• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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A New Fate

A New Fate

On the Road to Canterlot:

“He should be executed for his crimes.”

“That is not up to us to decide. Besides, think about which Princess we are going to see. Do you really think she will allow this thing the pleasure of a fate worse than death?”

“You have a point there my friend.”

The sounds of ponies talking woke him. His eyes slowly peeled open and he observed his surroundings. He was in a rather confined metal carriage. The only source of light was from that of a small barred hole on the top. When he tried to sit up a sharp pain shot out all over his body. He thought back to the beating the other changelings gave him. That didn’t explain the throbbing pain on his head. As he nudged himself upright Night Spark placed a hoof on the side of his head. There was quite a bit of dry blood. Then he remembered the Equestrian troops knocking him out. While still thinking about his injuries a guard spoke to him.

“Did you finally wake up? I hope we weren't too loud for you.”

The guards laughed. Even though he was in considerable pain Night Spark decided to have a little fun. He spoke up with a raspy weak voice.

“Don't be ridiculous. I could never be disturbed by the sound of two carriage ponies. How ineffective at combat did you both have to be to earn the privilege of hauling me around?”

The only reply the guards gave him was angry growls. Then one of them bucked his hind legs and slammed the carriage. Night Spark fell out of his seat and hit the floor headfirst. His vision faded and once again he became unconscious.

Night Spark’s mind…

He didn’t know where his mind took him. Where ever it was it was beautiful. The walls were encrusted with many different kinds of jewels. Their beauty was matched only by the breathtaking view of Equestria visible from the large windows. As he walked to the nearest window Night Spark took notice of the perfectly crafted replica of equestria. The level of detail was breathtaking down to the door handles that were no larger than a few grains of salt. Only skilled magic could have crafted something so perfect. His thoughts became empty as he saw the land before him. Just by looking down, the entire city of Canterlot was visible. His eyes soaked in the architectural and organic beauty before him. Large and powerful stone buildings had a demanding presence. The green gardens and perfectly placed flora gave the city a serene feel. Changelings had nothing remotely close to what he saw. For a brief moment Night Spark felt like this was his. Like he belonged just as much as anypony. After all Equestria is a rather large place. No pony would notice a single changeling just trying to enjoy his life.

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind him. It was a voice he knew well.

“These thoughts of yours are dangerous. Don’t ever fool yourself. While you can deceive them for a short time…you will always be different.”

Night Spark turned around to face his mother. The Changeling Queen stood at nearly double his height. Her mane was a greenish blue and flowed as her magic lightly pulsed through it. The younger changeling took a bold step towards her and spoke.

“I-You are right. I will always be different. Different in that maybe I want something more out of my life than to fulfill your schemes.”

Night Spark noticed a slight expression on her face but he could not make out what it was. Was it hurt? Anger? Both? All were fine by him. With another bold step he continued.

“You say we are your children and you love us but you have yet to show me any sign of love. Love is not something you demand. You, more so than most should know that by now.”

The queen replied coldly to her son.

“Love is something expected from all of my subjects….or at least it was…”


Night Spark’s anger shrouded his sense of thought. He could feel his magic flow around him as he spoke.


This caused the Queen to laugh. This only angered him more. The young changeling growled and shot forth a blast of lightning at the queen. It faded to nothing upon impacting her. The Queen’s laughing immediately halted. Her expression shifted to an angry one. Green magic began to flow from her horn. She spoke in the same manner Night Spark spoke to his sister with.

“You think I am the reason no pony will except changelings? You feel that due to my actions they believe us to be monsters? You disappoint me Night Spark. Above all of my children I thought you would understand.”

Night Spark lowered his head slightly. He knew she was going to bring it up. The Queen began to circle him just like Night Fire as she spoke.

“Have I told you about how you and your siblings came to be? I don’t believe I have. It’s a story of failure, disappoint, and most importantly hope. While I cherish my little changelings I don’t believe I ever truly loved them. Honestly they are a product of a spell that only true changelings can perform.”

Night Sparks ears twitched. What did she mean? True changelings?

She continued.

“Long ago in an entirely different Equestria, Changelings and ponies used to happily coexist. We shared cities, food, traditions, and love for one another. The Changelings of old appeared as you and I appear now. They never changed forms because at the time it was something that we did not know we could do. Even so ponies accepted us despite our unique appearance. One day in a town not so different from that of Appaloosa or Ponyville a changeling was accused of theft. The town guards began to surround this changeling and cornered her. They told her she could be banished. They told her that Celestia and Luna would punish her. All for what? Theft? They continued to corner this changeling and impose great fear upon her. After a certain point she changed. She changed right before their eyes. The fear exposed our true gift. It ironically ended our relationship with ponies as well. You see, a flying pony with wings? THAT is normal. A magic wielding pony with a horn that can alter reality with a single thought? THAT is normal. A pony with wings and a horn? While rare, THAT is normal. THAT IS WHAT BELONGS! A PONY WITH BLACK SKIN, SEE THROUGH WINGS , GREEN MANE, AND A JAGGED HORN?!”

She paused. Night Spark could see her face shaking slightly as she glared at him. His mother’s anger was nearly at its peak. She lowered herself to view him eye to eye. She continued.

“That, my son is a monster. It is what made ponies look at every changeling differently. Suddenly friends became enemies. Families broke apart. Equestria had arrived at the conclusion that changelings were vile, savage, and untrustworthy. They were no longer welcomed in stores or places of dining. Suddenly they found themselves no longer being equal citizens of Equestrian cities. We became pests to the ponies. It was only a matter of time before the aggression and hate had lead to violence against Changelings. In a matter of months a few random street attacks had turned to full-scale war. Entire cities were destroyed. Thousands died on both sides. Celestia and Luna were unable to help. For all their might and all their influence. The goddesses were powerless against the hatred their subjects had for one another. What could they do? Scold the ponies? Banish them? No. They could do nothing because in the end they thought of themselves. After all what are gods without their worshipers?”

Night Spark noticed her face fall slightly. There was a faint expression of loss in her eyes. She continued much calmer.

“Despite having similar numbers the changelings were always at the disadvantage. The ponies had the best magic. They had the stronger troops and the faster flyers. While some changelings had mastered the ability to shift forms it was too little to late. The last days of the war were merely days of loss. The changeling numbers had dwindled down to a few hundred. The survivors retreated deep into the desert caves of Equestria. Only then after the changelings had disappeared did the ponies realize what they had done. Instead of trying to remedy the situation they chose to simply forget. After all before I stormed Canterlot who today remembered the changelings? Nopony.”
Night Spark doubted her. She was the changeling queen after all. He couldn’t imagine ponies acting in such a manner. When she sensed his doubt she turned around and walked to the replica of Equestria. Her magic radiated from her horn and began to transform his surroundings. She spoke as this happened.

“The caves were harsh. There was hardly food to find. In fact there was so little a few changelings resorted to canibalism, which further divided the survivors. Eventually all were lost except for a single family. Two parents and one child. The parents knew something had to be done. They wanted to protect not only their child but the last young changeling. Fortunately they were very skilled in magic. After spending days casting spells they had found a way to protect their child. Using the very same sand that they were condemned to live in they produced artificial changelings. These changelings were simple minded and very loyal to them. The couple taught their child this spell and-“

She paused for a moment. Night Spark could hear her breathing a little harder. He slowly approached her. Noticing her son by her side she continued.

“Once the child had successfully performed the spell the parents gave it one task. Make them remember. They then gave the child every last bit of their love and magic until they fell.”

Night Spark spoke up.

“Ponies would never do such a thing. They way you are describing them… it’s as if you are describing us!”

She turned her head sharply towards him. Then once again met him eye to eye.

“Really now? You think they are different then what I have described? You think they have…changed? You see unlike us they can never change. When I made you I did not just cast a spell. I needed the advantage that Celestia had. If she had the elements of harmony then I needed something to combat them. So I worked on altering the same spell used to create our troops. While I was able to make stronger and faster changelings they still had the problem of being simple-minded drones. So I searched for a way to make real changelings using magic.”

Night Spark shot her a confused look.

What did she mean?

The Queen continued.

“I took a chance. One that nearly destroyed me. By embedding my magic with my own life-force I created you and your siblings. You are different from other changelings because you are no simple product of a spell. You are a physically extension of my being. We share the same blood, the same magic…the same soul. No matter how you may feel about me… you are my son. When I brought you to life I focused on giving each of you a different gift. Something unique to feed on. Night Fire will feed on hate. It is why she acts they way she does. Night Storm feeds off fear, Night Frost off love, Night Fang off agony, Night T-“

He interrupted her with some hesitance in his voice.
“So I-we feed off what you have in the past? What has failed to give you power before? How can you consider us real children when we are nothing more than shadows from the past!? This is not the way! You want to show the ponies that changelings are worth something? You want us to belong? Then do what we do best: change. You believe they won’t? You believe they can’t? Then that is their failure not ours. The very least we can do is rise above whatever tensions are still present.”

The queen ignored his plea and continued.

“You my son were created to feed off hope. You and Night Fire represent the two things I have not tried to feed off of until now. She and I share the hordes hunger for hate. If hate fails me then hope will prevail. You feed off hope because I believe you represent hope for changelings…for me. All living things contain hope. It is tied to a creatures mind and dreams. As long as something can think it will have hope. You essentially have more power than you can ever comprehend. It is why I raised you different from the other children.”

She paused for a moment and closed her eyes as if she was trying to envision what she was talking about.

“When you were born I placed a spell on you that changed your appearance to that of a normal pony. After days of searching I left you with the most loving family I could find in Canterlot. They nurtured you. They loved you and would have died for you. Your adopted siblings thought you to be their whole world. Their special little brother. “

His heart fell at hearing her mention his “family”. While it had been many years since he had last saw them the wounds in his heart still bled from that day. Her voice was filled with artificial pity as she went on.

“Hearts warming eve… It was supposed to be a day of love for one another. Your family was enjoying a wonderful feast. You had conversations of joy and bliss. That was perfect. However when the spell wore off? When you changed before their eyes? When they saw what you truly were? My poor Night Spark felt the same hate his ancestors felt. Your own family could not even bare the sight of you. All the years of love. All the warm embraces and black lies of how they would always support you. The special little brother was nothing more than a monster. Despite your pleas and you crying they would not even acknowledge you. All they saw was a black pest that had invaded their homes and their family. When you ran away did they bother to look for you? Did they regret their actions? Were the guard ponies notified? No and why would they be. Nopony wants a monster. No even your family of seven years.”

As tears rolled down his face Night Spark felt broken. Waves of anger, grief, and sorrow drowned him. Chrysalis saw this and took advantage of the opportunity to embrace him and pull him under her wing. She spoke softly.

“I am sorry for putting you through that. It brought me no joy. However it should have taught you a valuable lesson. In the world of ponies…Changelings will never belong. I wanted you to experience their cruelty first hand. I want you to realize that in order for things to change…the world must change. You know their deceptive ways just as well as I do. That is why you and I share such a special bond. While I was disappointed in your action at Appaloosa I think you presented us with a wonderful opportunity. You have surrendered and appear to be in a weakened state. The ponies will see this and try to interrogate you. They will want to know what your intentions are. Help me son. Let them think that we will attack the Crystal Empire. Convince them that you are different and that you want to help them. Give the changelings the hope the need.”

Night Spark removed himself from under her wing. His silence told her that his mind was troubled on how to continue. The young changeling walked back to the window he had looked at earlier. Everything was different. Everything had changed. The bold walls of the city were crumbled in ruins. The flora had shriveled up and died. Homes were nothing more than piles of ash and rubble. Looking beyond Canterlot’s walls he could see Ponyville in the distance. A large cloud of smoke had formed over it. The sky above Equestria had massive greenish gray storm clouds looming over the land. The suns rays had a slight tint of green similar to that of Chrysalis’ magic. Was this what she wanted? Was this his fate? Is this her definition of change? Night Spark closed his eyes. He felt trapped. If what his mother had told him was true, than he is a member of a nearly extinct race. He was a beacon of hope for her and for his kind. A last chance at being a part of this world. On the other hand if he still believes her to be wrong. If he choses not to judge ponies based of their past actions and assists them. He will be infamous. The cause of his own kind going extinct. These thoughts continued to plague him. He could very well be the key to victory for either side. He looked at the land one more time. It was a wasteland. No matter how hard he tried he did not feel like that Equestria was the one he belonged to. He spoke over his shoulder.

“We may share the same blood…the same magic…the same soul. But we do not share the same hopes. You hope for a world where ponies are gone and changelings take their place. I hope for a world where changelings and ponies can coexist.”

He thought of his family as he spoke.

“However I realize now that both our hopes are out of reach. In reality there are only seven changelings in Equestria. The rest while independent and capable of free will are merely dust and echoes of a time past…our time. So the only thing I can hope for now is that my actions will make ponies see. I am not a monster. I am not some infestation. I am a changeling and I am capable of benefiting this land just as much as any pony is. In this respect my answer to you is no. I will not help you destroy these ponies.”

Her body language became hostile. As she spoke the walls of the room shuddered.


His gaze remained on the wasteland that was Equestria as he replied.

“They may have hurt me. They may have hurt our people. But what good is destroying monsters if you become one in the process. The end result will be the same. Whether it’s ponies, changelings, Sombra, Nightmare Moon, or Discord someone or something will always be a monster…and I will be damned before I allow myself to become one. You cannot decide my fate because it will be what I make it. I am sorry that you cannot see the world in another light as I do.”
She released a large blast of magic that completely destroyed the roof above them both. Night Spark nearly fell out the window. The queens voice was distorted and layered upon itself. Her eye burned with green energy as she roared. 


She shot a massive green blast at Night Spark. For a moment he felt like his skin was on fire. The world around him crumbled upon itself and became black. Suddenly he heard voices.

“Is this him?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good the Princess wants to see him.”

He was awake.

The Canterlot Throne room (night):

Twilight was nervous. The girls were expected to arrive in the morning. She had not yet told her friends of the upcoming war. Would they be angry with her for not immediately telling them?

Probably not…BUT if they are…

The thousands of different outcomes played out in her head. Everything from Pinkie crying to Fluttershy summoning the forest creatures to destroy her. Her ears hung low in sadness. As she sat there awaiting her friends Luna sensed her anxiousness and knew that she was most likely freaking out on the inside. She placed her hoof gently on Twilights back and spoke.

“Relax Twilight. Your friends are very understanding. If anything they will most likely appreciate that you did not want to ruin their day with such grim news. In fact you friend Spike will more than likely be the receiving end of their frustration for not telling-“

Before Luna could finish her sentence the throne room doors literally exploded as Twilights friends charged through them. Applejack was the first one to speak.


As Twilight was experiencing shock, joy, and fear Pinkie Pie slammed into Luna like a pink battering ram. Not expecting the Pink menace Luna was trapped in grip stronger than that of a full-grown dragon. Pinkie squealed at the Princess.


Luna’s face was becoming a pale blue. Twilight noticed this and used her magic to pry each of Pinkie’s limbs off Luna as if they were bent around her like steel. Luna fell to the ground wheezing. She made a mental note to study the source of Pinkies unimaginable strength.
With a raspy voice Luna spoke to the 5 mares that had destroyed her throne room’s doors.

“Thank you all for being present. There is much to discuss. Equestria is going to-“

Before she could finish Twilight interrupted her.

“How did you guys get Spike to tell you?”

Rainbow Dash was the first to answer as she flew lazily above the other mares.

“Easy… we sent Rarity in your home for like 15 seconds and boom…”

Rarity observed her perfectly polished hooves and let out a lady like giggle. Twilight face hooved. Spike was in for one heck of a lecture. Luna tried to bring the conversation back to her.

“Anyhow my friends I think its time we discussed the plans for-“

She stopped talking when she felt hooves running through her mane. She tilted her head around to find a weightless Pinkie Pie playing with her hair. Luna sighed and closed her eyes as she spoke again.

“Pinkie Pie…What in my sisters name are you doing?”

Pinkie’s eyes were fixed on the flowing night colored mane. She held to handfuls of it. This made Luna very nervous. She worked very hard to keep her mane in perfect condition. Having it ruined was not what made her worry though. The thought of Pinkie ripping her mane off her head with brute strength played through her head. Would she banish Pinkie for such heresy? Perhaps take her mane as well? These ideas and precautions played through her head until Pinkie spoke into her ear with a whisper.

“Luna? Did you know your hair reminds me of sugared blueberries?”

Luna’s right eye started to twitch. Just before she could reply to Pinkie’s newfound love for her hair a pair of guard ponies walked through the broken rubble that used to be doors. In between them stood a changeling. Luna’s eyes narrowed on the prisoner. The guards addressed both Luna and Twilight by bowing. One of them spoke to Luna.

“This is the prisoner from Appaloosa Princess. He surrendered willingly. He had sustained light injuries from that day and has drifted in and out of consciousness.”

Luna cared more for her subjects than some prisoner.

“How many survivors guardsman?”

The guard’s stern face was now replaced with a sorrowful one. With his head low he replied.

“37 survivors. They have some minor burns and scrapes but will be ok. We searched the town. Most of it was burned or burning when we got there. It was terrible Princess.”

Luna felt terrible. The pain the guards held in their eyes was a pain she knew well. She approached the guards and gently spoke to them.

“I would like for both of you to make sure the surviving ponies are taking care of. When that is done please take the remainder of your day to spend time with those you love. That will be all.”

They both bowed respectfully and left.

A silence filled the room. In that silence was a mix of many emotions. While Luna was taking a moment to collect her thoughts Twilight was focusing her attention on the prisoner in the room. His mane was a bright electric blue that matched his wings. The color of his coat was a few shades darker than a normal changelings. Twilight continued to visually scan the enemy until Applejacks voice broke the silence.

“A-Appaloosa…is gone?”

As tears flowed down the sides of her face she looked around as if expecting some pony to answer her.

Someone did.

“Yes it is.”

Every one of the mares turned to look at the changeling that just spoke. Applejack looked at him. She shot him a teary glare and took a step in his direction. As she stared him down he continued.

“Appaloosa’s fate, while tragic; is not going to be something unique. You ponies need to prepare for the-“

The farm pony interrupted him.

“How many of them good folk did ya hurt?”

Before he could answer her he noticed her cutiemark. Three shiny red apples all right next to each other. His reply was not one Applejack liked.

“Are you by chance a member of the Apple Family? I met a pony with a similar cutiemark. He claimed to be a “stallion” of the apple family. He was-“

Night Spark knew he had crossed some line as she charged him and began to flail him with her hooves. The wind was instantly knocked from him. He thought she had to be in the same family as Braeburn. Her strength far exceeded his own even if he shifted into Braeburns form. She screamed as she continued to punch him.


Dark blue magic surrounded Applejack and pulled her off of Night Spark. Luna placed the venting pony on the other side of the throne room with her friends. All the girls except for Twilight surround the crying Applejack and tried to comfort her. Luna look at Twilight and spoke very sternly.

“Twilight I am going to interrogate this changeling myself if that is all right with you. I would take this time to comfort Applejack. If a time presents itself I would recommend explaining to them the war at hand.”

Though Twilight had wondered what secrets the changeling held her concern for her friend overpowered that curiosity. She let out a weary sigh, already beginning to feel the pain that comes with war.

“Thanks Luna.”

With that she joined her friends.

Luna watched as they did their best to comfort the hurt Applejack. Seeing her subjects endure such hardship was terrible enough for Luna. Seeing her friends feel such pain? She turned and shot a wrathful glare at the changeling. Even before Nightmare Moon, Luna had always been the more terrifying Princess. Her words were harsher and her punishments were more severe. She took a step closer to the changeling and channeled her magic. Almost instantly they were both at the highest tower in Canterlot. The cool breeze caused Night Spark to wince as Applejack’s punches ripped open scabbed wounds and made new ones. Luna observed the bloodied changeling for a moment. As he stood up Luna walked to the edge of the balcony. She watched her night sky silently for a moment. Night Spark was the first to speak.

“Despite what every pony here thinks. I am here to help you. If I wasn't then…well 37 more ponies would be dead. I saved their lives. I saved Braeburns life. I killed my own to save your ponies. Then I surrendered.”

Luna spoke while continuing to gaze at her stars.

“I love my subjects. They are like my beautiful stars. They brighten my world and fill my heart with warmth. Can you imagine how I feel when I discover that they are being killed? Taken away from me? Your kind is darkening my nights. You are stealing my stars. They can never be replaced. Yet here you are. A monster where he does not belong. You come along with the news that yet another town as fallen and you claim you had nothing to do with it. You claim that you are on my side? This puzzles me. Are you expecting me to shelter you? Treat you like any pony in my lands? Give me one good reason not to rip your wings off and cast you from this tower monster.”

Night Spark boldly took a step towards her.

“Fate chose me to be born as a monster. Every direction I turn…every place I go…fate beckons me to give in. Even now fate has given me an ultimatum: live as a monster or die from starvation. I know monsters. I have been on the receiving end of their cruelty my whole life and despite being nothing like them I continue to be on the receiving end of hatred from you and your stars. I surrendered hoping that by helping the ponies of Equestria I can change my fate.”

Luna still would not look at him.

“So you think that we will simply trust you and allow you to live in this castle?”

For a moment Night Spark felt like he was talking to his sister. Luna’s cold tone was beginning to annoy the changeling.

“I am expecting the benefit of the doubt! Most especially from you! You sit there so regally and cast stones when you yourself unleashed more horror on this land than I could ever do. You call me a monster simply for being different. What is it that disgusts every pony? My wings? My body? The teeth? Am I simply cast aside and damned just because I am a changeling? Nightmare Moon gets a second chance yet I get nothing? The orange pony down there thinks I am some evil creature that is trying to destroy her life. Tell me oh wonderful and innocent princess WHAT ETERNAL NIGHT WOULD HAVE DONE TO HER LIFE! Go ahead and rip these wings off and kill me…it probably wouldn't be your first time doing it.”

This time Luna looked at him. Her wrathful eyes were gone and now filled with pain. She had expected to break the changeling and gain access to her enemy’s plan. Yet she felt as if the was the one being broken. All of what this changeling had told her was true. She was twice a threat to her people. The first time she became Nightmare moon she had caused so much pain and destruction. Worst of all she had tried to kill her own sister. She was a monster. If anypony should give this changeling a second chance Luna knew it should be her. She walked right up to Night Spark and looked him in the eyes as she spoke.

“You have shamed me changeling. I will give you a chance to serve Equestria. However due to the circumstances of our people being at war, I am afraid I am going to have to take precautions. If you truly wish to fight on my behalf I need to be able to completely trust you. I need to see what you know. Allow me to use my magic to see your memories. Only then will I know if you are truly good willed.”

Night Spark sighed and lower his head a bit. He thought about the idea of someone knowing his past.

Does she need to know of my past? None of that concerns her.

He then remembered that Luna is probably assuming he is like any other changeling. She was probably expecting to find information about Chrysalis. While not fond of the idea Night Spark knew it was the only way to change his fate. He looked up at her and slowly nodded. She gave him a small smile as she spoke.

“Good now stay still. This will not hurt you.”

He did as she asked. Luna touched her horn to his and it began to glow. Suddenly both their eyes flashed white. For Night Spark it felt as if his mind went blank for a short moment. Luna however had relived every one of Night Spark’s memories. She ran away from his family. She watched the destruction of Appaloosa. Braeburn had pummeled her to the ground and she saved his life and helped other ponies. She had killed 13 changelings in horrific ways and saved 37 more ponies. A pony knocked her out. She relived Night Spark’s encounter with his mother and her accounting of the beginning of hatred towards changelings. She felt Chrysalis sever the connection with Night Spark. The rest of the memories quickly led up to the point they were at now. Her eye return to normal and she pulled her horn away. She watched Night Spark for a moment in silence then spoke in almost a whisper.

“Night Spark…I am…so sorry.”

He didn’t know what she was apologizing for. The princess had done little to effect his life.

“Your apology is not needed Princess…you did nothing.”

The last part of his sentence seemed to resonate with Luna.

You did nothing…

She placed a hoof on him, which made him uneasy. She spoke to him again in a near whisper.

“That is why I am sorry. You have fearlessly chosen the right path despite it being one that means your demise. I did nothing to help your kind when I had the chance. At that time Celestia and I were still learning on how to properly rule a nation. When things got out of hand. When our people turned on each other? We failed you. It is because of us doing nothing that this hatred has not only remained but also lingered into our hearts as well.”

Night Spark looked at the Princess and saw her in a new light. She was genuinely sorry. He grabbed the hoof that she had placed on him and spoke.

“Then let us no longer do nothing.”

Author's Note:

Hey there people. Sorry for posting this late. I have had the flu and finals this past week and it has sucked. Anyhow tell me what y'all think of this chapter. I know it was much longer than the first two and I gave quite a bit of info. I felt very worried about the whole mental confrontation between Night Spark and Chrysalis. Trying to think of an interesting reason for how things came to be was pretty difficult for me. I hope it's to everyone liking though. As always if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or souls to give me please do and be honest as Applejack(even if it means making me cry and talk to Pinkies rocks in a corner).

Thanks for reading!!!