• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Ashes and Smoke Pt.1

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update friends. I know that many of you also go to work and school but can somehow pump stories out like FIMFIC SUPER SAIYIANS!!! I don't know how you do it. Perhaps I have not spent much time in the hyperbolic time chamber...anyhow

This chapter is full of....stuff. Stuff that is subtle but also some stuff that is in your face. I am making this a 2 part chapter...for 2 reasons. One I feel the Crystal Empire deserved two chapters. Two I feel you guys shouldn't have to wait too long to get more changeling action. I didn't rush this (obviously) but I know the second half is gonna take a little while.

Thank you all for reading my story. You all kick ass and chew bubblegum. Special thanks to my buddy Tidal. He edits my stories and makes them not sound like the hulk r haz smash keyboard with face. Also his new fic "One Last Crusade" was on the popular list and is really good. I highly recommend checking it out...after...you read this chapter.

Comment. Concerns. Likes. Dislikes. PM's. Souls. Fried Changelings. Muffins. <--- I will nom nom nom these.

Ashes and Smoke:

Shining watched the black ocean swallow his home. The changelings arrived by the thousands. By the time word had reached him they had lost the outer defenses. He stood with approximately 400 crystal soldiers and watched as death was approaching them. He had to hold the line in order to give Cadence and her troop’s time to conceal the surviving ponies. Shining had his troops bolster the gate into the royal circle. The empire itself had gained different sections due to the Sombra attack and first changeling incident. A massive circle wall separated each section. The outer city walls had multiple gates so that ponies could easily pass through. The Royal circle however was the smallest wall. It extended less than a mile from the castle in all directions and had only one gate. Shining only appreciated the walls because of their defensive capabilities. Otherwise he was not fond of placing barriers between ponies. He ordered the unicorns under his command to take position on top of the wall. Each unicorn lined up in front of small pillars placed evenly across the top of the wall. Shining barked out orders.


The unicorns shot magic at the pillars, which amplified their power and formed a large energy shield over the Royal Circle and castle. Shining did not have to be there. The crystal ponies viewed him more as a prince than general. The idea was tempting. He wanted to be by Cadence and make sure she was protected. However Shining would never leave his troops on their own. His soldiers had the courage to fight and die for Cadence and the empire. Shining admired that courage and was proud to be by their side. The Changelings began to pound away against the shield. It was like rain only each drop sounded like the spawn of a screeching monster and thunder. Shining turned to see how Cadence was fairing. The line of refugees entering the castle was much shorter. A soldiers voice rang out.

“General sir! Th-they-have dragons!”

He hurried up the stairs and gazed out from the wall. The once gleaming empire was burning. Towers of smoke that rivaled the castled in size were spread out across the land. The sun shined through that smoke with a vicious red tint.

Where’s Celestia and Luna? How could they not send help?! WHERE’S TWILIGHT?!

Shining’s thoughts disturbed him more than the dozen or so dragons now slamming their immense weight into the barrier. He knew it would not hold for much longer. If they stayed to fight they would be crushed in a matter of minutes.


Some of his troops gave him confused glares. He didn’t like retreating and neither did they. However Shining would not waste their lives. They deserved better. He continued.


Shining concentrated his magic and his horn glowed. He fired a beam into the sky and it exploded once high enough. The magical wave it sent out was a smaller version of the spell he and Cadence had performed together. While smaller it was more than enough to buy his troops the time they needed to retreat. After ensuring they had been secured in the castle he went in and slammed the massive crystal doors shut with his magic. Cadence secured the doors by making the crystals around it grow. She also raised up the ground right behind the doors. No dragon that any changeling could form would be able to burst through the massive slab of solid crystal. Shining approached his wife and began to look her over.

“Cadence are you all right? Did they get at you? How’s the-“

She pulled him in and kissed him softly. When she released him she spoke to him using the warm tone that she was known for.

“Shining don’t worry. I’m ok.”

He leaned in and nuzzled her softly. They were both physically and emotionally worn out. The last few days had been filled with so much death and destruction that both ponies were numb. All the ponies in the castle were silent save for a few. The sounds of ponies calming their children and crying for their lost ones were nearly drowned out by the screeching of the horde. Shining wanted to stay in his wife’s embrace. Her warmth always put his mind at ease. However he knew that he could not afford to relax if they had any hopes of holding out. He pulled away from her and spoke.

“Cadence you need to take the refugees underneath the castle. It’s the safest place for you now. My troops and I will hold the line at our room near the top. If they somehow break through they’ll think you’re at the top. Before you say no, just hear me out. I won’t believe that Celestia and Luna….or…Twilight abandoned us. They’re coming. They have to. Out there my troops would be killed in minutes. But if we choke their assault through the front gates of the castle we can hold out long enough.”

A guard overheard the conversation and approached them. He bowed his head as much as his injured body would allow him. Flash Sentry spoke firmly to Shining.

“Sir…If you wanted to go with the princess none of the soldiers would hold it against you. It’d be an honor to fight for both of you.”

Shining looked at Cadence. Even in such a dark time she radiated with a similar glow to that of Luna and Celestia. He placed a hoof on her cheek and she closed her eyes. Shining immediately dropped his hoof and turned to Flash.

“Are you kiddin’ Flashy? I’ve finally got a chance to get away from this cranky old mare! I wouldn't miss it for the world!”

Flash chuckled a bit and immediately stopped when he noticed the glare Cadence shot him. Shining saw this and laughed. Flash nervously saluted then trotted away…in the wrong direction. Cadence gave Shining a proud smile. He chuckled.

“You know that’s exactly why they all think you wear the saddle in this relationship.”

She walked towards the refugees. As she past him she whispered in his ear. Shining nearly melted from the tone she was using.

“That’s because I do and have been ever since your family decided to hire a foal sitter. Now I’m gonna let these ponies get to safety. Then you are going to kiss me right in front of all our soldiers…that should help with the morale. Get to it General.”

As she led the ponies into the secret underground layer of the castle Shining approached his troops. He looked at them with sad yet proud eyes. Some were wounded while others were shocked. The ponies were trained well but nothing could have prepared them against the sheer numbers the changelings had.

“Soldiers listen. We have lost so many of our friends and family. We have lost our cities and land. All we have left is this castle and each other. Princess Cadence is securing the survivors and once she is done it will be up to us and us alone to defend this castle. That door will hold for a few days at most. When they breach it…an ocean of changelings are going to try and drown us. That is not going to happen. It won’t happen because I KNOW that Celestia, Luna, and my sister won’t abandon us. They won’t forget the Crystal Empire. So our job…our duty is to stand together and hold this castle. We have to hold until we can be sure that the ponies underneath us as well as our Princess are safe. I don’t expect us to survive…and after all that we have seen I believe that in some way…we are already dead. A house can be rebuilt. A patch of land can be reseeded. However nothing can heal the wound inflicted on us. Nothing can replace those we have lost. The hope for a new Crystal Empire is with the ponies under us. The Old Empire? The Dead Empire? We are all that is left of that. We are already dead my friends and before we barge through the gates of Tartarus lets show the world how bright the old empire shined!!!”

The soldiers roared. Even many of the injured ones stood and did their best to scream. Some of them stomped their hooves on the hard crystal floor. Cadence returned and grabbed Shining, and pulled him in for a kiss. The ponies grew louder and drowned out the screeching changelings. Fear turned to courage. Sorrow to hope. Clouded thoughts became focused. The few remaining crystal soldiers shined.

Hospital Room:


As the monitor went flat Twilight’s anger and frustration boiled. She had performed some of the most powerful healing magic she knew and in the end Dinky could not hold on. Derpy stared at her sister’s lifeless body. She silently cried in shock. Night Spark shook his head and internally beat himself up. He blamed himself for Dinky and Derpy’s injuries. He turned and wanted to apologize to Derpy but no words came out of his mouth. Nothing anyone could say would fix the death of Derpy’s sister. Twilight gritted her teeth. For all of her magic and knowledge of it she could not save one pony. She began to breathe deeply and spoke in an angry low tone that unsettled Night Spark.

“I beat Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, Sombra, and Discord. I will beat death too!!!”

Suddenly Twilight’s eyes burned with black and green energy. Black lightning surged across her body and flowed around her horn. She shot the filly right in the chest. As Dinky’s body began to levitate the veins in her body started to become black and visible through her skin. Dinky’s eye flared open. Instead of glowing with energy they appeared to be windows to another realm. They contained twinkling stars and swirling galaxies. Night Spark took a step back from the sight. Twilight and Dinky were engulfed in black and purple magic. Twilight’s eyes began to resemble the same strange sight in Dinky’s eyes. As Twilight spoke Night Spark shivered. Her voice was loud. It did not reach the same volume as Luna’s voice but it seemed to come from her and his mind as well. When she spoke she was everywhere.


Her face twisted and then both her and Dinky’s eyes shined brighter than anything Night Spark had ever seen.


Twilight’s fell to the floor and panted. A familiar filly began to scream. Twilight shot her with a black beam and she fell silent. She pointed her horn at Dinky’s open wound and black fire appeared. The fire danced out of Twilight’s horn and seemed to only spread to Dinky’s wound. Instead of burning her, the fire constructed new flesh for her and repaired the burnt muscles and organs. The monitor stabilized slowly. Derpy slowly approached her sisters body and look at Twilight who was panting. The grey mare looked at her breathing sister and gently picked her up. She kissed Dinky’s head and rocked her sister as she nuzzled her.

“Twilight…I…I …Thank you. Thank you for bringing back my muffin. I don’t think I could ever repay you.”

Twilight controlled her breathing and walked up to the mare who was now in the hospital bed rocking her sister like a foal. Twilight smiled at seeing the sisters. However Twilight furrowed her brow and got close to Derpy. She spoke in a low voice.

“Just promise me three things Ditzy. Promise me that you never tell anypony what I just did. The magic I used…it’s not really…just don’t mention it ok? I don’t know what side effects bringing back the dead can have...on Dinky or me. Promise me that you or your sister never change. You may not realize but you make ponies happy Ditzy. I know some of them mistreat you but there are others who love you for who you are. Lastly…when things aren’t as hectic promise me that you and Dinky share some muffins with me?”

Derpy smiled and her eyes lit up.

“You got a deal Princess! OW!!!”

Twilight lifted Dinky out of Derpy’s hooves with magic. She then helped Derpy off the bed.

“You need to get you wounds treated Ditzy. Same goes for you Nigh-“

Night Spark was gone. Twilight furrowed her brow and turned to Derpy.

“Ditzy please get those cuts treated. I have to find Night Spark. He looked real bad.”

Twilight walked away and Derpy called out to her.

“Hey Twilight? Umm. Make sure he’s ok? Please?”

Twilight smiled and nodded. She began to search the hospital. All she found was a small trail of blood that led outside. She followed it until it simply stopped. Unless he was nabbed up, his blood trail would not have just abruptly ended. A faint zapping noise had reached her ears. It came from above her. Twilight looked up and saw a cloud. She flew up until she landed on it and saw Night Spark.

“Night Spark what are you doing? You should be getting treatment!”

He shot small arcs of lightning to sear the wounds on his body. After hissing in pain he stood up and approached her. Once in front of her he bowed his head slowly.

“Princess…what you have done…for Miss Doo? I cannot repay but should you ever need anything…ANYTHING…all you have to do is ask. My debt to you will never be fulfilled. Before I forget to inform you. Ponyville is safe.”

His knees buckled and he fell before her. She tried to help him up but he refused. Instead he chose to lay down. As he did Twilight noticed the injuries he had. His entire back was scorched and his body was covered in deep cuts and dark bruises.

“Night Spark…What happened?”

He recalled the events to her in more detail than she had wished to hear. After discussing the death of his brother and what Night Storm had told him there was a silence between them. He decided to break it.

“For what it is worth Princess…I am sorry. I am so very sorry for my actions as well as the actions of the changelings. It seems that wherever I go deception and death follows. Perhaps you and your friends were right to avoid me.”

“No. No we weren’t.”

She sat at the edge of the cloud.

“We treated you horribly Night Spark and without cause too. So for that I am sorry. I would like for us to start over though. I think we should get to know one another if there is any chance of us becoming real friends. Since you insist on being crazy and not getting treated at least let me get you something to eat.”

He thought about it for a second than spoke.

“Have you ever been To The Moon?”

She chuckled.

“Yeah actually one time…and Luna wasn’t happy about it. Here stand close.”

He did as she asked and in a flash they appeared before the diner. As they walked in a pony Night Spark knew greeted them.


Miss Sprinkle ran up to him and squeezed him in a hug. His body erupted in pain and he nearly fell over. Upon realizing his injuries she gasped.

“Oh Celestia what happened to you?! Was it those stupid jerks? Did they do this? I swear I may take your advice and poison them! I hope they keel over an- P-P-PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!!”

Twilight chose to ignore the mare’s comment about poisoning other ponies. She sighed and spoke kindly.

“Hello there miss. If you don’t mind Night Spark and I are very tired. By tired I mean hungry. I’ll pay you double if you make a big stack of pancakes and don’t call me princess. Deal?”

Miss Sprinkle winked and sat them down as quick as Pinkie Pie herself could. She ran off into the kitchen and started barking orders at the chefs. Twilight sighed and slouched back in her seat. Night Spark spoke only to avoid any awkward silences.

“So Princess…if you do not mind me asking, how did you bring Dinky back?”

Twilight sat herself up and spoke in a reluctant manner.

“Well…I used a very powerful…and um….Forbidden type of magic. You see, in Equestria’s earlier days not every pony liked having to serve Celestia and Luna. There were many battles and wars waged against them. There were even powerful unicorns that sought to usurp Celestia. They used what is known as dark magic. Asides from being able to do…unnatural things…dark magic is dangerous because it always had a price. The magic harms the user. Sometimes it leaves a scar and other times it has been known to kill.”

Night Spark interrupted.

“So you mean to tell me that some of these unicorns were also as powerful as Star Swirl the Bearded?”

Twilight’s eyes lit up. Usually when she talked about magic ponies daydreamed and lost focus. It seemed that Night Spark knew a little on the subject.

“Well yes. Star Swirl the Bearded was amazing in that he never used his magic for evil. He chose to spend his time and skills to help others. His books led to the founding of the first school of magic. They are fascinating reads that changed the way ponies thought of magic. I have ALL OF HIS BOOKS.”

Night Spark remembered the book he found in the safe house.

“Princess do you have a book called Uncontrollable Magic? I found it in the library in Princess Celestia’s and Luna’s safe house in Ponyville. I did not get a chance to read it for obvious reasons.”

Twilight thought for a moment then remembered the title.

“That’s a very interesting book Night Spark. It talks about a disease that use to effect foals, specifically unicorns. Towards the end of Star Swirl’s life the new born foals started showing strange symptoms. Typically a baby unicorn has magic bursts. Much like walking a baby unicorn learns to control its magic rather quickly. However when this disease began the foals could not control their magic at all. I don’t mean that they knocked over tables or burnt the walls. These new born’s magic shot out in uncontrollable bursts. Many foals ended up causing the deaths of their own family members. It was terrible. Celestia and Luna had to quarantine the effected unicorns. Star Swirl ended up raising many of them. He spent ten years trying to develop a cure for the unicorns he loved. After many failed attempts he constructed his most powerful…yet most dangerous spell. The Magic Release spell. The spell was performed one time…and it caused the greatest tragedy of Star Swirl’s time. He taught the spell to a unicorn who was practically a son to the great pony. In theory the goal of the spell was to return magic to Equestria.”

Night Spark raised a brow at her in confusion.

“I do not understand. What do you mean return magic to Equestria?”

Twilight took in a breath and began once more.

“Well, Magic is borrowed. Or at least that is what some ponies believe. In science there is a theory that states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Star Swirl thought that magic followed this principle as well. I for one believe it… Anyhow. His goal was simple. He wanted to take the magic out of his ponies. He believed that while taking away magic from the effected unicorns was cruel they could at least enjoy semi-normal lives. Well his spell worked but…not in the way he thought it would. The pony who cast it began to flow with massive amounts of energy. I think the chapter on Alicorn magic towards the end of the book describes the levels of energy emitted by the one unicorn. All the magic in his body left in one last and final surge. The blast was so powerful that the land it self shook. At first Star Swirl did not understand. He knew the unicorn was not anywhere near powerful enough to shake the ground. He then realized that the unicorn was releasing all his magic…both normal and spiritual. Strangely, he didn't specify how he knew that it was Spiritual magic. Spiritual magic is essentially a pony’s soul. Its that magic that makes Earth ponies like Applejack naturally stronger. It’s that magic that makes Unicorns able to actually control and manipulate magic. It’s that magic that makes pegasi able to walk on clouds and breathe normally in thin air. When the pony’s magic finally was gone he fell to the ground dead. His magic had destroyed the entire quarantine zone and every pony in it save for the great mage himself. After that event Star Swirl went into exile and was never heard from again. He gave up on all his works in progress and hid. Uncontrollable Magic was his last book. He wrote it as a way to pay respect to the ponies he felt he destroyed.”

Night Spark sat in silence for a moment. The story was indeed tragic. However he felt hope when hearing about it. He didn’t know how but something in his gut told him that the book could help him find a way to reverse his limited time.

“Princess…I know now is not a proper time to ask…still…I must. Do you think you could help me find a way to no longer have limited magic? I know my request must sound foolish seeing as Princess Luna could not even find a way to fix it. However you are the princess of magic. If anypony could find a way to…perhaps it is you?”

Twilight shook her head.

“Night Spark I don’t mean to sound inconsiderate…but I can’t afford to help you. It’s not that I don’t want to…but I have never even read about anypony with a case like yours. Plus I have no idea how changeling magic works. Is it the same magic ponies use? How do you use it? There are so many different variables and…not enough time. I can’t help you and Equestria. I am only here to make sure you don’t pass out and die somewhere in Canterlot. Then I am going to help my brother.”

Night Spark stared at his hooves on the table. His face showed no emotion as he spoke.

“Do you realize that you are fighting an endangered species princess? There are six changelings left in this world. The ponies of Equestria may very well destroy five of them in battle. Despite how this war looks I would say that one pony is at the very least strong enough to take on two to three changelings. Without our magic we are remarkably weak. Even with magic most ponies are still physically stronger than the average drone.”

“What are you trying to say?”

Night Spark eyes cycled through the colors of his siblings and mother.

“Eventually Princess I believe ponies will win this war. Eventually and inevitably the changelings will be nothing more than dust and echoes. We had our chance to form a bond and my mother destroyed it. I….when Chrysalis falls they will all fall with her. If I live to see her defeat then I will be the last of my kind. I have accepted this and truthfully I welcome it. At least I can show this world that not every changeling was a monster from the depths of tartarus. The thing I cannot accept…the thing I do not wish to face is death. Before I defected I never feared death…I welcomed it. I prayed to meet it so that I could escape a life of cruelty and pain and false hopes. Then I met ponies like Princess Luna, Miss Sprinkle, and Miss Ditzy Doo. They gave me a new life. One worth living for. In my mind I think of my love for these ponies. I think of how I would do anything for them. I think of my debt to you for and how I will be eternally grateful for your actions. Yet underneath all of these thoughts is the dark truth. That no matter how this war ends and no matter what I do…I am going to die. So I know this. You have questions Princess. From brief discussions with Luna I gather that you are one of the most, if not the most brilliant mind of our time. However you know little of Changelings and soon you will know nothing. By helping me you will be recording Changeling information. You will be documenting the last of a species. I do not think that Luna, Celestia, or even Star Swirl himself did such a thing.”

Twilight’s eyes gave him an annoyed look. She knew that he was trying to persuade her.

“Look Night Spark…if I help you, I will help as a friend and not some pony who only cares to document your every action and reaction. With everything that’s going on I really don’t think I would have much time to help…My head hurts all the time because of all the worrying I do. I don't know how my friends are. I don’t know if my brother is…I just don’t know... and that scares me.”

Night Spark fell back into his seat. If Twilight would not assist him then death was inevitable. The idea of it made his gut feel like it was falling into a black hole. It was a fear he had only recently felt. Night Spark figured that Twilight was feeling the same fear. The unknown fate of her brother was more than likely eating at her. He stood up and walked to her side of the booth.

“Princess you will help me…because I am going to help you. Take us to the Crystal Empire. I will make sure that no harm comes to your brother or his wife. We can fight together and save the Crystal ponies.”

Twilight shook her head.

“You can’t come. Are you crazy? You still have blood on your nose from the battle you had not just a day ago! Besides you should go and spend time with Dinky and Ditzy.”

Night Spark looked at her. He just barely shook his head.

“No. It is only because I care for them that I will distance myself. Not even a full day together and Dinky died while Miss Doo suffered severe injuries. They will never have to experience such pain again. I will however fight to protect them. Do not discount my strength Princess. I may be limited in my magic but that does not mean my magic is weak. I may require your assistance should I meet another of my siblings however I am perfectly able to destroy normal Changelings. Together we can-“

Twilight interrupted him emotionally.

“Well maybe I’m not!”

Night Spark had not expected her response. He remained silent as she spoke.

“I don’t know how you do it. You, Luna, Celestia… I understand more. I understand more than anypony. I don’t mean to sound brash but…I have spent the majority of my life in books and studies. Equestrian law? Griffon Biology? Magical science? I could teach even Celestia a few things…yet for all the things I know…I don’t understand how ponies can kill so easily…I’ve read reports from troops in Manehattan. Celestia scorched the bridge when it was full of changelings. Luna crushes them under her hooves. You…you disintegrate them…Even now with my friends and family at risk, I don’t think I could ever kill anypony.”

Night Spark stared at her. For all he knew she was the most powerful pony alive. She defied death and Equestria’s evil foes. Yet she had never killed. He smiled. Despite the pain surging through his sore body Night Spark bowed before her.

“Much like Star Swirl you lead a remarkable example Princess. I dare say that I used to approach killing as you do now. However I chose to save innocent ponies over serving my people. I learned that the changelings are nothing more than products of my mother’s magic. Truthfully I hold no remorse for destroying those who do not value life. I feel nothing for the Changelings because despite horrors done to us thousands of years ago we had a chance to fix a broken bond and instead broke it further. Your value for life…even the life of your enemy…it should shame me yet all I feel is joy. I know that going forward Equestria has a wonderful example to follow.”

He stood up and continued.

“Even so…the fact still remains…your brother and his people are in danger. If you will not kill then at the very least bruise the enemy and leave their deaths to me. I know how the loss of family feels Princess. I would take the burns on my body tenfold because at least I know that in time they will heal. I would not wish you to suffer through such pain.”

Twilight stood and pointed her horn at him. Her magic washed over him and he started to glow black and purple. His burns began to heal slowly and his mind became sharp. So sharp that he felt like himself before Chrysalis broke their connection. He looked at her with wide eyes.

“Can’t save ponies when you’re about to pass out. That’s the only time you're getting that kind of magic. Next time you get all bloody you can go to the hospital. All right Night Spark, I hope you aren’t afraid of heights.

“Thank you for the magic princess but…wait what do you mean hei-“

With a flash of magic they were gone.

Canterlot Train Station:

Luna had ensured all the Ponyville refugees were accounted for and safe. She then immediately ordered all her bat ponies on to the train. She ordered two of them to send word to Celestia to meet at the Crystal Empire as well as to explain to her what the situation was. Her mind was stressed. She had no idea how bad the situation was in the Crystal Empire. She had no idea how Night Spark was fairing or how she felt about his violence in Ponyville.

“Princess all ponies are on board as well as the five from Ponyville. We are ready.”

Luna looked down at Violet. She nodded and walked with her to the train. Once on board the princess walked through every car giving her troop’s words of approval and encouragement. When she reached her car she sighed and hung her head low. Instead of leaving her be, Violet entered the car. Luna spoke to her soldier.

“Is there something you wish to speak with me about soldier?”

Violet stood tall and nodded.

“Permission to speak freely your majesty?”


“I think I know what I am truly fighting for.”

Luna raised an eyebrow and spoke.

“Please share soldier. I wish to know everything.”

Violet chuckled and continued.

“Well I won’t write you a book or anything but I will say that I found out in Ponyville. My boys and I followed around Night Spark like you ordered us to. We were making sure he didn’t use any magic or anything. As we watched him we couldn’t help but notice all the glares he was getting. Despite any of that this changeling spent most his time trying to make that mare happy. After questioning the post office manager we found out she was fired. A real pile of griffon shit that pony was….oh…um..pardon…”

“You’re fine Vi continue.”

“Anyhow. The point I'm trying to make is that despite his own differences and being treated differently Night Spark only cared about making another pony who gets treated poorly feel good. To top it off when the town was under attack he took it upon himself to make sure the same ponies who looked at him differently were safe. He could have taken Derp- Miss Doo and her sister and left. Instead he stayed and fought with us against the enemy. Being a bat pony I know what being different is like. Whether it was the fillies at school who made vampire jokes or the ponies who flat out called me hideous. There were times were I hated the other ponies. Buck I joined the military because it was the only place that seemed to be friendly towards my kind. I see how wrong I was though. I ran away from the ponies that treated me differently. I should have stayed and kept on. I doubt anypony from Ponyville sees Night Spark as the strange outsider now. So I am going to fight for him and for all ponies who ever felt or feel out of place. I’m gonna fight so we can end this war quickly and he can get to lovin’ that mare of his and I can get to findin’ a pony who will love my differences.”

Luna looked at the pony before her. She smiled and held Vi by her shoulders.

“I am overjoyed to hear this Vi. You worried me…I was upset when the 501st lost you and your friends. You are the best soldiers I have. When we regroup you may reclaim your position in the 501st and serve with honor.”

“I won’t be doing that princess.”

Luna looked confused.

“It has been an honor to serve under your command. It is something that I will hold as one of my proudest accomplishments but I am no soldier. I never was.”

Violet wiped away tears and no longer stood tall. She continued while looking at the floor.

“I’ll finish this fight. I will help you take back the Crystal Empire and save Princess Cadence. After that I can’t keep going. I was never supposed to be Violet of the 501st. I am supposed to be Violet, the first bat pony mayor in Equestrian history. I hope you don’t think of me as a coward. I…I’m sorry.”

Luna pulled the pony in with her wings and gave her a hug.

“You have nothing to be sorry for Violet. The last thing I would think you were was a coward. You are a brave and beautiful pony. While I shall miss having such a cunning warrior to fight by my side I feel proud to know you will change Equestria for the better. You have my full support when you decide to enter the hell that is politics. You will do great things for all ponies Violet. Now go and rest. You will need it for the upcoming battle.”

“Thank you Princess.”

Violet bowed and left Luna to be by herself. Luna smiled. Violet was a very capable pony. She would be able to assist not only Bat ponies but, Mules, Dragons, and Minotaurs. She could represent true equality for all creatures of Equestria.

Hopeful thoughts distracted Luna from the battle before her.

The top of the Crystal Castle:

He couldn’t even finished his sentence before he was suddenly teleported. A rush of cold wind slammed into both his body and Twilight’s. The wind carried a thick burning smell. He turned to ask if Twilight was alright but found her staring of the side of the tower wide eyed. Night Spark hurried to her and saw what she was looking at. As far as he could see the empire was burning. The land was blackened and fires still roared through buildings. Even from such a height he could see the little specs throughout the land. Thousands of dead ponies and changelings. As he focused his gaze closer toward the castle he could see the Changeling horde in its terrifying glory. The sight was horrifying. Twilight spoke.

“It’s all gone. They…they destroyed everything…what if they got my…No. Come on Night Spark. Shining has to be in the castle. Otherwise the Changelings would have left. One more teleportation and we will be in.”

“You go Princess. Find your brother and Cadence. I will meet you at the bottom of the castle. However I want these changelings to know that I am here. Hopefully I will draw out one of my siblings.”

She looked at him like he was crazy.


He smiled at her.

“No…of course not…but I can at least kill a few…right now the morale of the crystal ponies is more than likely gone. The Changelings are overconfident. Sometimes morale is what can tip the outcome of a war. Let the ponies see that you have come. Let the changelings see that I have come.”

With that Night Spark jumped off the top of the tower. He began to shift once more into the best parts of every pony he knew. As he picked up speed his horn glowed and a green magic surrounded him. He flapped Rainbow’s powerful wings once and nearly doubled his speed. He aimed to hit the ground in front of the castle. He held his wings tight against his body and fell through the air like a meteor. As he collided with the ground lightning surged out from his body and turned the Changelings in a 30 meter distance into dust. Night Spark carried a devious grin and stared into the horde with glowing eyes.

“Who remembers me?”

The fear and confusion on their faces was the only answer he needed. He dashed forward and shifted on some of the armor Luna’s soldiers wore. With Rainbow’s wings now placed in metal blades Night Spark sliced through rows of changelings. He made sharp jabs and kicks that broke bones. The strength of the apple family broke even the largest of the changelings. As they began to go on the offense with both physical and magical attacks, Night Spark maneuvered in a way only Pinkie Pie could and was hit by nothing. The scene of the burning empire fueled his wrath and he continued to cut down changelings.

Twilight suddenly appeared right next to Shining Armor. He jumped back as she scared him but Twilight gripped him with her magic and pulled him in for a tight hug.

“SHINING! I was so worried about you!”

Shining held his sister for a brief moment but suddenly released her. He looked at her confused.

“Twily…what took you so long?”

Twilight’s joys was crushed when she looked around. There were only a few hundred soldier ponies. Many of them looked broken. She frowned and spoke softly.

“I- We didn’t know…We got no word from you and Luna received Intel that Fillydelphia was going to be under attack. We sent soldiers there and some to Manehattan too. Celestia handled Manhattan but nothing ever attacked Fillydelphia. We got worried and then Ponyville was attacked. There is a lot more to it but…we found out that Chrysalis played us…I’m so sorry Shining…If I had known I would have been here sooner. You know I would have.”

Shining gave her a small smile.

“So are reinforcements coming?”

“Luna and Celestia…oh and the 501st…the entire 501st. Plus over 500 bat ponies and a 1000 of Celestia’s own troops. I also brought…um a Changeling with me…before you say anything you have to trust me. He is not your enemy. In fact he is outside right now killing Changelings. I have to go get him. Please tell your troops not to attack him. It wouldn’t be good…for them.”

Before Shining could object she disappeared. She reappeared outside where a dragon was staring down at Night Spark. He smirked.

“You are as much a dragon as I am a pony.”

The dragon shot fire at him. He shielded himself with Rainbows metal covered wings which he shifted to be as large as Luna’s wings. The fire rolled off of them. Night Spark flared out his wings and the fire dispersed. He flapped once to lift himself up to the dragons face.

“My turn.”

He shot a massive arc of lightning that ripped through the face of the dragon and came out the other side. He tilted his head down so the lightning could continue to rip through the massive Changeling’s body. When he was done the Changeling was on the ground in two charred and partially melted husks. Twilight grimaced then flew up to him and teleported inside. They both appeared next to Shining. Twilight smiled awkwardly while Night Spark was breathing hard through flared nostrils. Shining observed the changeling before him. Night Spark was covered in changeling blood.

“You’re the changeling my sister spoke of…what’s your name?”

Night Spark’s adrenaline rush began to fade. He observed the white stallion before him. The words the stallion had just said took some time to connect. Night Spark continued to breathe hard as he barely bowed his head.

“My name is Night Spark. It is an honor to meet you Prince. I understand it may appear strange to see a changeling who is not killing ponies but…I assure you my interests are to serve Equestria and the Princesses.”

Shining eyed him over. He said nothing for a short time.

“Even if you truly are fighting for ponies…even if my sister claims that you’re on our side…after what I have seen in the last few days…you’ll have to forgive me for not trusting you just yet.”

While Night Spark understood he couldn’t help but feeling a little hurt.

“I understand…if it is alright with you I will remain by the entrance. Should the changelings somehow breach these doors I will be ready to strike.”

Shining whistled loudly and a pony rushed up to him. The stallion had a white coat and blue mane. His golden armor was covered in changeling dry blood. Shining spoke.

“I don’t have a problem with that as long as one of my soldiers goes with you. This is Flash Sentry. He is one of the best I have so don’t think about trying anything. On the upside if you are genuinely helping us ponies then he is also one of the best stallions I know. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m pretty sure Cadence will kill me if she find out I delayed Twilight this long.”

Shining turned to leave and Twilight followed. She looked over her shoulder at Night Spark with a worried glance. He smiled to assure her that he would be fine. When she entered a mysterious hole in the castle and was out of view he turned to the soldier next to him. Flash was also watching Twilight. Night Spark thought he looked funny as his head was tilted slightly. In fact the pony looked familiar.

Flash Sentry. Flash. Sentry. I have heard this name….

His mind was rushing through memories. Flash was the first to speak as they both walked to the entrance.

“So…you’re a defector huh?”

“Yes I am.”

“You look…strange….like a weird alicorn.”

“You look…shiny…like…a shiny guard…”

“Well I’m supposed to…this is ceremonial armor.”

“…this is…um…. a ceremonial…transformation…”

“You sure? Because I’d notice Rainbow Dash’s wings anywhere and any color. I used to like her before I met Princess Twilight. Twilight’s beauty is unmatched but before I met her I would do anything for Rainbow Dash. I used to day dream abou-“

Despite not being a ceremonial transformation Night Spark felt defensive.

“Enough of this! I will not have my ceremonial transformation ridiculed by a soldier that prances around in shiny armor. How are you even effective in combat? I would imagine your glittering about would attract the entire changeling horde.”

“I wear gold because I used to serve under Celestia. It’s kinda something her guards do because…well she’s shiny and what not. I fight just fine thank you. The gold armor is a weapon in itself. To most it seems mythical and powerful. They know whoever wears it serves as Celestia’s elite. In my case I was transferred over to the Crystal Empire by the request of the General. If it doesn’t cause fear or intimidation then enemies will be drawn to it like you said. I have no problem with that because they are rushing in to kill me. It makes them unprepared and keeps their focus on me while the other soldiers flank them. So gold armor for the win.”

Night Spark shot him a glare.

“Yes Gold armor…well then. It is still un-warrior like to be prancing around in such gleaming armor. The only thing that should be glistening in the light is the fresh blood of your fallen enemies as it soaks your coat.”

“Maybe. Just because you’re a warrior doesn’t mean you can’t look cool…”

Cool? What does he mean cool?

A silence grew between them as Night Spark pondered about the strange yet familiar pony. He did not understand how Twilights brother could have so much faith in such a weird pony. Night Spark sighed and he spoke.

“You are what many ponies refer to as weird.”

Flash smiled and pointed at himself.

“Oh I’m weird? HA! Says the changeling with mare parts.”

Night Spark became furious.

“What are you implying? That mare parts are inferior? That a mare is weak?! Rainbow Dash’s wings could slice through both ponies and changelings like a sharp blade. I wager I could crush you where you stand using Applejack’s hooves. Perhaps I should shift into Luna’s form and smear your squashed flesh on these walls. Mares present a tactical advantage. Every single one that I have met has had a light body mass yet increased strength. Using their parts I am able to crush my enemies while still being able to move like lightning. Fool!”

Flash was wide eyed and was trying to hold in laughter. The other soldiers were snickering as they heard Night Spark's defense. Night Spark face hooved as Flash spoke.

“Mares aren’t inferior. You’re weird because you're copying mares and…well….you’re not one…at least….I think!”

He burst into laughter.

Night Spark quickly shifted to his regular form. Flash Sentry was already getting on his nerves. It was already awkward when a stallion tell you he had a crush on the mare whose wings you were borrowing but now they were laughing at his uses of mare parts. He looked at Flash annoyed.

“There. This is me. This is…Night Spark.”

Upon seeing Night Spark's true form Flash seemed shocked. He no longer was laughing. The soldier took a step towards Night Spark. His actions seemed hesitant as if he had great fear as to what Night Spark would do to him. He tossed his helmet to the floor. His wide eyes fixed on Night Spark as if he had seen a ghost. Night Spark saw the tears in the soldier’s eyes. Flash nodded slowly and spoke.

“I know…”

Before Night Spark could question what he meant a loud noise had rang out through the castle. The ground and walls shook. Both Night Spark and Flash observed the front entrance. The massive Crystal slab Cadence had blocked the door with was forming cracks. The screeching sound of the changeling horde was growing. They were breaking through.