• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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It was Always You

It was Always You:

The smell of hay burgers and authentic Zebrican Spices tempted every muzzle in the market. The market district could best be described as one long stretch straight from the outer city edge that was near the mountain, all the way to the castle courtyard. The origin of the near endless path was a bloody one. A little over a thousand years ago it was a road wandered by lonely and dangerous ponies. Even the guard would steer clear of it as magic duels for honor were a common occurrence. The duels would frequently cause collateral damage. Yet despite the extreme danger, greedy ponies and gambling ponies saw opportunity. Everypony loves a good fight. For centuries the streets thrived as a place to enjoy the duel of fates. No longer were fights about killing or honor. They were now driven by bits and glory. Eventually however, a tragic incident lead to the fights being banned.

All Frost could see was food and various trinkets. As she walked down the path many ponies cleared out of her way. For all they knew she might as well be Chrysalis. The only reason the weren't panicking was due to the element of harmony next to her.

“Miss Rarity, am I truly so frightening? See how they tremble? I expect such of my opponents but…”

Frost sighed.

“Are changelings really so vile to your kind?”

Rarity frowned and looked up at the much taller changeling.

“Absolutely not! You are simply different and that is wonderful! Why I remember when I first consulted Zecora in traditional Zebrican fashion. At first sight it was oh so dreadfully bland and even more strange than I had imagined. I suppose that was because it was truly different from my own tastes. When I opened my mind to it I found that charm in her homelands fashion. Flashy gems and jewels were near absent. They use more common stones and abstract patterns. Their fashion was among the most organic and earthly I have ever seen.”

Frost nodded as they continued to walk. She wanted to agree with Rarity but there was just one problem.

“Rarity, I am not some example of fashion. They cower because of me.”

Rarity stopped and held Frost with one hoof.

“Yes, because they are not used to large sharp fangs. Ponies don’t see clear wings or chitinous shells. Unicorn horns are straight not jagged or curved. Ponies don't have a reverberating dissonance in their voice. That is part of why they are fearful. Everything thing else can be traced through history. That however doesn’t mean you are monstrous. Did you know one of my closest friends is Spike. He is a small dragon. He is shorter than me yet his claws would no doubt cut through either of us with little effort. He is as small as a little colt and can belch enough fire to turn a house to ash. He has sharp teeth that shear through gems like candy. No pony fears him. No pony stares at him.”

“He is not me or my brother for that matter.”

Rarity held the bridge of her muzzle and groaned.

“No dear, but can you see the similarities? The only difference is you have a mountain of bad history to climb through before you can earn most ponies trust. Is that fair? No, but you will have friends like myself to help you through that process. Will you be trusted and thought of as normal?”

Rarity paused and gave Frost a small smile.

“Probably not in your lifetime. I fear to much has happened on both sides. While that might seem discouraging think about those who do trust you. War is upon our kingdom and we may all be killed yet I have never seen Ditzy and Dinky Doo as happy as they are now knowing you and your brother. You both matter. Maybe not to all but… at least to some of us…”

Night Frost stared at Rarity. Rarity flicked her hair and walked faster leading Frost to quicken her pace.

“Now then straighten your posture and walk proudly. It is most unbefitting of a queen to slouch. What kind of gift did you want to find for your sister? Perhaps some perfume? Chocolate?”

Standing taller Frost’s thoughts shifted. She was going to meet her sister for the first time and with any luck she would induct her to her hive. She wondered what Night Tear would be like. She remembered her mother entering a secluded cavern with books. Spark had told her a bit about Tear and from what she heard she was damaged.

“I am not entirely sure. We grew up so close and yet ultimately apart. My mother would never allow us to venture into her cavern. She said that my sister was so inexperienced with magic that she posed a threat to any save herself. Looking back I wonder if her dangerous nature was hindered or nurtured by my mother. Regardless I have the slightest idea of her passions and hobbies. Truthfully I would be grateful for your guidance. You seem to have a skill in shopping.”

Rarity’s eyes sparkled. Flicking her mane she scanned the market for something special.

“Oh we will find something perfect for her just you wait!”

As the two continued their shopping a trail of blueish smoke appeared from nowhere and began to swirl around them. Rarity looked at Frost who shrugged as her horn charged.

“It is not my doing. Be on your guard!”

Night Spark watched her straight eye as she watched him.

“You won’t win Ditzy.”

“Big talk for a changeling.”

His brow raised.

“I am relentless.”

Derpy smirked.

“Sparky I got one good eye. This eye has had a lot of practice. Not even a princess could beat me at a staring contest.”

“First my dear Ditzy let us correct something. You have two beautiful golden eyes that rival the sun. Second? This is the most foolish game ever. I mean how incredibly bored must the ponies have been who invented it? Were it any other pony I would deny the request to play it. To my severe disadvantage however, I find that I rather enjoy staring into your eyes. You might as well forfeit. It has been an hour and I still think you are as good looking as an hour ago.”

Ditzy’s cheeks flushed as she too began to fidget.

“Making me blush won’t make me lose Night Spark. I’m not distracted easily. “

“Neither am I especi-“

Before he could finish a massive explosion of ice shot out into the sky from a short distance away. Night Spark instantly turned to asses the situation, but soon found another explosion closer to him. Flipping the table, Derpy summersaulted in the air while cheering herself on.

“I never lose! Ha! Look at you! Where is that high and mighty attitude now mister?! Yes! Ditzy Doo, Stare master!”

He sighed and waved his hoof dismissively.

“Of course you win. My lady always wins.”

She stopped her cheering and narrowed her eyes.

“What do you mean by that?”

With a smug look plastered on his face Night Spark, ever the sore loser leaned in closer to her.

“No, marefriend of mine is a loser. My duty is to ensure you win. So I did exactly that. I let you win. Now then let us see what my sister is trying to kill.”

Derpy bit her lip in and stomped her hoofs as she followed him.

“Don’t give me that crap! I never knew how much of a sore loser you were!”

“My duty as your some pony, is to ensure your happiness…”

He turned his head away dramatically and lowered his pitch down to a deep resonant and raspy voice.

“…whatever the cost.”

She scoffed.

“So much for changelings being awesome liars. It’s ok though. You don’t mind me tripping all over the place so I won’t mind you being a sore loooooooooooooser.”

He changed into her form and mimicked her voice.

“My NightSpark is the best! He always lets me win and is such a gentle colt!”

She blew him a raspberry.

“My body has yearned for you ever since that wondrous night. Trixie’s never had a Heartswarming Eve like that. Trixie can't wait to treat herself to you..."

The magicians body formed form the smoke and stood inches away from Night Frost. Trixie closed that distance and joined her lips with the changeling queen before her. As Rarity’s jaw fell Frost’s shock began to fade and a scowl adorned her face. Her head and body shook as anger took over. A burst of pure white energy flowed from her horn. Trixie was sent through several nearby stalls. Bystanders cowered behind whatever cover they could find.

“How dare you?!”

Trixie stood from the rubble with a sultry grin. She seemed hardly fazed by the attack. Rarity intervened to prevent any more calamity.

“Night Frost wait! Let’s not carried away. No doubt Trixie’s actions were rude but she doesn't deserve to die for being uncouth. Also I may hope to see where this random display of affection leads but that is besides the point. Let me try to get her to explain.”

Frost exhaled and allowed the tension in her muscles to loosen. She nodded and Rarity turned to approach the rubble that Trixie was grinning from. She marched up to Trixie with a perfect lecture in mind. She herself had experienced undesired displays of affection and knew the frustration of being desirable by many. She was always open to ponies and never wanted to make them feel unwelcome, but some ponies crossed the line and needed to be reminded that there was one. She raised a hoof and just as she was about to speak she found her mouth missing. Rarity’s eyes bulged in panic and her head frantically spun around.

“Spare me the lectures and I will give you your mouth back. Deal?”

Rarity nodded and Trixie brushed past her. She approached Frost like a wild animal approaching its prey. Frost lowered into an offensive stance. Just as Trixie was going to pounce on her she noticed another changeling approaching.

“Sister! What’s going on?”

Trixie’s eyes lit up and narrowed on Night Spark. When his eyes met hers he instantly turned and galloped as fast as he could. Trixie followed so fast her hat fell from her head. Rarity, Night Frost and Derpy all looked around confused.

“Come back here! Trixie missed you!”

Night Spark sped past several guards and ran towards Canterlot’s main gates. He charged his horn as he went. Ponies around him started yelling as anything metallic nearby shocked them. While it wasn’t his most destructive power it was effective enough.

The last time he met Trixie many things had been said and many things had been done. The only reminder of that time had been the fact that he would always change into her form when he got flustered. It was an unfortunate biological aspect of being a changeling.

Just meters before the gates a barrier formed around them. Night Spark released a blast of honey. With great confusion he began to look himself over. He was covered in honey head to hoof. He tried to use his magic again and found even more honey materializing around him.

“There is my busy little bee. Look at the mess you’ve made. Some pony is going to have to clean you up.”

With those words spoken so suddenly into his ear Night Spark transformed into Trixie. The real Trixie spat on his hooves. His initial reaction was to be repulsed however looking down at his hooves caused him to gulp in fear. Her spit had formed thick metal cuffs around each leg. Trixie lifted his chin with her hoof and tenderly stroked the cheek of her mirror image. Just as the rest of the gang caught up Trixie locked lips with herself passionately. Rarity appeared intrigued while Night Frost scratched her head. Derpy had a visible and pulsing vein on her head. If one stood close enough they would have heard her teeth grinding.

Trixie removed her tongue from his mouth and watched the trail of saliva hang between them. A blushing and furious version of herself glared at her. He spat on the ground. Trixie smirked.

“That wasn’t that bad was it? Don’t tell me you didn’t miss me?”

“Yet again I find myself held against my will by you. We cannot repeat…”

His thought wandered to their last encounter long before the war had begun. A shiver went down his back. He shook his head.

“Never again Trixie.”

“Yes Trixie! Never.“

A gray hoof was smashed across Trixie’s face causing the unicorn’s jaw to nearly break.


As she fell Derpy’s rear hoof bucked into her gut sending her sliding across the pavement. The unicorn began to stand and her horn charged as she did. Derpy expected this and with one last kick to the horn mind numbing pain shot all across Trixie’s head. Her grasp of chaos magic was still limited so pain was still something she could very well experience.

The chains around Night Spark’s legs faded from existence. Derpy turned her wrath on him.

“Change back now!”

Her good eye bore into him. The other bore into a random bird on a nearby tree. The bird released it’s droppings. Night Spark chuckled nervously.

“I am sorry Ditzy I- I- can’t change ba-“

Both Rarity and Night Frost winced at the cracking sound of a slap across his face. Derpy pushed her head onto his. Her words came out as a guttural growl.

“Night. Spark. If you don’t change…”

All he could do was stammer. She bit his ear and snarled as she began to drag him away.

“OW! Ditzy! Stop! I’m sorry! I really can’t change! I don- Ow!”

“Ah’ll mek yew shainj!”

“No Ditzy! Just wait!”

To most of the Canterlot ponies and refugees watching a gray mare was dragging a light blue unicorn home to torture. Nopony interfered. Rarity and Night Frost stood over a knocked out Trixie. Rarity voiced what was on both of their minds.

“Is your brother going to be ok?”

Night Frost shrugged.

Somewhere in the impressive city of Canterlot was a house. In said house was an average sized wooden table. It was a simple table. The wood was untreated and unstained. Its light color reflected the incoming sunlight and helped to brighten the room. Of all the items in the house this table was the strongest. Flash had reckoned that it would outlast the home he lived in as well. Sitting across from him was Dinky Doo and something that had not sat at that table in nearly 15 years. Flash stared at the young crippled changeling. Night Spark had mentioned that he was bringing a unicorn filly and another guest but not his sister. For his brother to entrust him with such an important task told him that their relationship had truly been healing well.

He knew Night Tear was not his sister or family for that matter. However deep inside, his thoughts kept exploring the what ifs. What if his family never casted Night Spark out? What if he had always had a changeling sitting at this table with him? A part of him wished he could be in that what if life. The one where his family never fell apart out of guilt and shame. The one where he had years of warm memories. Memories of family dinners and helping his younger brother ask a mare out for the first time. His eyes fell towards the table and he clenched his jaw. The table represented something he only had briefly. Family was raw and powerful. It was sturdy and held up against everything. It didn't need to be fancy. It was beautiful with all of its blemishes.

“Your house is boring and she is weird.”

Dinky’s bright voice cut through his train of thought like lightning. He frowned at and held a hoof out to the emotionless Night Tear.

“Dinky that was rude. She is not weird. Night Tear’s quiet is all.”

The filly groaned and swayed side to side in her seat.

“Yeah well your house is still boring. Don’t you have any toys or well anything?”

There were few toys. After Night Spark had left the family started to fall apart. His father would work extra shifts simply to avoid home and the constant reminder of failing his family. His mother wasn’t spared from those memories. She was so certain that Night Spark died alone out in the world. The grief took its toll. Somedays she was overprotective of her remaining children and others she was spiteful towards them. They should have looked for Night Spark. They should have been good siblings. One divorce later and Flash never saw his mother or sister again. Father and Son simply became two guards who happened to live in the same home.

His eyes fell towards the table again. His hoof slowly glided across its surface. Looking at Night Tear he spoke. Neither changeling or filly noticed the crack in his tone.

“No. There are no toys.”

So much had happened to his family. He wondered if Night Spark would even care to meet their father again. Fear of what they might happen ran in his head.

Dinky began playing with Tear’s mane. The changeling tried leaning away from her as much as possible without knocking over her wheelchair Her brother seemed sure these ponies were nice, but she was not comfortable with having them touch her. Dinky began to poke her side. Tear didn’t make a sound, but she did bar her teeth. Flash saw the silent snarl and firmly hit the table with one hoof. Dinky stopped and looked at him.

“Dinky she is not some doll for you to play with! I am sorry I don’t have toys or anything nice for you to play with. I am Captain of the Guard and on my days off I come home and relax. I read or train. I know how boring I must seem to you, but this is my house and your sister told me to watch you. She did not however say to entertain you. Got it?”

Dinky huffed and looked away. Tear straightened herself and stared at him. Flash pointed at her and opened his mouth. What could he tell her? Be more silent? He closed his mouth and his head fell into his hooves. Massaging his temples he thought of what the three of them could possibly do.

The sound of the front door opening got his attention. A tired and husky voice barely made it past the living room.

“It’s me.”

Flash’s eyes grew. He called out to the stallion.

“Dad, come to the kitchen.”

“I already ate.”

“No, dad just come here.”

The stallion’s sigh could be heard coming from the other room. Muffled hoof steps grew louder. The stallion entered the kitchen.

“What’s so impo-“

His eyes fixed on Night Tear. As far as he was concerned Dinky wasn’t there and Flash almost wasn’t as well. Short on air the stallion whispered.

“Flash? What is this?”

Flash watched his father intently.

“This is Night Tear. All the crazy stuff that just went down? Her.”

Night Tear was getting a heartwarming feast off of the fear the black stallion was experiencing. It was a different fear. He wasn’t afraid of changelings. He was fearful of her reaction to him. Why did she matter to him?

The stallion took in a quivering breath.

“What’s- Who-“

Flash spoke with a hopeful grin.

“Well after he saved her and got her treated he wanted to have someone he trusted watch her and his mare friends little sister. It’s a boring job but then again so is being your captain.”

As crazy as it sounded and as impossible as it was the stallion knew who he was talking about. There is no other way a changeling would be sitting at his kitchen table. He observed the light gray changeling. It wasn’t her unique appearance that caught his attention. The sharp cheek bones and eyes were his proof. To other ponies the changelings all looked the same, but he could never forget his son’s horrified face when he and his family turned on him. As tears fell down his cheeks he asked the question Flash had hoped he would ask.


“Night Spark.”

His body swayed but the kitchen counter help him regain his balance. The stallion weeped and a teary eyed Flash got up to help his dad. Dinky looked around and slammed her head on the table out of boredom. Night Tear kept watching the weeping stallion.

“Ditzy please slow down. I am sorry! Believe I had no idea Trixie would ever see me again!”

She pushed through the streets moving fast but not quite at a gallops pace. Night Spark tried to keep up. He tried to use magic to stop her once but nearly had his head swiped clean off. Derpy was not a mare to make mad apparently. At first he thought she would lead them back home and scold him. After passing several streets and sidewalks that lead to Flash’s house it became apparent they were not going home. She was taking him somewhere and he hoped it was not a dark alley.

After sometime he noticed the buildings were getting older. They were in the Canterlot slums. Abandoned homes with peeling paint and broken roofs were they upside to the area. They alleys had shacks made from boxes. Garbage littered the streets and sidewalks. Despite several refugees from others cities, most the ponies on the street were homeless. Some mares and stallions were whistling at Derpy and himself. They showed off more than what needed to be seen.

Derpy finally stopped and pointed at a large building. The simplest way to describe it would be an apartment building cut in half. All the rooms and stairways were visible to the street and yard before it. From the street he could see every room and the ponies in them. None of the rooms had doors. Privacy did not seem to be a concern considering nearly half the rooms were filled with dirty looking ponies pleasuring themselves. Moans of pleasure only made the cries of hunger more pitiful.

“Nice isn’t it?”

Derpy was watching him. He shook his head.

“This Night Spark, is where I grew up. My mom might not be trying to kill everyone but I had my own nightmare here.”

“I am sorry Ditzy I-“

She held up her hoof.

“Save it. Now somewhere in that building is my two wonderful parents. What I told you on that cloud that night was true. Before any of that however, this was my life. I woke up to hunger and went to sleep with hunger and the sound of ponies rutting ponies.”

She stepped closer to him and continued, but began to walk around him as she did.

“Dumb Ditzy? She is made up or was. It was easy to trick the occasional guard or mugger into showing some mercy if they thought your screws were loose or you were a damn fool. I thought I was so clever sneaking out of trouble.”

She stopped when she stood right by his side. Her eyes glaring at that building.

“Fate is a cruel thing. One night I have the pleasure of waking up to my mother being raped by my father. I tried to stop him, but got kicked away. Many months later my sweet Dinky was born.”

A motherly smile formed on her face. Memories of an infant Dinky cradled in her hooves surfaced and she could hardly control the tears. Night Spark waited for her to continue. His own eyes misty from the knowledge.

“Every scrap of food went to her. I snuck her out of the slums to bathe her, but avoided guards who would take her away. She is my sister, but… I raised her. I fed her. I lived for her. That filly killed off what little trust I had in other ponies. Suddenly every guard was going to take her away. Every stallion was going to use me and raise her to be used to. Every mare the same thing. There was no one! Not even my parents. In a few days Dinky turned me against all the ponies in this dump and I am grateful for it. See? Trusting ponies is not my thing.”

“What about you parents?”

She tensed up and her eyes seethed with hatred.

“I found my dad trying to ruin another mares life. The drunk passed out on top of a broken mare. I broke both his legs and the whole place heard him scream for once. My ever supportive mother smashed a bottle against my face and tried to kill me. I still have the scars from it and I swear I can still feel the glass in my eye. When I took Dinky I avoided the hospital. Between street doctors and a friends magic the best I got was my crooked eye and a lack of balance. So Ditzy became Derpy. Not much of a downgrade but still. The dumb mare routine makes them pity you. All I am to everyone is helpless and special. You are the first to know otherwise.”

Turning to him she furrow her brows and spoke firmly.

“You are my friend. My best and only other real friend save for Dinky. If I feel like for one second you will hurt me or Dinky in the long run though? I won’t hesitate to leave you behind. I know I am a hypocrite but I have a filly to care for. She doesn’t need a two timing figure in her life. You kissed Trixie.”

She waited for him and he choked. He was talking to another mare. Trixies form washed off as the white flame washed over him.

You are my friend.

He shook his head.

“I met her a long time ago. She was going to kill herself by walking through the badlands. I persuaded her not to and she was over gratuitous. I was held mostly against my will for a night and that is why when I get flustered I changed into her form. When a changeling…”

His mouth closed. As his ears flattened against his head he looked her in the eye. Her gaze was fierce. With reluctance he continued.

“When we spend the night with some pony else for the first time we are exposing ourselves completely and the one we are with becomes imprinted on us. To my knowledge there is no way to reverse this. I am happy to see she is not dead, but I love you. I love you or the mare I met. I should have told you first saw me turn into her.”

She raised a brow. Night Spark sighed and started thinking about whether he fell for her or her act. Derpy sensed this. She spread her wings and shook them to show herself off.

“I’m still me Spark. I love muffins and am really a klutz. To be fair I am not much of one in private, but publicly I keep up appearances. You’ve got the same mare now just smarter I suppose.”

Night Spark lifted one of her hoofs with magic and kissed it before looking up at her. He smirked.

“You sure you aren’t a changeling? Damned better at it than I am.”

He then placed his hoof on her cheek and kissed her. As they held the kiss he pulled her closer. She returned the kiss just as passionately and for a while their surroundings melted away. He placed a hoof against her chest and lightly poked her as he pulled away.

“That, is how I kiss a mare that I want and love. Your trust is sacred to me. While I am truly sorry that you grew up with such hardship I am so proud to know that the mare I love values family so strongly. That you entrust me with such knowledge humbles me greatly my love. You’ll never have to worry about me breaking that trust I swear. Also for the record I never found you dumb before.”

She smiled and hugged him. He gently rubbed her back with his hooves and kissed her on the cheek. Speaking into his embrace she asked a question that had been bugging her.

“Who kisses better? Don’t lie to me.”

Night Spark sighed and then smirked.

“Why does that matter? I haven’t cheated on you or anything. She was a past fling.”

Derpy tightened her grip.

“I am just curious is all. Now answer me.”

Treading on dangerously thin ice he answered.

“You are best mare my sweet. No pony compares to you.”

“I know that but who kisses better? Answer or I’ll kick you someplace so hard that you’ll only ever be able to turn into mares.”

“You do!!!”

“I’m gonna give it to my sis when I see her! You two are so boring! Do something!”

Flash gave her no attention. Instead he had told his father about how Night Spark wasn’t dead or homeless. His eyes were brimmed with tears as Flash told him of the past months and the things Night Spark had done. Some things made him pity his son while others made him proud. He looked at Flash and spoke with a wavering voice.

“Flash? Why did you wait so long to tell me?”

He sighed and took his hoof off his fathers shoulder. That question had many answers. How do you tell your father your son wants nothing to do with you? How do you prevent any more pain? He might have also not thought it as important as doing his duty at the time.

“Dad, he wasn’t… at first he threatened to kill me if I kept talking to him. We all make our own choices, but because of what we did and the choice that we made he had harder ones to deal with. I didn’t want to force him back in only to have him break your heart or worse.”

“I deserve that son. We both do. I called that colt my son for seven years. I told him that I’d teach him to be a guard and that I’d love him forever. Then when something horrifying happens I am the first to abandon him. I- I-.”

Flash rubbed his back and helped him up away from the counter.

“I know dad. Believe me I know. He is better now though. Strong but a little stubborn. I’ll try to get him to visit soon I promise. Just go relax while I stop that filly from upsetting a pretty powerful changeling.”

Flash left his dad’s side and turned to see Dinky hopping around Night Tear. Dinky just wanted to play, but from where Flash stood it was clear that the changeling didn’t understand. The scowl on her face revealed that she was not at all happen to see some pony enjoying all of their limbs while she could only use two. Before Flash could tell Dinky to stop the lights in the kitchen flickered and even the sunlight from the windows seemed dimmer. Dinky ceased immediately and shied away from Night Tear’s glare. Flash felt a jolt of fear, but hoped she wouldn’t do anything brash. He quickly walked up to her and hugged her.

“Dinky please stay here. I need to talk with her. “

The filly nodded and remained silent. Tear huffed and walked away as fast as possible until she reached the door. She couldn't reach the door nob properly because of her wheel chair and she couldn't use magic without scaring everyone in the house. Her bottom lip quivered and she stomp a hoof down in frustration. Flash was right behind her. He opened the door.

“Come on Tear lets sit on the porch. I’d like a chance to talk with you if that’s ok.”

She went outside and stopped at the stairs. Flash sat next to her. He waited for a while before speaking. He hoped the gentle breeze would calm her a bit.

“Look Tear, I’m not going to pretend to understand what you are going through. What I can tell you is that I have been in my own tough spots. Forgive give me if I am overstepping any bounds, but I lost a huge part of myself. Sure I can walk on four legs and fly. I am fast and strong. Yet this house used to be home to a family. Now it’s just me and my dad. I watched our brother run out off this porch into the night. I watch my mother take my sister down those stairs and haven't heard from them since. It’s a different loss, but there isn’t a damn day that it doesn’t hurt.”

Her ears flickered but her eyes remained focused on the horizon. Flash turned to her and placed a hoof gently on her shoulder. Her body flinched, but he did not remove it.

“I say this not out of obligation to Night Spark, but from the bottom of my heart. I would like to help you through whatever pain you are going through. From what I have been told you never got to really see your siblings. Is that true?”

She nodded slowly and frowned.

“Well I’d like to… um… be your brother I suppose. I’d be there for you whenever you needed me and you’d help in giving me a second chance at having a family in this house. I know we aren’t really related and that you probably have some reservations about guards after… yeah. Look I just think that since Night Spark and Frost are going to be living here and I consider them siblings that you might want-“

Night Tear nodded slowly. He was a guard and a pony. She was terrified being with him, but Night Spark trusted him as a brother. If she extended the same trust she would master her fear and recover. She got closer and held a shaky hoof out. Flash smiled and instead pulled her into a tight hug scaring her greatly. He released her and rubbed her head. Feeling her mane turned into a mess she frowned.

“Ok I am sorry I couldn’t resist. Big brother duty and all. You’re just so small and cute.”

She glared at him, but decided to let it pass.

Flash sighed contently and sat next to her on the porch in silence. Maybe his world would end in the coming days. Maybe they all were going to die and Canterlot would be destroyed. It didn’t matter to him. His family was coming back together. It stung that he might never see his mother or sister again. That pain would always be there but the changelings in his life were helping to soothe it. As the sun set in the distance the sounds of a hopping filly could be heard. From the house came the whines of Dinky to his father.

“Oh my faust!!! Why are all of you so boring?!”

Author's Note:

Merry Late-Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you. I had you all have wonderful New Years. This was will probably be the last light-hearted chapter in this fic. From here on out things are going to...


Yup that happened.

Comments ( 11 )


6950835 NYX!!! You are alive!!! :raritystarry:


Many centuries have past since I last witnessed a comment from you...

...then again many centuries have past since I last updated... so I guess that makes sense.

Anyhow... H E L L O *que Adele*

7030094 I want to thank you for reading through my story. Sorry for the late reply. I saw the notifications at work and forgot to respond. It means so much to me that you enjoyed it enough to binge through everything. I have another update ready in a few days.

7058912 Hope new chapter comes soon really like this story.

7610092 Thank you for reading. I am trying man. I let my drive for writing slip and I am doing all I can to balance it in with the rest of my life. I am so sorry to you and other readers if you have been waiting long. Heck I know you have. This story is still on my mind and I know I will finish. It is on my mind so much that I haven't put it officially on hiatus. It may take some time but I will have more as soon as possible.

7610965 Thanx for the update.

Dead fic? Who knows. Anyways, Im just leaving this here for no reason.

Is the fic dead? Not to be rude, I just enjoy it a lot and would love to see it finished!

Lol I miss this story

Please update this story someday, I only made a proper account this year, but ive been waiting for an update on this story for 5 years 😭

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