• Published 5th Dec 2013
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My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Chapter 19: A Day Out With Auntie

The next morning, I woke up to the unpleasant feeling of the sun hitting my face as it rose. I scrunched my face in discomfort and pulled the blanket over my face, but the sunlight easily penetrated it.

“Are you kidding me?” I said to myself as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Once my vision cleared up, I looked to my left and saw that Auntie Celeste wasn’t in the bed next to me, which I pretty much expected.

It was her job to raise the sun, after all.

I got out of the bed and shut the curtains to the window that was letting the sunlight in. It was too damn bright in the room, and I had to fix that. I looked at Auntie Celeste’s clock, which read seven-fifteen AM. I then looked back at the bed and sighed; there was no way I was gonna get back to sleep, not after I just got out of bed to close the curtains. I was already wide awake, and there was no hope of me getting back to bed.

Just then, the bedroom door opened slowly, and the first thing I saw was a white horn creeping in, followed by a mane of pink, green, and blue, and then a white-coated face with magenta-colored eyes.

“Rats, I thought you’d still be asleep by the time I got back from raising the sun.”

“As bright as that sun is, there was no way that was gonna happen, Auntie.”

“Ah, well. I was hoping to make the best of having some quality time with my nephew,” said Celeste as she revealed herself from behind the door, wearing a golden sleeping robe with a “C” monogrammed on the hip. “I can see it now. You’d wake up in my arms, and the first thing you’d see would be my smiling face.”

“You’re gonna be spending the entire day with me, Auntie. Relax.”

“I suppose that’s true. Now, I’d hate to do this, but I’m gonna have to kick you out. I need to get ready.”

“Yeah, I’ll just let myself out.”

“Meet me in the dining hall,” she told me. “We’ll have breakfast together.”

“Alright, see you then,” I replied, and I left my aunt’s room to give her some privacy as she got ready. From there, I headed over to my room, which was quite the walk from Celeste’s, but I didn’t mind. When I was nearly there, though, an unfortunate event befell me.

I’m sure you’ve already guessed what I meant by that.


Why? Why so early in the morning?

“Hi, Honey Pot,” I said unenthusiastically.

“It’s such a coincidence that I’m seeing you!”

I raised an eyebrow. “How is it a coincidence when you always go out of your way to see me almost every day?”

The mare chuckled as she approached me. “Can you blame a mare like me for wanting to be around a stud muffin like you?” She got uncomfortably close to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, looking up at me with lidded eyes.

My eye twitched and I raised my hands to shove her off, but then I remembered that I had to try and be nice to her. Instead of shoving the small mare, I gently removed her hands from my shoulders.

“Hmph, you’re not as aggressive as you used to be, sweetheart,” Honey said with a pout as she folded her arms. “I remember when you were so defiant. What happened?”

I took a deep breath and spoke. “I figured that just because I wasn’t attracted to you, that didn’t justify me being so mean to you.” It was such a struggle to say those words in that order. You don’t even know.

“Au contraire, my sweet. You weren’t mean to me at all,” Honey Pot said as she traced her finger up my torso. “I don’t mind a bit of a chase. It makes getting what I want all the more… satisfying.” She said that last word with a purr that made me shiver in discomfort.

“Look, Honey Pot. You’re nice and all, but like I said before,”

Countless, countless times before,

“I just don’t want to be in that kind of relationship with you. I don’t see you that way. Besides I have a-”

The mare put a finger on my lips and smirked at me. “Hmph. Silly boy, you’re so young. You don’t know what you want.” I knitted my brows in frustration when she said those words. She then got close to me again, and the shivers came back. “I could help you figure it out, though. I’m sure I can bring back that aggressive nature in you.”

“I don’t remember having such a nature to begin with,” I thought, but then my train of thought was interrupted as my personal abuser started rubbing her tits up and down my chest with provocative and lascivious motions, her hands gripping my arms tighter.

“I had a dream about you last night, you know,” Honey whispered as she brought her face so close to me that I could feel her hot breath on my face. Admittedly, it smelled pretty nice, but having it all up in my eyes was making me tear up.

“It was probably the most blissful, most erotic dream I ever had!” she continued. “You had me up against the wall, your hands all over me, caressing every inch of my body. You were like an animal!”

“Well, too bad it was only a dream,” I said as I wiggled out of her arms.

“A dream that I’m all too ready to make a reality.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”

The mare looked at me deviously and licked her lips while giving her melons a little bit of a mashing. “There’s the Marcus I know.”

“Look, Honey Pot, I’d love to continue this conversation, but I have to leave.”

“And go where?”

I gave her an angry look and growled in frustration. “I’m spending the day with my aunt, and I have to get ready!” Just then, something hit me, and I chuckled. “And I’m sure she’d love to know why I’ve been keeping her waiting. I don’t think she’ll take kindly to one of her maids interfering with her day plans.”

The maid grunted and turned away from me. “Okay, you win… for now,” she said as she walked away.

“This chick just doesn’t let up,” I thought in exasperation. “Even when I try to tell her that there’s somepony else, she stops me before I can get it out.”

I let out a sigh and headed to my room, hoping that a quick, warm shower will get that crazy mare out of my head. Besides, I was sure that some of her scent rubbed off on me while she was rubbing her body against mine.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I headed down to the dining hall, where Auntie Celeste told me to meet her. The outfit I was wearing was pretty casual, and I kept the weather in mind as well.

It was mid-November, and it was getting colder and colder every day.

With that being the case, I decided to wear a dark blue jacket over an orange long-sleeved T-shirt, along with a pair of black jeans and sneakers that matched my jacket. It actually relieved me that I didn’t have to think about my attire too much. Unlike my dates with Rarity and Octavia, this was just a casual outing with my aunt.

Come to think of it, I didn’t really have to dress nicely for my date with Luna. It’s funny how my outings with the princesses required less wardrobe consideration than my outings with two normal mares.

I reached the dining hall, and Auntie Celeste was getting some food from the catering table that was set out every morning. It looked like she decided to go with a casual look today, too. She was wearing a gold hoodie with a white shirt underneath, and she wore a pair of jeans that were white with gold accents.

Come to think of it, this may have been the first time I’ve seen my aunt dressing so casually.

“Oh, there you are, Marcus!” she said happily. “What kept you?”

“Take a guess.”

“Honey Pot?”

“I’m telling you, auntie, the mare is crazy! I know you told me to be nice, but it’s not working!”

“I’m sure you’re just overreacting, sweetie.”

I furrowed my brow at my aunt. “She told me that she had a dream about me manhandling her against a wall! I swear, she’s this close to taking my virginity!”

The princess smirked. “Don’t say that so loud,” she whispered. “Better not let her know you’re a virgin. Having that knowledge might make her pounce on you like a manticore.”


“Relax, Marcus. You know I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. You may not know it, but I’m keeping a close eye on her. She is under my authority, after all.”

“I really hope you mean that,” I muttered as I grabbed some bagels and hashbrowns from the table and put them on my plate.

“Of course I do, nephew,” Auntie Celeste cooed as she bent over and pinched my cheek. “I have to protect my family, after all.”

“Can you not do that?” I asked as I gave her an unamused look.

“Sorry, sorry. I forgot that you weren’t a baby anymore,” she smiled. “So, do you want to eat in the carriage?”

“Sure, why not?”

Just as Auntie Celeste was about to light up her horn and teleport us out of the castle, we saw Luna pushing a cart filled with cookies, chocolate, and various pastries, an ecstatic smile adorning her face.

“Luna? Where are you going with all those sweets?” asked the elder sister. “Weren’t you on a diet?”

“I was, but not anymore! Withers said I was free to eat whatever I wanted, and that is exactly what I plan to do!” The younger sister looked at the cart and said “Come, my sweet delights! I shall devour you all and savor your heavenly taste! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Luna trotted out of the dining room and down the hall, laughing maniacally as she did so.

“Should I be concerned?” asked Celeste.

“Nah, she'll be fine” I assured her.

“If you say so…” my aunt conceded, and she lit up her horn and teleported us outside the castle, where a royal carriage was waiting for us.

It was then that I became uncomfortable.

“I thought we were taking one of the regular carriages, like when you dropped me off on my first day of school.”

“I only abided that request and donned a disguise that one time because I had to keep my promise to hide my relation to you,” my aunt explained as we got into the carriage.

“How is today different from back then?”

Celeste simply giggled and said “Marcus, we’re just going out to the city today. Nopony is going to assume that you’re related to me. I go out with good friends all the time.”

“There’s still the possibility of somepony hounding us. Did you forget that you’re a princess?”

“Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, there is a difference between being a celebrity and being royalty.”

“Said difference being…”

Celeste put a finger to the bottom of her muzzle in thought. “Well, to make a comparison, think of a royal figure like me or Luna, and then think of a celebrity like, say, Sapphire Shores.”


“Unlike in the human world, royalty and celebrities are treated differently from each other in the pony world. While somepony like Sapphire Shores would be constantly followed by cameras wherever they went, a royal would be treated with a certain degree of respect. Rather than shoving cameras in my face, the citizens of Equestria are actually quite formal with me when I appear in public; a bit too formal, if you ask me, but what can you do?”

The situation actually made a lot more sense once it was explained to me, and I nodded in understanding once the explanation was over.

“So, do you see the difference now?” Celeste asked as she took a bite of her blueberry muffin.

“I guess so…” I answered as the carriage stopped at the city square. Celeste and I got out of the carriage and stretched our legs, happy to be out in the open air.

“So, where are we going first?” she asked me.

“Well, this is pretty much your day, so whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

Auntie Celeste thought for a moment, and then her eyes lit up. “I know, follow me!”

I raised an eyebrow at her sudden enthusiasm, but I followed my aunt regardless. We walked for about ten minutes before reaching our destination:

The Canterlot Arcade.

I looked at Celeste with a surprised look on my face. “Here? You wanted to go to an arcade?”

“Well, I hear you and Luna talking about video games often, and I felt like I was missing out, so I figured that now was as good a time as any to see why they have so much appeal.”

“Okay then,” I said passively as we walked into the arcade. The minute we entered, I noticed the look on Celeste’s face; she was taken aback by all the flashing lights and random sounds from various games. She really was an arcade virgin.

“You really haven’t been to an arcade before?” I asked in disbelief.

“Nope,” she answered bluntly. “Are there any games that you and I can play together?”

I assumed that she asked that question because she didn’t want to look like the one pony in the place that had no gaming experience whatsoever. I scanned the place for a game that fit her conditions, and I spotted one on the far left of the arcade. I led her to the game which required the players to sit in a fake spaceship.

“This looks like one of those little rides for foals that you see outside of the supermarket,” Celeste commented.

“I guess you could make that comparison,” I said as I took a sat inside the ship and she sat beside me. “In this game, one player is the pilot while the other player is the gunner. The pilot has to navigate through an asteroid field while the gunner has to blast away any asteroids and enemy spaceships in their path.”

“So which player am I?”

“You’re gonna be the pilot. All you have to do is not hit anything while I blast away everything in your path.”

“Okay… That seems simple enough…” the princess said warily as she gripped the controls. I put a bit in the machine and started up the game. Once the game started, I could immediately tell that something was wrong.

“Your hands are shaking,” I told Celeste.

“How can you tell that they are?”

“The screen keeps moving,” I deadpanned.

“Sorry, I’m just not very good at this.”

“Don’t worry. Like I said, all you have to do is not run into anything. If something is about to hit us, just move out of the way.”

Celeste let out a deep breath. “Okay,” she said, and she steadied her hands.

For the first two or so minutes, everything went smoothly. We got through the first wave of enemies with no problem, save for a few near misses with some meteors. By then, Auntie Celeste got more comfortable with the controls.

Once the second wave of enemies came, she got even better. She was able to dodge everything that I couldn’t shoot down, and we cleared the second wave easily.

By the time the third wave came, she got more confident. She started weaving through the asteroid belt like it was nothing, and she was even able to fly through a bonus ring.

But that fourth wave, though…

By then, it had been about ten or so minutes, and Celeste had gotten so confident, that she started moving the ship controls with her magic.

“Um… Auntie? I wouldn’t recommend that.”

“Don’t worry Marcus, I can do this. You saw how well I did in that last round.”

At that moment, I had a bad feeling that we weren’t gonna make it past this round. I did the best I could and shot down every asteroid and enemy ship that I was able to take down, but even with all my efforts, Celeste still had to dodge quite a few obstacles, and thanks to her using her magic instead of her hands, her movements weren't as steady as before. If that wasn't bad enough, a meteor shower started, and it wasn't long before Celeste crashed us into something.

“Wait, what just happened?” she asked in confusion.

“We lost because you got cocky.”

“I was not cocky!”

“You tried to move the ship with your eyes closed for the first ten seconds of the round,” I sighed. “I will admit, though, you do learn fast.”

“Looks like I’m a pro gamer already!”

“You’re getting cocky again, Celeste.”

For the next few hours, we went around the arcade playing different games of all kinds, and our gaming spree even cut into the afternoon a little. Just when we were about to get going, we came to a game that really caught Auntie Celeste’s attention.

“What’s that game over there?” she asked.

“That’s the Big Roulette,” I explained. “It’s a game that you play for tickets. You spin the wheel and whatever number it lands on is the amount of tickets you win. There’s a daily jackpot that gets either higher or lower each day.”

“What’s today’s jackpot?”

“Fifteen-hundred tickets.”

I could’ve sworn I saw my aunt’s ears twitch in happiness upon hearing that, and she practically dragged me over to the game and gave me a bit.

“Go on, go on! Spin the wheel!”

“You don’t have a gambling problem, do you?”

“Of course not, now spin the wheel!”

I rolled my eyes and put a bit into the machine, and then I gave the wheel a good spin. Seeing the wheel go round and round with its many colors almost made my head spin. As it slowed down, I looked to see if I would land the jackpot. The arrow on the wheel clicked and clicked as the numbers passed by, getting slower and slower, until it approached the jackpot. The wheel was just about to stop, and the arrow was just about to click to the number next to the jackpot, which was zero. However, by some stroke of luck, the arrow stayed put, and a bunch of lights went off on the machine as it played a triumphant jingle.

Just then, I felt a familiar crushing force surround me, and I looked down to see Celeste’s arms around my body.

“I knew you’d win!” she exclaimed happily as she crushed me with her vicegrip, the sheer force threatening to break me in half.

“Can you please let me go?” I struggled to say as I lost more and more oxygen.

“Oh, sorry, Marcus,” she apologized as she let me go, and I felt the blood start to flow through my arms again. I looked down and saw that the machine was still spitting out tickets. It took about half a minute before all fifteen-hundred came out, and Celeste used her magic to fold them up and put them in a small bucket.

“I’m assuming you want to go to the ticket counter now,” I told her.

“What makes you say that?” she asked as she tilted her head.

“You’ve been giggling like a little schoolfilly for the past ten seconds.”

The princess blushed under her white fur and smiled sheepishly. We then walked over to the ticket counter, where the unicorn behind it greeted us.

“Good afternoon, did you enjoy- P-Princess Celestia!” she stuttered as she saw who she was addressing, and she bowed as we approached her.

“Hello!” she answered with a smile and a wave.

“What brings you here, of all places?”

“Oh, I’m just spending the day with a good friend of mine,” Celeste answered as she pulled me close to her. “He won all these tickets for me-”

“For you?” I thought.

“-and he wanted to get me a prize.”

I opened my mouth to object, but then I saw the look on Celeste’s face. Her expression was a weird combination of pleading me to get her a prize and threatening me with death if I didn’t.

“What she said,” I sighed. “So, what do you have for fifteen-hundred tickets?”

The mare at the counter turned around and looked at the higher shelves on the wall. “Let me see… Oh! We have this!” She lit up her horn and levitated a large stuffed phoenix chick down to the table. “This little cutie costs fourteen-hundred tickets, so you’ll still have a hundred left over.”

“I’ll take it!” Celeste declared enthusiastically as she brought the stuffed creature close to her with her magic. Meanwhile, I handed over the bucket of tickets, which the counter mare put on a scale. After she measured the tickets and printed out a receipt, she gave me a card.

“This card has your remaining one-hundred tickets on it so you can use it later,” she explained. I thanked the mare and walked out of the arcade with Celeste and her new “pet” in tow.

“I think I’ll name you… Sunshine!” she giggled.

I groaned at the ridiculous name. “So, did you have fun?”

“Did I ever! Maybe I should start playing video games!”

“You’ll have to practice a lot if you want to get up to me and Luna’s level.”

“I guess that’s true. It takes a lot of skill to win the roulette jackpot on your first try.”

I raised my eyebrow at the way she said that. I turned to look at her and said “You rigged the machine with your magic, didn’t you?”

“I admit nothing,” she answered, looking up to the sky with an innocent expression.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll admit something, though; you were right about how the public treats royalty.”

“Does that mean you’ll become a prince and make your relation to me as my nephew public?”

“Don’t push it Celeste,” I warned. “I still have art school to think about, and the responsibilities of a prince will just be a distraction.”

“Humph. I suppose you’re right. I mean, it takes a lot of talent and skill to juggle art school and princehood. Only someone really special can pull that off.”

“I’m not falling for that reverse psychology bullshit.”

Suddenly, I felt some kind of force strike the back of my neck, and I looked at Celeste to see her looking down at me with a dangerous look in her eye and smoke coming from her horn.

“Keep it up and I’ll wash your mouth out with soap,” she warned. “You know I don’t like that language.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered.

Just then, my phone rang, and I was surprised to hear who was on the other line.

“Hello, Marcus!”

“Hey, Octavia! What’s up?”

“Well, last night I did tell you that I was going to call you today, didn’t I?”

My mind went back to that night, and I did remember when she said that. I looked to my left and saw Auntie Celeste making kissy faces at me, which I rolled my eyes at. “I guess I forgot,” I told her.

“So, what are you up to?” she asked.

“I’m just hanging around the city.”

“Really? So are Rarity and I!”

“Well, that’s a coincidence… Hold on a second…” Something had caught my eye by the fountain in the city square. Actually, it wasn’t something. It was somepony. “Are you at the city square fountain right now?” I asked.

“Actually, yes. How did you know?”

“That’s where I’m at! Turn around!”

Octavia turned around and her eyes widened in pleasant surprise when she saw me. She then tapped the mare next to her, which turned out to be Rarity, who I would have recognized if it wasn’t for the hat she was wearing.

The two mares approached me happily, and they gasped when I saw that I was with my aunt.

“Good afternoon, you two,” she smiled.

“Good afternoon, princess,” they said sheepishly in unison as they both gave her a curtsey.

“There’s no need for that, ladies,” Celeste said with a laugh.

“Well, since we’re all here together, why don’t we continue this outing as a group?” Rarity suggested.

“Well, actually… I kind of promised that it’d be just the two of us today,” I said, out of respect for my aunt.

“Oh, I don’t mind, Marcus,” she said with a dismissive wave. “The more, the merrier!”

“Well, why don’t we get something to eat together?” Octavia suggested. “Rarity and I haven’t had lunch yet.”

“And neither have we,” Celeste finished.

I smiled. “Then it’s settled,” I said as the four of us walked to find someplace to eat. As we walked, though, a paralyzing realization came over me:

I was going out with the two mares I liked and my aunt, too. That was not a good combination…

Author's Note:

Another chapter done! So we've got some bonding with Celestia, and there's more of that to come along with Rarity and Octavia in the next chapter. The next chapter will also have some setup towards the final chapter, which will be soon.

Yes, the story is approaching it's end.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments!

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