• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 6: Boot Camp Dash

The sun crested the top of the Apple Family household shedding warming light throughout the orchard and beyond, it would be a truly fantastic morning if it wasn’t for a loud banging coming from the front door of the same household. Rainbow Dash had been very eager to put on her drill sergeant hat along with her loud coach whistle she wore during any form of training involving her being in charge, plus as an added bonus she got to mess with Martin the entire day without consequence since it was in the name of science. Therefore the second a sliver of sunlight appeared through her window she bolted over to Sweet Apple Acers to drag Martins butt out of bed, she was ready and pumped for the rigorous training regime she would give Martin, plus she wanted to see what he was capable of. However the real reason was because deep down she was jealous of the fact that Martin, a stranger to her home had in a way stolen her thunder by beating the Basilisk with his bare hands and with abilities he didn’t even know he had which irked her slightly more, this thought caused her knock slightly harder which stopped when the annoyed face of Applejack looking as she always did, fully awake and presentable as was her way.

Applejack continued to give Rainbow an annoyed look, “If ya knocked any louder Dash, I reckon you might have knocked all the apples off the trees before ah could even buck em”.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes and waved off the comment, “Yeah yeah yeah, is Martin awake we need to get started on his training”.

AJ shook her head and looked behind her at the stairs, “Ah haven’t seen head or tail of him this morning, Applebloom went in to wake him up and he was nowhere in sight”.

Rainbow threw her hat down in frustration, “I KNEW he would chicken out, I got up early for nothing”.

AJ put Dash’s hat back on her head with a determined smile, “Ah can tell ya this Dash, if he’s thinkin of skipping outta this he’s got a nother thing comin, he’s gotta be hidin round here somwhere”.

As both Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran around the entire orchard looking for Martin, he was laughing atop the barn with his amp balancing behind him and his guitar lying across his lap. Martin actually had been looking forward to his training session with Rainbow, Twilight warned him though that Dash took being in charge of something very seriously and that she may go a little overboard. Martin had taken this to heart and decided to mess with her that morning before the session, he knew Dash had a good sense of humour from the fact that she messed with him since he got there, since he had a few days of hanging out with the six, he had actually accepted the fact that he was in a land of talking ponies and was starting to act more open to the idea and was also opening up more. His thoughts were interrupted when AJ and RD stopped in front of the barn and began to come up with possible theories of where he was. Martin then stood up turned on the amp to full volume and started playing the guitar solo Inferno made famous by the movie The Crow, it was the first one he learned on the electric guitar and one of his most favorites.

The second the first cord was struck, it scared the hell out of both ponies causing them to look up at the smiling face of Martin Fairgates. Applejack’s surprised expression was replaced with a look of amused annoyance; Rainbow however flew up to Martin and gave him a cold and serious look.

Rainbow then gave him a playful slug in the arm as a grin appeared, “nice one Martin, didn’t know you liked pulling pranks, I have a whole new respect for you”.

Martin then smirked at her, “what can I say, I’m cool like that”.

He then looked beside where he and Rainbow were and noticed the ladder he used was lying on the ground, “Um, could you please help me get down?”

10 Minutes Later

Rainbow was pacing in front of Martin as he stood at attention wearing the same pants and shirt he wore during the test the day before, the rest of the six were standing a few good feet away from them ready to watch the proceedings, Pinkie even had some popcorn in a bowl and was sharing it with Fluttershy, Twilight was looking at a clipboard with the names of the abilities Martin had displayed, and ones she thought he might have.

Rainbow then stomped her hoof on the ground causing Martin to flinch slightly, “Alright rookie, you’re here for one reason and one reason only, because miss egghead asked me to give you a crash course in your abilities, and being the awesomely cool Pegasus I am, I have accepted, there are three rules in Boot Camp Dash-”

Martin couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as he spoke in a serious tone, “rookie doesn’t sound good to me, SIR!, I prefer to go by Private Joker and I’ll call you Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, SIR!”

Everyone looked very confused, especially Dash, Martin just sighed, “Fullmetal Jacket, it was a joke”

Rainbow immediately flew right into his face, “FIRST RULE: No joking during training, SECOND: No back talk, and THIRDLY: Never question my orders got that!”

Martin then realized he could have just made a big mistake in doing this, Twilight then yelled causing both him and Dash to look at her, “Alright you two to lets commence the first test”


Martin just stared at the giant boulder that was in the middle of the field they were using for his training, “you want ME to lift THAT?”

Dash just said two words in response, “Rule Three”

Martin sighed as he approached the boulder, his dad always told him to lift with his knees never his back, so he did just that. Everypony gasped as he lifted it with ease above his head with both heads then hurled it half way across the field. Martin just smiled as he looked at his hands, Twilight checked pass next to enhanced strength. Rainbow shook her look of surprise off of her face; she then made a move it along gesture.


Rainbow just smiled as Pinkie stepped beside Martin, “There is no way he’ll be able to top Pinkie in jumping, super powered or not, he can’t be perfect”, Rainbow then pushed the thought away as she made a gesture to begin, Pinkie immediately jumped a whopping thirty feet in the air. She landed and smiled at Martin, who jumped forty feet in the air in a single bound, Rainbow gritted her teeth slightly as she gave Twilight the signal for the next test.


Rarity was levitating thirty rocks in front of her as she nervously pawed the ground and spoke to Martin in a nervous tone, “now darling you don’t necessarily have to go through with this, I throw quite hard you know and I don’t want to damage your clothes”.

Martin just nodded as he loosened himself up, when he did he looked a bit closer at Rarity and the weirdest thought weaseled its way into his head, “she looks pretty cute when she’s in this lighting”. His eyes widened as he shook his head slightly, Rarity then smiled and turned to leave, only to have Rainbow speak up suddenly, “Martin how could you say that Rarity’s mane looks tacky”. If the world had a soundtrack, a heavy metal chord would have been struck the second Rarity stopped walking, everypony else knew Dash was lying but if anyone insulted Rarity’s look, she reacted on impulse. She the whipped around with a growl and flung all thirty…which Martin dodged with lightning fast and precise movements until one got him straight in the head after Twilight checked pass. Rarity immediately snapped out of it and ran over with the rest of her friends to see if she hurt Martin really badly.

Rarity immediately began to apologize, “OH CELESTIA!! I’m so sorry I just reacted without thinking and-“, everypony than gasped twice as they saw no wound on Martins head, the skin however where the rock struck was reddened slightly, he looked up and patted her on the head in the same manner as when he accepted Twilights apology, except the only difference was that Rarity blushed slightly. Twilight then wrote down Enhanced Durability which she checked of immediately, Dash then herded them away as they continued the testing.

The tests continued well into the afternoon, after the ones Martin passed, the rest were failures. At Pinkies request they tried to see if he could shoot beams from his eyes or hands, which ended with him getting into a staring contest with the same rock he hurled across the training field, after getting a migraine from concentrating too hard on said rock to see if he could make it explode with his mind Rainbow gave the signal for the final test to commence.

Rainbow then approached Martin, “Alright, you did good rookie, but good isn’t better so to test the final theory of if you have enhanced speed you will, pause for dramatic effect, be racing me around the training field”.

Martin did a double take as Dash removed her whistle and hat, he hadn’t been there long but he knew Dash was the fastest flyer in this world, at least that is what Applejack told him and the thing was, he believed her. He took his position at the starting line which was where the rock was, he looked at Dash’s face and shook his head, the only reason she saved this for last was so she could boost her ego. Martin may not be a super genius but he had seen the way Dash’s looks and mannerisms had changed after he first used his abilities, she most likely felt her reputation was being threatened and she was also jealous with a capital J.

As he took his position, Dash gave him cocky look, “Ya know, just to make it fair I won’t even fly, just to go easy on you”.

Martin just grinned as Twilight yelled go, as expected Dash was ahead already and Martin was barely catching up. He then began to focus on the goal at hand and began to give it his all as Rainbow shot a raspberry over her shoulder at him. Unbeknownst to either of them, Martin was steadily beginning to pick up speed, he wasn’t even feeling strained or tired, he felt the exact same way he had when he ran from the princesses except it was much different. Dash was almost to the rock when something zipped past her causing a bit of a wind current, she blinked in absolute astonishment as she stared at the not even exhausted Martin. That was pretty much the last straw for her, she stomped right up to him and shoved her face into his with a frustrated.

Rainbow tried to form words, but she was to mad and all that came out was, “You…beat….how…RRRGGRGGHH!!!”, she then flew off at breakneck speeds back toward her home, completely forgetting her hat and whistle. Twilight just told him it was nothing and she would get over it soon and be back to her old self. She then said that since the tests were finished they decided to go their separate ways, Twilight had to re-shelve an entire room, Fluttershy had to move a whole family of badgers to new dens, Pinkie had to run Sugarcube Corner for the afternoon as well as watch the cake’s children, Rarity had to design a completely new fashion line, and Applejack had to finish up the work Big Mac was covering for since she came for the testing. Martin just said he would be walking around to kill some time, to which Pinkie said was impossible since time is invisible and why he would do such a thing.

After everypony left Martin was walking around the training area and placed the whistle near the hat in case Rainbow came back for it, he also picked up the hat and smiled slightly, he decided to put that pin he found to good use. He fished around the pockets of his coat which he had donned after everypony had left; he pulled out the team rainbow dash pin and pinned right on her hat. He then heard the familiar sounds of flying and walked away after she retrieved her belongings. Martin then walked toward Ponyville, with a smile. Then a thought occurred to him, what if they missed something during the test, what if he did have an ability they didn’t find out about, Martin then had a theory most super heroes use mental concentration to turn their powers on and off, maybe his abide by the same principle.

Martin held his hand out and began to subconsciously focus on it, he began to will whatever hidden ability he had to activate via his hand. He then shut his eyes in deeper concentration, when he did it felt like everything from the hand down to his elbow was in rippling cool water, he immediately opened his eyes and saw that the area from the hand to the elbow had completely vanished. He smiled in utter exhilaration, he kept his eyes open this time and focused entirely on himself, he felt the ripple feeling and witnessed something extraordinary. A ripple of air that looks liquid in appearance appears from the center of his torso, the edges glowing a magical light blue and ripples outwards over nothing else but his body tracing going along the surface of his body perfectly until Martin Fairgates vanishes completely. The cool thing for Martin was that this whole sequence only took a second meaning he could do this and be gone before a person or pony could even blink.

Then Martin realized he had no idea how to turn it off, a disembodied voice than spoke two simple words, “Ooooooooh Crap” .