• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 7: The Fog Bank Mystery

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 7: The Fog Bank Mystery

“Today marks day 13 since the appearance of the mysterious fog bank floating over the North Sea. The local area has been entirely cordoned off by the police and the RAF has taken control of the nearby village and Airfield. Authorities are unable to comment on the progress they may or may not have made in the search for Team Spitfire pilot Soarin McLightning, whose plane vanished two weeks ago, after flying into the strange fog, however they advise citizens to stay away from the area.”

An image on the television showed the plane entering the fog with a shimmer of light. A few seconds later, the other planes quickly turn away as there is no sign of the Blue Lightning re-emerging from the dense cloud.

“Officials claim the flash of light, clearly seen as the plane entered the event was ‘a reflection of sunlight on the plane, and nothing more', however, a lack of clear evidence to support this theory has brought it to the attention of a number of other countries. The USA has stationed two of their destroyers about 20 miles out to tracking this fog, German, French and Russian ships also have a presence in the area, carefully watching for any change in the pattern or behaviour.”

The reporter turned back to face the fog bank. “Officials still claim that this is a simple static fog bank yet why hasn't it moved yet, and why has it attracted the attention of the whole world? These are questions yet...”

Mist picked up the control and slammed down on the button, switching off the TV. “Bloody media,” she muttered to herself. “Every night it the same damn things, no answers, no results and one more bloody headache...”

She tossed the remote onto the table and walked over to the window. Outside, the orange glow of the setting sun was being swallowed by the heavy grey mass floating over the ocean, casting a brown haze over the village. The sky above the normally peaceful settlement was dominated by the relentless rumble of the helicopters flying above, shining their searchlights onto the fog.

Mist thought about to the last time she saw Soarin, she pulled out a box from her pocket, opened it and looked through it’s contents. “Oh Soarin...”

“Hey Blue!” He stopped and put a hand to his head. A lady with ginger hair and wearing a flight suit ran up to him, carrying a helmet. “Ready for the show?”
“Sure am Mist and it's 'Soarin' now, not Blue... how many times do I have to tell ya?” He said with his arms crossed.
“Now come on, I know you like me calling you that sweetheart, if you're in a bad mood so be it, just leave your bad mood on the ground when you're in the sky ok?” She prodded her finger on his chest, put the other hand on his side of the face and gave a kiss on the lips. “Have fun Soarin.”
Mist walked away, looking back a little at him as he left the hangar. With a smile, she stood by the harrier hangar doors. “Tonight I got a surprise for you, Blue.” She put her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small box containing a small lightning bolt with the ribbon under it encased in gold. “Perfect for you Soarin,” she whispered with a soft smile, putting her head against the door with a warm smile.

Mist watched the planes take off soon afterwards, she watched the three spitfires fly off...

Mist put her hand gently over the golden badge with new determination. “Mist!” She slammed close the box and put it in her jacket pocket before turning and getting up to see Ruby holding a old looking book under her arm. “Yer got to see this!” She was breathing heavily.

“It must be important for you to be out of breath, where the heck did you run from?” Mist was walking over to Ruby, taking the book from her.

Ruby walked up to the table, taking the jug of water and poured into a glass, she gulped down the cool liquid and sighed. “That’s better...” She breathed. “I ran to the village and back. I recalled readin' a book in the village library, it might be very tiny but that old book is almost 500 years old.”

“500 ye...” Mist gasped, holding it out looking at the red beat up cover then glaring at Ruby. “Are you insane!? This book is a historical icon for the village! If they find out it...”

Ruby put a hand up. “I got permission from the guy that ran the place. He saw me rush in and when I explained about the book, he just handed it right to be sugarcube.”

Mist look to the book and back to Ruby. “Riiiiigggghhhtttt...”

“Just open the book sugar...” Ruby muttered with aggravated voice.

Mist decided to amuse her, she opened the book and turned to the bookmarked page. It was an old ink drawing of a ship above handwritten notes, a report that was made for the royal crown in 1567. For a brief moment she felt a strange tingling feeling in her hand as she held the bookmark, she put it down on the table and opened and closed her hand, until the strange tingling sensation faded away.

“HMS Raven Horse, a ship carrying unknown secret cargo by the order of the Queen to bring back from the west coast of the North Sea mysteriously vanishes during its return voyage to the east coast of Britain while travelling through dense mist. Reports from the escort ship, HMS London, suggest that, though the HMS Raven Horse entered the fog, she never emerged and was believed to have been hijacked by pirates, operating under the cover of the fog...” Mist summarised it without going into the old English tongue of 'thy' and 'thou'.

“Interestin' isn't it?” Ruby was leaning against the wall, drinking another glass of water.

Mist walked over to the window, with the book in her hand. “So this fog bank the same one?”

“No idea, sugarcube, but the only way to find out is to go in, I wish I could go in with ya and find Soarin mahself, but we only got time to get one plane airborne and that’s yer one.” Ruby walked over to the window, looking out to the fog as the night drew in. “I do wonder what this secret content was though...”

Mist recalled an event that had sparked interest when she was with Soarin in London. They were visiting the London Museum when they was very young, just over 15 years ago, but the images in her head felt strange, she felt light headed. Dropping the book, she stumbled backwards and tripped, landing on her back with the book on top of her chest. “Mist! Sugarcube! Are you ok!?” Ruby's voice was fading. “Mist...”


The alarms were going off all over the place in London’s Natural History Museum, large doors slammed shut, sealing the museum off section by section. The staff were trying to keep, the now trapped, public from panicking. In one section of the museum a group of school children on a trip were trapped in the section displaying the mysterious artefact that was discovered from the wreck of the HMS London.

Two guards, a member of staff, and the teacher lay unconscious with impact marks on their bodies. Most of the children were huddled together, terrified of the figure in a large black cloak, carrying the artefact in a bag hanging over it’s back. “Shut your mouths you stupid little humans! Or I will shut them for you, permanently!” She sneered at them.

Mist was holding onto one of the boys who had been hit in the frenzy, a line of blood was running down from his head. “Wh-why are you d-do-doing this? Wh-what are you?”

“Typical that they would hide the truth. Humans are always the same, deceitful, untrusting and greedy!” Mist saw the head of the figure begin the glow. The hood and the cloak pulled back to reveal something entirely impossible.

“Only you can see who I am little girl, the rest are all asleep.”

Mist turned to see they they wereindeed all passed out. She gulped, still holding her friend close to her, “You’re a Unicorn... But that’s impossible, there’s no such thing!”

The unicorn stomp her hoof a few times on the floor. “Oh please...” She turned to the ringing alarms . “One second.” Sparks of energy came from her horn and exploded outwards, cutting out all the power off. “Better.” She smirked and turned to Mist. “As you can see I am here, talking to you brat.”

“Why are you doing this!? What did the humans do to you!?” Mist yelled at her. “What did we do!? We’re only kids! You hurt Soarin! That’s just plain mean!”

The unicorn rolled her eyes. “Fine...” She point her horn at him and fired a beam of magical energy hitting him. “There, he’s all better now. What harm I did is all healed with a simple healing spell. Unlike you humans I am not cruel, the others are only stunned, I don't use lethal magic.”

“Magic!? That’s really magic!? That amazing! But why are you here?”

The unicorn was walking up to a door that was sealing them off from the other parts of the museum. “Simple, to get back what belong to us.” She turned to face the young child. “Almost 500 years ago a group of humans from these shores found a way to our world. They stole magical artefacts that they had no right to take! Your stupid crown ordered them to blow the gateway up, it has taken us half a millenium to repair it!”

“What does it do?” Mist asked.

The unicorn was clearly growing tired of answering questions. She took the artefact out using her magic. “As you wish, child. I will show you! It does.. THIS!” A ball of light exploded out of the strange artefact and slammed into Mist and Soarin with a flash of light.

Mist blinked a few times and uncovered her eyes. When she saw what had happened, she let out a surprised gasp. Her hand wasn't her hand anymore. It was a snow blue, furry... “Hoof!? My hand! It’s a hoof! What...” She turned her head and looked behind her to see small wings protruding out of her back. When she looked around everything was... slightly bigger than before. “What did you do to me and Soarin!?” She saw her best friend turned into a light blue... “Pegasus... He and I are...”

“Yes you are... Jeez don't look so shocked, you asked for it, child, you and all the rest of you humans. Not even Princess Celestia knows about this magic. It’s forbidden transmutational magic magnified to a scale never seen before. You humans ruined our plans a long time ago, we were going to use this magic to defeat the Griffins and claim their lands for Equestria. Princess Celestia would never know what we had done until it was too late, and by that point she would have bigger problems than a band of rebellious ponies.” She was walking back and forwards, spitting out the words as the ranted at us.

“But then you stupid humans had to interfere! My ancestors had to go into hiding. We were banished for centuries, left to starve in the Frozen North.” She turn glaring at Mist. “I should just keep you two as you are and teach you a lesson but I won't, not now anyway... I need time to change the plans my ancestors had, and put my new plan into motion.” She grinned darkly. “The British Empire, I learned about this little island, how it was the most powerful country in the world once, touched every corner of the globe, or so they say. Now look at you, pathetic...”

Mist was unsteady on her new hooves. Placing Soarin down gently, she tried to stand on the hind legs as if she was human but fell over on her short limbs. Eventually, she managed to adjust by standing on her front legs too. She felt the cool air-conditioning flowing through her fur and fiery orange mane and tail; she liked this pegasi feeling, her small wings ruffling, begging to open out and lift her off the ground. “Wow, this is kinda fun. I feel so alive!”

“Of course, being a pony is far better than being a human.” The unicorn grinned. “I am going to turn you back now, it is time I left this place, but don't worry. Slowly the spell will begin to reignite; you will become a pony again, and when that time comes the British Empire will be the new pony land of Earth, a land that, under my leadership, will demonstrate the true power of magic and technology working side by side.” The unicorn put a hoof under her chin. “Now close your eyes and rest my little pegasi friend.”

“O-oh ok...” Mist look to Soarin. “Thank you miss...” She yawned. “I don't know why you’re talking about me being human though, I never was...”

“No you weren't, your mind was just playing tricks sweetheart.” The unicorn kissed her on the forehead. “Now sleep and we will meet again.”

“Ok... Goodbye Miss...” Mist yawned, settling down beside the young colt pegasi Soarin.

The unicorn used her magic to pull a sheet over them. “Now sleep well, child, and don't worry. The magic in this artefact made your memories better, they allowed you to see who you truly are, not what you thought you were.”

“I understand, now I know I remember who I really am!” She smiled warmly, yawning again.

“Sleep tight little one, sleep tight little one. Let your eyes close, let the dreams come. Sleep tight little one and may your dreams be blissful.” The unicorn sang in a soft whisper and soon Mist closed her eyes and feel asleep. The unicorn sighed. “I wish I could just keep you as you are, young one, but I can't let anypony or human know what I am up to... Sweet dreams...” She used the magic of the artefact on them...

Mist eyes snapped open. “Mist! Yer awake!” Ruby cried out, putting a hand to her arm. “Nathan was right, those smelling salts were just what you needed.”

Mist coughing a little, sitting up. “Urg... That’s why I feel like crap...” She put a hand to her head. “I had a weird dream... No, not a dream, a memory… A memory of something that happened in a museum when I was a child...” Mist got up off the sofa. “Do you remember hearing or seeing anything about a artefact from HMS London being stolen from the Natural History museum in London?”

Ruby gave her a glass of water and let her drink it. “Yes I do, in fact Mist, it was all over the NBC news. The thief not only escaped but set off some kind of EMP in the process.” Ruby replied. “They never found out who was responsible.”

Mist sighed. “I was there... In fact, I remember who stole it...”

“What!? Who!?”

“A mint blue unicorn with a yellow mane wearing a black cloak.” Mist replied bluntly, staring at her glass.

Ruby rubbed her head a little. “Mist that’s pretty crazy. First of all unicorns are myths and secondly, they’re white, not blue,” Ruby replied. “Yer sure what you saw back then?”

Mist sighed heavily. “Yes, something else happened that day too. She used the artefact on me with her magic. It turned me and Soarin into small winged ponies, pegasi. In fact, when she used it on me, I thought I had always been one. That thing didn’t just change me physically, but mentally too!” Mist got up and walked to the window, looking out to the fog bank and the helicopters shining their lights on it.

Ruby stood by her. “Your goin' in aren't ya?”

“Yes, we’re going as planned, this isn't only a mission to find Soarin, but it’s now a mission to stop that bloody mare from changing the United Kingdom and all those that on it’s shores into walking, talking, magical ponies.” Mist announced, clenching her first. “No one should have the power to change someone’s life like that!”

Ruby was a bit startled by this. “Did ya just say what I think… Mist, are you sure you’re feeling alright.”

“Yes...” Mist turned to her. “Yes I did. Her plan is to turn the UK into a new improved Pony Country. And when I say pony, I don't mean the dumb grass chewing ones. I mean, these ponies can talk, they can use magic, she was able to completely change my memories. I remember it now though, clear as day... Whatever it is, it needs to be destroyed.”

Ruby turned to her and gasped. “Mist I don’t think we can wait until Midnight...”

“What the hell do you mean by that!?” Mist snapped at her.

Ruby pointed to the window and Mist turned to see her ears were sticking out of her ginger hair and they were now snow blue, and furry. “Oh shit...”

Nathan came in. “We’re set, all you need is...” He stopped, looking right at Mist. “Mist, what’s with the horse ears? Is there something I missed?”

“Pony ears!” They twitched a little with her angry reaction.

Nathan blinked a few times. “Holy fuck! They’re real!” He stepped back. “What the heck’s happening to you!?”

“Remembering must be some kind of trigger, she must have...” Mist felt uneasy all of a sudden. “My legs, they’re...” Mist felt her feet raise up, unable to stop them, she felt and watched her feet lengthen. Her thighs and calves shortened and positioned themselves permanently bent. Soon her height became to change, shrinking slightly. She felt something grow out of backside, it was ginger, like her hair.

They watched as her jeans and underwear just fell around her new, furry lower torso and hind legs. She lifted one leg up with ease, stepping out of the shoes and jeans to reveal a hoof, it touched the surface of the ground with a clop, soon joined by her other new hoof. “Holy shit! This isn't good...” Nathan yelled.

“Nathan, get them ready now! I will get Mist to her plane!” Nathan didn't have to say anything, he just ran out of the room to do his part. “Mist fight it! Yer’ve got to get to ya plane!” Ruby took her by the arm and helped her to walk.

Mist was struggling to fight the changes that were happening to her. “I'm trying... Gah that bloody bitch!” Mist sneered, feeling something strange happening on her flank, she saw appear before her eyes a symbol, A red lightning bolt with a swirling cloud behind it. To add to her problems, she felt her torso changing to match the rest of her lower body. Her chest reformed and changed, she could feel the fur all over her body now.

Ruby sprinted her to the hangar bay as quickly as she could, opening the harrier, she helped the now winged and rapidly changing friend into it. “Come on,Mist! Fight it!”

Mist look at her hands as they tightened up and changed before her eyes into hooves. She felt her head compress and stretch out into a short snout and large eyes. Somehow, her jacket had stretched to accommodate her new body shape. “Don't worry. I won't let that bitch do what she did to me last time.” Mist flipped the switches and the engine jumped to life. “Get out of here Ruby, and keep safe...”

“I will Mist... Tell Soarin hi for me, ok?”

“Sure.” Mist nodded. Ruby closed up the cockpit and gave Mist a thumbs up before jumping down and stepping away.

As if on cue a huge explosion of fireworks started to go off all over the place throughout the airfield. Panicked and confused guards ran around, trying to work out what was causing the mysterious explosions. The Commander in his office could see the commotion outside. “What the hell is going on out there!?” He grabbed the phone to find out but before he could do anything, he spotted the harrier taxiing out from the hangar, towards the runway. “Mist!” He snatched the radio. “Mist! Whatever you’re going to do, don't! You hear me?”

Mist chuckled, placing the helmet onto her new head. “I’m not sure how this still fits, but after all that has happened to me, growing wings, hooves, a tail, I am not going to argue with an impossible helmet.” Mist flipped the switch as the craft vertically took off. She heard the commander on the line, shouting orders at her. “Only way you’re going to stop me, sir, is to shoot me down.”

“Mist! You son of a bitch! Gah!” Mist knew he had his hands tied, he couldn't stop her with the fireworks going off all around her plane.

“Be seeing ya boss.” The plane started to fly into the fog bank. “And I will save Britain from that mad mare... You just watch me!” The harrier entered the fog bank and the the radio turned to static.

The commander sat down in his chair as the plane disappeared into the fog. “Mad mare? Save Britain?” He whispered, putting a hand to his head. “What the hell is she talking about?”

Nathan and Ruby stood by each other as the soldiers struggled to put out the fireworks going off all around them. “What do we do now Ruby?”

Ruby sighed. “I haven't got a clue sugarcube... Not a clue...”

Author's Note:

Well the mystery behind the fog and light is a old form of magic from a artefact that was stolen from Equestria by humans in the past and now back in the hooves of one of the ponies from the banished ponies of the frozen north. What plans has she got for Untied Kingdom?

Comments welcomed!