• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,339 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Pride worth dying for

-Rainbow's POV-

-Hearing the news-

I was flying over to the entrance of the Everfree forest sometime around the afternoon like Lightning scheduled. We were going to hike up Shaggy Cliffs for Kasin's 'double date'. It was gonna be a blast until I came and…saw a crowd.

I flew over and looked at what was going on. I couldn't believe what I was seeing though…Kasin was being brought over by Lightning out of the Everfree forest. I quickly flew down to them to check what happened.

"Rainbow!" Lightning called. "Where the hay were you!?"

"What are you talking about!? What the hay happened to Kasin!?" I questioned worryingly.

"Me and Kasin were waiting for you, but you didn't show up!" Lightning stated. "I said before noon, where were you!?"

"B-Before noon?" I stuttered. "I-I thought you said in the afternoon!"

"Are you serious?" Lightning retorted. "Kasin thought you were coming, but boy! Did you let him down! I had to rescue him myself you know!"

I looked down at the kid. He was…so messed up. He was bleeding from his forehead streaming down to his neck. His arms and legs were in bandages and his jaw…was a bit off…

"What happened…?" I asked.

"We headed on to Shaggy Cliffs without, Kasin thought you'd show up. After we went there, we started climbing, but then an avalanche hit. I tried my best, but the kid got hit by a boulder and was totally crushed." she explained.

I looked back at Kasin. He was really hurt, and I couldn't help but cry. "K-Kasin? C-Can you hear me pal?"

Kasin only opened his eyes and started making sounds. He didn't make any clear words.

"W-Why can't he talk?"

"I think he broke his jaw."

I was really shocked by this. It was so painful to see him like this. I know how emotional and expressive the kid is, but he looked so dead. Immediately, the doctors finally showed up with a emergency carriage. They picked up Kasin and brought him over to the hospital. Everypony was chanting and talking about something. I didn't really hear what it was about, but that wasn't all that happened. I saw Spitfire and Soarin walking out of the crowd, and they looked pretty sad too.

"Rainbow…I heard what happened." Spitfire said.

I didn't know what to say. I just started to stammer before saying, "I…I…"

"I know you didn't mean to be late, but…you should have showed up, you know?" she pointed out.

I held my head down and just said, "Y-Yeah…it's my fault this happened…"

"Anyways, good job on saving Kasin Lightning Dust. I guess I took you the wrong way." Spitfire apologized.

"No problem. Well, I gotta bail, tell Kasin to get better, kay Dash?" Lightning said.

"I will…"

"Alright then. See ya." And with that Lightning left.

A while later has passed. Me and the others are at the hospital waiting to get the chance to see him. We were all on panic mode and couldn't wait much longer. Pinkies mane was all deflated instead of the poofy fluff we all usually see. I even saw Applejack look even more worried than everypony else. Finally, the doc came out and looked at all of us.

"You may come inside." He told us. "Just remember, he won’t be able to talk due to his jaw being bent. Please keep that in mind."

We all nodded and went inside quietly and carefully. We all looked at Kasin lying on the bed, bandaged up and getting treated. None of us liked what we saw. He still looked kinda dead and all.

"I guess he took too much action…" Twilight thought. "I know you can't say anything, but we know you can hear us, so…I'm just glad you're still alive."

Kasin nodded a bit as the others got their turn.

"I hope you get better soon Kasin! I'll make you a super, duper, delicious, treat when you do!" Pinkie assured him.

"I'll be sure you'll want something comfortable to wear once you get out." Rarity offered.

"Oh…It look like it really hurts. Please get better Kasin…if, you don't mind." Fluttershy said.

Applejack only looked at Kasin and nodded. She didn't say anything, but she was still really sad like the rest of us.

Then it was my turn. "Kasin…I'm…really sorry about all this. It's my fault that you're all banged up. Maybe if I was there with you, this wouldn't have happened. This is…my fault…"

Kasin nodded 'no', and started making sounds. I then heard him sigh and just closed his eyes.

"Kasin?" I called him. no reply. "I bet he's angry with me."

"Don't think that Rainbow." Twilight assured me. "We know him well enough to know he would never say that!"

"Did we know him well enough that he'd do stunts like yesterday?" I reminded her.


"Exactly." I said before I started to leave. "I messed up because…I'm irresponsible…"

I left the room, and I swear I could hear one of them say…


-Applejack's POV-


Kasin was right about what might happen. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew he was right. The big question is, why? Why would Lightning do this? She never met Kasin until yesterday, so why go through the trouble of hurting him? It just didn't make sense. This is what Kasin probably meant by gathering proof. First things first. I had to remember what he said the other day.

She helped Kasin and Rainbow out of a little jam yesterday.
Wonderbolts were scouting in Ponyville at the same time Lightning arrived.
She knew about Shaggy Cliff before coming here and brought Kasin there.

It didn't quite add up. I couldn't do this on my own, I needed some help. The best thing to do was to get Twilight. She was smart and all, I'm pretty sure she can help me out with this. I went over to the library and knocked on the door. It eventually opened with Twilight behind it.

"Oh, hi Applejack. Nice to see you stop by." Twilight said grimly, probably due to everything happening today.

"Twi, we need to talk." I told her.

"Um…what is it?"

"It's about Lightning." I answered. "I need your help to do some looking around."

Twilight was a bit unsure from the looks of her expression. "But…why Lightning? Are you saying Lightning had something to do with Kasin?"

"I'm not a hundred percent, but it's something we should look into."

"Um…alright then. Where should we start?"

"We'll need to talk to Rainbow about what happened yesterday when Lightning came and then Shaggy Cliffs where Lightning and Kasin went to."

"I doubt Rainbow is in the mood to talk." Twilight stated. "Besides, nopony has seen her, she's probably upset with herself still."

"Then I guess we're gonna find some clues at Shaggy Cliffs first."

We packed up some equipment and headed through the Everfree forest and to the mountains. When we arrived at the place we were looking for, we saw the jagged and jeered off formations and whatnot of the cliffs. They were edgy and faulty, never know when you might fall off of one.

"This is it…Shaggy Cliffs…" Twilight told me while reading a guide to it. "Says here it earned its name for being having the most shagged rock formations in Ponyville."

"We better be careful, who knows what might happen." I warned her.

As we continued on looking around, Twilight happened to say, "If we're trying to find out more about Lightning, we should focus on finding evidence or clues to the crime…If there is one."

"I know, but I don't see anything." I told her. "From the looks of this place, I don't see any blood or recent rockslides. Where did they go for this to happen? Lightning said she went through an avalanche today."

Before I knew it, the word avalanche just had to happen. Suddenly, a small quake hit before me and Twi saw big boulders rolling down towards us.

"Let's get out of here!" Twi said to me. No need to say anything, because before you know it, we're running for our lives. The crashing boulder went flying at us and were more than fast enough to reach me and Twilight. It just had to get worse when Twilight tripped.

"Twilight!" I yelled before I ran back to help her. As I did, I saw the boulder literally over us before they fell back down.


-Rainbow's POV-

-Suspicion Arises-

I was just on the cloud sleeping. I was tired of everything, especially of myself. Every time I try to do something, Kasin always gets hurt in the end. It was always my fault. Even if he said it was all his fault from time to time, it was really because of me. I know that I'm usually too late to know when something's up, or too late to save him when I have the chance.

"I really must be slower than I thought…" I muttered to myself.

"Why are you so sad?"

I looked up to see Derpy flying in front of me. She still had the same look on her eyes. A bit weird, but still.

"It's nothing Derpy…" I assured her. Before she could say anything, I noticed her feathers were a bit messy. "Hey, what's up with your wings?"

"Hm?" She hummed before looking back at her wings. "Oh! Well, yesterday, I got pushed to a thundercloud then got shocked by it!"

I remember now. Derpy was the one who knocked the cloud and got it to shoot lightning at me that day. "Who pushed you?" I questioned.

"That pegasus you were hanging out. You know, Lightning Dust I think you called her?"

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, she didn't even come back to say sorry, and she was really mean because she was smiling when she was doing it."

"What else do you know about her!?"

"Well, I don't remember seeing Lightning today until she got Kasin out of the Everfree forest. I know because I was out delivering mail all day until the afternoon."

"The same time Lightning got Kasin out of the forest…" I muttered to myself. "Something isn't right here…"

"I just don't know what went wrong." Derpy apologized.

"Yesterday wasn't your fault Derpy." I assured her before getting up to fly out. "By the way, thanks for telling me Derpy."

I flew off and headed to see Lightning. I wasn't gonna let her do whatever she wants, especially if she had anything to do with what happened to Kasin.

-3rd POV-

-Lightning's plan unwrapping-

Many things are happening. Kasin is found injured and seemingly rescued out of the Everfree Forest, Applejack and Twilight head out to Shaggy Cliffs to investigate further only to run into more trouble, And Rainbow Dash seems to have dug in deeper to the truth of what really happened. With all this going on, Spitfire and Soarin are still doing scouting and Kasin was lying at the hospital bed, recovering from his injuries.

At the hospital, Kasin rested. One of the most painful injuries he has ever received.

"Mr. Kasin." The nurse called. "Somepony is here to see you."

Going through the door, Lightning enters. Kasin widens his eyes as she comes in.

"Hi Kasin. How ya doing there?"

Kasin glared at her as Lightning waved to the nurse to give some privacy. She left leaving the two alone.

"You shouldn't be too angry with me. I mean, you're alive, aren't you?" Lightning said as she walked closer to Kasin. "And, if you play it out right, I'll even make sure nothing happens to you 'right now'." She threatened.

"And what do you mean by that?"

Behind Lightning was Rainbow. She too glared suspiciously at Lightning as she stepped in the room.

"I should have known! You haven't changed." Rainbow stated. "If anything, you've gotten to a new low Lightning."

Lightning just rolled her eyes as she said, "A new low huh? Well, it's not like you can prove it Rainbow."

"I heard enough from Derpy, the one you pushed to that thundercloud yesterday." she stated.

"So? It doesn't really prove much."

"Well, it should be enough to blame you for shocking me yesterday!"

"And who's going to believe you? The one who wasn't there to save poor old Kasin in time?" Lightning taunted as she nudged Kasin's head with her hoof. "Aw, poor thing can't even talk."

"You just wait! I'll get them to know what's going on, and then-!"

"And then you'll what? Report me? If you do, then I'll confess…that Derpy helped me with the plan."

Rainbow widened her eyes, surprised by this new action. "Derpy had nothing to do with whatever you did!"

"Oh really? Derpy said she was, 'pushed' to the thundercloud, but what if…she just didn't want to get caught for helping me? And then I'll happen to tell on Derpy too. I wonder if the girl knows what it's like to get thrown in prison."

"How could you even do this!? What's your aim here!?" Rainbow questioned angrily.

Lightning simply left the room passing Rainbow as she said, "That's for me to know and you to find out."

With Lightning gone, Rainbow was left in the room with Kasin. She walked to him and said, "Lightning never took you to Shaggy Cliffs, did she?"

Kasin nodded no as he shed small tears.

"And she got you beaten up and made sure you couldn't talk to say what happened, huh?"

Kasin continued to cry. In his mind, he cursed letting Lightning get the upper hand, and with the truth under his lips, he's unable to do anything about it. Rainbow comforted Kasin, hugging him and reassuring him. "Don't worry, I'll find a way to stop her…I'll give it my all too. Just hang tight, okay?"

Kasin nodded as she left the him once more. Rainbow walked through the hallway grimly, not even noticing Fluttershy passing by her with a saddle bag.

"Oh, hello Rainbow-" Fluttershy trailed off as she realizes Rainbow was deep in her thoughts, so much she wasn't even hearing her. "Oh…"

Fluttershy went inside Kasin's room and stood by his bed. Kasin looked to see Fluttershy checking on him.

"Kasin, why are you crying?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh wait, I forgot you can't talk since your jaw is broken."

Kasin nodded reminding her. Fluttershy giggled as she placed the bags down and started to pull something out.

"Well, I have something you'll like. I remembered it and went over to Twilight's to get it. She wasn't there at the moment, but I'm sure it was fine since this belongs to you."

Kasin's eyes widened as he gazed the object Fluttershy pulled out of the saddlebag.

-Twilight's POV-


Underneath the pile of rocks and boulders, me and Applejack climbed out, luckily unscathed.

"That was close…" Applejack commented on the event. "Hey Twi, you alright?"

"Yes. Thanks for the save AJ." I said in gratitude.

"No problem. Boy, Shaggy Cliffs avalanches are no joke, huh?"

"But still…that shouldn't have happened."

Applejack raised an eyebrow as she asked, "Why?"

I opened up my book of Ponyville wild sights to the page of Shaggy Cliffs. "You know how they say Shaggy Cliffs always has avalanches once a day?"


"Well, it's true once a day, and ONLY once."

"Wait, what?"

I showed her the page and explained. "Shaggy Cliffs was known for its mysterious once a day quaking avalanche. However, as long as one already happened, a second one will never happen until the next day. If one had just happened now, that means."

Applejack seemed to have understand where I was going. "There was never an avalanche to get Kasin hurt…They never went to Shaggy Cliffs!"


"But…but what happened to Kasin!? What got him…Lightning!"

"We have some evidence on her now, all we need to find out now is why. Why would she do all this?"

"We can find out later, we need to tell everypony what's going on for now!"

"Right! Let's go!"

We got out of the Everfree forest and went back to Ponyville. We managed to meet up with the Wonderbolts, Lightning, and Rainbow. They seem to be locked in an argument.

"I'm telling you! You can't let her join the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow shouted.

"And why is that Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire questioned.

"Because she never changed! she never saved Kasin from an avalanche!"

"And do you have any proof of that?"

Rainbow gulped as she admitted she didn't. "N-No, but-!"

"Don't worry about her." Lightning assured Spitfire. "She's just jealous apparently."

"Is that so?" Spitfire questioned.

"Jealous of her!? Why would I be jealous!? If anything, I'm angry that she-!" Rainbow stopped as Spitfire suddenly yelled.


Rainbow continued no more as Spitfire said, "Rainbow, this is very disappointing! You should be happy for Lightning! Weren't you friends with her yesterday?"

"She tricked me! She tricked all of us!"

"And why would she do that?"

Again, Rainbow struggled saying, "W-Well, I'm not sure, but the fact of what she DID do is still there!"

"Listen, Rainbow, as much as I would accept whatever you say as the truth, I can't take your word for it without proof."

"And we got it!" Applejack spoke out, gathering the others attention.

"You do?" Spitfire questioned.

"Yes." I answered. "Applejack and I did some investigating at Shaggy Cliffs, and we happened to run into an avalanche."

"Ouch." Soarin commented.

"Don't worry, we didn't get hurt. But of course, it was strange, because Shaggy Cliff never has two avalanches in a single day."

We all started to glare at Lightning suspiciously, we could easily see her sweating.

"That's not all!" Another voice spoke.

We all looked up to see Derpy Hooves flying in. Rainbow seemed to be distressed when she entered the debate.

"Lightning pushed me to a thundercloud and shocked Rainbow!" Derpy announced.

"She what!?" Spitfire jumped.

"Derpy! What are you doing here!?" Rainbow questioned.

"I just wanted to help…" Derpy replied.

Lightning huffed as she said, "Alright! Fine! You caught me! But just so you know…Derpy actually helped me."

I was along with everypony else surprised about this. "WHAT!?" We all screamed except for Rainbow.

"She's lying! Derpy was pushed! She had nothing else to do with this!" Rainbow told Spitfire and Soarin.

"No, she helped me shock Rainbow so I could get inside their little circle of friendship. But she just had to chicken out by placing all the blame on me." Lightning announced.

"What do you think Spitfire?" Soarin asked.

"We can't have any criminal suspects just go off. We'll have to arrest her too." Spitfire decided.

"No!" Rainbow screamed as she got between the Wonderbolts and Derpy. "Isn't there any other way!?"

"Sorry, but if she's associated in the crime, we'll have to arrest her too." she explained. "Only way to let her go is if we drop the charges on the both of them for assault."

Lightning grinned while the rest of us were unsure what to do. It wasn't until somepony else entered the debate.

"I think I have the solution here."

We all looked back to see something very surprising. Kasin was walking, talking, and all better! He was coming towards us with Fluttershy by his side.

"Y-You!! H-How are you still-!?" Lightning stuttered.

"Surprised all my bones are back so quickly?" Kasin growled. "Well, I guess you didn't know that a while back, Fluttershy made me a bone healing potion that was at my house ready to use!"

Kasin showed off the bottle, astounding everypony to this newcomer to the argument. "But enough about that. It seems you had everything figured out, huh Lightning?"

"Naturally." Lightning gloated.

"Well, what you didn’t check up enough on is Equestrian law."

She raised an eyebrow as Kasin pulled out a book of the fore mentioned topic.

"Equestria has some unique features when it comes to law. It says here that 'the victim can actually forgive the criminal for any abuse or fraud as long as it's to all criminal parties.'."

"That's our problem Kasin." Rainbow told him. "If we forgive Derpy, Lightning gets off free!"

"Right! But what you don't know, or at least don't remember is there are 2 crimes."

Everypony was surprised to hear this.

"Yesterday was the tag team thunder cloud assault of Lightning Dust and Derpy Hooves. I'd like to forgive both parties for the crime and cease all charges."

Lightning grinned while the rest of us were saddened by this.

"Now, for last night and today, I'd like to report Lightning Dust." Kasin started off. "For assaulting me at the Golden Oaks Library."

"That'll work." Spitfire said. "Lightning Dust, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."

As the Wonderbolts closed in, Lightning Dust backed away. "H-Hold on! That's not enough proof!"

"Dude, I'm a victim. I'm nothing but evidence. You know, eyewitness? Besides, the other evidence is Shaggy Cliffs avalanche if you haven't forgotten." Kasin stated. "So Lightning, are you starting to regret pulling this stunt? It was pretty stupid from the start."

"Shut up!" Lightning suddenly yelled. "I'm not going down like this! If I can't be a Wonderbolt, then neither are you!!"

Lightning then rushed at Rainbow, blowing her away. We were shocked by the sudden attack as Rainbow and Lightning started to fight in the air. Spitfire and Soarin were about to intervene until Rainbow said, "Don't!"

"Rainbow?" Kasin muttered.

"This is my fight! I have a few things I want to get back at Lightning personally!"

"Are you crazy!?" I scolded her. "Rainbow! Don't be stubborn! Spitfire! Soarin! You have to-"

Kasin threw out his hand as he said, "Stop!"


"This is her personal fight." Kasin said. His sudden change to his ego was easily noticeable. This was the same Kasin that would fight whenever there's peril. What was different was the fact that Kasin wasn't the one battling.

"B-But Kasin." Fluttershy spoke. "She really needs our help."

Kasin stood his ground as he said, "She said she'll take care of it. If she says she can handle it, then she can handle it. I have every faith in her that she can."

I never seen Kasin so devoted to Rainbow's words before. We just waited while the two fought.

-Rainbow's POV-

-Rainbow Dash VS Lightning Dust-

I was having another fly fight, this time with Lightning Dust. We flew at each other and passed on blows along the way. I hate to admit it, but she still matched my speed like back then. It didn't matter though, because no matter how many times we kept bashing heads, I was gonna keep fighting until she went down.

"Give up Rainbow!" Lightning demanded. "If I can't be a Wonderbolt, then you're definitely not gonna be one either!"

"Don't count on it!" I retorted.

Lightning pulled off some new moves, one where she passed through a cloud and was wrapped in electricity! When she got close to me, I felt static stinging me.


"What's the matter? It's just a little spark." She taunted. "I've been waiting too long to get another chance! I had to stage all that junk where I saved the hero of Ponyville and everything! But you just HAD to be friends with him! Didn't matter though since I could've gotten you back along the way! But since it's come down to this, I'm gonna make sure YOU don't even get a chance to do anything!"

"You're gonna get it!"

She kept on going in and out of thunderclouds, wrapping herself up in electricity. It was unbelievable! I couldn't hit her if she kept protecting herself like that! But I wasn't gonna give up. I decided to wait it off until she went back into the thundercloud. when she did, I dashed to it and kicked it, making the thunder go off on her!

"AAAH!" She squealed, trying to get out of the cloud. When she did, she was smoking with black dust on her.

"What's the matter? I thought you could take it." I chuckled.

"You cocky little filly!" She growled. "Don't think you've won just yet!"

Lightning started to fly away from me. I chased after her thinking I got her on the run, but then I saw in front of her another cloud. I wasn't sure what she was gonna do until I realized who she was aiming for. Kasin and the others were in trouble! I couldn't stop her in time, she was too close to the thing! So I turned and head towards the others. When Lightning kicked the cloud, I blocked the thunder shock from hitting Kasin. The others were taken back by what happened, and I fell down exhausted from that attack.

"RAINBOW!!!" They screamed. Kasin tried to run to me, but got pushed off by Lightning.

"This is the human that saved Ponyville?" Lightning gloated. "He's so weak!"

Kasin was struggling to get up. Lightning continued to make fun of him.

"Not strong, you're totally slow, and you can't even stand up for yourself! Beating you up was as easy as racing you! You're not even a challenge!"

He wasn't able to get up. Lightning was really beating him down with her words.

"Hey! Shut up!" I yelled at her. "You leave him alone! You don't know anything about him!"

Lightning turned towards me with that stupid smirk on her face. "I know him enough seeing that he's friends with the likes of you."

"What'd you say!?"

"You think you can beat me, you think you're fast, you think you're cool. But spoiler alert! You're not! You think you're all that, but really, you're nothing! Trash like you shouldn't even be considered to be a Wonderbolt, much less to think she has the right to fly!"

A sudden change in the air took place. It felt like stale dust was flowing through. I got up with all my strength and looked to see behind Lightning was Kasin. He was standing up tall and he looked WAY mad. He grabbed Lightning and threw her to the ground, and you cannot believe the hole he made when he did. Now Lightning Dust was the one struggling while Kasin stood over her.

"You shut up." He growled. "Rainbow is far more then what you could ever be! Her loyalty and strength is far beyond compared to yours. You. You're the one who's nothing. You have no right to talk about someone as great as her."

Lightning scoffed as she said, "Oh, tough boy huh? What're you gonna do about it? If I say Rainbow's not good enough to be a pegasus, she's not good enough to be a pegasus."

Kasin punched her, and blew her away to the ground. Seriously! Kasin was going all out!

"You don't know anything! Rainbow Dash is gonna be a Wonderbolt!!!"

Those last words echoed for everypony else to hear. Never in my life have I heard anypony else say that for me, especially fight for me too. I went over to Kasin and together, we were going to beat Lightning.

"Y-You think this is fair?!" Lightning Dust questioned. "I thought you said you can beat me by yourself!"

"You picked a fight with Rainbow when you tackled her." Kasin reminded her. "Then you threw thunder at me, so now you picked a fight with me as well. All you did was dig yourself a hole."

Lightning Dust was starting to lose her confidence. It wasn't long before she tried to get away. before I could give a chase, Kasin pulled out his slingshot and shot in pink pellets at Lightning's wings. They exploded into pink gum, sticking her wings together.

"What the!?" Lightning yelled as she fell down, not able to fly anymore.

"Rainbow." Kasin called.

"Yeah Kasin?" I responded.

"Let's show her some teamwork!"

I nodded, and brought Kasin with me up high. Lightning tried to make a run for it, but it was too late. I spun around with Kasin holding onto my hooves. We soon made a small tornado before I threw Kasin at Lightning, and soon, Kasin came flying at her with a piercing spin.

We made our very own combo together. "Tornado Torpedo!"

Lightning was attacked by a spinning punch, drilling at her. Kasin didn't stop there, cause after the spin stopped, he kicked her to me, and I delivered the final blow. I smacked her to the ground, and finally, the annoying brat gave up. Me and Kasin high fived while the others came to us.

"Kasin! Rainbow! Are you alright!?" Twilight questioned.

"We're fine." I told her.

"Yeah…boy, that was close." Kasin said, finally reverting back to his normal ego.

"Oh! Thank goodness!" Fluttershy said, still checking on us anyway. "It would have been awful for you to get hurt considering that you just got better."

We looked over at Lightning Dust, too weak to try and run away. Spitfire and Soarin went over to her and turned to us saying, "We'll take care of the rest. Thanks for taking her down you two."

"I-It was nothing!" I told them.

"I'll be seeing more of you two later. That was a sick combo you pulled off just now." Spitfire told us. "Come on, let's take this reject where she belongs."

"On it!" Soarin said before turning back to Rainbow. "Seriously, that was…really cool."

They left with Lightning Dust, taking her wherever she belongs. It's fine as long as it's away from us! We all took a break after that. It was a long day, I don't remember much after all that.

It was probably a few hours before I started to take my mind off of everything with a little flying. Then I happened to see Kasin sitting by the hills. I flew down and landed next to him.

"Yo Dash, what's up?" He greeted.

"Hey, just wanted to check up on ya." I replied.

"That's cool." He said as he looked at the horizon. "You know Rainbow, Lightning was right about me being weak and all…I get tired easily, I wuss out on stuff, I even cry more than I should."

"Don't say that! Lightning doesn't know you at all!"

"No…she's right. their just part of my many flaws." Kasin then sighed as he crossed his arms. "But the way she talked about you…that's when she was wrong. She must be blind or ignorant to say stuff like that."

"…Kasin…why'd you say that earlier?"

"Hm? Say what?"

"You…You said I was gonna be a Wonderbolt…What made you…Say that out of the blue?"

"It's what you wanna be, right?"

"Yeah, but…It's just…nopony ever said that for me…not even the others…"

Kasin held onto my shoulder and said, "You know as well as I do you're more than capable of becoming a Wonderbolt. If not now, then soon. I know it Rainbow, cause you're the only pegasus that I can count on when we're in action! Not even Lightning Dust could compare to you even before we found out she was hatching this plan."

I felt a bit taken back by all that. Was he serious? Did he really have that much faith in me? "R-Really Kasin? But…why?"

"I just do Rainbow." He said while looking at the sunset. "I just do."

I never thought the day would come. As we just sat down and watched the sun set together, I find myself lying my head on Kasin. I think all that stuff Rarity mentioned earlier wasn't a joke after all…

I…liked Kasin…

Author's Note:

Testing out new things. Please comment to tell me what you think.