• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 2: Life is but a Dream

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 2: Life is but a Dream

“OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!” What he saw was someone on a floating couch. The figure sat on it looked really surprised and was desperately trying to keep the plane from hitting it. Suddenly, the figure on the coach floating in mid air vanished, but not before the plane smashed its wing right into the couch, destroying it and causing the plane to spin wildly towards the ground below.

The damaged wing caused the plane to not only lose its lift, but also damaged the landing gear; part of it was hanging loose, banging in and out with warning lights going off all over the place. “Bloody hell...” He felt the g forces pin him to the seat, with all the adrenaline he had used up against the light, he could barely hold onto the controls with his hooves. “Come on Blue Lightning, I know you better than this! Please hold together!” He pulled back on the steering column with all his might.

The plane was losing height fast, with pieces of it raining down over a town directly below. The sound of the plane in free fall could be heard by the ponies below as they looked up, seeing the smoky flying machine in dive towards the ground, spinning wildly. Pieces of it impacted the ground, along with what was left of the coach, causing ponies to run in terror, dodging the metal shards that rained down from the busted wing and landing gear.

Soarin managed to direct the plane away from the town but it was still falling far too fast for his liking. He tried everything in his power to stabilise for landing but he knew it was going to be a rough one, with one landing gear damaged and the other still closed. “Time to work some magic girl, they didn't call you the Lucky Spit for nothing!” He pushed the switch down, engaging the landing gears, the damaged one also lowered, even with the wheel bent and buckled.

Soarin saw a field coming up fast. Putting on the air breaks, he pulled the plane up with all his might, seconds from impact into the muddy fields ahead. “Come one Blue Lightning, do it for me! Land in one piece!” He gritted his teeth as the plane hit the ground and that was it. He jolted forwards and everything went dark in an instant.

The sound of sirens going off in the distance, he slowly opened his eyes to see hands at the steering column, was what he had seen a dream? Soarin pushed and turned the clip off his chest feeling the pain from it. He pulled the emergency release of the cockpit canopy causing it to fly off and land with a smash not too far away.

Soarin looked out to see fire engines, police cars, and an ambulance racing towards his plane. Coughing, he climbed out to see the plane had crashed in a field, the sight of apple trees in the distance made him wonder, but as the emergency services arrived, a man and women from the ambulance raced out over to him. Soarin leapt down, landing and falling over. He felt weak as they came to his side. “Sir, are you alright?”

“Y-yes... ju... jus... just feel weak that all...” the man shone a light in his eyes. He raised his hand weakly to cover his eyes from the light, for a second he thought he saw a hoof and gasped, but then it was just a hand again.

The paramedic put his hand on Soarin’s shoulder, “Calm down, you’re going to be fine, do you know where you are?”

Soarin chuckled lightly “Britain from the look of it...” he said in a tone that showed all signs of pure exhaustion.

“Relax,” she pulled him slowly into a lying position, “and keep with me sir.”

“I'll... try...” He was slowly losing the battle to stay awake. But that was when he felt that strange feeling again, he felt fur and a tail below his waist, “W-what am I wearing?”

“Sir?” the female paramedic frowned. “Jeans and boots... what did you think you were wearing?”

He chuckled “fur and tail...” He closed his eyes, laughing a little.

Next thing he knew he opened his eyes to the sound of beeping in a room, he saw a drip to his right and a mask over his... snout and groaned. “Doctor he’s awake!” He knew that voice, it was Ruby's!

His eyes trailed to a man with a white beard and hair, his glasses were tinted yellow, giving his eyes a strange reddish look. “That’s good Ruby. Mr McLighting, you’re in the general hospital, in recovery. Tell me, how many fingers do I have holding up?”

Soarin looked at the fingers. “Three...” he whispered.

The doctor nodded “That’s good, but what else do you see?”

Soarin looked down, seeing a furry snout in his vision and he could just make out the rising and falling of a lower chest that unmistakingly belonged to a pony. “A snout and light blue fur all over my body, I don't feel my fingers or toes... they feel like one mass.”

“Say what? Did yer hit yer head that hard Soarin? Yer still got skin, as pale as it comes. I told ya to spend a bit more time in the sun to get a tan or something but no, yer just one stubborn idiot,” Ruby said with arms crossed. “Yer seeing things.” She put her hand on his hoof and her fingers seemed to just be grasping around it. “See? Fingers!”

“Nope...” He shook his head lightly. “I see you gripping a hoof... my front right hoof, as a matter of fact...”

“Doc...” She looked to the doctor.

He put a finger to his lips, “Strange, what he is describing is some form of equine...” The doctor then looked at Soarin directly. “Mr McLighting, your plane vanished three days ago before suddenly appearing and crashing into the fields not to far from London. You’re in Queen Victoria hospital now. What you’re seeing and feeling are most likely the effects of hallucinations caused by a prolonged lack of food and water. Your brain is trying to make sense of the feeling of numbness throughout your body.”

Soarin turn his eyes away, “Then why do I feel two heavy wings and a tail that feels like lead at the moment?”

“Hmm, a winged equine? That sounds like a Pegasus... but that’s just a mythical creature and surely you’re not...” the doctor began.

Soarin glared at him as best as he could in his weakened condition. “Don't play dumb with me! I can feel them, the blood running through the wings, the warmth of them! If I...”

“Sugarcube please don't try to move.” Ruby put her hand on his chest, he felt her fingers through his fur. “You’re human, look.” she pulled out a small metal object from her pocket and opened a hand held mirror to him.

Soarin look right at it and what he saw was what he felt, he saw the snout, the large eyes, even the crazy mane that he had seen in the dreams. “Now what do you see?”

“Pegasus...” he replied, turning his gaze to the doctor.

“This is much worse than I thought...”

Ruby got up “What do you mean Doctor? What the hell is wrong with him? This is not normal, yer know!”

The Doctor raised his hands “I know, but whatever happened to him in those missing three days is making him see things that are not real. Until we understand what’s going on, it’s best for him to stay here.”

“Fine Doctor Discord...” Ruby sighed, looking over to Soarin. “Look partner, yer human, and if yer get out of bed and start walkin’ on all fours then ah will personally beat the crap out of yer, got it!” She pointed at Soarin.

He gulped, “You bloody got it,” and nodded slowly.

“Good, I'm goin' to call Nathan and tell him you’re doin’ great...” She rolled her eyes at the last part. “Pegasi... ha! What a laugh!” her voice rang out down the hallway.

Soarin looked back at the doctor called Discord. “I am not crazy...”

“Who said you were? Minds are a tricky thing, Soarin. They tend to do crazy, and chaotic things when we come across something that we don’t want to understand. Your mind simply isn’t used to this.” He hand took hold of the wing and lifted it. Soarin gasped. “What is a dream and what is real, dear Soarin, is all up to you.” He put a finger on his forehead. “Like chaos and order, what goes around, comes around, hey Soarin McLighting? Without the 'N', right?” He smirked and left the room.

Soarin looked at the wing and closed it back in with some effort. “So he can see me as this... What the bloody hell is going on around here?”

He lay there, closing his eyes with a heavy sigh, then his ears perked to the sound of laughter. “I told you Blue would fall for it.” He saw a lightish white and blue pegasi with ginger mane and tail walk in with the biggest grin on her face.

“Mist?” Soarin blinked.

“Yep, it’s me Blue, so how goes the recovery?” She stepped up to the bedside.

He looked at her rather lost, then saw Ruby come back in, but as a red pegasi mare with blonde mane and tail, neatly tied up at the tops, letting the rest flow down. “We had the doc pull it on ya,” she giggled and waved him in.

The stallion walked in with dark brown fur with a white coat on. He was still wearing the tinted yellow glasses over his eyes, his mane and tail were black and grey. “Sorry about that lad, it was just so funny pulling that prank, still what’s the harm in a harmless prank?”

Soarin picked up a pillow, throwing it at Ruby who caught it and tossed it up with a flick of the wing, before letting out a round house hind leg kick, sending it back to him and hitting him in the face. “Damn it Ruby!” He pulled it off his snout, getting laughter from them.

“Glad to see yer still got some strength in those hooves of yer's” Ruby winked.

Soarin looked at himself, seeing he was sitting up in the bed. “Wait till I am back to full strength, then you’re in for it.”

“Whatever Soarin.” Ruby turned to Doctor Discord. “So doc, when will it be safe for our boy to come home?”

Discord held the note pad with his magic. “I’d say by tomorrow at least, all he needs is a good night’s rest and he’ll be back on his hooves by the morning, still the question remains on what happened to him and the plane, Spitfires don't normally vanish into thin air, you know.”

Soarin lay back down “Just my luck... I most likely have police and what not asking me questions...” He put his hooves over his face with a groan.

Mist look to the doctor and Ruby “Is it ok if you two give me and him some privacy?”

Ruby smirked “Sure thing, come on doc, let’s go.”

“Hey, quit pushing, I’d like to know what they are going to say! I said quit it! I am the doctor here, not the patient! I am Discord! Not to be shoved around! STOP.... OW OW OW OW OW... Ok I get I get it! Stop it already! I give!”

Soarin and Mist listened to the torture the doctor was going through by Ruby's methods of kicking him out of the room.

“That’s Ruby for you, a cowmare when you see one, right Blue?” Mist kissed him on the side of his snout.

Soarin blushed, putting his hoof against his snout where she had kissed and glared at her as best he could. “Seriously Mist it’s...”

“Blue, I know.” She put a hoof to his snout with a smile. “It’s Soarin, but it’s only us here now, so just let me.”

“Fine...” he sat there looking at the window. “Mist, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

She grinned “Indeed I am.” Mist looked at the door and back to the window. She reached out, pushing it open. “Ready?”

Soarin got up, tossed the goan off and, next thing he knew, he had a leather jacket slammed in his face. Mist was wearing the flight jacket he had bought her for their third anniversary. “I am now.” he put his leather jacket on, pulling his wings and forelegs through it and zipping it up with a hoof. “All set, and ready for take off.”

“Without the planes this time,” Mist grinned and took off out of the window.

“What are you doing Soarin, you should...” Discord came back in and Ruby tossed a rope around the unicorn, pulling him back. “Gah, fine! Go and have your romantic fly away... this was getting boring anyhow.” With a flash he was gone and the rope fell to the ground.

Ruby shook her head. “Somepony needs to learn a bit of respect, right partner?”

“Sure Ruby, see you back at home.” Soarin saluted, “Captain,” he grinned.

“Gah, darn it Soarin! Get out of here before I hog tie ya!”

“On it!” Soarin flew out the window, joining Mist as they flew out of London across the River Thames, heading out to the North Sea as the sun set behind them in the west.

Flying out across the sea, Soarin dipped into a wave, splashing a hoof against it and rejoined Mist as they sailed across the twilight sky. “What a clean night, huh Soarin?” she looked up to the stars coming out.

“It sure beats the city starlight by a mile, the cool cold winds, the waves and the freedom to fly without the need of our planes, it sure is a blissful feeling right Mist?” Soarin turned his head to the mare of his dreams.

Mist turned to him “It does, strange how on only our third month anniversary of dating we flew our planes across the same sea.” Mist could see a cloud and flew up to it, Soarin followed and they landed on it together.

“It does,” Soarin replied, lying on the cloud, looking up to the moon high in the sky, riddled with craters. “What a night... the moon is full, the stars are shining, it reminds me of that night.”

Mist lay beside him and put a wing over his back, he returned in kind, putting his over hers, they were closely lying on the cloud together. She moved closer to him, reached out, and placed a hoof over his head. “Feeling the air would have be a wonderful feeling back then but you know far too well it was not not possible. For me, it still isn't, but for you it is now.”

Soarin gave her a strange look “What do you mean Mist?”

“Soarin, think back to our anniversary of joyriding our own planes, breaking the rules, being grounded for two months, why would we need to fly planes if we were pegasi?” Mist said to him, which made sense in a way.

“Not sure on that Mist but the planes are perfectly ideal for ponies to fly, they have always been part of our lives. So have cars, trains, bikes, scooters, skateboards, anything that flies, or rolls. It all there and part of our lives.” Soarin chuckled. “I know it’s strange for us pegasi to fly flying machines like the Spitfire but it something we enjoyed and did as a career.”

Mist raised her head to the stars, her sapphire eyes gazing at them. “You got a point there Soarin, but what about your dreams?”

Soarin look to her and realised. “My dreams of the pegasus named Soarin... the...”


“How do you know that? I never told you anything about those dreams...” Soarin looked rather startled by this. He heard a tapping sound and looked around for the source. “Did you hear that?”

Mist sat up and turn to him, putting her hooves on his snout and looking at him directly. “Soarin, remember that night, what were we?”

Soarin looked at her in the eyes. “I remember...”

Tap tap tap

“I remember not being this... but a human...”

“Yes Blue, but how do you feel about this?” She rubbed her hoof gently against his fur, against his chest, pulling his leather jacket open. He slowly pulled his hooves free from it then let it fall “How do you feel now?” she took off his jacket it and toss it on the cloud.

Soarin wings flung open, he felt heat rushing through his face and through his body. “I feel happy... aroused...”

Tap Tap Tap!

Soarin ignored the tapping of glass that he kept hearing. He took his hooves to Mist’s jacket and undid it, like she did with his. Pulling her hooves free and taking it off, she stood with fur full to the world, as he did. Taking her hoof, they embraced each other tightly and flew up off the cloud, both furry bodies pressed against each other in full embrace, feeling the warmth flow between each other. “I’ve never had this feeling before, never felt so amazed in my life... this is a dream I will never forget...”

“That you won't Soarin, because it’s your first real dream in 15 years, and know this, even though I am not really Mist... you are my love and one thing you should remember, I can be very stubborn at times.” She held him close to her with happiness.

He had tears falling down his face as they soared higher and higher into the night sky towards the light of Luna’s moon. “Mist, I don't want to this to end... you are what really matters to me the most...” He sobbed, rubbing his snout against hers.

“I know.”


“But it’s time to wake up my love... Blue, remember when you wake, a dream is a wonderful thing to have, but remember what the real me would do...”

Soarin smiled, with tears falling still. “I will... But for now you are Mist.. and this is our moment...” He kissed her on the snout and she returned it...

Soarin's eyes opened to the sound of banging on the glass, he slowly looked for the source of the banging. He couldn't quite tell who it was with only the moonlight as a source of light... “Hey are you ok in there!?” It was a female voice for sure, then he heard the voice say “Soarin we found the crashed object, signal the other search teams around Ponyville that we found it!”

“Got it Spits!” The Soarin on the outside replied and shot into the air.

In the plane cockpit, Soarin saw the pony in the flight suit shoot up to a cloud and hit it hard causing a flash of lightning and rumbling of thunder. He felt so weak and unable to move any part of his body, not only had the crash knocked him out cold but the energy he had left in him was all but gone... “I can't speak... I got no energy to even form any words... I just can barely breathe and look around... that’s Soarin the Wonderbolt I see... but that’s not possible... is this the dream? But if it is why do I feel so weak... so tired... but I had the most wonderful dream... a dream I had... a blissful and amazing dream... it felt so real... but can dreams feel so real? As real as they can be? Or is this the dream? I don't care... I am happy... ”

“You in there, can you hear me?” Spitfire called out to the stallion in the cockpit, she saw his eyes slowly gaze to hers through his visor, it was shaded but she could make out his eyes locked on hers, she noticed his breathing was shallow. “Come on, where the heck are the others!” She turned away, not noticing his eyes close and he drifted into unconsciousness with a small smile on his snout and a few tears falling from his eyes through his fur.

Soarin on the outside landed by her. “What are we going to do Spits? We can't just break the glass, it might cause him harm.”

Spitfire was walking back and forwards with the clip clang clop of the hooves on the plane. “I don't know Soarin... if there is a way to open it then there must be some sort of emergency leaver or something.”

“Emergency leaver?” Soarin rubbed his head with a hoof. “What exactly do you mean?”

Spitfire groaned. “Soarin use that head of yours, if this is a flying machine for a pony to fly and they’re in this state, do you really think they make it, so that only the pilot can open it?”

Soarin tapped his hoof on the metal “You mean something like this?”

Spitfire looked and saw it “Seriously... you knew that was there all along?”

“Well yeah, but I didn't really get what it does though,” Soarin said, looking at the panel.

Spitfire rolled her eyes and opened it up to see the leaver. “Right Soarin, pull on three” They took hold of the leaver with their front hooves.

“One... Two... Three”

Both of them pulled up on the leaver and they heard a hissing sound. The canopy opened up slightly and both of them pushed it up all the way, locking it into place. “Soarin, you grab his right foreleg and I’ll get the other.”

“Got it Spitfire.” Soarin took hold of the stallion's right foreleg with Spitfire getting the other.

“Lift!” Both flapping their wings, they lifted the stallion out of the plane cockpit, they drift over to the muddy field and place him down gently.

They landed either side of him but he wasn't responding. Spitfire shook the leather jacket off him and quickly pulled his helmet off to see if he was alright but let out a gasp when she saw who it was. “SOARIN!?”

“Ye-WHOA!?” Soarin leapt back as he saw what he was looking at. “That’s me! But how!? I am right here!”

Spitfire looked over the Soarin on the ground before her, eyes closed with shallow breathing. “He could be a changeling...” She pulled out one of his feathers with her mouth and it didn't change. She let go of it on top of the stallion before her. “Not a changeling...” she looked at his cutie mark. It was the same as Soarin's, even the mane, the tail and the colours... they all matched.

“Ok, this is seriously weird.” Soarin poked the stallion with his hoof front. “This is freaky Spits...”

Spitfire rubbed her head with her hoof “You’re telling me...” she turned to the plane and looked back again. “The only question is... what do we do now?” She noticed ponies gathering around seeing this double Soarin with their own eyes and among them was Twilight Sparkle stepping up with her friends and seeing this before their own eyes, looking just as confused with what was happening as the two Wonderbolts...

Author's Note:

Enjoy reading the story and let me know what you think of it so far ^_^ I like to hear your views so far on the events that lead to this point of the story ^_^
Soarin of Equestria came face to face with the one of Earth and his plane. Now things will be getting interesting.

What do you guys think should happen next?
1. Shall we have it move on to the hospital Soarin meeting Soarin straight way
2. leading to that with the two Soarin meeting with the princess, mane six and wonderbolt captain figuring out what to do.
3. Different point of view of leading to the crash and them searching for it to the point they pulled Soarin from Earth free from the plane

Let me know what you think.

Well I hope everyone had a great christmas and thanks to my friend Joesephius_Loewe proof reading it.

I hope that everyone has a great new year!