• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,515 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 10: Nothing To Fear...

This chapter and the next one take place at different times; Chapter eleven will be focusing on what Phobos did in griffin territory before these events. Can’t say any more, Spoilers


Celestia smiled as she continued to read the latest letter sent to her by her faithful student depicting the latest update concerning how Martin was settling in. She closed the letter and was getting ready to reply when there was a knock on her chamber door which she immediately opened with her magic to reveal a guard captain.

The Captain was given permission to speak, “Your highness there is an urgent matter which needs your attention”

Celestia stood, “what is the situation captain?”

The Captain then took on a worried expression, “Lord Highwind has sent an urgent message from The Griffin Kingdom”

Celestia took on a serious expression, “Do you have the message captain”

The Captain shook his head, “No I’m afraid not, the messenger-“

The guard was then shoved aside by a talon, “MOVE IT, important messenger coming through!”

An all too familiar griffin appeared in the doorway looking very haggard, “I’m here to deliver a message to the pony Princess”

Celestia recognized her as Gilda, ex-friend of Rainbow Dash, “Speak Gilda Griffin”

Gilda looked up to reveal her entire right eye was blackened to the point of having no light reflecting in it, some black was even tainting the left corner of her left eye, “Lord Highwind told me to… tell you….”, she then passed out from exhaustion.

Celestia then looked up to see the captain rubbing his side; he noticed the unconscious Griffin and was about to speak when Luna walked up and saw the spectacle before her, “Sister, what happened?”

Celestia looked at her sister, “Luna I need you to find Twilight and her friends and bring them here, it is of the upmost importance that they be here for the message that Lord Highwind has given to this Griffin”

Luna nodded and teleported away immediately, the captain then called for other guards who then took Gilda away to give her time to recover. Celestia looked out of her window at the horizon with a grim expression, she knew a storm was coming and she would have to prepare accordingly.


Martin was sitting in the park with his amp and guitar along with Rainbow who was sitting behind him on a drum set (Martin was surprised as the rest of the ponies when she revealed she could play the drums like a pro), Twilight and the gang were in front of them both along with a small crowd of ponies who were intrigued by the display. At Pinkie’s request, Martin had agreed to play a sort of miniature concert in the park for them but not before saying he couldn’t without a drum player. Of course Dash had spoken up immediately on this matter not wanting him to weasel his way out of it, but he then said he needed a bass player, to which Pinkie replied to by holding a bass guitar to his amp. Martin just sighed not bothering to question it. At the moment he was playing Through the Fire and Flames with no lyrics, Rainbow and Pinkie were keeping up with amazing timing and speed, soon they finished and were treated with applause.

Martin, Pinkie and Dash sat down with the rest of the six and began exchanging small talk, Fluttershy produced a picnic bag and began handing out food, Martin just started eating a sandwich when AJ asked a question he was not expecting, “Martin just outta curiosity, do ya have any friends back home ya miss?”

Martin choked slightly at the question but spoke after he swallowed, “Well, I have a few that I haven’t spoken to in a year do too various reasons beyond my control, but I would have to say I miss one dude because we’ve been friends since we were kids”

Fluttershy then tilted her head slightly, “what’s his name…if you don’t mind me asking”

Martin just smiled, “I don’t mind, his name is Alan Benjamin Washington, and we were the best of friends”

Rarity nodded knowingly, “So you were, as the expression goes, like two peas in a pod?”

Martin nodded, “yep we were, we always were mistaken for brothers sometimes all the way from childhood to graduation, and it’s a shame he had to move away to another city because of his job”

Twilight gave a sympathetic look, “Have you spoken since?”

Martin took another bite of his sandwich before speaking, “Yeah we do, he calls on occasion and he visits when he gets vacation time, we sometimes hang out or catch an action movie just for the hell of it”

At the word movie confused expressions appeared on the mares faces, Pinkie spoke for the rest of them, “What’s a movie Marty?”

Martin then spent several minutes explaining different forms of media entertainment, even explaining that they also held plays and opera’s on his world. When he finished everypony expressed great interest in seeing a movie if they ever could trael to Martin’s world.

Martin just chuckled, “sure, if all of you manage to come to my world sometime, I promise ill show you a movie and other wonders of my world”

He had said wonders with a tad bit of sarcasm, but before any more questions could be asked there was a flash before them and Princess Luna appeared. She then addressed Twilight Sparkle, “Twilight Sparkle, my sister has requested thy presence along with your friends at Canterlot post haste”

Twilight was about to ask why but never got the chance, because all present were mass teleported away leaving several stunned ponies. Soon they all appeared in the Canterlot throne room with two individuals before them, Celestia being one and a griffin with an eye patch over its right eye. Rainbow immediately stared with a completely surprised expression at the griffon; Martin looked at the griffin then at Dash trying to distinguish what there connection was.

Dash narrowed her eyes, “Hi Gilda, like the new look it suites you perfectly”

Gilda detected the intended insult, “Thanks Dash…” she noticed Martin, “so you’ve gone from hanging out with total losers to freaks now?, progress”

Dash immediately rushed her but was stopped by the combined efforts of Martin and Twilight, Gilda snickered at this. Celestia just casted Gilda a scolding look which caused her to stop as Celestia spoke, “Twilight, I have called you all here because Gilda has been given a message by Lord Hyperion Highwind”, Luna walked to her sisters side as a familiar box appeared before both of them and then Celestia continued, “judging by Gilda’s condition and the fact I have not gotten a response from Hyperion since she arrived, I have assumed the worst, Gilda you may proceed”

Gilda stepped forward, “Okay, so Avilon is destroyed and stuff”

This caused all, except Martin to gasp which caused Luna to speak in a flat tone about the very limited explanation, “would you care to elaborate more”

Gilda groaned in irritation, “Fine, everything was going pretty standard when the weirdest dude you would ever see came into town, he looked like the freak over there,” she pointed to Martin who scowled, “except he looked like black smoke mixed with oil with….those…glowing…white eyes,” a look of absolute fear appeared on Gilda’s face, but she shook it off and continued, “every griffin and tourist went to look at him, then the screaming started, I jumped right at the bozo like the cool griffin I am and then…I blacked out that’s all, when I woke up the dude looked way different in appearance, he was all more solid and stuff and started developing features, so after a while of trying to help I decided to fly to the king to warn him of the threat, due to the fact I am currently employed as a guard”

Dash actually laughed at that, “why would the let you join, were they desperate or something?”

Gilda spoke in an irritated tone, “I was always employed Dash, because of my fighting skills, and because I know a couple of COOL friends who joined up before me”

Celestia cleared her throat as a signal to continue, “Sooo anyway, I suited up and headed to the palace to assist in guarding the king, after hours of silence these black creatures showed up which we trounced easily until the dude in black showed up looking completely different than before, the guy then said that Avilon belongs to him now and blasted all the other guards away, including my friends, he then grabbed the King and he started screaming and thrashing on the ground, before this happened though he told me to tell the Princess what happened if he didn’t make it, so here I am”

Luna and Celestia immediately looked at each other with grave concern, Celestia then opened the box as she addressed the six mares, “If that is the case, then I must ask all of you to wield The Elements of Harmony once more in order to combat this new threat”

Twilight then levitated The Elements on to their respective users; Martin just nodded at them with a sad smile, “I’ll be behind all of you a hundred percent”. Twilight noticed his expression and was about to ask what was wrong when Gilda grabbed her right eye in pain and screamed in surprise. What happened next was that the doors to the throne room opened up revealing a frightening being. The person looked humanoid except for the fact that it was clothed in a hooded robe comprised of churning smoke like shadows; the hands that were seen had pale blue skin with sharp black finger nails that almost looked like claws. The figure then slowly approached, the way he walked almost looked like he was gliding, and the only way you could tell he wasn’t was when you would hear the occasional foot fall which were silent themselves making even harder. The royal guards immediately flew straight at the stranger…who batted them aside with a wave of its hand like it was swatting a fly.

Gilda then pointed and yelled, “That’s the dude that attacked Avilon-“

All of a sudden Gilda was silenced when the figure literally appeared before her causing even the Princesses to jump away in surprise, then the thing spoke in a cold voice devoid of any emotion, “I am surprised I missed one of you,” Gilda’s entire left eye was then consumed and soon matched her right one, she then collapsed and started to silently scream at something no one could see. He then turned and took off his hood as he surveyed the inhabitants in the throne room. His face resembled that of a man directly at the age of thirty with pointed ears, his hair was long, unnaturally white and combed back it also had the resemblance of smoke like fire, the creatures skin was the same pale blue as its hands. He also had two white demon horns coming out of his forehead, and his eyes were the most frightening of all. The whites of his eyes were as black as oil, his irises were as white as his hair and horns and it pupils were inhuman slits that narrowed as he focused on them.

Celestia and everypony and human took on aggressive stances as Luna yelled at the creature in the royal Canterlot voice, “YOU DARE ATTACK ONE OF THE ROYAL GUESTS IN OUR CASTLE, WHO ARE YOU TO DO THIS DEED FOUL DEMON!!!”

The creature spoke in its cold emotionless voice, “I am Phobos,The Lord of Fear”

At the last four words, a pair of white bat wings shot out from his back and extended to a full twelve feet in length. On the wings, seemingly originating from the cloak and made of the same energy, was a network of sinister tribal like shadow lines that ran across the entire surface of both wings.