• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 4: The Party - Part One [Costume Conundrum]

Over the next few weeks, I had to keep my promise to Auntie Celeste.

Five hugs.

Three kisses.

Every day.

No excuses.

I wasn’t the only one that had to stick to a difficult routine, though. Luna was struggling to keep up with the diet that her advisor put her on. I decided to check on her this morning before heading off to school.

I knocked on her bedroom door, only to be met with-


I flinched, but I didn’t run away. “It’s Marcus,” I said.

“Oh, come in,” she called.

I slowly opened the door and walked into Luna’s room. The princess was lying on her bed with her face in her pillow.

“You alright in here?” I asked.

The response I got was a loud, frustrated groan. She then sat upright on her bed and looked right at me with bloodshot eyes. Her body was shivering all over, as well.

Was she going through withdrawal?

“I can’t take it anymore, Marcus!” she complained. “I just can’t! I haven’t had a decent meal in weeks, and I’ve lost seven pounds! I tried sneaking some buttered pancakes with syrup yesterday morning, but one of the guards saw me! My advisor’s got the Royal Guard on his side now! It’s like I can’t win!!!”

Yeah, definitely going through withdrawal.

“Why is it that everything that tastes good plasters itself onto my body while everything that’s good for me tastes like swill!?” she rhetorically asked. “I swear, if I don’t have something sweet to eat, I’m going to explode!”

I needed to do something before she did something drastic.

That’s when I remembered; I had packed an extra snack to eat later today. It looked like Luna needed it a lot more than me. Besides, if I ever got hungry, I could just buy something from the student lounge at CUFTA.

I took the paper bag containing the snack out of my bag and tossed it to Luna. She instinctively caught it with her magic and looked at me with a questioning look.

“It’s a blueberry muffin,” I told her. “You’d better eat it fast before a guard catches you again.”

Luna smiled at me gratefully. “Thank you, Marcus,” she said with a smile.

“Don’t mention it,” I said as I left her to enjoy her muffin. I made my way to the castle’s exit, but before I could leave, Auntie Celeste stopped me.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, nephew?” she asked, reaching her arms out for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes and gave her the hug she was asking for, and after that I gave her a kiss.

“One hug and one kiss down, four hugs and two kisses to go,” I thought.

I said goodbye to my aunt and caught a cab to school, when I got there, I looked at my watch.

Eleven-seventeen AM, Thursday, October 7th.

I had a decent amount of time before my first class, Color Theory, which was a class that I shared with Rarity. I was carrying my portfolio, which held the project that was due today. As I walked to class, the white-coated unicorn caught up with me.

“Good morning, Marcus!” she greeted.

“Morning Rarity,” I greeted back.

“Do you have your project done?”

“You know me. I always get my projects done on time.”

“What about that one time when-”


The mare shot me a look. “Very mature, Mr. Cortez. Anyway, what color scheme did you decide to for your project?”

“I decided to use warm colors. Red, orange, colors like that.”

“Interesting. I chose cool colors. Blue, purple, and the like.”

I raised an eyebrow. “And how is that interesting?”

“Well, you chose warm colors to match your warm personality, while I chose cool colors to match my calm personality.”

I scoffed at Rarity. “Calm? Weren’t you the same mare that freaked out when you thought that your assignment for your Design 101 class would be late?”

Rarity grunted and turned her head away from me, sticking her nose in the air. “I remember no such event.”

“Sure you don’t.”

“However, speaking of design, have you heard about the Pre-Nightmare Night party?”

I shook my head.

“Well, Octavia told me that every year, in the middle of October, the school would hold a Pre-Nightmare Night party. It gave students the opportunity to show off their costumes and survey the competition for the real Nightmare Night, when the school-wide costume contest will be held. While I won’t be entering, I think it’d be a good opportunity to practice my craft.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” I told her. “I’ll ask my aunt if I can go.”

“If you want, Marcus, I could design a costume for you,” Rarity offered.

“You’d do that for me?” I asked.

“Sure, darling! I’m already doing Octavia’s costume and mine as well. Making another one won’t be too much of a hassle. Just let me know what costume you want whenever you make a decision.”

“You sure?”

“You doubt my abilities, Marcus. I once designed dresses for five close friends of mine back home in Ponyville, so two Nightmare Night costumes will be no problem.”

I chuckled. “You’re ambitious. I’ll give you that.”

“You know me.”

We both made it to class and turned in our projects. Afterward, Rarity and I walked back to her and Octavia’s room. “Hey, Octavia!” we say to her as we walked in.

“AGH!” the earth mare said in surprise. We caught her in the middle of practicing her cello.

She tended to go into her own little world whenever she played.

“Oh, it’s you two,” she said with a sigh of relief.

“Who were you expecting?” I asked.

“Nopony in particular,” she answered. “I guess I’m a little jumpy with Nightmare night coming up, and all. Speaking of which, did you hear about the party?”

“I just told him this morning!” Rarity chimed in excitedly. “I, for one, can’t wait. This will be the first college party I’ll have ever attended.”

“Mine, too,” I said.

Octavia shuffled in her seat. “It will be my first college party, as well.”

Rarity and I looked at her incredulously. “Hold up, you’re a third-year student, and you haven’t been to one party here?”

The earth mare shook her head.

“My old roommate went to every party, but she would always be the DJ, so I would have been by myself. I didn’t really have any other friends to go with,” Octavia lamented, but then she looked at me and Rarity with a smile, “but this year is different since I have you two. I might even go into the haunted house, provided that you two go with me, of course.”

It was then that Rarity started to nervously shuffle. “Well, I’m not one for haunted houses, Octavia…”

I shrugged my shoulders and said “I’ll go with you.”

Octavia sighed with relief. “For a moment, I thought that I would have to go by myself. Thank Celestia.”

I almost instinctively looked behind me, but I reminded myself that it was just an expression.

Why do ponies say that anyway?

“Well, I’m heading home,” I said. “I’ll catch you guys later.” Before I left the room, I looked back at Rarity and told her “I’ll let you know what costume I want.”

“Let me know soon, darling.” she said. “The party is next Saturday.”

“I will,” I assured her as I left the room.

As I rode the taxi back to the castle, I thought about what I wanted to be for the party.

“A vampire? That’s been done to death. A superhero? No, that’s just as bad. A Wonderbolt? Nah. Everypony and their mother is gonna be a Wonderbolt. Man, this is gonna be harder than I thought.”

I’d have to put more thought into this.

When I got back to the castle, I had the misfortune of running into Blueblood.

“So the freeloader returns from school,” he sneered.

“You ask Celeste for money every other day, and I’m a freeloader?” I snapped back.

“Ugh, I absolutely despise that little nickname you have for Aunt Celestia,” he said. “Only a fool would come up with a name like that.”

She came up with that name,” I told him with a matter-of-fact tone. I had just about enough of Blueblood for the day, so I decided to just leave, but not before I told him one last thing.

“As much as I’d like to continue this conversation, Blue Balls, I have to leave,” I said, “but before I go, there’s something on your face that looks like a pimple.”

The stallion’s eyes widened and he looked for the nearest reflective surface to check his face in. “There’s a blemish on my face!? Where!?” he asked in a panic.

“Oh wait; now that I get a closer look, it’s not a pimple. It’s just your face,” I snicker before leaving.

Not one of my best insults, but it was something.

I decided that my next destination would be Auntie Celeste’s room. I still had to ask if I could go to the Pre-Nightmare Night party, and I still had to give her four hugs and three kisses.

As much as it killed me to stick to this promise, it was better than having her embarrass me in public.

On my way to Celeste’s room, I ran into Luna, who looked much better than she did this morning.

“Good afternoon, Marcus,” she said. “How are you?”

“Fine, I was just going to see your sister. I have to ask her if I can go to a Pre-Nightmare Night party that my school is having.”

Luna’s face brightened up when she heard this. “Is it not too late to apply to your school?” she asked, and I chuckled in response. “It’s nice to see a pre-celebration of my favorite holiday. Have you decided what you’re going to be, yet?”

“No,” I groaned. “I’ll figure it out eventually, though.”

Luna and I eventually reached Celeste’s room, and I knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” she called from inside.

“Marcus and Luna,” I answer,

“Oh! Come in!” she responded happily.

As soon as I walked in, I was assaulted by my aunt via bear hug, which squeezed the wind out of me.

For a dainty princess, she had the arm strength of a goddamn stallion.

Oh, well. At least I got another hug out of the way.

“So, how’s my favorite nephew?” she asked.

“Don’t let Blueblood hear you,” Luna snickered.

“I’m fine,” I tell her. “There’s something I want to ask you, though.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Well, my school is having a Pre-Nightmare Night party next Saturday, and I was wondering if I could go.”

My aunt paused for a moment and thought about it. That was not a good sign, especially when you take the expression on her face into account.

She looked like she didn’t like the idea.

“I don’t really like that idea, Marcus.”

Called it. Fucking CALLED it.

“What do you mean?” I ask, hoping to at least get a reason.

“I’ve seen how bad college parties can get,” she told me. “Kids get crazy with the alcohol, and college students like to play a lot of harmful pranks this time of year. I don’t want you around any of that.”

“Alcohol?” I ask. “I’m not even of age!”

“In Equestria, the legal drinking age is seventeen,” Luna chimed in.

Way to help out.

“Come on, Auntie,” I pleaded. “You know me better than that. Plus, I’ll be with my friends, so it’s not like I’ll get attacked or anything.”

“Not that it’s my place to say,” Luna interjected again, “but I think you should show Marcus some more trust, Celestia. He’s a responsible young man, and I don’t think that anything bad will happen to him.”

Now that’s more like it.

“This isn’t a matter of me not trusting him, Luna,” Celeste countered. “It’s a matter of me wanting to keep him safe.” She then looked at me. “Marcus, I promised your parents that I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, and I intend to keep that promise.”

“Auntie, I’ll be fine, nothing will-”

“I said no, Marcus,” she interrupted with a stern voice.

I stood there silently and considered saying something to convince her, but I simply decided to give up. “Fine,” I said with a hint of bitterness as I leave the room. When I closed the door behind me and started to walk away, I heard Luna and Auntie Celeste talking. I moved closer to the door so I could hear them.

“Was that really necessary, Tia?”

“What are you insinuating?”

“Nothing, I just think that you aren’t giving Marcus enough credit. I’m sure he knows how to conduct himself. I understand your concern regarding the fact that it’s a college party, but this is an art school in Canterlot, not a community college in Las Pegasus.”

“I can’t take any chances. I have to protect him.”

“This is starting to seem less like wanting to protect him, and more like not wanting to let him go. When Marcus’s parents let him come here to study, I doubt they wanted him to stay locked up in a castle all the time.”

“Thank you for your input, Luna, but I’ve made my decision, and it’s final. Marcus is not going to that party.”

I quietly sighed in disappointment. At least it was reassuring to know that there was somepony on my side. I can’t say Luna didn’t try.

I dejectedly walked back to my room and jumped on my bed. My first opportunity to experience a college party, and I couldn’t’ go.

I was upset.

I was frustrated.

I was pissed!

BEYOND pissed!

Why the hell couldn’t I go? What was Auntie Celeste so afraid of? That was the most bullshit explanation I had ever gotten! There was no reason for me not to go to that party!

That was it.

I couldn’t let this stop me. I HAD to go to that party, even if I had to sneak out.

The question was, how was I gonna pull that off?

Just then, I heard a knock on my door, followed by a voice. “Marcus? Are you in there?” the voice said. “It’s Luna. May I come in?”

While I really wasn’t in the mood to talk, I decided to let Luna in anyway. “Are you okay, Marcus?” she asked me.

“No,” I said bluntly. “I just don’t understand why your sister has to treat me like a friggin’ baby!”

“I don’t understand it either. I tried to convince Celestia to let you go, but she wouldn’t be swayed.”

“I figured as much,” I said. “Which is why I’ve decided to-”

“Sneak out?” she interrupted.


“That will never work, you know.” Luna told me. “At least, not without some help.”

I looked at her with widened eyes. “You’re gonna help me?” I asked.

“Of course,” she answered. “I practically owe you for this morning. That blueberry muffin really hit the spot. What’s the saying for that? You scratch my back, I scratch yours?”

I couldn’t believe it. All I did was help Luna break her diet, and she’s repaying me by helping me sneak out to go to a party!

Wait, why the hell do I care?

“Okay, I’m in!” I say enthusiastically.

“Perfect,” she said. I’ll come up with a plan and let you know about it tomorrow. In the meantime, you just relax. I’ll take care of everything.

“Thanks, Luna. This means a lot.”

The princess looked at me with a smile. “You’re welcome, Marcus,” she said as she left my room.

Just then, my phone chimed. I had received a text message from someone. After checking my phone I saw that the message was from Rarity.

‘How did things go with your aunt?’ the text read.

‘Perfectly,’ I responded. ‘You’ll see me at the party next Saturday. Oh, and I’ve decided on a costume.’

‘What is it?’ she asked.

I smirked as I typed ‘I’m gonna be a timberwolf.’

Author's Note:

And that's five chapters down (if you count the prologue). As usual let me know your thoughts in the comments. Will Luna's plan work. If it does, will Marcus get caught anyway? What will Rarity and Octavia dress up as for the party?

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