• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Love is Not Enough

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long update... but alas... a new chapter. Please enjoy!

Love is Not Enough:

The stars twinkled brightly. They seemed to smile at the new relationship in the world. Night Spark was laying next to her on a random cloud. The both of them relaxed in its plush embrace. The two had spent time flying together and quickly wore themselves out. The two flew together in mediocre patterns. Any truly skill Pegasus might have scoffed but they didn't care. Like two inexperienced dancers with no concern for what others thought; they danced through the clouds.

She turned on her side to watch him. The stars reflected off of his eyes with a cyan tint. Her heart beat faster when she thought about their day together. They both raced around the city skies. She punched a market vendor for calling him names. He ruined her mane with static when she hugged him.



Night Spark turned his head to look at her. He looked her right in the eyes and then looked away.

“What is it?

All of a sudden his confident declaration to his mother’s wishes felt wrong. Night Spark wanted to take her and both of their families and just leave. He wanted to be with her and not worry about whether or not they would die. Despite that, he was not going to ruin their first day together. He prompted to tell her something different.

“Nothing to worry about. I would just like to point out that you are beautiful. I honestly do not recall telling you that today. Did I? Do you remember?”

She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

“Oh I don’t know you only said it once every 10 minutes.”

Night Spark turned to her and raised a brow.

“Forgive me, my fair mare! I will only disturb your highness every 15 minutes instead of 10.”

“Oh I’m royalty now? Since when?”

Night Spark grinned.

“Since you decided to become a changeling queen.”

She playfully shoved him.

“I can’t be a changeling queen. My flanks aren’t big enough.”

Night Spark raised an inquisitive brow and his eyes traced her flanks . He raised his hoof to his chin and smiled.

“I am not so sure…”

With speed he didn’t think she had, Derpy smacked his hoof out from under his chin. She pointed her other hoof at his face while giggling.

“Watch it mister! I might not have a job now but this mare was once the strongest mail pony out there. These flank are muscle…mostly.”

Night Spark nodded. He had only ever experienced her strength back in Ponyville when they hoof wrestled. It was already known to him that ponies were physically stronger in most cases but Derpy was on a completely different level. Her speed and strength reminded him of when he first met Applejack. His face still hurt from that encounter. The urge to keep Dinky and Derpy safe was always on his mind. Now he figured she might be able to keep him safe.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you acquire your strength? I’ve seen few mail ponies and none demonstrate your ability. Then again I have seen few mail ponies in general. I wouldn’t question if I didn’t find it so unusual. Applejack is powerful because she nearly smashes trees all day every day.”

Derpy’s smile faded slightly and he noticed.

“You do not have to tell me if-“

“No. It’s fine.”

She returned to laying on her back. A light breeze brushed through the sky, gently moving their cloud. After exhaling she took in a deep breath and began.

“Growing up was hard for me. Our parents…”

Her brow furrowed and for a moment Night Spark saw an expression she had never revealed before. In her eyes burned a genuine hate. He saw in her the same disappointment and anger he felt towards his past.

“Well they weren’t around for long. It’s just me, Dinky, and every pony else. I had to raise her all by myself and that was ok. It still is. I’d do anything for Dinky to have a good life. Maybe it took you a while to see the bad ponies, but I grew up with them. Not once did I hurt anypony or make fun of them. Instead that’s all I ever got. I could of stepped up. I could have tried to stop them. Then I remembered that I am all Dinky’s got. What happens if I get seriously hurt? What happens if go away for hurting them? I spent all those years stuck between wanting to take care of Dinky, and wanting to bash ponies brains out.”

Night Spark smiled.

“You raised an amazing filly, Ditzy. She’s like you. Brave.”

Derpy responded by giving him a small smile.

“Maybe I can't fly perfectly or do a job without screwing up, but I can farm. It’s the most embarrassing thing a pegasus can do, earth pony work. Only pegasi with wing disabilities resort to that labor. At that point I just figured I must be useless. I got angry thinking that. I have to take care of Dinky and these rude, mean, and lousy ponies have me doubting that I can do that! They almost made me leave for good! Leave Dinky!”

She pulled away when his hoof landed on her shoulder. Her eyes were wide with anger but quickly turned to shock when she realized how emotional she had gotten. She rubbed her temples with her hooves and leaned in to Night Spark who was sitting up right next to her.

“I’m sorry. That’s it though. I spent several years pulling farm equipment for the Apples. They paid me some pocket money that put food on the table. Got fired for breaking the barn door though. I think that's why Earth ponies are always so happy. The don’t have the energy to be stressed out. Luckily our mail pony got sick of his job. You wanna know something? Somedays I want to go and punch all of those ponies, even Rainbow Dash. They made fun of me every day. Look at her eyes! Look she crashed again! Look she is bashing my brains out the back of my head!”

Night Spark gave her a kiss on the cheek. She froze initially but quickly then turned to face him, her blush visible even through the darkness in the night. Night Spark smiled and stared at her. She started to feel the corners of her mouth rise. Derpy could remember a time where someone had ever kissed her before. Night Spark put his hooves on her heart.

“Ditzy, you are special. It takes an amazingly powerful heart to go through what you experienced and try to remain a role model for some pony younger. After a while I had thought you were just the happiest pony I have ever met. I’d never have guessed the extent of cruelty you had to face however now that I know… it makes you even more special to me. Thank you for sharing that with me and I apologize if it caused any painful memories to surface.”

Derpy pulled him in with both hooves and hugged him firmly. He didn’t reject her or think that her aggressive thoughts were crazy. He didn’t judge her but instead he respected her. That respect meant everything.

She sniffled and nuzzled him. Night Spark had a dazed expression on his face.

“You’re sweeter than any muffin I could make.”

Night Spark snorted and started to laugh.

“I feel like that is beginning to be the standard to which we compare everything. What muffin would my mother be? Is the weather more like a blueberry muffin or a banana nut? What color would you say-“

She tightened her grip briefly and suddenly her story was verified as her strength crushed him.

“Don’t ruin this…”

His voice came out strained.

“Can’t ruin a night like this. Like a cinnamon sugar muffin-“

She facehooved.

“Okay I surrender! I shall retreat for now. I will go and visit my sister. She is healing faster than normal for changelings. With any luck I will persuade that doctor to release her.”

Derpy let go and look at him with a flat expression.

“Hey, Spark, she’s going to need you a lot. When somepony gets hurt like that, they need other ponies. If you need help, just ask.”

Night Spark nodded and left. Derpy watched him fly away. When he was out of sight she turned and looked at the sky. Her eyes wandered across all the stars for a few minutes. She heard the wind moving past the clouds and the quiet chatter of Canterlot’s night owls. She enjoyed moments like this. It gave her room to think and the space to be invisible. The night soothed away aching pains and past thoughts. The night let her dream of a brighter day. The night was wonderful.

The air was stale and no wind blew. The clouds were few, apart, and gray. The sky was gray and the sun was unnaturally bright. Its white rays over exposed the city and blinded more than they revealed. It had been as if all color was sponged from Canterlot. All that moved was the dust and echoes of things long gone.

Night Spark walked through the abandoned city peering his head left and right every so often. The buildings were frozen in time. Door were cracked open just enough to seem welcoming and hanging signs at awkward angles as if the wind froze in place.


It took a moment for his echo to fade and when it did an unexplainable sadness came over him. He was alone. It was his greatest fear realized. Trapped with no one to love or hate even. Picking up his pace, he looked around with more purpose. Like a rolling thunder; another voice spoke.


The word around him stretched and pulled as if he were moving through it. An instant later he was in a familiar cave. This time however no guards were shivering across the ground. Where should have been a blood stained rock was Night Tear. She was unharmed and looked healthy. The cave had one way in but the light was even spread throughout it, softly illuminating the both of them.

A small and shy smile on her face drew him closer. When he stood nearly a foot or two away from her, he collided with an invisible barrier. Night Tear continued to smile.

“Tear? Sister? Can you hear me? Night Tear?”

His hoofs slammed down on the barrier as hard as they can.


As he lifted his hoofs again something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He quickly turned to his left to find another Night Tear. This Night Tear closely resembled her post torture appearance. She lifted her hoof silently and with let it slide slowly across the barrier. The silence between them lasted for a short time during which she watched her smiling self.

“Please, is what you spoke.”

Her voice was quiet enough to where it seemed to fall with the dust. Its tone as bright as a white sun in a gray world.

“I know the word. Mother taught me.”

Night Spark’s expression hardened briefly. Night Tear turned and smiled.

“Thank you. You stopped them. You stopped me.”

Night Spark watched her for a few moments before placing her in a tight hug. She shifted uncomfortably and tried to wiggle out of it. He laughed before letting go.

“You are most welcome, Tear. We beat the pony who is responsible… well Frost and the others did. I tried to… murder him. They stopped me, but not before I hurt the bastard. Our lives have been separate and we hardly know one another but, so long as you don’t harm ponies you will always have me by your side. To be honest though, you may not need me. I can’t imagine anypony fairing well against your power. I wager you alone dwarf all of our siblings.”

Once again silence. She looked away from him. In a strange sense that relieved him. The still air seemed lighter and he exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

“Mother released me. She told me you betray us. That you were hurting us.”

When she turned to look at him her eyes held no happiness.. The air became heavy and he could sense something closing in on him. It was as if some pony held their hoof an inch from his face. The sides of his head tingled, but nothing appeared in his peripheral vision. Careful to not upset her he kept his emotions in check.

“Right then. I suppose I should start with the rather unpleasant things. I am your brother, Night Spark. I am a traitor to our kind and our mother. Though I almost made then exception for your tormentor, I have never killed a pony. That’s what all my siblings wanted. That’s what mother wanted. In the end I didn’t care. There is no fate, but that which we create.”

He paused and thought back.

“Imagine a world where the least important thing was the race or religion you practiced. A world where a pony could see a changeling and judge it by its actions. To them, you, and I… we are monsters. As you know they have a few of their own. They also have ponies that are good. My brother Flash, my mare-friend Ditzy Doo, and many more. I want them to look at me and know that not every changeling is out to kill. That is why I left.”

“You are cut from hive?”

He nodded. Tear stared at him for a moment before nervously shuffling her hooves.

“Do you feed?”

“No. Well I did for the first time in long while when I found you. The princess force fed us though. I also did when fighting the other princess. I have tried to avoid it. How can we be anything, but monsters or parasites, if we feed on the innocents emotions? My efforts to research alternate methods have failed.”

“How do you speak like ponies?”

He tilted his head wondering what she could possibly mean until he remembered how she grew up.

“Night Tear, did mother ever let you exit the cave you were in?”

Her expression remained the same, but her ear dropped ever so slightly. She shook her head slowly and the air seemed to change again as it grew heavier.

“She taught me. Sometimes. When she knew I read, she gave me many books. Then she took longer to see. I understand you. Speaking is hard. I learned math, magic, science, history, art, and many things. No books on speaking. You think I am lame?”

Night Spark chuckled a bit which caused her to frown. The cave instantly became much darker and he knew then that there was something else in the cave with them beyond the corners of his eyes. His chuckled stopped abruptly as fear kicked in. He fell on his haunches and held two hooves up in surrender.

“I am not laughing at you! I am laughing at your question! Please be calm sister! I am not laughing at you!”

The feeling faded and he felt nauseous. The darkness receded from the cave. Tear glared at him for a moment before speaking.

“Rude to laugh. Know that much.”

“Sister, I am not going to judge you for something out of your control. Our mother failed another child when she locked you away like that. I cannot repair the past, but I can help brighten your future. You are impressive for one who has taught herself. I mean that, truly. I know we are practically strangers to one another but… if you’d like… perhaps I can help you speak properly? It is not speaking like ‘ponies’ by the way. We changelings can speak correctly as well… I think.”

Tear did not respond. Her eyes traced the edges of the cave they were in.

“I want to learn. My whole life was in the hive. Caves and darkness. Books had many maps of the world but… the world is bigger than the maps. I want to see it… and not sound lame.”

Night Spark nodded.

“A wonderful goal… Hold on to it and when this war is finished you may be able to fulfill it.”


Night Spark cocked his head to the side as he wondered what she meant. A faint fog wrapped around her legs until in an instant a wheelchair materialized from the fog.

“In our mind I can walk. Doctors said never again. Traveling world seems unlikely.”

Night Spark looked away from her. He found himself thinking about General Midnight again. He shook his head.

“I am sorry for you legs sister. Perhaps if I had found you sooner I could have prevented that.”

“No. They cut my horn and crushed my legs the first days. Nothing could have helped me. Should have never come but…”

Night Spark stood tall and looked at her.

“You are my family, Night Tear. I am going to help you ease into this new society and when this damn war is over I promise you that we will go and see the rest of the world. The first thing I think we should do is get to know each other. I will introduce you to some of the kindest ponies I have met and you will see why I left.”

Night Tear nodded and her body turned darker than normal. All but her eyes were black. Yellow magic glowed through her eyes and the world around them began to fall apart. It flowed into her until all that was left was blackness and her two glowing eyes.

“Thank you for talking. Time to wake up.”

Night Spark’s eyes opened and he found himself in Tear’s hospital room again. After his evening with Derpy he stayed by his sister's side until he passed out. Sitting up straight he felt drool on his face. He wiped it off and groaned as he stretched. Feeling several vertebrae pop gave him some energy. Twisting a little bit further he got the pop from his lower back. That was the one that brought him the most satisfaction and also the one his mother told him would break his back. His eyes shut while sitting up. Slowly his head began to nod and he nearly fell towards the edge of the bed. Night Tear poked him gently with her hoof. His response was more of a mumble.

“I’m up, sister, I’m up. Waking from sleep is the worst-“

His eyes opened wide and he saw her smiling at him.

“You’re up as well! Are you feeling better? This is so strange because I feel like we just spoke.”

She tried sitting up and her muzzle scrunched up. With one hoof she attempted to sit up. Night Spark gently lifted her and positioned her straight up. A quiet sigh revealed the amount of effort she had put in. Concern and worry grew within him.

“You are very small sister. Not just short, but lean too.”

The brief moment of relaxing faded and she found the energy to furrow her brows and glare at him. He shrugged.

“I am simply pointing out the obvious. You are larger than Dinky, but she is a filly. How old are you exactly?”

The glare turned to a frown and she turned away. Night Spark placed his hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, I am not ridiculing you… yet. You’re a stranger to me and I to you. Take my questions as exactly that. Question with no ill content. Your health is of the utmost concern to me.”

A knock at the door turned both their eyes away.

“Then we are concerned about a similar subject. My patient has made a fast recovery I take it?”

The old doctor walked over to them. Night Spark was worried about how Tear would react to a pony so soon. To his surprise she reached her hoof out to him. The doctor took it and smiled.

“A pleasure to meet you young miss. I am happy to see you moving and smiling. My name is Sharp Turner, I am your doctor and head surgeon.”

Night Spark nodded and held his hoof out.

"Doctor, I apologize if I may have been rude to your or your staff. I am indebted to all of you for your kindness. You saved my sister in a time when I am sure nopony would care if you hadn't."

The doctor shook his hoof firmly and lower his glasses with his magic.

"I am a doctor and she was injured. My duty is life is to care for my patients. If ponies and changelings want to kill each other so be it. If it came down to it I would fight for my survival however I will never refuse help to an injured creature. Letting your sister die would be no different to me than killing her myself. Now then, I've got good news and bad news."

The doctor pulled out a small briefcase containing various documents and vials. He handed the briefcase to Night Spark who studied it carefully. After a few moments he looked up to the doctor with one brow raised.

"Doctor, what is this?"

The doctor straightened his posture.

“Mr. Spark, I am a stallion of my word. I help those who are injured because seeing broken creatures smile and move again... it is a joy I have no proper words to describe. I do not wish for you to think that I helped your sister for any other reason. So please keep that in mind as I tell you this next bit."

Sharp Turner looked at Night Tear with a soft smile.

"Your sister is the first changeling that has ever been operated on by ponykind. Well, the first recorded operation at least. In those files are notes. Notes of organ functions, blood studies, cellular structure, reactions to pony medicine and magic, the whole works. The vials contain blood and tissue samples. The briefcase alone contains the largest amount of scientific research ever conducted on any changeling. When one of the princesses learned that we were successful in our operations, they ordered those studies to be conducted and the results brought to the castle gardens by tomorrow evening. I have seen enough royal seals to know it was no fake.”

The doctor closed his eyes and spoke lowly.

"I am giving you the only copy of all the research. Never in my years have I done something of that sort behind a patient's back and I will not start now. Give it to her or dispose of it, I don’t care. If it's alright with you I will say you were rather assertive and forced it from my hooves."

Night Spark felt a cold shiver go down his spine. He looked at his sister who was staring back at him. The idea that she was researched on made his face hot. That a royal order had been on all the medical staffs' mind's while trying to save her life. Was it out of scientific curiosity or something more devious? Night Spark turned to Night Tear and frowned at her.

"You heard what the doctor said, sister. Say the word and I will destroy this."

She looked between the two of them and opened her mouth, but no sound came. She kept doing that until tears welled up in her eyes. Night Spark nodded and his horn lit with energy. The doctor placed a hoof up to stop him from destroying the briefcase.

"Night Spark! Wait! I think the briefcase is not the issue."

He placed a hoof on Night Tear and used the other one to move her yellow mane out of her face. He smiled for her and asked her a question.

"Do you want to tell us what you think about this briefcase?"

She nodded while he continued.

"Yet you cannot?"

She nodded again. The doctor took a few moments to feel her neck. He promoted her to open her mouth. With light from his horn he examined her throat. A few minutes and a small nod later he turned to face Night Spark.

"Your sister has aphasia voluntaria. More commonly referred to as Selective or Elective mutism. It is a reaction to trauma or abuse. Typically ponies that share this have symptoms your sister is not exhibiting. Unlike others she smiles and shows a multitude of different emotions and expressions. That alone shows that she is recovering at a remarkable rate. She’s very impressive. That ties in with my good news. Most of her injuries have all, but healed and at alarming rates too. Some of the more severe injuries like her horn and legs still need time, but they can be managed from home. In a few days time we can release her from the hospital. I just need time to work with her and help her adjust to a wheelchair."

Night Spark stared at Tear with a worried expression. He spoke quietly.

"You cannot speak?"

She looked at him and then allowed her head to lower. Night Spark hugged her tightly and whispered to her.

"No matter. I'll just assume you are always saying no to everything and yelling at me for being a fool. I am pretty sure that is what sisters are for."

She jabbed him with a hoof as he hugged her. The doctor smiled warmly and turned to leave. Night Spark released her and looked at her with grave seriousness.

"If it is alright with you, sister, I will give the royalty this research by proceeding to shove it up one of their plots. I don't like the idea that one of them went behind my back and... studied you. I can already think of who was responsible and she'll gain some valuable research about changeling aggression patterns when I speak with her."

Night Tear placed a hoof on the briefcase and slowly nodded.

"Give it to them?"

She nodded still.

"I will do as you wish... plus a fair amount of yelling. Will you be alright here on your own?"

She looked around the room and then back at him. She nodded again and pointed to the clock. Night Spark looked at the clock and then back at her puzzled. She pointed at it and then at him.

"Oh! Yes, I shall do my best to not take long. If a beautiful gray pegasus comes in do not be alarmed. She will probably have brought you something sweet. Goodbye, sister."

Night Tear nodded happily until he left and then let her head fall back into her pillow. Her eyes welled up as she looked around the empty room.

Night Spark walked briskly to catch up to the doctor.

“Dr.Turner, might I have a word?”

The doctor turned and nodded.

“What can I do for you?”

Night Spark’s chest ached. He didn’t want the answer, but her needed to know.

“Doctor… my sister lost the ability to walk. Is there anyway she’ll gain her voice again? Can she do magic with half a horn? Can that even be healed?”

The doctor motioned for Night Spark to walk with him. The two of them sat in the waiting room. The doctors silence caused the pain in his gut to ache.

“Doctor please tell me that I can do something.”

“You can Night Spark.”

Doctor Turner sighed and removed his glasses.

“I’ll be straight with you. Unless there is some dark forbidden magic that out there. You sister will never have the use of her rear legs again. Her horn wasn't cut clean off. The extent of damage and the types of fractures… they crushed it off. I can get her a prosthetic horn for appearances but as for channeling magic. If that part of her is as close to pony biology as the rest of her than I am sorry. Magic doesn’t seem possible at this point.”

Night Spark’s jaw quivered. Tears of regret and hate distorted his vision.

“But she was using magic! She used it on me! Oh if I had known, I could have killed him. I could have stopped all this. I could-“

The doctor clicked his tongue.

“Now don’t go there. For you it seems the past is a dark place. Don’t go visiting dark places or you might get lost. Focus on where you hooves are planted now. I’ve got decades of medical experience, but I won’t pretend to understand how she used her magic. Perhaps she can use it in some unfocused manner. Night Spark I am not sure and frankly that doesn’t matter. You’ve got one job. Take care of your sister. She can’t speak and she can’t walk. That’s the reality of this situation and the sooner you accept that… the sooner you both can go on to living better lives. I know things seem bad, but you did save her. You got yourself a living and breathing sister.”

The doctor stood and left him alone with his thoughts. He was conflicted about how he should feel. A toxic mixture of guilt, joy, and hate flooded his mind. Night Tear was saved and her life would forever be limited by her disabilities. In his mind suddenly the blame fell on him. It was his fault that she would never walk or talk. It was his fault she would always look at others, even other changelings, and feel different. It was his fault she would be alone.

Death might have been kinder…

He grimaced and stood up. Disgusted with were his thoughts dared to go he decided shoving the research in a princesses faces could wait. His paced quickened as he want back to Tear’s room. When he open the door he found her crying. She looked up at him with wide eyes. Night Spark quickly approached her and gave her as tight of a hug he could manage without hurting her.

“Everything else can wait.”

She looked up at him with a concerned expression and pointed at the door. Night Spark shook his head and sat to her side. He grabbed ahold of one of her hooves.

“It can wait.”

Rarity walked with a confidence that anypony would hope to have sometime in their lives. She never doubted her creations much and overall she was proud of all her work. Every now and then however, she would create something truly magnificent. Gowns so perfect they demanded as much respect as the ponies wearing them. Today was different.

Rarity had been ordered to create new armor for the troops. She had spent weeks with different soldiers and guards trying to get insight on what the ponies fighting needed. Some argued for heavy plate armor to prevent any damage. Others argued for lighter wear such as mail armor to allow for quick offense. Looking at the designs for earth ponies and pegasi Rarity noticed that there armors were very functional for their race. While unicorns simply wore modified versions of either. That was an issue she solved with her latest creation.

As she walked forward two guards bowed politely.

"Miss Rarity, your presence here is as radiant as any of the royalty. Princess Luna has been expecting your arrival. Please proceed."

Rarity thanked the guard and went through the doors to the throne room. Despite being complimented regularly, being compared to a princess always made her blush. When the doors closed she was greeted by Princess Luna's smile from across the room.

"Rarity it is wonderful too see thee. I am eagerly awaiting these designs of yours! My initial order might have not been specific and I apologize. Surely I did not make things to difficult for you.”

Rarity bowed despite Luna's many warnings against doing so and flicked her mane before speaking.

"Design, Princess Luna, a single yet truly revolutionary design. Before I show it to you I would like to say that I had tried to improve on the designs for the earth ponies and pegasi, but any modifications turned out to their disadvantage. Many of them enjoyed the new looks, but fell short when tested against guards in the traditional armor. Such a shame too… The pegasi had these dazzling streamers attached to their wing blade and the earth ponies had matching…”

Rarity stopped herself and smiled nervously.

“Sorry. Anyhow, I decided that some things do not need to be remade. They are perfect as they are and any attempt to alter their design may prove to yield disastrous results. That being said I had a rather odd feeling when observing the armor for unicorns. It's as if somepony became lazy and simply repurposed the other armors."

Luna blushed and refused to let Rarity know that she in fact, had designed the armors long ago.

“Well, no more, your majesty! I'm no Twilight, but I have a fair amount of magical knowledge and understanding. With her advice and the assistance of Spike I think I might have created something of fiction.”

Rarity floated a small pamphlet towards Luna. As Luna opened it and looked through the design and attributes of Rarity's new work her ears twitched. Rarity grinned and continued.

"An average unicorn soldier is quite the threat from a distance. Range is their advantage. What would happen if they were to face a changeling or two up close? I shudder to think of the losses we might suffer. With that armor unicorn will have not only protection, but sheer offensive might. The armor is comprised of a series of enchanted carbon strands. Twilight conjured them to be nearly 50,000 times thinner than a single strand of our manes. When weaved together these 'nanotubes' as she describes them can form a fabric 500 times stronger than steel with only a tenth of the weight. I then arranged them into a pattern that mimics the design of our own muscle tissue. While seemingly grotesque, I believe it provides as much organic beauty as it does organic purpose. If you look at the last page you will see that the fabric ends at a focusing ring around the unicorn's horn. While I am responsible for the design of the armor, it was Twilight who gave me the guidance needed to create this spell. While using no more magic than lifting a small stone would, a unicorn can channel their magic into the fabric and it grants them strength surpassing that of an average earth pony. It also increases speed as well."

Luna studied the pamphlet for sometime and only looked at Rarity occasionally to cast a raised brow that practically screamed 'you're kidding me'. She lowered the pamphlet and smiled at Rarity. She knew the element of generosity was a brilliant designer however not even in her years, had Luna ever thought of something so revolutionary.

"Rarity. That name will be sown into the history of the world for such a creation. If this design truly works than its effects on society will dwarf your acts as an Element of Harmony. Have you and Twilight tested this armor?"

Rarity nodded and blushed.

"Princess I never thought a day would come where I could kick through a stone wall. The armor is ‘tested and ready’. Those are Twilight's words by the way."

Luna's horn lit and a small book came into view.

"The Equestrian military wishes to buy the armor. The offer being made is 1.5 million bits. Do you accept?"

Rarity nearly choked.

"Y- Your highness! I- I cannot accept such a-"

Luna sighed.

"Very well. I expected as much. The offer is 2 million bits and that is final. I require 500 sets of-"


Rarity paused a moment to let herself calm down. The amount of money being offered to her would dwarf the wealth of most noble families. The thought of having so much was certainly tempting. Since she was a filly Rarity thought of what it would be like to have so much money. Hosting parties that costed enough to send a young pony through college. Investing in smaller businesses run by the less fortunate in an attempt to enrich their lives. She would pay to have her own modest castle built in the upper districts. The life of a true Canterlot noble. As tempting as it was she knew where her heart was.

"Such money... I could buy every single property in Ponyville and still have enough for my great grandfoals. Princess Luna, you humble me however, I will not profiteer off of war. I am a fashion designer. I am a lady of high society. Most of all… I am a mare of the country. Ponyville and its citizens have been my foundation and that is something I am proud of. That wealth would make me a noble who’s foundation would be based on instruments of war. That is not a pleasant topic to discuss over tea. No, I will work day and night and will require a fair amount of your most skilled unicorns to assist me. The military won't have to pay me anything."

Luna frowned.

"Rarity, you misunderstand. I am expecting your work to not only be praised, but compensated. Your generosity is boundless, but my will is for you to be compensated. You will accept these funds."

Rarity narrowed her eyes at Luna for a moment. Luna narrowed her eyes in return. The two mares stared at each other before Rarity gave a very hoity and audible 'harumph'.

"Very well Princess. I shall accept these funds."

"Good. Very good, Lady Rarity."

Rarity turned to leave, but spoke with her muzzle sticking up in the air.

"It will be such a pleasure to donate the majority of it to charity and supporting the military.”

"Yes indeed- HEY!"

Rarity was already out the door.

Night Frost knocked on the door several times. She heard a loud series of grunts followed by muffled curses.

“Seriously?! I know I said I wouldn’t pull the princess card too much, but what in the name of all that is friendship and bucking magic could be so important to wake me up?”

Night Frost stared at the bed headed princess who just opened the door with a smirk. Twilight slowly looked at the passed out guards at her door and facehooved.

“Sometimes I wonder if Celestia has guards just to say that she created jobs. You’re lucky you didn’t wake me up as early as you brother did… would have sent you straight to Saddle Arabia… swear to buck…”

Twilight left the door open and continued to mumble complaints as she headed back into the room. Night Frost chuckled and followed her in. They eventually both sat at a table that was so overly exaggerated in size Night Frost wondered if it was meant for 30 ponies. Twilight sat at one end and levitated a massive mug of coffee to the table for herself. She took a long few gulps and just sat with her eyes closed. Night Frost used her magic to grab an apple from the centerpiece. Her fangs pierced the apple straight to its core and the loud chewing caused Twilight to open her eyes. She frowned at the changeling.

“What do you want Frost?”

After a few more bites she set the core down on to the table and laid back in a chair that must have been designed for a dragon. She looked at Twilight with half lidded eyes.

“Oh nothing I just thought that we could do something productive since every pony seems to be wasting their time. Something productive such as… s t u d y i n g.”

The last word came out in a low hiss. Twilight's ears twitched, but her face still held a tired frown.

“Great so go to the library and leave me alone. I study when I am awake.”

Frost used her magic to slide Twilight's coffee across the table. Twilight’s eyes watched it depart as her mouth instinctively opened to protest; despite her lack of energy. Frost proped her hooves up and took a long sip. So long in fact that Twilight thought she was trying to chug her coffee. She teleported the mug back to herself and glared at Frost. She drank the coffee as if it was securing her hold over it. She hardly noticed the tingling sensation over the natural heat.

“Oh, but I was hoping we could study together.”

Twilight didn’t want to and could not for the life of her understand why she said yes. Frost’s mischievous grin made her uncomfortable in her own skin. She felt heat radiating from her core and a cool tingling sensation in her head. It was like someone was applying a icy mist to her mind. Twilight rubbed her hooves against her head. She hadn’t felt this awkward since that time she drank too much cider with Rainbow and Applejack.

“Now then, would you care to take me to the library Twilight? Specifically the restricted archives too. I heard that no pony has been in those in nearly ten years. I do wonder what secrets they hold.”

“F-Frost that’s not allowed. We c-can’t…”

“A princess can’t go where she pleases? No, I think you would like to see those books as much as me. Perhaps their secrets hold the key to victory against my mother.”

She got up and walked to Twilight’s side. She leaned down near her ear and whispered.

“The coffee was a little bland don’t you think? I thought I’d add something to spice things up. Twilight I want you to bow before me and don’t think about using magic.”

Twilight’s mind was on fire. Sweat formed on her head as she tried to fight Frost’s commands, but she inevitably found herself on the floor. She growled.

“Night Frost, do you t-think you’re going to g-get away with this? Do you know what I- I am going to do with you?”

Frost grinned and cantered around Twilight until sitting on her as if she were a chair.

“No need to fret princess. This is no plot to secretly kill you or anything. I simply need to know if you’ll allow me access. Otherwise I’ll have to break in… I would like to avoid doing that. I also wanted to make you understand that while I am glad we stopped my idiot for a brother… that feeling of fear you have is the same one all of Midnight’s soldiers had. Luckily you know or should know I mean you know harm. Could you imagine being drugged daily and made to submit as you are now? No doubt your mind feels foggy and that’s from a little of my venom. That monster was farming my sister and drugging your ponies daily. They were hardly aware of their actions.”

Twilight’s eyes glowed as the venom ran its course. Night Frost looked down with a curious expression.

“Hmm it would seem alicorns can burn through the effects much faster. Well buck…”

Twilight released a long raspy growl like scream and a lavender blast wave emitted from her horn sending Night Frost flying into a bookshelf. She was buried underneath the weight of books and only her head was left exposed to the enraged princess.

“I should have you arrested! Banished! I should make you write me friendship reports for three years. I should-“

Night Frost grinned.

“You should research the effects of swapping spit with changelings… for science if not for fun…”

Twilight screamed yet again, because as embarrassing as it was she was now curious of its effects and applications.

“You’re such a plot head!”

Night Frost snorted.

“Oh goodness me princess, such vulgar and distasteful words. All I want is to research for the greater good of society. You wish to deny me the splendors of learning?”

Twilight grabbed Frost with her magic and the two teleported into the archives. She sat Frost down rather hard and grunted.

“I shouldn’t have let you in here. I haven’t even read these books. The last pony that did was cast out of Celestia’s school and sent to another dimension.”

“Sounds like a tragedy.”

“It was! When I once thought about sneaking in here the librarian told me that she was Princess Celestia’s protege as I was. Me and the princess are close, but the librarian told me that this mare was like a daughter to her. That’s why I’ll never be as good of a princess as she is. Celestia was willing to banish two of the closest ponies to her for the safety of her ponies.”

Night Frost frowned. No longer in the mood for antics she briskly walked away leaving Twilight curious as to why. Twilight followed her.

“What made you grumpy all of a sudden? I’m the one who literally got the rude awakening.”

“Your admiration for someone who would abandon her loved ones. I would instead try to persuade them to see their wrongs. It’s ironic I have to tell that to you of all ponies.”

“Yet, you are here to find a sound way to kill your mother.”

Frost turned and glared at Twilight.

“Yes, because I know she would not hesitate to kill me. Because I know there is no convincing a bitch who would cut off her own children from her hive. I only survive because I feed off of your kind. I am the result of a family member reaching out and showing concern. My brother for all his boundless stupidity convinced me to stop killing for a mentally unstable monster. She’s let three of her children to rot, she has let one of them kill the other, and the other two are to blind or corrupt to see her for what she is. So yes I intend to put her in the ground!”

Twilight stood still as Frost stormed off towards any aisle away from her. She let out a sigh and began to search for books about changelings.

“So then I found myself dressed exactly like Trixie. To my horror many stallions attempted to woo me into giving them a very different show. At the end of that night I brought many smiles to the faces of weary ponies. I also made a crazy mare fall in love with me. Sometimes I wonder what-“


Night Spark turned his already blushing face to Derpy who was standing in the doorway. He coughed awkwardly and began to fidget.

“Ditzy! Hi! Hello! So nice to see you! You didn’t happen to be standing their long did you?”

Derpy walked over to him and sat down. She leaned to her side so she could nuzzle him and he remained completely still.

“Long enough to hear you finish telling what sounded like a really nice story to your sister. You’re so nice Spark…HAH! Nice Spark!”

His posture deflated as he accepted that she hadn’t heard much. He thanked all the old gods and the new ones too that he was safe. Cautiously he leaned into her nuzzle and began to regain control of his emotions. Night Spark looked at his sister who was still smiling, but her eyes watched Derpy carefully. He pulled away from his new marefriend and held Tear’s hoof.

“Night Tear, this is Miss Ditzy Doo. She was among the first ponies in the city to show me kindness.”

Derpy held out her hoof, but Tear did not accept it. She continued to stare at Derpy until it became uncomfortable. Derpy smiled nervously and pulled a muffin out of her bag.

“If you don’t think I’m nice after this then there’s no hope.”

Night Tear moved back a bit as to avoid the muffin that was nearly shoved down her throat. Night Spark quickly intervened and grabbed it. It was blueberry cinnamon. He carefully spilt the muffin and ate his half in one large bite. The taste was divine. He laughed with his mouth full. Tear eyed it like it was poison. It must of been what she was thinking otherwise he didn’t know if anypony could or would resist it. Even if it was poison he would have still ate it.

“Sishtah jush huvh ah bide. Sweat shelleshtia…”

He offered the other half to her and with great reluctance she held it in her shaky hooves. After a careful visual inspection she gave in and had the daintiest of bites. Derpy smirked. She knew the power her muffins held and how they could get anypony to come back for more. In her own way her muffins were her venom.

Night Tear’s eyes went so wide they threaten to pop out. She looked like a filly getting her first Hearth's Warming Eve gift. The corners of her mouth curved up and her fanged smile was cut short by her joys laughter. As she laughed she looked around in surprise at the sound of her laughter. To Night Spark and Derpy however she looked positively insane causing them to laugh as well. Derpy pulled out more muffins from her bag and offered them to the siblings. Night Spark nudged his sister to inform her that she has first dibs. Tear began to eat several muffins in a manner not common with creatures of her size. Night Spark smiled at his sister's newfound vigor and began to pat her back as she started to choke on her food.

“Believe it or not, chewing is important.”

As she cleared her throat she fell backwards against the pillows in relief. Derpy sat on the far edge of the bed. Seeing others enjoy her muffins always warmed her heart.

“I knew you’d like ‘em. I can always make you some more if you’d like.”

Night Spark nodded.

“You should take her up on that offer sister. Her muffins make other food bland in comparison. Not to mention that would be an excellent way to help you as you are still malnourished.”

Derpy frowned and shook her head. She pointed her hoof at him.

“Not gonna happen. If she isn’t healthy then she can’t just have muffins. She needs balanced meals and exercise. Besides if you have something special all the time then it won’t be special anymore.”

Time froze for a moment and Night Spark thanked whatever higher beings that may exist for the opportunity they presented before him. While looking straight at her with half lidded eyes and a smirk he spoke quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

“And yet you’re just as special as when I first met you.”

Derpy’s cheeks exploded and she shyly avoided his gaze.

“You’re so…cheezy”, she whispered.

Night Spark grinned and took a step closer to her.


He lifted her chin with his hoof and used his head to direct her gaze to the holes in his legs.

“I’m swiss cheese… and only your love can fill these holes.”

Whether from eating 12 muffins to fast or from the horrifying experience before her Night Tear threw up. Luckily Derpy was able to avoid it as she was facing the direction of the bed. Night Spark however was not so lucky.

“Spike, while I appreciate your company, you’ve sorted through that same stack of tax free license requests for over thirty minutes.”

Celestia stared off distantly and continued.

“I can’t look at them for longer than ten minutes without losing my patience. Is something the matter?”

Spike mumbled some excuse to her and continued shuffling papers. He wasn’t intentionally being rude to her however his mind was scattered between many different thoughts. His heart and mind was constantly pushed and pulled between Rarity, his friends, his concerns about the war, and whether Twilight was ready to kill. His mind remained on that thought. She was his only true family and he loved her dearly for it. When Spike needed a friend or someone to talk with she was the older sister he could lean on. When Spike needed to learn a lesson she was the teacher to guide him. When he needed to remember who he was and that he was loved she was the most loving mother he could ask for. Imagining her trying to ready herself to kill, even in the defense of her subjects, tore at him. Celestia’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

“You know for as long as I have had the pleasure of knowing you I have noticed many things. Ponies see your bravery and knowledge, but the thing I wish others would see is your compassion. Your concern for your friends speaks wonders about your character.”

“How do you know I’m concerned? I could just be grumpy from all the stupid requests I just read. Seriously, how do you not abuse your power to shut these things down?”

Celestia smirked.

“Who say’s I don’t Spike? The abuse of political power is tempting, but I find that to be unseemly. I’d rather have the public enforce my wishes. If I am properly doing my job and serving the subjects of Equestria, they will in turn be accepting and loyal. A kind and benevolent ruler understands their duty to the common pony. Give something to one pony or group so they might shut down another pony or group. Back to the original point… Something is bothering you Spike.”

He let the papers drop from his claws and stood up. Turning to face her the difference in their heights became painfully obvious to him.

“I can help. I am a dragon! Just look at me! I’m a few years younger than Twilight and I’m treated like a child! Do you know how much smarter I am than the friends I have? Why don’t you go play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Here is a treat for being so nice! It’s degrading! Short of Twilight I know more than anypony in Ponyville! I am sick of it!”

His claws were closed tightly as he yelled at her. It took him a moment to realize that he had just yelled at Celestia. Spike desperately fell against a near by wall. He avoided her gaze and stared at his tiny claws. They had been the same size for the last four years. As his eyes misted up he spoke quietly.

“I’m so sorry. It’s just not fair. I love Twilight and will always will be grateful to her for raising me. Now she’s holding me back. I read comics now and while I enjoy them I started because I gave up. I wanted to fit in with the other little colts to try to feel normal. I haven’t grown a single inch since before we even moved to Ponyville. I know why you all treat me like this. Your all afraid of what would happen. Big bad Spike will crush ponies. Maybe you’re just concerned I won’t belong. Well I'm pony sized now and feel farther away from every pony than I ever have. I know I have ponies that love me, but I am an... extra. Just a big risk caged away.”

Celestia moved closer to him and sat against the wall he was slumped on. She wrapped him in her wing and pulled him in for a big hug. To her surprise he resisted.

“You see! That’s what I am talking about! Just hug me and kiss me on the head and it’s all ok! I am older than the ponies Twilight want’s me to hang out with but I don’t always act my age because I am so confused! One moment I am told to grow up and that I should know better! The next I am being tucked in for sleep! The next I am ‘given responsibility’ of managing a library. One day it’s Spike that Stallion and the next day I am back to being a baby dragon! I want to be Spike the dragon!”

Plumes of fire escaped his nostrils and Celestia could see his chest glow as fire built up.

“Oh Spike… I am so sorry you feel like this. Please try to understand that even in my years we have never raised a dragon. We-“

Spike interrupted her and had both his claws on her leg.

“Princess I am grateful to you and Twilight! You have ponies dying and you have Twilight who is used to defeating or transforming any villain she meets, worrying about killing! Every pony is looking to her to step up! All eyes are on her! Surely the princess of magic should be able to kill this changeling!"

Tears streamed down his face and he let go of her leg.

"Twilight is not a killer. The stress is tearing her apart and no one sees it. After all she has done for this country, for me... I could grow to the size of a real dragon and be there to at least support her. I could protect her and all my friends! You know the damage a dragon could do. She doesn't deserve this.”

Celestia nodded and inspected him for a while. Her silence gave him time to reconsider his rude tone. Spike scratched the back of his head and sighed.

“I know that was uncalled for Princess. I’m sorry I-“

“You are right, Spike. You are so very right.”

He looked up with wide eyes to meet a stern look from her. She place a hoof on his shoulder and lightly shook him.

“I admit that I am saying this out of my concern for your development as well as the fact that you could protect yourself much easier. You want to grow Spike? Tell Twilight how you feel. If you and her come to an understanding than this will be easier. Knowing her she may have her concerns, but she’ll come around. Dragon’s grow in size due to hoarding. As far as I know this grows the negative sides of their personality as well. I do not want to see my favorite dragon turn into a selfish and cruel monster.”

Spike shook his head.

“Never! I would never!”

“Hoard the most valuable thing to you Spike. Hoard your friends and family. Hoard the concepts of harmony your friends represent. I suspect it will be unimaginably challenging for you. Dragon hoards are typically piles of physical and mythical treasure. Your hoard must be kept in a place when nothing can steal it.”

Her hoof prodded his chest lightly.

“Make your heart your hoard and I believe you will be among the mightiest of dragons that have ever lived.”

Night Spark washed himself off in the hospitals restroom. He spent several minutes afterwards convincing his sister that he didn't resent her for emptying her stomach on him. He asked Derpy if she wouldn’t mind staying with Night Tear for a short while. She was happy to obliged and Night Tear quickly warmed up to her presence. He told them he would be back, but he had to repair the rift between Frost and himself.

Night Spark made his way to the castle and politely allowed the guards to glare at him. Their stares did little to bother him. Some ponies hated changelings and that’s how it was always going to be. That was something he could live with, but he refused to let an argument separate him from his family.

Going through the castle was a blur. When the the doors opened he found a dull looking Lunar Princess. Her eyes and ears perked up at his presence.

“Night Spark! How are you? Well I hope! What brings you to this bustling throne room?”

He looked around and noticed that it was just the two of them. The confusion on his face was apparent and suddenly Luna slumped in her throne with a sour expression. She even stuck her tongue out as if the bitterness was something she could taste.

“The room is most certainly not bustling. No pony values my input. Somedays I swear I wonder if things have truly changed. Then again it may just be the impending doom on our doorstep. Yes, I suppose that may be a valid reason to ignore me.”

Night Spark approached her and bowed his head once before speaking.

“Well I value your input and am grateful for it. In fact I come to you seeking advice Princess. I am going to find my sister and… do my best to make amends. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you and Celestia make up after bitter fights?”

Luna sighed and mumbled her response.

“We fought and destroyed a castle and much of the city surrounding it. Oh and then there was the moon… you know… for a thousand years.”

The salt could be tasted simply by breathing. Luna’s expression softened and she closed her eyes.

“Tia and I, we fought many times as sisters should and would. Silly things really… Who had the most suitors? Who was the fairest? Who was stronger? Foolish arguments that could end in verbal battle or physical battle.”

The corners of her lips barely raised into a gentle smile. Night Spark figured she was remembering much of the past. Luna remained silent before sighing once more. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He had shared his past with her. It would only be fair to indulge him as well.

“I will spare you the details Night Spark. I’m sure you do not have several days to hear the different backstories and beliefs of the ponies of old. For times sake allow me to be brief.”

Night Spark shook his head and look frowned.

“Princess resurfacing painful memories was not my intentions. You need not trouble yourself I just-“

“To this day there is a reason that Tia and I, no longer… find companionship from our subjects.”

Night Spark furrowed his brows at the interruption but decided not to mention it. Luna’s eyes fell to the floor between her throne and Night Spark.

“Long before even your mothers time, a young stallion by the name of North Star was a troubled fellow much like yourself when you first met me. So troubled was he that he dared to break into my chambers in order to steal my telescope. Such an instrument is common now and by comparison today’s are immeasurably more efficient. Yet on that night my telescope was the first of its kind… one of a kind.”

The slightest of frowns appeared on her face but quickly hid itself. Her voice however exposed the grief in her heart.

“I had recently shown it to a committee of scholars. I wished for ponies to indulge themselves in the mystery of my night sky, but I realize now that even then I only desired to be loved. I desired their attention. North Star was bright and dedicated to science. Stealing from a princess was of no concern to him. My strength and senses are bolstered during my night. So much so that I can hear a thief move at a snail’s pace. Spare me any ridicule, but twas love at first sight. What could flatter me more than a pony so engrossed by my night that they would risked everything to study it? He told me that I was a blessing because held the beauty of the night even in the day.”

Night Spark snickered despite a hard glare from Luna. She raised one wing which caused him to cower. He stopped and Luna lowered her wing although it still twitched from the urge to slap him.

“Anyhow, he was wonderful and exactly what I needed at that time. We spent much time together and of all the ponies I have ever been intimate with, he was the only one whom I dare say I loved. All the more reason why seeing Celestia place him under arrest broke me. North Star was tortured by my sister. Never, not even during our many fights had I seen Celestia so wrathful. That night the moon shined brighter from how furiously the sun burned. We fought and I hated her. I started to think maybe that she was jealous of our bond. Maybe she was that spiteful. After some time, days turned to weeks and I had no more patience. I threatened to kill a palace guard unless she return him. My hoof held that poor mares head firm ground. It was the whimpers of a fully trained soldier… more importantly an innocent pony, that broke my sister. She told me what happened and why.”

Luna didn’t look at Night Spark. With her eyes back to the same spot on the floor she continued with heaviness in her voice.

“North Star was a changeling. He was tasked to infiltrate the castle, get close to me, and kill me. Tia found out only because Star Swirl found ways to detect the effects of dark magic due to the encounter with Sombra. She found North Star trying to poison food that I thought he was preparing for our usual star gazing picnics. She didn’t tell me because she did not wish to kill the North Star I loved. My sister would have had me hate her versus ruining what I thought was my true love. I only wish I could have seen her selflessness then. Of course I did not believe her but when I heard it from his own mouth… I looked him in the eyes and stomped his throat in.”

Night Spark scratch his head. He did not want to come off as rude but his time was running short.

“Princess? You have my gratitude for sharing a memory such as this one. Truly it’s an honor that you would um-“

“I know I am rambling Night Spark. Here is your answer. That event is what tainted the bond Tia and I shared. Despite doing something for me out of love I let anger, jealously, and madness guide my thoughts and actions. North Star failed to kill me, but it was his actions and my reactions that lead to the shadowy path I am known for. It took me over a thousand years and being blasted by the most powerful magic known to reestablish that bond. Your actions no matter how justified were wrong. Go to you sister. Tell her that you know she was only trying to help you. Tell you that you understand that you do need her help. I have been in many of the situations that you have been in my friend. I think that is why I think of you so fondly. You remind me of myself had I made better choices.”

Night Spark bowed and then approached her. He gave her a hug which she happily accepted.

“I am sorry my kind hurt you so Princess. I hope you know that neither Frost or myself would deceive you in such a manner.”

She smiled and released the hug. With one hoof she poked his head.

“Oh I know you wouldn’t. That is why I walked through you memories when we first met. Had you any sinister intentions I would have crushed your throat as well.”

Night Spark playful narrowed his eyes.

“Not before we entered an epic battle. One so terrible that Nightmare Moon would have been forgotten and the terrible tale of Night Spark would haunt small ponies for centuries.”

Luna face was the universal expression for ‘don’t kid yourself’.

“You would be dead in seconds, Night Spark.”

“Not if I transformed into Celestia!”

“I nearly killed her, so yes I would kill you”

“I would deafen your ears with thunder and then strike. Alicorn or not the lightning still burns.”

“Yes, but the moon is struck daily by the full force of meteors. It is a living battlefield. It’s beauty are the scars it holds.”

“Whatever… you would falter.”

Luna patted him on the head with a little more force than necessary. His entire body bounced up and down with each powerful pat.

“Keep thinking that my little changeling. Now go before I force you to change into different forms! If no pony wishes to see me I can at least pretend to be a princess to your impersonations. My guards informed me your sister is with Twilight at the archives. No doubt they are looking into old spells and such. Fix your mistakes before no longer can.”

“Night Frost, what do you think our chances are against your mother?”

Night Frost chuckled half-heartedly.

“Without the elements of harmony? I suggest you find a way to make more alicorns.”

“I am serious, Night Frost. Any details on her tactics or powers would be of great help to me. Knowledge is power. We need strategy and strength.”

She shrugged.

“Power is Power, Princess. I have only ever seen my mother in combat when she challenged Celestia. She was powerful then. After that? She would spend time in her chambers alone. I- we all felt her power. Every changeling in that hive can tell you that she was gaining magic. The means? We never found out. Those who asked were punished… permanently. So the hive accepted it. Why wouldn’t we? I’d wager my mother more skilled in dark magic than Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight furrowed her brows.

“Surely you're joking?”

“No Princess, I have seen her do amazing and terrible things. When my sister Night Fire and I got into a fight I may have hit the ceiling of our main halls with a blast of magic. These halls dwarf even the largest chamber of this castle. The entire cave was collapsing and my mother appeared from nowhere. Thousands of rocks were caught. Several of them larger than houses in this city. With the flick of her horn they returned to the ceiling, melted together, and became perfect. It was that same event in which she and I got into a heated debate about your kind. I never attacked her but…”

Twilight noticed the blush in her cheeks as she continued.

“You may have noticed that my brother and I have a temper sometimes…”

She snorted and laughed at Frost.

“Sometimes? Hah! I won’t judge though. I uh kinda have one too.”

“Anyhow, I might have charged my horn at my own mother. It was in that moment I received a glimpse of her power. Looking back I had wished that she would have just beat me. With a single glare from her my magic was gone. I can only equate it to have all nutrients and food ripped from your body. What’s worse is she opened a portal to Tartarus.”


Night Frost lowered the book she was holding and glared at her.

“I have seen it, princess.”

“Night Frost, I only know of a few ways to create inter-dimensional portals. Either you are Discord, a magic mirror, or have as much magic… as an alicorn.”

Night Frost nodded.

“Princess, it was a hole large enough to fit at least four or five ponies into. Green fire lit the edges and inside was the dead. As far as I could see there were dead souls in an ocean of ghoulish magic. They swam around the black caves illuminating them with their light. Ponies, Changelings, minotaurs, you name it and it was there. I had thought it was a cruel illusion to frighten me. Now I think my mother is capable of sending a creature there. Although I may have found a solution.”

Twilight’s face was pale. Having been one of four Alicorns’s she had been shown the gates by Celestia. The Solid gates were only capable of opening when they essense of death had passed into them. Twilight would had never thought a mortal would be able to describe it to her as the area around the gates was visited only by those who did not value their lives. If Chrysalis had that level of power than Equestria was in trouble.

“Maybe she’ll send me next.“

Night Spark bowed to Twilight and then turned to face his sister. Frost’s face contorted and her teeth were barred.

“I need to speak with you, please.”

“I don’t want to see you right now. Go away!”

She threw a book at him and walked away with the one she had been reading. He dodged it and began to follow her.

“Frost! Sister please let me speak. I am sorry!”

She turned to him and slapped his face. Her eyes glowed slightly as her anger chilled the archives.

“I can never ask for forgiveness for the ponies I have killed! Night Fire and I slaughtered them. I would never apologize! I murdered so many! No pony wants my apologies and tears. Nothing can be done with them. Perhaps I should have let you kill Midnight so you would share this feeling; this filth that dirties my soul. You cannot wash away the blood Night Spark. Then again you would know that. So take your apology and go buck yourself.”

Night Spark met her narrowed gaze with pity. He had not considered her feelings about killing so many ponies. Frost buried her face in a large black book. He was quiet enough hear her quivering breaths. His ears fell flat.

“Frost, I will never ask you for forgiveness. I killed our brother. I killed him when he was incapacitated. There is no returning from that. I will see him again when I go to the depths of Tartarus.”

He cautiously reached out and lowered the book away from her face. Tears rolled silently down her face. Night Spark looked away from here and his ears fell flat.

“What you said to me that night… is not entirely true. I am not like midnight. I am worse. I want to change though. That’s all I have ever wanted. That’s why I left our family and hive. I didn’t want to be a changeling anymore because of how cruel we are.”

She grit her teeth and hissed.

“Poor Night Spark, doesn’t want to be a cruel mean monster anymore! Tell that to Storm.”

Night Spark lowered his head.

“Frost, I cannot undo my wrongs. I cannot take back the words spoken or stones thrown. Without any doubt I know how selfish I have been and I have no right to ask you… so I will beg you.”

Night Spark bowed his head lower. Twilight watched at a distance. To her it seemed like he was placing his head in an easy position to cut off. Frost’s jaw quivered as she watched him.

“I need you in my life. I know you were trying to protect me sister. I am so sorry for my actions. I made mistakes and I’ll try my best to stop but… fate would have me an ill tempered and bull headed changeling. You don’t have to talk to me any time soon, but I already miss you and well… I… don’t want you to stop being my sister. I need your guidance and support. If you can’t find it in you heart to speak with me at least visit the hospital. Night Tear is awake and she needs family right now.”

Frost’s eyes remained on him. Both changelings were frozen. She was taken aback by his action. Lowering your head and begging was among the most lowly thing a changeling could do. There was more respect in submitting to a pony as a slave then begging. She recalled her mother killing many hungry changelings who dared resorting to such a thing. On the rare occasion they did beg it was usually a grim circumstance. A changeling on the verge of death was the typical situation and they would ask other races for their love directly. Many times it brought about the death of the changeling or worse.

The lowered position almost made it seem like he was bowing to her, but she knew better. It was a changelings way of showing complete submission and exposing their necks. He was placing his head on her executioners block.

Night Spark would not lift his head and if she tried to walk away he would follow her with his head lowered until she accepted him or killed him. She placed the book to her side and stood. The tears flowed with more purpose. It was a horrible thing to see a changeling beg, but to have her brother beg to her was horrifying. Night Spark was not starving. As angry as she was with him she would rather see him die than expose himself as such. It revealed to her just how desperate he was.

She lifted his head to reveal his own tears and then she wrapped him in a tight hug. She held onto him as they both silently wept. Twilight had long since given them space but neither changeling wanted to cry out loud. Night Spark whispered in her ear.

“I am sorry. Frost, I am so sorry.”

He kept apologizing to her and it was soon obvious which of them was scared. Frost rubbed his back gently and felt strange. The anger she held for her brother was still strong. Their whole family was stubborn. That was a blessing on somedays and a curse on others.Yet she sensed that he truly believed that she would abandon him. She nuzzled him and then held him firmly by the shoulders. Upon looking at him she saw the pain and fear within his eyes.

“Brother, my anger still burns strongly. That fire will need time to burn. Do you think I would have left you? Abandon Miss Doo after the kindness she has shown me? Leave my proud little Dinky behind?”

Spark watched her with uncertain eyes. Words would be to much. He feared that they would break the world around him. With a quivering jaw his head slowly nodded. Frost frowned.

“Then without a doubt you have the thickest skull in our family. Considering the circumstances I was not overzealous with my anger. I wanted to give you something to think about. Like you did for me in the Crystal Empire. What would cause you to-“

“I have lost everything more than should be allow. My family, my faith, my honor… and now…”

He fell back on his haunches and was lost in his fear. The look in his eyes was helpless.

“Some entity must have taken pity on my soul. Being blessed with three sibling who are not out to kill. Being blessed with friends like Princess Luna and Sugar Sprinkle. Being blessed with an uplifting mare who accepts me for me. Here at the end of all things am I the happiest that I have ever been. Then I nearly kill some pony and for the first time it is my own actions that crumble away my joy. We have… had… a strong bond sister. I- I put that bond in jeopardy. The fear eats away at me each day that I might do something else. Make the decision, say the wrong word… ruin all that I have. It kills me because I cannot trust the idea that anypony will be there for me… even you. Both my mothers had no quarrel with abandoning me. My pony family cast me away for being a monster and my changeling family for not being one. We’ve just recently bonded through this war. What’s to stop you from being finished with me?”

Frost smiled as she placed a small kiss on his cheek.

“When we fought, that was the first time I had ever seen you use your magic. You came to the hive when we were so young but we were old enough to understand and to judge. You were the strange outcast and the one mother said to accept. You read books and you cried yourself to sleep. You were nothing and nobody. We accepted you. I accepted you. I thought she took you out of pity. There was no way such a quiet and weak changeling was my brother. Even on the verge of death you were magnificent. It was then I was proud of you. I admired that you found something to fight for. You told me that you were corrupted by love. Well, you corrupted me. I can actually say without a doubt that I have a thick headed brother who loves me dearly… and I love him just as much. For whatever faults you have brother the hope you inspire in me and others outshines it all. I’ll be here for you always. Now then, I have had enough of this emotional nonsense. I have found a way to throw our mother off her game and potentially beat her. Twilight you may stop eavesdropping now…”

Several books fell out from a nearby shelf and exposed the lavender alicorn. Twilight grinned sheepishly and walk out in front of them. Attempting to cover her flanks she cleared her throat and spoke.

“Nice to see you two uh not be angry.”

Frost deadpanned at her while Spark remained still. Twilight noticed this and moved closer to him. She placed a hoof on him and sighed.

“We considered each other friends once. Friends don’t threaten each other and while we both made that mistake I… I said some terrible things to you. Science is a way to enlighten others and I used it as a threat. If you really knew me than you’d know how ashamed I am of myself. I won’t lie to you anymore. It’s hard for me to trust your kind. Your mothers deeds still haunt me and taint my view of all of you.”

Twilight looked at Frost who was knew to the princess’s view of her kind.

“Frost, I held… no hold some prejudice against you and all changelings. It makes me feel sick to my stomach but it’s there.”

Everyone was silent but all eyes were on Frost. She chuckled and shook her head. With out a single word she wrapped Twilight in a hug and held her close. Twilight was confused and didn’t seem to return the hug until she felt Frost tighten her hold. The changeling laughed.

“Disgusting weak ponies. That’s all I thought of your kind. I thought my brother insane when he told me he loved one of your kind. Then I met Ditzy Doo and Dinky Doo. Their generosity and concern for my brother and I was humbling. I will not ask you to stop harbor that prejudice. All I ask is that you allow you heart to be open to us. Give Spark and I, a chance to show you we are not all the same.”

Twilight pulled away and nodded. She smiled and patted Frosts shoulder.

“Thanks for that. Now back to business! You said you found something?”

Frost levitated the large black book and placed it on the ground. The pages flipped open and ancient text was visible by the three of them. Twilight’s eyes glittered with excitement as she recognized the writing.

“That’s by StarSwirl!”

“Indeed princess, it would seem he had extensive knowledge about my kind. I am surprised you haven’t thought of this book.”

Twilight frowned.

“Well Celestia sealed this section off, even to me. These books hold as many answers as they do questions. Questions I think Celestia doesn’t want anypony asking.”

“Well that is a shame. Regardless I will best my mother and weaken the entire hive in the process.”

Night Spark placed his hoof on the book as his eyes skimmed through it. With wide eyes he shook his head.

“Frost no! She will destroy you!”

Frost narrowed her eyes in determination.

“No she will not. Our mother’s secrets are exposed. Her true source of power is the hive itself… and I shall take from her. I will give her a fight she never expected…”

Frost’s eyes shifted to Twilight who was confused.

“…Queen to Queen.”