• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Ashes and Smoke Pt.2

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update friends.

This chapter has a few things I was excited to write and some other things that made me nervous. Over all I think it's gonna lead to some more interesting events. I will let you know from now that Ashes and Smoke with have a part 3. I could have put it all in one chapter but stuff would have been rushed and well...you know how it goes.

Thanks to my buddy Tidal for editing and pre-reading. At the same time.... Screw you Tidal... you suck...

Let me know what you think my friends. Drown me in torrents of emotions, comments, hatred, anger, love, and muffins. Do not hold back! Fire your feedback canons at full strength!!!

Also thanks for the wonderful support. You are all my muffin.


Luna Is The Best Pony is hosting a contest for some epic Luna one shots based off of your choice from one of three prompts. I have entered this contest and submitted a fic about what Luna did during the changeling invasion. This Luna is different from the one in An Unwelcome Change. She is much darker and full of hate. Any how my fic is called What Once was Lost. If you are in the mood for some dark twisted Luna action please give it a read!

Ashes and Smoke Pt.II

The cracks in the crystal began to spread like ravenous vines. As they worked their way through the massive crystal slab they gave a sickening sound that reminded Night Spark of cracking bones. He turned his attention to Flash Sentry who was staring at the door with wide eyes. The soldier planted himself firmly in front of the crumbling entrance. Despite his previous thoughts about the strange and familiar pony, Night Spark respected him for standing his ground. He stood next to Flash and readied himself as well. The other soldier ponies instinctively followed suit and stood behind Night Spark and Flash. Night Spark stared ahead as he spoke.

"Do you find it strange killing changelings alongside a changeling? I suppose I would find it strange..."

Flash shook his head and turned it towards Night Spark. He spoke with admiration.

"Night Spark...you have no idea how happy I am to fight by your side. Behind this slab is an army so large that we'll probably both die in this battle. I shouldn't have found it strange that you wouldn't remember me... after what we did... after what we said..."

Night Spark turned to the pony and looked at him like he was insane; he had no idea what the pony was talking about.

"Please, explain your words soldier. I do not understand."

Flash sighed and put on a small smile. His expression carried both joy and regret.

"Night Spark it's me... your brother..."

The words took a moment took make contact with the changeling’s brain. As they slowly processed what was said, an explosion of memories washed over Night Spark. So many of them were wonderful and full of love. They were of a kind little pony and his loving family. A loving mother and proud father who looked at their son with nothing but affection. A big brother and sister that were the best friends, who would always be by his side. Parties and celebrations with neighbors who came over to check up on their favorite little pony. Prayers to a warm and loving sun goddess who would always be there when somepony bullied him. All of it was ruined the day the spell wore off. The day both he and his family found out what a monster looked like. Suddenly all the love and all of the joy turned into fear and disgust. A loving mother feared her son and a proud father became a distant one. A brother and sister who were best friends became the worst kind of bullies. The only god you ever worshipped answers your prayers by denying you love. Night Spark took a step away from Flash. Tears formed in his eyes and he gritted his teeth. Flash saw this and tried to approach him.

"Night Spark wait! Please just wait! I am sorry...I am so bucking sorry!!! I can't even begin to imagine what kind of pain-", Flash stopped as Night Spark spoke.

"You will do your best to distance yourself from me... pony... or the changelings on the other side of this wall will be the least of your problems."

"Night Spark just let me..."

Night Spark's horn surged with lightning that arced around his entire body. The blue bolts carved red molten lines against the crystal beneath him. His breathing was irregular.

"If you think yourself brave enough to still claim that we are family I dare you to do so. Family is simply a word to me... a word that means nothing. It is a false dream that festers in my mind. It was the nightmare that tormented my waking thoughts for years. Keep away from me or I will inflict such horror upon you that even the deepest pits of Tartarus will seem like places of solace. "

Flash held out a hoof as he tried to ease Night Spark's emotions.

"I understand Night Spark. I messed up... we messed up! As a family we weren't there for you. Believe me when I say that there is nothing in life that we regret mo..."

Night Spark words flowed from his mouth like venom.

"Regret? You know nothing!!! What I have seen? What I have done? Do you want to know why this empire burns? Do you want to know why Appaloosa burned? Do you want to know why Dinky was kil...no. You can not imagine what regret is."

Night Spark turned away from Flash. He let his angry tears flow as he observed the cracks in the crystal before him. As each crack continued its tiny path of destruction the large crystal grew weaker and weaker. Flash was going to continue but gave up. Even so Night Spark felt no relief. He actually was looking forward to when the crystal broke. Not only so that he could be away from Flash but also because the crystal reminded him of himself. Every event in his life had been a crack in the wall. Every death, every loss, and every betrayal had left its mark. The only thing that still held him together was Miss Doo. As he stirred in anger Night Spark had unknowingly continued to surge with magic. The wall to his left had red glowing lines running in various different angles as the lightning danced in a visceral pattern around him. Many of the other soldiers stepped a few meters away from him. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining came from the underground shelter and observed the scene. Shining immediately became distressed upon seeing Night Spark. He started to approach him, but magenta magic blocked his path. He glanced over at Twilight he shook her head.

"Let me talk to him."

Shining didn't feel comfortable letting his little sister talk to something so dangerous. No matter what she could do and no matter how powerful she became he alway felt protective of her. This time however he felt he was talking to Twilight the Alicorn Princess and not his sister. He sighed and relaxed his stance so to show her he would not attempt to follow. She nodded and walked towards Night Spark. As she came closer to him she casted a quick spell to protect herself. The arcs of energy flowing out from Night Spark merely came in contact with the barely luminous magical barrier of Twilight's. She stood next to him and noticed the tears on his face. Before speaking she turned to Flash and the soldiers. None of them met her gaze except for Flash. His eyes were sad and full of shame. Twilight nodded towards Night Spark while giving Flash a curious look. He slowly shook his head with closed eyes. Twilight then turned and spoke to Night Spark.

"Night Spark... do want to waste your magic being angry in here or do you want to use it on the changelings out there?"

His eyes were locked in a cold staring battle with the crystal. She could hear him grumbling to himself. She didn't know if the strain on his lungs was due to his anger, or him using too much magic. As she took one step closer he spoke with a tone that sounded angry but carried an underlying sadness.

"I want to do both Princess. Right now I have no desire to speak with anypony. All 'speaking' will do for me is ensure more pain. So should they try to approach me they will die. As for the changelings who breach this Great Wall. The moment it begins to crumble is the moment I will turn them into nothing."

She took a few steps until she was close enough to him that he could feel her magical barrier altering the patterns of his lightning. It was a strange feeling that under normal circumstances would have peeked his curiosity. However all he felt now was exposed. She stared at the ever failing wall as she spoke.

"I don't know why you're angry Night Spark. Maybe you'll tell me, maybe you won't. Regardless of what you choose to do just remember that you asked me to help you. You told me that you would assist me in saving these ponies and then work with me. I agreed Night Spark; I want to help you. I can't promise anything except that I'll try my best, but my best won't mean anything if you die here because you used your magic like a filly who can't control it. I also won't help you, if for some reason you harm anypony."

Her last statement caused him to abruptly turn to face her. His bright glowing cyan eyes had a darker shade of green and blue in the form of small blood vessels. Had he not been so emotional Twilight would have pondered about the color of changeling blood.

"That fact that you'd think I would do such a thing... I should feel angry that now two of the four princesses have no faith in my attempts to reform. Then again I believe I understand. You must protect your real subjects first... the ones who bully waitresses and innocent mares...the ones who's fire a pony for a simple mistake...the ones who would abandon their own family upon noticing that they are different...I understand."

He turned his gaze back to the wall. His face twitched slightly as tears streamed down the side. His teeth were grinding in the failing battle to stop those tears. His words were hardly audible to anyone but Twilight.

"Just go Princess. Be with your subjects and leave me be. Night Storm was right...Changelings...ponies... it matters not who I attempt to be a part of... I will forever be an anomaly. A miscalculation in this grand equation that you call life. The outcome of this war won't change anything for me. No matter what anypony says they will always carry some deep underlying concern that I will strike them when they least expect it. That I, Night Spark; will transform into something terrible and something even more hideous."

Instead of going away Twilight pointed her hoof at Night Spark. She pressed it into his side and began to speak louder than he did.

“No I will not just go away! That’s not what friends do Night Spark. Nopony thinks you are gonna transform into something hideous. We worry… I worry. Friends worry about each other’s wellbeing Night Spark. I know I can’t say I have treated you fairly… but that wasn’t because I thought you were somehow beneath me. That was because I couldn’t look past the actions of the only changelings I had known and I’m sorry. You should be defined by what you do and not by what you are. I trust you, Night Spark, but you have to trust me too. If you keep wasting your magic then you…”

Twilight was interrupted as the crystal wall crumbled. She stepped back along with Flash and the soldiers. Night Spark however darted forward through the crumbling hall of crystal. He let his magic grow even wilder. He had wanted to escape from Twilight’s words and from Flash’s presence. The Large crystal chunks exploded around him as he surged with power. He knew Twilight was right. Even though she had replenished his magic when they were in Canterlot he could feel himself losing focus and control. At the same time he knew he didn’t care. There was nothing out there that would be able to kill him when he was using this much magic. Unless Chrysalis herself led the charge he would be unstoppable. He released a large shockwave from his horn. The wave crushed most of the crumbling crystal before him and shot it out from the castle and into the horde like arrows. Night Spark now stood out in the open before the changeling army. He could hear them roaring and screeching in confidence as they castle door had been breached. The voices boiled his blood. He hated them. Night Spark snarled at them and the lightning around him instantly flowed to the tip of his horn.

Your confidence will be your undoing fools! DIE!

A large bolt of lightning shot forward and sliced into the horde. Upon impact it spread out and arced across many changelings. The ones at the front of the blast were incinerated. The changelings who received secondary and tertiary shocks were either dead or incapacitated. This angered the horde. Fifty or so changelings moved towards Night Spark. They shot green blasts of magic at him. Many of the blasts hit him as he was no longer in a combat form and utilizing Pinkie sense. The magic burned him as it struck against his body. As Night Spark fought against his attackers the other ponies held the castle.

Twilight looked at her brother with angry eyes. Her frustration was evident in her voice.

“We can’t just leave him out there! Shining we have to help! Soldiers go! Attack!”

He shook his head and raised a hoof at his troops they stopped upon seeing it.

“Twily no. Just because he charged out does not mean I am going to send my troops to their deaths. The plan was to bottleneck the changeling’s in the castle. Not meet them out in the open. Your changeling is strong and he’ll take out plenty of them but he’s fighting an ocean. If he doesn’t fall back he is going to die.”

Twilight looked out the opening of the castle and watched Night Spark fight off the changelings by himself. He was using more magic than she anticipated. She turned to Shining and spoke.

“I’m gonna go get him. I won’t let him die.”

Shining tried to grab his sister but she had teleport already. He watched as she reappeared behind Night Spark.

Night Spark cut down the last of the group that attacked him. Covered in their blood and his own, he stared out at the enemy.

“Come then brothers and sisters. You came here for death did you not? Who among you will face me? Surely if you all attack me I will die. Surely an army can kill one changeling!”

Twilight ran up to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. She was about to teleport him inside but he pushed her away. While she gave him a look of confusion, he spoke to her coldly.

“I am not going to cower in that castle with him. I shall remain out here where I am actually free to destroy those who would harm me.”

Twilight groaned and teleported back into the castle. She grabbed Flash sentry and pulled him aside. She looked at him annoyed.

“Explain everything to me…now.”

Night Spark held little back. He channeled so much magic at the tip of his horn the ground beneath him was catching on fire. He felt himself slipping. The tingling of blood dripping from his muzzle confirmed this. He found himself short of breath. As he inhaled sharply the taste of his own blood bothered him. Had his mother not crippled his abilities he would have been capable of outputting more energy. Instead of relenting he decided to continue even at his own peril. Long violent arcs crawled across the ground and some even danced upon the exterior of the castle. His magic generated so much light that the ponies in the castle could not see anything else but him. The horde began to attack in response. The front line of changelings began to fire bolts of magic. Night Sparks vision was blurring. All he could see was a wave a green magic approaching him. He spat out blood on to the ground next to him. If he used the magic he had gathered to protect himself their magic would have no effect on him. Night Spark watched the green wave grow closer and closer. The green reminded him of his mother. He saw her face in the back of his mind. She was glaring at him with a sickening grin.

You’d like to see me die wouldn’t you? Nothing would please you more than to watch the one changeling you couldn’t master perish.

He flapped his wings until he was high enough to see the horde in its entirety. A deep feeling of regret sunk into his gut. Night Spark furrowed his brow and close his eyes. The green wave of energy followed him into the sky. He paid no attention to it. His mind was thinking of the thousands of dead ponies now visible. No words would ever be able to properly express overwhelming guilt that poured into his heart.

Indirectly or not...it is I who brought this death and destruction upon you. It is I who killed your friends and murdered your children. I do not posses the power to return you to this world...but I swear to you that what little power I have I will use to destroy your killers.

Night Spark opened his eyes and darted downwards towards the green magic. He gritted his teeth to prepare for the pain. As the green wave washed over him it burned his skin. The pain was severe however the burns were nothing like the ones Night Storm had given him and that pain was little compared to the guilt he felt. Night Spark landed on the head of a large changeling. He released his magic at its full intensity. A bluish-white shock wave emitted from his horn. The wave traveled in all directions and as it expanded out it ripped through the land around him carving a crater around him.. Every Changeling it came into contact with was turned to ash.

“...so he ran away. We looked everywhere for him but…”

The entire castle lit up with blinding white light. Twilight quickly shoved Flash out of the way. She moved away any ponies near the door using her magic. As soon as she did the doorway erupted with energy. Twilight barely had time to raise a barrier. Shining stood in front of Cadence. His eyes could hardly stay open but he watched to the best of his ability. His jaw gaped in awe as his sister deflected such powerful magic. He wondered just how strong she had become. After the wave passed Cadence pushed him aside and approached Twilight.

“Twi’ that’s no normal changeling you brought with you. Who is he?”

Twilight watched out the castle door which now was smoldering. Molten crystal and embers now decorated the ground before the castle. She saw Night Spark barely able to stand. He stood alone in the crater he formed. His body swayed side to side as if he was going to pass out. Twilight turned to Cadence and spoke softly.

"That is one of six of Chrysalis's children."

The Crystal Empire Train Station:

Luna was the first to step out from the train. A small changeling regiment charged towards the princess with their horns glowing. Luna chuckled in such a way that some of the bat ponies began to question her sanity. It was a dainty chuckle. Luna was the princess of the night. She was powerful, passionate, and fierce. The Luna they served was no Dainty princess. Vi thought she sounded like a delicate and uptight canterlot official. Luna continued to chuckle and the growling changelings also became confused. The twenty or so of them started to glance at one another. Some of them shrugged and grumbled barely audible remarks about how Canterlot ponies were the craziest. After a moment of bickering a large changeling approached Luna and stomped his massive hoof in front of her. The impact of his hoof sent snow up into Luna's face. He dwarfed her in size and had to look directly down to glare at her.

"What's so funny, little pony? Speak or I shall rip your frail little wings off your body. I wonder how a laughing pony sounds after having its wings severed?"

Luna stopped laughing.

A silence filled the winter air. The princess stared into the eyes of the large changeling. At first he met her glare and snarled. He had no reason to fear the smaller pony. He was a powerful changeling capable of shifting into the form of a dragon. No mere pony would pose a threat. After a moment, Luna's eyes flashed once. The large changeling began to scream in horror. He quickly turned and grabbed the changeling closest to him. With little effort he tore the changelings wings off and smashed his body into the train station’s walls. The other changelings began to panic and attacked their larger ally. The larger changeling continued to scream in such horror it actually frightened some of the batponies. They watched as the changeling dug his large hooves into the small bodies of his brethren. The carnage continued until the large changeling had mutilated his allies in unspeakable ways. He stood covered in the blood and inner organs of his own kind. Luna's eyes flashed once more and he stopped screaming. The air carried a chilling silence. None of the ponies in the train muttered a single sound upon seeing the rampage. The large changeling's eyes grew wide as he saw the mangled bodies around him. He stuttered in fear as Luna approached him. He fell on his back as he attempted to move away from her. The changeling now shuffled in the snow as Luna towered over him.

"I do not remember what a laughing pony sounds like after having its wings severed little changeling maggot. However I do know what a changeling sounds like after its body is snapped open by a friend. Would you like me to describe that to you?"

The changeling squirmed and did everything he could to avoid her gaze. She spoke as softly as she could to him.

"Do not worry. I am not so cruel. I have no desire to torment you. After all what kind of Princess would I be if I were to behave in such a horrid manner. Look into my gaze little changeling. Look. Look..."

As Luna spoke the area around the train station became dark. Her eyes and the stars above became the only sources of light. Her voice was heard in every layer of the changelings mind. Even if he tried to resist her he would fail. Her voice was like a cool liquid that spread from the back of his mind and into the little caverns that living creatures can never willingly access. The stars blurred and his vision faded; the only thing left to focus on were her eyes. As he met their gaze the stars vanished and his mind spiraled into a blackness that cannot even be described. The changeling slumped over. Luna turned and approached the train.

"My soldiers, we have arrived too late. The changelings have blackened this once beautiful land. They have soaked its soil with the blood of a thousand ponies. They have burned and crushed the homes and markets and have nearly won. The crystal ponies are now few in number...so dangerously few. Some of you may believe that what I have done was, perhaps, too harsh or to cruel. I stand by my actions. I do not pretend to be a beacon of perfect morals. I do not have as many kind lessons to pass on to you as my sister. What I do have is the darkness that everypony, even Celestia; carries in their hearts. We strive to be good. We strive to be one with harmony but I will tell you this: do not deny the darkness. It is there for a reason. It is there to make days such as this more tolerable. Do not mistake me. I wish you not to be corrupted as you all know I once was. Do not let the darkness control you. Instead recognize that dark inner shadow. Do not keep that nightmare locked away. That nightmare which is the screams of your deceased loved ones. That nightmare is the burning souls of Appaloosa. That nightmare is the grief that stings your hearts. Return that nightmare to the one who caused it. Show these monsters that they cannot spread darkness without expecting darkness to strike them as well. Hold no quarter for them. Stand at the edge of the city and await my command. Now go!"

The soldiers scrambled out of the train in a calm, yet purposeful way. They began their steady march upon the city. As Luna watched them Violet approached her and stood silently at her side. Luna did not acknowledge her. She was too concerned about the battle to come. Her ponies would fight savagely. They would destroy many changelings but she knew that if the Crystal ponies were to be saved they would need Celestia's troops and the 501st as well. Violet lightly nudged the princess.

"So what's up with big crazy? What did you do to him?"

Luna spoke with her eyes locked upon her ponies.

"I took apart his mind as a foal would take apart a puzzle. I retained anything useful and disposed of the rest. What lays in the snow is an empty shell. It will die soon as it cannot even remember how to breath."

Violet stared at the princess slack jawed.

"Please do not stare at me like that Violet."

"Sorry Princess it's just that...well...damn… Ow!"

Luna smacked the back of Violets head with her wing.

"What was that for?!"

"Just because we are on the battlefield does not mean respect is forgotten. You should not curse before a princess and more importantly before a commanding officer."

Violet smiled.

"So it's more important to not curse before my commanding officer than it is my princess?"

Luna shrugged.

"Depending on the century princesses can be too...princess like... I prefer to think of myself as a general... or perhaps a warlord. While I do not necessarily crave battle I enjoy the respect and admiration those in the military have for one another. That is perhaps the only positive thing about this war. I spend my days with my troops instead of useless politicians. Please do not become a useless politician Violet. Retain the warrior within yourself. If nothing else, that kind of spirit will keep you young."

“Don’t worry princess. I’ll be sure to rough up those snotty old ponies. If it were me I’d say toss the old ones out and throw in some new fresh ponies.”

Luna looked at her and Violet had realized she was speaking to not only her princess, but her princess who was much older than any politician.

“I don’t mean you of course. Er- anyway… The other ponies from Ponyville are headed this way. What are you going to have them do?”

Luna turned her attention to her friends. She put on a small smile to hide her fears. Some found it strange that Luna would befriend them. After all they foiled what some believed to merely be a plot to overthrow Celestia, but in reality they had saved her. The six mares had allowed Luna to have a sister again. They gave her a second chance she didn't deserve. Luna approached her closest friends and let out a powerful sigh.

"I know that none of you will obey me if I command you to stay out of this fight. I would only do so to protect you as I am a selfish pony. However it is because you are my friends that I will not deny the glory of this battle. I have a special task for you my friends."

Pinkie Pie appeared from Luna's mane. Luna's heart skipped. She still had to learn had to deal with Pinkie's surprises. The party pony threw confetti in the air while standing on Luna's head. Yet again the pony seemed to defy gravity. Luna made another mental note to study Pinkie after the war.

"Yay! A Special task! What is it Are we gonna throw a cheesecake party to distract the changelings? Nothing can resist a cheesecake party! Well except for lactose intolerant ponies and changelings because they would probably explode and stink up half of Equestria if they ate my cheesecake! But all the non-lactose intolerant changeling would jump on the cheesecake and when they are eating it we can have Twilight use her shrinking spell. Then we can take all the teeny tiny changeling and let Gummy play with them. IT WILL BE SO CUTE!!!"

Luna's mane exploded with even more confetti as Pinkie shot of into the sky like a rocket. Luna took in a deep breathe and thought about the push and pull of waves due to her moons gravitational force. Celestia had assisted her in finding a happy place when she had first returned. The new Equestria was very stressful on her and led to many breakdowns and exploding fits of rage. Despite being her prison for a 1000 years the moon was still hers. After so long she got used to its hard surface and cool touch. She got used to the shade of light it reflected. It took her two months to sleep in a bed. Pinkie Pie managed to ruin her happy place. Now the moon she thought of was Pinkie's face. The only waves it pushed and pulled were ones created from a mixture of Luna's mane and confetti. Luna growled.


Pinkie froze in midair and slowly deflated. She landed delicately and slowly as a leaf would in a gentle breeze. Luna paced her breathing and remembered to restrain her royal voice. She was annoyed that her mane was ruined before the battle but she saw Pinkie's broken look. The last thing she wanted was for her friend to feel bad before the battle. Luna spoke in a relaxing tone.

"Listen to me my friends. I would like to utilize you as all special strike team. You must reach the Castle and see to it that you find Twilight. We have no chance for victory unless our friend fights at her fullest strength and she cannot do so without you by her side. I also ask that you ensure the safety of the remaining Crystal ponies. They are few and it is our duty to ensure that they survive this day. I will send Violet with you. She is the best pony under my command and will steal much of the glory from you. My heart twists as I ask this task of you... princesses are not supposed to have favorites but...to Tartarus with such thoughts. I love and cherish each of you more than any pony. You have shown me that the night is not as dark it seems. Light can be found in the darkest places."

The five mares grabbed Luna and pulled her into a group hug. Violet watched her princess embrace the mares. The scene reminded her of her men. She coughed and spoke politely.

“Sorry to interrupt cuddle time girls but we have a bucking empire to save. So how about we get out there and kill stuff. That means you too your highness. I don’t want to see any of us after the battle unless we are dripping in changeling guts.”

Pinkie hopped twice. Applejack stretched her legs. Rainbow twirled in the air. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack. Rarity checked her mane. Violet flapped her armored wings.

They were ready.

Crystal Empire Castle Entrance:

He closed in on the fine line that separated the living and the dead. He knew he could push a little more. That was one of his defining traits. A special kind of stubbornness that would put any mule to shame. He wondered if it was stubbornness, luck, or love that kept him alive. It made enough sense to him. He had never met any creature as wonderful as Ditzy Doo. The mare that was overlooked by her world became his. The very thought of her seemed to washed away the burning pain in his head. Could she be his anchor to the living realm? Was the desire to speak with her one more time the source of his power? Night Spark wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure because he couldn’t be. Being sure implied that he had to believe that he was always safe. It implied that he had to be confident that the miracle that was Miss Doo was not another lie or trick. No matter how hard he wanted to be sure Night Spark knew he could never be.

He stood in the crater and watched through hazy vision as the changelings began their charge on the castle behind him. They ignored him.

Why do you cease your hostility? Why not strike me down?

As Night Spark mentally questioned the actions of his kind, a cold that was all too familiar moved in. The embers in the crater withered and died. The ground itself cracked in pain as a frost formed and traveled through it. Icicles formed at his hooves and sent a chill up his body.

…I should have recognized you…

A slender changeling appeared at the top of the crater. She was as dark as him except much of her body was covered in ice. She wore armor that reminded him of Nightmare Moon. Unlike Nightmare’s sleek and fitted armor, the ice on Night Frost was jagged, violent, and sharp. She slid down the crater with a certain grace that was unique only to her. As she slid towards him she smiled. Night Spark tried to move but found that his hooves were stuck in the ice now beneath him.

“My dear brother, I have missed you… and I thought about you. I thought of your ruthless betrayal. I thought of how my twin brother could cut down his own flesh and blood. We felt it Night Spark. We felt Night Storm’s pain and agony. I did not think you were capable of it. You were the shy one brother. Always scared to hurt anything. In many ways I mourned your loss more than Night Storms.”

Night Spark didn’t talk. He just watched his sister like she wasn’t there. He was so tired. The bones in his body ached and cried for him to rest. Night Frost came closer and as she did Night Spark felt the cold intensify. She lightly tapped her hoof on the ground and the ice around Night Spark vanished. With nothing forcing him up he allowed himself to fall before her. She looked down at him and spoke in the soft tone he remembered her having.

“Why did you leave Night Spark? You abandoned your own kind, your family! You joined the enemy, and look at what your actions have reaped. You mutilated our brother…your own brother! Now I am here and have orders to destroy you. Because of your selfishness I now must sin as you have and kill my own blood. So please, before I end this; allow me to understand what turned you into such a monster!”

She waited for an answer. She waited for him to gain just enough energy to speak. He slowly looked up at her and smiled.

“Frost…It is love that has corrupted me. It is love and yet it is hate. I killed Night Storm and I would do so a thousand times over. Do you want to know why? He tried to kill… the pony that I love. He did so knowingly and that is not how brothers treat one another.”

She put her hoof on his chest and ice spread across it like savage little serpents. The cold burned in a manner that no fire could.

“Love? You killed him because you desired to bed a mare? One of them!?”

He chuckled.

“No sister. I killed him because he would have destroyed the only chance I have to be loved. You do not know what it feels like Frost. You remember my past do you not? Before I met you I had a family. A mother and a father that would put me to sleep and embrace me when I woke. A brother and a sister that would be the best friends I could have ever hoped to gain. What did we have? A mother so driven by rage and hate that her own children are tools of war. Siblings that spent their days competing for power and authority from mother. Have any of us embraced one another? Have I ever told you that I do love you sister? I love you as I loved Night Storm and our other siblings. I Love you all, but if your path only leads to this…this bloodshed and war. Then not even the bond of blood can bring us together.”

Night Spark winced at the pain her ice caused. She removed her hoof and bit her lip. Her white eyes stared at Night Spark. The twins remained in silence for sometime. The crater was their own little world in the battle. The sounds of war cries, battle magic, and pain sounded from the castle.

“Love or not, you have sided with the enemy. I cannot allow you to assist them any longer… I have to end it brother. I have to.”

As she raised her hoof to Night Spark’s head the ice around it shifted. It extended out into a thin and unimaginably sharp edge. She placed the freezing blade upon his neck.

“If you think killing me will help you win this war you are gravely mistaken. I have no more information to give sister. I am like you. An instrument of war, however we do differ. Before you cut my throat humor me. What happens at the end? What happens when the changelings succeed and wipe this land of ponies? Will you enjoy being a princess of dust? I would very much like to know what you believe your fate holds sister. I know part of mine. My fate lies with the mare I love. I will be with her after we are done here in this empire.”

“How do you figure? You are weak Spark. We all know of your predicament. Even if you have enough magic to defeat me you would end up killing yourself in the process.”

Night Spark shifted his wings into those of Rainbow’s and slapped her hoof away. He rapidly flew backward and put a distance between them. Night Frost’s horn cracked as ice twisted around it. Night Spark charged up his horn and aimed at her.

“You claim to miss me? Then surrender sister. Join me and together we can stop this madness. We can assist in ending this war. We do not have to fight. You always have a choice.”

She shot an ice razor from her horn. The blade sliced along Night Spark’s wing and opened his flesh as only the sharpest of weapons could do. He snarled at the pain and retaliated by shooting a concentrated blast of bolts at Night Frost. As he did so he stepped backwards to further his distance. Night Frost had raised a wall of reforming ice. Under normal circumstance his lighting could have broken through but his magic was dwindling. She forced her ice forward and slammed it into him. His body slid around the now frozen crater. As he slid his mind wandered to darker thoughts. Thoughts of things past and things that had still to become. However these thoughts grew darker and began to fade as he felt death seep into him like a numbing poison. Yet another demon that chose to haunt him.

So much left unsaid… I cannot relent.

Night Spark’s open wound left a large trail of blood. He slipped in it as he tried to stand. After another failed attempt he used his magic to fry all the blood around him. As he stood Night Frost frowned.

“You persist too long after your own defeat brother.”

“I have to…”

Night Spark began one last attempt to defend himself. He sent out a rapid succession of shockwaves that tore the ice from the ground. A mixture of ice, dirt, and electricity slammed into Night Frost. She remained on her feet as she was being pushed back. The waves were powerful and in some ways she was happy to experience them. She never witnessed Night Spark using his powers for anything combat related. It made her next move all the more difficult. Night Frost targeted his front legs. She aimed at specific sections where she knew her attacks would knick tendons. After she was sure of her aim she sent out four silent ice razors. They tore at the sides of Night Sparks front legs and caused them to buckle. He fell instantly. The pain shot through him as he attempted to move his legs. His scream was unlike any she has heard. When her mother tortured changelings who failed in their tasks they released disgusting screeches that gained more resentment than pity. Night Spark’s scream was different. Somehow his pain and despair seemed to resonate in a sound that otherwise betrayed his bravery. She did not hear some screeching drone, but instead the cries of her suffering brother. Night Frost swiftly slid up to him and looked down at her brother. He squirmed and twisted in a pool of freshly spilled blood. Upon observing him she immediately regretted her actions. She believed that she could hate him and kill him like the others would, but he was her twin. He was the strange brother she gained later in life, and was the only sibling who truly loved her. Her lips quivered as she watched him.

“Night Spark…I…I…”

Ice quickly formed around his wounds. His eyes were full of confusion and fear. As she tended to his injuries, he slowly drifted from consciousness. She knew the ice would burn, but as least it would act as a temporary scab. Lowering herself, Night Frost got close to his still body. She slowly leaned in and spoke firmly yet with great remorse.

“I am sorry Night Spark. I am so sorry. If you can still hear my voice know that…I too love you brother. I love you. Perhaps I will make amends and try to step away from their path. I do not know how to proceed, and for now we must remain enemies. This is how fate has led us… but I have a choice. However, it is not one I can make now Spark. Farewell."

She timidly touched her hoof on his face. He was cold; like everything else in her life. She placed her cheek against his and for the first time in her life Night Frost nuzzled one of her siblings.

Crystal Castle Entrance:

Every magical pony in the castle followed the actions of their princesses. Both Cadence and Twilight sent forth powerful beams of magic that literally cut through the ocean that tried to swallow them. Every unicorn performed their most powerful magic in the direction of the doorway. Some of them amplified their magic by shooting it through crystal focusers. The turret shaped structures were almost the size of another pony. They turned even the most unruly magic into precise beams. Their combined magic illuminated the castle and kept the threat at bay.

Twilight shouted over the sound of war and sizzling beams.

"Cadence! I'm gonna get Night Spark and put up a barrier! Can you manage for a bit?"

Cadence smirked and her eyes glared at the changelings. The little monsters reminded her of the witch that could have stole her husband forever. They reminded her of how her whole life could have been replaced by Chrysalis. He nostrils flared and she spoke through grinding teeth.

"I'm more than capable of taking on these pests! Go and hurry!"

Twilight teleported and Cadence growled. She cut loose and her horn erupted with a beam that nearly filled the doorway. Twilight watched from outside as Cadence's magic exploded out from the castle. The pink Alicorn may have been the Princess of Love, but that made her no less powerful. Twilight admired the intensity of the magic, but she knew it would not hold the changelings back for long. She hovered over the battle and scanned the crater for Night Spark. What she saw sent her bolting down from the sky. As she dive-bombed Twilight summoned boulder sized objects formed from her magic. She hurled them at the crowd in front of the castle. As they saw the magic boulders, the changelings pulled away from the castle ever so slightly. The magical objects rolled and suddenly burst into magenta fire bombs. The mystical flame spread out in front of the castle and could not be extinguished. Twilight landed in the icy pit. Night Spark’s blood had contrasted horrifically with the white frozen ground. Standing above his body stood another changeling. Twilight blasted Night Frost and sent her flying meters away.

"Night Spark!"

Twilight knelt by his side. Based on her knowledge of the anatomy of ponies she immediately understood the grave nature of his injuries. They were brought upon him with surgical precision. Twilight removed the ice covering his wounds and sealed them with her own magic. It would not fix the damage done, but it would stop his bleeding. The nature of his wounds angered her. She knew that striking his tendons so precisely was no coincidence. She didn't know if she would be able to heal him, but she sure was going to bring justice down upon whoever harmed him. Twilight looked at Night Frost and summoned a spiraling wall of flames at the changeling.

"You're a monster!"

Night Frost shot a volley of ice razors at Twilight through the fire. Twilight teleported to a different spot. A stinging pain flared across her face. She could feel her blood slowly trickle down her cheek. Night Frost stared in disbelief. She had never seen a creature other than her mother teleport and even when Chrysalis did it, it was something that never ceased to amaze. Twilight knew that anything else would have been sliced apart by the ice. Night Frost was about to launch another volley, but Twilight's horn erupted and spewed fire in a manner that would shame most dragons. Night Frost attempted to form an ice shield, but anything she cast melted immediately. The scorching heat from Twilight's fire brought Night Frost to her knees. In desperation the changeling’s horn glowed white and shot out a magical beam instead of ice. This was the purest form of her magic. Night Frost had only used it once before... The white beam pushed back the fire and canceled the heat. It re-froze the ground and cause frost to form on Twilight’s body. The sudden switch to subzero temperatures startled the Alicorn only for a moment. Twilight scoffed.

“Are you stupid or something?! This cold will literally freeze Night Spark’s blood! For goodness sake he is your brother!”

Night Frost kept the beam on Twilight but turned her vision to Night Spark’s still body. She bit her lip and then sighed. She ceased her magic but then immediately launched a massive volley of ice razors at Twilight. She would not kill her twin but she would be damned before she let a disgusting pony have her way. Twilight’s eyes glowed white and all the ice shards stopped mid air. They slowly turn around to face Night Frost. Before the changeling could blink the ice flew by at such velocity that they had their own eerie song. Night Frost stood as her armor fell from her body. Cuts had opened all over her. The pain slowly grew and then intensified to levels she had never felt. Before she could even scream a magenta bubble formed around Night Frost and threw her around the crater. Twilight slammed the changeling against the ground and had the bubble electrocute her.

That is from Night Spark.

The black and white changeling twisted for some time until Twilight ceased her assault. Night Frost coughed up blood. She waved her bloody hoof at Twilight.

"I yield pony. I yield. "

Twilight teleported next to her and glared at her with a fury she rarely revealed.

"You are lucky I am the one who yields. You hurt my friend. You killed ponies. I should make you suffer. I should tactically knick your tendons and removed your magic supply. Unlike you I am a decent being. If I ever see you again I will break every rule in the book and ignore every lesson I have ever learned. Then I won't stop.”

Night Frost stared at her brother. They both now lay wounded in the same pit. She knew his injuries were much more severe. Twilight began to walk towards Night Spark but Frost stopped her. The Alicorn turned her head sharply and pointed her horn down at the black and white changeling. Night Frost squeezed her eyes shut.

“Wait! Please! Do with me what you will, but please help Night Spark. Do not let him die here!”

“What? You care about him?”

Night Frost winced at the pain her body was in. It hurt more knowing Night Spark had felt much worse.

“Think of me how you will cruel pony, but do not doubt that…I…I love my brother.”

Twilight’s mouth gaped open as she scoffed at the changeling.

“You love him? Really? Funny way of showing it! I can lift Ursa Majors. I can teleport and I can give ponies wings. Buck it I can raise the dead using magic that not even Celestia herself could cast. But I can’t change the rules of how things are. Do you know what you have done?”

Night Frost knew. She knew and despite not wanting to be reminded of it she listened as Twilight scolded her.

“His tendons are cut, not all the way through; but more than enough. Even if I heal his body and sear his wounds. Even if I replenish his magic and augment his abilities you have left your mark. If he over-exerts just the slightest bit he could tear his tendons and never be able to walk again. I still have quite a bit to learn about your kind, but if that is how sisters love their brothers that it’s no wonder why he left to join us. I know what friendship and love is. You have neither for you brother. The fact that you think you love him is disgusting in itself.”

Twilight grabbed Night Spark and teleported into the sky. She saw the horde again but she also saw hope. Princess Luna and her troops had arrived and began their assault. They began to attack the horde at the very edge of the empire. She teleported inside and appeared next to Shining who was firing away at the changelings. He saw Night Spark from the corner of his eye.

"Twily, what the buck happened to him?"

Twilight gently placed Night Spark down by her brother. She healed his minor injuries easily enough. With precise aim she seared his larger wounds. As she finished, she stood and looked at Shining with sad eyes.

"Luna is here. The force she brought with her is maybe 1/10th the size of the changeling horde. We need a new plan otherwise every pony is going to die."

Twilight touched her horn to Night Spark’s and a magenta aura formed around him.

"That will barely help with the pain if he wakes up. Listen Shining, you and Cadence need to perform your thing. Only this time we are gonna amplify the blast radius."

Shining stopped blasting changelings and stared at her like she was crazy.

"Twilight what Cadence and I did in Canterlot… we didn’t know that was Luna’s bedroom. Cadence had a little to much wine and if I had known I wou-”

Twilight smacked his head with telekinetic magic.

“You idiot! I meant the spell!!!”

Shining blushed and smiled nervously.

“That was the most powerful magic I have ever done. I don't think I can make that any stronger.”

Shining chuckled as he continued.

“I don't know if Cadence can even do better. We aren't all like you sis."

Twilight smiled. She was a humble pony but she couldn't help but enjoy compliments on her magical abilities.

"You don't have to be any more powerful than what you already are. You and Cadence can focus you spell through a crystal focuser."

Shining shook his head.

"Won't work, Twily. Even our military grade focus crystals can't hold up with that much power."

Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder. The mind bending screeches of the changelings began to overpower the sound of magic. The line was beginning to break and the changelings would soon flood the castle. They both looked at the doorway with concern as Twilight spoke.

"Shining, I am not dumb you know. I wasn't talking about those. Heck my lab has better foc- I was talking about the most powerful crystal there is. We have to focus your spell…through the Crystal Heart."