• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 32,482 Views, 2,612 Comments

My Overbearing Aunt - Sketchy Changeling

It's tough being an art school student AND having to live with Princess Celestia. This is my story.

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Final Chapter: A Happy Hearth's Warming

Seven PM.

I had been relaxing with my parents in my room when the clock struck that time, and there was a knock at my door.

“Who’s that?” Dad asked.

“I dunno,” I answered as I got up to see who was knocking. “Celeste and Luna are down in the event hall, so I have no idea.”

When I opened the door, I saw that the pony knocking on my door was one of the castle guards.

“Sir Marcus, Miss Rarity and Miss Octavia have arrived and are awaiting you in the event hall,” he said.

“Thanks, Platinum Mace,” I told him, and then I turned to look at my parents. “Sounds like they’re about to start the party without us.”

My mom chuckled. “Don’t they know that it’s not a party unless a Cortez is there? And who are these ‘Misses’ that Platinum Mace is talking about?”

“I’ll explain on the way,” I told her as we left the room.

As we walked down the corridors of the castle, I explained to my parents how I met Rarity and Octavia on my first day of school, and how I had developed feelings for both of them and struggled to figure out which one I wanted to be with.

“So I’m assuming that one of these mares is the one that was in that picture you have on your nightstand?” Mom asked.

My only response was a blush.

“You really didn’t think that I wouldn’t notice that, did you?”

“I was kinda hoping that that would be the case…”

My mother laughed as we reached the event hall, where everypony else was waiting.

“There they are!” Auntie Celeste said joyfully as we entered.

As she said, the party was small; there was her, Luna, Cousin Cadance, Cousin Shining Armor, Rarity, Octavia, Vinyl, my parents, me, of course, and… Blueblood… for a total of eleven attendees.

“Great, Blue Balls is here,” I thought vehemently.

Thankfully, said vehement thought went away when Rarity and Octavia walked up to me happily!

“Marcus!” they both said excitedly as they quickly walked towards me.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!” said the unicorn.

“How have you been today, love?” asked the earth mare.

“I’ve been doing great,” I answered. “My aunt actually got my parents to come visit me.”

My folks smiled at the two mares, giving them friendly waves. “It’s very nice to meet you two,” my dad said to them. “Marcus has told us quite a bit about you-”

“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we, ladies?” my mother interrupted. “Which one of you did my son choose? I’m dying to know!”

My father sighed. “Maria, do you have to scare the poor girls?”

“Oh, relax, Hector. It’s just a simple question. So, how ‘bout it, ladies? Which one of you is the lucky mare?”

“Sweet Jesus, take me now,” I thought, almost raising my hands in the air in a ridiculous gesture.

“Um… that would be me,” Octavia said as she raised her hand a little.

“Well, aren’t you the gorgeous little filly!” Mom gushed. “Then again, you’re both very attractive gals. I’ll bet Marcus was making his brain explode trying to pick between you two!”

Rarity and Octavia began to blush heavily underneath their fur.

“Seventeen years, and you’re still as abrasive as you were when I first met you, Maria.” Auntie Celeste chuckled.

“You know me, Celestia,” Mom laughed.

“I just try to rein her in before she gets too out-of-control,” Dad added.

“Like the loyal husband you are, Hector,” Celeste hummed. “Anywho, I don’t blame you for being excited for Marcus and Octavia’s future.” She draped her arms over me and my marefriend and pulled us closer to her. “Today they’re dating, tomorrow they’ll be married and making babies!”

It was then that I started to blush, and Octavia blushed even harder.

“Of course, we won’t be able to stop their raging hormones, so we’ll have to make sure that, if they do decide to get frisky, they’ll be responsible about it,” Mom joked.

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

My mom and Auntie Celeste both shared a laugh at that. Blueblood was chuckling, too, since the joke was at my expense, and even Vinyl let out a few giggles. I wasn’t really mad at her, though. In the short time that I’ve known her, I learned that she was a total riot.

“That’s enough, the both of you!” my father scolded.

“I concur,” Luna added as she walked up to us. “This is a family get-together, not a television roast.”

“Ah, well. I suppose we’ve given Marcus enough of a hard time, Maria,” my aunt shrugged.

“For now, at least,” my mother smirked evilly as she and Celeste walked away.

With those two out of the way, I let out a heavy sigh. “Octavia, if you want to break up with me, I totally understand.”

“I have more than my fair share of embarrassing relatives, Marcus,” my marefriend told me. “I’m sure I’ll be able to handle your mother and aunt.”

My dad scoffed. “Good luck with that.”

Rarity giggled at my father’s comment. “Looks like you have your work cut out for you, darling!” she said to Octavia.

“Yes, but just think,” she responded. “This easily could’ve been you. I’ve seen how you handle stress.”

“It can’t be as bad as the way YOU handle stress, Octi!” Vinyl blurted out.

The earth mare rolled her eyes with a scoff. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

As the party went on, we all enjoyed some snacks from the table that the castle caterers set up for us. It was pretty fancy too, but that’s to be expected from the Canterlot royal chefs. I had to admit that the tiny gourmet portions made for excellent hors d’oeuvres. There were all sorts of goodies set out, and there was even a plate with a large vanilla cake on it, and on the plate was a note that said:


That didn’t really bother the rest of us, though. Luna’s dessert vice was cookies, and according to Shining Armor, Cadance’s was ice cream. On top of that, there were two other cakes for the rest of us.

About an hour into the party, the DJ started playing some more upbeat songs, and the lights in the room dimmed, leaving the center of the room brightly lit by the illuminated floor tiles.

“Damn… not bad,” Vinyl said, impressed at the setup. “It’s nice to be at a party where I’m not the entertainment, for once.”

Celeste looked at Octavia and me and asked “Aren’t you two gonna dance?”

“We’re just fine here, Aunite. Thanks,” I answered.

“Oh, come on. You don’t want to be a bore to your marefriend, do you?”

“Actually, Princess,” Octavia interjected, “I’m just fine with not dancing.”

“If you say so,” my aunt shrugged. “Oh, and you don’t have to be so formal with me, Octavia. You’re my nephew’s marefriend, so we’re practically in-laws!”

The earth mare blushed as the alicorn walked away, and she cleared her throat nervously.

“She sure does think ahead, doesn’t she?” Rarity quipped.

“I know. It can really be a pain sometimes, but I can live with it,” I told her.

All of a sudden, Blueblood swooped in out of nowhere and sat next to Rarity, draping his arm over her shoulder.

“Hello, there, gorgeous. Have we met before?” he asked.

“Is that your idea of a pickup line, or do you really not remember me?” she asked back.

“Oh, so we have met, then. That’s strange. I’m sure I’d remember a face as beautiful as yours.”

This motherf-

“Will you go away, Blueblood? She’s obviously not interested,” I told him.

“Keep to yourself, peasant,” the unicorn scoffed. “You already have a marefriend, and you’ve broken this poor lady’s heart in the process. You had your chance with her.”

“If memory serves, you had your chance with me way before Marcus did, Blueblood,” Rarity retorted. “Don’t you remember the Grand Galloping Gala nearly two years ago?”

“Not particularly.”

“Do you at least remember my name?”


“You don’t remember me at all, do you?”

“I just remembered this one mare that was really rude to me for some reason.”

At that moment, Rarity gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, but then she took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. She then smirked and said “I think there’s a stain on your shoulder.”

Blueblood’s pupils shrunk, and then he let out a filly-like shriek. “A STAIN! OH NO, OH, NO! I HAVE TO GO AND FIX THIS!” The pompous stallion rushed out of the hall to return to his room, and Rarity let out a hearty laugh.

“That should keep that royal pain busy for a while!” she said in-between fits of laughter.

“That was quite devious,” Octavia chuckled.

“Not to mention funny,” I added.

“Well, I had to do something,” Rarity shrugged. “You have to admit, the atmosphere in here just got a lot more pleasant. So, you two really aren’t going to dance?”

Octavia and I shook our heads. “We’re satisfied just being with each other,” the earth mare said.

“Also, I don’t want to be anywhere near that,” I said as I pointed to the dance floor. Rarity and Octavia looked in the direction I was pointing and cringed when they saw my parents dancing. They were flailing their limbs like crazy people, constantly having near-misses with the other dancers, and at one point they even busted out their retro 70s disco moves. Sweet Auntie! Why did it have to be Disco? It’s the most embarrassing and outdated dance on both worlds!

“They’re almost as bad as Twilight,” I heard the unicorn whisper to herself.

“Here’s hoping you didn’t inherit your dancing skills from them…” Octavia told me.

Another hour had passed, and Auntie Celeste announced that the gift exchange was about to start. We all gathered around a table, where the attendants had placed all the gifts. As per tradition, the host of the party, in this case, Celeste, would pick the gifts one at a time at random, and read who it was for and who it was from. They would then hand the gift over to its intended recipient and have them open it.

“Okay, let’s see here…” Celeste said as she used her magic to lift up a gift. “Let’s start with the small gifts, first. This one is for Luna, and it’s from Marcus!”

My aunt handed the gift over to Luna, and I looked at her, anticipating her reaction. She opened the gift slowly, and when she saw some of what was inside, her expression changed from calm to erratic as she began to furiously remove the wrapping paper, and she gasped when she saw what I got for her. On top of that, she instantly activated her Royal Canterlot Voice.


We all couldn’t help but chuckle at Luna’s reaction to her gift, and when she realized that we were all looking at her, she cleared her throat, composed herself, and said “Thank you, Marcus.”

Celeste giggled at her sister and continued giving out the presents. “Alright, next gift…”

One by one, gifts were passed out to everyone, and we were all pretty happy with what we got. Octavia and Rarity got each other necklaces with charms that said the word “Roomie”. Vinyl got Octavia a CD set of her favorite classical musician, Auntie Celeste got Luna a new headset, Shining Armor and Cadance got Celeste a set of bath salts from the Crystal Empire, and they gave each other engraved bracelets.

Those were all the gifts that I could remember. Everyone was really generous with the presents this year.

As for the gifts that I got, Octavia gave me a new sketchbook with a set of expensive pens and other drawing tools. Rarity’s gift for me was a suit, and for some reason, it seemed familiar to me.

“Remember when I asked you to do a fitting for me two months ago?” she asked. “I made some updates to the suit so it would be more your style!”

I had honestly forgotten about the suit, but I smiled and thanked the unicorn regardless.

Mom and Dad got me a new drawing tablet, Luna got me a new video game that I had been looking forward to, and Vinyl got me a bottle of expensive cologne. She even wrote a note on the box that I read to myself:

“Remember to wear this whenever you go out with Octavia. She LOVES the smell of this stuff.”

I dared not to read it out loud, lest I get laughed at again.

After several more gifts were given out, we got to the last three gifts, which were the biggest out of all of them, and they were all from me.

“Oh, it looks like Marcus was quite generous with his gifts this year,” Celeste commented. “This first one is for Rarity.”

Moi?” the unicorn asked as her gift was levitated towards her. She curiously used her magic to remove the wrapping paper, and underneath it, she found a box. When she opened it, I saw her face lose all its color.

Well, not really, since her coat doesn’t have any color, but you know what I mean.

The shocked expression on Rarity’s face increased in intensity as she levitated the robe I bought for her out of the box.

“My word… It’s… g-g-gorgeous…”

“You think it’s good now? Feel the material,” I told her.

Rarity levitated the dress closer to her and caressed the robe with her fingers, and she shrieked with joy when she felt how soft it was.

“It’s silk! And it has my initial monogrammed onto the hip! Oh, Marcus, I love it!” she exclaimed as she hugged the garment and rubbed her cheek against the silky smooth material.

Auntie Celeste chuckled happily and looked at the next gift. “Alright, this next one is for Octavia,” she said as she levitated the large gift to the earth mare.

I decided to have her gift put into a rectangular box so that she wouldn’t be able to guess what it was. If I had just had the cello wrapped by itself, it would’ve been a dead giveaway. Vinyl and I gave each other knowing glances as ‘Tavi tore away at the wrapping paper and opened the box, and we both smiled when we saw the mare’s reaction at seeing her gift.

“My word! This is beautiful, Marcus! It must have cost a fortune to get this custom-made!” she gushed.

“A little, but think nothing of it,” I told her. “Check out the bow, though.”

Octi gave me a curious look, and then she took a look at the bow, gasping when she saw what I had engraved into it.

“For my beautiful Octavia…” she read aloud, and everyone else aww’ed and gushed at how romantic it was.

And then there was the final present.

“Okay… so this last one is for… me!” Celeste said excitedly. My aunt began to giggle like a giddy schoolfilly as she eyed the present up and down. “Hmm… I’m guessing it’s a large portrait of me, like you used to do when you were seven.”

I winced as I heard various sounds of laughter. “Just open the damn present,” I muttered under my breath.

My aunt hummed musically to herself as she unwrapped her gift. When she saw pieces of the picture frame, she gave me a cocky smirk, like she knew what I had gotten her.

Boy was she in for a surprise.

She was so sure that I had made a portrait of her like I would always do when I was a kid, but I’ve been doing that for too long. Auntie Celeste deserved something different, something more… personal.

When she peeled back the last piece of wrapping paper, her expression turned from cocky to speechless in less than a second. Her eyes began to well up, and a smile grew on her face.

“Well? What is it?” Luna asked curiously.

Celeste said nothing as a tear fell from her eye. She merely turned the picture frame around, showing everyone what I had given her.

Inside the picture frame was not a drawing, but a collage of every single photograph that Celeste and I took together, from the day I was born, to the day I moved to Canterlot, and even some that we took at the arcade together.

“How… How did you get all these pictures?” she asked.

“Well, I asked Mom to e-mail me copies of all the pictures that she had, and I dug up some old pictures that I had. The rest was just a matter of taking them to the printers so I could get some good quality copies. Long story short, it wasn’t easy. So, what do you think?”

“I love it, Marcus,” she sniffled. “Thank you.”

“Aww!” Luna gushed. “You made Tia cry! How could you do that, Marcus?”

Celeste chuckled and turned to her sister. “Oh, shut up, Luna,” she quipped as she wiped her eyes. “Well, that does it for the gift exchange. Let’s get back to the party, shall we?”

We all nodded and put our gifts back on the table, where they would wait for us until it was time to go, and the first thing we did was swarm the dessert table (making sure to leave Celeste’s cake alone) and got something to eat.

Two and a half hours had passed, and the time was eleven-thirty. Rarity approached me as I was eating some brownies and tapped my shoulder.


“Yeah, Rarity?”

“It’s a half hour to midnight, I really should be going.”

“Already? Okay, I’ll tell my aunt.”

I walked up to Celeste and told her that Rarity had to leave, to which she gave me an understanding smile and called several attendants over.

“Gentlecolts, would you mind retrieving Miss Rarity’s bags and get a carriage for her?” she asked politely.

“Yes, Princess,” the young stallions said with a bow as they went off in different directions; one went to get the carriage while the others went to get Rarity’s bags.

Celeste then turned to Octavia and Vinyl. "If you two would like to leave, as well, I can arrange for the carriage to drop you off at CUFTA after Rarity gets to the train station."

"If it's not too much trouble Princ- I mean Celestia," said 'Tavi.

"It's no trouble at all, dear," my aunt smiled. "Now, let's get going, shall we?"

"Wait... you're coming, too?" I asked.

"Why of course, dear nephew," she answered, "and so are your parents."

"Actually, that's not really necessary, Celestia," Dad said, trying to help me out.

"Be quiet Hector," my mother told him, and then she turned to Celeste. "We'd love to come along, Celestia."

"It's settled, then! We're all going together! Luna, could you stay here with Cadance and Shining Armor?"

"Sure, Tia," the younger sibling nodded.

Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl got their gifts from the gift table, and we headed into the large carriage that Celeste had gotten for us. It took us about fifteen minutes to get to the train station, and Vinyl, Octavia, and I went with Rarity to help with her bags and wait for the train with her.

“So how long are you gonna be in Ponyville?” I asked.

“Only for about a week and a half, darling,” she answered.

“You’ll keep in touch, right?” Octavia asked.

“Of course!” the unicorn said as she gave her roommate a hug. She then turned to Vinyl and gave her a hug, too. “It was nice meeting you, Vinyl,” she told her.

“Same here, Rares,” Vinyl said back.

“Attention passengers, the train to… PONYVILLE …is about to arrive. Please stand clear of the platform edges.”

“Here comes my ride,” Rarity said as she rushed over to me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back as the train arrived, the wind generated from its arrival barely moving us.

“See you next year, then?” I joked.

“Yeah… see you next year,” she smiled as she got her bags and walked onto the train, waving goodbye to us as the door closed.

“Well, that takes care of that,” I said. “Let’s get back to the carriage.”

When the three of us returned to our ride, the driver took us to the CUFTA, and Octavia and Vinyl said their goodbyes.

“Thank you for having us attend your party, Celestia,” the earth mare said with a bow.

“Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure having you two over,” my aunt smiled.

“You guys want me to walk you back to your room?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, love. We’ll be fine,” my marefriend assured me as she gave me a quick, two-second kiss. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Marcus,” she told me as she and Vinyl left the carriage. As it pulled away from the school entrance, carrying me, my aunt, and my parents back to the castle, I was practically speechless.

“Well, she seems to be a good kisser,” Mom joked.

“Maria…” Dad said, getting annoyed.

Just then, my phone chimed, and I looked to see that I had gotten a text from Vinyl.

“When you get home, ask Luna if she liked the present I gave her.”

I stared at the message for a moment. What the hell did she mean by that? I shook my head and left it alone. Whatever she meant, I’d find out once I asked Luna.

When we finally got back to the castle event hall, we walked in and saw that the DJ had left and most everything had been cleaned up.

“I see that everything is under control here,” said Celeste.

“Were you expecting otherwise?” Luna asked.

“A little.”

My Mom let out a loud yawn. “Man, I’m beat. I think I’m gonna turn in for the night.”

“All that butting into Marcus’s personal life exhausted you, Maria?” my dad sassed.

“Shut up, Hector.”

My parents walked out of the hall to go to their room, and Shining Armor and Cadance did the same, leaving me, Luna, and Auntie Celeste as the only ones in the room.

“Could you two meet me at the gardens in a few minutes?” my aunt asked, and Luna and I accepted with a shrug.

With Celeste out of the room, I turned to Luna and asked her something that was on my mind. “So, Vinyl texted me and told me to ask you if you liked her present. What was that all about?”

“Oh, that…” Luna said as she twiddled her fingers. “Well, while the party was going on, I asked Vinyl what it was like to date mares, and we talked a little about that, and then she asked me if I had ever kissed a mare. I said no, and then I became a little bold and asked her if she could show me what it was like to kiss one.”

“That’s more than a little bold.”

“Maybe, but she was a pretty good kisser. Would you like me to show you what she taught me? You could use it on Octavia.”

“Eh, not really, I don’t think Octi would like it if I went around kissing other mares.”

“Vinyl had a girlfriend and she still kissed me. Besides, we’re under the mistletoe. We have to kiss, anyway.”

“We are not under the-” I said as I looked up and saw Luna levitating a plant over our heads.

“You were saying?” she asked with a smirk.

“That’s not even mistletoe! That’s holly!”

“Same difference.”

“You know, I think I hear Auntie Celeste calling us, so I’m just gonna-”

“Oh, no you don’t!” Luna said as she stopped me with her magic and pulled me close to her, locking her lips with mine. Not a second later, she did this weird thing with her tongue what made my pupils shrink to the size of pin pricks. I couldn’t describe what she did, but it was weird and awesome at the same time.

Luna gave me a cocky look when she saw my reaction, and then she released me from the kiss.

“So, what do you think. It’s a rather tidy trick, right? I’d wager if you tried it on Octavia, she’ll never want to let you go.”

“A rather neat trick,” I said, dazed. “I guess I could use that, though. It could help with my kissing swag.”

“Tut, tut, tut. Marcus, don’t you know that the word ‘swag’ is actually an acronym?”

“For what?”

The princess smirked at me. “It stands for Something We Alicorns Got.”

I gave her an incredulous look. “Let’s go to the gardens. Your sister’s probably waiting for us.”

“I suppose,” Luna shrugged.

We met up with Auntie Celeste at the entrance to the gardens and she led us into the maze of hedges and bushes.

“So why did you want to call us here?” I asked.

“What? I can’t have a nice post-party talk with my beloved sister and my favorite nephew?” she asked back.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I was just wondering.”

“Well, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you two while I replaced Orion’s flowers.”

Luna smiled warmly. “That reminds me, Tia. You’re probably wondering why you hadn’t received a gift from me.”

“Actually, yes I was,” Celeste answered as we arrived at Orion’s grave, where the fallen snow had covered the last bouquet that she set for him.

“I wanted to wait until after the party, because I didn’t get you the traditional gift.”

“What do you mean?”

“You see, sister, my gift for you isn’t a material thing, but rather, a promise.”

“A promise?” Celeste and I asked.

“Well, I know that you didn’t want a surrogate for your foal because you didn’t want to put them through the pain of bearing the foal of an alicorn, but whenever you decide to try again, I will gladly be your surrogate.”

Celeste’s eyes widened. “Luna… y-you don’t have to-”

“Too late. My mind has been made up. You deserve to be a mother, Tia. You’ve done an alright job with Marcus, and while that doesn’t really reflect raising someone from birth, I think that you’ll do just fine.”

Celeste was speechless for a moment, and then she sighed. “What did I do to earn such great relatives,” she said as she set the flowers down.

“You’re a great relative, too, Tia,” Luna told her as she started to fly. “What you give, you shall receive. I must go. I’ve missed enough of my night shift as it is.”

Celeste and I waved Luna off as she flew up to her room, and snow started to fall from the sky.

“That sure was something…” my aunt said.

“What was? I asked.”

“These past four months having you live here with me. I definitely wasn’t prepared for looking after you, now that I think about it, but I don’t think I would change anything about it.”

“Same here. I really enjoyed these past four months, Auntie, even if sometimes you were a little…”

“A little what?”

“Overbearing,” I finished as I poked her snout, making her do the scrunchy face that I always loved to see.

Celeste shook her head to compose herself, and then she hugged me close to her, letting out a content sigh as she wrapped me in the warm embrace of her arms and wings. As we hugged each other, I found comfort in how warm Celeste’s fur was. In fact, it was so warm that I forgot that we were outside in the falling snow.

“Even though we had our ups and downs, I’m still glad you let me stay here,” I told her.

“I’m glad you wanted to stay here. Having you around has really made things a lot more interesting.”

I chuckled. “I could say the same thing about you.”

My aunt looked down at me and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. “I love you, Marcus,” she crooned.

I let out a sigh as I hugged her back. “I love you, too, Auntie.”


Author's Note:

Click here for my afterthoughts.

Now that you've finished this story, click HERE to see it told from some different viewpoints.

Comments ( 243 )

Overbearing oh my Luna why

I can now download and re read this as much as I like now.

Drowning in rhe feels x,c

Comment posted by taelonso deleted May 22nd, 2014

i liked this story it was funny had the right amount of feels and it's ending was nice it just makes you smile at it. Gives you a warm feeling in your heart:yay::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy::yay:

And thus the sad truth comes fourth. Such a wonderful read has finally ended. It was wonderful all the way through and I'm glad I gave it a chance. It even helped me a bit decide what I'd like to actually write in the future. Thank you for making something so wonderful and giving me something to look forward to every update. Though it's sad no sequel it's understandable to end here. I think it maybe time to give your other things a read then.

wow that got cheesy :facehoof: sorry for the weird comment...

Such a great ending! <3

“Same here. I really enjoyed these past four months, Auntie, even if sometimes you were a little…”

“A little what?”

“Overbearing,” I finished as I poked her snout, making her do the scrunchy face that I always loved to see.

You beautiful bastard, you.

As promised, here is my little gift for you Sketchy.

An amazing ride,
This story is.
From romance it abides,
In comedic bliss.

A story of Marcus,
And his tale of wonder.
In four months before us,
His experiences asunder.

He had escaped to a party,
Which he then got grounded.
But he reconnected with his auntie,
And a two new flames were accounted.

From picture with Octavia,
To dinners with Rarity.
He spoke happy with Celestia,
And not embarrassed and grumpy.

As to then this story flowed,
To his decision of between the two.
Different experiences told,
And various questions on what to do.

He choose the grey mare,
And to that I respect.
The author's decision laid bare,
New stories to expect.

They had Hearths Warming,
With family and friends around.
Everyone had fun with the dancing,
And listened to cheerful and jolly sounds.

And as the present of Marcus displayed its face,
A new respect formed in my inner walls.
She will cherish it for her unnumbered days,
As the teardrops slowly fall.

And thus this story ends,
With ambiguity and smiles.
The feeling it sends,
It is definitely worthwhile.

And till then do we meet,
Another story another place.
The baby soon sucking on a treat,
As the days go by with a smile on her face.

Aww! :raritycry: Why does it have to be over so soon!?

Aw, man.... Endings are hard to get right. After a big and fun adventure, how can you possibly end it right? I've seen good endings, bad endings, great endings, cancellations,among others. But this story? This ending is beyond good. It's beyond great. It's brilliant.I took my expectations and blew them out of the water.

Great story.

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

This. This right here. I was cracking up for the rest of the way through.

Also, while I don't want to sound like I only made this comment to plug myself, I made a blog review about this story... If you want to read it, you can find it here.

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

Oh dear God...I'd be out looking for a high bridge! Seriously though, awesome story from start to finish and looking forward to more from you!

There comes a sad part in every good story, the ending!

Mainly because it's such a good story and honestly makes a nice Anthro representation of the ponies and utilizes it quite a bit. Also you just wish there was more but in reality you know it has to end sooner or later so when it finally does you get that feeling. That's what marks a good story in my eyes.

Maybe one day a sequel will come out one day although i believe you saying there probably wouldn't be, but it's a great story and i hope more good ones come out!


“Same here. I really enjoyed these past four months, Auntie, even if sometimes you were a little…”
“A little what?”
“Overbearing,” I finished as I poked her snout, making her do the scrunchy face that I always loved to see.

Ah, I see what ya did there!


Yeah... you might want to read the afterthoughts for the answer to that question.

Niccccccceeeeeeeeeeeee... Oh! Also, can you add in Marcus' dad's present? Make it a box full of condoms and when they were talking about this

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

Then his dad's surprise present for Marcus is revealed earlier than the others with Celestia only commented "Speak of the Devil."

LoL XD I hope there will be a sequel of Marcus having a vacation with 'Tavi and Rarity in Ponyville, I really want to see Spike's face when he found out than He dated Rarity.
Spike be like...

"I'm dating Rarity...", Marcus said.

"Whaaaaat??" Spike was shock to hear it. He looks down with a sad face and just let out a disappointed "Awwww.."

"...Not anymore though" Marcus continued, and Spike lift his hand up and Yay!-ed

Thanks for the review! I saw that Facing Changes was in your faves, so it'd be cool to see a review of that story, if you're not too busy.

4432622 I actually had one planned for this weekend.

That was great i t almost made me cry it was amazing:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::heart:

Quite the ride!:pinkiehappy:
I enjoyed every moment of it! Awesome Job!

Please do a sequel.

Ahhh.......i hate endings......especially to great stories like these.
Everytime I deselect the watch button I die a little inside. When I reached the ends of Past sins and University days......I nearly had to be resuscitated.

Otherwise, Exceptional Story :scootangel: I eagerly await your next one.
Final Chapter Checklist:
Like: DONE
Follow:Somehow i havent done that yet but DONE
Deselect Watch:.........*sigh* :ajsleepy: done

“Same here. I really enjoyed these past four months, Auntie, even if sometimes you were a little…”
“A little what?”
“Overbearing,” I finished as I poked her snout, making her do the scrunchy face that I always loved to see.

:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::moustache::facehoof:WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, YOU BASTARD, YOU MADE THE ENDING CHEESY (mmmmm, I'm craving pizza now)

Oh these feels.

Loved it.

SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flutterrage: please?:applecry:


"Something We Alicorns Got"


:twilightangry2::twilightangry2: I hate you!

“I guess I could use that, though. It could help with my kissing swag.”

Nooo! He said the forbidden word!
YES! I hate that word, everyone always using it! It's annoying!
Stupid things like:
'Oh you're gay because you got no swag'
or 'You just hate me 'cause I got swag'

Anyways, great ending! I'm still drowning in feelings. :rainbowlaugh:

4434717 YES SEQUEL! Or rather spinoff! Alternate Perspectives!

That's not a sequel. It's a parallel.

4434842 Still something that reminds you of a sequel.:rainbowwild:

A excellent ending for an excellent story! I loved your work and demand another. I look forward to your future succes! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for this wonderful journey.

It's over. This makes me sad panda.

I never said that there would be an alternate ending. There's gonna be a separate story that shows the perspectives of the female characters. It's explained more in the afterthougts.

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

Oh gods! :rainbowlaugh: My sides are breaching the atmosphere and it hurrts!!

Oh and great way to end the story. This was an epic story and I am totally gonna read it again sometime. :moustache:

I have the strange urge to create a story where the Rarity from this story gets shipped with a UFC fighter...

“You hear that, Marcus?” Celeste asked. “If you’re gonna give Octavia here a special Hearth’s Warming gift, be sure to wrap your present before stuffing it in the stocking!”

I literally facepalmed then fell off my bed laughing

:pinkiesad2::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp:sequel you have to finish Marcus's collage career :pinkiecrazy:

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