• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 5: Dream

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 5: Dream

Luna closed her eyes and summoned her magic. Her horn glowed a bright blue as she prepared to enter the dreams of Soarin McLighting. Standing before her sister, she focused all her magical energy towards penetrating the barrier to Soarin’s subconscious and, once again, her spell failed to break through.

Luna’s eyes snapped open as a white flash flooded through the castle room and the spell faded to nothing. She snorted and growled in anger as she used her magic to blast a nearby vase to pieces. Celestia stood silent and watched, she didn't want to do anything to stop her sister from blowing off some steam, even if it meant a 200 year old vase was destroyed.

“This is absurd!” she growled in annoyance. “Twenty times! TWENTY FAILS! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT SHOULD BE ABLE TO ENTER ANY PONY’S DREAMS! HOW CAN WE BE REFUSED ACCESS TO THIS ONE STALLION!” Shouts in the Canterlot Voice and royal 'we' blasted through the halls and beyond the walls of the palace.

“If you’re done, I may have a suggestion, my sister.” Celestia said calmly to Luna.

Luna glared at her. “Why have you not told us already!?” She sneered. “We have been trying all day long and NOW you suggest another idea!?”

“Because I believe in you Luna, I believed you could do it. I didn't expect something like this, but after your eighteenth failure I decided to look into the matter,” celestia said, still calmly, to her sister who was walking up to the balcony, looking out to the night sky. “If you’re willing to listen to your older sister, that is.”

Luna sighed, letting her anger slip away a little. “We are still not pleased that you waited till now, especially after we made such a scene of ourselves...” she grumbled under her breath, looking away from Celestia.

Celestia sighed and picked up the pieces of vase with her magic, putting them back together. “Because sometimes it’s best just to let off some steam, even it does put somepony in the spotlight, although, I don't think you have to worry too much about that. Even thinking about the consequences of speaking about you in that way would scare most ponies half to death.” Celestia looked out the window towards some dazed ponies who were laughing at a guard’s attempts to pull his helmet off after being startled by Luna’s cries and slamming his head against a tree.

Luna walked up beside her and saw the scene unfolding before their eyes. “You’re enjoying this Tia...”

Celestia smiled mischieviously at Luna as she finished repairing the vase and placed it down. One piece was still missing. “Hmm it seems I am...” Luna held the small piece of china in her magic and lowered it into it’s place.

“See how we fixed this vase?” Celestia asked.

“Yes... We put it back together, it’s not as if this is the first time we’ve done so.” Luna turned her eyes away once more. “I hate that thing anyway.” Luna muttered to herself.

Celestia led Luna down the hallway as the palace guards carefully avoided looking up at Luna, fearing another outburst. “I believe that to enter Soarin McLightning's dream, we will have to go in together.”

Luna looked up at her, surprised. “But sister you, do not know how to enter dreams... Even after 1000 years alone raising and setting the sun and moon, you never once entered a pony’s dream.” Luna looked unsure as they made their way towards Celestia's private study.

“Indeed, that is true, which is why you’re going to have to teach me how to.” Celestia replied.

“M-me... Teach you!? I... Is this some sort of joke!?”


Luna stopped in her tracks, she had never once thought Celestia, her older sister, would ask such a thing, to teach the sun princess to enter one’s dream. The idea was absurd, could Celestia even perform such a spell? Still, the reasoning behind it was solid. “Very well Tia... I accept”

They entered Celestia's study and Luna closed the door behind. With a flash of blue light a book appeared. Luna flipped through it and brought the book to Celestia. “I took your advice to write some of my spells down, including 'dream walking'. But I shall warn you sister, the first time will be off focus and rather overwhelming.”

Celestia took a look at the spell. “What exactly do you mean by that Luna?”

“You shall see...” Luna replied.

Celestia sighed and read the spell, closing her eyes she summoned forth the spell, but instantly her eyes went wide and the spell collapsed. “My word... that... I...” She was breathing heavily. “That was disturbing...”

“I did warn you Tia...”

“Yes you did, my sister. All those dreams, I couldn't focus on any of them, just a blinding flash of images... words... voices... sounds... desires... fears... love... friendship... it was all there, blended into one, even things that should never be seen.” Celestia breathed in and tried to refocus herself.

Luna just chuckled softly. “It seems that I have something that you cannot do sister, but fear not, you don't need focus, just cast the spell with me and I will lead.” Luna stood before Celestia with her horn glowing.

Celestia bowed a little. “My sister, I shall follow you into the dream of Soarin McLightning.” Celestia's horn lit up and touched Luna's, focusing the spell and connecting to Luna's thoughts.

Luna found Soarin’s voice and concentrated on entering. She once again met the barrier into his mind, but this time she felt it weaken slightly. She focused the combined magic of the two princesses on the weakened shield and felt it shatter. “We’re about to enter, when we go in, you will feel as though you have a body and are in reality, remember it is only a dream.”

“I understand...”

“Now we enter!”

In a blinding flash Celestia found herself standing before a massive stone building. Two guards stood at the heavy wooden doors. One was a human and the other was a pony, both were wearing bright glowing armour. “Amazing... Luna are you here?”

Luna stood beside her. “Yes Celestia I am here. What a strange place, those guards don't feel welcoming at all.” Luna stepped up to one. “You are in the presence of the Princess of the Night, we ask you, what is this place?” No answer. “We said...” She tapped him and he looked around.

“Who goes there!” He said aiming his machine gun at nothing. “Strange, I thought someone just touched me.”

“Just shut up. There’s nothing there, go back to daydreaming,” the pony guard muttered.

“You’re one to talk!” The man spoke back.

“Oh? What would the Imprint think of our infighting!?” The pony snapped.

“What, you mean this?” The man yelled out as he punched him.

“Ok, you asked for this, you stupid idiot!” The pony leapt at him.

Celestia and Luna looked to each other, then back at the two glowing armoured guards fighting each other. “That’s rather strange.” Celestia frowned. “I wonder, what, or who is this Imprint they speak of?”

“I have no idea sister, but this infighting is interesting though, it seems the human you spoke of and the pony are not on best of terms. Maybe it’s best if we enter this complex and find Soarin McLighting.”

“McLightning, it’s just spelt strangely.” Celestia corrected.

Luna shrugged. “Shall we enter?” She used her magic to open the doors, walking past the fighting guards, Celestia sighed and stopped. “Tia, wait.”

Celestia cast a spell on the guards and they both fell on top of each other, fast asleep. “Better...” Celestia smiled, turning to Luna. “Come on Luna, we don't have all day.” She trotted into the building.

Luna stared at the sleeping pair. “And I thought I was out of touch with time,” Luna muttered to herself and followed Celestia into the building.

Both princesses stopped and stared at what had appeared before them. In from of them was a perfect replica of the Wonderbolt Academy, but there something else there, mixed with it was a long airstrip from which a plane was taking off into the sky, engine roaring with jet thrust. They watched as it took off over a sea.

“I sense the merge of two lives mixed here. One is his and the other is of...” Luna turned to Celestia “It’s of the Wonderbolt co-captain. Did this Soarin dream the Wonderbolt's life?”

Celestia shrugged. “I do not know my sister but it this matter will have to be one we will talk with Mr McLightning about, after we talk reason to him.”

They turned to see Spitfire and Soarin in their wonderbolt outfits, walking by them talking to each other. They stopped and looked at the two princesses. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna what brings you to the Coast Cliff Academy?” Spitfire asked.

Luna frowned at the name, guessing it was to do with the location in the dream. “We were just looking for a pony or human by the name of Soarin McLightning.”

Soarin smirked. “Oh you mean my counterpart, he is on the other runway at hanger with the doors open, he is working on his spitfire.” He snickered and got hit on the head by Spitfire. “Ow... Spits...”

“What have I told you about that!?”

“Sorry Spits, I couldn't help it. How about we get a few slices of apple pie, Applejack brought her stand up today.” Spitfire rolled her eyes and with a nod they left, heading down the runway towards a stand with Applejack and Applebloom by it.

Luna and Celestia walked across to the hanger, exactly as Soarin had said, Soarin McLightning was stood at his plane working on it with two other ponies. “Get that line out and replace it, ok Nathan?”

“Sure thing Soarin.” The dark brown pegasus took out a pipe and threw it into a large bin, taking the new one he noticed the two princesses. “Whoa, look at these fine ladies.”

Soarin pulled himself out from under the plane, seeing them. “Hello again, Celestia, come to pick lightbulbs out of my head again?”

Celestia shook her head. “We came to find you, in fact, do you really know where you are?”

“Of course in the hanger with my mates, fixing up my plane. It got damaged in the last run, it had a run in with some sort of floating couch.” He rolled his eyes, getting laughter from the red mare. “Ruby shut up...”

“Sorry, but I find the whole thin' amusin' Soarin, yer just need to cheer up. We’ll get Blue Lightnin' sky worthy in no time.” She said, affectionately tapping the metal fuselage.

Soarin rolled his eyes. “Sure 'Captain' Ruby...” He grinned, she hated that name.

“I am not a captain! For the last time ya stupid Brit! I am the team leader of Team Spitfire, not a captain! So get yer tail back under that plane and fix it up before I just leave ya to it!” Ruby snapped at him.

Soarin saluted with his hoof. “Yes ma'am...” He turned to the princesses. “Sorry but you have to come back later, I got a lot of bloody work to do.”

Luna grinned “Oh I think you don't.” With a flash of magic the place folded over like paper and the plane was completed. He stood there, dumbfounded as his friends packed away, seemingly oblivious to what had happened.

Soarin turned to them quickly. “What in bloody hell was that?”

“That would be your dream fast forwarding.” Luna calmly replied.

Soarin stared at her then back to the plane and back to Luna. “Dream? How...”

Luna stood proudly. “I am Princess Luna, the princess of the night, I can enter the dreams of my subjects at will.”

Soarin rubbed his head. “Wow, talk about freaking magic. I knew the whole pegasi wing magic thing and horns from the unicorns, but entering other people’s dreams? That is just damn right creepy Princess Luna. No offence, but I don't like it when someone I don’t know enters my dreams, it’s just so… personal.”

“Well, what brings you to my dreams then?”

Celestia stepped forwards “Are you aware there was a force trying to change your life?”


“There are two memories now re... Wait what?” Celestia stared at him.

Soarin stood in front them and everything around them changed to a field of flowers. “Sorry, I’d rather keep my dreams to myself. In answer to your question, Celestia. I do know. One thing you saved in my head was the transformation, so it didn't take a genius to work out which memories were which, nevertheless, I decided to keep both. It was getting rather annoying, thinking about my life and seeing two things that are the same but knowing that one wasn't real.” Soarin walked over to a clear river and looked down at his reflection.

“When I look at this bloody face, I know that when I wake I will look at myself and see something different, different to who I really am.” Soarin turned to them. “But there was no way I was going to mope around and cry about it. There was no point to it. I just wanted to find a way to reverse this and go home. I hate the idea of being stuck in the world I have seen in my dreams for 15 years.”

Luna stood beside him, looking at the water flowing with the cool breeze in the summer sun. “That is why you dream of the pony life, you dream it because it is what comes to your memory first, is it not?”

“It’s a bloody nightmare, but it’s my nightmare.” He chuckled, sitting by the water side, splashing his hoof through it.

Luna turned to Celestia “What about this Imprint?”

“Indeed why would there be two guards to this dream?” Celestia replied.

A bright light appeared in front of them, levitating a short height above the ground. “Oh fucking great! The bloody lightbulb!” He got up and glared at it. “How about this you stupid lightbulb! Leave me alone and get lost! I remember my life as a human and the pony you gave me! Give up! You are not getting my life!” The yellow orb of light moved towards him firing a cloud of energy at him.

Luna stepped between Soarin and the orb and used her magic to shield him from it, Celestia joined in the protection. “This must be the Imprint, a small amount left behind to finish the job...” Celestia felt it’s magic trying to force her out of the dream. “Why are you doing this to those who enter our world!? Why are you causing this suffering!?”

It’s answer came with a more forceful attack and another beam of energy slammed into the shield. The Princesses were losing the battle to hold up the shield from it’s relentless barrage, growing stronger by the second. The fabric of the dream collapsed, shattering into a million pieces, leaving only a small platform with Soarin and the princesses standing before the bright light in the darkness.

Luna sneered, sliding back a little trying to hold her magic. “We shall not fail! Soarin McLightning resides in our land! He is under the protection from harm! Especially from you!” Luna fired a beam of magic right at the orbs blasts, the two forces hit with a explosive wave.

Celestia stood by her sister putting her horn to her’s. “Together we protect our subjects Luna.”

“Indeed, my sister,” Luna replied.

Soarin stepped back from the edge as the platform began breaking away. Filled with anger and rage over what this light had done to him, “THAT’S IT!” he yelled out. “I have had it with you, stupid lightblub!”

He stood in front of the princesses, pointing a hoof it. “I know who I am and what you did to me! I had the perfect life! I was going to propose to Mist! I loved that girl with all my heart and I will show you what happens when you mess with the British! Especially one that will never get to see his love again. I will make you sorry for messing with a RAF pilot and his life!” He flew into the beam of the princesses with his friends appearing alongside him.


The princesses’ magic fused into the shape of three Spitfires, flying right for their goal, all unleashing two beams of energy from their wings. They charged through the beam of the Imprint, hitting it with a blinding flash of light.

Soarin gasped and sat up in bed, scaring Fluttershy in the process. “Oh my goodness...” She gulped, seeing him awake. “Mr McLightning, please relax, your safe,” she whispered to him.

Soarin breathed heavily, looking over to her. “I beat it...” He whispered. “I beat the bloody lightbulb, thanks to the princesses’ help.”

“How? It’s still in the jar in Twilight's study and Princess Celestia has not been around since yesterday.” Fluttershy replied.

Soarin blinked. “Did you say yesterday?”

“Erm... Yes...”

Soarin groaned, putting his hooves over his face. “Another bloody day sleeping. Is this all that’s going to happen to me. I’m going to be stuck bedridden?”

“No, of course not, you looked well rested. Why don't you get out of bed and come down to have some lunch with me at the café?” Fluttershy suggested.

Soarin sat up again and climbed out of bed. “That sound better than being stuck here. I do feel rested, and quite hungry.” He chuckled lightly. “Thanks for taking care of me Fluttershy.”

“You’re welcome, why don't you go and see Twilight while I quickly go home first to take care of my animals.” Soarin nodded to her and she left.

Soarin saw the guards looking at him when he put his leather jacket on, pulling his wings through the holes and zipping it up. “This is going to be a bloody long week...” He grumbled to himself.

Celestia finished raising the sun and turned to Luna. “Never again I will enter a subject's dream, Never again.”

Author's Note:

Welp here is Chapter 5. Celestia enters and dream for the first and last time. I hope to continue to make you readers happy and hope to hear your views.