• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 9: Beginning of the Weekend

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 9: Beginning of the Weekend

Woo Woo!

The steam train pulled into Ponyville Station, ready to take the six mares off to the Crystal Empire. Soarin stepped up to the station to see them off and to pick up the three fillies. He had suggested dropping them off at the hanger but Applejack had insisted, so he had come here instead, wearing his favourite leather jacket and sunglasses combination. Admittedly his choice of clothing got him some questionable looks from the locals, but at least now he could walk through town without being mistaken for his Wonderbolt doppelgaenger.

“Hello all.” Soarin said chirpily, greeting them with a smirk.

He struggled not to laugh at the faces of the mares as they stared at his attire, he guessed the sunglasses was working for him. “My word! You look h... I mean you look decidedly fabulous!”

“Ah’ve got to say, those shades really suit ya, sugarcube.” Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash flew by him, hovering over his head. “Where can I get shades like those?”

“Ask Mist.” He replied casually, looking up at Rainbow Dash. “She’s the one who bought these for me.”

“Horseapples...” Rainbow Dash muttered under her voice. “Oh well, you look awesome, and it’s way easier to tell you apart from Soarin when you’re wearing all that stuff.”

“Exactly.” Soarin replied, “So you’re all heading to the Crystal Empire?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, pulling out a letter. “Yeah, I got an awesome letter from a famous writer asking us to visit this weekend. She’s not going to be there very long so we have to go today if we want to meet her again!”

Twilight pulled Rainbow Dash down with her magic and put the letter away. “Yes, we know, you’re lucky we were able to get Soarin to take care of the fillies this weekend.”

“Yeah yeah I know!” Rainbow Dash stood up, dusting herself off. “Girls?”

In a flash, the three fillies lined up in front of her. “Yes Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo replied straight away.

“You three be good for Soarin, ok?”

“We promise!” They said together.

Soarin looked at them suspiciously. “Oh they will be, I’ve got some ground rules for them to follow.”

Fluttershy gave him a small list. “If you don't mind, could you check on the animals for me as well?”

“Sure, I’m pretty good with animals. I’ll make sure your bunny’s taken care for.” Soarin took the list, putting it into his saddlebag.

“Thank you!” She gave Soarin a quick hug then walked into the train.

Pinkie Pie leapt up to Soarin and pulled him into a massive hug. “See you Blue!” She chirped.

“Pinkie Pie it...” He began, but instead put a hoof to his head and shook it after she let go of him. “Nevermind. See you later, Pinks.”

“Aww, See you’re even calling me by my nickname! We’re already super awesome friends!” and Pinkie Pie bounced off cheerily into the train.

“Spike will still be around,” Twilight assured him, “so if you need me for anything, just talk to him and he will use his flame to send me a letter.”

“Will do Twilight. Have fun this weekend.” He clopped hooves with Twilight and with a smile she hopped into the train after the rest of the girls. Once all the passengers were on board, the train let out a sharp whistle and, with a bellow of steam, slowly trundled away from the station.

Soarin turned around to the three fillies. “Alright crusaders, let’s get your things dropped off at my place. I have a surprise ready for you there,” he smirked.

Confused, they looked at each other, then back at him.

“What surprise?” Applebloom asked.

They followed him back to the hanger on Sweet Apple Acres and soon found out. Floating above the converted barn was a small, white, fluffy cloud house. It was connected to the ground by a short, winding staircase. “Whoa! That is awesome! Look at the stairs! Look at that symbol!” Scootaloo exclaimed, admiring the Cutie Mark Crusader crest patterned onto the stairs.

“Ya made this for us?” Applebloom asked.

“Yes I did, I thought that since you were all staying for the weekend I’d make it that little extra special for you three fillies.” Soarin said looking down at them, expectantly. “What do you think of it?”

“I love it!” Sweetie Belle said, bouncing up and down. “I...” She started, when a small piece of paper appeared in front of her face. She took it off Soarin with her magic, illuminating it in her light green magical aura and looked at the paper. It was a drawing of the three Crusaders. “You drew this?” She asked.

Soarin knelt down to them. “Of course. I was hoping you three could put it in your clubhouse. It’s a little thank you for all the great time you’ve given me, sharing my stories with some youngsters.” Soarin stood back up. “How about dropping off your stuff in the house so we can get something to eat.”

“Where are we going Soarin?” Scootaloo asked.

Soarin rubbing his hoof on his snout. “Well I heard about this place called the Hayburger and, I have so say, I was curious. Until now I have always had my food dropped off her, so as not to cause alarm among any of the Ponyville residents.”

“Ah guess that would get annoyin', but why’re ya takin' us there?” Applebloom looked up at him.

Soarin shrugged. “Why the heck not? I need to get out more often and, since I am taking care of you girls this weekend, I might as well make it an enjoyable one, right?” Another idea came to Soarin. “How would you girls like a trip Whitetail Woods tomorrow for you to try some of your crazy crusader ideas?”

“Yeah that sound...” Scootaloo blinked. “Wait what!? You don't mind us trying some crusading on our trip to the woods tomorrow?”

“Not at all. Just so long as you don't try anything too dangerous it’ll be fine.” Soarin replied. “And if you girls don't cause any trouble I might even take you all to the Wonderbolt HQ with me on Sunday.”

Scootaloo eyes were huge at this point. “Wo-Won-Wonderbolt HQ!? SERIOUSLY!? THE WONDERBOLT HQ!!!! THE ONE IN CLOUDSDALE!”

Soarin chuckled. “Yes that HQ in Cloudsdale, I’ve been invited by Spitfire to come and clear up a few issues with there being two Soarin's now. Since I am taking care of you three I might as well drag you all along for the ride, but if you misbehave, I will leave you all here with Big Macintosh.”

Scootaloo quickly turned to the girls, pulling them away from Soarin and whispering to them, “We’ve really got to behave! I have to go there! Even Rainbow Dash has never been!”

“Ah think it’s an awesome chance and we’d get to try cloud walkin' for a whole weekend, so ah'm up for tryin' to behave,” Applebloom agreed.

“I’m in! How hard can it be?” Sweetie Belle smiled, the other girls just gulped. “Oh...”

“Let’s try really hard, ok?” Scootaloo whispered. They all nodded in agreement and put their hooves out to each other.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders!” They whispered with a small cheer and ran past Soarin up the stairs as fast they could, dumping their stuff down behind the open front door and quickly closing it behind them before darting back down the steps to Soarin.

Soarin looked at them in surprise. “That was fast.” He chuckled. “Alright girls, let’s get a move on.”

Soarin and the girls made their way into Ponyville for their evening dinner. He had decided to make this an enjoyable weekend but not too much to spoil the fillies, even if he was when taking them to the Wonderbolt HQ. Not that he had much choice about that, thanks to Spitfire.

Ten minutes later they were sitting around a table in the Hayburger restaurant. Soarin took his shades off and put them away in his jacket pocket. “Well, this looks really tasty.” he said, admiring the selection he had bought.

“You’ve never had food like this before, Soarin?” Sweetie Belle asked the stallion.

He scooped up some of the horseshoe shaped chips, tossed them up and caught them in his mouth, munching on them. “Hmm crispy.” He licked his snout before answering Sweetie Belle. “Not for a few years, I usually cook for myself. It’s a lot cheaper and, with the right ingredients, you can make quite a lot of neat things.”

Soarin took the ketchup and opened up the hayburger before smothering it in tomato sauce.

“Back home we had loads of different holidays, each with their own special food. One of my favourites was Pancake Day, the date was never set, sometimes it was in February and other times it in March. Never really figured out why though.” He paused to take a bit out of his hayburger.

Applebloom, was rather confused by this, tilting her head a little. “Erm... Soarin what’s a Pancake Day?”

He swallowed, licking the ketchup off his snout. “It’s a day where you cook pancakes and eat them with lemon juice, butter or sugar. I really love mine with sugar.”

“I know!” Scootaloo announced, putting her drink down. “Why don't we make pancakes tomorrow!”

Soarin smirked. “Why not? We could make some from scratch for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Yay!” The girls cheered.

Soarin picked up his drink and took a small sip. 'Tomorrow’s going to be one crazy day if these fillies have anything to do with it. I just need to keep bloody calm and keep them in check, things should work out, I hope...' Soarin thought as he continued to eat his meal with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.


The train was travelling down the rail to the Crystal Empire as the last rays of light dipped behind the horizon and the stars came out with the moon. The girls were settling down for the night in their own bunks, many other ponies already fast asleep in the other carriages of the train.

Rainbow Dash was looking at the letter with a big grin. “I can't believe we going to meet Daring again! And she invited us!”

Twilight drank some water and put the glass back down on the side by her bedside, looking over at Rainbow Dash. “It is amazing, in fact, Rainbow? Don't you find it a bit strange that she’s asking all of us to come and visit her at the Crystal Empire?”

“I suppose, when you put it like that, Twi.” Rainbow Dash considered the unexpected request from Daring Doo to visit her. “Why is she at the Crystal Empire anyway? Isn't it pretty much one of the safest places around?”

Rarity pulled up her mask and listened to them talk, Applejack was listening too although Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were still sound asleep. “It is, and Cadance hasn't told me about anything going on there, apart from the Equestrian Games. Other than that the security is ten fold already. My brother’s making sure that everything runs smoothly.” The more Twilight thought about it, the less sense it made. Daring Doo didn’t exactly seem like the type of pony to ask somepony to travel halfway across the country just to catch up over a cup of tea.

“Darling, it could be something to do with outside the kingdom, it’s an icy tundra that far north after all and hardly anypony’s done any exploring out there. It’s just too cold,” Rarity added, joining in their conversation.

Applejack sat up. “She’s got a point sugarcube, the frozen north around the Crystal Empire is all uncharted territory, it’s vast winter lands could easily hold secrets or ruins.”

Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight, eager to justify her hero’s decisions. “See Twilight? The empire might be safe but the Frozen North definitely isn’t.”

“Well, I can see why Daring Do might be there, but why ask us to come?” Twilight pointed out.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Beats me, whatever it could be it...” A sudden thud came from above them, followed by more, like something was walking around on top of the train. “What in the hay!?” Rainbow Dash got up, so did the others.

Fluttershy and even Pinkie Pie (normally the deepest sleeper of the group) were woken up by the loud banging as well. They all gathered together and made their way down the carriage to investigate the disturbance but when they opened the doors the had disappeared into the distance, leaving them behind. Somepony had unhooked their carriage.

Standing on top of that carriage steaming away from them, with a long, thick metal pin in his hooves was none other than Dr. Caballeron, surrounded by a group of his henchponies. He smirked as he looked at them, spinning the pin around. “I’m so sorry to say, my friends, but you won't be making it to the Crystal Empire any time soon. Enjoy our parting gift,” Dr. Caballeron called out to them as the rest of the train carried him away.

Twilight frowned, looking at the girls. “What does he mean by that?”

In reply Pinkie Pie pointed a hoof up above their heads. “Maybe that thing that says 'C4' on it.”

They all looked up and gasped as the small, beeping, bundle of plastic fell faster and faster towards them. “Jump everypony!” Applejack cried out and they ran to the other side and leapt out of the still moving train carriage. With an uncomfortable thud they landed on the tracks, rolling around before pulling themselves off the ground to see the carriage leaving them behind and then...


The other carriage explodes to pieces showering down around them as they sheltered themselves from the shrapnel raining down towards them. Rainbow Dash got up as soon as the pieces stop falling and only the sound of snow falling in the wild was left. She looked around, “girls are you all ok?”

“I-I th-think so...” Fluttershy said hesitantly. “Wh-why did he blow up our carriage?”

“That ruffian must be working for somepony to get rid of us.” Rarity scowled, feeling a bit sore from the landing.

Twilight shook her head. “No, I don’t think so, if that were the case then he wouldn't have warned us, I think he was just trying to slow us down, and the fact of the matter is… ” Twilight looked around at the snow around them. “We’re not...”

Rainbow Dash flexed her wings. “I could fly to the empire and get help!”

Pinkie Pie bounced over to some wheels that were still intact from the explosion. “Or... We could build a cart and get you to pull us there, Dashie!”

Twilight eyes lit up at this idea. “Great idea Pinkie Pie! With the remains of the carriage I think we might be able too!”

Applejack pulled out rope from her saddle bag. “I got a few lassos we can use to tie them down sugarcube. As long as somepony knows how to put it together.”

“Oh don’t worry about that, silly. I always carry around wing powered train cart plans!” Pinkie Pie pulled out a large piece of blue paper from her mane.

Twilight didn't question it, she knew better than that, and took them off her. “This is perfect Pinkie Pie.”

Rainbow Dash lands. “Alright let’s show that Caballeron what we made of! And what we can do when we work together!” She put her hoof out and the other girls met it with their own hooves.

“We can, can't we?” Fluttershy smiled with her best brave look.

“Of course we can, darling, and it’s going to be fabulous!” Rarity replied. “Shall we get started girls?”

“Let’ss!” Twilight announced and lay down the plans before them. Together they started to work on building the cart for Rainbow Dash to take them to the crystal empire. “Alight girls, this is what I need...”

Meanwhile, Dr. Caballeron threw the pin over the edge of the train with a smile. “That should slow them down.” He put a hoof to a black piece of plastic in his right ear. “This is Dr. Caballeron, mission completed...” He listened intently to the reply from the other end of the line. It did not sound happy. “I believed it would slow them down...” He winced.

“YOU WHAT!? I SAID TO DESTROY THEM NOT WARN THEM!” He ear was ringing from the outburst.

“I am an archaeologist not a murderer. I said I would take care of the carriage and slow them down. You should have listened to what I said in our agreement, you did sign it, after all.” Dr. Caballeron replied indignantly.

The voice groaned. “Very well, I will give you 70% of what is promised. But make sure to get back to base without 'ANYPONY' seeing you! Especially that Daring Do! She’s already brought more attention that I wanted from Ahuizotl. He has what I really need stored away in some old ruins or something, a few miles north of the Crystal Empire.”

Dr. Caballeron smirked. “Oh don't worry my dear, we won't, but if she does follow us, I will make sure to lead her on a... cold trail.” He chuckled.

“Your puns are terrible Doctor. Just do what I ask and if you get back without her following I will give you everything that is owed as well as a bonus for your acceptable work.” The voice replied.

“Much better,” he smiled and ended the link with a push of the hoof on the ear piece.

“Come, my brothers, it’s time to celebrate!” He announced to his henchponies. They all turned and headed inside of the carriage to enjoy their trip to the Crystal Empire.

Many miles away, deep in a Frozen North ruin, the unicorn, whom Mist had already become well acquainted with, watched this celebrating band of archaeologists. A small red dragon with wings and purple scales stepped beside her, holding a small tablet close to his scaly body. His purple slitted eyes watched the icy screen intently. “So did he pass? Zealous?”

“Yes, he did Flame.” Zealous turned around and they started to walk.

Flame continued to stare at the tablet and used his claw to move the information around on the display. “I just received the latest report Zealous, she is in there with the other half of the artefact. But so is...”

Zealous horn glows. “Yes I know, Ahuizotl and his minions. He had to find the artefact before us and not only that. She came... That filly from all those years ago just had to show up in that scrap heap the adventurer had secured. The world is not working in our favour tonight. But tomorrow, if all goes to plan.” She gazed at the screen with a dark smirk and her eyes trailed to the dragon beside her.

“We will get both artefact and the pony.” Flame finished and with a laugh from Zealous, both unicorn and dragon vanished in a flash of light, teleporting to an unknown location.

Author's Note:

Two interesting events happening side by side, the events in the Crystal Empire with the pony Zealous and her plans while having to deal with the Elements and Ahuizotl and the weekend Soarin has with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. With two events happening side by side and Mist appearing, what going to happen? We just have to wait and see.