• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,517 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 2: AHHHHH!!!! or The Chapter Where Martin Screams His Head Off

Martin woke up after having the weirdest dream ever; he had dreamt that he had traveled to a world of talking ponies, unicorns, and pegasai that were oddly coloured through a mysterious door in a hallway that had strangely appeared in an alleyway he always travelled through after work. He just chuckled at how his mind fabricated all that out of nowhere; he just chopped it up for working later than usual, he hopped out of bed noticing sun coming in through the window, he also noticed he was still wearing his pants and shirt, but his shoes and coat were near the door. He just walked to the door, picked up his shoes and coat and walked out of the room, however if he had taken time to look around the room he would have noticed its walls and bed were very different from anything on earth. But since Martin was half awake and asleep he didn’t really take notice of his surroundings and walked through the hall then downstairs to the kitchen. As he walked in he noticed the kitchen already had four occupants, and one of them was cooking something delicious.

Martin spoke to the cook, “smells delicious, what’s cooking?”

The cook, who was a certain orange pony, noticed the extra guest and smiled slightly as the stranger, she thought it would be a bit rude referring to him as a the creature or thing, gave her what she interpreted as a compliment on her cooking skills. She placed a plate of pancakes in front of everyone present including the stranger, and sat down. AJ thought maybe it would be best to show the stranger some hospitality to make him feel more welcome. She raised a hoof toward the stranger, almost immediately he took her hoof and shook it.

“Well I gotta say, ya gotta good grip, names Applejack, sorry fer scaring ya yesterday”, she lowered her hoof after the shake, “that there is my brother Big Macintaosh, you’ve already met Applebloom, and that’s Granny Smith”.

Martin smiled politely as he addressed everyone present at the sound of their names, “nice to meet you all, I’m Martin Fairbridges and…” he suddenly snapped fully into reality.

He looked at the one known as Applejack with a blank expression, “I’m sorry but could you run that by me again”

Applejack could tell something was about to happen, but reluctantly spoke the fact she knew he wanted to hear, “I said sorry fer scaring ya yesterday, and before you ask, it was real not a dream”

Martin then spoke in a slightly relaxed yet tense tone, “that’s what I thought you said; now allow me to offer this up as a rebuttal”.

Martin then proceeded to pull on his coat and shoes, walk to the front door almost robotically and opened it; he stared out at the orchard before him then looked back at the concerned Applejack.

Applejack then spoke in a concerned tone, “you alright sugercube?”

Martin responded with the straightest answer he could give, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He then ran out the door continuing to scream him in absolute fear and ran around in circles like a lunatic. Martin could usually be as rational as the next guy, but like any mortal, his mind could only take so much. The only thought in his mind at the moment was playing over and over in his mind, DOES NOT COMPUTE, DOES NOT COMPUTE, PANIC, PANIC, FLEE, RUN AWAY, AND SCREAM.

The Apple Family, minus Granny Smith, were all staring at what was transpiring before them, Applejack just continued to have a concerned look on her face as Martin continued to scream, Applebloom couldn’t help but giggle slightly at his display, Big Mac was just shaking his head. AJ knew many ponies had ways of coping with some situations in a practical sense, some however some had breakdowns which she and her friends had experienced in their lives, however never before had she seen a mental breakdown of this magnitude, and she was greatly worried for him.

Applejack took notice of Applebloom giggling, “Applebloom stop that, haven’t we taught ya to be polite to new ponies, and this of all things is no laughing matter”

Applebloom looked down, “sorry sis, is he gonna be alright?”

Applejack just gave a calming smile, “just give him a few minutes, he’ll stop after he gets it outta his system”.


Martin was still screaming, but he was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth whimpering occasionally, when Applejack noticed he wasn’t going to stop she went to gather her friends to give her a hoof with calming him down. After filling them all in on events up to current they were all gathered a fair distance away from Martin to give him some room, Rainbow Dash had pieces of clouds lodged in her ears, out of everyone there Applejack didn’t come to her, she came to AJ. Rainbow had been sleeping on a cloud nearby when Martin started his screaming fit it took a good hour before she woke up in irritation and demanded what was going on. After getting an explanation she put her ear plugs in, but that only dampened the steadily rising noise

Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack and spoke in a very irritated voice, “can we just gag him or something I can’t get any sleep with him screaming like a maniac”

Twilight Sparkle just shook her head, “Rainbow that wouldn’t help matters it would only worsen them, we want him to know we don’t mean him any harm and that he has nothing to fear, not the opposite”.

Rarity was wearing ear muffs on her head as she addressed Twilight, “Twilight why don’t we let Fluttershy try talking to him, maybe she could soothe him into a relaxed state?”

Fluttershy however was hiding in bush behind them having no intention of moving, toward the screaming creature known as Martin, as the rest of them continued to fire off ideas, Martin had stopped screaming and rocking entirely for a second to look at the ponies, they stopped as well and looked at him, he then went back to rocking and whimpering.

Applejack than turned to them, “well at least he stopped screamin”

Rainbow Dash just groaned as she pulled out her earplugs, “Ok that’s it, time to do things my way”

Everypony present tried to stop her and object to her but Rainbow managed to get in front of Martin whose eyes looked at the cyan mare but continued to whimper.

Rainbow then straightened up, “Your names Martin right?”

Martin just continued to whimper as the cyan mare continued addressing him.

Rainbow just sighed, “I’ll take that as a yes, just to make it fair, names Rainbow Dash oh yeah and SNAP THE HAY OUT OF IT!!!”

Rainbow Dash then smacked Martin upside the head causing him to fall over, Marin then stood as the remaining ponies with Applejack approached he was rubbing the side of his face as he looked at the cyan mare.

He addressed Rainbow Dash with a grateful tone, “thanks I needed that”

Rainbow Dash had a smug expression on her face as her friends approached her; she then looked at Twilight as she dusted the hoof she used on Martin on her chest, “soooo, I guess my method worked huh?”

Twilight then approached Martin, “Hello Martin Fairgates, I am Twilight Sparkle, you’ve already met Rainbow Dash and Applejack’’, She then pointed to the rest of her friends in turn with their names, “that’s Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie”

Martin just stared at all of the ponies present, the one known as Twilight Sparkle was a unicorn with moderate violet eyes and a moderate sapphire blue mane with moderate violet and brilliant rose streaks which were also present in her tail, also her coat was a pale, light grayish mulberry, she also had a star like mark on her flanks. The one known as Rainbow Dash was a cyan in color with a rainbow colored mane and tail that was cut in an almost tomboyish pattern, and her eyes were red and the mark on her flanks was the same one that was on the pin he had in his pocket. Pinkie had blue eyes and was pink all over with three balloons on her flanks. Rarity’s eyes were azure, her main was an indigo color and styled in a very fashionable fashion, and her coat was white with three blue diamonds on her flanks. The one known as Fluttershy was a light yellow, and had a light pink mane, along with teal colored eyes and three butterflys on her flanks.

Martin nodded at all of them, “hello nice to meet all of you…….NOW LISTEN!!!”

Martin then spoke in a frantic tone, “I don’t belong here, I don’t know where the hell I am or how I got here so I need a little bit of an explanation here!”

All of them cringed in unison, except for Fluttershy who just eeped and hid behind Rarity who immediately spoke up, “now there is no need to yell darling, we can hear you just fine”.

Twilight nodded in agreement, “exactly, we understand you’re frightened and you do deserve an explanation, you’re in the land of Equestria in our home Ponyville”.

Twilight then explained everything about their land in detail, the native species, and the castle on the mountain and about the princesses, Martin just nodded with each comment signifying his understanding, when in truth he didn’t understand any of it. After Twilight finished, Martin sat down and tried to take all of it in, he wasn’t even on earth anymore, all of his family would be missing him and the same for him. Twilight then asked him where and how he came here and if he came here alone or if there were more of what he was

Martin looked up and began explaining, ``I come from a place called Earth which is sort of similar to Equestria, I found a hallway with a door in it which brought me here when I touched the knob, maybe it was magic or some sort of portal I don’t know but I’m the only one who came here and my species are known as homosapian, but we mostly go by human or human beings’’

Twilight was very intrigued about the door he described, “so your saying some sort of door appeared to you out of nowhere and sent you here when you touched the knob yet it was never there before, interesting”

Rainbow just scoffed, “Sounds like sour apples to me”

Martin then stood up and looked her dead in the eyes and spoke in an offended tone, “you calling me a liar skittle horse?”

Rainbow didn’t know why that name pissed her off, but it did, she then flew right into Martins face until they were nose to nose “I don’t know what that means, but you just angered the wrong pony”

Both were suddenly yanked apart by a purple aura which surprised the crap out of martin to the point of him falling on his back, he scrambled up and pointed at Twilight.

“What the hell was that?!”

Twilight just gave one word, “Magic”

Pinkie Pie then snorted two times before laughing at Martins reaction, Martin then began to freak out again about how magic was real.

As this transpired somewhere two people were watching the scene unfold via a sort of dimensional television, one wore a black cloak, the other wore a white.

The black one turned to the white, “you’re sure he is the one, surely there is another Sortitus”

The one in white known as Sortitus turned to the black one, “Aequivalere my old friend if I didn’t know any better one might say you lack faith in my judgement”

Aequivalere just sighed, “But look at him he is merely a boy, he can’t even handle a change of scenery well how can he even hope…”

Sortitus cut him off, “if he didn’t act the way he does he wouldn’t be human, plus he has the capability, he just needs to find it, I pray he does before it’s too late”

Aequivalere sighed once more, “but surely you have seen the outcome”

Sortitus shook his head, “unfortunately all I know is he must be there, but that’s all I’ve seen, now we just sit and watch how things play out”.