• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

  • ...

Crystal Labor

Author's Note:

I took long I know. A new arc is approaching. Happy Nightmare Night y'all. I hope you have a great one.

Give me your feed back. I had to edit this myself because Tidal sucks and broke his computer... again. So pardon bad typos. I tried to catch as many as I could.

Crystal Labor:

Night Frost stared at the small pouch Derpy had given her.

“It’s not much, but it should get you something.”

Derpy grinned happily at the changeling as she waited for Frost to leave.

“I am not sure I understand. You are paying for me to leave?”

Derpy shook her head and began to push Frost out the door. Once outside she closed her eyes and smiled as the sun beamed down on her coat. The gray pony basked in the warm light for a few seconds more before explaining her action.

“I know that you’re new to Canterlot and I just thought that I could buy you a welcome gift.”

Derpy’s face fell into a frown as she continued.

“Honestly I don’t know what changelings like. I didn’t know what to get you and then I remembered that you have ice magic and so I bought you this really pretty ice sculpture but… well… it melted. It was real pretty too! A small ice Canterlot…yeah sorry. I know it’s not as thoughtful, but I thought maybe it would be fun if you went shopping in the Canterlot markets.”

Night Frost stared at Derpy as she processed the ponies words. The mare may have not been the brightest pony, but her heart was in the right place. Night Frost felt strange accepting any gifts from ponies, but Derpy gave her the slightest hope that things could get better.

“Thank you Miss Doo. While I am humbled by your gesture I do not wish to become a leech upon your resources. You need not waste your bits on me. Surely you must have your own expenses? This is not ness-“

Derpy raised her hoof and interrupted her.

“No amount of bits is worth more than a friend. You and Night Spark are nice to me and my sister… well besides your war with her. I know that some ponies aren’t nice and they will be hurtful to you. I know how that feels believe me…”

She forced a small shy chuckle. Night Frost could see the pony remember painful experiences. Her brother had told her that some ponies were hurtful towards Derpy. Night Frost was still hesitant towards any pony but she new she would crush any bully if she saw them. Derpy continued with a warm smile.

“You and Night Spark are the newbies to the jerks here. I’ve been dealing with being different for a long time. It never gets easier… but having friends helps and we have to support each other. Besides bits are back up for me. If I really want something then muffins are the currency to use for me.”

They both laughed and Derpy hugged her second changeling friend. Initially Night Frost was repulsed. The idea of a pony making this much physical contact with her was as disgusting to her as the waste tunnels used in the hordes caves. She timidly returned the hug. While keeping her disgust hidden she did not mind the warmth of the mare and the aroma of muffins she gave off. Frost broke off the hug and politely bowed to her friend.

“I am grateful for your understanding nature Miss Doo. It will no doubt be a comfort later on. I will try to return soon. Hopefully my brother will return from the clutches of the disgusting princess by then.”

Derpy returned inside and Night Frost began to walk to the market.

Her brother openly revealed himself as a changeling. The concept was a strange one to her. In the past any interaction with ponies was done in disguise or in warfare. Against her better judgement she proceeded into the market with her real appearance. At first she only felt the glares from ponies as she walked by. After a few minutes exploring though, Night Frost’s eyes were busy exploring all the things ponies had to sell. She saw ponies selling books, herbs, oils, toys, artwork, jewelry, and many other things. Many of them called out to the crowds and some even called out to her. They claimed to be fair and not discriminate so long as the bits were good. Shopping was a new experience for Night Frost. Changelings shared almost everything so currency and the idea of transactions was foreign to her.

Upon browsing something caught her eye. She cautiously approached the vendors booth and looked on in wonder at the magnificently crafted jewelry. Her interest was not in the items themselves but what she could gain with them. Her war with Dinky had been a fierce one. Names were called, muffins were thrown, and things were frozen. If Derpy had been able to show her kindness then Night Frost would do the same. After all she could not allow any mere pony to one up her in anything. The vendor noticed the changeling and nervously greeted her. His voice shook slightly as he spoke.

“Er hello there. May I help you find something? A nice uh… necklace perhaps?”

Night Frost merely pointed at the item that caught her eye. It was a golden tiara that reminded the changeling of Derpy and Dinky. The vendor smiled and began her pitch.

“Ah yes the certified replica of Princess Celestia’s crown. Made from durable metal, this replica has the weight of the real thing*. The jewel is cut within 5 millimeters of the real thing as it is illegal to make an exact replica. If you do not mind, may I ask who you are interested in buying this for?”

Night Frost was entranced by the shiny crown. She slowly shifted her gaze to the vendor and spoke.

“I must purchase this crown for a young filly. I will offer it to her as a peace greeting in order to end our war. Tell me pony, how many bits will you require for this replica?”

He smiled at her and rubbed his muzzle. The vendor quoted her a price on a small parchment. Night Frosts jaw dropped as she read the price.

“You charge 300 bits for a mere copy!? You take customers for fools? Do you take me as some daft bug? An easy target to extort?”

The vendor shrunk behind his stand and whimpered a response.

“Well its quality metal and-“

Frost cut him off.

“Cease speaking your false truths worm! The metal is not even real gold! What? You think because I am a changeling I have no knowledge? I was bred up to be a pillar among my kind! You offend me little pony and I do not take kindly to those who do not respect me. I shall take my bits elsewhere!”

“No! Wait! I’ll do 200 bits!”

She spat at the ground near his stand.


Frost scoffed and turned around. The vendor quickly moved from around his booth and stood in front of her.

“Wait please! Ok I can do it for 100 bits!”

Frost glared at him as she replied.

“50 bits”


“50 bits pony.”


Frost tried to walk around him and he ran back to his booth and grabbed the crown. He darted back towards her and placed the crown on her head.

“Fine! 50bits just take the damn thing please!”

Frost smirked.

Even off the battlefield I am cunning!

She placed the small pouch on his booth and left. The vendor’s eyes teared up upon seeing some bits for the first time that day.

Night Frost reveled in her victory. She took off the crown and hovered it in her magic as she walked through the market. She knew Dinky would love the idea of having her own princess crown.

…she had better accept this peace offering… otherwise this war will only continue to grow more and more terrible.

As she recalled the “stuffed muffin” event from a few days prior Frost paid no attention to what was in front of her. She could only focus on the painful memory of biting in to a muffin stuffed with…raw onions. Dinky had struck a terrible blow and Night Frost still gagged upon remembering that taste. Things would change. She would be the better creature and end this war once and for all. Lost in strategy Night Frost bumped into a mare and dropped the crown from her magical grasp.

“It is very rude to not mind where you are stepping.”

Night Frost glared up to the mare speaking to her. The mare’s coat was as white as Night Frost’s eyes and wings. Her mane was a flowing and voluminous purple. The changeling nearly hissed her response.

“Perhaps you should not take up so much space!”

Rarity’s eye twitched. She started to shake in anger.

“Oh it is- are you trying to insinuate something? Are you calling me fat?”

Night Frost took a rather aggressive step forward and glared at Rarity. She spoke through her sharp teeth.

“Do not be foolish to jump to conclusions pony,” she hissed in disgust. “I only meant that you should not stand so far away from the damn booth you are shopping at. Perhaps if you had been closer to whatever was drawing your attention I would have not bumped into you! Also now that I have gotten to better analyze you… perhaps you could benefit from some form of exercise. If not to only tone some of those…”

Frost smirked before continuing. 

“…soft areas particularly near your flank… buck maybe even your whole flank. It is hard to analyze it all.”

Rarity’s face went from a terrifyingly livid and dark expression to a teary eyed and sorrowful one. She fell to her side and landed on a red couch that appeared from no where. Frost shook her head as the sudden appearance of the couch was bothering her. Rarity began to wail.

“It’s true isn’t it! I’ve become nothing but a hideous and fat monster! You’re right! I am just a big marshmallow! I am the element of love handles!!!”

Night Frost noticed that all the other ponies seemingly disappeared or moved far away leaving only her to deal with the over dramatic mare. Rarity seemed to truly be upset and her wailing only grew louder.

“Calm yourself Pony! You are not fat!”

Rarity sniffled and her bottom lip quivered as she spoke.

“R-really? You were kidding then?”

Night Frost rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Yes, yes now stop crying before I freeze you.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide. She remembered the events at the Crystal Empire.

“YOU! It’s you!”

Night Frost raised a brow and Rarity hopped off the couch and got in Night Frosts personal space.

“YES! I have been wondering what became of you!”

“You have?”

“Oh yes! Here you are are! The Changeling who saved the day! But forget that! Yes, forget all of your deeds good or bad. Only one thing matters to me. Where in sweet Celestia’s name did you get the shoes you wore on that day?”

Night Frost stared at the wide eyed mare before her. Rarity’s eyes were nearly exploding with anticipation as she glared into Night Frost’s molecules. Night Frost nearly cringed as she spoke.

“If you mean my ice armor then I suppose…”

Rarity leaned in making Frost even more uncomfortable. Frost took a single cautious step back as she continued.

“…I made them?”

Rarity grabbed her shoulders so fast she did not even see the pony move.

“Oh this is absolutely splendid! A Changeling with a sense for fashion! I simply must see those shoes again! OH better yet you can accompany me to the castle. I was shopping for inspiration fabric here just to get a feel for the more common cloths that are readily available to Canterlot ponies. I have this wonderful new line I am planning and if I play my cards right I may get a large order from Canterlot elite who wish to blend in with the normals from time to time. Hold it! You! You could be my model! YES! We could seize the fashion industry and crush all who oppose us. Think about it for a moment. With your figure and your ability to change and my fashion we could create a two pony fashion show. Oh and for winter we can launch a whole line dedicated to ice! You could craft those gorgeous shoes again and I suppose I could attempt to create clothing with similar colors and sharp desi-“

Night Frost could not take it anymore. The marshmallow pony nagged her mind like a drill. She screamed.

“STOP IT! Cease your rant pony! While I feel honored you find my ice armor fashionable I do not think I am interested in your ‘fashion’. There is no functional purpose to your clothing and therefore it means nothing to me. Now if you will excuse me I must be leaving.”

Rarity looked at her with a smile and flushed cheeks. She straightened up as she attempted to regain her posture.

“Oh dear. Please forgive me. Listen uh…”

“Night Frost.”

“Night Frost! I apologize for acting un-lady like. I usually am quite reserved, however when it comes to fashion I become a very loquacious mare. It is just my passion and purpose! Look you saved Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, and their unborn foal. Such heroism and service simply must not go unrewarded. Please allow me to take you shopping! Before you decline I am afraid that I must insist. I simply have to thank you somehow and this way I can also show you just how fun fashion can be. All my fashion is functional as it provides the pony with confidence, swagger, joy, and all kinds of different emotions. Tell me you do not feel empowered when in your armor. I doubt you feel nothing.”

She knew Rarity was right. The ice armor made Night Frost feel unstoppable. If something struck at her armor it would freeze over another layer and repair the damage almost instantly. Rarity waited for an answer while smiling. The changeling sighed.

I am going to regret this.

“Very well. I shall accompany you. Though I warn you pony and I warn you only once. Should this be some trick or trap you have planned… I will end you.”

Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Please, dear call me Rarity! Oh and for Celestia’s sake I would never trick some pony when fashion is involved! Such a thing is un-lady like and near blasphemous! Should anypony ever take advantage of fashion in such a way I will be the first to do inexplicably horrible things to them. Come now we have shopping to do!”

Twilight’s Tower:

Night Spark had never seen so many guards. Nearly every corner he turned had a pair of military ponies. Their presence usually did not bother him, but as of late they have been particularly disturbing. Though he understood why they were present. With ponies flowing in from every major city Canterlot’s population was drastically rising. Inns were beginning to fill up and so were many of the vacant homes. Land lords had begun to charge ludicrous amounts for the smallest of living spaces. Crime was steadily rising and the whole city began to focus less of the war and more on their least attractive aspects. On his way to the castle he had been berated and cursed at by more ponies than he liked. A few even tried to attacked him but that ended poorly for them. The once perfect city had begun to fall from glory and soon resembled something Night Spark was afraid of.

Canterlot is becoming more and more like how she described it. As each day passes this city and its ponies become like how my mother said they would.

That thought was troubling him. Night Spark placed it to the back of his mind as he approached the large door before him. Two guards glared down at him and blocked his path. The tower the protected belonged to Twilight. Night Spark had been meaning to speak with her ever since the memorial, but Miss Doo distracted him. He cautiously approached the much larger guards.

“If you could be so kind as to inform Princess Twilight that Night Spark wished to see her, I would be grateful.”

The guard continued his glare and said nothing. Night Spark sighed and took a step forward. Like blades being unsheathed the two pegasi spread their inner wings and blocked his path.

Night Spark smirked.

“Very well. If you’ll not allow me to proceed through the tower I shall fly to the princess.”

He spread his wings and launched up into the air. Not a second after, the guard ponies launched after him. Using some magic Night Spark shifted his wings into Rainbow’s and burst forward with new found speed. The two guards could not keep up with the changelings new wings. With a loud thud Night Spark landed on Twilight’s balcony.

“Princess! I require assistance immediately!”

The changeling waited as he heard shuffling come from inside her room. Not wanting to enter without permission he called out to her again.

“Princess!! I shall be forced to harm ponies should you not stop them! Princ-“

The door opened to a bed ragged Twilight with a glowing horn. She spoked in a groggy and dark tone.

“If you yell one more time I will send you to Saddle Arabia and make you crawl back through the damn desert!”

At the moment the two guards slammed down on the balcony. The heavy armor clanked loudly as the yelled at the changeling.

“Stop right there criminal scum! You have violated the law and the princesses privac-“

Twilight screamed at them and blasted magic.


Two magenta beams slammed into the guards. The guards magically shrunk into the beams as they aimed towards the direction Saddle Arabia was located. The beams shot off and broke the sound barrier. Night Spark trembled as the guards on his right and left sides were now gone. Twilight glared out at the distance to where she had shot the guards and then slowly turned her gaze towards Night Spark. He said nothing and awaited for her to speak.

“It is very early, Night Spark. Unless your mom is standing outside the gates with the entire horde, what in Celestia’s plot makes you think that waking me up is a good idea?!”

Her eyes were more commanding and terrifying than any glare he had received from the other princesses. Night Spark politely bowed first then spoke carefully.

“Forgive m-“

“No. Never.”

He gulped and continued.

“I- it is one in the afternoon princess. Had I known you were resting than believe me I would have never-“

“Well you did.”

“I am aware of that… it is just… well it is after noon and I assumed-“

Twilight leaned in so close that had her eyes not carried the fires of tartarus it would have seemed like she was kissing him.

“Tell me Night Spark do you think I am someone you can assume something about? Hmm? I am curious mr. changeling, what do you think? You know who assumes? Nightmare Moon assumes! Discord assumes! Sombra assumes!”

As she spoke her eyes flared with a darker shade of magenta colored magic with bolts of black lightning surrounding her body.

“When you assume I beat you! I beat you into nothingness or into submission! I own you! It is the fundamental law that applies to everything Night Spark! You damn fool! You are nothing if you assume! Have you learned nothing from Frankenpony? What about Jurassic Pony? Or The Island of Dr. Mareau? They all assumed! Every last one of the blind fools assumed they had control or knew what they were doing, but they all failed! They died Night Spark! Do you want to die!?”

She blasted the ground next to him and he watched as part of the balcony atomized and vanished into nothingness. Night Spark stared with wide eyes at the mad god before him. He was scared. Celestia hated him and he understood that. He could meet her glare and say that he would not fear her. Twilight on the other hand was crazed. Her eyes held a darkness he had never seen before. She lifted him with her magic and teleported into her kitchen. He was floating near her face as she spoke. Her words were nonchalant and mumbled almost as if nothing had happened.

“Do you know how to make breakfast?”

“Uh I suppose I could attempt to make Miss Doo proud and do my best to make some of her muffins?”

“Mmm. Acceptable.”

The magical aura faded and Night Spark fell to the kitchen floor and Twilight sat silently at the table. Silence passed as Night Spark tried to asses a what had just happened. With great caution in his step he began to gather ingredients for muffins. Twilight sat like a zombie at the table and blankly stared at the extravagant wood before her. Night Spark avoided any conversation as he did not wish to anger her further. Time passed and muffins were made. A plate full of them were placed before Twilight. She stared at them for a minute as she contemplated whether or not she would exert the necessary effort to grab one. Hunger overpowered laziness and she began to eat. Night Spark sat next to her and waited for her to speak. No words were exchanged for an awkward amount of time. Eventually Twilight sighed and let her head fall into her hooves

"Listen Night Spark... I uh... I'm sorry. I just don't do mornings... ever."

He shifted in his seat.

"I understand princess, however it is not morning it is one in the-"

Twilight lifted her head from her hooves and simply glared at Night Spark. Her morning insanity had not yet completely vanished and he did not wish to test her limits. So he corrected himself.

"I am sorry as well princess. In the future I shall be more respectful of your sleep cycle. I do not wish to be an even larger disturbance, but I did come to you for a reason. Since we spoke at the diner I have been desiring time alone with you."

Twilight raised a brow. Night Spark face hooved and blushed.

"Forgive me that sounded... I wish for us to teach one another things... damn it that sounds wrong as well. Princess I am asking for you assistance in finding a solution to my limited magic. Were it not for you I would be dead. I cannot go on otherwise. I was thinking we observe Star Swirl's books and see if anything can be done. In return for your expertise and help I will teach you all I can of my kind. Our eating and sleeping patterns, our magic, and much more. You will be the first pony to gain this much knowledge. What say you?"

Twilight's eyes lit up with joy. Someone actually wanted to dive hoof deep into books with her and combine research efforts. In return she gets knowledge that nopony else has. The very thought was intoxicating to her.

"Night Spark I hope you are ready. I take studying more serious than darn near anything. If we start now we can probably narrow down the books we will need to look at. Then we can make lists of spells that alter magic. Magic amplifying spells, magic nullification spells, magic reconfiguring spells... Oh! We can make lists of magic organized by species! It could have subcategories with different topics-"

Night Spark nearly deflated.

What have I done?

Canterlot Market:

"Oh my Celestia you look..."

Rarity eyed the changeling’s newly formed armor. After trying many different booths and shops they found nothing to Frost's interest. Rarity decided that if nothing could be found than something could be made. She and Frost sat near the center of the market square which had a large fountain in the middle. Rarity had whipped out her emergency sketchpad and drew up various designs for Night Frost. Frost had easily recreated anything Rarity drew by shifting the shape of the ice armor she wore. The latest design was something of a guilty pleasure of Rarity's. It was based off of the armor that Nightmare Moon wore. Frost's ice hoof shoes were no longer as jagged and sharp. They were smoothed out and rose a little higher up her legs. The chest plate was smooth curved ice as well. While it resembled the shape of Nightmare Moons plate it was not one solid piece. The plate was composed of interlocking layers that moved with Frost to allow her more mobility and comfort. The shingled layers extended down her chest and under her to protect more than the armor it was based off of. Rarity pleaded with Night Frost to transform her wings into pegasi wings. However, based on idle chit chat between the two, Rarity learned that Night Frost was not the flying type. Instead of seeing wings that go unused Rarity put her creative mind to use. She had designed ice armor similar to the wing blades that some of the Equestrian military wore. Each feather had been encased in a very thin layer of ice. If Night Frost spun rapidly the thin layers of ice would fly out from her wings and slice through any surrounding enemies.

“Rarity? Does this one not work as well? We must take a break. I understand your intent and while I am grateful I do not know how much longer I can bear to rearrange my armor. I am growing bored.”

Rarity picked up her jaw and shook her head.

“No my dear… this is it. You have the armor of a goddess. It demands both fear and admiration. It’s perfect!”

“Truly? I must see!”

Night Frost hopped up onto the edge of the fountain and stared at her reflection in the water. As her eyes admired the new armor she altered her position to get a better view.

“Rarity… this is wonderful. On my own I may have… no. I would have never had the creativity to produce something so amazing. Take it from a changeling who finds nearly all of your kinds fashion hideous. You are a true master of your craft!”

Rarity’s eyes swelled up with joy but before she could thank Night Frost for the kind words another voice had called out towards them.

“Stop right there changeling!”

Two large guard ponies in golden armor approached them.

"You think we'd just let you waltz around as if nothing happened? You're a murderous bug!"

Rarity stepped forward and placed herself in between the guards and Night Frost.

"How dare you?! On what grounds is she being detained?"

The guard shook his head.

"She is a murderer. I recognize you Miss Belle and I know all that you have done for our kind. I am grateful to you however that does not mean you can defend the enemy. This changeling is not only the daughter of Chrysalis, but she killed many equestrian soldiers…stallions and mares that fought to protect innocents that she would have slaughtered. I am to arrest her. Now step aside.”

Rarity puffed up and was to continue to argue but Night Frost intervened.

"It is true Rarity. After all a short time ago I was in command of well over a thousand changelings. You have already done so much for me. I'd like to consider my friend if that is acceptable. I do not wish for you to place yourself in a position that may jeopardize you reputation. I will go with these ponies.”

Rarity frowned. She looked back and forth between the guards and Night Frost until her head dropped low.

“Well then… take care of yourself Frost. I will make sure Twilight knows about this. She will-“

The second guard scowled at Rarity’s words and pushed forward. He moved in on Night Frost.

“Don’t assume the princess can save her. Our duty is to Equestria and her ponies first. Princess Twilight will not be helping this changeling as she is with the other one. Now get moving bug!”

The guard shoved Night Frost so hard she fell into the fountain. Her ice armor caused her body to float. The Stallion who had shoved her chuckled.

“I was wondering whether or not you float. Guess you do. All right now get out and let go.”

Night Frost slowly stepped out from the fountain. Rarity’s scolding towards the guards was drowned out by the rage she felt. The temperature in the square began to rapidly drop. In a matter of seconds the entire fountain froze. Before either guard could take action they found ice slithering up their bodies. As the ice continued to form Rarity took several steps away. She found herself shivering as the entire area was already as cold as the Crystal Empire outskirts. The ice wrapped around the guards’ bodies like white vines.

“I am trying to be courteous. I am trying to be lady like. I am trying to resist the urge to spill your insides out. However, that is becoming increasingly problematic as you harass me and my kind. Tell me, are we enemies or are we friends? Hmm?”

The arctic vines began to expand. Each little arm grew thorns and shards of ice that pressed against the skin of the guards as if they were wrapped in frozen rosebushes.

“If we are enemies… if I am a bug… than I suppose it is squashed or be squashed.”

She tightened her grip on them and dropped the temperature even more. Their bodies were so cold they could not scream for help as their shivering became spasming. The cold ice burned against their bodies.

“So what will it be?”

The guard who initially confronted them grunted so pathetically it resembled the whine of a small animal. Night Frost released her grip on them and watched in triumph and their bodies fell limp to the ground. She gave the guard who pushed her a buck to the gut for good measure. Rarity took a step towards the stallions. She opened her mouth to speak but Night Frost spoke first.

"If I wanted them dead I assure you they would be so. My actions, while extreme are actually a step down from the norm. You must think..."

She looked down upon the two stallions and sighed. Frost did not regret her actions but she felt strange. Part of her wanted to be in a place where she wouldn't have to freeze ponies or be so aggressive. A white hoof lifted her gaze and for yet another time Night Frost did not mind the touch of a pony. Rarity smiled.

"Listen dear... these ruffians are no stallions. They are rude and impertinent ponies. True, you were a bit harsh... but so were they. While I couldn't say I'd have handled the situation any better, I do believe two things.For starters I don't advise handling aggression with aggression. You and I share much in common. Personality, fashion, determination... charm even."

Rarity flicked her mane. Whether it was to simply adjust her mane or conceal her blush, she didn't know. 

"You can assert your femininity without flaunting yourself around like some Manehattan street mare. You can use this to your advantage if you know how. Not to fret... I'll teach you. Lastly..."

Rarity stood a little straighter and continued.

"You have killed. I apologize, but I don't think it's appropriate to dance around such a dark deed. Yet today you showed restraint on your enemy even when they put you down. That is an admirable quality Night Frost and one you should be proud of. I know, this is strange given that our kind is at war with yours. Perhaps you will adjust or perhaps you won't. That is a mystery honestly. You dark deeds can never be forgotten but they can be forgiven. So long as you continued to carry yourself in such a manner and rise above the negativity directed towards you. As a pony I forgive you as I hope you can forgive myself and my kind."

Frost look at Rarity through the haze of tears. She could tell the pony was being truly genuine. She felt so different. Before she asked Rarity something she noticed all the foals playing in the new formed ice. The entire market had been turned into a makeshift ice rink. Instead of fear or anger there was only joy.

"Rarity, what could I possibly forgive you for?"

Rarity also stared at the tiny ponies enjoying themselves.

"In war, both sides are guilty. War is more dangerous than anything. It brings out the worst in us whether we are aware of it or not. These stallions are just the beginning I'm afraid. We fear what we don't understand and frankly nopony understands this war. Do you? Do you know why your mother is doing this?"

Night Frost let her question linger. She had so many feelings swelling up inside her. She could taste the love radiating off of the ponies in the area and even from the pony next to her. That would have received her attention had something else not distracted her. Night Frost felt something familiar and dark. It presence was powerful and reminded her of only one thing.


Twilight’s Tower:

Twilight sat at her table feeling very embarrassed. As she ate her breakfast her mind cleared and certain actions of hers became more clear to her. All she could do was awkwardly smile at the silent changeling standing in the room.

“Listen Night Spark… before we start… I just wanted to…”

Hearing her speak again made him tense up. She noticed his posture tighten and winced internally.

“Hey I’m sorry. Mornings are just not my thing… neither is noon… I guess I pulled a Luna on you. Please ease up I’m not going to send you to Saddle Arabia. Speaking of which… remind me to write their embassy a letter… today would be the third time I’ve sent my guards there.”

Night Spark hesitantly approached the table.

“May I take a seat? Without being dismantled at the molecular level?”

Twilight blushed and nodded. Night Spark sat at the table with her and exhaled a large amount of air he did not know he was holding. To ease the tension he decided to be bold and speak again.

“Princess I feel it is important to discuss a few things with you. Some things pertain to my current disposition and some do not.”

“What did you want to talk about?”

“Well you once told me that I cannot rely on you as a continuous supply of magic. I would like to know if you have another solution. Princess I just wish to live a normal life here among your kind.”

Twilight thought for a moment.

“Well why haven’t you fed?”

Night Spark’s eyes twitched slightly. He tried to hide it but Twilight was not oblivious to the smalls signals that betrayed him. She queried him again.

“Don’t you feed? Chrysalis and the others fed off of love. It supplied her with enough power to best Celestia. You don’t need her or any other pony for that matter. You can save yourself. That’s the simplest solution without out digging through old books… not that I mind doing that but still…”

Night Spark looked down at his hooves. The feeling of guilt washed over him.

“I make the choice to not feed. My mother no longer shares her love with me. She told me to feed off of your kind…or perish. Believe me Princess. There are times when I wish I could. I could feed and increase my power, my speed… I could become better. Yet doing so would destroy me as it would the love I take from others. At the end of the day it does not matter how you look at it. We are parasites. To make matters worse I can feed off more than just love.”

Twilight’s ears twitched. Her puzzled expression disguised the rising tension in her voice. Intricate ideas and solutions were being formed and destroyed in her mind as she took in Night Spark’s words.

“Wait, what are you-“

“I can feed off of your hope. The hope a mother has for her children, the hope you have for ponies to get through this war, the hope Miss Doo has that each day will be a good one. I could feed off it. I may never reach the power of an Alicorn but why do you think I am so deadly? Training? A few spells? You have military ponies here with a lifetime of training. Yet I could turn them to ash. In fact if I were to feed I wager the only ponies who could stop me or my siblings would be the Alicorns and perhaps some other highly trained unicorns such as your brother. I don’t care for that power though. If it comes at the cost of destroying the love and hope ponies share than I would rather die.”

Twilight stood and began to pace. Night Spark sighed and rested his head on the table. Minutes passed and the pacing continued until Twilight turned to point at him.

“You have to feed. Before you interrupt me just listen. We can measure your intake of these emotions here. With some time I can make a controlled experiment where we can see if we can have you feed without negatively impacting ponies. You may think it evil or parasitic but you are a changeling Night Spark. To not feed… it’s suicide. Traditional food can keep you from keeling over but it does not replenish you magical energy. Chrysalis made you and your siblings to be instruments of war. Double the intake of traditional changelings and in turn making you nearly unstoppable. If you or Night Frost were to feed for a single day alone you'd be rivaling high unicorns. It’s no wonder Frost beat you at the Crystal empire. She is probably still feeding.”

“Princess I cannot feed. I have not since Appaloosa. If I feed… I don’t think morals alone can stop me from continuing. We have to search for another way. A way that does not make me some kind of leech to your kind.”

She walked up to him and placed a hoof on the table. She punctuated each word by tapping the table.

“You are not some leech! I am tired of you treating yourself like you are not a part of Equestria! You have to have respect for what you are Night Spark otherwise nothing I do will ever help you. You’ll be living a meaningless life. Even the mosquito for all of its annoyances has its place in the world. This is why this war is so terrible. To many think it is kill or be killed. It doesn’t have to be. I don’t want changelings to die out.”

“Forgive me Princess but you are wrong.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

“You are gravely mistaken. We are both educated. We can both discuss the importance the mosquito has in the ecosystem. What importance does a changeling have? What do we do? What have we done? Your kind has flourished for over a thousand years and the only time changeling have been involved have been times of gruesome acts. I do not pollinate flowers. I do not spread seeds. Changelings feed and deceive. That is our nature. Were I a true changeling I would feed on your love for your friends. I would feed on that bond until it is broken. Only when you are void of love and friendship would I move on to the next target. It is obviously not Celestia or Luna, but who ever is the architect of this world is a wretched being. What kind of loving creator would create changelings?”

Twilight furrowed her brow and glared at him. She was growing agitated.

“Night Spark you should learn something about me. I do not believe that anything is worthless. Everything is connected in someway. That is why I love science and math. We are all connected. Cells come together and form a larger tissue, tissue forms an organ which is part of a larger system. Those systems come to form us. We come together to form communities and cites and countries. The planets are small parts of a star system and those are part of galaxies. Night Spark it all matters! The moon is there to protect us from the dangers of space. Planets that are lightyears away can nudge an Equestria sized asteroid an inch to the left. That is the difference between a flourishing world and a dead one. Do you understand what I am telling you?”

“Yes Princess and it is all pretty rhetoric. I do not nudge asteroids.”

Twilight facehoofed and groaned.

“You impacted Night Frost’s life! You nudge her an inch away and changed the course of her life. Aren’t you aware of that? She saved Cadence and Shining Armor and me. All because of you! What about Ditzy? Think of your impact on her life. Most ponies were oblivious to her treatment of didn’t care. You nearly killed some ponies because they were rude to her.”

Night Spark stood up and pushed in his seat. He shook his head.

“Yet because of me she nearly lost her sister as well as her own life. I watched them both fall from the sky. For any good I have done I have cause just as much if not more damage. If I feed I will only do more harm to those I care for.”

“UGH! You are just like Applejack you know that? Sometimes you can be a stubborn-“

Night Spark erupted in green flame and shifted his form to that of a mule. He knew he had to light her mood and change topics if they were to get anything done. Upon seeing his new form and his smug grin Twilight couldn’t help but smile herself. She shrugged.

“All right, you win for now. I can’t guarantee anything but I’ll see what we can find in some books. Since Spike is out you’ll have to help me get them together.”

Night Spark changed back to his normal form and kept smiling.

“Of course Princess!”

“Please tell me you have found something in this-“

Night Spark held both hooves out before him and pointed to the ocean of books on the floor. He then fell on his back completely exhausted. Twilight was skimming through an outdated encyclopedia while cross-referencing a newer one. She chided Night Spark like he was a foal.

“Just have patience and keep looking. Besides there is so much you can learn while searching for your answer.”

Night Spark grumbled something under his breath.

“If you call me an egghead again-“

He scoffed to cover up his crime.

“I would never stoop to-“

“I will send you to Saddle Arabia. Don’t think I only do that to my guards. Just ask Rainbow Dash.”

Night Spark rolled around in books as he grew bored. Twilight’s eye twitched as her books silently cried out in pain. Magenta magic enveloped Night Spark and forced him to sit up right in a corner. A book to the face prevented him from complaining.

“If I find a single page bent…”

Night Spark sighed and sank down the wall. The book rested on his torso. Thoughts of various things came to him. He thought about the night he nearly told Ditzy he loved her.

Everything that could have possibly went wrong….went wrong…

Now the mare of his dreams thinks he is in love with Luna. He would have to tell her again. A simple statement that proclaims his love for her.

No interruptions. No muffins or ice. Just her.

At that moment the door burst open. Night Spark jolted to an offensive position and had his horn charged. The crackling of electricity was the only audible noise short of turning pages. At the door stood a terrified messenger pony. Twilight was still lost in her encyclopedia.

“State your purpose pony. Why barge in with such force?”

Night Spark kept his aim on the brown mare. She timidly stuttered a response.

“The P-princess… she is… foal.”

Night Spark eased up his stance.

“Speak clearly pony.”

“Princess Twilight… is going to be an auntie?”

Twilight’s right ear twitched.

The mares words made it passed the filter that typically blocks out everything while she is reading. The information was processed in several picoseconds. In speed that defied all physical boundaries Twilight bolted up and her horn nearly exploded in white energy. Night Spark found himself in a different bedroom along with several other ponies. He recognized most of them. Before the white magical aura was gone Twilight was already at Cadence’s side making sure everything was perfect. Night Spark was about to join her but a pile of books nearly crushed him.

“Twilight don’t worry Cadence is fine.”

Celestia’s voice got the younger alicorns attention. She looked around and saw her whole family, her friends, and the princesses. All of them were standing around Cadence. Twilight took a deep breathe.

“Sorry. So am I an Auntie yet?”

Shining Armor was at the edge of Cadence’s bed. He smiled at his sister and chuckled as he spoke.

“Twily, Cadence had a few close calls. The doctors think the time is soon. Of course you all won’t be in here for th-“

Twilight interrupted.

“Why? Live birth? It is the perfect time to study! So many interesting things about our biology taking place. The dilation, the first breath of a new foal, the-“

Cadences normal demeanor faded and she grunted in pain.

“Twilight so help me if you study me giving birth I will study how many burned libraries it takes to destroy you!”

Everyone in the room snickered a bit as Twilight blushed. Rainbow Dash nudged Applejack.

“Hey AJ, you sure this is the real Cadence? Seems like Chrysalis don’t ya thin-“

Cadence’s head snapped to the right and her eyes ripped into the pegasi’s soul. The Pink Alicorn held a disturbing grin.

“Real funny Rainbow Dash… Almost as funny as all the Wonder bolts being banished to Tartarus. Almost as funny as me grinding you into rainbow juice!”

Shining Armor knew it was time. He grinned nervously and motioned everyone to leave.

“Okay!!! Everyone out please. Leave me alone and my beautiful wife alone. Don’t let them forget about me.”

They all began to exit the room save for a few doctors. Cadence could be heard screaming in pain.

“Rainbow Juice!!! I make a special cloud just for you Rainbow Dash!! Just for you!! Call me Chrysalis one more time! Just bucking try it! I wonder how Scootaloo would react if I made your cloud rain on her!!! It’s Raining Rainbow literally!!! HA HA HA HA HA-“

Rainbow Dash stuck close to Luna who patted the cyan pegasus with a dark wing to comfort her. Rainbow looked up at Luna with wide fearful eyes.

“You know I preferred when you were the evil princess just saying…”

Luna’s wing patted Rainbow a little harder. The cyan pony grunted in pain.

“Ow! Ok too soon! My bad…”

The group stood in a long hall right outside Cadence's room. Night Spark started to move to towards Luna when a towering white object blocked his path. Celestia leaned her head down to glare at him.

“What are you doing here?”

Night Spark smirked at the princess.

If this is how she wish to carry out every encounter than I suppose I could have some fun

“Why me? Oh I am up to the usual. Plotting your assassinations, the destruction of all your ponies, and what kind of wine I shall be drinking while sunbathing atop your corpse. How you doing oh great bearer of light?”

Celestia got right up into his face.

“Do you think you should be playing games with me?”

Night Spark grinned.

“I would to princess! I hear you are quite the chess master.”

Celestia’s nostrils flared but Night Spark was confident she wouldn’t do anything in front of the others.

“Princess Celestia I am here because I was with Twilight. She has agreed to help me. I also fought and helped defend Princess Cadence. Were it not for me persuading my sister to join me she would have been dead along with Prince Armor. That is why I am here. Now I suggest you destroy me or move out of the way.”

Celestia held a malicious smirk.

“If I don’t Night Spark? What then?”

He scowled.

“Don’t tempt me. As of late I have wondered whether or not you can be burned. My lighting is hotter than any flame. Perhaps I can place a spot on the sun.”

Celestia’s wings slowly started to twitch as her anger grew. Night Spark tensed at seeing this and his own eyes started to glow. He wanted to attack her but, he knew it would be foolish. Celestia fought at another level. However he would not back down. He refused to give her that satisfaction.

“Sister calm down. I didn’t know you had such a fetish for changelings! Look at you with your wings flustered and such. It seems Night Spark may have to been visiting you during my shifts.”

The room snickered a bit but, Celestia singled out Rainbow’s snicker. She turned away from Night Spark and for the first time in Rainbow’s life she saw a pissed off Celestia. The Cyan pony took another step towards Luna who was grinning as wide as a crescent moon. Luna continued.

“Or perhaps is it you Night Spark who has the fetish for Alicorns? The tension between you and my sister is powerful enough to move the sun and the stars. Then there is the private visits to Twilight’s personal tower. I assume the excuse is studying? Oh and the dreams! Night Spark the things you and I have done! Why have you never brought up these feelings to me?”

Twilight was sputtering nonsense gibberish as she tried to defend herself to everyone. Night Spark stood eyes wide with a red face. He tried to speak but Luna kept going.

“Oh Miss Doo told me so much my little friend. Not to fret. I share the moon with all ponies and creatures but for you? I will share my full moon.”

Night Spark’s brain was shutting down. He became so nervous and embarrassed that he suddenly erupted into green flames. Luna had caught him off guard. Now everyone in the room was staring at Trixie. Even Celestia held a dumbfounded expression. Night Spark felt awkward and then looked down at himself. His mouth opened and then closed. Twilight pointed her hoof at him.

“Night Spark, why do look like Trixie?”

He tried to find exits and immediately cursed mentally as this happened to be the only hallway in the castle that did not have windows. A long sigh escaped him.

“I- This is a very long story. If changelings are made uncomfortable enough they will transform.”

Rarity looked puzzled as she spoke.

“Yes that’s fine dear but why do you look like Trixie?”

Night Spark blushed and failed to talk as he felt Luna walk around him observing his new form. She giggled and shook her head.

“Perhaps your mind is truly a disturbed one. Roleplaying as Trixie Lulamoon while sharing my full moon. Naughty Night Spark. You remind me of one of Celestia’s chamber guar-”

A massive white wing smacked Luna. She laughed and pointed a hoof at Celestia. The two sisters bickered while the mane six pondered why Night Spark looked like Trixie and why he wasn’t changing back. Luckily for him the screeching sounds of Cadence giving birth and cursing distracted all of them. The horrifying sounds continued for a short while as well as Shining Armor’s pleading and screaming. Only when a crying foal was heard did everyone calm down. A few minutes later a pale doctor pony and his staff exited the room appearing to be traumatized. They barely muttered the ok to enter the room.

Everything looked in order. Shining Armor was shivering next to Cadence with deep purple bruising on his throat and hooves. He had a bloodied nose and black eye. Cadence was breathing a little heavier than usual and her coat glistened with sweat. Held in her hooves was a small unicorn with a light pink coat. Her short mane was blue and pink with a thin gold streak. She had bright blue eyes. Every pony in the room melted and gushed over the newborn. Cadence smiled at every pony and looked back at her daughter.


Shining Armor leaned in and kissed Cadence.

“Strong and beautiful just like her mom.”

Rarity started bawling in Night Spark's coat. He simply stared at the tiny little pony. He had never seen such a small pony. Dinky had been the smallest he knew. The tiny filly cried and squirmed. Night Spark felt happy and he didn’t know why. The room was filled with more love and hope than he had ever felt before.

You have to feed…

Night Spark quietly gasped as Twilight’s words rang in his head. He got out of Rarity’s grip and stepped away. Silently he left the room.

How could I feed on something so… precious?

I can’t and I never will.

After leaving the castle he walked around the streets still stuck in the form of Trixie. Many thoughts passed through his head as he walked alone. These thoughts clouded his senses and he was unable to detect the guards following him… or the dark presence they held within them.