact information on this piece of paper here, and I’ll give you a call once your order is ready.”

“Great, thanks!” I said as I filled out the slip.

“No sweat. Thanks for your business, kid,” Gavin smiled, and then he looked at Vinyl. “See you around, V.”

“Sure, G,” she replied as she and I walked out of the store. “Okay, one gift down, three to go. Who’s next, Marcus?”

“Rarity,” I answered.

“So I’m guessing you want this present to be all lovey-dovey, too, huh?”

“You make it sound really cheesy when you put it like that,” I deadpanned.

“Chill, dude. I never said it was a bad thing. Matter of fact, I think you’re pretty lucky.”

“How so?”

Vinyl smirked and put her arm around me, pulling me close to her. “Do I have to spell it out for ya? You’ve got two smokin’ hot mares that want you, and you get to take your pick! I’ve seen the way you look at both of ‘em from time to time. Not that I blame you, though. They’re both pretty cute. That Rarity girl’s some nice hips, am I right?”

My face got increasingly red as she kept talking.

“Not that I’m trying to move in on your mare, of course,” she disclaimed. “I’ve already got a cute thing in Saddle Arabia.”

“You’re into mares?” I asked.

“I swing both ways,” she explained. “When you’re into the whole club scene, you’re open to experimenting. And before you ask, Octavia does know.”

“How did she react when she found out?”

“She was pretty okay with it. I told her a few days after we met. She just made it clear that she wasn’t interested in mares, and that she didn’t want me to try anything funny. It was a real shame, too. She’s a hot one, Octi.”

I thought about the idea of Vinyl and Octavia being in a relationship. While it seemed weird, what with their contrasting personalities, and all, I found myself oddly intrigued by the idea.

“So, where are we gonna find a present for your sexy little maiden?” she asked, though she sounded like she was asking herself that question. “Oh, I’ve got the perfect idea!”

Vinyl proceeded to lead me to a luxury clothing store, and she took me to the mare’s section.

“Alright, Rarity’s obviously a fashion-inclined girl,” she explained, “so getting her something nice to wear will mean a lot to her. So, what do you have in mind?”

“Well, how about something that she can wear while she’s lounging around her room, something she can just throw on whenever she’s thinking of me?” I suggested.

The unicorn smirked. “Good thinking, now let’s see if we can find something like that…”

Vinyl and I looked through the racks of clothing to find something that fit what we were looking for, until we finally came across something,

Namely a beautiful, indigo-colored silk robe with light blue accents.

“This… is perfect!” I said.

“Yeah, and check out the tag,” Vinyl added. “You can get it monogrammed for no extra charge.”

“In that case, I’m sold!” I declared as I took the robe off the rack and brought it to the front counter. The stallion behind it was a posh-looking unicorn with thin glasses.

“Ah, you have quite the eye, young man,” he said to me. “I suppose you want it monogrammed, as well?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “I’d like an ‘R’ sewn into the right hip, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Why, of course not, sir! ‘Twill be quite easy, actually. Simply be back to pick it up tomorrow. That is, of course, if you can pay for it.”

I smirked and handed the stallion my card and he swiped it for me. “I’ll be back tomorrow,” I told him as he handed me the card back.

Once Vinyl and I left the store, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, and I answered it without bothering to look at the caller ID.


“Marcus, darling! It’s Rarity. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m fine. You and Octavia enjoying your spa day?”

“Oh, it is simply divine, darling! Octavia is right next to me, would you like me to put you on speaker?”

“Sure. Why not?” I shrugged.

I heard a light click, followed by another voice. “Hello, Marcus!” it said.

“Hi, Octi,” I greeted back. “Are they treating you nice at the spa?”

“Oh, you have no idea,” she answered. “The attendants have been waiting on our hands and hooves! We’re in the hot springs right now.”

“And they’re miiiiiiiiixed~” Rarity chimed in musically. “You have no idea what you’re missing, sweetheart!”

My face went red again, which was happening often today. The thought of sharing a bath with Rarity and Octavia, the thought of the warm water against my skin as I relaxed in the bath, and then seeing those two beautiful mares walking into the room in nothing but their towels, towels that would soon come off and reveal their luscious bodies underneath.

The image rendered me utterly speechless.

“What are you and Vinyl doing, anyway?” Rarity asked, snapping me out of my stupor.

“Oh, we’re just hanging around the city. She asked me if I wanted to walk around with her since she was going to be by herself, so I figured why not, y’know?”

“I guess,” said Octavia, “but it would’ve been nice to have you here with us.”

I couldn’t help but think, “Yeah, it would’ve been…”

“Ah well. It can’t be helped. I’ll talk to you two later, okay?” I said.

“Okay, Marcus,” they answered simultaneously as they hung up the phone. I let out a heavy sigh, and Vinyl looked at me curiously.

“What’s the matter, man?” she asked.

I sighed again in response. “Nothing, V. Part of me is just starting to regret choosing to do my Hearth’s Warming shopping today.”

Author's Note:

Long chapter title is long chapter title.

So, Marcus has gotten half of his Hearth's Warming shopping done. What's he gonna get for Luna and Celestia? You'll have to wait until next chapter.

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