• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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A Heart Warmed Night

Author's Note:

As always tl;dr

WOW I just now noticed that I could place the author's note on top. Anyhow. SO I told my self that I would never be able to have a holiday chapter out in time and that I wouldn't bother. I was half right. I started to read other stories and could resist attempting it...other wise...I would have to wait a year (its not the same if you upload holiday stuff ....well not during the holiday season). SO I did. I planned for it to be short and cute and ended up with my longest chapter yet...wtf...Idk what happened. Initially I planned for extra cuteness and humor. When I nearly finished the chapter Night Spark put Pinkie Pie to shame. While I thought it was funny I knew it broke away to much from my intent for his character. So I toned him done several hundred notches. I still have cuteness and humor in here though...wouldn't be all holidayish without it. Don't chapters to be this happy...unless they are in between ones or chapters meant specifically for characters (I can't wait to get to my discord chapter...I think you all are gonna love it).

As always....leave me your comments, feels, favorites, souls, and this time muffins....

P.S. Nightmare Nyx I think you maybe enjoy a certain part of this chapter...

A Heart Warmed Night:

Luna’s Throne Room:

Luna glared at Celestia. Celestia returned the glare. As the two goddesses fumed at each other Night Spark slowly tried to slip away. Celestia saw his movement from the corner of her eye. She instantly turned her head and beamed a wrathful stare at him as she roared.


Luna countered in her own roar.


Celestia let out a very audible huff and charged out from the room. The doors slammed shut and shook the walls. Night Spark slowly approached a venting Luna. He had just been witness to two of Equestria’s most powerful beings arguing. Even worse they had been arguing about him. He stopped a few feet away in fear of being eaten or worse by Luna. Since she was allowing him to serve the ponies of Equestria Night Spark paid her his respects by bowing. He spoke very softly.

“Princess…I am sorry. I never wanted to cause you or your sister problems.”

Luna’s stance relaxed and her expression softened. She lifted Night Spark out of his bow with her hoof. She then motioned him to walk with her. As he did she spoke.

“Night Spark you need not apologize. My sister however should be apologizing to both of us. She is being a hypocrite. It is like you told me earlier. Nightmare Moon gets another chance yet you don’t? Not while I can help it. Enough of such talk though. Tonight is a night for celebration and joy. It is Hearts warming eve Night Spark. I know this day holds painful memories for you. I plan to help you create new ones. I understand your meeting with the Ponyville girls did not go well.”

Night Spark thought about their meeting. After Luna said she would allow him to serve Equestria she recommended attempting to fix the bitterness between him and the girls. When he saw them again they were still comforting Applejack. Before he could open his mouth Rainbow Dash flew him out the door, which Twilight slammed in his face. Luna lightly smacked the back of his head with her wing. He looked up confused.

“It is rude to daydream when talking to a princess…especially the princess of the night. Anyhow I want you to go to the city and enjoy yourself. I recommend trying the food. Also the best warm apple cider can be found at-“

Night Spark interrupted her.

“Pardon me princess…but if I go down there…if they see me…they…. well I am a changeling.”

She stopped walking. Night Spark had paid no attention to where they were going. They were standing at the front gate of the castle. She looked down at him. Luna granted him one of her understanding smiles as she spoke.

“Yes you are a changeling. Nothing that you do can change that. Just as nothing I can do can ever get rid me of Nightmare Moon. Look up at my sky.”

He did as she asked. It was astonishing. Not a single cloud blocked the sky. Billions of stars shined upon him. The moon was a beautiful crescent that reminded him of Luna’s smile. She continued.

“While it was my prison for a thousand years the moon is my favorite object in the sky. It helps to guide us. When stars fall or when other objects from the vastness that is space try to collide with us…the moon is there shielding us. It reflects the suns light ever so slightly to illuminate the night for ponies. Yet despite all the good the moon does. Despite all of its beauty. There is always a much colder and much darker side to the moon. It is always there…it always has been. Ponies know this yet they choose to focus on the good the moon provides. Right now Night Spark ponies only see the cold and dark side to changelings. That is all they know. So go and show them otherwise. You will more than likely receive ridicule and hate. But if even one pony sees the Night Spark I have seen. Then it will be worth it.”

Night Spark bowed lowly. The princess believed in him. She had hope.

“Thank you princess…I hope you have a wonderful night.”

With that Night Spark left the castle. He began to walk through the elite sections of Canterlot. He admired the beauty of the Hearts warming lights and decorations. Reefs were present on every one of the street lamps. Ornaments adorned the trees. Layers of powdery white snow perfected the scene. It all seemed so perfect to Night Spark until he bumped into a pony. The mare had a very intriguing dress on and spoke in a high-class manner.

“OH stay away from me you filth…honestly I cannot fathom why the princesses allow homeless ponies to wander like mindless zombies. Ugh move peasant!!!

She rushed past him. Night Spark got up out of the snow and soon realized that many ponies were staring at him. Their looks let him know that they were thinking what the fancy pony was thinking.

I am not a zombie…

He sadly walked past the ponies. As he continued to walk to the lower levels of Canterlot he noticed that the ponies were no longer as fancy or uptight. They were laid back and less sophisticated. Some ponies were singing happily drunk in the streets. Night Spark enjoyed the drunken caroling and laid back ponies. He spotted a restaurant. It had a bright neon moon and a featureless pony being shot towards it. The trail the pony left spelt To the MOON!!! Night Spark pondered the sign and its meaning but soon smelled the food from inside. It smelled delicious. He knew it would not completely fill him up. He was a changeling after all but that still did not mean he couldn’t enjoy food…

He entered the diner. The moment he walked in he noticed an empty spot in the corner. He quietly sat down. The waitress came up to him and glanced him over. She raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing to make him feel uncomfortable.

“Welcome to the moon! My name is Sugar Sprinkle. What can I get for you on this Hearts warming eve?”

Night Spark Observed the menu for a good long minute. He almost gave up but then he saw it. Blueberry Zap Apple Pie served with a healthy scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was the last thing he remembered eating with his family. He spoke to the waitress with a bit of excitement. The tone in his voice surpassed him.

“Miss Sprinkle thank you for your kind welcome. I hope all is well for you this evening. The only thing I would like to eat is a Blueberry Zap Apple Pie.”

She knew he was a changeling but after a full day of snippy customers and greedy pigs eyeing her flank she didn't care. He was polite.

“Good choice sweetie! Care for anything to drink?”

Night Spark remembered Luna mention some kind of apple cider.

“Forgive me…I have not really celebrated to many Hearts warming eves. A friend of mine told me that ponies typically enjoy a certain kind of cider this evening?”

She smiled at him. If he truly did not know about Hearts Warming cider than he had missed out on life.

“Oh you poor thing. She was probably talking about Hearts Warming Cider. It’s a new blend from Sweet Apple Acres. They take some of their famous apple cider and season it with a special blend of holiday spices. When served warm I’d say it could melt the heart of a change-“

The word had already slipped out. She covered her mouth with her hoof. Night Spark lowered his head a little which nearly broke her heart. The last thing Sugar Sprinkle would want is to break the heart of anypony. She sat next to Night Spark and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“I am so sorry…It’s just…. its such a common phrase among ponies…I truly meant no disrespect to you. If you want I can grab you another server and-“

Night Spark shook his head and spoke.
“That will not be needed Miss Sprinkle. All things considered you have shown me the most kindness this evening. It was an honest mistake. There is no need to worry…however…”

His saddened expression turned to a smug smirk. He shrugged and raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

“…If you truly feel as if you need to…oh I don't know…make it up to me…. I suppose an extra scoop of vanilla ice cream…would cheer me up.”

Sugar smiled and stood up.

“Not a problem!”

She walked away to the kitchen. Almost immediately after she disappeared the gray Pegasus sat down across Night Spark and stared at him. This caused Night Spark to feel very strange. He noticed her eyes were crossed in a strange pattern. Her blonde bangs were pushed to one side. She spoke up.

“Hi there my name is Ditzy Doo…Most ponies call me Derpy though…so I guess you can call me that too. Muffin?”

The randomness of her sudden appearance threw Night Spark off. He answered, as his mind still comprehended the scene.

“Umm…Hello my name is Night Spark. Do you prefer Derpy or Ditzy?”

She cocked her head to the side in an adorable manner. He noticed she looked puzzled. She answered him.

“I prefer Miss Doo…but I’m way too clumsy for other ponies. They would never refer to me that way…”

She was strange. He thought something was off about her. Then he remembered he was the one with holes all over his body. Her face seemed a bit saddened. Luna’s words resonated with him.

But if even one pony sees the Night Spark I have seen. Then it will be worth it.

With that he spoke up.

“Well I see no reason why I should not refer to you as Miss Doo. That is unless you wish me not too…”

Her eyes light up with joy. This also made him happy as well. She placed her hooves on the table and began to play with a saltshaker as she spoke.

“So who are you? I have never seen you before and I know most ponies.”

“My name is Night Spark…I...I am a changeling.”
She looked away from the saltshaker and directly at him. He could see that she visibly gulped. The last comment had made her nervous. She spoke quietly.

“Like…the changelings…that…well you know…”

She motioned what looked like explosions, battles, and dancing with her hooves. He sighed and answered her.

“Yes like the changelings that attacked this city. I however am not on their side. I…I want to help ponies…like you and Miss Sprinkle.”

She cocked her head adorably to the side again. This made Night Spark smile. He nudged his head over to Miss Sprinkle’s direction. She was standing by the counter giving orders to the chefs. Derpy however thought he was nudging to the table of rough looking stallions. She spoke rather loudly and pointed.

“Which one of them is Miss Sprinkle? None of them look…well sprinkle-ly to me…except for maybe that one! He he. “

The stallions stood up violently and head their way. Night Spark face hooved. He grabbed one of Derpy’s hooves with both of his.

“Please Miss Doo…let me do the talking.”

She nodded.

The largest stallion looked violently at both of them. He slammed both hooves down on the table and growled at them at he spoke through gritting teeth.

“Which one of you called me sprinkle-ly? Was it the changeling filth? Or the retard?”

Luna warned him this would happen…and he was expecting it…but the stallion crossed the line when ridiculing Miss Doo. Night Spark was not intimidated by this stallion in the least. He leaned closer to him and spoke.

“You will apologize to Miss Doo…”

The Stallions friends chuckled in the background. He laughed out loud with them. 

“HAHAHA Ya hear that? Miss DOO!!! What are you her special some-thing? HAHAHA Figures the only date she could find was a damn changeling!”

The stallion instantly stopped laughing and spit right on the muffin Derpy had on the table. Her eyes teared up and she dashed out the diner tripping slightly on the rug at the entrance. This caused the stallions to laugh even more. Sugar Sprinkle approached them and placed Night Spark’s food down before she began to scold them.


With that the large stallion violently grabbed her hoof and pulled her in. He tried to place a hoof around her neck but Night Spark had enough. He darted from his seat and slammed his hoof into the stallion’s side. Before he had a chance to react Night Sparks eyes glowed with energy. He was going to teach this fool a lesson he and his friends would never forget. But before he used any of his magic a orange colored pony had violently thrashed the stallions. Night Spark watched as the familiar pony tossed the brutes around with ease. When he was done Braeburn walked up to Night Spark and noticed the bruising on his face. He spoke rather flatly.

“So Applejack got to you huh? Damn girl punches before she thinks. Anyhow consider this payback for what ya’ did at Appaloosa. I know I called ya’ some names back there…and I’m sorry. You’re different. But your damn good in may books. I saw ya how many ponies you saved and I’m grateful. Give Applejack some time to grieve…she lost a lot of good folk…and damn good trees… Nice seein’ ya again partner. Stay out of trouble. Last thing I need is you blowin’ up my second favorite place.”

Night Spark nodded at the pony. Despite receiving a painful beating from his cousin Night Spark was happy that he saved the pony. He turned to Sugar Sprinkle who was a little hesitant to approach him after seeing his eyes surge with electricity. Night Spark calmly walked up to her.

“Miss Sprinkle I apologize about this. Are you all right? It seems trouble follows me wherever I go.”

She sighed and sat down.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry about. These jack holes come in twice a week. Last week they smacked my flanks the week before that they accidentally spilled water on me and this week-“

Night Spark handed her the cider meant for him. She look surprised and took it. He placed a hoof on her.

“If you deal with this trash every week and haven't slipped poison in their food yet then you truly are a remarkable mare. Do me a favor and enjoy dinner for me. Happy Hearts warming eve Miss Sprinkle.”

She blushed at his comment and took a sip of cider. He placed a coin Luna had given him in her other hoof. Upon seeing it she nearly spat cider on him. The coin was solid gold and encrusted with jewels. On one side was Luna’s cutie mark and on the other was Celestia’s. She had never held one in her life…in fact most ponies haven’t. The coin was one the princesses self-replenishing coins. When a pony was shopping it would magically give them the exact amount of bits they needed to buy whatever they wanted. She looked up in awe as she watched him leave the diner. She enjoyed a delicious pie while kicking the unconscious stallions next to her table. It was the best Hearts Warming eve she ever had.

Night Spark left with a mixture of emotions. He was happy to see Braeburn safe and was intrigued by Miss Sprinkle. She did not have the regal beauty of Equestria’s princesses but…she was a beautiful pony still. He thought himself a fool for think such things. She was a pony. He was a changeling. That could never change.

Oh the bucking irony…

As he walked down the streets thinking about his evening ponies continued to treat him disrespectfully. The younger ponies would throw snowballs at him at call him names. The guards shot him vile looks and nothing more as Luna would have their hides. Other ponies would push him or threaten him. Luna had warned him of this. He thought about her for a bit. Was this what she went through when she came back? The idea of her subjects treating her in such a way angered him. The more he thought about it the more bitterness he felt towards ponies and the more respect he felt towards Luna. He decided he would buy her a gift.

What do I get a princess who already has everything?

The question plagued his mind as he entered the Lower market district of Canterlot. The market was full of vendors and stores. Night Spark observed each store. Being a changeling did not stop the vendors from attempting to shove things in his face. Bits were all that concerned these ponies.









All of the sales pitches were drilling his head. Night Spark had no idea what had happened. One moment he was walking through the market and the next sales ponies are hounding him. He needed to get away. The ponies continued to shout at him. Each shout peeled away at his mind. They were making him angry. What some of these ponies were selling was criminal.








Night Spark snapped. He violently turned to the direction the voice came from and smacked the bag of muffins out of the pony’s hooves. The muffins fell to the floor. Night Spark’s eyes were glowing as he spoke with a roaring voice.


Miss Doo? Oh buck me…

Derpy burst into tears and flew away. She knocked into a vendors cart and it toppled over. The vendor came around the corner and scream about his cabbages…

Night Spark closed his eyes and lowered his head. He felt worse than he ever had before. The glimpse of Derpy’s muffins on the floor pained him. She had not deserved his anger whatsoever. She along with Miss Sprinkle were the only ponies who showed him the benefit of the doubt…without reading his mind.

Curse you Night Spark…

He picked up one of her muffins and smelled it. It didn't give off any aroma. As he observed it the vendors around him were glaring with anger. One of them spoke up.

“Bucking changeling…you scream at the poor mare then eat the food she was offering you off the floor…you’re disgusting.

Night Spark blasted him through his stand with a burst of magic and glared down on him. He spat in the pony’s direction and spoke.

“This coming from the filth that defiles Princess Luna’s honor. You are lucky I don't do something truly disgusting like destroying you and then taking you place. I would love to meet the mare in your life…”

The pony stared back in fear with wide eyes.

That’s right pig.

Night Spark then took a bite from Derpy’s muffin. The moment the muffin touched his tongue Night Spark’s eyes grew wide. He stood motionless for what felt like an eternity. He chewed slowly and quivered at the taste of the muffin. He swallowed the bite and it was as if Sonic rain booms were happening all over his head. Tears of joy and regret began to form in his eyes. That muffin was the most amazing thing that had happened to Night Spark…ever.

Miss Doo…what have I done?

He than began to mumble to himself as the vendor ponies observed in fear.

“I will find her…”

Night Spark’s wings flapped violently

“I HAVE to find her…”

He shot off in to the sky with a loud crack. He maintained a good height over Canterlot and began to scan the city.

Miss Doo I am sorry…so sorry…

Different apologies played out through his head while he was scanning. If he couldn’t gain her forgiveness he would forever think of himself as a monster. He glanced around the market and the upper districts. It was no use. He wasn't going to find her searching from the sky. With that he dive bombed and green magic formed around him. It was a signature changeling move reserved for invading the enemy. Night Spark however did not care how his actions or appearance affected ponies. All he wanted…was Derpy’s forgiveness. When he impacted with the street he caused a small crater to form. Night Spark rose from the crater as ponies that witnessed this ran in fear. A voice shot out through the crowd.

“Just what do you think you are DOING?!”

Twilight Sparkle and the other five from Ponyville were staring at him. Night Spark nervously shifted his eyes between all of them. He stared at them. Sweat began to form on his brow. He noticed the look Applejack was giving him. It was not pleasant to say the least.

Maybe they can assist me.

His mind was contemplating his next move. If he didn’t approach them in the right way they would never assist him…or even worse…Applejack would decide to pummel him again.

Night Spark slowly approached the girls. This caused them to take an aggressive stance. Applejack seemed to be quivering in anger. One wrong move and she would more than likely attempt to fuse his skull with the ground beneath them. He stopped right in front of a scowling Twilight and bowed slowly. He spoke slowly and delicately.

“Princess Twilight I wish to apologize to you and your friends. After the atrocities committed upon Appaloosa I should have been more sensitive to your feelings. I only wanted to warn you about the plans of my people. Miss Applejack I especially wanted to-“

Applejack interrupted him with a cold glare.

“Save it ya’ monster…you may have convinced Luna…but don’t you dare think that I’ll be friendly toward you. Ya say you meant no harm but ya still let your buddies tear Appaloosa to bits. Watchin’ them suffer and doin’ nothin’ about it is worse than killing them yourself.”

She then looked at her friends and spoke.

“If y'all want to listen too this thing’s lies you can stay here…but I plan to enjoy my evenin’.”

She walked off and headed for a restaurant. The girls remained quiet. Their silence hurt Night Spark.

And these are the ponies Luna suggested I get to know?!

He then gave them all a bitter look and sighed. They weren't going to help him. Not while their friend thought of him as a monster. He took a few steps back and turned around. He spoke without facing them. The tone he spoke with was a sad one.

“…Sorry to disturb you…”

The girls watched as he walked away from them. He felt worthless. Almost every pony had treated him like a monster, a pile of trash, or both. One of the only ponies that didn’t had received horrible treatment from him. He kicked the cobblestone road underneath him as he walk. He thought about Derpy crying in some corner hidden in the city. The poor pony had probably received similar treatment on a daily basis. While Night Spark had noticed her clumsy ways he saw them only after he noticed her kind heart. It didn't matter now though. She was hiding from him like a foal hides from an imaginary monster.

…Except I am real….

Suddenly a strong gust of wind had blown against him. A cyan pony seemed to be carelessly floating next to him. Night Spark met her eyes. He was going to speak but gave up on doing so. It didn’t matter what he said she was loyal to her friend Applejack. Rainbow Dash observed the changeling at what he felt was a rather uncomfortably close distance. She spoke in a relaxed tone.

“Soooo what’s up? Why are you moping around like a little filly?”

“Pegasus. Mare. Gray. Yellow. Muffins…”

Rainbows jaw dropped and then she started laughing.

“You’re looking for Derpy!?!? HAHAHAH Please don’t tell me you and her…”

Night Spark closed the distance between them as he walked. His face was nearly touching hers as he snarled.

“She. Prefers. Miss. Doo.”

Rainbow met his death glare for less than five seconds before bursting into laughter again.


With that Night Spark flew away. He would not be ridiculed. Had Rainbow Dash been any other pony he would have incinerated her. Suddenly he felt a blast of wind next to him. The cyan pony was flying right next to him. She carried a smug look. That look that Night Fire gave him when she was teasing him. He tried to fly faster but it was no use. The cyan mare outclassed him…at least when he wasn't using magic. She began to talk through closed eyes.

“Look Sparky…”

Sparky? SPARKY!?!

“It’s cool if you like Derps. I mean as long as you two are happy who am I too-“

Night Spark touched her arm then shifted into her form. The moment he gained her wings her felt incredibly powerful. He shot her a warning glare then burst forward. The burst of speed caused Rainbow to roll in the air. When she saw that he copied her body she growled. She shot after him and slammed into him mid air. She screamed as they were both falling.

“You may have my devilish good looks…and my powerfully awesome wings…but you sure as Celestia cant use them like I can!!! NO ONE COPIES RAINBOW DASH!!!”

She increased her speed and slammed into his gut. This caused him to lose focus and switch back to his normal form. Rainbow stopped following him and watched him fall. He slammed into a pool that seemed to belong to one of Canterlot’s elite. The resulting splash made ponies scream and flee for their lives. Night Spark had remained underneath water. Rainbow’s jab to his gut and the impact of hitting the water left him with no air. He began to choke and violently flapped his wings. He tried to fly out of the pool but was coughing and inhaling more water. The result was his body jerking violently as his vision blurred. A pair of hooves grabbed him and pulled him out of the water. She watched him cough for a minute before saying something.

“So what’s your story?! You’re just some random changeling who wants to help us?! You think it’s cool to copy us? I don’t get it. I’m not as stubborn as Applejack but I still can’t say that I trust you.”

After a few more moments of coughing Night Spark looked at her with pleading eyes. He sighed.

“Miss Dash…I…I do want to help…”

He pushed himself up slowly.

“Despite what you or your friends may think…but right now I need to find Miss Doo. I took out my anger on her and caused her great sadness. I have to make amends…because right now I feel like a monster. I treated her how…how other ponies treat me… That is the last thing I would wish for her.”

He scratched his hoof against the ground and nervously continued.

“Also…S-She makes amazing muffins…and I will beg her not only for forgiveness…but…for muffins…”

Rainbow Dash slowly smiled. She looked the changeling over one more time as if giving him one last mental judgment then nodded towards the sky right above them. Night Spark looked up and saw a tiny lonely cloud. Rainbow spoke quietly.

“Derpy brings that cloud with her wherever she goes. She deals with…bullying and cruel ponies almost everyday. I’ll be honest…some days I have been that bully. Not intentionally or anything…but I guess I’m just a little to blunt for my own good. Anyhow one day I saw her fly to that cloud and just cry for hours. I felt terrible and tried to apologize. She just flew away. She’s a good pony…just a bit of a klutz though. Good Luck. I know AJ won’t warm up to ya just yet…but if you truly meant what you said…if you really care about Derp-”

She stopped herself at the sudden scowl Night Spark gave her then continued.

Miss Doo’s feelings. Then you're a decent pony...er…changeling in my books. Keep it up Sparky.”

She flew away. He felt much better knowing that at least one of the six knew he was trying. Night Spark looked up at the sad lonely cloud and slowly flew up to it. It was there he saw her crying. The gentle sobs and motions she made caused Night Spark’s chest to tighten. He slowly approached the cloud. As he stopped flying he expected to land on the cloud but instead he fell straight through. He shifted his legs to match Rainbows. He then changed their color to match the rest of his body. When he tried again he successfully landed on the cloud. He spoke very softly.

“…Miss Doo?”

Derpy gasped and turned around. She gazed at him with big tear filled eyes. A hurt expression covered her face. The gray Pegasus took a few steps back in fear before realizing she was almost completely off her cloud. Night Spark hated seeing some pony like her cringe at his sight. To make her more comfortable he stepped back until he barely stood on the cloud. She spoke with out looking at him.

“Just leave me alone…please…just…”

Night Spark lowered his and replied to her.

“Miss Doo please forgive me. I did not realize it was you. Had I known I would have never treated you so terribly. The other ponies got to me. With their sale pitches and dishonorable products. They caused me to become so angry I lashed out…and to one of the kindest ponies I have ever met…”

He edged towards her very slowly as he spoke.

“I treated you how most ponies treat me. You are not vile and if it means anything…I did eat one of your muffins…”

Suddenly Derpy looked at him. He met her gaze and could see her eyes were red from crying. This only added to his immense guilt. She rubbed one eye with her hoof then sniffled. Her facial expression told him that she expected him too continue. He took another slow step towards her making sure to watch her carefully. If she was not comfortable he would stop immediately and step back. He continued to speak.

“May I just say that it tasted like nothing I have ever had the delight of eating. While eating it I felt as if…all my problems had washed away and for the briefest of moments I was happy…happier than I have been in quite some time. Then I remembered my monstrous actions. Miss Doo I beg of you to give me a chance. Let me remedy my actions. What ever you wish me to do I will do it. Just…please do not think of me as a monster.”

He waited for her to reply. The gray Pegasus sniffled for quite a long time. Whether she was truly recovering from his earlier harassment or simply guilt tripping him he knew he deserved the torture of observing her. The longer he watched her the stronger his guilt became. The silence was broken with a quiet demand from her.

“…Sit…next to me.”

Night Spark did as she asked. They both sat in silence at the edge of her small cloud. He looked down at the city. It light up the night with its wondrous holiday lights and decorations. However none of them would provide him with joy if Derpy didn’t forgive him. She turned toward him with a sad confused look and spoke.

“You’re really sorry?”

Night Spark nodded slowly. She continued quietly.

“You know…you’re not the first…to well… yell at me. I-I get yelled at everyday. Stupid Derpy. Klutz…retard…”

That last word reminded him of the stallion at the diner. Night Spark grinded his teeth at the thought of that foul pony. He turned to look at Derpy as she suddenly stopped talking. Fresh tears were streaming down her face. Night Spark thought about what Rainbow Dash had told him. This pony was more than likely bullied or yelled at nearly everyday. He placed a hoof on her shoulder. Her immediate reaction was fear. Night Spark thought about removing his arm but instead he turned her towards him and spoke while looking her straight in the eyes.

“Miss Doo…you are not stupid. You are not a klutz and you are certainly not a retard. You are a gentle and kind mare who has shown a changeling like me more kindness and courtesy than my own family. If Equestria had more ponies like you it would be a better place. Never doubt yourself and your worth. If you’ll grace me once more with your kindness and forgive my prior transgressions I will be eternally in your debt.”

She bit her lower lip and suddenly pulled him into a hug. This completely surprised Night Spark. He could not remember the last time he had received a hug. It brought small tears to his eyes. They held each other for a short time until Derpy pulled away.

“I forgive you…”

Night Spark smiled at her. She did the same then spoke again.

“So you said…well…that you’d do anything for me?”

Night Spark watched her eyes glisten upon asking the question. He confidently answered her.

“Anything you wish Miss Doo.”

She smiled.

“I look absolutely ridiculous”

“You said anything right? Now come on…”

Derpy pushed Night Spark through the door. He sighed. Upon entering he saw the little filly. She looked very similar to Derpy except her mane was a light purple color. She was also a unicorn. Before Night Spark Could say anything the little filly slammed into him. She screamed at the top of her lungs.


Derpy giggled and spoke.

“Santa Hooves this is my little sister! Her Name is Dinky Doo. Dinky IT’S SANTA!!!”

With that both sisters tackled Night Spark. As he fell into a chair Dinky conveniently landed in his lap. The filly started listing a wide variety of gifts that she wanted. Night Spark remained silent until Derpy whispered in his ear.

“…Say it…come on say it…”

He pleaded with her but Derpy dismissed his sad attempt at puppy eyes. He sighed then took in a deep breath.

Happy Heart Warming eve Miss Doo…

Night Spark puffed out his chest and bellowed with laughter.

“HO HO HO LITTLE ONE!!! HAPPY HEARTS WARMING EVE TO YOU AND YOUR SISTER!!! Now do not fret as I have none of the gifts you have requested…”

He saw Dinky’s face drop. He smiled.

“The only gift I have for you is…”

Night Spark had nothing to give the filly…He had given what small currency he had to Miss Sprinkle. He thought hard for a moment before words just slipped out.

“uh…a tea party? YES A TEA PARTY WITH THE PRINCESS!!!”

Dinky’s eyes lit up as Derpy’s jaw dropped. Derpy then scowled and grabbed Night Sparks arm. The gray Pegasus dragged him out of her home. She addressed her sister upon leaving.

“Uh stay here Dinky…Santa Hooves has to go visit the other good ponies.”

Once out side Derpy closed the door behind them both then proceed to glare at Night Spark. He shifted out of the fluffy red form he had taken and returned to his normal appearance. He looked at her questioningly. She pointed at her home and harshly spoke.

“What was that!? A tea party? With the Princess?! Don’t lie to my sister Night Spark!!!”

He threw his hooves up defensively as he replied.

“No Miss Doo I would never lie to you. I keep my word. A tea party may have been the result of my internal conflict of not having a gift. I swear to you that I will personally drag one of the princesses to meet with Dinky…and should they resist?”

Night Spark swallowed. He looked around to make sure no one was watching. When he felt safe he sighed and shifted forms. He body grew significantly in height and became more slender. Derpy look at him with wide eyes. His face held a dry expression. He hated transforming in front of others. When he continued speaking it was in a tone as dry as his expression. However it was not his voice. It was the voice of Princess Luna.

“…Then I…I will be Dinky’s Princess…”

Derpy stared at him with her big crossed eyes. After computing what had just happened she burst into a fit of adorable giggles. Night Spark immediately shifted back to his form and his ears drooped in embarrassment. She ran up to him and gave him a hug as she whispered in his ears.

“Night Spark?”

“Yes Miss Doo?”

He noticed a smile formed on his face. He felt happy hugging a pony as nice as her. Though he would never admit it to others. She continued in a much softer whisper.

“…You’d make an awesome princess…”

His cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as his smile faded into a grumpy scowl. Derpy saw this as she pulled away from the hug and giggled some more. He gave her a glare. It wasn't angry but it certainly told her he was agitated. This made her giggle even more.

“You said you would do anything for me…I guess you really meant it huh?”

She giggled as his head lowered in even more embarrassment. She saw this and told him to wait out side. He watched her disappear. When she returned she did so with Dinky under her wing. Dinky was holding a little basket that was covered by a small cloth. She shyly placed it before Night Spark and spoke.

“You’re not Santa Hooves…so I don’t know why my sis wants to give you these but…here. Happy Hearts Warming Eve Mr. Night Shark.”

She ran back inside and closed the door. Night Spark smiled at her mispronunciation of his name.

Night Shark…Ha…. I like it…

Derpy rubbed her front hoof with the other one in a shy manner. She bit her lower lip before speaking.

“I-We thought…maybe you’d…want…some muffins…”

Night Sparks’s eyes widened slightly. He looked down to observe the precious basket at his hooves. He slowly removed part of the cloth and saw the side of a muffin. Upon seeing it he fiercely grabbed it and shoved the entire thing in his mouth. Bliss was the only word that came to his mind…well muffins too. Derpy smiled.

“You really do like them?”

He gave her a look that somehow literally seemed to say: Are you bucking kidding me?
He waited until he had the strength to swallow the muffin before he spoke.

“Miss Doo…I do not know why you are not famous…for the taste of these muffins alone you should be a princess. They are holy creations of the upmost importance to me. If I had the opportunity to choose between saving a crumb of one of these or saving those foolish scum that we met at the diner…”

A hoof silenced him. She happily spoke.

“Ok I get it you love them! In that case…stop by my place on the weekends and I’ll get you a fresh batch! Whoa-“

This time he pulled her in tightly for a hug.

A friend…and muffins?

“Thank you once more for your kindness Miss Doo. As much as I wish I could stay…I know of two ponies that are in need of these holy creations. I look forward to meeting you and Little Miss Doo on the weekends. Have a wonderful evening.”

As he began to fly away Derpy grew a sly smile. She may have been one of the nicer ponies…but there was no way she could resist. She called out.

“Good evening to you to Princess!!!

Her purposefully loud tone caused Night Spark to strongly shift his flying pattern.

I am never going to hear the end of that….

Canterlot Throne room:

Night Spark was allowed past the guards and just barely at that. He understood he looked like the enemy but the way some of them accidentally knocked into him. It was only because of his respect for Luna that he did not electrocute them. It also might have to do with his limited magic supply. His hoovesteps sounded out through the large room. It was similar to Luna’s throne room however it featured brighter colored walls. He stopped a few meters away from the throne. No one was visible in the darkness but Night Spark could feel a presence. After a moment a stern voice shot out.

“What have you come here for changeling?”

Celestia’s words carried enough power that they could have broken the minds and wills of simple ponies. However Night Spark had a purpose. Before speaking he bowed respectfully and pushed the basket forward.

“Princess. I know you…disapprove of my presence. I represent the very monsters that kill your subjects. You have no reason to think of me as anything other than…a monster. For what it may be worth I am trying to do what we changelings are supposedly the best at…I am trying to change. There was once a time in my life where I was your loyal subject. Where I woke up and next to my bed was a picture of you that I could pray to in my times of need. However that life was ruined by my…mother. I am not sure if Princess Luna has already shared with you…the things she has learned. If not then I would be more than happy to-“

Celestia cut him off sharply.

“What is it that you want from me changeling?”

The way she spoke hurt him.


It’s what he was yet when she said it with that tone it stung him. He inched closer a pushed the basket forward just a little more. He stared at the holes on his body. They were constant reminders of what he was. Some ponies looked past them.

Maybe Celestia cannot…

He sighed and bowed once more.

“…Nothing Princess…nothing…Happy Hearts Warming Eve…”

He showed him self out. The doors slammed behind him. He walked down the long hall until he saw a balcony. The cool night air beckoned him. He sat down and gazed out. The city lights and stars formed a beautiful picture in front of him. Despite Celestia’s anger and the other unfortunate events Night Sparks evening had been spectacular. He gained the trust of two kind ponies. As he thought about them a soft breeze had blown past him. Suddenly a small green plant appeared before him covered in dark blue magic. Night Spark tilted his head to the side in confusion. He took a few steps back and Luna had landed right before him. She smiled and her horns glow became bright. Night Spark was shocked as he was lifted in the air and surrounded by her magical aura. She pulled him closer and continued to smile deviously. He looked at her with confusion.

“umm… Princess Lu-“

Luna kissed him. Night Spark’s cheeks flushed red. His mind could not process what was happening to him. A wave of emotions flowed over him. His internal reflexes were exploding. The changeling began to shift forms rapidly. In less than ten seconds he had become thirty different ponies ranging from Braeburn to Miss Sprinkle and even Luna. Upon seeing this Luna released him and burst into a strong laughter. She could hardly control herself and let her royal tone out which shook the balcony the stood on. Night Spark was quivering in…well everything. She placed a hoof on him and spoke.

“Do not worry Night Spark. The mistletoe is a tradition for this day. Whenever two ponies meet under one they are supposed to kiss one another. I must say that kissing changelings always made me happy.”

Night Spark wondered.

Did she ever love a changeling?

Luna looked at him and somehow knew what he was thinking.

“I have been romantically involved with more than just ponies Night Spark…you have to…how do ponies put it now…mix things up a bit at my age. Ponies, Changleings, Spirits, Grif… Anyhow your reaction was positively the most precious thing I have witnessed in some time. There is no need to be nervous. Besides I cannot compete with the lovely mares already in your life. So who will win your heart? Miss Doo or Miss Sprinkle?”

Night Spark scowled and was about to protest but he could feel the severe blush on his face. He smiled shyly and replied to her while scratching the back of his head.

“Princess they are…only, well friends. Miss Sprinkle is a kind and beautiful mare that treated me with nothing but respect. Unfortunately she has a…pest problem although I think Braeburn and I may have solved it. I seemed to have made her night a little easier.”

Luna shot him a slightly annoyed look then grumbled under her breath.

“Of course you made her evening wonderful…especially after you gave her a coin of unlimited value…”

Night Spark seemed to not hear her and continued.

“Miss Doo is a kind and beautiful mare as well. She seems to have the same predicament as me…I would say maybe worse. Ponies ridicule her everyday. They call her names and hurt her. For what? Her eyes? Because she occasionally has balance issues? This is what frustrates me about your subjects Princess. There are so many that…that…THAT I JUST WANT TO DESTROY!!! Then there are those like Miss Doo and Miss Sprinkle…who I would do anything for. Your people are strange…also you may need to attend a tea party…. wait…were you watching me?”

Luna was smiling still. She walked to the balcony edge and looked at Canterlot as she spoke.

“I find it ironic that you feel that way of my subjects when they are like you. Most changelings make me feel urges I have not felt since I was Nightmare Moon. They make me want to rip them apart and thrust my horn through them like a blade. Sometimes I dream of sending your mother to the sun so that I may watch her burn and-“

She turned her head and noticed Night Spark’s wide eyes then giggled apologetically.

“Then there are changelings like you…who I am happy to know and have as a subject. Do not worry about Little Miss Doo. I thoroughly enjoy a good tea party. I shall make the time to meet her. Unless of course…”

Luna bowed ever so slightly as she smiled.

“…Princess Night Shark wishes to share tea with her.”

Night Spark facehoofed as Luna laughed again.

Buck it all.

He sighed and held a muffin up. While he gave the basket to Celestia he saved one for Luna. When her laughter slowed she noticed the muffin in his hoof and raised an eyebrow. He smiled.

“Happy Hearts Warming Eve Princess. I promise you this muffin will be the best gift you have received today. It is a damn near holy pastry that deserves its own throne in this palace.”

She gave him a look that somehow clearly said: What the buck Night Spark? She grabbed the muffin with her magic and spoke as she took the most princess like bite Night Spark had seen.

“I still cannot understand how you can enjoy a pastry so much that-“

Her eyes widened. The taste shocked her to her core. She looked at the Muffin then at Night Spark.

“There is no time for rest Night Spark…We will visit Miss Doo and Little Miss Doo…We WILL visit them tonight…and they WILL make me…us…more muffins. Little Miss Doo shall have her tea party sooner than she thinks.”