• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 6,515 Views, 188 Comments

Martin: Chronicle Of A Hero - CrypticMetaphor

Martin was a regular 19 year old guy who always thought he had a bigger destiny, he was right.

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Chapter 7: Invisibility, Pros & Cons

Martin was panicking since he turned himself invisible, he was outside of Ponyville and the only other ponies who knew this were the six. He knew he could turn it off if he figured out how, but at the moment he couldn’t think straight on the matter so he would have to go with seeking help from the only pony he knew who could help him, Twilight Sparkle. He immediately set off at a brisk pace towards Twilight’s home, on his way down Ponyville’s main street he stood for second to look around at all the ponies running errands of their own. He smiled as he saw all of them making small talk to the occasional kiosk owner or chatting with acquaintances and or friends, his smile slowly vanished as he remembered how almost all these ponies still gave him reluctant glances and would only talk to him unless he initiated a conversation, he would have to do what the princess said and earn their trust. While Martin stood in silence a mint colored unicorn smacked into his side causing both her and Martin to stumble in surprise, her eyes were wide with shock after slamming into nothing but thin air.

Martin looked right at her and spoke in an annoyed tone, “Hey watch it will you”, the mint colored unicorn immediately yelped in surprise and bolted away.

Martin rolled his eyes at how his successful interaction went and continued toward the library avoiding bystanders and objects that could alert some unwary pony to his location. Soon he arrived at the library and quietly opened the door as he snuck in and shut it behind him. He immediately saw Twilight levitating every book from a section of the library all around her in separate rings as she shelved each one with barely a look listing off each title as she did so. Martin was about to say something when a book hit him square in the face, to which he cursed a bit louder than intended causing Twilight to jump in surprise.

Twilight was immediately levitating books defensively along with a very nasty looking paper weight when she spoke, “Alright whoever is there had better come out, I may be well read but that doesn’t mean I can’t defend myself”

Martin immediately concluded coming back at a later time and opened the door… and was met with a barrage of books and the paper weight nailing his left leg as he leaped out dodging an encyclopedia and proceeded to scramble to the safety of a nearby alley. After regaining his second wind, Martin noticed it was starting to get late, he must have been panicking so much he must have lost track of time, and the projectile literature didn’t help much either. Martin soon was back at the farm and managed to slip upstairs without the Apple Family noticing his entry, but when he went upstairs he let them know he would skip dinner because he ate while he was out and went to bed immediately upon entering his bed.

When the light of the morning arrived Martin sighed in grief, he was still invisible, and he got out of bed and noticed something amiss. There were no sounds of the anypony walking around, yet he smelled breakfast. When he wandered downstairs he noticed a plate of apple pancakes with syrup atop of them and a note beside it.
He immediately picked it up, “Dear Martin, sorry we weren’t here to greet you this morning me and Big Mac have to ship out our latest harvest to a few clients via train, we will be gone the entire day so don’t worry none. Applejack PS: Granny will be in town for most of the day and Fluttershy’s watching Applebloom".

Martin nodded and put the note down and ate up, he immediately went out, having no need to change his clothes since they too became invisible for some reason. Soon he was walking around town when he noticed Pinkie Pie hanging some laundry out to dry, one of the articles being a white bed sheet flew out of the basket and landed on him.

Pinkie immediately walked over and laughed, “Marty, why are you wearing a sheet on your head Nightmare Night is a month from now, ooh ohh are you going to be a ghost, if so you should ask Rarity to make you a really good costume you’ll be a-“

The wind blew off the sheet and Pinkie stared wide eyed at where Martin was, “oooooooh your good, also”, she then screamed in fear and ran inside shutting the door before Martin could object.

Martin soon realized he couldn’t catch a break and started walking in a random direction with a sigh. After a while he found himself in the park along with Twilight and Rarity who were talking with each other in the park on a nearby blanket laid out on the ground. Rarity was wearing a sun hat, whereas Twilight was currently levitating food out of a basket she had brought. When Martin got closer he began to pick up bits of a conversation that was focused on the previous day’s events.

Rarity sounded a bit shocked at what Twilight said about a phantom of some form infiltrating her library, “and you say you actually hit the ghastly thing?”

Twilight nodded, “it was the strangest thing, in my studies it’s said that objects never hit anything of ghostly origin, they pass right through”

Rarity nodded and began to nibble on the sandwich she was eating as Martin took a seat a foot from both of them and listened as Twilight smiled at Rarity, “the bright side is I hit the thing, but probably not as hard as you hit Martin yesterday”

Rarity just shook her head dismissively at the comment, “I assure you it was not on purpose, Martin was merely a victim of circumstance brought on by Rainbow Dash’s comment concerning my style that’s all”

Twilight then tilted her head slightly, “then I guess you blushing was also something contributing to the circumstance?”

Rarity choked slightly and put the sandwich down, she then quickly regained her composure, “I was merely reacting to the sudden contact, nothing more”

Twilight shook her head with a smirk, “Rarity, we are both friends here if you have something to say just say it, I won’t say a word”

Rarity just fixed her with a straight look to which Twilight rolled her eyes, “I know I blew keeping a secret last time, but I’ve had some time to practice”

Rarity sighed as she looked from side to side, “THIS does not leave the park” Twilight nodded and leaned in close, as did Martin just as Rarity was about to speak, Martin sneezed and instinctively super jumped away…into a tree nearby causing looks of confusion from both unicorns.

After they left along with Rarity’s secret, Martin clambered down from the tree and dusted himself off, he was really curious about what Rarity was going to say, but if it was something she only wanted Twilight to know for now he could wait. He was soon walking along a high hill to clear his head so he could think of how he could turn visible again when a mixture of things happened at once. Firstly he felt something plow into him which caused him and the object to roll down the hill at a fast pace until stopping, secondly he heard an extremly faint “voom” sound that was only head for a millisecond and looked at his now visible form, and thirdly he looked up into the face of an utterly surprised, and blushing Rainbow Dash.

Martin blinked a few times before speaking, “sooo, I can turn invisible now, neat huh?”

Rainbow just answered with a surprised tone, “yeah….cool”

Both her and Martin immediately took notice of how the situation was getting more awkward by the minute, Martin spoke before her, “you can get off me now”.

Rainbow got off and stood up straight, the blush slowly vanishing both her and Martin stood in silence. Martin gestured to walk in the direction of where Twilight and Rarity went and soon both were walking side by side until they reached the Boutique, before entering Rainbow turned to Martin and was about to say something only to stop when Rarity opened the door.

Martin walked inside and noticed Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike and the CMC were all looked at him and Rainbow as he entered. Martin informed Twilight of his new ability of which she immediately asked for a demonstration of. Martin raised his right hand and it vanished with the same ripple effect that appeared when he turned his entire self-invisible.

Spike, Pinkie, Rainbow, and the CMC said the same thing, “THAT IS SO COOL!!”

Twilight and Fluttershy gasped in astonishment, and Rarity…..fainted.