• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,719 Views, 83 Comments

Tale of Soarin McLighting - Electuroo

Soarin McLighting, an airshow spitfire pilot and ex-RAF test pilot for new planes in the United Kingdom. He dreams of a land of magical talking ponies where the wonderbolts take flight, this is tale when it does in a unexpecting way

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Chapter 3: The Meeting of Soarin

Tale of Soarin McLighting
Chapter 3: The Meeting of Soarin

“Seriously Soarin how long are you going to stay here?” I was reading a book and lowered it slightly to see a rather annoyed Spitfire. “You’ve been here almost five days now, watching over him...” she hinted to the stallion on the medical bed with the mask over his snout connected to the devices on his bedside that kept him alive.

I put the book on my lap and stared at her. “Long as it takes for him to wake, Spits...”

She groaned, putting a hoof to her head. “Soarin you and I have got things to do at the Academy, this is the only time of the year we get to see what talent there is out there for joining the Wonderbolts, we can’t just mope around the hospital. The things we do are serious, our last performance was just lucky to coincide with this...” she pointed a hoof to the stallion.

I sighed and just kept looking at him... “I know Spits... but how would you feel if there was another you in Equestria? And you were looking right at her, what then?”

Spitfire bit her lip a little, seeing I had got through to her. She walked over to the bed and pulled the sheets back, looking at the stallion's flank and then back at mine. “I can see your point… it’s creepy... looking at him then at you...”

I got up and walked over to her, putting a hoof to her side. “Spits, with your request I would like to take a short term leave. Only a few more days, if he doesn't wake up I will return to the Academy, no questions asked.”

Spitfire smirked at me, pushing my hoof off her. “Don't push it Soarin. I will grant you those days, but whether he’s awake or not, if you don't return in three days time, I will personally come here and drag you back by the tail, all the way to the Academy.” I gulped at the thought, her dragging me back there, it would be the last thing I would like to happen... “Got it?”

“Y-yes Ma’am!” I saluted.

She patted me on the foreleg with a chuckle. “Good, I’ll be heading off, it’s getting late, so get some rest and don't forget to exercise your wings, last thing I need is my co-captain getting sloppy in front of the cadets.”

“Sure thing Spits,” I smirked.

“See you in a few days Soarin.” We hugged and then she left, trotting out of the room.

I pulled the sheets back over him, looking at his still, slowly breathing form, the beeping of the monitor came to my ears and I checked it with a smile. “Hope you wake up soon my friend, you’ve got a lot of questions to answer.” I looked over at the doorway where the two white guard ponies were standing, one a unicorn, the other a pegasus. Princess Celestia wasn't taking any chances. I couldn't blame her.

I cheerfully trotted back over to my seat. Getting back into position, I placed my hind hooves on the leg rest in front of the seat and picked up my book with my front hooves. As the sun started to set, I turned on the lamp beside me and settled back down to reading my book. The hours slowly ticked by and let out a yawn.

Another day past without much happening and he was still hooked to the machine... it was going nowhere. I had one day left before returning back to the Wonderbolt Academy. I had removed my flightsuit and hung it on the rack by the bed. Feeling much better and more comfortable without my flightsuit on I went back to reading... the day was drawing in again and the sun was setting to show the end of another day...

“How long does a pony stay in a coma?” I muttered, looking over at him. I turned to the jacket hanging there beside my flightsuit. “I wonder how I’d look with that on...” I shook that thought out of my head. “No if any pony were to catch ya, you’d be dead meat.”

“That yer would be partner, and yer wouldn't get a pie from me!” I turned to see Applejack trotting in with a tray on her back, carrying a nice hot apple pie. “Ah thought ah’d drop by to give ya this, ah heard yer’d be stayin' till he woke.”

I licked my snout seeing the pie. “Yeah, it’s true, but after tomorrow night I have to go back home first thing in the morning.” I took the tray off her back and placed it on the little table by my chair. “Boy, I am hungry as a horse!”

Applejack laughed as I dived right into the pie, devouring the juicy pastry and covering my face in its delicious contents. “Easy there sugarcube, no pony’s gonna steal it.”

I swallowed a piece and licked my snout. “I know, but these pies are so amazing! I really love them!”

“Yer as bad as Rainbow Dash when it comes to Apple Cider,” she shook her head. “At least ah got two loyal customers.” Applejack turned to the sleeping form at the bed. “‘As he woke?”

“No... but I’m sure he muttered something earlier,” I replied and on cue, a soft muffling word spoke out, “Mist...”

“Did ah hear right? Mist? Is that somepony special to him? And did yer hear that accent?” Applejack trotted over to the bedside.

“Yeah I did. But it seems he dreaming of something, wish I knew what.” I pulled the sheets up a little. “Any luck on the flying machine?”

“Nope, we’re not even allowed to move it off mah field but the princesses are givin' us extra bits for the trouble though,” Applejack replied. “Twilight did pull out some books from it and is checkin' them with Rainbow Dash at the library as we speak.” Applejack placed a bag of apples on the table.

I tapped my hoof against my snout, thoughtfully, “I wonder what they found.”

“Beats me Soarin. Well, see yer, ah got to make sure mah sister has gone to bed. She’s got school in the mornin'.” Applejack trotted up to the tray and put it back on her back. “Goodnight sugarcube.”

I turned to her as I went back to my seat. “Goodnight Applejack, and thank you for the amazing pie.”

“Aw shucks, it’s nothin', enjoy the apples as much as mah pie Soarin.” Applejack ambled off down the hallway.

I sat back down. “Well back to the book I guess...”

Sometime later as I read under the lamplight, I heard hoof steps that got my attention, it was late... the nurses wouldn't be making their rounds for another hour or so, I looked at the door as they entered...

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, I wonder what they were doing up at this hour, I know why I was still up until my eyelids felt like lead, but them... “What brings you two up here at this hour?” I asked with a smirk, putting the book on the side, still sitting on the chair with my hind legs resting over each other on the stall.

“Whoa Soarin, I didn't expect to see you still here, I thought you left with Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash instantly said and I chuckled with my front hooves resting behind my head.

“I am surprised too, visiting hours are over.” Twilight pointed towards the clock.

I looked it with a smirk. “Really? I didn't notice.” I heard a snigger from Rainbow Dash. “Jokes aside, I asked to stay, the doc said I shouldn't but when I told him that I want to be there when 'he' wakes, I think he understood.”

Rainbow Dash went right to the bedside. “No kidding Soarin, since this is another Soarin after all, if he is called that.”

Twilight opened her saddle bag.“Of course his name is Soarin, in fact we got these from the flying machine.” Twilight showed them to me.

I took one from her magic field and opened it to see the words 'Spitfire Mk 9 201-293 flight log' printed inside the cover with the name 'Blue Lightning' under it. The owner of the flying machine was called 'Soarin McLighting' I saw the second name, lighting? Or was it spelt without the 'n' and still pronounced 'lightning'? But what struck me was the name of the flying machine, a Spitfire...

“Seriously, is this some joke? That thing is called a Spitfire? When Spits hears this she is going to flip! Seriously, what pony would call a flying machine a name of a pony? Not only that, but the captain of the Wonderbolts! That just an insult to her name!” I harrumphed in annoyance.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at me. “I know how you feel, when I saw it I had the same reaction but this thing also has a name, it’s called Blue Lightning, another Pony name... seriously what’s up with those ponies back there? Why would they fly machines like that if they’ve got wings?” Rainbow Dash pulled his wing out from the cover showing it to us.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight pulled Rainbow Dash away from the pony in the bed and placed his wing back into the covers. “That’s uncalled for! I know it’s weird but that thing outside is a flying metal bird, it’s his flying machine and we have been unable to figure out what it is or how to make it work without breaking it to pieces, and that’s the last thing we want to do! Unless he stops breathing right now, the order of Princess Celestia stands! No pony is to touch the metal machine or examine it until she and Luna say so!” Twilight was waving her hooves around, emphasising her lecture to Rainbow Dash. “Think what he would think if we did that, it’s bad enough that we took these log books out of it to get answers, luckily enough, Celestia allowed it!”

“And Soarin, seriously!? So the flying machine is called Spitfire… if that thing if I read in the other books are right, then that thing is far older than Spitfire, so in a way if you think about it, she would be the one in his view copying the name!” Twilight was little more than a snout’s length away from my face, glaring at me. “Which would you think would be the insult? Neither side knew what the other had till right this moment... so stop being an overly sensitive pony! I know you’re a Wonderbolt but think about the bigger picture will you!”

I just gulped with a rapid nod, agreeing to what she said to me...

Rainbow Dash shook her head as I watched. “Seriously Twilight... I am not that stupid...but seriously look at me.” She pointed her hooves at him, both Twilight and I stared as she continued to speak. “He’s Soarin! Seriously, how much more freaking crazy can it get than another Soarin in that bed!? It’s insane knowing there are two of him in Equestria now!”

Twilight sighed “Ok point taken... since he is not awake we have to come back later...” she glance at the still form. “Soarin, goodnight.”

“Goodnight Princess...”

“Just Twilight”

“Goodnight Twilight” I corrected with a smile. “Same to you Dash.”

Rainbow Dash came right close to me. “So?”

“Not now Dash” I whispered into her ear. “If I don't get any joy by tomorrow night, how about we go take a night flight over the Winsome Falls?” her wings beating rapidly, her face turned bright red when I said it. With a sly smile I whispered. “I take that as a yes.”

“OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh” Rainbow Dash kept repeating over and over again. Twilight rolled her eyes and picked her up with her magic.

Twilight shook her head, taking Rainbow Dash with her. “Goodnight once more Soarin...”

“Same to you” I chuckled and watched her leave while the frozen in place Rainbow Dash kept repeating the same words over and over again, wings fluttering like crazy. “I think I broke her” I laughed, sitting back in my chair and noticed the log book left behind. I opened it and looked at the details of dates on it and performances, then I noticed a photo on the next page.

I stared at the photo, it was of the pony in the bed with two other ponies, all pegasi for sure and each wearing almost the same jackets as the one we had found him wearing and was now resting on the rack just by the door. Each had a different pattern on the jackets to his one though, one was red, white and red again with a red leaf in the middle of it, that one belonging to a stallion with dark brown fur and a black mane and tail, quite short but the mane was very spiky. The other pony was a mare. She had red fur and blonde mane and tail, tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing a stetson with the sort of grin that I seen from Applejack when I bought that amazing Apple Pie at the Gala.

But one thing I did notice other than the three flying machines behind them sitting there just in view was that each of the three looked... happy, these ponies were all pegasi and yet they flew flying machines, that thing must be more sentimental than practical... could it be... “He performs in airshows with that thing... he must have...” They were holding a cake out in front of them with the words “Happy fifth Anniversary Team Spitfire..” I glanced over at the pony in the bed. Five days ago we knew hardly anything about him but this one photo told the story... this one photo showed it all before my very eyes... “That means his arrival was either an accident or he was brought here against his will... no way he would risk leaving his team behind for a stunt like that... heck I wouldn't.”

I noticed another pony in the picture next to Soarin, she has snow blue fur with a deep orange mane, he has his other hoof around her.. “Whoa... that must be...”

“Mist...” I heard a whisper, the mask muffled the words slightly but I heard it. “Mist...” I saw tears falling down the side of his face... it made me feel bad hearing him whisper out a name... then it struck me, the mare next to him was Mist... I sighed heavily, it was sinking in, seeing this photo and hearing his unconscious muffling words escape his snout behind the oxygen mask...

I trotted over to him and took his hoof over on his side putting the photo on his chest I place the hoof over it. “Rest easy buddy, I know now you’re not a threat... you’re lost... rest up.” I tapped the stallion with my hoof and walked back over to the chair and sat down, placing the logbook on top of the book I had been read. “Goodnight Soarin McLightning...” I put my hind legs up on the stall and front legs behind my head, getting comfortable I let my eyes close as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke to the feel of the first light of the sun shining on my face, I yawned, feeling refreshed from that nice nap, when my eyes opened Rainbow Dash was hovering over me with her front hooves crossed. “Morning Rainbow Dash” I yawned again stretching my forelimbs and hindlimbs.

“Yeah, morning...”

“What?” I saw her looking at me with daggers then I realised looking down I was wearing a... “Whoa, how the hay am I wearing this!?” I jumped out of the seat, looking over myself then saw my flightsuit was missing and I looked over at the bed. “Aw ponyfeathers...”

Rainbow Dash landed and shook her head, “So you’re our Soarin?”

“Of course! Applejack gave me an amazingly delicious apple pie last night before you and Twilight showed up with the logbooks!” I said to her, then look to the table to see the bag of apples was gone. “He took my snacks too...” I muttered. “Clever though...”

Rainbow Dash saw the logbook still on the table, but the photo I had found was nowhere to be seen. “He must have woken up in the night, put you in his jacket somehow and took your Wonderbolt flightsuit.”

I put a hoof to my head, “Oh Spits is going to have me for this... not only has he gone who knows where, but he’s got my flightsuit too!” I quickly went to the guards “Did he leave....”

“Your finally awake, good we...”

“No no he not that Soarin, THE Soarin of the Wonderbolts, the other one McLighting...”

“McLightning” I corrected her.

“Right, whatever, he put Soarin into his flight jacket and took Soarin's flightsuit!” Rainbow Dash explained to them.

The pegasi guard frowned, “You sure?”

“YES!” both of us said at the same time.

“That would explain the limping with the flightsuit hung over his back, he saluted us and said the most strangest thing...” The unicorn recalling the events. “He said... keep up the bloody good work, in such an accent too.”

Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her head. “Are you two thick headed! Does Soarin really sound like whatever this accent was!?”

Both guards looked at each other and shook their heads “No,” they answered.

“But now what? He went almost a hour ago, he could be anywhere!” The Pegasus guard said to us.

I thought about it and turned to Rainbow Dash “How did you know?”

“Oh Pinkie Pie said that something crazy was going down at the hospital, so I went to check it out as she hopped off to get the other girls and head over to Sweet Apple Acres. And to get your rump there too,” Rainbow Dash explained. “When I asked why, all I got was, 'oh Dashie you’ll be in for a real surprise' and that was it, she was gone.”

I smirked “That Pinkie Pie friend of yours, nothing get by her much, does it?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “It really depends on what’s going on, but not normally?”

I look to the guards “Inform the others he is at Sweet Apple Acres, most likely trying to get to his flying machine.”

“Right on it sir!” the unicorn replied with a salute and they left.

Rainbow Dash looked at me seeing that smirk on my snout. “He’s not there is he?”

“Not even close. I think he’s closer than we think, can you access the hospital roof from the windows?” I asked Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash step up to the window “Sure, I saw it on my way here but I didn't see him then.”

I flew out the window with Rainbow Dash then went skywards, I pointed a hoof to a blind spot on the hospital roof and right there, before both of our eyes was a light blue pegasus and my flightsuit beside him. We landed just out of sight, watching him as he just sat there looking out to the sun rising in the distance.

We saw him watch the pony guards leaving then sat back a little. “Took them long enough to realise I duped them,” Soarin whispered, looking back to the sunrise. “Couldn't get far even if I tried, this leg is still sore and I’ve got almost no strength to talk of...” Soarin spoke to himself, taking an apple with a hoof and eating half of it. “And you’re just talking to yourself Soarin... what would your stupid, good for nothing psychiatrist think of you now...”

“You’re a bit loopy,” Rainbow Dash stepped out of hiding and I sighed stepping out too. “Pretty rad move you pulled. Also that’s one awesome accent you’ve got there.”

Soarin didn't even turn to her so didn’t notice me. “Had a feeling someone like you would find me eventually, Miss Dash.” He munched on the rest of the apple.

Rainbow Dash looked a bit startled, “Whoa whoa whoa! How the hay do ya know my name!?” She was standing beside him now, looking at him with annoyance.

Soarin’s eyes turned to her as I just stood there just behind, he most likely saw me in the corner of his eye. “Because I know things that aren’t right to know... forced every sleeping moment to see a life of another isn't right...” He turned his eyes away, looking out to the sun. “Beautiful... I always liked the sunrise, as the stars fade into the daytime... it just happens a little faster than I am used to... sometimes taking time from day to night, and night to day for special moment when the colours of the night and day blend into the most spectacular view...”

Rainbow Dash sat beside him, hind legs hanging off the roof like his, tail hanging too. I decided to join them and sat down on the other side of Dash. “I am guessing you mean my life...”

“Sadly yes... not all of it just pieces... 15 years of pieces...” he sighed heavily. “Sorry...”

“About what?” I gazed past Rainbow Dash at him.

He chuckled, “You bloody know what...”

Rainbow Dash joined in the laugh and nudged me a little with her hoof. “Yeah Soarin, you know what he means.”

I look at the jacket and chuckled myself. “Yeah the switch... do you want your jacket back?”

“Sure, and I’ll give you your flightsuit back too, don't worry, I haven't worn it, not my thing.” He tossed it over to me, I caught it and took off his jacket and tossed it over to him. “Apple?” He asked after loosely putting his jacket on without doing up the zip.

“Why not” I replied, Rainbow Dash took an apple off him, tossed one to me and took another for herself.

“I can't believe I am sitting with two Soarins... this is so unreal!” Rainbow Dash giggled.

“And the way we are just relaxing too...” I added as we all just sat there watching the sun rise in the horizon. “Soarin, are you really a pegasus?” I asked. It felt strange asking him such an odd question.

Rainbow Dash gave me a frown, “Of course he is! That flying machine called a Spitfire is made for a pony to fly in! And you saw that photo!”

Soarin held up the photo with his hooves. “The photo... I remember it being taken but when I look at it, something about it just doesn’t feel right.” We watched him pull out a strange looking item from his pocket. “I think it has been changed...”

“How so?” Rainbow Dash asked.

He pushed a few buttons on the strange looking device and a voice came out of it. We heard the words... “Soarin McLighting, without the N before the 'ing'... another dream about the pegasus Soarin. He was talking to the mare named Rainbow Dash... some sort of wedding at Canterlot... Today marks 15 years since I've been having these dreams...”

We continued to listen with amazement...

“Got into the habit of doing my hair up similar to the pegasus's... colour and all, it's been about seven years on that line. Happy 15th anniversary to me, yay...”

We could just about make out the sound of movement, but it was the sound of just one and two steps, none of the clop or clap that our hooves usually make.

“Today is the local town airshow and I will be flying the Blue Lightning Spitfire. I really like that plane. It's funny how my dreams turned it into a living, breathing pegasus named Spitfire. At least, that's what the psychologist suggested. That, and that my dreams of being a pony pegasus were just a desire to be in the skies for real. I think he's right.”

“Why else would I love to fly a Spitfire in the airshows and then take care of that plane as if it were alive?” we heard him chuckle. “This talking magical pony thing in my dreams is just that, a dream, something my subconscious did to help my piloting career to reach its heights.” We hear a slight pause in his voice. “Heck, I used to fly the fastest and most insane aircraft the RAF could get in the air. If these dreams are how I deal with that then so be it. This is Soarin McLighting signing off, having tea and a good old fashioned bacon sandwich with some ketchup.”

Next part was the sound of something loud in the background then I and Rainbow Dash put the dots together that was the engine of that Spitfire thing...

“Soarin McLighting... day two in this fog...” He checked his watch for the time. “I am not even sure if it is day two... the time is 9:39pm if my watch is working correctly... Most of the systems are showing me random displays that I don't trust any more... still, the autopilot’s working, I can be sure of that...”
“I am sure there was only two hours of fuel left in this tank... how the plane’s still got power is beyond me, but the roaring sound of Blue Lightning's engines are proof enough and the propeller’s still spinning...”
We heard him sighed heavily. “It all started so well... before this happened. We were set and ready to go, ready to show the spectators our moves and perform to the crowds on the beach and fair...”

Then the voice from it stopped and he pushed another one of those buttons. “That’s my proof that things are alternating in my mind and this photo...” He sighed heavily. “I don't know why or how this is happening but it is... my plane is most likely damaged... I have the worst possible headache and I am intruding on your lives...”

I could tell Rainbow Dash felt bad for him. “Twilight could help you out, maybe find out what causing your mind to get all messed up like that.”

Soarin put the device away. “Maybe she can do more... she could keep a written copy of everything I said in this device too... it’s got a battery life... so it won't last forever...”

I glanced over to him. “So you really dreamed pieces of my life?” he nodded silently, looking down the path, avoiding my eyes. “That’s just really creepy you know...”

“Think how I feel about it... forced in my sleep to dream about your life... see things that should be personal... till this very moment... I bloody thought everything was a dream... all this... being kicked in the face by a screaming white unicorn falling after her butterfly wings burn up, you wanting to get out of that Gala because of all the rich snobs...”

“Ok ok enough! I get it... jeez you really know things about me... things you were really never meant to know... that’s just not right...” I felt really bad for him now... this Soarin’s life had not only been plagued by seeing another pony’s life but now he was sitting there only a few feet away from the pony’s whose life he had been forced to experience... “Rainbow, let’s get him to the library”.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin gave me a surprised look. “Soarin you sure? He well... you know he could be a spy for all we know...” she whispered.

“You know how crazy that sounds right?” I raised an eye.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her head “Yeah it sounded better in my head... Ok I'll help, but you still owe me that flight at the Winsome Falls Mr. Wonderbolt.” She poked me in the chest with her hoof.

I smirked, “Did I ever say we wouldn’t?”

“Yeah, but now you owe me, so no getting out of it, buster!” Rainbow Dash got up and flew over to Soarin's other side. “Ready for some flight aid?”

He just stared at her. “What makes you think I can't fly with these?” He hinted to his wings opening them up and closing them.

“Nothing, but you’re in no condition to fly, heck you just woke up after being in a coma for six days!” Rainbow Dash jabbed him in the chest gently with her hoof. “Fall flat on your face if you like, but if you want to get anywhere , then you’ll just have to let me help.” She hovered back a little.

Soarin sighed “Fine... you win you bloody showpony...” He raised his forelegs up “Let’s get this over with as quickly and efficiently as possible...”

I put a hoof to his shoulder “Sure thing buddy. But one question.”


“What do we call you being in the same room?” I asked.

“Damn it Mist... I am going to so get you for this,” he muttered to himself with a heavy sigh. “Use the blasted nickname my gir...” he saw us staring. “Fine I’ll use your stupid pronouns! Marefriend! My marefriend Mist gave me a stupid nickname Blue! Bloody happy!?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, hovering there still. “Doesn't bother me, I think it’s an ok nickname, not the best, or very original but it’ll do.”

I put my flightsuit over my back then we took him by his fore legs, and we flew off the hospital roof towards Golden Oak Library. When we arrived we opened the door and...


So much for just getting help from Princess Twilight Sparkle...
“WELCOME SOARIN MCLIGHTNING TO YOUR GOOD MORNING WELCOME PARTY!!!!!!” Pinkie Pie screamed out... and there was a banner too, it had the correct spelling.

Soarin blurted right out of his mouth in an instant with a startled look on his face...“What the fuck...”

Author's Note:

Here we go guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much I enjoyed writing it.

Wasn't quite sure how they should meet up and came up with this after a short time.

Any thoughts on what may happen is welcomed and love to hear your comments on this story ^_^