• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 2,605 Views, 250 Comments

An Unwelcome Change - Night Spark

Equestria is under attack! The changelings have returned and are fueled by something other than love. Ponies prepare for war as the changeling horde sacks small cities. With no elements Equestria needs help...but will they take it from a changeling?

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Agent of Chaos

Agent of Chaos:

Trixie was looking at her hat. The edges were frayed, the stitching was coming apart, and it had several stains the were set in.

"Trixie's life is meaningless. Trixie should just-"

She stopped herself from finishing that sentence. Life had led her down that path once. She walked towards her own death literally. Not many ponies can say they attempted to get lost in the desert that is the Badlands. Changelings were hardly the worst dangers in that harsh terrain. If the heat didn't put you down scorpions or sand raiders would. The fate never found her though. Instead a complete and unexpected stranger helped stopped her. He showed her that every life is worth something. Or at least he tried to.

"Trixie can't kill herself. Trixie is already dead and her shows are stopped. She is damned to the Everfree where she belongs, among the monsters and ghosts."

"You, my dear, are no monster."

The voice startled her. She jumped up and frantically looked around. The Everfree was always talked up as being the most dangerous place in Equestria, but she had been lucky enough to avoid its dangers.

"Come out! Let Trixie see you!"

"Excuse you, I already came out centuries ago! Then Star Swirl turned me down and well I guess I came back in. Then Celestia denied me her savory flanks! So now I am a reserved creature. No longer do I desire such lustful things. I am-"

Trixie blushed before she screamed.

"Trixie just wants to be left alone! Leave and don't come back."

Discord flew out of her hat and nearly stopped her heart.

"Well that's just rude! I only want to talk to you. Fluttershy was right! Some ponies will never accept you!"

Trixie held her hoof up.

"Wait, Trixie did not mean for you to feel that way. Even if you are the terrible Discord. Trixie knows what being denied feels like. She doesn't wish it on anypony."

Discord snapped his fingers and fixed Trixie's hat. The tip of his tail flipped the hat up into the air where he grabbed it. He placed it gently on her head and smiled.

"I appreciate that, Trixie. Today is a very rare day and you may be the only pony to ever witness it, so cherish every second. I am going to get as serious as I can and speak with you for a few moments. Before I begin I want to ensure you that my only concern is you and the rest of ponies. Do you trust me?"

Trixie looked at him and was about to say no. Above her own sight she could see the brim of her hat. It was in perfect condition and even shined a bit. Every thread was restored to their original state. She sighed and nodded. Discord smiled and sat down.

"This tea is just devine!"

A large dragon stared unamused at the creature before her. No one had ever been so deep into her mountain to find her personal lair. Under any other circumstance she would have already killed her visitor, but her power was only so great and she did not wish to cause damage to her home. Discord snapped his fingers and a briefcase appeared. He opened it and spread an assortment of papers before the dragon.

"Now onto to the nitty gritty details and things! I need you and some other dragons to go to Canterlot and have a nice time roughhousing with a few changelings."

Rynn raised her head and showed off not only her height, but her magnificent white scales. They glimmered with a pearlescent sheen as breathed white fire on to Discord and his papers. His charred body remained still for a moment as his face soured.

"Now Rynn, I know we could never allow our love to flourish, but what did you expect? Your own son tried to overthrow you and lead an attack on my fluffy little ponies. Don't hate me because they stopped him."

She spoke and her voice carried thousands of years of experience and knowledge.

"Discord, it was you who supplied the equine race with gummy bears was it not? It was you who delivered the tools necessary to destroy my son and his followers. His disgrace to my family sealed his fate however it was my responsibility to clean up his mess. Instead I wake to find my son slain by a batpony! The shame was unbearable! Many dragons no longer saw me as their leader and I had to kill any who doubted me! I reclaimed my position but the cost of that? A mountain of corpses. Old dragons, young dragons, family and friends, I cut them down all so I could keep my honor! Now you come and seek my help! Do you have no shame?"

Discord rolled his eyes and pulled out a checkbook. He broke his antler in have and used it to scribble on the check. His tone heavy with growing impatience.

"You know Rynn, I thought that you would do this for me. Perhaps, I was wrong. Anyhow I know you have been inconvenienced. I am prepared to compensate you. Shall we say one million Crystal Empire gems?"

Rynn narrowed her eyes at him.

"Not a chance, Discord. Now leave.”

Discord crumpled the voided check and threw it behind him, causing a miniature nuclear explosion. He began a new check.

"Very well then. Two million."

White hot embers flared from her nostrils and her chest began to radiate with light. As she spoke the entire mountain shook.

"You don't have enough gems to buy my assistance! Now leave!"

Discord chuckled heartily.


"Maybe if you had ever, in your long and useless life shown me kindness or apologized for your hand in my son's demise I would help you!"

Discord scoffed.

"I will do no such thing. You are beneath me and so is your son... literally. I think Tartarus is actually right below us... a little to your left and-“

Rynn slammed down her massive claw upon him.

"Trixie does not understand. What do you mean the Crystal Empire is gone? Trixie does not mean to sound dumb, she is just uninformed as she lives alone in the Everfree now."

Discord just wanted to squish her. Fluttershy was his best friend, but Trixie's third person communication was something he truly found absolutely adorable.

"Trixie, I think it's best if I just show you."

Discord shot a beam from his claw towards the ground in front of them. A holo image of the Crystal empire was before them. Trixie gasped as her eyes traced the ruins. Charred earth and destroyed buildings were all she could see. Magical residue left from terrible deeds littered the streets. The castle itself had massive cracks and pieces of it were on the verge of collapsing in on themselves. Her voice cracked as she spoke.

"How many-"

Discord solemnly shook his head.

"Enough. So few Crystal ponies remain. Assuming this war is won? It will take longer than your lifetime to regain the amount lost."

The holoimage changed to one of Baltimare, Fillydelphia, and a few other cities, each one with an eerily similar amount of damage. As Discord continued Trixie frowned taking notice to the slight despair in his voice.

"Chrysalis is a wise tactician. She tricked me, Celestia, and even her own son. After the Crystal Empire fell, Celestia had every city retreat to Canterlot. Out of spite Chrysalis sent her armies to burn the cities to ruin. I can only be in so many places. Three to be exact and each version of me is independent until we join back together. I went to get help from the dragons, protect my friends, and search for other means to win."

The holoimage stopped on Ponyville. The quaint little town had minor damage but the town hall was utterly destroyed and buildings near it were burned. Evidence of a magic duel was left in the scarred dirt. Trixie felt her jaw quiver as she whimpered.

"Trixie would have helped. She was so close and didn't know. She could have helped them. She-"

Discord patted her on the back.

"Don’t worry yourself. I was surprised to learn that we gained a changeling ally. Remember that son of Chrysalis I mentioned? Kid's got spunk. Protected Ponyville and my friends from his own brother. I owe him big for that, now that I think of it. Damn, I hate having debt. Anyhow Trixie, I don't mean to upset you. That just comes with the nature of what's going on. I came to you because I believe you can be my other means to win."

She sniffled and raised a brow.

“Trixie, I have seen your shows. They are wonderful and don’t ever doubt that. Your magic is uplifting and your showpony skills are top notch. You are spending your life here in the forest and for what? I can name at least 3 show mares who treat their audience worse than you. The difference? They are in Las Pegasus and ponies there are jerks. You tried spreading that style of show here and it failed.”

She removed her and held it in her hooves. Grinding her teeth she began to speak.

“Trixie tried. She came from the lowest streets in Canterlot and did she beg? No! Never! She practiced until her horn burned and her hooves bled. She practiced until she became a new pony! Stronger! Greater! Gone was the hungry filly who shivered in corners. Trixie did not need a house. She built her own home and she traveled! Trixie has seen and given to every corner of of Equestria! Like a typical Canterlot snob, life decides to step on Trixie! All the aches and all the cold nights and for what? For Ponyville to destroy a lifetime of work?”

Her features darkened and Discord watched curiously. He added some butter to the popcorn that he was eating.

“Trixie gave more bits than needed for the amulet. A chance to hurt them? To make them useless and suffer? No coin could be more valuable! Trixie felt the power of Alicorns. She felt the fear of the entire town and-“

Rocking back and forth she began to sob.

“Trixie never wanted to scare them… She never wanted to hurt anypony…”

Discord frowned at the mare’s condition. After tossing his empty popcorn tub aside he placed a paw on her back and caressed gently.

“Trixie, you scared a single town. I scared the world. At least seven countries think I am the bringer of end times, which I don’t get because we look nothing alike. He’s much taller than me! All ponykind save for a few nice souls still view me as some demonic spawn. There are days where I want to snap my fingers and turn a pony inside out. Fluttershy taught me that life as you mentioned, will step over you. How you respond to that abuse, is apparently what half minded simple ponies care about. You’re a decent mare Trixie. Honesty with yourself and your past sins is a sure way to redemption. I would not be offering to share the power of Chaos with you otherwise.”

Trixie turned her head and looks up at him with wide eyes.

“Rynn, I could tell Celly you did that, but luckily for you I’m still a fan of your gorgeous eyes. Now we have to come to some sort of arrangement. Otherwise I might have to call my lawyers.”

She lifted her massive claw and found Discord standing perfectly unharmed. He didn’t float or have a chaotic smirk on. Everything about his current presence was calm. That bothered Rynn.

“Discord, explain to me why dragons should even consider assisting.”

He walked closer to her and spoke with such a heartless tone it made a few of her scales shake.

“For my friends. Things live and die. The wind keeps on blowing and the ocean keeps churning. Canterlot will eventually fall, you will eventually die, and at some point the very sun that Celestia raises each morning will end even my time in this universe. What I do care about is the life my friends live. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, Luna, and my dearest Fluttershy. Remember those names Rynn, and remember them well. Should any one of them fail to survive when you could have help save them?”

His eyes were locked on hers. As fire burned within her, madness and chaos burned within him. Rynn’s pupils narrowed as she lowered her head to meet his gaze. Beneath her scales, somewhere deep within the fire she held, there was fear. Discord’s power was known as was the honor of dragons.

“Tell me, Discord, what will you do? Reign down your power till all dragons are gone? I know your strength and have witnessed it, but this world has forgotten what the wrath of dragons can do. It has not been since before Celestia and Luna that dragons have swarmed and heaven's help this world if you and I were to do battle. I will look you in the eyes and acknowledge that I would fall but, not without first burning all that you love. Even if I fail your ponies would never love and accept you for such a crime. So do not come into my home, demand my assistance and then act as if you are the only being capable of terrible things! I am not some yak or minotaur! I am not some mercenary! I am the queen of dragons and you will respect what that means!”

Discord took a step forward while never looking away. He slowly placed his paw on her massive snout. A white light shined at his touch and both his eyes and her lit with magic.

Rynn, this world ends in one of twenty-seven ways. The battle with the changelings ends in one of nine different ways. I will show you just three of the possible outcomes and you will understand.

The light from their eyes illuminated the entire cavern with white light. Rynn was paralyzed as she watched the future three separate times. She was one of five dragons older than Celestia. She had seen countries built from cities and entire cities turn to ruins. She had outlived twenty-three of her twenty-six children. Her clan had fallen in and out of power many times. Rynn had lived a life that no one could compare to. Nothing had ever made her cry like the visions she saw.

The light faded and her tears rolled down the scales of her face. Discord stared blankly at the ground. Being the one of two creatures who knew what could happen took its toll on the master of chaos.


She looked at him with pity.

“You poor creature, I would not wish such power on anything. What pain you must bear to witness all? To see the happiness that is not but could have been. Forgive my temper, for I did not know. Anyone who calls you mad is a fool. For what you have seen, you are as sane as one can be.”

Discord did not look up from the ground.

“I don’t need your pity Rynn. It won’t help me. I need your dragons to help save my friends.”

“You’ll not have my dragons, Discord.”

He looked up and was about to speak, but noticed her standing. Her full height dwarfed a Canterlot mansion.

“You shall have me at your side. It has to be me.”

Discord smiled and bowed to her.

“My thanks are yours, Rynn, Queen of Dragons. If this ends well, I will be in your debt.”

She shook her head.

“Consider it a gift to a friend, Discord. You deserve the happiness those ponies give you. I’ll not have this bitch of a bug spoil it! When that day comes I will blind Canterlot with power they have yet to see. I do however wonder why you simply do not fix everything yourself.”

Discord frowned and walked to one of her massive claws. He placed his smaller claw atop hers and spoke.

“If a foal never burns themselves from touching something hot, how will they learn to avoid it in the future? I can’t just poof things in and out of existence my dear. Well I can, but even I answer to someone. The world, time, and almost everything in between is mine to do with as I please. It’s just that certain things… they must happen. No matter how cruel and how terrible, I am powerless to stop them. The rise and fall of Nightmare moon had to happen for Celestia and Luna to eventually learn how to lead while still being loving sisters. Celestia knows the burden of ruling alone and won’t ever take her sister for granted again. Luna learned from her selfishness and realized just how much she is loved. Their hardships are lessons to all. Sombra had to happen so the world could see what that even the most benevolent ruler can turn to a cruel dictator. That event also was an opportunity for Twilight to learn of dar…”

He sighed and shook his head as he looked up to her.

“For all my anger and power, I can’t actually do anything to you Rynn. Your life has shaped entire countries and paths.”

Rynn, nodded and gave him a sly grin. Each of her teeth were as tall as him.

“So this war with changelings must happen? What good can come of it? Well other than the death of a necromancer queen and her ilk.”

Discord smiled.

“Rynn, you know as well as I do that beyond Equestria’s borders there are other creatures. Ponies from Saddle Arabia, Zebras from Zebrica, and so on and so forth. What most Equestrians do not know, is that there are many many more changelings. At least 7 known queens and empires that dwarf those of ponykind. Equestria’s past with its changelings is a dark one but this war will give this country the change it needs. A second chance if you will. Look at me spoiling the future. All you need to know is that this war is here for a reason and with your help this country will be a better one.”

“Is there a chance that I might meet this one you answer too? Even a dragon as old as I am has some questions.”

Discord stuck his tongue out.

“Meh she’s like Celestia, but shinier. Not a big deal. Now back to the more important matter. Why do you call yourself old Rynn? Why your scales are still as scrumptious as they were a thousand years ago!”

“Now that I know you can’t kill me you best watch yourself, Discord.”

Discord snapped his fingers and pulled at his phone. The wallpaper was a picture of himself. His eyes enlarged to massive hearts and drool poured from his mouth.

“Trust I do… I do…”

“Trixie does not want your power! She doesn’t want any power! Trixie learned her lesson.”

Discord sighed and his expression fell.

“Listen Trixie my power comes with great responsibility. Uncle Ben told me so.”

A bag of grains with a dark colored creature appeared in his claw.

“Who’s Uncle-“

“Shush. It’s not just power Trixie. Chaos is everything. It’s the trees around us and stuff you know? Maybe you don’t. Why does one plus one equal two? Why is blue blue? Why is H2O water? Why is Celestia’s flank always growing? Why do people think Batman can beat Superman? The things that ponies can spend an entire lifetime wondering you will know. You’ll probably end up hating me for it to.”

“What is Super… no wait… why would Trixie hate you?”

He smiled and looked at her.

“Because you can never explain those things to others. Not even Twilight Sparkle could understand them. Those reasons and answers are beyond the limitations of logic that binds everything. Chaos breaks those bonds and lets you see further. That’s why you’ll hate me. You’ll see possibilities and goals that could be but are not. You’ll see the Trixie that was killed by Celestia because the Amulet was never taken off. You’ll see the Trixie who was cheered on by Ponyville and thousands of others. Despite seeing these things you will not be able to change the past.”

Trixie’s shoulders slumped. The idea that she had the chance to be loved by Ponyville hurt. Fresh tears streamed down her face, but she did not sob.

“Trixie is worried. She is not good with power.”

“I leave the decision up to you. There are no strings attached. What I give you is yours and I won’t be able to take it back once you have it. You’ll have all my powers both good and bad. I feel like anypony else would take advantage of them, but I have seen you, Trixie. You had power and realized how it changed you. I know you have changed and I am trusting you more than even my best friend to share this.”

Trixie stood and paced around him slowly. Her mind thought of the possibilities and the nightmarish aspects of such power. Discord held a tiny changeling in his paw and poked at it while waiting. The tiny changeling shot little hair sized beams at him. Discord’s claw turned into a cloud and hovered over the little changeling and began to rain chocolate milk on him. Discord smirked as the ant sized changeling ran around avoid the rain.

“Discord, what is expected of Trixie? What can she do with such power?”

He turned his hand to a mini cannon and lit a fuse.

“Well, Trixie, I want to make you a hero. I’ll have to spend time with you at first because the initial wave of such power is going to break your mind and I’m going to have to pick up the pieces… probably literally too. Once you learn how to use your power than I am going to-“

His hand fired the changeling with such force that the sonic boom could be heard in Canterlot. Trixie was held still by his magic but the trees near them were snapped or bent.

Chrysalis looked upon her horde and nodded. She was going to stage her troops at Ponyville and assault the city. Her grin grew as she envision a smoldering Canterlot.

Something small slammed into the side of her head hard enough to nearly make her fall over. She rubbed whatever was on her face with her hoof. It took a moment but when she saw the green blood she knew it was a changeling. Her snout scrunched up as she growled.


“and that’s how you’ll get that kiss you’ve always wanted. Do you understand the plan now?”

Trixie blushed while he smirked. If his ears served him as well as they did his guests he thought he could hear the curses of a changeling queen somewhere.

“Trixie does not truly understand, she will try. She has to try.”

He instantly coiled around her and booped her muzzle.

“Done! Thank you so much Trixie! To have a friend that really understands me means more than you know!”

“That’s it?”

Discord frowned.

“What did you expect some big lights and a broken castle? Sheesh watch out world we got another Princess Luna over here! Want me to clone you so you can attack your sibling too? Oh! Maybe you are more of a Twilight! We can level the Everfree because you had a magical tantrum! Seriously though do you feel different at all?”

Trixie shook her head.

“Hmm. Damn it, Discord. You idiot!”

He flipped Trixie around and lifted her cape up.


He opened her back by pressing the open trunk button on his keys and found what he was looking for. A rather odd looking switch with only two options. Discord laugh and flipped the switch. Trixie screamed in a hundred different octaves while he just kept laughing.

“I forgot! I had your power level set to M for mini, when it should be set to W for…”

Discord trailed off as he tried to stop the Reapers from coming through her hat’s mass relay.

Author's Note:

Discord! Trixie! Dragons! Uncle Ben!