• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 11: The Ponies of the Frozen North

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 11: The Ponies of the Frozen North

Deep in the Frozen North, in the snow covered icelands far from the Crystal Empire stood a large glass dome, piercing through the snow and shimmering with a warm magical energy that melted the ice from its transparent surface.

Surrounding the dome was a small, tranquil city with forests, parks and a tall waterfall formed around a large cliff where the ancient ice of the frozen north met the warmth radiating from the dome and melted into the fresh water that fed the inhabitants of this peaceful metropolis.

Already, as the cold morning sun crept above the mountains on the horizon, the city was filled with ponies starting their long day. Being so close to the north, the summer days was three times longer than the nights. As Winter approached, the days would gradually get shorter until night dominated the northern city and only the warmth of the dome stopped the ponies freezing.

The ponies of the northern city were particularly proud of their architecture and successive city planners strived to preserve their legacy by commissioning towers of ever increasing heights, complete with the elaborate domed roofs that had become a defining feature of the city over it’s long history. The tallest of these buildings stood at 2000 feet high, a huge stone structure that towered over the dome in the centre of the city. Engraved onto the tower where a series of images, detailing major events in the history of the northern city. History was important to the ponies of the city, particularly the story of the founder, whose statue marked both the entrance to the dome and the city itself.

Within the dome itself was a garden of indescribable beauty, a tropical oasis from the frozen wasteland that dominated the surrounding area for miles around. At the very centre of the garden stood an ancient stone castle, the home of the city’s ruling class. The castle was one of the very first structures built in the city and its age was beginning to show in the moss protruding out of the many cracks in its walls and the ivy stretching right up to the very highest reaches of its many spires and towers.

The majority of the gardens were open to the public and was filled with ponies spending their day in the beauty of the dome with their family and friends, but the castle was closely guarded and visitors were encouraged to pay no heed to the armoured guards standing at the tall, spiked gates of the governmental headquarters of the Frozen North.

Zealous with her friend and assistant Flare stood at the highest tower of the castle, on a viewing platform, feeling the soft breeze of the artificial weather within the dome and looking far out to the south towards the crystal empire.She held a book in her magic, an old book about the history of a kingdom deep in the Frozen North, and had just started to read. “Ma'am?” She and Flare turned to see a guard pony dressed in shimmering white armour step up into the viewing platform from the stairs.

“I beg my pardon for coming up to the private viewing tower.” He lowered his head, resting a foreleg across his chest with his eyes closed.

Zealous put a hoof out. “It’s fine. Tell me, what is the urgency of the matter in hoof?”

He raised his head and stood firm. “Dr. Caballeron has just returned and is being brought in as I speak, he wasn't followed by anypony. He made a clean get away.”

Zealous chuckled. “So the good Doc managed to evade them as asked, this is wonderful. The last thing I need is for Celestia to find out about our little home, Frozsaidia. We are peaceful, proud and powerful...” She turned to the gardens. “500 years ago Celestia branded us as enemies to Equestria and banished us to the Frozen North. We can never allow our city and dome to be discovered by those of Equestria.”

“What of the gateway ma'am? It does reside within the lands of Frozsaidia...” The guard stated to Zealous.

Zealous turned to Flare. “I think it time to relocate the gateway, don't you think?”

Flare smirked. “I do Zealous, the facility about 50 miles south of the city's border to the snowy landscape should be a perfect place to relocate the gateway to Earth.”


“Yes, Ma’am?”

“If I recall correctly, one of your direct ancestors was a cousin to my great grandfather, was he not?”

The guard looked out to the land with his wings flared open. “Yes that is correct, we are blood related ma'am, but I, as my great grandfather before me serve to protect those of the Colt. Only through hard work and devotion can we achieve paradise.”

“Very good. Now what about Celestia and her sister? What would you think they do if they found out about this place? Would they welcome us with open hooves after what they accused us of, or would they annex our beloved land?” Zealous looked into his eyes as she questioned him.

The guard stared at her for a few moments, lost for words, he turned away, towards the view of the towering buildings out through the dome glass. “I have no idea. I would never dare risk the prosperity of the city for my own curiosity. I have a wife, two lovely foals who must be protected. I would never let the usurpers put them in danger... Never.”

“Striker Shield, do you recall why this happened or why this city came to be? Apart from what Equestria and the Griffon Empire did to us.” Zealous didn't need to look at him to know this was a touchy subject. Almost all ponies of the city they knew the story of the treachery.

Striker Shield looked up at the large supports that supported the dome structure and allowed it to create it’s own climate. “Of course, the day the humans came and took the artefact and the Colt of Zealous of Equestria was to create methods to protect the kingdom at any or all costs from the Griffons. Even the smallest foals in the kingdom know about what happened.”

“The dragons of the far southern lands came to aid The Colt of Zealous as they fled the Griffon attacks. My mother told me that with the numbers of both Griffon Empire and Equestrian armies attacking the fort...” He sighed and closed his slitted eyes. “ Without the dragons there would have been no chance of escape.”

“Indeed, unable to go south, the colt flew north with the dragons. The gateway was destroyed and the half of artefact that had been recovered was now lost to Celestia, our ancestors had little or no hope to live. But the alliance with the dragons ensured our survival. So far north and out of the way, this became paradise for all the live here, no hardship no pain, only the past.” Zealous led the two down the stairs.

“Is that why the facilities been built in secret and so far south?” Striker Shield asked.

Flare smirked. “It was all my idea about five years ago, we had only recently been stealing technology and blueprints from almost everything from the human world. We decided to build a whole network of them, make it look like it the settlement of those that fled and banished from Equestria.” Flare explained to Striker with pride.

Zealous chuckled. “Yes my sweet young friend, your mind is sharp as anything, you are truly one of the brightest friends I could ever ask for.” Zealous turned her head to him as they continued to walk down the spiral stairs of the tower. “But we discovered something dreadful about their world...”

“What would that be ma'am?” Striker looked very unsettled by the look she gave him, Zealous very rarely let other ponies know when she was worried.

“The humans are large in numbers, and they have created weapons that kill in the blink of an eye. Weapons powerful enough to blow ponies apart, leaving nothing behind. And they use them too. The humans have become experts at destruction. They can create biological weapons that kill an army without a single swing of a sword, or a weapon made from the very fabric of the universe, a weapon that will instantly vaporise a pony.

But this is the worst of the humans, their obsession with infighting over tiny little boarders. At the most fundamental level the humans are no different from us, they long to live in a better world, to care for those in need and make their voices heard, although their methods may seem rather flawed to us.” Zealous concluded as they approached a large wooden door towards the bottom of the castle.

Flare was jogging a little behind the two, larger ponies. He was holding a small, grey box in his claw, with a strap designed to wrap around a hoof. “We, well I, have been able to recreate some of the weapons of the humans, a pulse that imitates the magical blast released when a unicorn performs an immobilisation enchantment.” He explained to Striker as he handed him the small device.

They made their way further down into the underground area of the castle. She explained more to him as they arrived on the platform of an underground train station. “The accomplishments are not only counted in the art of war and weaponry, but in what they create, in their art, their animation, their music. The world has so many wonders and dangers that you just do not know what they are capable of.”

“That is why we created our plan to target the United Kingdom first. We intend to remove the nuclear threat from all over the Earth, using a newly developed Anti-atomic Magical Pulse. AMP for short.” Flare showed Striker the diagram.

“Ah yes I saw this, it was revealed by Zealous about two years ago. I knew of the facilities as well but doesn't everyone know about them?”

“Yes Striker they do, just not the locations, they are to be kept secret, ensuring that if the plan fails only the facilities will fall, the city will stay safe, you have my word on that.”

“I believe you ma'am, but what about Dr. Caballeron?” He asked, allowing such an infamous villain into the city couldn’t be safe when such secrets were at stake.

Zealous remained calm, Striker was not the first pony to question her choice of accomplice. “Thanks to the wonders of human technology and our magical expertise, we were finally able to integrate the long range focus magical teleporter we started building nine years ago. The technology, and the wonders we have created with it ensure that finding this place is next to impossible, that’s why I have no worries about Dr. Caballeron, Striker. He is of no threat to Frozsaidia City.”

The wind picked up a little and Flare stepped forward as a bright light illuminated the entrance to the underground tunnel. “One of those wonders, which I personally helped develop, is the underground train network that was completed five years ago, the heart of Frozsaidia City transport network. Trains arrive in almost every station every ten minutes. It the core of what makes the city more closely tied together. The whole network is centred around the Frozsaidia Hub, the largest station with nineteen platforms that all trains link to and go out to all stations across the city.” Flare pulled out a map of the city train network, including two tracks leading to the secret facilities to the South.

“Talking about the city and everything else today been really refreshing cousin, I really enjoyed this chat, if I may, I need to return to my duties in the castle, I am the captain of the guard after all.” Striker gave Zealous a hug, “just don't be a stranger ok?”

“Sure cousin, see you around you big lug.” She hit him on the arm softly and with a wave he left, heading up the steps. “He’s right, it has been refreshing...” Zealous turned to the train pulling up. “Now for Dr. Caballeron.”

Flare checked the schedule. “Are you sure that Dr. Caballeron should know about what took place 500 years ago?” He questioned, still concerned over the choices that Zealous was making.

Zealous let out a breath of air, stomping her hoof firmly on the ground. “He and his hench ponies are the first foreigners to step hoof in this city in a long time, Dr. Caballeron has the right to know. That’s why we are holding our talks in the local library on the west side of the city, close to the waterfall.”

Flare put the map away into his bag. “And the ponies that work for him?”

“They can explore the city as they wish, as long as they keep out of trouble. Also I will have guards keeping tabs on them the whole time, just to be sure.” Zealous added.

“Understood Zealous.” Flare put his claw hands behind his back and stood beside Zealous as the train came to a stop at the platform. The doors opened and they both stepped on board to come face to face again with Dr. Caballeron.

“Ah Zealous, it is good to meet you once again, I gather this isn't our stop.” Dr. Caballeron said, watching the doors shut behind her to the sound of the high pitched warnings.

Zealous took a seat with Flare as the train started to move. “Indeed Dr. Caballeron, we’re going to the west side of the city, our little chat is going to be held at the Cliff Side Library, it resides beside the very waterfall that flows through the great Poseineigh River.”

“Interesting, and what of my friends?”

“They have the freedom to explore the city, with the condition that they won't cause any trouble and that they abide by our laws. You are the first ponies to step hoof in Frozsaidia since the founding of the city.” Zealous said, facing Dr. Caballeron. She pulled a bag of gold, gems, and jewels out of her saddle bag with her magic. “I believe this is your payment to our terms.” She floated it over to him, landing it between his forelegs.

He opened it and carefully counted each jewel and coin. “Indeed, as agreed. I am still amazed by the level of development in this fine city, it nothing that we seen before,” he quickly added. “How is that you’re far more advanced than the ponies of Equestria?”

“That is one of the subjects we will be talking about Dr. Caballeron and, as from this moment on, you and your friends are welcomed guests to our city, I hope you will enjoy your stay.” Zealous said in a calm collected voice.

“I am sure we will.” Dr. Caballeron replied, sounding less than convinced.

The trip to the station was short. They left and made their way top side, joining the small crowd of ponies also leaving and entering the station. The three accompanying hench ponies decided to check out the local café that wasn't too far from the station while Dr. Caballeron, Zealous and Flare made their way up the road alongside the cliff to the library, a fat, mushroom shaped building, supported by a number of thick, stone columns to stop the rear half of the building from sliding down the large cliff it was hovering over.

Zealous strode up the wide, marble steps to the library, followed closely by Flare. Dr. Caballeron in comparison, looked less than confident at the structural integrity of the building, and it’s close proximity to the large waterfall that seemed to cut this part of the city in half. “Are you coming Dr. Caballeron?” Zealous asked.

He gulped a little. “Yes of course, I was just a bit… surprised by the architecture. This building looks more like a museum than a library.”

“Well libraries are rather like museums, Dr. Caballeron. Precious tomes containing great historical events, as told by the victors, of course. Here, one can find the stories that are unknown to even the wise, omniscient Princess Celestia, as well as a superb selection of fictional novels, poems and a wide range of other resources, including out City Net computer library.”

“Computer?” Dr. Caballeron looked positively baffled by the word.

Zealous chuckled. “Come, Dr. Caballeron you have much to learn and hear.” Cautiously, he walked up to the entrance and they entered into the reception area of the library.

He whistled loudly, impressed at the sheer size of the library, at the seemingly endless aisles of books that lined the walls and the shelves. “Your city just keep surprising me, dear Zealous. I am very impressed.”

Flare coughed, putting a claw hand out. “This way to the private study, she will speak to you in there.”

“Of course.” Dr. Caballeron followed Zealous up the stairs, past a few aisles of books labelled ‘Geological Poetry’, until they arrived at the small wooden door. Pulling it open, they entered the room and Zealous closed it behind them. The study was a mini library in itself, complete with a desk, chairs, light lamps and an impressive view of the waterfall, the city and the dome.

Zealous picked up the phone with her magic. “This is Zealous, can I have refreshments brought to my private study please.”

“Of course ma'am, we will have it brought up to you shortly,” came the reply from the pony on the other side the line.

“Thank you.” Zealous put the phone back on the reserve. “Now Dr. Caballeron, why don't you take a seat and I can begin to tell you the tale of The Colt of Zealous, and how, 500 years ago, the very order created by Princess Celestia was betrayed, and its members forced into exile in the frozen north.”

Dr. Caballeron took a seat. “Has this got something to do with the artefact?”

“Everything, Dr. Caballeron, and this is how the story begins...”

Author's Note:

This chapter focus a little on Zealous as a back ground to her motives and such.

Also planning that the next few chapters show a bit more of the Colt of Zealous that part of this ever going story.

If you got any views on this chapter and those that follow please let me know what you think and comment on it.

All I am doing is just trying to show the otherside of the coin as it where, even the actions of Zealous seem wrong to some, her actions speak of experience and what she learned through out her life, the reasons they do what they do for the very ponies of this very northern city deep in the Frozen North.

I get some dislike this story and others like it with the thumbs up and down system but I would love to hear your views on it overall. See why you guys like it or dislike it.