• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 3: A Welcoming Party For Martin

After several more hours of the ethics and a VERY long explanation on magic and about how it’s present in Equestria and is a major driving force in some key aspects of life there, Martin had finally calmed down enough to stand and talk to without him flipping out. Martin was now being shown around Ponyville, everything going smoothly until Martin noticed everypony in Ponyville was giving him looks, except for a green unicorn that was jumping up and down in place in excitement a few blocks down after he past her. At the end of the tour Martin had been shown everything, even Cloudsdale which he immediately called “epic”, Rainbow Dash asked him what the term meant, when Martin told her, she nodded in respect for the human for his good taste. After a while of walking Martins stomach growled and he blushed slightly, Pinkie Pie immediately perked up and bounced over to him, but stopped half way and gasped as if she forgot something, she then spoke very fast at all of them.

“Sorry Marty gotta go I would love nothing more than to stay and help all of you help him to settle in to Ponyville but I got places to go and Ponies to see, come to Sugarcube corner in five minutes and bring you best party faces for Marty’s surprise party, oh shoot I just spoiled the surprise, Marty could you please please pleaaaaase act surprised please?”

Martin could barely understand the cotton candy colored mare mostly because she was talking a mile a minute but picked up most of it and managed to respond.

“Uh sure?”

Pinkie immediately gave a smile that would put the joker to shame and bolted down the street toward Sugarcube Corner leaving her friends and Martin standing there, Martin spoke first.

“OOOkay, what was that about exactly?”

Eveypony just smiled, Applejack gave him a playful nudge in the side

“Pinkie has a bit of a tradition round here, and trust us yer gonna love it”

Martin chuckled nervously as they all decided to stop by a diner nearby for some food, Martin declined after he had fished around in his pockets and found a Twix, it wasn’t much in the way of food but it would have to do until he found something else to eat. As the rest of his pony companions ate and talked he sat nearby and pulled out his I-pod which was still fully charged, he popped in both earbuds and surfed through his library till he found one of his favorite songs, Princes of The Universe by Queen he then clicked play and leaned back. As the music played he unintentionally began to softly sing the lyrics in perfect tune.

“Here we are, born to be kings, were the Princes of the Universe…”

He carried on until the end of the song not noticing he had gathered an audience consisting of Twilight and friends, after he finished he looked straight up into the face of Rainbow Dash making a face at him, he immediately jumped away from his seat, then straightened up as he noticed Rainbow laughing at the joke she pulled. He pointed at her and was about flip out on her for scaring him half to death even though she knew he wasn’t used to this world yet when Rarity approached him with a question.

“Martin, might I ask what the name of that tune you were singing, it didn’t really sound something of my taste but I must say your voice, though quiet as it was, pervade it very well…I mean for a male of course”

Martin didn’t know whether or not to take that as a compliment or an insult of some form, but he just shrugged it off and took the middle ground.

“Well it’s actually from a band on my world by the name of Queen and the songs called Princes of The Universe, and I really don’t like singing in public that much, its freaking embarrassing.”

Rarity just gave him an encouraging look, “but darling, you have a gift, you should be proud to be able to sing that well, I mean I know a few colts who are dreadfully tone deaf, but that’s not important right now, you need to embrace your talent and share it not hide it”

Martin stashed his I-Pod and walked next to the mares as they made their way toward Sugarcube corner, he let Rarity’s comment swim around in his head as they approached and finally responded.

“It’s not that I dislike it I just don’t sing well in public, the only thing I can do well in public is play an electric guitar so well that I could be mistaken for being part of a band, but that’s about it…..”

Pinkie Pie was listening near the door and heard one last thing before running back into the darkness.

“….get me an electric guitar an amp, and a microphone complete with a stand then I would probably do it”.

The minute the door opened, confetti shot out of it and Martin was pulled in by Pinkie Pie as everyone inside yelled surprise in unison, Martin smiled at everypony present. He couldn’t believe that all these ponies he had met a few hours ago and the ones who were giving him weird looks had all threw a party for him and attended no less, his smile faded, Pinkie noticed this almost immediately.

“awww, Marty why aren’t you smiling anymore? Were you not surprised enough, I knew I shouldn’t have told you it was a surprise party but I thought if I didn’t tell you it was a party at all you wouldn’t come and you would think we weren’t friends and you would be sad and I couldn’t have that happen after all how would you not meet all these new friends?”

Martin’s face took on a surprised expression, after Pinkie put a plate of cake in his hand and stood beside her friends

“Wait a minute, you six consider me a friend? I just met all of you a few hours ago and now you’re throwing me a party, I don’t understand”

Applejack spoke first,

“Well we aren’t considering yall a frightenin creature and kicking ya out of ponyville, that just wouldn’t be civil of us”

Twilight nodded in agreement with her friend,

“Exactly, plus we know it wouldn’t be right to just leave you all by yourself in a world you know nothing about”

Fluttershy finally spoke in a soft voice,

“Plus you don’t seem dangerous at all; you seem rather nice and just need someponies company”

Martin just smiled at all of them as they smiled back, he couldn’t believe how accepting all of them were of him to them he was just someone alone in a strange world in need of a friend. He actually shed a manly tear as he stared at them, he then quickly wiped it away put down the cake and flexed his arms

“I mean, I’m manly”

The six ponies just laughed as his coat was taken away and draped over the back of a nearby chair, he soon partied well into the night, during the festivities he had noticed Rarity and Pinkie chatting privately and stopping when they noticed him glancing their way, he knew shenanigans were afoot, but he couldn’t guess what they were. But he found out when Pinkie carted in something draped in a blue sheet and called everypony to quiet down, Rarity was standing beside her and spoke after everypony present quieted.

“Well it’s time for tonight’s entertainment, as you all very well know, we have a new being in Ponyville, Martin Fairgates, and he is a very skilled musician and singer and said he would play for us all, Martin would you be so kind as to come over here please”

Everypony looked at a smiling Martin who gave a half wave; he really hated being put on the spot like this but he walked reluctantly up to both Rarity, after RD gave him a bit of a nudge in the direction. He was nervous but that vanished when he spoke with a smug voice

“Actually Rarity, my exact words was if you got me the things I requested and I don’t see..”

He was cut off when Pinkie removed the sheet revealing a microphone complete with a stand, and a stool for him to sit on with an electric guitar hooked up to an amp, Rarity levitated the gawking Martin onto the stool and put the guitar in his hand with a victorious smile. Martin turned and looked at Rarity and spoke in an annoyed voice

“You are evil”

Rarity just bounced a curl of her mane and flashed him an innocent smile,

“A lady is never evil; she is sophisticated and always gets what’s asked for in the end, even if they must push”

Martin just sighed in defeat as he looked at every eye that was on him at that moment, he was beginning to panic and shake slightly, he was going to screw up and make a fool of himself. But he noticed the six giving him encouraging gestures, Pinkie was even waving a foam finger around, he stopped trembling and straightened up an spoke into the microphone,

“Hello everypony my names Martin Fairgates and I’m going to play my second most favorite song for you, it’s by a band from my world known as Kansas, I hope you like it”

He then tuned the guitar, tested the mic, turned on the amp and took a deep breath then he began,

“Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more


Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
The center lights around your vanity
But surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry, don't you cry no moooooooooore!!!

As the song finished everypony was silent, Martin didn’t understand he had played every solo and chord perfectly, he even sang it in tune and in perfect harmony, Kanas would have been proud if they were present. He was about to apologise until the entire place erupted in cheers, the six ran over and began to congratulate him on his spectacular performance, Rainbow Dash kept saying if he knew any more songs that could top that, but he refused to do anymore songs cause he was beat, after a while of compromising and discussion, Martin settled with going back to AJ’s for the night until they figured out where the rest of his nights would be spent, Twilight also informed Martin that Princess Celestia sent her a letter stating that she wanted to meet Martin tomorrow afternoon, Rarity also expressed the desire to make him some new clothes tomorrow before the meeting. Martin agreed to both of these, the second was done with great reluctance, but he still said yes. After the party ended Martin thanked everypony at the party for their company and bid them all good night, soon he and Applejack were on their way back to the farm ready to get a good night’s rest, but as Martin walked through the gate of the farm, he realized he had gotten though the day and these six ponies were his friends and he felt great, things were starting to look up for him.