• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 9: Generous Honesty

Twilight was running from home to home trying to find any trace of Martin with Spike in tow. For a long while Twilight had been debating on how to approach the situation when she figured out what fate would befall Martin after using the stones and she settled on tracking him down and undoing the mess she unwittingly caused with great protest from Spike who really didn’t want to go along.

After several minutes of silence Spike spoke up somewhat confused, “why is finding Martin so important right now Twilight, you kind of just grabbed me and rushed out the door”

Twilight turned her attention to Spike after she slowed herself from running, “Sorry Spike, I just didn’t have the time to say anything”, she immediately re-increased her pace, “When I gave the stones to Martin I thought they were the Roserio stones when in fact they were the ROSArio Stones”

Spike just looked at her blankly to whom Twilight sighed, “Ok stay with me here Spike; the stones Martin used are very dangerous in terms of using them in a public area like Ponyville, the reason for this is because the magic emitted does amplify emotions but not in the controlled way I wanted”, Spike nodded in understanding, “the Rosario Stones are known for amplifying one key emotion, the emotion of Desire toward the user”

Spike looked a bit concerned, “does that mean every pony will be after him?”

Twilight shook her head, “no, the stones only amplify the opposite gender of the user and ONLY if the pony harbours the emotion towards the individual be it major or minor, and I think there are probably only three ponies in Ponyville I believe have succumbed to it, but it gets worse”

Spike just shivered, “how could it be worse”

Twilight took on a grim expression, “the affected ponies will stop at nothing to appease the enhanced desire, and even going as far as to fighting off others they deem a threat, even ponies that are their friends, I just hope we find him soon”

Spike was worried but hid it behind a dismissing wave, “come on Twilight, Martin can lift an entire farm house wall without breaking a sweat, how bad could it be?”


Martin gave an irritated groan as he looked across the candle lit table at Rarity who was dressed in a very fancy dining gown and was staring dreamily at Martin with her chin resting on her front hooves. Martin was not expecting Rarity of all ponies to snatch him off the street and tie him to a chair of which he was sitting in at that very moment, and with enchanted rope no less. He began to struggle in futility which only caused Rarity to let out a sigh that matched her look, Martin would have called for help at that point, if Rarity hadn’t used a spell to literally turn his voice off when he was tied down.

Martin made a gesture with his hand which caused Rarity to smile and perk up, her horn glowed for a second and Martin spoke with a kind smile, “Rarity, I would be able to greatly enjoy this divine get together more if you untied me, please?”

Rarity gave a slight laugh in response, “Oh Darling, you know what happened the last time I did that, we can’t have you running away on me again can we?”

Martin looked down and sighed in defeat but jolted slightly when he heard a chair being moved, he looked up and noticed Rarity sauntering over to Martin with the same smile that Dash had. She then hopped on his lap and stared half lidded into Martin’s eyes, Martin leaned his head away slightly as Rarity tried to get hers closer.

Rarity then leaned toward his ear and whispered in a soft yet slightly seductive voice, “Why don’t we retire to my studio so we can.…”, she then looked at him once more as she ran her left front hoof along the left side of Martin’s face causing him to tremble slightly, “….have a little fun as it were”

Martin’s right eye twitched as she hopped off his lap and looked him up and down while biting her lower lip, she then began to magically drag the chair toward the stairs. Martin prayed to whatever god was listening for some divine intervention, which soon came in the form of the Boutiques doors being kicked opened. Martin was then lassoed and yanked across the room into a nearby wall breaking the chair and causing the ropes to fall from him, he looked up into the smiling face of Applejack.

He stood up and began thanking her, “thank you so much for saving me from her you have no idea….”, he stopped when he saw Rarity gritting her teeth in anger, Applejack then stood defiantly before her in an act to shield Martin.
Applejack then looked at Martin, “Martin, quickly head on back to the farm, ah’ll handle Rarity”

Martin then booked it as fast as he could in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, however back at the boutique Rarity was staring at Applejack with absolute anger, she then spoke in an annoyed tone, “Applejack, would you be a dear and step aside please, I was TRYING to have a nice get together with my sweet Martin before you so rudely interrupted, so as a friend I’m asking you to remove your uncouth self from my sight so I can get some alone time with Marty”

Applejack just shook her head as she cracked her rope in defiance, “sorry Rar, ah aint movin, and if anypony is going to get some alone time with Martin, it’s me”

Twilight was getting extremely flustered; she had passed Rainbow Dash who was acting like an aerial sentry looking for her target which Twilight could only assume was Martin. As she continued to run through the streets she came across a destroyed Carousel Boutique…well the destruction was inside of the royal looking building. Twilight saw Rarity in a destroyed dining dress with her mane dishevelled and she was currently biting at the ropes that bound her, most likely forgetting she could use magic. Twilight was about to say something when Rarity yelled out in anger and levitated some scissors a little too fast over to herself as Twilight quickly shut the door. She then walked over to a nearby bench and sat down exhausted, all she could think about was where Martin could possibly be, she was actually close to giving up the search until a shadow was cast over her.

A friendly sounding male voice was heard, “Is there something troubling you, young mare?”

Twilight didn’t bother looking up and Spike was already passed out beside her, “I’m trying to find a friend of mine so I can save him from three of my friends who have gone completely love crazy for him and no matter what I do, I can’t find him”

The voice spoke in a reassuring tone, “do not give up hope, I can tell you are a strong and intelligent pony who cares for her friends and all others, you will find him, you just need to think as your friends think”

Twilight looked to the side with a thoughtful expression, “Rainbow is brash and wouldn’t mind doing things to Martin in public, and Rarity is more refined and sophisticated and wouldn’t do anything unless it was within the privacy of her own home”, then a look of happiness and realization appeared, “But Applejack would try something unexpected and yet it would have a slight hint of decency, meaning she would have to wait till the family was away and if memory serves, the apples are in town at the moment so she would take Martin back to Sweet Apple Acres!!”

Twilight immediately hopped off the bench and grabbed a now very awake and startled baby dragon and put him on her back before turning around, “thank you very mu-“, her eyes widened in shock as she saw no one on the bench, before she could question what happened Spike tapped her slightly and pointed in the direction of the farm


Martin was currently taking refuge in the barn from the slightly crazed Applejack, she was trying to bust down the doors with her bucking, but thanks to Martin’s enhanced strength it was having no effect. The relived breath he was about to take got stuck in his throat when he looked up and saw Rainbow hovering near the roof having slipped through a window near the top of the barn.

Rainbow then yelled triumphantly, “HA, I TOLD YOU I WOULD FIND YOU!!!”

She then flew at him with a loud “YAAAAA!!!”, Martin thought quickly and leapt from the ground onto a rafter above him. What happened next was amazingly random, without any resistance AJ kicked the doors open…only to have Rainbow plow straight into her causing both ponies to roll into a nearby tree causing all the apples to fall and bury them. Martin turned around and came face to face with Rarity, who was dressed like an urban ninja, her mane was tied into pig tails, she had one black stripe on both of her cheeks and was also wearing her wrecked dress in a sort of hooded kung fu robe style.

Rarity then tackled Martin to the ground and levitated the same rope that was used to tie her up from behind her, “I am the ninja of love, and I shall make this a day you will never forget”

All of a sudden AJ and Dash burst forth and snorted in anger as they saw Rarity on top of Martin, Dash spoke first, “Hey, get off of him, he’s mine!!!”

Applejack shoved her slightly, “Ah don’t know what yer talkin bout, and he’s MINE!”

Rarity then snapped at both of them as she stepped forward off of Martin who immediately scrambled to a safe distance, “Back off interlopers, if I can’t have Marty, nopony can!”, she then pulled out another length of rope except this one was had sowing needles threaded through it, she then proceeded to speak three words in a tone of finality every time she cracked her weapon against the ground, “I.HATH.SPOKEN!”

Rainbow then advanced but backed up slightly when the whip weapon hit the ground where she was about to step, “well then you best get you pretentious flank over here, because I’m about to kick it into the great white NORTH!!!”

And then they fought, Rarity having the upper hand because of her weapon, but that was taken and tossed away and the scrap went right into the old fashioned way of fighting, Martin was starting to freak out now that he saw they had the intention of killing each other, but a small side of him was flattered that three girls were fighting over him, which he ignored immediately. He jumped when he felt a hoof on his back; he turned and saw Twilight who he immediately bombarded with questions to which she instead of answering them just explained everything.

Martin then yelled frantically, “How do we make them stop!!!”

Twilight just raised a hoof, “I know a spell that will fix this, give me a second”

Twilight’s horn then began to glow extremely bright as she shut her eyes in complete concentration, she then shot a beam of pure power at the three scraping mare’s. After about three seconds all three of them stopped fighting and looked at each other, all of them were covered in thin lightly bleeding cuts, scrapes, scuffs, and Applejack had a nasty Indian burn on her right front leg. All three immediately collapsed, Martin just looked at Twilight who just nodded as they went to retrieve them.


One hospital visit later, they were all gathered in AJ’s farm all three mares covered in bandages from head to hoof where the injuries were the most severe, all three looked at Martin who was sitting across from them.

Martin just spoke flat out, “I know you girls said and did some things you had no control over, Twilight told me the stones I used amplified the desire you three held towards me and I myself am very surprised you three hold me in a place so close to you hearts, but at the same time, im happy for that”

All three mares smiled at that, Rainbow spoke immediately, “so does that mean we can date?”

AJ and Rarity just looked at her with a “Seriously” expression, Rainbow raised her hooves, “hehehe, just kidding”

Martin laughed at that but spoke in a serious tone, “Listen, I’m just saying this now because we are all thinking it, it would have never worked”, all three immediately took on saddened expressions, “but I care for all of you greatly, hell if all three of you were on my world as humans I would gratefully give each of you a chance, AJ your strong, honest, and a hard worker trust me when I say I love that about you”, AJ smiled at that as she looked up, “Rarity, I mean come on, on my world you would have guys lining up just to breath the same air as you, and I would have to wade through them just to say hi, so don’t think that I would ignore you either”, Rarity bounced her mane with a smile, “And Rainbow Dash, need I say more?”, Rainbow beat her chest slightly at that.

Martin walked up to all three them, “The three of you, no, all of you are my friends and I treasure that deeply, I will never let anything hurt you girls, nothing”

Rainbow smiled at the sentiment, “same here dude”, she chuckled slightly, “and it would be weird if you dated any of us, I mean species gap much?”

Rarity laughed, “Indeed, although I must say you would make one attractive colt darling”

AJ nodded, “if that were the case Rarity, Ah would have to fight fer first dibs”

All of them shared a good laugh at that, and soon when they all walked out of the barn to find the rest of their friends, there bond was never stronger. However, watching once more from their dimensional “television”, Sortitus nodded in respect at the human’s ingenuity, Aequivalere however was deeply troubled.

Sortitus took notice, '‘Something troubles you?”

Aequivalere merely nodded and spoke in a cold tone, “Yes, and you should be as well, Phobos is unleashed and he continues to grow stronger and-“

Sortitus just shook his head, “the boy will stop him”


Sortitus spoke in a calm tone, “look Aequivalere, even now the mortal grows stronger, he as friends that will stick by him, he is gaining understanding of himself and others, he will be the champion I know him to be”

Aequivalere just raised his arms in frustration, “Understanding and friendship will not save them from Phobos’ wrath”

Sortitus just smiled under his hood, “My friend you are always so cynical, understanding and especially friendship will help him in the final battle”

Aequivalere just stared, “how?”

Sortitus returned his look, “To understand oneself is to know ones limits and strengths and to have such a powerful bond to people or a place gives them something worth fighting for”