• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 18 - Grandest Galloping Gala

-Kasin's POV-

-Prepare for the party-

Being in Canterlot just for a while longer, I did my usual rounds. I'm no longer training for reasons of procrastination, but I feel confident of my abilities. Instead, I did duels with my fellow comrades even though I no longer join them in the barracks for the same reason anymore, but we've become the best of friends. I visited Gold Shield as he was checking papers in his office.

"Ah, Kasin." Gold greeted me. "What brings you by?"

"What? I can't visit my favorite commander?" I asked.

"You left the division and become a volunteer of major missions if I remember correctly."

"Even so, you're still the best commander I ever had!"

Gold rolled his eyes as he continued to check the papers. "Anyways, are you going to the Grand Galloping Gala?"

"The what?"

"Oh, that's right. You probably haven't heard about this seeing how certain events aren't familiar to you. It's basically a royal party in the Canterlot castle."

"So let me guess. A bunch of those uptight ponies are coming to the castle?"

"Probably, yes."

I sighed, remembering my current title to the citizens of Canterlot. "Well, I'm probably not gonna be there. I don't like the ponies in the city."

"Yes, they're truly a short sighted bunch, aren't they?"

"I think I'll just hang with Luna during the party."

Gold tilted his head somewhat confused. "I thought she was in a coma."

"She is, but…Well, she makes me happy whenever I'm around her."

"Ah, young love…"

"Excuse me?"

Gold Shield snickered as he said, "Oh nothing! Just to let you know, I won't be joining in the event either."


"Like every year, I excuse myself from it due to the same reason as you. Upper class snots tend to bother me."

"What? I thought you and Rarity got along great."

"Hey! Rarity is not an upper class snot!" He quickly replied. "She's a beautiful mare with an eye for magnificence and a taste of fashion, and-"

"Okay! I get it!" I told him. "Anyways, I gotta go cook something up for Daggers. It's his feeding time."

"Alright then, take care."

I left the barracks and went to the kitchen after traveling the long hallways. I have by now forgotten how it was like traveling through Ponyville's streets as well as walking along the row of buildings saying hi to ongoing ponies. I could walk around the towns of Canterlot, but if I recall, they are still very rude towards my appearance. When I got into the kitchen, I saw my wolf ready for his lunch.

"Thanks for waiting." I told Daggers. I took out his fetching stick off the counter and threw it outside. He went after it as usual, giving me the time to make him his eggs as usual. When I finished, he came back. The reason why it took him so long is because of my arm got better at throwing. I'm actually surprised I haven't broken a window like last time too. Placing the eggs down for Daggers to feast upon, I told him my day while he tried to tell me his. Of course, all I can hear are barking noises, so yeah. After he finished eating, we went out to go play some more fetch. The gardens were full of animals, surprisingly kangaroos, chipmunks, birds, so much and too much to name! They were at first scared of Daggers not that he mind. After spending our time here, they got used to him and even play together. After playing a few rounds of fetching and chasing, I let Daggers hang out with the other animals while I took a break on the bench. I was about to doze off in relaxation until a certain pony came to greet me.

"Hello Kasin." Celestia greeted me. "How are you?"

"Oh, just fine." I replied. "Just finished up feeding Daggers for lunch."

"So I see."

She sat down next to me as we viewed the gardens.

"So, the Grand Galloping Gala is tomorrow night." Celestia informed me. "Are you excited?"

"Not really…" I replied.

"Why not? Are parties not to your liking?"

"That's not it. I love parties, especially Pinkie's…but this party is gonna have all those uptight wads."

"Ah, I almost forgot your strife with the ponies in the town."

"Yeah, I mean, I know they're your citizens and all, but I can't get along with them."

"That's a shame…" She said sadly. "Do you even know who's coming?"

"No, who?"

"Why, your friends of course!"

I widened my eyes and quickly asked, "Really!? Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Spike?"

"The very same."

I jumped up in glee and said, "No way! I can't wait to see them again!"

"Is that enough to change your mind?"

"Hmm…Maybe…But those upper class ponies will still be a bother."

Celestia frowned and said, "Yes, I don't want anything to ruin your time."

For a while we sat looking glum at all of this. It wasn't until Celestia looked up with an idea.

"Kasin, is it alright if you come with me to get some things from town?"

"Um…sure, I guess. When?"

"Right now." She said while getting up and pulling out her wing, pushing me with her.

"What's the rush Celestia?"

"Just come with me."

She brought me through the castle and out the doors. She stopped shoving me with her wing and signaled me to walk beside her. I didn't argue and complied, walking beside her pass the foretold beings that insults me daily. We traveled around the city along the shining street lights and bushes that mimic the figures of horses. We didn't go anywhere in particular, we bought a picnic basket and some wine along with other fruits to go with it. We stopped at a restaurant where she asked for a table for two. It usually wouldn't strike me suspicious, but this restaurant was a five star with reservations filled up. By now, I started to wonder.

"Okay Celestia, what are we doing?" I questioned.

"Just sit down with me."

Sitting down together at a table, all of the ponies in the room watched closely at us. They were too wondering what was going on here, and also hearing, "Isn't that the monster?", and "What's it doing with the princess?"

The waiter approached us and asked, "What would you like Princess?"

"I think we'll have some spaghetti with some zest sauce, and a chocolate cake for dessert." Celestia replied.

"As you wish." The waiter responded writing down everything and going back to the kitchen for our order.

I looked at Celestia unsure what was going on. She simply smiled at me as she said, "You haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

"No?" I responded very unsure of all this.

She levitated the wine bottle and opened it, pouring it into both of our cups.

"Oh…I don't drink alcohol Celestia." I told her. "I'm only seventeen after all."

"Oh, that's right." Celestia remembered. "Well, I shouldn't let this wine go to waste then."

She placed the wine on the table as the spaghetti came in. She and I began to eat and enjoy the food. Things were fine until the point when I slurped up a spaghetti noodle and then…

Our lips met with that one strand. I started to sweat nervously, not knowing how to react. It wasn't until she levitated my head closer and made it look like we were making out. After that, she lets go and lets me go back to my seat. All the ponies gasped and were silent.

"Wha…What'd you do that for?" I asked.

She giggled and leaned close whispering, "Just wanted to make sure you'll fit in for the Grand Galloping Gala."

I looked at the others as they were flustered and embarrassed. I could hear some say things like, "I…I didn't know that he was the princess's colt friend!" and "I hope he didn't hear what I said about him."

I got it now. She was doing a publicity stunt! Wow! I never knew Celestia would do something like that! I smiled at Celestia and said, "You know what Celestia? You're awesome!"

Smiling, we finished up the spaghetti and moved onto dessert. The chocolate cake was delicious, but it was short seeing how Celestia loved baked goods like this. She drank some wine while I ate the fruit and talked about the days in Canterlot. I was happy spending time with her, she was very fun and also mischievous in a good way. After that, we walked out of the restaurant together while everyone else were quickly changing their perspective on me. I couldn't help but find this funny, and to make the moment last, I asked, "May I walk you home my lady?"

Celestia chuckled and said, "I wouldn't mind at all. Please do Kasin."

We took the long way through the town and crossed the little bridges over little streams of water, passed some parks and some magnificent monuments. The city was much better now that everyone stopped insulting me and with that said, I too enjoyed Canterlot with my friend Celestia by my side.

"Just so you know Kasin." She started. "Though I did make you kiss me, you should be aware that it was so I can get you to the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Ha, I know Celestia!" I replied. "Even if you still want us to stay as friends, I gotta say, you're a great kisser."

She blushed and looked away. "Well…I don't want to date you right off the bat…not like that anyways…"

"Sorry, I didn't hear that."

"Huh? Oh, nothing." She hastily responded.

We walked back to the castle and entered through the doors. Celestia went back to her chambers while I went back to my room. When I did, Gold Shield and his soldiers were in there with balloons and a cake.

"Hooray!" They cheered. "I knew you had it in ya kid!"

"What?" I responded.

Gold Shield was coming over to me and said, "I always thought you and the princess had something special with all those talks you've been having with her."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aren't you and the princess going out?"


They all stared at me before they looked away in embarrassment. Gold Shield stared at me before saying, "Oops! My mistake! Ah, um…All units! Retreat!"

They all got out of my room and left behind the party supplies. I laughed before I called Gold back.

"Hey Gold Shield! I need to tell you something!"

Gold Shield turned and asked, "What is it?"

"My friends are coming to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"What!? Really!? Is…Is Rarity coming?"

"Yep! The whole crew!"

He smiled happily and said, "You know what Kasin? I think I'll be there too."


"Yep! So I'll see you and your lovely friends later!"

As he left, I went back into my room and looked at the cake. It had said, "To Kasin and Celestia, love is immortal". That made me blush as I took a slice and ate it before going to get to bed. Tomorrow's the big day. The Grand Galloping Gala.

-Celestia's POV-

-Getting ready-

I awoke from my chambers and hurried to outside. I would be very busy maintaining everything before the guests arrive tonight. Before it comes, I must make sure everything is met to its standards. First things first. I had to go wake up Kasin from his quarters. I peeked inside his room to find him still sleeping.

"Kasin, it's time to wake up now." I told him.

"No…! Celestia, put down the sun!" He complained. "At least make it night for like, five more minutes."

I only laughed as I levitated him to the bathroom and closed the door while I waited in his room. After a moment of rinsing noises, he comes out and yawns asking, "So…tonight's the big night."

"Indeed it is." I told him. "I hope to see everything on your end fine."

"Of course! After what you did yesterday, how can I not go? You did a lot for me, thanks so much!" Kasin said in gratitude.

"You're very welcome."

"Ah! I didn't go see Luna last night!" Kasin remembered. "I gotta go see her."

"You really seem to like her."

"She did a lot for me too. I do feel close to her."

"Well, I'm glad you two are getting along."

Kasin smiled as he began to leave the room. "I'll see you later."

With him up and going, I proceeded to my duties for the party. Planning it was simple, but putting everything together was the difficult part. I will say this, every year would be very boring. I guess I've gotten so used to formalities that I have grown tired of it. It was last year when it was actually fun. When the girls proceeded with their shenanigans that they've made my day. This year would be different, I just know it since they plan to correct their last mistakes here. The only thing left to ask is what will happen. Kasin is here after all, and Gold Shield out of all these years has suddenly decided to come as well. I don't know what urged him to do so, but I guess that's his decision and his to know alone. I went to all of the rooms to see how it was going. The usual check up. Food for the party, check. Music in the ball room, check. Decorations, check. Dear me, I sound like my student. After that, I decided to take a relaxing stroll…Well, that was until…

"AUNTIE!!!" A whiny voice called.

"Oh, buck…" I muttered.

And here comes my…nephew, Prince Blueblood. As usual, when he's around, he's asking me something that is just utterly ridiculous or completely prejudice . Of course, maybe now would be different.

"Auntie! Why is that…THING going to the party?"

Of course I'm wrong. "Are you by any chance talking about our human guest, Kasin?"

"Guest!?" He retorted. "That beast should be put in the dungeon where it belongs! Please Auntie, don't ruin this year's Grand Galloping Gala! I don't want it to end up in a disaster like last time!"

I sighed before saying, "Kasin has been helping us for the past few months. He's a reliable friend that I would never betray. You could learn a thing from him Blueblood."

"Oh, pfft! Yeah right. Maybe I'll learn how to snarl like a manticore."

"That is enough! I will tell you this now, if something happens to you because of Kasin, I will tolerate it. I know that you will attempt to badger him during his time here, so I recommend you either be kind to him or leave him be."

"W-What!? But Auntie-!"

"That is final!"

Well, that could have gone better. I left a bit annoyed after my conversation with him. At this point, I wanted to go out and get some fresh air. Then I had to run into another one of my fellow guests to the Gala.

"Hello~ Princess Celestia!"

"Discord." I grumbled.

"My, my, royalty shouldn't mumble like that!" He stated.

I placed my hoof on my head from this headache. "What do you want?"

"I just want to let you know, I'm excited for this year's Gala!"

"May I remind you that you're not allowed to cause any disturbances while you're there? No magic from you."

"What? Not even a little bit?"


"Then why am I going?!"

"I invited you to come. I don't require you to if you don't want to."

"Hmm…I'll think about it…"

He left me alone and for once, I had the chance to go out. Before I managed to even get a whiff of that air when I got outside, some guests decided to arrive early.

"Hello Princess Celestia!" They greeted.

"Hello there, what are you doing here at the castle so early my guests?" I couldn't help but ask.

"We uh…just want to say sorry to your friend that you were with. We didn't mean to insult him in town so often, especially the fact that he's your colt friend."

Ah, so they came to apologize early to Kasin. That's nice- She said colt friend…

"I-I'm sorry, did you say colt friend?"

"Why, yes. We all saw you kiss, so…"

I might have bit off more than I can chew. No matter, this problem will surely sort itself in time. For now, I should be on my way. "Thank you for your concern. I'm sure he won't mind seeing everypony now."

"Oh, thank goodness!" She sighed in relief. "Well, I'm sure you have more important matters than to deal with ponies like me. I'll leave you in peace."

"Don't worry, I appreciate your company as much as anypony else's."

After she left, I made my way back inside to run into Gold Shield, looking quite dapper in his suit.

"Urgh…This suit…I really should have bought another one instead of borrowed it from him…" He muttered.

"Gold Shield? Is that really you?" I asked, surprised.

Gold jumped up surprised and said, "P-Princess Celestia! M-My apologies! I was just talking to myself is all."

"Gold, why are you wearing a suit? Are you coming to this year's Grand Galloping Gala?"

"Why, yes Princess Celestia."

"Usually you excuse yourself every year. Why are you coming to this one?"

"Well, uh…you see Princess Celestia…um…"

I placed my hoof on his shoulder and said, "Please drop the formalities for a moment and talk to me normally."

He eased up eventually and said, "W-Well…You see…You invited Kasin's friends, and uh…Well, I just wanted to see them again too."

"Ah, I see…So who is it?"


"Who's the lucky mare?"

He grinned sheepishly and stuttered, "R-Rarity, Princess…"

"Oh…That's wonderful! I do hope the best for you."

"T-Thank you Princess." He said gratefully. "I just hope I can get this suit to stop being so tight. I hope I didn't gain weight…Argh! Why do suits have to be like this!? Armor is almost the same, but at least that has a reason!"

"Speaking of suits…Kasin doesn't have one…"

"You better go see him about that. You wouldn't want him to go to a gala with his everyday clothing after all."

"I think I should go find him. Farewell for now."

"Goodbye Princess Celestia."

After parting ways, I made my way through the party ready castle. The decorations were in place and food was ready. Music was on standby and it'll only be a few more hours before night arrives and the festivities will begin. Going to Luna's chambers, I saw Kasin sleeping beside her. I couldn't help but smile as I went over to Kasin to wake him up.

-Kasin's POV-

-Dream to Reality-

The peaceful landscape and a nice party, who could ask for more? I was having my little meet up with Luna as we sipped tea together. Even if everything I eat in this world wouldn't fill me up, I didn't mind. Being with Luna and staying in touch was all that matters. I was eating crumpets with her as we talked about certain things.

"So, how's the dream job going?" I asked.

Luna frowned saying, "You know I deal with nightmares, right? Scary stuff? I can' say it's always the most pleasant career to go on about."


She giggled as she asked, "Well, what about you? How are things in the real world?"

"Well, today is the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Today? It's already that time of the year again?"

"You've been to one of those parties before?"

"Not for thousands of years. I left the castle on some errands last year."

"Wait…not for a thousand years? Where were you during those times?"

For some reason, she looked like she was a bit nervous. Immediately, she changes the subject.

"Um…from that aside, Kasin. When are you going back to Ponyville?"

"When am I going back?" I repeated. Looking down, I was a bit unsure. "I don't really know…I…I don't want to leave actually…"

"What? But I thought you like it over there more than here in Canterlot."

"I know, but…Well, I don't want to leave Celestia alone and I don't want to leave you either…"

She smiled as he placed her wing around me. "Celestia is more capable than you think, and I'll still be there for you when you sleep."


She placed her hoof on my hand and the world soon cleared up. Before I awoke, Luna vowed, "Promise."

Yawning as I slowly came to, I saw Celestia looming over me smiling.

"What?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing." She said, looking away smirking. "We've been dating for less than a day, and your with my sister."

"SAY WHAT!?!?"

She patted my shoulder laughing and saying, "I'm sorry! It's just that I wanted to see your expression!"

As she laughed, I got up and brushed out my brown hair. I covered Luna with a blanket before we left the room. We walked together along the castle, which I noticed look somewhat different. Elegant streamers, gala themed furniture placed everywhere, and the musicians seem to be preparing for the guests to arrive. It was the Grand Galloping Gala before anyone arrived. You could certainly see the party at its gull potential when you arrive, but it'll all be worn out later after the guests lets whatever happen to them. Celestia eyed me for some time, looks like she has a question.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing, really." Celestia claimed. "But are you by any chance going to be wearing that to the gala?"

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"As much as I dislike such requirements, I think the guests will have an easier time to get to know you if you dress up for the event."

"But I don't care what the guests think, and I don't like formal clothes."

"I thought you might say that." She stated. After that, she levitated a box from somewhere and opened it revealing clothes. "Which is why before today, I had my tailor make you this. You'll be wearing this during the event."

I stepped back a bit before running away from Celestia. "No way! You can't make me!"

"Get back here!"

-Twilight's POV-

-Getting ready-

Me and the girls were getting ready, dressing up for the Grand Galloping Gala. After last year, we hope things will go better as we're now prepared for what’s probably going to happen. I decided to spend time with Kasin seeing how the Princess will be busy greeting the guests. It'll be perfect! The two of us, at the gala, alone.

Hmm…I still can't help but remember what Applejack said though. I mean…would it be wrong to make him mine even though she confessed before I did? Kasin is still unaware, but even so, it would still be wrong, wouldn't it?

As we changed into our dresses for the Gala, we exited out the door to see Spike waiting for us.

"You all still look great. I'm surprised you got the dresses fixed since, you know, last year." Spike stated.

"Thank you Spikey wikey~!" Rarity said, nuzzling him. "It took a lot of my abilities, but I managed to get it done."

"We have a ride picking us up this time." I informed everypony. "Commander Gold Shield was kind enough to lend us a chariot after he heard we were all going."

"Oh my! That Gold Shield is so courteous!" Rarity swooned, making Spike grumble.

"In that case, I better get the apple cart ready." Applejack decided. "This time I'm bringing them fancy-shmancy stuff."

"Good call." Rainbow responded. "I gotta new plan to hang out with the Wonderbolts!"

"I don't know if the animals have changed, but I think I'll look into it more this time." Fluttershy thought.

"I'm sure this time will be a blast!" Pinkie jumped.

Rarity sighed and said, "Well, I'm glad you all have something planned. I don't think I have anything else to look forward to."

"Aw, cheer up Rarity." I assured her. "I'm sure something will come up."

"Why thank you Twilight, but even so, I don't think I can live in a fairy tale dream. I'll just have to cope that not all princes will be in Canterlot."

"I'm sure somepony will be there to sweep you off your hooves."

Rarity smiled at this. Later, I was locking up the library and walked with Spike back to the boutique, only to run into Applejack. She was bringing in the applecart with what seems to be attached to it was…a barrel of cider?

"Hey Twilight!" Applejack greeted.

"Applejack, is that cider?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah! I'm bringing in a barrel of this stuff for Kasin."


"Well, I thought he might want a sip of this stuff since he never got to, and you know…um…maybe the drinks there will be bad." She smiled sheepishly.

"I…I guess?"

"Anyways, I gotta go park this at Rarity's. See you later!"

After she left, I was a bit worried. It wasn't until Spike tugged my mane.

"Hey, Twilight! Try not to worry so much. It's not like Kasin is gonna fall in love over a barrel of cider."

"I guess you're right, but still…Is it wrong for me to get in the way of somepony else's love?"

"Oh please! There's nothing wrong with having feelings for somepony especially when somepony else likes him too."

"You sound like you know a lot about all this."

"Heh, well, you know. Me and Rarity, that stuff."

I rolled my eyes as I said, "Thanks Spike. You're right, there's nothing wrong with trying. I mean, it's not like there's going to be a feud over him."

I headed over to the boutique and saw everypony there waiting for me. The chariot had just arrived and we were all about to board until…

"Whoa! Hold it!" One of them said to Applejack.

"What?" She responded.

"You can't bring all that!" He pointed at the applecart. "It'll take too much space!"

"But I brought it last year! Come on! I even got the barrel of cider-"

"CIDER!?" Rainbow shouted, flying over to Applejack. "YOU BROUGHT CIDER!?"

"You gonna drink that?" The chariot pilot asked.

"No! You can't have any!" Applejack said while guarding the cider behind her. "The barrel is for Kasin! Everything else on the cart, you can buy it when we get there."

"AWW!" Rainbow groaned.

"Oh, Kasin huh?" The pilot realized. "Lucky guy, I bet he's gonna be happy about this."

"You know him?" I asked.

"Heck yeah! He was in our squad a while back. Best guy you can count on!"

"Speaking of which, do you think Kasin is going to be at the Gala?" Fluttershy asked.

"Even if he doesn't show up to the Gala, he'll still be at Canterlot." I assured her.

"Let's get a move on then!" Applejack yelled, getting the chariot to move with great haste.

Along the way, Rainbow was badgering Applejack about the cider.

"Come on! Just a sip?" She begged.

"No! I got this batch made specially made for Kasin!" Applejack remarked.

"My, my, I knew you were in love with him, but to take it so far to get him drunk and…" Rarity implied.

Applejack blushed and said, "No way! I'm not that kind of pony! I just wanted Kasin to have a sip since cider season isn't coming for a long time, so maybe he'd like to sample some before it does!"

"Y-You know…I could sample this if you want to uh, make sure it's safe." Rainbow claimed, drooling over the barrel.

"Knock it off! I'm trying to keep this clean too you know!"

"I'll clean that barrel dry…"


"Woo! This is fun!" Pinkie cheered.

"Would you girls stop!?" Rarity yelled. "You better not so much as tear the dresses before we even get there, or you'll be hearing from me!"

We all stopped and complied. It was a quiet ride the rest of the way. Finally, we landed in front the castle along with the other guests who were invited. The chariot flew back inside as we stepped closer to the gates of the castle. We knew what to expect, but even so, we were still taken back by all the galore of the gala. It was truly a perfect party…well, for most ponies.

"I can't believe you did that!!" A voice yelled.

"It's not that bad." The princess replied.

"Is that Kasin?" I wondered.

"Wonder what's all the fuss about?" Applejack added.

"Well, we better go check it out."

We went in to see the disturbance only to find Kasin perfectly fine in a…Green western vest, blue jeans, sleek boots, and a chain going along his green belt. He looked very handsome in the attire. I also couldn't help notice Rainbow and Fluttershy's wings popping up.

"You cannot do that! You know it was messed up!" Kasin yelled.

"K-Kasin? Is that you?" Fluttershy asked.

Kasin turned around only to also be surprised by us. For a moment, we stared at each other before Kasin spoke again. "Is that…really you? You all look beautiful…"

"Why, thank you darling!" Rarity replied. "And may I add, you don't look so bad yourself either."

"Eh, I forgot about this…" Kasin said, blushing. "I didn't want to wear this though…"

"Then why'd you wear it?" Pinkie asked.

"Ask the princess of the sun." Kasin grumbled, crossing his arms.

"But everypony loves it!" Celestia stated.

"But I hate all this attention! Especially from others I don't even know! Besides, formal wear always feels so tight on me."

"Well, just wear it for tonight, and then I'll give you back your clothes."

"Wait a minute!" Rainbow spoke. "D-Did you change Kasin!?"

"Why, yes I did." Celestia answered.

I couldn't help but notice the wings popping up again from Fluttershy and Rainbow, as well as their faces being red along with Applejack. I admit, I was blushing too hearing all this.

"What…happened while you were here?" I asked.

"Eh, lots of stuff." Kasin replied. "But enough about that, let's have some fun-!"

"Excuse me sir." a pony spoke.

Kasin looked over to the mare as she waited for something. They shook hand and hoof and passed on.

"What was that?" Kasin wondered.

"Ah, I forgot about greeting the guests." Princess Celestia remembered.


Kasin looked over the long line of ponies awaiting to shake Kasin's hand and the princess's hoof. Kasin dropped his jaw before he groaned.

"No way…!"

"Kasin, it looks like they want to meet you."

"They didn't want to meet me until yesterday! Do I have to!?"

"Well, they'd start making rumors if you leave them now. Just stay with me for a bit longer and then I'll find a way to let you off."

Kasin groaned, "Fine." And proceeded shaking the hooves of the ponies.

"Aw shucks, I was hoping to give your gift now Kasin." Applejack said. "How about you meet up with me later?"

"A gift!? Oh, sweet! Thanks AJ!"

"Meet up with me later too, okay tiger?" Rainbow winked at him.


"Same probably goes for the rest of us." Rarity spoke for everypony. "You need to make up time for the months that went by."

Kasin nodded and said, "Sure! Sure! I got it!"

The party just started, and already, he has a big plate to finish. I stood next to him helping with the shaking of the hooves, greeting guests one by one. I can only hope that this Gala won't be like last time.

-Rarity's POV-

-My Shield in golden armor-

I was at the Gala just wandering about. It wasn't the same since last year I had something to look forward to, not that I would want to have ever met that Prince at the very least. His actions and responses have given me more than distaste. It was a nuisance in my mind that I can never truly be rid of ever since I met him. Oh Celestia, and there he is, yammering to one of the guards…Gold Shield!? I quickly snuck carefully close by to see what was going on.

"Excuse me?" Gold replied annoyed. "You want me to do what?"

"Get your guards to frame that creature and kick him out of the party! He'll ruin everything if you don't do it!" Prince Blueblood claimed.

"You mean Kasin? You do realize he saved this very castle that you're living in, right?"

"Don't make me tell auntie on you! As Prince, you have to follow my orders since I am also in a higher ranking than you."

Gold rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Yes sir…"

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check on the other peasants around here."

The snotty prince left and Gold Shield simply smiled and said, "Hmm…what was that he told me to do? Oh well, it probably wasn't important."

I couldn't help but giggle, alerting Gold Shield of my presence. "Oh! M-Ms. Rarity! I didn't see you there!"

"Please hold off on the formalities." I told him. "We are equals, are we not?"

"Of course. Even though I think you are more than I."

"Oh you~!"

I walked with Gold Shield as we talked more about each other. I told him about last year's Grand Galloping Gala as he told me he never went to one on his own accord.

"But why not?" I questioned. "The Grand Galloping Gala is wonderful, is it not?"

"Rarity, the Gala isn't the problem." Gold stated. "It's the ponies. A lot of them are not as friendly as they seem, especially that wicked prince."

"Oh, don't I know it. Blueblood ruined my time at the gala last year."

"You say you're a Canterlot pony at heart, right?" Gold reminded me. "If you are, then everypony in Canterlot should learn from you."

"Oh Gold, you really know how to make a lady feel lovely."

He blushed and smiled sheepishly. As we walked together, we ran into…HIM…

"You! What are you doing here!?" Blueblood questioned.

"I'm spending time with a lovely mare." Gold answered.

"You were SUPPOSED to get that creature kicked out of here!"

"Oh really? I must've forgotten." He replied sarcastically.

"Such insolence! And for a witch like her!"

"Now that was uncalled for!" I yelled.

"How dare you say that!" Gold shouted.

"Now, you will leave this peasant and go-" Blueblood was interrupted as Gold tackled him, pushing him back. Everypony including I were shocked as we watched closely.

"T-Treason!" Blueblood whined. "Treason for assaulting a-"

"Shut up!" Gold yelled. "I've been serving the royal family like many of my forefathers, but never have they pledged or served their allegiance to anypony like you! We have served many kind and just rulers, and you are the first future tyrant I have ever met! I rather end my career now then follow your orders!"

For a moment, Blueblood showed a furious expression. He ran away and yelled, "I'm telling auntie on you!"

I went over to Gold Shield and said, "Are you okay!? He didn't bruise you with his arrogance when you hit him, did he?"

"I'm fine." Gold replied.

"Are you sure? You could lose your job for that stunt!"

"I don't care anymore. I had to put up with that stuck up prince for as long as I can remember. But when he was insulting you…Well, that was the last straw. I would gladly lose my job because of Prince Blueblood as long as I can defend your name from being tarnished."

"Oh my…Never has…Anypony done that for me…"

Gold Shield was bold, dashing, and noble. I felt like we could be more than friends. Even if we haven't met for long, I feel like this is it. My dream come true. I leaned in and kissed him, surprising him before enjoying our moment together as well. After we finished, he was still taken back.

"I-I thought you wanted to meet a prince…" Gold Shield spoke.

"You're my prince now." I told him. "More of a prince than anypony else I know."

-Kasin's POV-

-My first Gala-

After shaking the hooves of about a hundred guests, Celestia finally got an idea to let me off.

"Kasin, why don't you go see the other guests in the castle."

"Oh! Um, yeah sure!" I replied. Finally! Time to look around the place!

"Twilight, why don't you accompany Kasin." Celestia suggested.

"Really? Um, alright! Thank you Princess!" Twilight responded, trotting happily next to me.

We left the room as the guests were satisfied with the reason why I left. Now that I had the chance to spend time with my friends, I started off with Twilight. Talking with her as I looked for my other friends to spend some quality time with as well. Me and Twilight talked about what was going on. I told her that I was no longer in the army but participated in any dangerous mission if they required me to.

"So they just let you off like that?" Twilight asked, surprised.

"I'm still affiliated with them. They're just not my prime directive anymore, and I'm not their main force." I explained. "I'm now their emergency member."

"I see. That's nice."

"So what about you? What's up at Ponyville."

"Well, the town accepted the fact that you're living here now, but of course, we all wished you didn't move on…"

"Move on?" I repeated. "I didn't move on."

"Canterlot's such a big city compared to Ponyville. I'm not surprised that you decided to stay."

"Hold on! I'm not staying here! At least not forever!"

"Even so, I have a feeling you're more accustomed to here than Ponyville now." she said in a solemn tone.

I never thought about it. I knew that staying in Canterlot would stir up some problems, but it was for a good reason. Now that I've gotten stronger, I have no other reason to stay here other than Celestia, Gold, and Luna. Everything else sucks, but I decide to stay here just because…of no reason good enough to explain why anymore…

"I…I guess you're right…"

We walked along the pavements and find Applejack making a booming in her business. Customers were lining up for cakes, pies, and other apple related desserts. Too much to name honestly, it had a variety to choose from. I even found myself wanting dome of these fancy food, urging to get in line. Luckily, Applejack interrupted her sales to notice me and Twilight.

"Kasin! Twi! Glad you can make it!" Applejack greeted.

"Wow, business is going great for you I see." I pointed out.

"Better than last year." Twilight added.

"Darn tootin'! It's great since I have what they want this time! Speaking of which, Kasin, come over here."

I followed her to a barrel parked up to the applecart.

"What's in the barrel?" I asked.

"Apple cider! Specially made by Sweet Apple Acres!" Applejack informed me.


"Yep! I figured since cider season isn't for a while, you could take a sip before the time comes."

"Uh…AJ, I'm only seventeen…I can't drink this…"

"Oh! I-I forgot! Heh, my bad!"

"Have I really spent enough time with you all for you to forget that I'm two or maybe even three years younger than you?"

"It escapes our mind, yes." Twilight answered.

Applejack sighed at the turn of events and said, "Ah well. Might as well sell-" She looked to the side and saw Rainbow chugging the barrel while we weren't looking. "RAINBOW DASH!!!"

After a moment of slurping up what was left of the barrel, she placed it on the floor and blushed a bright red. I think she overdosed herself there.

"Wassup Kasin…Twi…AJ…?" She slurred before a hiccup or two.

"Rainbow, when we get back home, I'm gonna make you have the worst hangover than when Bigmac took a sip when he was ten!"

"Ah…cool it AJ…" Then a hiccup. "You need to let it…go…" Another hiccup.

"You must've drank it all really fast to get a nasty spill of the hiccups too." Twilight guessed.

"Is Rainbow a…Alcoholic?" I wondered.

"Probably if she was daring enough to steal it when I wasn't looking!" Applejack snapped.

"Oh! Hey! Kasin!" Then a hiccup from Rainbow Dash. "I'm glad I found you! Come with me so we can meet up with Spitfire and-" Another hiccup. "Soarin."

"Maybe we should get your hiccups in order before we-" I trailed off as Rainbow grabbed me and flew me off. I forgot the last time she did that.

Flying me over Canterlot castle, I took a view of Twilight and Applejack yelling at Rainbow as she flew me to another room, specifically a place to meet with the Wonderbolts. Before we could even reach that, Rainbow swerved in the air a bit.

"Rainbow, I don't think you're fit to fly right now." I told her.

"What!? Are you saying-" Hiccup. "I'm not good enough?!"

"No, I think you're too drunk."

"Oh…Well I usually don't get like-" and another repetitive hiccup. "Like this, it must be because that Cider was special or something…"

"Strong cider huh? Well, that's what happens when you…" I trailed off as we started to descend quite fast along with a noise of snoring. "Rainbow?"

I looked at her and found her sleeping, making me freak out. I tried to wake her up, but it was only seconds before we crashed into the garden. I got up and checked to see if Rainbow was alright. Luckily she didn't have anything more than a slightly torn dress. I sighed in relief and brought her to a bench, realizing someone was sitting on it.

"EEP!" Fluttershy squealed.

"ACK!" I reacted.

I looked to see Fluttershy was looming over before she was startled by my entrance.

"Oh! K-Kasin! What are you doing here?"

"Rainbow crashed here, so I guess I'm waiting for her to wake up or something."

"Ah, I see."

She looked down as if she was disappointed. I was unsure why, especially when I saw a flock of animals right by her! And I know how crazy she is about animals.

"F-shy, what's wrong? Don't you like the animals?"

"I do, but…" She sighed as she gave me an example. The animals looked up as they saw Fluttershy walk up to them, and they all scurried away.

"Wow. Shyer than Fluttershy…and the old me…"

"I knew this would happen again…I don't even know why I came here…"

"They're just not used to you. When I came, they freak out at me too, but after living here for a while, they got to know me."

"Really?" She asked, perking up.

"Yeah, and I think there's someone that can help you." I thought as I whistled to the castle. When I did, Daggers came out running and jumping up to me, licking my face. "Easy boy! Easy! Hey! Remember Fluttershy?"

Daggers looked at Fluttershy and smiled as he jumped up to her and licked her face. She giggled as the other animals took notice seeing their friend, Daggers opening up to Fluttershy. As Daggers snuggled against her, the animals drew nearer and nearer, also becoming interested in a new friend. Soon, the birds perch on Fluttershy's mane, squirrels and chipmunks looking up to Fluttershy as well as kangaroos going up to her, letting Fluttershy get to know them.

"Oh my…!" Fluttershy spoke.

"Heh! Great job Daggers! You got Fluttershy new friends!"

Dagger barked as he ran along with the other animals. Fluttershy was now accompanied by her newest companions.

"Kasin, I don't know what to say!"

"Thank Daggers, he's the one who helped you out!"

Fluttershy smiled as she patted Dagger. "Thank you Dagger."

Dagger barked happily, waking up Rainbow in the process. She looked around and realized something.

"GAH! I'm supposed to be with Spitfire!" She shouted before grabbing me and flying off. "Oh, hey Fluttershy."

Before Fluttershy can even say hi back, Rainbow flew me off to the castle, sober enough this time. We ended up going through an open window and made quite an entrance. Everyone applauded by clapping their hooves on the floor as Rainbow bowed all cheery of the attention. I let myself off and got some punch waiting for Rainbow to get her head out of the clouds.

"Nice entrance there!" Spitfire said to me as she and Soarin walked by.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" I replied. "Haven’t seen you in a while."

"I know, right?" Soarin said as we bumped hand and hoof. Bro-hoof!

"Heard everything you did so far kid. Gotta say, quite impressive." Spitfire commended me. "Kinda wish you were a pegasus so I could invite you to the Wonderbolts."

"Why didn't you invite Rainbow yet?" I asked.

She leaned over to me and whispered, "Just between you and me, I'm trying to toughen her up by letting her train on her own some more. For some Wonderbolts in our team, they start to get an air head after they join, thinking they're the fastest of all, and lay off on training."

"Ah, I see…" I understood. "But even so, you're going to let her join soon, right?"

"We got a lot of records of her performance and feats. We also noticed how much she started doing after you came along."

"Really? That's interesting."

Then our fore mentioned pegasus came down and in glee said, "Oh my gosh! I mean, hey Spitfire!"

"Hi Rainbow Dash." Spitfire replied.

"Hey Dash…" Soarin said awfully slowly.

"I see you got some talking done with my friend, Kasin here?" Rainbow said while brushing my shoulder like a trophy.

"Rainbow…stop that." I told her.

"Sorry." She said quickly, smiling sheepishly.

"Nice to see you two still partners." Spitfire said.

"Yeah, especially now that you're busy with the Princess Celestia, You know, dating and all." Soarin added.

Oh crud…

"Wait…you're dating who now?" Rainbow questioned, somewhat frustrated.

"It only happened yesterday, but it's the rave in Canterlot!" Soarin continued.

"Uh…it's not what you think…" I tried to speak, only to be interrupted by Celestia herself.

"Kasin. I need to see you." She told me.

"Can it wait for just a bit longer?" I asked.

"Um…I think you should come right now."

"A-Alright then." I replied. I turned to the others and said, "Please excuse me."

I followed Celestia and asked, "So what's up?"

"You know everypony is talking about us now, right?"


"Perhaps my approach to your problems with the citizens of Canterlot was a bit too much."

"Maybe, but that's beside's the point. We should try to tell everyone that we're not in a relationship."


We opened the doors to confront hundreds of gala guests especially Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Gold, and Spike to be included in the crowd. They turned to us and had an expression. Twilight seemed…sad towards me and Celestia. Pinkie and Rarity were smiling for us. Gold Shield and Spike had their jaws dropped.

"They know…" Me and Celestia muttered in unison.

Immediately, they bowed before Celestia and then began asking questions like, "How long have you two been going out?", and "Does this make Kasin the soon to be king?"

I slapped my face and decided to get on with it. "We're not dating."

They all stood still and stared at us. Silence in the room made Pinkie snore in boredom. Celestia and I still held a straight face to make sure they knew we were serious. Eventually, they went back to their business as if nothing happened.

"That…was much easier than I thought…" Celestia spoke.

"Really? I though all we had to do is say the truth." I replied.

Twilight came up to us with a…hopeful look in her eyes?

"I-Is that true? You two aren't going out?" She asked.

"Nah, I'll tell you what happened later." I assured Twilight.

She smiled and said, "It's okay. I don't need to know."

"It's a tale I gotta tell. I'll explain it to everyone once we meet up. By the way, what's up with Rarity and Gold?"

Rarity heard the cue and together, the two went up to us. "I'm glad you asked! Because me and Gold Shield are officially dating!"

I was surprised. Out of everything, there turns out to be actual love in the gala. "Really!?"

"Yep!" Gold said happily. "I thought you and Celestia were a couple too. Too bad I guess, we could share the same anniversary."

"Oh please." I muttered while rolling my eyes.

"So what made everypony think you were dating anyways?" Pinkie asked, popping up next to me.

"I'll tell you all later when we find the others." I said again. "Anyways, what's wrong with Spike?"

"Him?" Twilight replied. She leaned close and whispered, "You do know Spike has a crush on Rarity, right?"


"Ah…So you didn't know…"

"No, I didn't."

"Yeah, so now that Gold is dating Rarity, Spike is...well…"

"Let me see if I can cheer him up."

-Spike's POV-

-Advice from a brother-

I can't believe this…my second Grand Galloping Gala turns into a flop like last time. All because of that stupid Gold Shield guy! But now that they're dating…what can I do?

"Spike? You okay?" Kasin asked, walking up to me.

"Oh…Hey Kasin…" I replied, holding my head up a bit higher. "It's alright…"

"I heard about you're crush. Sorry bro."

I groaned and said, "It's just not fair. I mean, why didn't Rarity and I get together?"

"Uh…Well, you're like…ten, and she's like-"

"I'm not ten!"

"Well, you're not twenty either! Look, I know the age gap is a little cliché, but let's also look at this. Rarity clicks better with Gold because they have a lot in common. You two share lots of ups too, but you're not a fancy pants dude, you're an awesome bro."

"So what you're saying is…I gotta be more refined!" I realized.

"T-That's not what I meant-"

"Thanks dude! You're the best wing man a guy could have!" I said while giving him a small hug. I left saying, "I have an idea on where to start! See you later!"

"OI! Spike! That's not what I…Ah, screw it…"

I ran to the library and tried to remember where that book was. It's been a while since I took a book out of here, but I know it was here somewhere. I checked the bookshelves and found it. The guide to being a Canterlot pony. If I study this, I'll be sure to get Rarity!

-3rd POV-

-The Duel to Defend-

Kasin, Twilight, Rarity, Gold , and Pinkie were walking down the hallways and happened to bump into Prince Blueblood. Or in this case, Kasin bumped into him.

"Whoops, sorry about that." Kasin apologized.

"Hey! Watch where you're going-" Blueblood then gasped before continuing. "You!"


"You're the creature that's been getting all the fame for your…appearance."


"Monsters like you should be put in a zoo, not a castle for refined ponies like me!"

"Hey!" Pinkie intervened. "That's not very nice!"

"Careful Pinkie." Twilight warned her. "That's not a pony you should be messing with…"

"Whatever." Kasin simply said, passing Blueblood without caring.

"Know your place you whelp!" Blueblood snapped.

"I don't have to listen to you."

As they followed Kasin, Blueblood stared at Gold and said, "Commander Gold Shield! I order you to arrest that thing!"

Gold turned around and said, "No. I won't obey anymore orders from you."

"If you don't, then I'll promise you your team won't ever see their careers ever again!"

"You can't do that!"

"Try me."

"Princess Celestia will not tolerate this!"

"Are you sure? Technically, I do have enough control of the military to order slackers like you around."

"We are not slackers! If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have a castle to live in!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie added. "Gold! You should beat this party pooper!"

"PINKIE!" The others yelled in unison.

Gold glared at Blueblood while the prince grinned. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. How about it? We have a duel if you're so sure of your skills in the army. If I win, you're fired. If you win, then I'll let you and your army off the hook."

Gold Shield was still for a moment before he asked, "You swear?"

"On my honor."

"What honor?" Rarity asked sarcastically, making blueblood glare at her.

Returning to the deal, Gold hesitated for a moment before agreeing. "Deal…"

The two shook hooves, and no later they meet on a dueling square. Gold was preparing on one side while Blueblood was simply practicing where to stab Gold with his rapier, even though it was a practicing tool and couldn't kill anyone even if he wanted to. Over by the walls, Kasin, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Spike were watching the preparations as well as Spitfire, Soarin, and Princess Celestia nearby in a balcony. Fluttershy happened to come by in time and flew to Twilight and the others.

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"Gold Shield is about to have a duel with Prince Blueblood." Twilight answered.

"What!? Why?"

"Blueblood was talking smack and throwing threats." Kasin answered. "To go so low though…what's he planning?"

Spike was unsure how to feel. He stood still watching Gold approach Blueblood as he did the same.

"Don't lose…" Spike muttered.

As Gold wielded his practice blade against Bluebloods practicing rapier, the swords clashed. The swift rapier made its way around the bulkier blade and towards Gold, but he being in the front lines was able to block the attack easily with a simple shift. Flurries and quick slashes along with jabs made by Blueblood were all blocked by the fast movement of Gold's swordplay. With his first counter, Gold smashed away the rapier out of Blueblood's mouth and let it fall and stab into the ground. Gold loomed over Blueblood as he practically shrieked from Gold Shield's brute force.

"Give up?" Gold asked his foe.

Unknown to Gold, Blueblood levitated the rapier out and used it to bash Gold from behind. It caught him off guard, letting Blueblood get the upper hand and finish off Gold Shield. Gold fell from a bruise on the back of his head, letting Blueblood win.

"HEY!" Rainbow shouted. "That's cheating!"

"Gold Shield…" Rarity softly spoke.

"That little sneak!" Kasin growled.

"He can't lose to somepony like him!" Spike complained.

Fluttershy flew over to Gold Shield, getting between him and Blueblood.

"You! Peasant! What do you think you're doing!?" Prince Blueblood questioned.

"H-He needs to be treated! You hit him from behind and-" Fluttershy stuttered, only to be cut off.

"Behind? Are you suggesting I cheated!?"

"N-No, even though you did, I mean- No offence-"

"Of course it's offensive!" Blueblood yelled as he raised his rapier ready to strike.

"Fluttershy!" The others yelled.

In the moment, Blueblood swung his rapier down towards Fluttershy, only to be stopped by Rainbow blocking the rapier with her hoof and Kasin holding onto Bluebloods horn. They both glared at Blueblood sending a chill down his spine.

"G-Get your grubby little things off of me!" Blueblood yelled, pulling away his horn from Kasin's hand.

"I was fine when you were being annoying to me…" Kasin stated. "But when you so far as do something downright dirty as that to my friends…You're screwed."

Blueblood stepped back and ran to the weapons set aside. Real weapons used for real time duels. He levitated a sharp rapier and aimed it at Kasin.

"I've been waiting to take you down anyways!" Blueblood declared. "Once your rid of, maybe Canterlot and this Gala can get some peace!"

He rushed in at Kasin with a flailing attitude. Rainbow stood by Fluttershy letting her tend to Gold Shield while Kasin walked up casually to Blueblood. As soon as the two got close, Blueblood thrust his rapier to Kasin. "Know your place!"

Kasin simply kicked his rapier up into the air, surprising Blueblood and making him run back to the weapon rack to get another sword. This time, he brought in a double edged blade like Gold Shields, only to be slapped away to the side by Kasin. He then brought in a war sword, bastard sword, and even a katana, all to be thrown away quickly and easily. Eventually, Blueblood resorted to magic and raised a massive great sword from the rack over to Kasin.

"Doesn't he know honor?" Twilight thought.

"Shut up! You don't need honor to kill a monster!" Blueblood retorted, slashing his massive blade to Kasin.

As the sword got close, Kasin looked up and those who could see saw the coldest glare in his eyes. Before Blueblood froze up by his expression, his blade was grabbed by Kasin and crushed by Kasin by simply squeezing it in his hand.

"Weak…" Kasin commented.

Walking up to Blueblood finally standing still, Kasin loomed over the frightened prince. In deep trouble and fear, Blueblood pulled out a surprising knife to stab Kasin. The others were shocked only to see Kasin moving by an inch and countering with his fist stressing out veins as Kasin roared and punched Blueblood far into the wall. Not badly injured, but hurt enough to be struck with fear as Kasin glared at him with pure hatred.

"Maybe I went too far…" Kasin thought. "A heathen like you would probably die if I punched any harder…"

"H-H-Hold on! I-I-It was just a joke-" Blueblood lied, only to have Kasin go up to him holding his neck.

"Stay away from my friends, or else I beat you up." Kasin threatened. "I see you bother them, I'll find you. Got it?"

Blueblood gulped and nodded in agreement. Kasin let him off and walked back to his friends. As he did, he said, "Those like you with no back bone make me sick, especially when you talk all big. You're the one who should know your place."

Blueblood quivered in fear as Kasin calmed down. He went over to Gold and the others.

"How is he?" Kasin asked.

"It's not a serious injury." Gold replied solemnly. "I can't believe I fell for that rat's trick…"

"Don't worry. I don't think he'll be messing with your troops anymore." Kasin assured him as he looked back at Blueblood, cracking his knuckles. "But if he does, I'll be sure to help you give him a beat down."

"Still…it's embarrassing…!" Gold told Kasin. "I wanted to protect others, but ended up being protected…"

"The reason why you were protected was because you have friends. We're here for you like how you're there for us."

Gold sighed. "I guess so…"

"Kasin!" Twilight called as she and the others entered the fray. "D-Do you know who you just attacked?"

"I forgot his name." Kasin admitted.

"That's Prince Blueblood! Princess Celestia's nephew!"

"WHAT!?" Kasin yelled. "N-No way! Luna would never give birth to a creep like that!"

"He's Luna's nephew too."

"Oh…Well, then who cares? I'm sure he'll be fine or whatever."

"E-Even so, I don't want you to get in trouble…"

Then Celestia came, flying down from the balcony and confronting Kasin. "My, my, that was quite a spectacle to see."

"Princess!" Twilight pointed out.

"Hey Celestia." Kasin greeted.

"AUNTIE!!!" Blueblood called, running out of the rubble he was in and hugging his aunt. The others stood back alongside Gold except for Rainbow, Applejack, and Kasin.

"Auntie! Did you see that!?" Blueblood cried. "H-He hurt me!"

"Yes, I saw." Celestia answered.

"W-Well, aren't you going to do something about it?"

"I told you earlier, anything that happens to you because of Kasin, I will tolerate it. Did I not warn you of the consequences?"

"Y-You were serious!?"

"Wait a minute!" Rainbow yelled. "You were gonna let Kasin beat up that guy!?"

"Your own nephew!?" Applejack questioned.

"I told him many things, but he never seems to heed my warnings. Maybe it's my fault for not teaching him to act more proper, or maybe he's been living the castle life too long…"

"It's not your fault Celestia." Kasin assured her. "He's just a butt."

"Yes, he really is." Celestia agreed.

Blueblood was humiliated, making him run away from the scene. The night continued on with the simple request of Princess Celestia to forget the nuisance and continue on with the party like nothing happened. All went well until a specific conversation with Princess Celestia sets new changes in motion.

"Are you sure Gold Shield? Are you positive?" Celestia made sure.

"Definitely. I may have taught Kasin everything I know, but even he is stronger than I. I think it's time for me to leave Canterlot for a while." Gold explained.

"Very well. I'm glad this isn't permanent. You are one of my most entrusted teams here in the castle."

"Be sure to tell Silver Sword to continue training my men. If the time comes, call me back into action."

"I'll be sure to tell you when it comes."

Meanwhile, back at the party, Pinkie was moping around with a small disappointment, getting Kasin's attention.

"What's wrong sugar plum? Why you looking so glum?" Kasin rhymed.

Pinkie perked up and said, "Ha! That rhymes!" And then went all down again and said, "Anyways…it's just like last year! None of the ponies are partying! It's so~ boring…"

"The Grand Galloping Gala is a party of social interaction and upper class society. So yeah, this is the kind of party for ponies here in Canterlot, not small timers like you and me."

"Then how can this be the best party ever?"

"It's just one of the biggest. Besides, yours are the best."

Pinkie jumped up and shouted, "REALLY!?!?"

"Heck yeah! You got fun games, rocking music, and a ton of smiles to go around! This place is cool if you're into refined themes I guess, but I rather be partying pink than wasting out in white."

Pinkie latched onto Kasin and said, "THANKS! You're the best for saying that!"

"Hey, did I hear somepony needing rocking tunes?" A voice called.

Kasin turned to the direction of the voice and saw a familiar white unicorn with purple sunglasses and a blue mane with a music note for her cutie mark. Kasin realized he seen her before.

"I…I saw you somewhere…Where was it…?" Kasin thought.

"I was at your welcoming party in Ponyville." She answered. "I know all of you by now, so let me introduce myself. I'm Vinyl Scratch."

She pulled up her sunglasses and revealed her red eyes, making Kasin amazed at her appearance. "Whoa, you look cool."

"Thanks." Vinyl replied putting her shades back on. "Nice to see you again."

"Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Octavia invited me, since she's the cello player playing over there."

"Octavia? You mean that one mare over there?" Kasin pointed towards a gray pony with a black mane, purple eyes, a purple bowtie, and a purple music note for a cutie mark.

"Yep. That's her."

"She's pretty good. Do you play music?"

"Yeah I do! I play wubs!"


"Huh? You don't know what wubs are?"

"I don't think I heard of such a genre."

"I'll show you at your little party. This one blows anyways, there's nothing rocking other than that fight you had with the snooty guy earlier. By the way, nice blow you did there."

"Thanks!" Kasin replied as he bumped his hand to Vinyl's hoof.

"What are we waiting for!?" Pinkie asked as she pulled her friends together. "Let's party!"

"Wait, we're not gonna have a huge party, are we?" Kasin questioned. "If we are, who are we gonna invite?"

Moments later at the donut shop, a crew of friends from Kasin, Gold Shield, Spike, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and Vinyl were having their own little party even though the Grand Galloping Gala was taking place at the castle. Donut Joe, the stallion running the store was surprised but went along with it.

"Told you this was a great place to hang out!" Spike belittled Kasin.

"Yeah, whatever Spiky." Kasin teased.

Vinyl was playing her 'wubs', which reminded Kasin of dub step. The music was awesome and thrilling, making everyone dance except for Gold and Rarity, more into classy music. Nonetheless, they spent the time together eating leftover treats Applejack had in her applecart, which made huge profits this time. Rainbow was satisfied as well for having fun watching Kasin fight and talking to Spitfire for more than a moment this time. Fluttershy was also content with her new animal friends, and Pinkie was fulfilling her party of the day. Though it wasn't as big as the gala, it was certainly exquisite. It wasn't until another surprising guest showed up into the fray.

"Princess Celestia!?" They all called out except for Kasin. Vinyl happened to drop her glasses because of this.

"Hello everypony." Celestia greeted.

Hey Celestia!" Kasin responded.

"Princess, aren't you supposed to be at the Grand Galloping Gala?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm…I'm sure my guests won't need me there for a while. I just want to spend more time with you all while I have the chance." Celestia explained.

"Well, come on then!" Pinkie yelled. "Get your groove on!"

"Yeah! Come on Celestia! Time to dance!" Kasin cheered.

Celestia blushed and said, "Alright, but I'm not familiar with this kind of music."

"You don't have to be! Just shake your body! Like this!"

Kasin started to dance, and compared to the first time at his first Pinkie party, this time Kasin had confidence to dance with flips and spins. He eventually pulled Celestia in to dance with him. Vinyl was laughing as the others watched the two dance. Day to remember indeed as Pinkie pulled out a camera and took a picture.

"This is one party everyponies gonna remember!" Pinkie declared.

-Twilight's POV-


I was waking up at my house and headed downstairs. Heading to the living room, Spike made breakfast and it was pretty much like any other day, even though last night was the Grand Galloping Gala. The best one we had so far I may add. Anyways, I finished up and decided to go out for a walk only to find a bustling crowd of ponies rushing on somewhere.

"I can't believe it! Is it really true!?" Somepony said.

"I hope so! Maybe he brought new recipes!" Another said.

"Is he going back to work at the spa too?"

"I just want to meet him!"

Me and Spike exchanged looks before we followed them. They lead us to the train station with so many of ponies blocking the view of the train. I happened to run into the others as well, seems like everypony in town is here.

"What the hay is going on?" Rainbow complained. "Don't they know what time it is?"

"It's seven o clock." Applejack said in a deadpan voice like it was no big deal at all.

"I do wonder what all the fuss is about." Rarity admitted.

"I bet this calls for a super duper humongous party!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Another one?" I retorted. "We just went to the Gala."

"Can't have enough parties I guess." Spike commented.

"Oh! I think they're coming out!" Fluttershy point out.

We looked to see the ponies making room for Gold Shield an Kasin! Explaining what the ponies were talking about. Gold Shield looked at the crowd and sighed.

"Wow, you're very popular here." Gold remarked.

"I don't really like it myself." Kasin admitted. He happened to see us and smiled. "Hey! What's up!?"

We all ran to each other and hugged. Gold Shield laughed walking over to us. We finally let go and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm back for good." Kasin answered.

"Really!?" Rainbow made sure.

"Yep!" Gold answered. "I'm moving to Ponyville now, and asked Kasin if he could accompany me into my new house."

"You're living here Gold?" Rarity asked hopefully.

"I am my Rarity." He said while nuzzling her, getting a kick from Spike. "OW!"

"Whoops." Spike said sarcastically. "Sorry."

"You're moving in with Gold Shield?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was some request, but why not? Gold could sure use someone to keep him company for a while, don't you think?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess…"

"You know what this calls for!?" Pinkie questioned.

The crowd nearby answered, "A WELCOME BACK PARTY!"

They swooped up Kasin and carried him off. Pinkie then said, "Wow! Right out of my mouth!"

Kasin's back…Just like old times…right?

Author's Note:

Lately, I've been getting a voice in my head telling me to do this for my story.
"Get the ball rolling!"
So I have. Epic changes, new relationships, new encounters, all in these two chapters. I guess Chapter 13-15 are the "Cry for the Night series" and Chapter 17 and 18 (The one you're reading right now.) Is the "Aftermath series".

I hope you enjoyed this twist of events. For now, I'm going to think up new chapters for your entertainment. Please comment, it makes my day when you do! :pinkiehappy: