• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 4: Meeting Royalty

Martin slept well the previous night, as well as anyone could in a world populated by talking technicolored ponies, but aside from that he barely stirred the entire night, the only time he did was when he got up to get a drink of water. Soon the sun rose and a rooster was heard announcing the new morning, this caused Martin to fall out of his bed in fright but he quickly regained himself and pulled on his clothing from the other day and walked out of the room straight into Applejack. Both stumbled backwards and dropped right on their backs, AJ’s hat landing askew on Martins head, Martin immediately got up and gave her a hand,

“Sorry about that AJ, didn’t see you there”
Applejack took his hand and stood up, she then noticed her hat on the head of Martin and chuckled,

“I got a say, I didn’t take ya fer a hat person”
Martin felt the hat and straightened it as he winked at her,

“I’m not, but I make this look good”

Applejack just rolled her eyes as Martin put the Stetson back on its owners head; she adjusted it then playfully punched him in the side,

“Cmon now cowboy, you gotta eat up, ya have a meetin with the princess today remember?’’

Martin scooted down the stairs and was met with a surprising sight; his I-Pod was laying on the ground blasting at full volume as Applebloom was bobbing her head in tune with Back in Black’s lyrics. He walked up to her and turned it off and stashed it in his pocket with a word of protest being heard from the disappointed Applebloom, Martin then spoke in a calm voice,

“Applebloom did you take this from my coat?”
The yellow filly shook her head,

“I found it on the ground just now, I’m sorry that I used it without asking’’

Applejack then proceeded into the kitchen as she saw that Martin had resolved the issue without need of her assistance, although she knew if Martin was going to be at Rarity’s for most of the morning getting clothes made for him she and her friends would have to give him company so he wouldn’t go crazy at all the revisions and changes Rarity would most likely put him through.

30 minutes later

After Martin and AJ finished their breakfast they went about gathering, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight along with Spike, to which Martin expressed a slight hesitance to travelling with, but his suspicions were laid to rest when Spike told him he was still a baby. Once everypony was gathered, they headed toward Carousel Boutique for Martin’s imminent clothing session, the ponies knew the way Rarity worked plus since Martin was a different species and was a blank slate when it came to earth fashion, Rarity was going to have a field day with him. Martin approached the door only for Rarity to open it and yank him in with her magic; everypony was about to go in when Sweetie Bell intercepted them backed up by the other CMC sporting sunglasses, Scootaloo spoke in an official tone at everypony present,

“Sorry, no one else is allowed beyond this point until Miss Rarity has said otherwise”

Applejack approached her sister and the rest of the crusaders,

“Applebloom, you and yer friends stop this right now; ah don’t care what Rarity has told you, I’M tellin you to let us through”

Applebloom shook her head with great reluctance, she knew she was going get it fierce when she got home. Pretty soon they began to hear noises of protest coming from within these went on for a long time until it was a few minutes before the meeting. Soon Rarity trotted out of her Boutique and dismissed the CMC, she then dramatically gestured to the door,

“Introducing Martin Fairgates, complete with a much more fashionable look curtsey of moi”

Martin walked into the light and allowed the six to look at his new clothes; he now wore a dress shirt that was a dark shade of red that complemented his hair very well, it had black trim and a black tie. He also had on black dress pants and matching dress shoes, he just smiled as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly,

“Rarity are you sure this isn’t a little much, I mean I’m just meeting the Princess for a casual chat”

Rarity just focused on him for a second then nodded,

“You’re absolutely right, I forgot the tie pin excuse me”

She then trotted back inside, when she did Martin turned to Rainbow Dash,

“How fast can you get me to the library?”

Rainbow then hoisted Martin off the ground with surprising ease and where they were was just a puff of smoke. Rainbow deposited him on the ground when they came to a complete stop in front of the library, a smile of victory appeared on his face, only for it to vanish when Twilight appeared with everypony else and Rarity pinned his tie in place with a gold pin. Martin was about to object when he was blinded by a flash of light, standing before him were two mares, both had a horn on their heads and a pair of wings, he knew the white one that had a good foot on him in height was Celestia thanks to Twilight’s explanation, she also had a flowing mane and tail and gold adorned her in the form of slippers and a crown she also had a cutie mark in the form of a sun. Beside her was a mare known as Luna, once more thanks to Twilights explanation, that actually came close to being exactly the same height as him, she was blue with a darker blue flowing mane and tail that practically looked like the night sky, she wore the same style of clothes that Celestia wore except black, she also had a cutie mark in the form of a crescent moon on a black sky, he looked at both and bowed.
Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder,

“Rise Martin Fairgates”

Martin stood up and looked both mares in the eyes; he then spoke in a joking tone,

“hehe, if I knew I was meeting two princesses I would have gone with a full suit complete with jewels and my hair combed back”

Luna giggled as did her sister, soon they stopped and Celestia addressed Martin with a calm tone,

“I assume you know why we have come before you this day Martin?”

Martin actually looked a bit confused at the question; behind him Twilight shuffled a little uncomfortably,

“Yeah, Twilight said you wanted to meet with me, she never really said the specifics of what we were to discuss, was I supposed to know something”

He looked back at Twilight who had shrunk back slightly with a bit of a blush on her face; everypony then looked at her with confused and concerned expressions. Martin then spoke in a steadily fearful tone,

“Twilight, what didn’t you tell me?”

Celestia then sighed as she took a step toward him,

“It seems my student has failed to inform you of the specifics of my visit, which makes this explanation all the more difficult”

Martin’s fearful look was replaced with a hurt and annoyed one as Twilight explained herself,

“Funny thing, I might have omitted a few things about the princesses visit”

Martin then looked at both of the royal mares; Celestia then spoke in the same calm tone,

“What my pupil as failed to mention is that me and my sister have come here to take you to Canterlot for questioning on the grounds of your arrival and true purpose in coming here, I am deeply sorry, but we will have to keep you in confinement on the grounds of you being a potential threat until you have been proven otherwise”

Martins expression changed entirely to a look of absolute betrayal which he showed to the ashamed Twilight, he then looked at the ground as he spoke softly,

“Could I at least have a second to decompress all of this, if you permit me I’ll go willingly”

Martin then walked behind the six ponies and sighed,

“You know, I had a really good time with all of you which makes it really hard for me to do this”

Martin then took off running away from all of the surprised ponies toward Ponyville, his real objective was the forest he saw a long while back during his tour. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the princesses would be chasing him immediately after they regained themselves. As he past each shocked pony he was barely breaking a sweat, which was very weird for him, this curiosity ended immediately when Luna appeared in front of him,

“Do not resist, come with me this instant!”

Martin sharply turned around and bolted into a nearby alley yelling over his shoulder,

“Not in this lifetime!”

Martin was nearing the end of town, when all of a sudden both princesses appeared ten feet in front of him, there was a wall of buildings behind them and the magic using goddess like ponies were blocking his path, he was trapped. He heard someone yell his name behind him, he turned his head and noticed the six approaching at running speed, and Rainbow was at the head of them. Just as he was about to reach the princesses, he even noticed their horns beginning to glow, he never remembered why he did it maybe instinct, but he jumped and what happened next surprised every single pony there. When he jumped he soared clear over the heads of the princesses over the buildings and landed a mile out of ponyville, which surprised the hell out of him.


He then ran into the forest on instinct and stopped near a boulder to catch his breath, only for him to sharply inhale when the princesses appeared looking a bit annoyed. He was about to shoot a comment about why they wouldn’t give up when he noticed a large shadow behind them,

“Celestia, Luna look out behind you!”

All of a sudden there was a yellow glow emanating from a pair of reptilian eyes and both princesses dropped petrified in the same stances they had been in when they looked, then the creature slithered into view. It was a snake as thick as a sewer pipe with venom green scales and a red frill on its head, it was also as long as a semi-trailer, Martin had a feeling what it was because he wasn’t the only one who had read the Chamber of Secrets. He backed into the boulder and instinctively grabbed a hard tree root next to his right hand, he was scared as all hell, but that vanished when he noticed the serpent focusing on the petrified ponies. It was slowly opening it mouth ready to swallow them both whole, Martin knew he would be imprisoned one way or another even if he saved them, but he still had to do the right thing. He then yelled in the serpent’s direction as he grasped the root hard causing the beast to immediately focus on and lunge at him,

“Hey scaly, EAT THIS!!!”

Unbeknownst to Martin the root had grown through the boulder and had become sort of attached, and Twilight had teleported herself and her friends to watch the following occurance transpire, Martin swung at the serpents head and with no strain or resistance yanked the boulder via the root out of the ground and smashed it to bits against the things head. The creature lay with a concaved half of its face bleeding green blood profusely when he realised what he had just accomplished, he dropped the root and looked at the destroyed boulder and then at his hands,

“Did I just rip a boulder out of the ground with my bare hands?”

He looked up at Twilight and friends, who were gawking at the feat he had just preformed; he then took on a serious expression as he addressed the six,

“Let’s get the princesses back to the library, we need to talk Twilight”