• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 12: The Shadow of Doubt

Well this is continued from Chapter 10 sorry for the wait


Phobos folded his wings back into his cloak and looked at the beings present; his face was an unreadable mask of calculation as he began to weigh the odds and possible strengths of them as he continued to stay silent. Martin and The six present were trying to keep on their best poker faces, but in truth deep down they were frightened to death of this new person, but to her credit Fluttershy was trying her best to stay standing and not to faint.

Phobos sharply inhaled as he looked at the six first then Martin, “I smell your fear, it is truly intoxicating and marvellous in quantity.”

When his eyes stopped on Martin, Phobos tilted his head slightly, “How interesting, a mortal human not within his own dimension standing before me."

Celestia then yelled at Phobos in a commanding tone, “Silence creature, you have no business being here, begone at once!!”, Phobos then sharply turned his head and his stare bore into Celestia’s eyes with intensity, “You are the one who should remain silent you insignificant worm, you shall speak when I give you permission”.

That’s when Rainbow finally lost it in terms of holding herself back, she looked right at Phobos and flew as close as she dared, “JUST WHO THE HAY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!”, everypony was making gestures for her to not even continue which she ignored, “YOU MARCH IN HERE ACTING ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY AND YOU HAVE THE TENACITY TO VERBALLY INSULT THE PRINCESS AND ATTACK EVERYPONY AND LOOK AT US LIKE WERE DIRT?!!”, Phobos looked straight into the eyes of the infuriated pegasus unfazed, “WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU PAL, YOUR ABOUT TO GET A DOSE OF PUNISHMENT FROM THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONEY!!!!”

Rainbow flew back to her friends who were already glowing with the power of the elements, Phobos raised an eyebrow at this as Martin backed off, he then felt a strange sensation in his heart which he dismissed as nothing. All six mares then levitated in mid-air and then Twilight opened her eyes which were completely white and glowing, then a rainbow of power shot from all six and slammed into The Lord of Fear. Everypony smiled in victory as they all cheered, Twilight approached Martin with the rest of the six as he joined in the celebration, and a dark day had been averted and…

“Was that all?”

Everypony turned sharply around back to the throne as the smoke cleared revealing the intact and imposing figure of Phobos, “Honestly I was expecting more of a challenge from the strongest magic in all of Equestria, how unfortunate you all failed in my expectations”.

Twilight her friends and The Princesses were at a loss for words, the one thing that had stopped Nightmare Moon, Discord and saved all of Equestria before, had failed against this new being. For the first time in their lives, the princesses felt absolute fear of which Twilight and her friends now shared. Even Pinkie Pie who would literally laugh in fears face was utterly frightened, Martin looked at all of his friends and an angered look appeared upon his face as he approached Phobos.

He then pointed right at Phobos’, “how dare you mouth off to my friends!”, he then took a step forward, “I have seen some twisted individuals in my life, but you are by far the worst of them all, tormenting innocents for your sick fun, well I got news for you….”, he was silenced as Phobos grabbed Martin’s lower jaw and hoisted him off the ground giving a glare that chilled Martin to the core.

Phobos spoke in his cold tone, “Do not take me for a fool mortal, I can sense that your bravery is nothing more than a mask to hide your fear”, Phobos then turned Martin to face the faces of the princesses and the six, “You stand with them when they are not even of your own species, you even defend them as a hero at this moment ”, he then turned Martin back to face him as his wings extended and he began to hover several feet in the air, “You think yourself a hero boy?, you are nothing more than a pathetic child who is far from home that’s just trying to justify his meaningless existence with a dream of grandeur all because you have acquired powers beyond your understanding?”

He then threw Martin to the ground as he spoke with actual disgust, “How absolutely pathetic”, he then looked to the ponies as they came to the humans aid, Phobos then addressed all present, “I would end your existence now, but I’m afraid you have bored me to the point of becoming uninteresting to me”, he then opened his hand toward a nearby window which exploded outward, “I shall give you time to rethink your place in my new kingdom, when you come to a decision, I await in Avilon”. Phobos then took flight and shot out the window like a bullet leaving all who witnessed breathless.

Martin stood and dusted himself off as Celestia turned to Twilight and spoke so all could hear, “My little ponies, I am afraid I cannot ask you to partake in what has transpired for I fear above all things for your safety, if The Elements have failed, myself and Luna are the only things that can hope to stand in Phobos’ way”.

Twilight shook her head, “We can’t let that happen Princess, if you and your sister fall to that monster all of Equestria will fall with you”, she knew what she said next might seal the fate of all of her friends, “we will all go and face this threat since we are the embodiments of The Elements of Harmony it’s our duty to defend Equestria”.
Pinkie Pie spoke up as she playfully pulled Martin toward her friends, “Plus we’ll have Marty with us, he can keep us safe he promised”

Celestia then addressed Martin, “is this true?”, Martin slowly nodded in response as Celestia looked down at her faithful students determined expression, “No matter what I say or do you’re going to stick by this decision aren’t you?”, Twilight nodded with a determined smile.

Celestia then spoke in a tone of authority, “Then be brave and always remember, I shall always be with you”, she then spoke in a gentler tone, “and even though things may be dark, always carry on for there is always light waiting to be found”

With that they all departed back to Ponyville in silence as Twilight began to formulate a strategy, while Martin made no sound and kept a completely straight face.

Sorry for the short chapter, but im currently writing the thirteenth chapter and it shall be uploaded hopefully alongside this one