• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 23: Old Friends Meet New Friends

“And then I realized that I only had a few minutes to get to class, so I had to rush out of there and leave Octavia all by herself. So then, after all that running, I get to my class only to find out that that class had been cancelled for the week! Can you believe that, Luna!?”

“What I can’t believe is that this is the fifth time you’ve told me this story, Marcus,” The princess commented. “It’s been four days since that happened. Relax.”

“Sorry, I’m just really pissed. Why didn’t they send a note out to the students, or something? If I had known that there was no class, I would’ve stayed with Octavia!”

“Why didn’t you just go back?” asked Luna.

“Because by then I had already ran across campus and my legs were killing me, so since that class was the only one I had for the day, I just left the campus out of the nearest entrance and went home.”

“So I guess that the universe cockblocked you, then?”

“And I guess that you finally figured out what ‘cockblocked’ means,” I smirked.

Luna looked at me crossly. “Very funny, Cortez.”

It was Friday night. It had been several hours since I had gotten home from my last class of the day, which was also my last class until January. Luna and I were in her bedroom, lying on our backs on top of her bed.

“I wouldn’t worry about it too much, in all seriousness,” the princess said to me. “You’ve got the whole month of December to make up for it. I’m sure Celestia won’t mind you inviting one of them over.”

I scoffed. “Oh please. Knowing her, she’ll probably put us in separate rooms, or maybe even separate wings of the castle.”

“That is a possibility,” Luna admitted, “but there’s also a chance of Tia wanting you two to sleep in the same room considering how pushy she is about you getting married and having kids.”

“I guess that makes sense…”

“Have you even decided which mare you want yet?”

“Not yet,” I sighed, “But I plan on making my decision on the night before the Hearth’s Warming Eve party.”

“So the bet will be settled on the twenty-third, then,” Luna muttered to herself.

I raised an eyebrow and sat up. “Bet? What bet?”

Luna silently cursed to herself and sat up as well. “Since you’re aware of it now, Celestia and I made a bet over which mare you’d choose. If I won, Celestia would have to go without cake for a week. If she won, then I would have to go without cookies for a week.”

“So who bet on whom?”

“Tia and I agreed not to tell you because we didn’t want to influence your decision, so I mustn’t say. All I know is that you’d better pick the mare I bet on. I didn’t get off my diet just to be put on one again. I’m finally at a weight I’m happy with, and I don’t want anything changing that.”

I rolled my eyes.

“If anything, Tia should be the one on a diet. She’s starting to get a little plump in certain areas,” Luna continued.

“Don’t let her hear you say that. She might banish you to the moon again. Besides, you’re a little big, too.”

“Yes, but I balance it out around my whole body and make sure that I’m plump in the right places. If my hips are too small, I eat food that goes to my hips. If my thighs are too small, I eat food that goes to my thighs. It all balances out so I can eat what I want and still look sexy and squishy!”

I chuckled. “I’ve never seen a mare embrace her figure like you do.”

“That’s because I’m one of a kind!” Luna declared, striking a silly pose as we laughed.

It made me happy, still being able to spend time with her like this. Even though we decided that we weren’t going to pursue a romantic relationship, nothing really changed between me and Luna. She was still her same, happy, carefree, goofy self, and she treated me the same way she always did. We still loved each other, but it wasn’t the romantic kind.

We were the best of friends.

“So, what are your plans for tomorrow?” she asked.

“Well, I’m meeting Rarity at her and Octavia’s dorm room to help set up.”

“Set up for what?”

“Octavia’s old roommate has been studying in Saddle Arabia this year and she’s coming to Canterlot to visit for the holidays. Octavia’s going to be picking her up while Rarity and I fix the room up.”

“What’s there to fix? Aren’t those two usually tidy?”

“I know, but Rarity is really making a fuss over this. She insisted that she and I spruce the place up a bit while Octavia’s out.”

“I suppose she just wants to make a good first impression. They are rather important, after all.”

“I understand that, but from what Octavia’s told me about Vinyl, she doesn’t seem to care much for the little details.”

Luna smirked. “Are you just trying to get out of doing work, Marcus?”

“What? No! I’m just saying that Rarity might be taking this a little too seriously, is all!”

“I’m merely teasing, Marcus,” the princess laughed. “It’s getting late, you should be getting to bed soon so you don’t end up being late tomorrow.”

“I guess…” I said as I got up off Luna’s bed. She gave me a warm hug before using a teleportation spell to send me back to my room.

The next morning, I caught a cab to the school and made my way to the Rarity and Octavia’s room.

“Yeah, I’m at the door right now,” I said into my phone.

“Oh, really? Hang on a moment, love,” Octavia replied as I heard hoofsteps approaching the door, and it opened a second later. “Hello, Marcus! Glad you could make it!”

“My pleasure, ‘Tavi.”

“Okay, Rarity’s inside cleaning up. I’m headed over to the train station to pick up Vinyl. I should be back in about twenty minutes or so, okay?”

“Sure. Rarity and I have it covered. Don’t worry about it.”

The earth mare sighed. “Alright, then. I’ll be back, love.” She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips before leaving.

With Octavia gone, I walked into the room and saw Rarity sweeping the floor. “Ah, there you are, darling! I’m just about done with the sweeping, but you could start by making Octavia’s bed.”

“Sure,” I said as I walked up to the unoccupied, unmade bed. As I folded the sheets, I heard sounds of sweeping and shuffling behind me. I then heard Rarity put the broom and dustpan away. I continued to make Octavia’s bed, whistling to myself as I did so. As I expected from a mare like her, the bed wasn’t too unkempt to begin with, so it wasn’t much of a chore to fix it.

I spotted a stray pillow looking to fall between the bed and the wall, so I caught it before it could do so and placed it at the head of the bed. Just then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my midsection, and then I felt a large yet soft mass push itself onto my back.

I turned around with a raised eyebrow and saw Rarity hugging me from behind, nuzzling her head against my back and mumbling to herself with her eyes closed.

“I thought we were cleaning, Rarity,” I told her.

The mare chuckled sultrily and looked up at me with lidded eyes. “I know, darling, but most of it is done already. The room isn’t that big you know. Besides, we have twenty minutes before Octavia and her friend get here. That’s more than enough time for some quick cuddling, and maybe even a few kisses.”

I laughed “Behave, young mademoiselle! I just made Octi’s bed. I’m not gonna let you mess it up less than a minute afterwards.” I humored my mare, glancing at the nearby clock while I was at it.

“Marcus, I am a lady,” the unicorn reminded me, “and I have respect for Octavia. I planned on cuddling with you in my bed, and I don’t mind making it up again.”

I looked at the clock again and thought about it for a few more moments. “I suppose so. You’re usually pretty good with time, so I guess you deserve a treat.”

Rarity squealed and suddenly jumped up, putting her hands on my shoulders and wrapping her legs around my waist. The suddenness of her action took me be surprise, and it took a second for me to remember to hold her up with my hands.

“Next time, warn me before you do something like this,” I laughed as I carried her to her bed.

“Sorry, sweetie,” she giggled. “I’ll try to remember that.”

“Normally, I don’t voluntarily give piggy back rides nor do I carry anything over fifty pounds, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

“You’re quite lazy, aren’t you?” Rarity chuckled. “You know, I was hoping that you’d take me up on this offer. You’ve done this with Octavia when you had some alone time with her, and I would find it quite unfair if we didn’t take advantage of our time alone.”

“Octavia told you?” I asked in disbelief as I sat on the bed with Rarity in my lap.

“No, darling. You did. Just now.”

“I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but I find it rather cute. Hopefully I can outdo Octavia.”

“Considering the fact that you’re wearing everyday clothes and she was wearing a thin robe, I’m not too sure about all that,” I thought with an inner smirk.

Rarity lidded her eyes and leaned in to kiss me, using the momentum to gently push me onto my back, I wrapped my arms around her as I returned her kiss, matching her enthusiasm. Her upper body felt quite nice under my fingers, my digits trailing along the line of her small and narrow back and surprisingly thin waist. I was pretty much humoring the mare at this point and was letting her take the lead, which is why I let her end the kiss a little earlier than I would have liked.

Rarity moved from my lips to my neck as she planted kiss after kiss on me. “Hey, hey! Go easy on me, will ya?” I demanded. “We’re having a guest over. It would be inappropriate if you left hickeys for Octavia and her guest to see.”

Quite frankly, I told her that because all that neck related tenderness was making me shiver with excitement, a growing feeling of thrill spreading through my body.

“Hmph. I suppose you’re right,” Rarity said as she lifted her head from my neck. “You’re so adorable, though. I guess some cuddling will have to do, for now.”

“I’d like that,” I smiled, and the mare smiled back, hugging her body to mine and nuzzling her head under my chin. Some stray strands of her mane managed to tickle my nose, and I laughed a little as I caught a whiff of its scent, a sweet mix between kiwi and mint. “Your mane smells nice,” I muttered.

“Thanks,” she muttered back.

The two of us remained there, Rarity’s body on top of mine, and we held each other tenderly as we relished in the comfort of our embrace.

Only to be interrupted by a loud ringing sound.

Rarity’s eyes shot open, and she looked in the direction the sound was coming from. She reached under her pillow and grabbed the culprit, her phone.

“Hello?” she said as she answered it, trying not to sound like she was just taking a short nap.

Because of how close we were to each other, I was able to hear who was on the other line.

“Rarity, it’s me. I’m on my way back. Is everything okay on your end?”

“Oh! Yes, Octavia!” Rarity said, trying and failing to sound subtle. “Everything is just fine! No need to worry about a thing!”

“I never said that I was worried.”

“Yes, I know but… Uh… I’ll see you later!” Rarity stuttered, quickly hanging up her phone.

“Smooth,” I commented.

“Oh, hush, you!”

Rarity and I spent the next five or so minutes cleaning the rest of the room. Rarity made her bed while I took care of the bathroom.

The unicorn had established that she “didn’t do bathrooms”.

By the time we finished and sat down for a breather, we heard keys jingling in the door, and said door opened not a second later.

“We’re here,” Octavia announced as she walked in with a small blue suitcase, and I heard a chuckle come from behind her, followed by a voice that severely contrasted Octavia’s soft, elegant tone.

“This room sure has changed since I left,” the voice said, and the pony it belonged to stepped into the room with another suitcase that matched the one Octavia was pulling. She was wearing a black t-shirt that was under a white hoodie that matched her almost-as-white coat. She was also wearing a pair of baggy jeans and there was a pair of headphones was resting comfortably around her neck. The mare also had a short mane and a medium tail whose color alternated between cobalt and cyan, and her eyes were covered by a pair of shades with a black frame and dark-purple lenses.

As I looked at her, my mind went back to the conversation Octavia and I had about pony body types. While the mare I was watching was a unicorn, she was built more like a pegasus. She was about as thin as I was.

She must have been one of those “exceptions to the rule” that ‘Tavi mentioned.

“Rarity, Marcus,” the earth mare began, “I’d like to introduce you to my old roommate-”

“Ah, quit being so formal, Octi,” the other mare chuckled as she removed her shades, revealing a pair of purplish-red eyes. “The name’s Vinyl Scratch. Nice to meet you guys.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Scratch,” Rarity said as she approached her with an outstretched hand.

“Please, call me Vinyl,” the older unicorn insisted. “Man, I’ve never seen the room this clean before!”

“That’s because you always kept your side of the room in complete disarray,” Octavia commented.

“Oh, details, details,” Vinyl laughed, and then she looked at me. “So, you must be Marcus. Octi’s told me a lot about you.”

“She has, huh? Well, it’s nice to meet you, Vinyl,” I said as I bumped fists with her. I really liked how relaxed she was. Octavia was right, she and Vinyl were incredibly different. It was a wonder how they ever got along.

“Oh, Octi mentioned something about a Hearth’s Warming Eve party or somethin’ on the way over here.”

“Yeah, my aunt’s hosting one, and she said that you could come as Octavia’s plus one.”

“Sure! It’d be nice to go to a party where I’m not the DJ for once. Where’s it gonna be at?”

“Canterlot Castle.”

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Canterlot Castle? Is your aunt Princess Celestia, or somethin’?” She laughed as Rarity, Octavia, and I gave each other uneasy looks. Once Vinyl saw the looks on our faces, her laughter started to die down. “Wait, you’re not serious, are you?”

“Actually… I am. Celestia’s my adoptive aunt, but we keep our relationship really hush-hush.”

Vinyl chuckled. “In that case, your secret’s safe with me.”

The four of us spent the rest of the morning getting Vinyl settled in, and then we all chatted away over some tea.

“So, Rarity,” said the older unicorn, “How are you and Octavia getting along?”

“I’m right here, Vinyl,” the earth mare interjected. “You don’t have to talk like I’m not.”

“We’re getting along great!” Rarity answered. “Sure, I was a little intimidated by the idea of having a roommate that was two years ahead of me, but she’s really nice.”

“Am I invisible to you two?” Octavia deadpanned.

Just then, my phone began to ring, and I picked it up, wondering who it was.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Marcus? It’s Auntie Celeste. Could you come home? Luna and I need some help planning the party.”

“Um, sure, Auntie. Whatever you say. I’ll be there as soon as I can."

“Thanks, Marcus. Bye!”

The phone clicked as my aunt hung up and I stood up from my seat with a sigh. “That was my aunt,” I told everypony. “She needs me back home. I’ll catch you guys later, ‘kay?”

“Okay,” the three mares said, and I walked towards the door, but as I exited the room, Octavia followed behind me and shut the door behind her.

“I’m mad at you, you know,” she said quietly.

“For what?” I asked.

The perturbed mare pointed at my neck. “Care to explain that hickey? I know that wasn’t there before I left.”

“Oh, this? This is just a mosquito bite.”

Octavia stepped closer to me and gave me a stern look. “You don’t have to lie, Marcus. You know I don’t like that.”

“Sorry…” I told her nervously.

The mare looked at me for a little while longer, and then she chuckled. “Go on home, love,” she said before she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Yes, ma’am,” I joked as I left the hall.

It didn’t take long for me to get a cab to the castle. As I sat in my seat, I heard my phone ring again. Looking at the caller ID this time, I saw that it was Octavia calling me.

“Hmm, did I forget something back there?” I thought as a answered the phone.

“Hello~” I answered pleasantly.

“You were expecting Octavia weren’t you?"

I froze when I heard Vinyl’s voice. “Oh, how embarrassing,” I muttered.

“No worries, man,” she said. “Anyway, I need to ask you something.”


“I haven’t gone Hearth’s Warming shopping yet, so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me while Rarity and Octavia are busy.”


“They made plans to go to the spa tomorrow. They invited me, but I opted out. As you probably already guessed, I’m not the spa type. So, you up for it?”

I thought about it for a moment. I didn’t have any big plans for tomorrow, so it seemed like a good idea. Plus, Vinyl knows Octavia really well, well enough to know what present she’d like for Hearth’s Warming.

I smiled and said, “What time do you want me to meet you?”

Author's Note:

And so we finally meet Vinyl! I know I said that Marcus would go H.W. shopping this chapter, but I decided not to rush anything. At least you guys knoe who Marcus will be shopping with. Honestly, I'm surprised nobody guessed Vinyl. Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments, as always, and I'll catxh you guys later!

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