• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 12: The Last Days of the Colt

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 12: The Last days of the Colt

The war between Equestria and the Griffon Empire was starting to take its toll on the Equestrian armies, they were no match for the stronger fliers and fighters of the Griffon Empire. Even a combined effort from all three pony types could barely hold the lines with many on each side losing their lives over the conflict that had lasted for countless years.

Celestia stood close to the front lines with her primary guard, a team of the most elite fighters in Equestria, all of whom had sworn their life to protecting the Princess at all costs. Many of her commanders would have preferred that she stayed away from the battleground altogether, but she wouldn't sit idly by anymore, not when the future of the kingdom was at stake.

It was during this time that she created the Colt of Zealous, an underground faction of the Equestrian war effort specialising in the acquisition and use of forbidden magical technology. Above all, the Colt operated in complete secrecy; Celestia could never be suspected of giving power to such a dark organisation. Whenever questioned, the official statement from Canterlot was that the acts of the Colt were performed by a rogue group, operating independently from the Equestrian army.

The base of operations of the Colt of Zealous was located deep in a mountainside cave network within the Griffon Empire borders. This is where they created the most dangerous magic, that which was either new or forbidden, including a circular crystal plate, about ten meters in diameter attached to a stone arch, the first of a number of magical gateways to another world created by the Colt.

The leader of the Colt was tall, blue unicorn with a purple, red and yellow mane, he wore a gold plated chest piece attached to a red cloak and had a cutie mark of a crystal star. His name was Crystal Spark.

Second only to him were the rainbow maned pegasus mare with a light grey coat named Rainbow Spectre and the Earth pony stallion Smash, whose white mane and cyan coat under the gold plated armour, as well as the golden patch he wore over his right eye, made him instantly recognisable among members of the Colt.

The three leaders of the Colt of Zealous were stood on a rocky ledge, watching as the next set of supplies were brought in from the other world, three ponies pulling a large wagon of gunpowder and just behind them, ponies pulling in cannons. “The raid on the humans went as planned?” Crystal Spark asked the lead pony of the raiding team.

“Yes sir, none of the humans saw us, it was made easier by the ships approaching the fort on the cliff out to the sea. We made it seem as though they fired on the ships.” The lead pony replied confidently, saluting with a hoof across his armoured chest plate.

“Nice bold strategy, get both sides to fight and steal the prize right under their noses. Very cunning.” Rainbow Spectre chuckled, spinning her three pointed blade around her right front hoof.

A unicorn wearing a blue cloak, a captain, galloped up to them. “Sir! I am sorry to disturb you, but this is urgent!” The unicorn captain insisted, breathing heavily.

Smash smirked, looking with his one good eye. “Aye, please tell.” He lifted his large crystal hammer onto his shoulder, displaying his formidable strength as he held it in place with ease.

“Indeed, please if it’s urgent.” Crystal Spark put his hoof to the unicorn.

The cloaked unicorn turned to the way he came. “I believe it would be better seen than said, sir.”

“Lead on then.” Crystal Spark ordered, putting his hoof out to let the cloaked pony lead.

“This must be serious if it drags us away from preparing the convoy attack, we need those supplies.” Rainbow Spectre said, wings flaring open and closed again.

The cloak unicorn bowed his head with a hoof across his chest. “This won't disappoint you at all, I promise you that.” He turned and ran down the cave tunnel. The three ponies nodded to each other and follow him past the soldiers setting up for the attack or tending to the prisoners that had been freed a few days ago, mostly mares and foals captured during a raid by Griffon thugs on one of the local border Villages.

Smash looked at those that were being treated by the medical members of the Colt. He felt heavy hearted seeing the scars left on innocent mares and foals tortured by the Griffons. “When will this war end...” He asked nopony in particular, remembering all those he couldn't save in the attack on the prison camp.

The cloaked unicorn looked back as they galloped after him. “By today,” he declared.

This caught their attention and they followed him into the workstation operated by the cloaked unicorn and two young zebras who had volunteered for the cause after being rescued from a griffon camp. They all turned to the three ponies who entered, all with smiles on their snouts, pulling back their hoods and showing their faces to the three top ranking and oldest members of the Colt of Zealous.

One of the zebras with a scar on his snout stepped up to them. “Today the fight ends, no more lives will waste, we wipe out Griffon kind with haste.” He spoke in rhyme. “I, Zeath, have created a device of power beyond belief, a single touch from non Equine and a blast of magic that will give grief.” Zeath smirked and stepped to the side to let them lay eyes on it.

“Crystal Spark, behold! The answer to all of our Griffon problems, the most powerful transmutational magical item to ever be created, this will magnify the magic at almost limitless range. Behold, the Orb of Transzel! It is comprised of two pieces, together they are extremely powerful but even on their own, they still possess the power to change any creation that isn't a equine like us into a pony and even reshape their memories to match.” The unicorn explained as they stared at the grey metal orb, lined with gold and crystal markings all over.

Rainbow Spectre tapped it with a hoof. “Have you tested this thing on any Griffons?”

Zeath stood beside her. “We wished to wait before the test, our first subject is one we detest.” With a clop of his front hooves together two ponies pulled in a Griffon wearing high ranked markers on what was left of his uniform.

“Ah the good General Gri. It is a pleasure to see you have been treated with care.” Crystal Spark smirked.

The Griffon let out a tremendous roar and tore violently at his chains. “When I get my talons on you rebels I will crush every last air out of you!”

“Quite the temper he’s still got.” Smash said, tapping his hammer gently against his other hoof. “Can anypony use this?”

“Indeed, anypony can use this device, so do so, Smash, for this honour there is no price.” Zeath bow a little.

Smash looked to his fellow comrades. They nodded to him and allowed Smash to do the honours. Slowly, he stepped up to the device and put a hoof on the orb, immediately he felt the energy from it. “Amazing, I can feel the magic flowing through me.” He glared at Gri. “Any last words as a Griffon, Beak brains?”

Gri gritted his teeth. “The Griffons shall win this war and when I am freed, you will be the first to...”

“I’ve heard enough...” Smash declared and focused the energy onto Gri, the orb let off a small pulse of white light that slowly snaked towards the Griffon.

“Is that it? Your great big orb just released a stupid little firefly?” The light passed through his skin as they watched. “You all really think that would do something to me?” He mocked.

Rainbow Spectre blinked. “Are you seeing what I am seeing?”

“Yes...” Crystal Spark answered.

By now even Grif felt something was wrong, he couldn't feel his claw talons on his right arm. He looked down and a tan colour hoof was in its place. Before his very eyes his body was changing, morphing into another form.

“What’s going on!? What have you done to me!? Get it out of me! G-Ge-get...” His body glowed and shifted with his paws turning into hoofs, his lion tail turning into a pony tail. Shrinking in size, his beak vanished and was replaced by a snout. His eyes grew in size and a blue mane appeared on his head.

He closed his eyes finding it hard to fight. “I am Gri the gr-po... No grif... No... I am a...” The light dimmed and the proud Griffon general was gone. “My name is Gri. I am a pegasus and captain for Equestria, I serve to protect Princess Celestia and my fellow ponies! I live to serve and protect!” The tan coated pegasus that was once Gri announced, pulling his hooves free from the chains. Even his armour had changed, and now bore an image of the Equestrian flag.

“Interesting, not only did it changed him into a pony, but he actually believes he was always one, amazing,” Crystal Spark whispered to the ponies close to him. They nodded in reply. Cautiously, he stepped up to Gri, “General Gri, what made you join the Colt of Zealous?”

He stood firm after kicking away the shackles. “Captain Gri sir! I joined to be a spy for the Colt, you believed turning me into one of those beasts was the best method to get information. I am sorry it went to my head.”

“It’s ok Gri, you did your job, and very well I might add. Why don't you go with Zeath here and report all your findings.” Crystal Spark suggested.

Gri saluted. “Oh I will sir!” Zeath smirked at Crystal Spark and the others before he indicated to Gri to follow him and they left.

Smash chuckled at what they had done. “I’ve got to give them unicorns a hoof on this, this orb is really something. With it’s magic we can defeat the Griffons in mere seconds.”

“Not just that, but we can give Equestria a huge sum of territory in just one day. Of course, Celestia forbade this type of magic to be used. But by the time she realises...” Rainbow Spectre beg

“It will be too late to worry about what we did because the spell is irreversible,” Crystal Spark finished. “She would be too busy dealing with the new lands she will have acquired thanks to us.”

Smash chuckled. “Aye and the Colt of Zealous will complete its mission and we all get to return home to the fort we built with the wealth we acquired over these last 30 years, giving our families a home with no fear.” Smash put his hoof out to the other two ponies. “For Equestria!”

“For Equestria!” They put their hooves against his and the other ponies around cheered in delight. This one orb marked the end of the war between the Griffons and ponies. Finally, this would be the day that the Griffons fade into mere myth and legend.

Crystal Spark stood in front of the orb and addressed all the ponies in the chamber. “Tonight we move out and place this on the peak of this mountain. This will be the final night of the Griffon Empire! With this weapon we wipe the Griffon empire from the history books. The war that lasted for so long will finally end! The Colt of Zealous will seal victory for the Equine races across the world! We are the saviours of Equestria!” The ponies cheered in reply to his speech.

Crystal Spark turned to Rainbow Spectre, “Get a team ready to move out by sunset.”

“You can count on me Spark!” Rainbow Spectre saluted and flew off down the tunnel.

He turned to Smash. “Get the orb loaded into two crates ready for Rainbow Spectre's team.”

“Aye, I'll get on it for you sir, ready to help me ponies?” Smash looked around the cloaked unicorns, they gave a nod and pulled the orb into two pieces before carrying it away with Smash leading them to the supply tunnel to place the orbs into safe crates for the trip.

Crystal Spark used his magic to pull out a small, carefully folded letter. It was a note his daughter had given him when he left to go north two years ago. “Soon, my sweet child, I be home and for good this time.” He put the letter away, walking down the tunnel and stopping at a mare with her daughter. “Here, this will keep you warm.” He took of his cloak placing it over them.

“Thank you mister!” The filly beamed in delight snuggling close into it with her mother.

“You’re welcome little one.” He stepped up to them and lowered his head towards them. “By tomorrow the war be over. We have found a way to end it once and for all.”

“Really?” The mare looked surprised by this news.

“Indeed, if all goes to plan, the war can finally be over and we all can return to our homes.” Crystal Spark raised his head and walked on. “If only we were all lucky enough to return to our old homes...” He sighed. He and his family had lost their home in the war, a new one had been built, but he still felt uneasy about this victory looming over them.

He stepped outside the mountain to see if the path to the mountain top was clear and that no Griffons were nearby the portal. “Sweet Celestia, that’s quite the number of Griffons.” He jumped behind some rocks as a large group of Griffons, perhaps ten or so, flew above the mountain path. “They must be looking for Gri, that number of Griffons is going to make this trip to the mountain top a little tricky, but I think I got a idea how t...”

“Men attack! Take down the demon horses!” Crystal Spark heard shots being fired and gasped, he quickly galloped into the cave network to see...

“Sweet Celestia! Humans!” He saw many with swords and shields, a few of them had firearms on them, pistols aimed at the unicorns and with a loud bang they fired but the shields quickly summoned deflected the shots. “Every pony! Drive the humans back into the gateway!”

Rainbow Spectre flew towards them, hitting two of them with a right and left front hoof in their chests and sending the two men down on their knees. “Time to show this freaks a thing or two about us ponies! We don't roll over!” She crack another hit on one of them.

Smash jumped in and smashed one sword to pieces with his hammer. “Aye, let’s show them who they’re messing with!” He slammed one of them with the full force of his hammer.

The Unicorns with Crystal Spark unleashed a barrage of powerful offensive magic to defeat the invaders. “That it we winning!”

Some humans fell to the magic and attacks from the ponies but so did many members of the Colt. The clashes between the two forces were bloody, but the ponies was starting to push back and win the battle. They had the advantage over the humans with magic, strength and flight. The pegasi kept swooping in and knocking many soldiers on their backs, magical blasts also pushed back many of the humans, some getting up and fleeing, others tried to fight the earth ponies to only receive powerful hind kicks and foreleg punches.

Two cloaked unicorns took hold of three humans with their magic and threw them into others, archers struck down one of the unicorns by hitting her in the front leg and the stallion by her created a shield and pushed it out, knocking them back.

One of the humans raised his sword. “Don't let these demon horses win men! Fight for King and country! For England!”

“For England!” The humans cried as they, once again, charged at the ponies.

As they approached, Zeath threw his bag of magical powder, a powerful mixture that immobilised the humans in fits of coughing and fainting. He bucked two more, followed by a right front hoof across the face of a third human. “That’s it! We’re winning! Push those humans back into gateway! Show them what the Colt of Zealous is made of!” Rainbow Spectre slashed at one human with her tri-blade.

One of the humans, a captain of the platoon, saw his chance. In the chaos of the battle he crept past the fighting and towards a mare and her son. “Keep away, you creep!” She shielded her son from him. “You’re not going to lay one hoof on him!”

“Oh, really? Then stop me.” He pressed his pistol against her head.


“Be brave my little jewel, be...” She closed her eyes and waited for her end.

Even over the noise of the fighting the sound of the shot rang out. The mare fell dead, blood pouring from the hole in her head. “Next shot will be this little fellow! It’s up to you, demon horses!” He pulled a second pistol from his belt, loaded and ready to fire.

Crystal Spark stood on his hind legs with forelegs out. “All ponies stop!” They broke away from their attacks and kept their distance. “Please don't hurt the young one, he’s not involved in this!

“Then surrender, and I will spare the rest of your stupid lives.

“Sir they...”

“Don't question me soldier, look at these creatures.” The leader growled and the soldier fell silent. “So do the demon horses surrender? Or do you condemn this one to die.” He grinned darkly at Crystal Spark.

He growled and tossed the spear to the ground. “We surrender.”

Smash was holding a human to the wall with his hoof ready to smash his head in turn. “Sir?”

“We can't risk any more innocent ponies being harmed, they already taken a foal and two mares’ lives...” Crystal Spark stared at the two ponies that had been murdered by the humans, and the many injured ponies already lying on this brutal battleground

The human captain cracked a smile, still aiming at the colt. “Very well.” He raised his pistol. “We generously accept.” He pointed his pistol at Crystal Spark. “You all get over by that 'young one'. If any more of you freaks of nature try anything we will take another 'innocent' life.”

Crystal Spark saw so many ponies were injured from the attack, some with gun shot wounds and others from the blades, some had fallen to the weapons, more than that though, what angered him more was that they murdered not just a mother but a child too, a young foal, not even a year old, and he was dead, lifeless, lying on the ground. It was enough, he couldn’t do this anymore, he couldn’t face all the death.

During the next hour or so, the human soldiers in armour took most of the supplies with them, including the two chests that held the two halves of the orb, food supplies and most of the much needed medical equipment, leaving the ponies unable to treat their wounded. He and the fellow ponies of the Colt of Zealous were powerless to stop them from taking the stuff. Crystal Spark couldn't risk the other ponies’ lives, especially the young and their mothers.

“You will pay for what you did human...” Crystal Spark growled under his breath at the leader.

The other humans placed barrel after barrel together around the gateway. “I doubt that demon, this gunpowder will seal off your demon world from us for good.” The human leader said with a torch held high.

Crystal Spark hint all ponies to back away, deeper into the tunnels. “Mark my words human, you will never reach your 'England' you have my promise.” He said coldly as they step further back into the tunnels.

“Big words from a demon horse, I bid you farewell and thank you for your treasures.” He throw the torch on a trail of gunpowder it lit up and burned right to the barrels. “Fare thee well!” He was the last to run into the portal.


The whole cave network shook with the force of the blast, all the ponies taking cover from pieces of rocks falling around them, finally the rumbling ceased as the cave settled, with small pieces of rock falling around with dust and smoke covering most of the caverns.

Crystal Spark was coughing as he slowly got up, seeing others around recovering as well, he picked up a torch with his magic and lit it back up. “You three seal all the entrances into the caverns on this side of the mountain that you can. The Griffon search teams most likely heard the explosion, or at least have seen the smoke.”

“We’re on it sir!” The unicorn in armour replied. With his team, they quickly left, using torches to see their way to the tunnel entrances.

Smash scouted what was left of the main cavern where the gateway was. “Sir, the gate has been almost completely destroyed.”

Crystal Spark with others of the cult stood before the shattered shimmering gateway sparking with magical energy that bled out of the few remains that still held the magical energy. “Indeed it is, but not completely. Smash, you and whatever is left of the guard take the innocents and injured through the escape tunnels, get them back to the Equestrian borders.”

Smash saluted. “Aye, I will get on it Crystal Spark. You lot, help me get whatever wagons we got left and get the injured onto them, leave one cart for those that have died, they deserve a decent burial.”

“Yes sir!” The guards replied and got to work with Smash, helping to move the hidden doorway toreveal their escape route out of the mountain.

Rainbow Spectre removed some of the rubble to find four humans still alive but barely holding their own. “Crystal we got some humans here, they’re alive.”

Crystal Spark walked over to the humans that lay there close to death. “Two unicorns with healing magic with me, the rest go and help the ponies that need help.” Two of the cloaked ponies removed their hoods showing their faces. “Ah Zec and Hec, the Mercy twins. I wondered if you had joined the Colt of Zealous. I heard your healing magic together rivals my own.” He smirked to the mare and stallion.

Both shared the same purple coat colour with blue and light pink manes and tails, their manes semi long and their tails spiky and long. Their cutie marks had half of a seal with the symbol of healing in the middle. “Yes Crystal Spark, we joined to help those that need healing on all sides.” They said together in union.

“And there goes my head.” Rainbow Spectre complained rubbing her head. “I really hate it when the twins talk like that, it gives me a headache.”

Zeath and Gri stepped up to Crystal Spark. “Sir by healing them they might yield information we need.” Gri suggested.

“That is what I am expecting, Zec, let Hec heal them.” Crystal Spark ordered and the twins stood before the humans.

One open his eyes looking at them. “Ge-get away you...” Their horns glowed brightly, he closed his eyes expecting the end but suddenly all the pain he had was leaving, he felt open wounds sealing up and soon he was better once again. “Wha-what black magic is this!?”

“Advanced healing magic cast by the very best.” Crystal Spark replied, standing over him and the others as they got their bearings. “I am Crystal Spark the leader of the Colt of Zealous.”

“Colt as in male horse? What kind of strange name is that?” The human frowned.

Zeath chuckled. “A little quirk the ponies seem to possess, naming with puns, though not always with success. ” He rhymed.

“And what the heck are you?”

Zeath bowed with a hoof across his chest. “I am Zeath of the lands of Zebrain, the home of my kind in the open plains.” He stood firm once more. “My magic lies with potions, brews to let ponies fly, and powders that can put a stallion to sleep in a blink of an eye.”

The humans slowly stood finding they was disarmed. “What are you going to do to us? Torture us? You dem...”

“We are ponies, not demon horses, calling us a horse is an insult, we may be related but they are not as smart as us, yes they speak but their culture lacks what we have.” Crystal Spark cut him off, using his magic to raise the torch to the man's face. “We healed you because unlike your kind, we are not monsters. We care for the dead and living of both sides, something your cowardly leader doesn’t seem to understand.”

Another human raised his hands. “What? That’s not possible, you are demons, we can only slay and you return to full strength and never die.”

Rainbow Spectre sneered at him. “Oh really!?” She snapped and pulled him over to a foal, forcing his face against that of the lifeless pony. “Look at him! Look at the foal that never will have a life! Your fearless leader took his life! A helpless child that could barely walk!”

The human put his hand on the fur and felt nothing, the blood was wet on his hands as he stared at the still foal. “Y-you talk and yo-you’re ju-just...”

“Like us? Yes we are flesh and bone, we just have something you do not and you have something we don't have either, now what do you think of your leader now? How he ran off leaving you to die?” She screamed at the pale soldier.

The human fell on his knees with hands over his eyes. “We were never trained for this... We serve to protect innocent lives, not take them...” He started to cry, the other humans lower their arms and looked away in shame. “We’re monsters... We raided and took your lives... We destroyed the fort on the coast at the cost of two ships, we serve King and Country to protect our beloved England, not for this.”

“So the humans are on the ships?” Crystal Spark asked him and got a nod. “And now you’re sick of calling yourself human?” Another nod. “We can turn you into one of our kind if you wish.”

The humans looked at each other then back at him. “It up to you, after today humans will never be welcomed by ponies, we would rather not let the world know of your kind.”

They listened to him and lower their heads, the one by the foal looked at him. “Do what you must, we won't stop you. In fact, I will help stop the ships from reaching England. I won't let our captain get away with this. He would use it to rise in power, the stuff we took could do untold damage.”

“We’re in too.” The humans all agreed, apart from one.

“You’re crazy! I am not in with this! I’d soon...” The two twins fired a beam of magic, changing him into a pony before the other humans’ eyes. He stood on his two hind legs waving and fell on all fours. “What happened? My head feels fuzzy...” The blue mane and tailed unicorn with a white coat and a cutie mark of a gold shield shook his head again, he took one glance at Crystal Spark.

“What is your name guardspony?”

The guardspony saluted. “Golden Shield, why are you asking me that?” He shifted his silver armour a little flexing his muscles. “I... How did I get here? Why can't I remember much?”

“You were held captive Golden Shield, remember?”

“Yes by the Griffons, they tortured me for information but I didn't give any, I did a memory wipe spell on myself.” Golden Shield replied to Crystal Spark and saw the humans. “Whoa what the heck are those things?”

The three humans looked at each other and back at Rainbow Spectre. “Humans, you seen what’s happened to him right?”

“We get it. If we are allowed to keep our true selves then we serve your Colt of Zealous and aid you in getting back to orbs.” The front human replied to her. “You know, for a girl you’ve got a warring heart.”

“Don't get any ideas sunshine, I have a husband already and I plan on seeing him again someday.” Rainbow Spectre replied with a smirk. “As for getting back the orbs, we know how to get one of them, but we’ve got no time to get the other back too. So I got a plan to stop it from reaching England, but keep enough alive to make sure they won't try this ever again.” Rainbow Spectre grinned at them. “So boys, ready to join the Colt of Zealous and our cause?”

“Yes ma'am!” They saluted. Crystal Spark and the twins stood before them with their horns glowing and fires their magic at the three remaining humans.

Somewhere in the North Sea

The captain of the ship HMS London had just lost track of the other ship HMS Reading that had entered the fog bank, his ship sailed around it without any problems but for the last five hours they had found no sign of the ship or it crew, it was as if they had simply vanished into thin air. “Sir do you think the ship hit a reef within the fog?”

The captain turn to the sailor. “No I’ve sailed these waters many times in the past, there is no reef or rocks in these parts...” He turned to a few sailors and soldiers. “Get a row boat lowered and enter the fog bank, try to see if the ship is in there.”

“Aye aye captain!” The sailor saluted. He ran down the steps and told the men, they did as asked and started to lower a row boat into the water with a small crew on board.

Everyone watched as the boat closed in on the fog bank. The captain was watching through his telescope as they approached the fog. The boat entered and before his eye it vanished from view in the thick layer of fog. “What on god’s name...” He quickly yelled out. “Men! return to the ship!” He got no reply. “Men!”

“They’ve vanished...”

“It a curse!” Another said.

The captain felt very uneasy now. “Get this ship out of here! We going back to England!” They didn't think twice and went to work on getting the ship to sail away from it, they got a good distance away from it and continued as the night sets in, the captain stood looking up at the sky.

He smiled. “At least we’ve got some prizes to take home, with it we can even beat the French.”

A bright glow caught his eyes. He turned around and what he saw in the blinding light made the captain’s face turn pale. Charging out of the light were the ponies, but there weren’t any foals here. This was a whole team of warriors. “We’ve got three minutes before we’re pulled back to our world ponies! Do whatever it take to scuttle this ship!” Rainbow Spectre yelled out and launched right for the captain, hitting him through the steering wheel and smashing it to pieces. The ship banked hard to the right, causing them to slide as the ship continued to turn without any control.

“Arg... How...” He could see the rainbow maned mare pinning him, a Zebra and about three out of the four ponies were wearing armour with the St. George cross on it. He saw the looks they gave him and he knew they were his soldiers. Somehow they had all been turned into ponies.

The ship was tilting at this point and he knew it, the surprise attack had caught everyone on the ship off guard and the captain knew his ship was doomed. Two ponies were marching up towards him. Their eyes full of hatred.

“A message, captain, from my dear friend Crystal Spark. It is over, you will spend the rest of your life locked away like the monster you truly are. May the rest of your live be short and miserable and may death come slowly and painfully, captain.” She spat out the last word. “And remember, you brought this upon yourself, when you awake know that your punishment is you’re own doing, for the innocent lives you so callously stole.” She turned to her Zebra friend. “Zeath do your stuff,” she shouted, leaping back as the Zebra blew a cloud of powder into the captain’s face. He coughed, waving his hand and felt his strength slowly leave him. He lost consciousness just as he saw the two unicorns horns glow with purple aura.

He awoke to find the rocking motion of the boat, but something was not right, as his vision started to clear and salt water rained over his face, he was in a boat, maybe his men had rescued him but the feeling was wrong. He heard one of the men speaking out as he eyes gained focus, looking up at him. “We’re almost there men! We close to the mainland! Keep rowing! The storm isn't going to ease up!”

The captain try speak. “Mha maoim ommm...” He look cross eyeed to see a snout in view and tied up by the rope, he screamed out. “MmmmmmMMMM!!!!” The horn on his head surged with magic, he felt it and then a blade touch it.

“Don't you dare use your black magic, unicorn or I will cut your horn off.” He gulped, seeing the sailor with the blade, nodding rapidly with fear in his eyes. “Good!” The captain realised why he felt so strange as he woke. He had hooves instead of feet and hands. His forelegs and hindlegs were all tied up. “So, sailor tell me again how it happened?”

The man the captain saw was wearing part of his shirt over his head as a makeshift bandage, he was supported by some of the others. “It’s as I said, this unicorn saved my life, along with most of the rest of us. The soldiers can tell you the same thing.”

One of them in the other row boat near by spoke out over the rainstorm. “It’s true, I saw it with my own eyes, the pony creatures attacked and scuttled our ship yes, but this one stayed behind when the others left to help the captain get the rest of us off ship. He used that 'magic' of his to hold the whole ship together, it must have been taxing for him with all that crazy aura.”

The boats hit the beach and they climbed out, carrying the injured men and the unicorn onto the beach. “I saw the captain throw this unicorn overboard rather than saving himself. He stayed behind when the ship went down. I was the last to leave and he said to me. 'I have done wrong and my hands are stained with the blood of innocent lives, I will stay with the ship and go down with it. I don't deserve a second chance.' And then I leapt off the ship as it continued to sink, that was when this dark blue unicorn was thrown off the ship by the captain.” The sailor explained.

The other men talking to each other about it with questions and actions to take. “I for one would like to hear it from the horse’s mouth.” He turned to the bounded unicorn. “Remove the ropes from his snout.”

The soldier nodded kneeling down with a knife and cutting the rope off the unicorn's snout. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to get the feel of it. “Tell us unicorn, is what the men said and we saw is true?”

'How could I be there and be like this at the same time? These events I didn't see or know about till now, what do I do? Tell them I am the captain turn into this thing or should I agree to them and play it safe? Damn those pony creatures! I am never going to be human again, what does it matter? I had no family or friends, my hands are soaked with the blood of innocents... I am nothing...'

“SPEAK!” The soldier put his knife close to the unicorns throat. In response his horn glowed and with a flash of light, he vanished before their eyes, only to appear a few feet away, standing and staring at them. He had escaped his bounds too. “Sweet Mary... Did you just see that!?”

“You idiot, of course I did. He just vanished and reappeared over there, which means he could have escaped this whole time but choose not to.” The sailor said, putting a hand on the soldiers arm to lower the knife. He did so. “Now unicorn, tell me your name.”

'What to do... What should I say? What crazy name would... I got it!'

He put a hoof to his chest, coughing a little to clear his throat. “My name is...” He voice wasn't his. It was different, deeper. He sounded almost wise in the way he spoke. “Merlin... Merlin Starlight.” He had always liked the tales of Merlin the wizard that his father had told him as a child.

“Merlin hmm? So tell us, why did you attacked our ship?” The sailor asked.

'Let’s think this through, of course the ponies attacked because of what we did and the deaths we caused. Yet their attack was to sink only the ship and even make sure we all got off before it sank into the sea. And the Fort if I remember we didn't see it until that missed shot alerted us to it, they must have fired it to make us fight but it saved almost all our crew on the other two ships. They only started the fight but we would have been in it either way, wow those ponies are really crafty and smart, they still even got the cannons back in their world... I got a idea! Yes that it!'

“We saw the conflict between your ships and the fort was going to happen so we just made sure you noticed to get a few of the cannons and gunpowder.” Merlin started to tell them. “We only wanted that stuff to aid in our fight against our own enemies, but your attack was brutal and barbaric. You killed innocent creatures that had just escaped from harm from prison camps.” He knew some of the details were made up but he had to believed. “We had something to end the war but you took it.”

“So one of the ships vanishing was your doing?” Merlin just looked at the sailor with confusion. “No you aren't...”

Merlin stepped up to the group of about 200 sailors and soldiers all making room for him. “I do not know about the other ship but we attacked your ship to destroy our stuff and sink it to the ocean. We did so without you losing a single life, apart from one. He chose to die with his ship and I honour his choice as a brave human seeking redemption for what he did.”

The soldiers and sailors looked at each other, confused by this strange beast. “I’m not going to run or do anything. You may do whatever you want with me, I did what only I had to and stayed to make sure you all got off safely.” Merlin sat his rump into the sand with his white mane and tail waving in the wind as the storm blew waves of water onto the beach.

“Then you’re free to go. No one will believe us about a talking unicorn, they’ll think you’re some fake anyway.” The soldier said with a sigh. “We’d be called crazy, so what do we do now? Our ship and captain is lost, the nearest town is god knows where...”

Merlin closed his eyes and used the horn, he felt the energy flowing around it and felt something. Opening his eyes, it was an amazing feeling. “We’re north of a small town and army outpost, I felt their presence, also I’ve got a idea to help you all.” He got looks as they talked among each other again. “If some of you take me directly to your ruler, he or she would have me done away or something and to keep you all quiet and would pay you all handsomely.”

The sailor smiled and placed a hand on his back on the neck. “Merlin, you’re amazing for a talking unicorn. That is a perfect idea. A few of the men and I will take you there, while the rest stay at the town and explain that the storm sunk to the ship and all it’s treasures.”

“Good idea.” One replied

“We’ve got nothing to lose.” Another answered and for the first time in a very long time, the captain of the HMS London smiled, finally he would find his redemption.

Cliff Side Library

“How does this fit with the Colt of Zealous? Some captain turned pony living his days in this Untied Kingdom, how can you possibly know events such as this? It’s preposterous” Dr. Caballeron asked Zealous as they finished reading the events in the book.

Zealous took a sip of her tea and didn't take her eyes off the book, she just spoke to Dr. Caballeron. “My dear doctor, just listen.”

“Listen, whatever do...” Dr. Caballeron ears flicked to the sound of slow hoof steps, he slowly turn his head to see a elderly unicorn with a white bread, mane and tail, the tail and mane unkept, he was also wearing glasses over part of his eyes with a light blue robe with gold stars and a gold metal object with a cross on top of it attached to the bottom of the robe.

Dr. Caballeron couldn't believe his eyes. “Y-yo-your....”

“I am Merlin Starlight youngster, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He gave a smile to Dr. Caballeron and sat speechless at what stood before him...

A unicorn named Merlin Starlight, who was over 500 years old...

Author's Note:

This and the next chapter will explain how the city came to be and the actions Zealous is taken