• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 17: Comparing and Conflict

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 17: Comparing and Conflict

“Jet Flare you poor thing. It was a pretty rough landing for you wasn't it? Not that it was your fault I had to get here to find Soarin, and make sure that crazy two faced manipulative bitch doesn't turn the whole fucking UK into one new pony nation on Earth. God knows what kind of fucked up nightmare that'd be with her pulling the strings.”

“Ma'am are you speaking to your flying machine as if it were alive?” Flame Shield put the question forward in a uneven tone of voice not completely sure how to exactly say it.

Mist, with a hoof against the undamaged wing, removed it and walked over to him away from her plane's wrecked shape. “Indeed I am, it's a pilot, plane thing. Kinda personal so I rather not let anyone else hear about this soldier.”

Flame Shield gulped as she came up to him, looking directly into his eyes. Sweet Celestia she scary when she mad... Is the only thought that ran through his mind at that very moment. “Of course ma'am! I won't speak of it to anypony, you have my word.” He responded with a salute.

Mist tapped his gold chest plate armour with a clang. “Good, don't want to dent up that new armour of yours Flame.” She then knock of the helmet. “Also you look stupid with that headset on, if anything, I don't want you to wear it and first chance we get you're getting rid of those stupid things on your hooves too.”

“Understood...” He glance down at the guard hoofshoes he was wearing, and to the helmet on the floor. “Should I leave the helmet ma'am?”

“Fine put it back on but first chance we pass that stupid armoury we getting rid of the helmet and those shoes got it?”

“Understood.” He put the helmet back on. “so...”

“What I do now?” Mist turned to the wreck once more and back to him. “We go talk to this Princess Cadance about where the freakshow is held up.” Mist starts to walk and he follows just to the left of her as the doors open by the guards. “Once this problem is out of the way, we're going to this place called Ponyville.”

Flame Shield turned his eyes away for a second then facing them facing forwards again as they walked. “I know very little about it, a town not to far from the capital I believe and from what Rainbow Dash spoke of, Soarin McLightning is living in a cloudhouse but calls it a hanger.”

Mist chuckled. “He couldn't stop trying to fix that old bird of his. Wouldn't expect anything less of him to keep himself busy while he waits and try to find a way home.” Mist thought about it and the smile grew. “He'll be in for a shock for sure when he sees me.”

“If anything, I agree ma'am. What of your 'old bird' if I may ask.”

“Oh she's coming with me to Ponyville, most likely in pieces, but I'll get that 'old girl' ticking again. A lady, or should I say a mare has her ways.” Mist laughed a little.

Flame Shield notice a few guards blocking their way. “May I ask why we being stopped?”

“Sorry sir and ma'am we been told to not let anypony through till the meeting with Princess Cadance is in is finished.” The guard replied.

Mist rolled her eyes. “Then tell her this sparkle, Mist Dangerfield been through shit for the last few days, her shower interpreted three times and I have bloody information about the location on that no good for nothing asshole Ahuizotl!”

“I second that.” Daring Do step up beside her alongside the main six. “The girls and I, in a less colourful language that Mist here used, have this information brought to the attention of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Or would you rather get your flanks kicked by this pony?” Daring Do hints to Mist.

Twilight step up. “I am sure there no need for that! Seriously Mist we only met and all you care about is knocking out another pony?”

Mist shrugs. “If it get the message across so be it. I been through shit already so being put in some cell is the least of my problems right now. Don't you think Princess?”

“What got her all unlady like?” Rarity whispered to Rainbow Dash.

“Oh only coming here from another planet, getting captured and held by Ahuizotl, and then kinda been seen by me and Applejack coming out of the bathroom while having a shower kicking the flank out of one of his troops.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Wh-wh-what!? You did what!?” Rarity glares at Mist.

Mist rolled her eyes. “Yeah and your prince got a good look too, not sure why it's a problem, you all almost got nothing on at all and all I got it my jacket and Flame got some armour like those dicks of a guard here.” She hints to the guard ponies last.

Twilight right eye twitching. “M-My brother saw you while you we-were...”

“Yeah no big deal.” Mist shrugged. “Plus, even what he did was well worth it, beats having him as some dump tribal pony thinking he served Ahuizotl all his life.” Mist turn to Twilight. “Which would you want it to be? Showered me or tribal earth pony Shining Armor? Take your pick Princess. I am sure you know the answer to that.”

Twilight couldn't answer her mind gave the answer and she couldn't say it as her jaw just hung there.

“What a picture! That a keeper!” Pinkie Pie took a photo of the scene and placed it into the scrapbook she pulled out of her mane. “Twilight out played by pony of another world! Mist!” She giggled and put it back into her mane.

Mist stares at her mane. “Don't bother sugarcube, she just-”

“Dimensions within your mane and beyond bend to your will?” Mist asked Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie nods. “Pretty much.”

“And you staring at that wall, which I am guessing is the fourth wall?”

“Yep again! Your good!”

“When you've seen Deadpool and Doctor Who when you were little, you understand the crazy shit that can go on.” Mist replied and got a silent response from the ponies before Rainbow Dash spoke up.

Rainbow Dash point to Pinkie Pie with both hooves. “You totally understand what she can do!?”

“Yes, why?”

“You and Soarin are the most awesome ponies from another world I ever met! I mean the only ones I met! But seriously the you get how she does things?”

“Best to my abilities, travelling through some fog and crashing close to the North Pole of this world, pretty weird right?”

“Yeah I guess it is. What about her Pinkie Sense?”

Mist thought about it. “Sounds like she has ability to predict imminent events.”

“Yep! I sure do! Like when my tail twitches like it did for 3 days straight! It means something's going to fall! Trust me I didn't get any sleep at all! I was high on coffee! And that never happens!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “You do know we no longer are focused on going in right?”

“I am, just enjoying this chat, aren't you?”

“Yes I am!”

“Then why should we stop while the guards pass on my message. Right boys?” She glance over to them.

The guards was left clueless as much as the ponies was. “Ri-right! I'll get right on it!” The second guard race off to the door down the corridor.

Daring Do took off her pith helmet rubbing her mane. “And I thought being chased through ruins and finding legendary cities was amazing. Just being here is an adventure in itself. Does this kind of thing always seem to happen with you girls?” Daring Do asked the mane six.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Twilight replied as Daring Do put her helmet back on. “Still, I'd prefer having that you Mist, held off on the cursing so much... I know the words you speak of and kinda hope you tone it down a little. If that's ok?”

Mist bows with a smirk. “Of course your high horse.”

Twilight also fell at that response and got a confused look around the room part from Pinkie Pie laughing. “High horse? Don't you mean highness and you don't need to be formal, it's quite-”

Mist sighed with an slap of her head with the hoof. “Geez it was a joke, only Pinkie Pie got it and you all look like you've lost your heads or something. Guess British humour isn't your cup of tea.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Now you kind of explained it I kinda get it.” Rainbow Dash snickered a little. “Do you use that word 'bloody' like Soarin does?”

“Yeah I bloody do, is that a problem?”

“Nah, it seem to be some British thing I guess so, I'm cool with it.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Do you have some weird two different memory thing going on like Soarin?”

Mist taps her head with her right hoof. “If you mean Earth with ponies and other sh-” She got a look from Twilight. “I mean... Other creations. Then yes. I just stick to the human ones since my main goal for being here is not only for Soarin, but to also save my world from a crazed mare from turning the UK into a whole new pony nation outside of your world.” Mist explained and finishes off with the words.

“Last thing we need is talking magical ponies on Earth, the world’s pretty screwed up enough without adding more a big ass of crazy into the mixing bowl.” She glance at the ponies around her. “No offence to you but Earth is better off without magic.”

“None taken.” Pinkie Pie replied for all the ponies and turn to behind them as a flash caught her eyes. “Oh! Hi Discord!”

Fluttershy quickly turn around. “Oh Discord it is lovely to see you!”

“Indeed dear Fluttershy, I had to drop in after all I've heard and seen!” They all turn to Discord. “Got to say that spitfire coming out of nowhere and almost hitting me was quite a shock, I can tell you!”

“I am just glad your ok Discord! I was so worried.” Fluttershy hugs him and he returns the hug.

Mist ears twitching and approached him as they released from the hug, before Discord could say she put a hoof up. “Before you start speaking let me ask a few things first.”

“Is this another comparing like you did with Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Mist turned to her slightly with a smirk still on her snout. “Sure is, and forgot to add to the list comparing Pinkie Pie is the Mask, a guy who put a mask on and turns into this green faced guy who can do crazy things from pulling out a party from a pocket to an impossible collection within and gets around faster then you can say 'Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus'” Mist replied.

“Mary Poppins is another that break that by having the ability to jump into paints, fly just using an umbrella and has a big bag that bigger on the inside that stores a whole bedroom worth of stuff.” She glance over to Discord who was holding the exact umbrella with a grin on his face. “Just like that one he's holding.”

Applejack blinked. “Hold on sugarcube, we saw him with that floatin' in at the Tree of Harmony! Also he created a weird two wheel thing that was hummin' and disappeared in a flash!”

Mist thought about it. “Sound like either a motorbike or moped. So my guess he had access to my world recently.” Mist looking directly to Applejack. “Which means I could be returned home in a snap of a talon or lion paw, if he wanted to of course.”

Twilight glared at Discord. “Is this true!?”

“Dimensional portals, just a snap.” Discord smirked. “But it could have been one so similar to yours but isn't.”

Mist thought about it. “True, there is countless dimensions, quantum realities as well parallel out there that if one not to careful would get lost. My guess you travel to one and return to the starting point and so forth right?” Mist looked up at him.

Discord frowned and crossed his talon and lion arms. “Pfff you're no fun!”

Mist shrugs. “That's what happens when you have a coltfriend that love his sci-fi, action and cartoons. Soarin, even as children when we were best friends, sat and watched a lot of the classics like Star Trek the Next Generation where a being called Q starred by John De Lancie who could do exactly what you can but appears as a form of a human.” Mist said calmly to the god of chaos.

Mist pulled out some shades out from pocket putting them on top of her snout. “Let's begin to compare you with Q. First of all when you first showed up like you did, did you call the pony race a savage child race?”

“Hmm... Not sure if I go that far, I did turn the personalities around on most ponies with a touch of a claw or made them see that what they are and made it the opposite. Does that count?” Discord made himself look grey and return to true colour as he explained it.

Mist nods. “Yep you turn their nature around and guessing from the looks of the girls here they agree on that.” Mist looking around.

Daring Do was taking in on this and found it strange to hear. “So he made you Fluttershy mean?”

“Oh yes, I was quite mean when under the spell.” She said shyly.


Mist did something that caught their attention, she made snapping sound with her wing. “Whoa how did you do that!?” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“I just did what I would do if I had fingers. It's quite surprising how flexible these wings are and how strong they are too, so I clicked the two end tips like fingers or claws if you count a dragon.” Mist explained. “It also shows what Q does to make things just appear out of nowhere and disappear again. He also could take someone from Point A to Point B in an instant.” Mist said walking around Discord as she spoke. “How exactly did you know I'd be here?”

“Oh the clicking I do and as for knowing, Fluttershy told me a few hours ago. I was in Cloudsdale minding my own business when I saw two Soarins flying right over me. I recall hearing that another came from the same place your from Mist.” Discord showed some photos to them. “I even got some snap shots from the party he was at with the little fillies at the Wonderbolt HQ.”

Rainbow Dash snatched them away instantly to have a good look at them. “Whoa his right! Look there's Soarin at the table with Spitfire and all the ponies gathered around.”

Mist took a look over Rainbow's left side. “It looks like he's telling them something, good to see Blue’s doing ok.” She smiled warmly. “That's also another thing Q does when he does it right. Know how to get things right in the most annoying fashion. Thanks Discord.”

“It's just some photos I took. The real interest is how two of you got to be here and became ponies without the mirror.” He rubbed the goatee.

Mist shrugs. “Plane, fog, and magic.”

Daring Do stared at Discord. “So your the spirit of chaos I read about and saw in some temples. They speak of you as the claw and paw of disharmony and chaos. That you find amusement in doing random stuff to ponies.”

“That was me once. But dear Fluttershy I would never do anything to. She's my best friend after all and I have Wednesday tea with her, right Fluttershy?” Discord glance over to the shy pegasi.

She nods in response with a general happy smile. “Oh yes! We have tea and that's also when I told him about Soarin, how he ended up crashing into Discord's coach.”

Mist turned to Daring Do. “You remind me a lot of an old movie adventurer, his name was Indiana Jones who raid temples, stop bad guys from taking mystic artefacts, in fact I think that freakshow is that very villain am I right?”

Daring Do chuckled. “Your good! And yes Ahuizotl is. In fact what we recently learned, this time he needs to be stopped for good.” Her expression turned serious. “Even if it means the books become so dull it can't continue, I never knew this paint was forcing stallions to work for him. Because of you Mist, you gave us the information and now we're able to do something about it.” Daring Do put her hoof on Mist shoulder.

“It's what he deserves and I want to get him back for hanging me like some rag doll for so many days. He needs to be punished.” Mist cracked her wings.

Flame Shield glance over to the doors. “The guard is returning.”

The guard came up to them. “You all may enter.”

They followed the guard into the room where a large round table with chairs around it, what instantly caught Mist eyes was the pony with the Princess and Shining Armor. “YOU!” Mist yelled out instantly.

Zealous turn and looked at her with a surprised expression. “Well isn't this unexpected. So your the one that got held by Ahuizotl? How interesting...”

“Interesting!? I had no choose to come! I remembered what you did to me 15 years ago! Breaking into the London Museum! Knocking out everyone and injuring Soarin and on top of that used the half of the museum piece to turn me into a bloody Pegasus! So sorry to say that your a complete bitch!” Mist sneered with wings wide open in an stance to strike.

“Give me a reason not to fuck your shit up right now you bloody bitch!”

Twilight was startled by this sudden change in mood, Mist was now complete ready for an fight. “You put a delayed magical spell on Mist?”

“Yes.” Zealous replied. “I did it to her and the child I turned into ponies back when I took back what was ours. At the time I had zero trust in humans, I still do.” Zealous walked around the table towards them. “I am a leader of a whole city since I was a young adult. I took it upon myself to get back the half of the orb that belonged to us.” Zealous calmly walked as she spoke to them.

“If anything I will let you strike me down as you pleased.”

Mist relaxes with a snort turning her head slightly. “As much I like to, I won't. The fact it didn't do what you intended means I am one up on you. And being here you looked really shocked.”

“Indeed.” Zealous turn to the ponies. “I've also done this to protect our home from Equestria and you six being here for the reason of this pony.” She glance at Daring Do. “I had to do things to try and slow you down.”

Rainbow Dash went for her. “You're the one that gave the them C4!” Applejack caught her by the tail. “Let go!”

“You could of hurt my sister! Your an-”

“Please! I am only here to work with you stupid Equestrians in the first place because of the risk Ahuizotl poses on my home! If he gets my half of the orb he'd be able to find my home and who knows what damage he could do! I have ponies to protect and the Elements of Harmony being you six make me very uneasy because how closely connected you are with miss sunshine on the throne!” Zealous stepped back to Flare who just stood there calmly with his pad in one claw and the other resting over the top of it.

Shining Armor was about to say something else but Twilight did instead. “So you're acting for the best of your ponies. Why blow up a train with us on it? And why involve Soarin and Mist into this?”

Zealous chuckled. “Oh please! You really think I involved the humans in this?” Zealous points to Mist with her hoof. “I don't even know how they got here! I only know Soarin’s been here for some weeks now and she just appeared at the very Equestrian outpost when Ahuizotl took it for the artefact?” Zealous glares at Discord. “You touch that and I will personally turn you into a lizard!”

Discord put his talon and paw up away from Flare. “Ok, jeez.”

Cadence tap the table. “Before anypony else starts let's just calm down and resolve this peacefully.”


“Shiny, I love you but remember she is a fellow leader and if you were in her hooves and lived somewhere outside of Equestria close to the Crystal Empire how would you feel?”

“I'd act in the best interest of the ponies.” He replied with a heavy sigh.

Zealous stood by Flare. “Now that that's sorted allow me to introduce myself. I am Zealous and this is my best friend and assistant Flare.”

Flare bowed slightly and started tapping on the pad activating a holographic display before their eyes. “I was hatched and raised by Zealous. As a friend and sort of sister, I keep her up-to-date with what goes on. I also designed the rail network under the city itself thanks to the raids a few years back on technology on the UK.” Flare showed pictures of the trains.

Mist stared at it. “You meld magic and technology together?” He nods. “And copied the London Underground. For what purpose?”

“So ponies can get around the city smoothly. You tried walking from one side of the city to the other, it take a few hours at least.” Flare replied. “The city we come from we will not tell it's name, nor its location. It is our home and since the fleeing of the Colt of Zealous thanks to Princess Celestia, we had to make do in our isolation. In fact when she learns of the remains of it made a home outside Equestria she'd be nervous to even talk about it.”

Applejack was concerned when he said it. “What do ya mean by thanks to the princess?”

“That's rather simple. 500 years ago roughly give or take a few years or so, there was a war with the Griffin Empire. Twilight should know of it.” Zealous glance over to her. “And these two here.” She hints to Cadence and Shining Armor. “Not many would know of it because it'sit not required to be known.”

Rainbow Dash felt really nervous herself and wings twitching. “Rainbow darling, what's the matter?”

Rarity saw the look Rainbow Dash had in her eyes. “I-I'm fine. It nothing.”

“I highly disagree. What do you know of the Colt of Zealous Rainbow Dash? Please tell.” Zealous smirked.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy turn to her old friend.

Rainbow Dash sighed seeing now the attention was on her. “The Colt of Zealous...my ancestor was part of it...”

“What!?” They all gasped. “Rainbow why-”

“Twilight I didn't say because it's what Princess Celestia did! You think I want to know this! I thought it was just a bunch of stories, but with her and him speaking of it! Now I know they're not just tales!”

“What are you talking about Dashie?” Pinkie Pie bounced over to her friend.

Rainbow Dash flew up a little to get some space. “Princess Celestia created a team of three ponies! In fact she created it in front of Discord's statue! So he should know!”

“Ah yes! I heard the names Crystal Spark, Smash and Rainbow Spectre.” Discord confirmed it.

“Crystal is my ancestor.” Zealous spoke. “As the years went by, they grew and aided Equestria, the risk of being discovered was that Sunshine plothole would pretend to not be affiliated with them, and to the Griffins. While the other thing she did was backstab them and those that worked with them. Not the ones that worked at the fort.” Zealous voice grew darker and filled with anger.

Rainbow Dash continued it. “They found a way to end the war and it was some sort of two half orbs, together it could turn all the griffins in one blast of magical energy into ponies...” Rainbow Dash lower her head lowering to the ground to a landing. “However, they failed and found out by the griffins, Princess Celestia agreed that all ponies even not directly involved would be taken to the Griffin Empire and left as that.”

Twilight shook her head. “You're wrong! Both of you she-”

“Then simply ask her this. 'What is the Colt of Zealous and do you have a mark that never ages under your right side of the armour plate on your chest?' And see how she respond to that and get back to me on that.” Zealous smirked. “Oh and ask her about the battle of the fort and how ponies and griffins was slaughtered by dragons.”

Twilight gulped hard. “I-I...”

“Hey leave her out of this!” Rainbow Dash spat at Zealous. “It not cool that the stories I heard from my dad where true but there's no need to make her doubt the Princess!”

Zealous rolled her eyes. “Whatever, I hardly care about the little spat between princesses of Equestria. And the two humans turn ponies as well. They can mate all I care...” She nod to Flare and he brings up a display showing a image of the ruins. “Now for more important things. Taking care of Ahuizotl.”

Mist was a little taken by surprise unsure what Zealous playing at. “So you don't know about the fog and what it does to those it enter?”

“Nope, don't know, don't care. If more human turn ponies drop in, it doesn't bother me. I have my own way of getting there.”


“No, I will not let you or your colt anywhere near my home...” Zealous glares at her. “I'd rather die before I give up the gate!”

“But if you're not interested then you can at least send us home.”

“I can but what happens to you is nothing care about. So you'd be ponies among humans.” Zealous turned away from her. The ponies gather around the map, most just quiet and taking in what they knew now.

“Even if it is my fault, and I love the fact that I am dragging you in the dirt, I feel happy knowing that magical fog still exists. It makes things so much more easier now. The British Isles will turn into happy ponies willing to serve me and then take care of Celestia. This is working all too perfectly.

And now causing a slight rift between the princesses and Rainbow Dash is even better. I never thought something like this could ever happen and Discord dropping that little bombshell really spiced it up.”

Zealous looked around at all the ponies as they took in the information about the plan to take down Ahuizotl.

“All I have to do is play this game with them, act like a little lost mare doing best for her city and turn Ahuizotl into a pony with one completed Orb, this is just too perfect...”

Zealous felt concerned by this.

“And I fear that it is...”

Author's Note:

Been very busy of late and so has my friend that been proofreading this for me.

Next chapter may take time.

Enjoy reading this one my friends ;)

Comments ( 1 )

The synopsis confuses me. How can Soarin' dream of a land of magical ponies if he's already in a land of magical ponies?

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