• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 17 - Results

-Twilight's POV-


It's been about two months since Kasin joined the military of Canterlot to train. In doing so, we have been using the time to get better at our skills. We still keep contact, but it's hard to get in touch with Kasin. We haven't seen him in so long, but we know it's for a greater good. Besides, it's not forever. He said he'll be coming back.

We've all been working hard, and that's a fact. So Rarity suggested we go to Manehattan to relax and enjoy the sights. We're exiting the train station as we speak, and collecting our bags as we get leave the station.

"Ah! It's been so long since I've been here!" Rarity spoke with glee. "They invited me to attend a fashion show sometime in the future you know. This will be a perfect opportunity to get used to my surroundings for later."

"Yeah, yeah, so when are we gonna have some fun?" Rainbow asked.

"Hold on Rainbow." I told her. "We need to get to our hotel room before we do anything. We don't want to carry our luggage around everywhere, do we?"

"Agh, Easy for you to say! I'm the one carrying everyponies stuff!" Spike groaned.

"All the more reason why we should find the hotel as quickly as possible." I replied.

We walked through the blocks of tall buildings. The big city itself was even more bustling than the markets in Ponyville. Cab wagons were ridden through the streets as well as other carriages. Because of that, extra safety precautions of street lights were put up to tell when it was safe to cross the road or not. The amount of stores here were phenomenal as well! There were even more small businesses and large corporations here than in Ponyville or Canterlot! Of course, not all of them were major companies like Canterlot has. It was fine though because with this variety to shop at, who needs a major brand?

"Wow! There's a lot of shops!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Hope we don't find any crooked ones." Applejack said. "I'd hate to waste my bits here."

"Ugh! Are we there yet?" Rainbow complained.

"We're almost there, just calm down." I told her again.

"I am so calm!" Rainbow claimed.

"Oh yeah, you're real calm." Spike said sarcastically.

"What was that!?"


"Are you okay Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked. "You've been a bit…um…impatient ever since we got on the train."

"I just wanna go have some fun, you know? I mean, Rarity was right that we needed a vacation, but I was hoping to have some fun while we were here."

"And~ We're here!" I announced, getting all of their attention. We looked at the tall building before us, dazzling lights and a big sign that said 'PONY PARADISE'. In front of the building was a fountain with a statue of three ponies standing beside each other spitting water into the pool. Kinda gross when I think about it.

"Yes! Finally!" Rainbow cheered.

"Hold your horses! We still gotta check in you know." Applejack told her.

"I know! I'm not an idiot!"

When we went inside, we couldn't believe who we saw. Gold shield along with his men were there, and among them was Kasin!

"Kasin!" we all called.

"Huh?" He responded as he turned. "Girls!?"

We all tackled him with a hug while all the other soldiers snickered. I didn't really care, Kasin's here!

"Hey! I know you missed me, but you're gonna kill me if you keep me pressed on the floor!" Kasin laughed.

We all got off of him and looked at Kasin. The only difference was that he now had a medallion on a sash around his arm. The medallion was a black broken heart with a red plus on it. Kasin looked even happier than when we last saw him. A lot of things have changed.

"Kasin! What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"Me and Commander Gold are here on a mission. We have intel of a revolutionary spy trying to steal the cities wealth." Kasin explained. "But enough about me, what are all of you doing here?"

"We came to Manehattan to do some vacationing after all the hard work we did." Rarity informed him. "It was simply a must do under what hard work we were all doing."

"I see. Well, I'm glad to spend some time with you while we do our mission."

Gold Shield walked over to us and said, "Ah, it's the elements. I overheard that you'll all be vacationing here."

"Yes, that's correct." I answered.

"Well, you do know that revolutionaries are coming, right? And you know how Princess Celestia forbid you to fight them?"

We were all a bit on edge of what he was about to say. "S-So wait? What are you trying to tell us?"

"Under her orders, I can't just let you stay here." He explained. "But…I'll let this one slide. I mean, who am I to interrupt ones vacation? After all, you are friends with Kasin."

"Oh, you truly are a gentlemen!" Rarity said to him.

"Hey!" Spike yelled as he was about to go over to Gold Shield, but ended up getting crushed by the sudden fall of the luggage. "…Ow…"

"Why, it's nice to hear that from such a fine young lady." Gold Shield replied to Rarity as he raised her hoof and kissed it.

"Oh my~! Truly a gentlemen!" Rarity swooned.

"Come on everypony, let's get checked in so we can spend more time with Kasin and Gold Shield." Applejack suggested.

We all followed Applejack while we heard Gold said, "We'll be assigning patrols first, we'll meet you later at the Flower Café!"

-Kasin's POV-


I was with Gold Shield and the other soldiers as we crowded around a map of Manehattan. He gave us our patrol routes and our partners. I was partnered with the Commander himself while the others understood and readied their gear.

"So is that it? Check for anything suspicious?" I asked.

"That's right. But we should remember this is a covert mission." Gold Shield said as he gave the signal for everyone to pull out a bag. "Everypony! Put on your mission clothes!"

They all took out from the bag a variety of sunglasses, vacation shirts, and straw hats and wore them over their gear.

"OI! You look like you're all on vacation!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly! The enemy won't know what hit em!" Gold explained.

I looked at the map and noticed something peculiar. "Wait a minute…Carnival!? Circus!? Race Coliseum!? These are all sightseeing spots!"

"Eh heh…Did I mention how much I like vacationing here in Manehattan?"

I slapped my face as I questioned, "…But the spy is real, right?"

"True to my word Kasin! I'd never lie about my intel!" Gold Shield claimed.

"Alright then."

"By the way, who was that lovely mare? She was very elegant and quite a sight to behold. The way she talks is also very…gorgeous…"

"That was my friend Rarity." I told him.

"Yes, she is quite a rarity…" He said daydreaming.

"You okay Commander?"

"Huh!? What!? Oh! Um…Right! Let's meet up with your friends at the Flower Café!" He ordered. "It's rude to keep the ladies waiting."

I couldn't help but snicker. "Sir, yes sir!"

We all split up and our squad went our separate ways. Commander Gold wasn't wearing a ridiculous disguise since he was paired up with me, and ever since I went on a few missions with them during my months in the army. The revolutionaries are now fully aware of my role to Canterlot, and now know if I'm around, the others are too. With that, we entered the Flower Café, got us a table for nine, and waited for the others.

"What are you ordering?" I asked as I pulled out a menu.

"Oh Kasin, didn't anypony tell you it's rude to order before our guests arrive?" Gold remarked.

"Please Commander! Like ordering before the others arrive is really gonna hurt someone!" I stated sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "But maybe we should order something for the girls."

Suddenly, I felt a presence. Using my Chaos sense, I analyzed who was sneaking around. "Nice try Rainbow."

"W-What!? How'd you know!?" She questioned.

I grinned as I said, "Training did me some good over the past two months."

"Cool! I can't wait to see what you can do now!" Rainbow said as she sat by me. "I can't wait to show you what I can do too!"

"That's right! You all got stronger like me while I was gone! So how was training? What did you all do?"

"Eh, nothing interesting really."

"By the way, where are the others?"

"Ah, they were running a bit late. So I decided to come here early."

"Rainbow!" I heard Twilight shout, and noticed Rainbow sinking down somewhat ashamed.

Turning to Twilight, I saw the others panting, obviously tired as if they were running.

"Uh…Why do you look like you just came out of running?" I questioned.

"Because we saw Rainbow flying away when we came into our rooms!" Twilight informed me.

"In 5 seconds!" Rarity added.

I raised an eyebrow and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Really?"

"Eh heh…Well…" Rainbow trailed off, unsure what to say.

"At least you're all here." Gold Shield said, looking on the bright side. "Come and sit down. We'll have brunch and then go out to see the sights."

"Good idea." Applejack complimented the idea. "All that running did leave us hungry."

As the rest of them sat down, I noticed Twilight was about to take the seat next to me, but bumped into Applejack trying to the same on.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn’t know you wanted this seat." Twilight apologized.

"Didn't see you there sugar cube. Sorry." Applejack too apologized.

And behind the two of them was Fluttershy, who too awaited for the seat.

"Um…Am I missing something here?" I asked.

The three of them were silent until Pinkie happened to take the seat next to me.

"Oh my gosh! Kasin! I have so much to tell you over the past 2 months! When you were gone, all of us started working on our special talents and other stuff because we all got inspired by you wanting to become stronger and better and cooler, and, and , and-!"

"Whoa! I think I got that the last time I paid a visit!" I stated while the other three grimly took the other seats. I looked over to Rarity to see sitting next to her was Gold Shield and Spike who was glaring at my commander. "Spike? You okay there buddy?"

"Huh?" Spike responded, snapping out of his trance. "Oh, sorry Kasin. Just uh…" He began to glare at him again. "Just…yeah…"

What the heck was that? His response was weird. I chose not to mind it a second more and looked at my menu. It had a variety of coffees, teas, and cakes but each flavored by flowers.

"What would you like here at Flower Café?" the waiter asked.

All the others ordered either the flora tea and the daisy vanilla cake or the rose coffee with nice coffee violet cake. For me, I chose a daffodil short cake with a soda to go with it. I'm currently having an addiction to Colt-a-cola. Very addictive if you get the chance. After taking our orders, we proceeded to talking as the waiter got our orders

"Oh Kasin." Commander Gold said to me. "You really should get off that Colt-a-cola you know. It's not healthy, and you know it."

"Hey! It's not like I'm an alcoholic!" I protested. "Besides, Colt-a-cola is a great stress relief for me and packs a lot of energy for me as well!"

"Kasin, you should really listen to Gold over here." Rarity told me. "That old filly soft drink will ruin your complexion someday."

"Ha! Like I care about that sort of stuff." I remarked. "I'm not the guy to care about my looks."

"Not that you look bad sugar cube." Applejack said.

"Um…Uh…Thanks AJ." I said slowly, somewhat blushing.

"No problem."

"So Rarity! Tell me more about yourself!" Gold Shield asked.

"Oh! Why, where do I begin?" Rarity wondered.

"Tell me anything! I absolutely would love to know."

"What…?" We all muttered in unison except for Spike, who I think was digging his claws into the table.

"Hmm…I know! Let me tell you about my career!" Rarity began.

I along with everyone else listened to Rarity's story. I learned about her first contact with a rock that had a chalk full of gems which revealed her cutie mark for fashion designing. After a while, I learned more about where she had been to and how many places have asked her just for clothing! Canterlot, Manehattan, and at times, Appleloosa! It was quite interesting, but I could see the others struggling to listen except for Pinkie who was quite patient, Gold Shield who was looking all dazed at Rarity, and Spike who was glaring at Gold Shield. I saw that Spike had already tore a chunk off the table. I decided not to ask, seeing how annoyed he was. After hearing the tales of Rarity, I learned a bit more about the past of my friends, but mostly Rarity. However, she did make some parts overly dramatic.

"What a fascinating story Rarity." Gold commented.

"Why, thank you!" She said happily. "Why not tell us about yourself?"

"Well, I lived a simple life in my eyes. Nice family, I had three brothers who I'd get into roughhousing with, but that was only because we were little colts back then. I grew up deciding I wanted to be the strongest pegasus ever, but then…I met her…"

"Who?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm sure you all know Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah! Me and Rainbow got acquainted with her a while back."

"Wait a minute! You know Spitfire!?" Rainbow asked.

"Why yes, I have." Gold answered. "Being a troubled ruffian back in the day, I declared myself to be the strongest of all pegasus. Of course, she came and proved me wrong. Beating me in no more than twenty seconds."

"Twenty seconds!?" I exclaimed. "It took me thirty minutes on my first try!"

"I've gotten stronger over the years ever since then when I devoted my allegiance to Princess Celestia. By then, I took my fights seriously, but never again got the chance to fight Spitfire once more."

"By the way Kasin." Twilight asked. "How much stronger have you gotten? I'm sure you made a lot of progress over the period of time in Canterlot."

I cracked a smile and said, "I got a cool new trick I never knew I could do! When the time comes, I'll show you a demonstration!"

Finally, our food comes in. The waiter places them gently on the table in front of us and gave us the chance to eat. A bite of the short cake had shown me the wait was worth it, especially with my Colt-a-cola by my side.

-Rarity's POV-

-The First Trap-

After finishing our meal, our impatient friend, Rainbow Dash had quickly recommended we go out to have some fun.

"Let’s go to the Crazed Canyon! I heard they actually built a daredevil obstacle course there!" She suggested.

"I don't know, I kinda want to see what books they have here. I heard they have the best literature for business, and I'm quite curious what kind of secrets they have to offer." Twilight stated.

"Oh, there's a nice park around here that has all kinds of animals flocking about!" Fluttershy added.

"I'm sure they have some interesting designs around here." I thought.

"Well, I don't mind going to any of these places." Kasin stated. "I'm free for whatever."

"Me too!" Pinkie added.

"I think I'll go with Rarity." the kind Gold Shield said.

"Um, I think I'll go with you too!" Spike said to me, oh the sweetheart!

"I'm not sure where to go." Applejack spoke. "I'm not really a big fan of the city actually."

"Well, maybe we should split up?" Kasin suggested. "I mean, the three of us don't have anything in particular, so each of us should pair up."

The three who didn't know where to go were Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Kasin. The three that had plans were Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy. I was with two very kind men who immediately insisted on coming with me.

"Well, I'm sure you six will work it out! For now, I think I'll go see what they have in store." I told them as I left to the city. "See you soon~!"

A while later, Gold Shield, Spike, and I were at the plaza. It had a row of clothing stores to see, truly magnificent indeed. As I inspected the dresses, I see Gold giving me a wonderful dress.

"I think this would look good on you, don't you think?" He asked.

"Why, handsome to look at and knows what's fashion." I flirted with the stallion, making him blush.

"Ahem." Spike huffed at Gold.

"How ya doing little guy?" He asked as he patted Spike's head.

"I'm not a little guy!" He shouted. "I'm a full-fledged dragon!"

"Funny, Kasin told me you were still a baby dragon."

Spike stammered a bit in response to that statement. "Uh, well, that was, what, about two months ago?"

"I'm pretty sure it was only a week ago."

I giggled at the two bickering. "Oh, you both are very amusing!"

The two blushed as they said in unison, "T-Thanks Rarity."

I looked back to the dresses and noticed something peculiar in the corner of my eye. Somepony had been staring at us with a disturbing expression, as if the intent of wrong doing was in his mind.

"Gold." I whispered trying not to make eye contact with the pony. "There's a strange pony watching. He doesn't seem friendly too."

Gold kept his voice down and took a quick glance at the pony before turning back. "You're right. He might be the spy."

Both nodding, we carefully made our way towards that pony. However, as we got closer, we realized more ponies looked at us. Gold Shield widened his eyes as I too became aware.

"Revolutionaries…" Gold spoke. "All of them…but I thought there was only one spy…"

"They must have planned for you and your team to come here." I thought.

"They were aiming for Kasin!" Spike realized.

The revolutionaries came closer, and surrounded us. We went on our guard while the revolutionaries let somepony else through. It was a tall light brown stallion with gray eyes and a brown mane. He wore armor covering his body, and his hooves were dreadfully muddy.

"Earthen Dome." Gold Shield muttered. "An attribute master of stone!"

"Ah, so another commander of those ruffians, yes?" I deduced.

"Rarity, wielder of the element of generosity." Earthen said as he looked at me. "I didn't expect to see you here, but the more, the merrier."

"Hmm, you certainly don’t know how to act orderly in front of a lady."

"As much as I want to know, it doesn’t matter. Gold Shield, I hope you're ready for seven attribute masters! We've been waiting for you and the human boy!"

"What could you possibly want with Kasin!?" Gold Shield questioned.

"Those were the orders of our leader, that's all you need to know."


"Enough talk! Capture them!"

The revolutionaries attacked, and immediately Spike and Gold Shield got in front of me and pushed them off.

"Don't you all know it's impolite to attack a lady?" Gold Shield questioned.

"It's quite alright." I assured the boys. "I can handle some myself as well."

"Are you sure madam?"

I smiled as I pulled out my umbrella and swung it at a couple of revolutionaries, knocking them away. The two were amazed as I gave them my gratitude. "I still would like to thank you boys for trying though."

-3rd POV-

-The Other Traps-

Over by Fluttershy and Applejack at the park, Fluttershy was spending time with the animals while Applejack watched from afar. As time passed, Applejack notices a group of revolutionaries surrounding them. As they got closer, Applejack went to Fluttershy's side as they stepped closer and closer. Two ponies in particular came out of the crowd and stood in front of Applejack and Fluttershy.

"A pleasure to meet you ladies." A light blue unicorn said. He had a white sleek mane and white eyes, his cutie mark was a snow flake with blades. "My name is Glacier Frost. This one here is Thorn Wood"

Thorn wood was a swampy green stallion. He had a messy dry brown mane and rose red eyes. his cutie mark was a thorn plant and he looked rather dirty. "And don't you forget it!" He scowled at them.

As Fluttershy got behind Applejack with the rest of her animal friends, Applejack grinned and asked, "Nice to meet ya! So, what business do you have with us?"

"If you two come with us, there won't be trouble." Glacier claimed.

"Yeah, so you better do what we say!" Thorn warned them.

"Sorry, but we have other things to do." Applejack told them. "So you'll have to ask somepony else."

Glacier grasped onto Applejacks hoof and gave her a cold glare. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

Applejack smiled as she lifted Glacier up, throwing him in the air and then bucking him away to the crowd of revolutionaries. Thorn Wood was surprised and took a few steps back as Applejack kicked the floor, ready to fight.

"Is that really all you got?" She retorted.

"Pfft! I-I can handle you!" Thorn claimed as he grew a tree stump from the ground and bucked it to Applejack. She countered it with her own kick, knocking him over. Glacier had recovered from the attack before and wielded a ice sword in his mouth and attempted to stab Fluttershy, but Applejack noticed in time and lassoed Glacier to Thorn as well as another crowd of revolutionaries. The two were in disbelief of Applejacks strength.

Meanwhile, over by Twilight reading a book in the library, Pinkie was bouncing around. As she did, she noticed revolutionaries were coming closer. Pinkie patted Twilight on the shoulder getting her attention.

"Hmm? What is it Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"The baddies are here! The baddies are here!" Pinkie answered.

"Oh really?" Twilight replied as she closed her book. "I thought there was only one. I guess they tricked Gold Shield then."

Same as before, the large numbers of revolutionaries surrounded them, and two of the top of command came to greet them.

"Hi there!" A peach colored pony said. He had a curly mane and black eyes, and his cutie mark was a rubber band. "I'm Rubby! Who are you?"

A tall shiny steel stallion came in front of Rubby and loomed over the two mares. "Rubby, I told you before. The purple unicorn is the famous Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia. And the pink one is known as Pinkie Pie."

"Oh! Okay! I got it!"

"You two took the wrong time to stay here. We were only after Kasin, but lucky us that we found you here as well."

"Sorry, but we're on vacation." Twilight told them confidently as she opened her book again to continue reading. "Maybe later, you can bother us."

"Yeah! See? We're on vacation!" Pinkie said while hopping around.

"Oh! That makes sense!" Rubby said while turning to the other stallion. "Guess we can't bother them Meta Head. We better go."

Meta Head stopped Rubby from exiting and turned him around back to the mares. He then continued his conversation to Twilight and Pinkie. "You don't seem to understand the situation here. We're about to hold you both hostage. Understand?"

Twilight closed her book and put it back on the shelf before turning to Meta Head. "Either way, I'm not letting you capture me. I made sure that I won't be the one to back down in case something like this happens ever again."

"Oh really?"

"Yep!" Pinkie said, jumping in front of Meta Head. "We got like, super stronger! Better than before! We're like the team coming back for another fight!"

"Well, I'm afraid to tell you that you're up against two Attribute Masters." Meta Head stated. "Do you really think you can handle the both of us?"

"Yeah! Totally!"

Meta Head then pulled out an annoyed expression along with a metallic hoof rushing towards Pinkie. "Don't count on it!"

Pinkie leaned to the left, letting the hoof miss by an inch. Meta was surprised as Pinkie said, "Hehe! My Pinkie senses told me you were about to do that!"

"Oh, so that's what you've been working on?" Twilight asked.

"Yep! Now I can tell when something is coming, not just falling!" Pinkie explained.

"I-Impossible!" Meta spoke.

"I got it! I got it!" Rubby said as he rushed at Pinkie.

When Rubby tried to grab Pinkie, she raised her hoof and blocked Rubby by the chest. However, his hooves stretched and grabbed onto Pinkie, trapping her in his hold.

"Whoa! You're made of rubber!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Good! Now hold her still!" Meta commanded as he raised another metallic hoof, aiming to crush Pinkie.

Just then, a lightning bolt shocked Meta, pushing him back. He looked up to see Twilight's horn had shot the bolt. Her horn then shot fire, burning Rubby away from Pinkie. Rubby rolled around clearing off the flames upon him and letting Pinkie get back up.

"Boy! That was a close one!" Pinkie commented.

"So, a metal attribute master and a rubber attribute master." Twilight deduced. "Luckily, I have a collection of spells to handle you two."

"They're strong!" Rubby said cheerfully.

"This isn't good…" Meta Head muttered. "They weren't supposed to be this strong!"

Meanwhile, over by Crazed Canyon's obstacle course, Kasin and Rainbow Dash were dashing through it together, showing off their new skills. As they raced through together, Rainbow noticed something about Kasin. He seemed confident, more than before. She eventually landed causing Kasin to stop as well.

"Rainbow? What's up?" He asked.

"It's nothing, just…" Rainbow began. "You look a lot more different. You kinda look like…Pride Kasin…"

Kasin rolled his eyes and said, "Not that again."

"But you also still look like the normal Kasin…Uh, well, the shy Kasin? I-I mean nice? I-I mean-"

"I get it Rainbow." Kasin calmed her. "You're right. I do look like both of them. During that time, I had a personality disorder."

"A person-what-order?"

"Basically, I had two different kinds of people in my head, but I'm now both of them at the same time. I'm just…well, me now. A hundred percent Kasin."

"Whoa…So does that mean you're like…A totally different person?"

"Don't worry Rainbow." Kasin assured her. "I'm still the same Kasin as before, and besides. Pride likes having you around."


"Yeah. I mean, what would the both of them do without their wing partner?"

Suddenly, Kasin glared to the side and caught an incoming spear that aimed towards Rainbow. The two of them looked around and saw the crowd of revolutionaries around them, not letting them escape. Like before, two ponies walked towards the two with bad intentions.

"Nice catch human." The dark gray unicorn complimented. She had a black sleek mane with purple highlights and piercing red eyes. Her cutie mark was a black dot and she had a menacing smile.

"Please hold those disgusting thoughts Shady Doll." The red mare said. She had a black curly mane and blue eyes. Her cutie mark was a gray broken heart.

"Oh lighten up Via." Shady complained. "I'm just having a little fun."

"So, those two are probably those attribute whatever's, huh?" Rainbow guessed.

"Oh, the little clown got it right." Shady sassed.

"What'd you call me!?"

"I just thought you were a clown since you have a rainbow wig."

"This isn't a wig you dolt!" Rainbow snapped as she was about to rush in. Luckily, Kasin grabbed her tail, stopping her.

"Calm down Dash! Don't fall for something that petty!" Kasin told her.

Rainbow got back down and huffed, "Yeah, yeah, can we just go and beat them up?"

"Hold on…" Kasin said as he walked a bit closer to Via. "You're not an Attribute master, are you?"

Via flinched at that guess before smirking. "Why, how'd you know?"

"That cutie mark of yours…Why do you have that?"

"What? Do I have to tell you my life story?"

"That's the same symbol Shale has, and it's the same symbol I wore on my shirt ever since I was a kid. What does it mean?"

"Just because you have it on your shirt, it doesn't mean anything." Via replied. "Unless you were actually born with it, I don't need to answer you."

"Hold on, I need to-"

"Silence. Enough of this small talk, I won't let it delay our mission." Via claimed as she stomped her hoof down, cracking the floor as well as quaking the ground a bit. "Let us begin."

Kasin gave up on his curiosity and got into a battle stance. Rainbow got ready as well as their two enemies. As the two dashed at each other, a shockwave pushed all the other nearby revolutionaries away. Rainbow went after Shady Doll while Kasin fought Via. Rainbow rushed at Shady but stopped after spotting a hole in the middle of the air.

"What the hay!?" Rainbow reacted before flying away from the hole which began to drag anything near towards it. After it finished absorbing whatever was close by, it imploded and threw everything it sucked up everywhere. Rainbow looked up at Shady Doll as she grinned.

"Black holes. I'm impressed you managed to get away from it." Shady admitted. "But your speed isn't enough to save you."

Shady stole the shadows of her fellow comrades and used them against Rainbow. The shadows attacked Rainbow, but were easily defeated from a quick dash. Rainbow looked at the revolutionaries and saw that they were getting hurt.

"What's going on…?"

"Shadow Dolls." Shady explained. "I can use the shadows of other to fight my battles. Of course, it takes a little life energy from whoever I'm taking it from."

"What’s wrong with you!? Aren't they you're friends!?"

"We're just allies. Nothing more, nothing less."

Rainbow gritted her teeth as she bashed Shady to the wall and yelled, "Ponies like you make me sick! You know that!?"

"Ha! And what are you gonna do about it!?" Shady challenged as her horn sparked, making Rainbow back off.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Shady and began to spin in a loop. Shady was unsure what was going on.

"What're you up to now?" Shady asked. "Doing a circus trick clown?"

After a moment, Rainbow stopped the loop, and her current appearance frightened Shady. Rainbow was engulfed with electricity around her, and seemed to be in control.

"H-How is this possible!?" Shady questioned.

Rainbow already went ahead and electrocuted Shady. Shady Doll was thrown off and was too tired to fight. She got up and glared at Rainbow.

"How can I do this?" Rainbow repeated Shady's question. "I picked it up from a pegasus I fought a while back."

Over by Kasin and Via, the two fought hand to hoof. Via wasn't able to land a hit on Kasin while he managed to knock her around. Via fell to the ground and smiled.

"Heh…you certainly know how to fight…" Via chuckled.

"You mind telling me now about the broken hearts?" Kasin asked. "I never knew about them, and my dad never told me even though he planned to. Just a bit too late though."

Via eventually managed to land a hit and pushed off Kasin for a moment to answer.

"If you really want to know." Via began. "Then just know this. Never let them come together, they're fine the way they are."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You've been warned."

Via continued her attack to Kasin, but nonetheless, Kasin managed to fight her off. The fight on all sides had now tested their abilities they have been perfecting in two months.

-Gold's POV-

-Rarity's Skills-

While I was fighting off the revolutionaries and Spike was breathing fire, scaring them off, Rarity was showing an impressive display of physique, agility, and beauty- I mean…skill.

"That mare is certainly causing trouble." Earthen pointed out. "I better take care of her first."

Earthen headed straight for Rarity. I tried to stop him, but the revolutionaries were keeping me from them. "Rarity! Watch out!"

As Earthen tried to tackle her, Rarity swiftly moved out of the way, letting Earthen crash into a wall. As he got up and out of his crater, he used his powers to create two large boulders. The two were then shot at Rarity, but what she did astounded me.

"Do you really think that will work now?" Rarity questioned as she folded her umbrella. Once the boulders got close, she opened the umbrella, causing the boulders to bounce off and back to Earthen. Earthen Dome could not believe it.

"M-My abilities were reflected by an umbrella!?" He responded in disbelief. "Argh! All units! Attack her with your swords and spears!"

The revolutionaries did as they were told and attack her head on. Rarity easily defeated them by hitting them with the umbrella, which was quite funny, but also beyond belief. After a while, some of them decided to throw their spears, yet even that bounced off of Rarity's umbrella.

"You brutes only have a dull weapon of a barbarian." Rarity stated. "Unless you have the perfect eye and the finest fabric scissors, you're not any closer to winning. After all, I made this umbrella repel anything sharp, hard, or heavy. It's also nice to bring on a hot summer day."

The revolutionaries began to back away as Earthen Dome became desperate and created a wall of earth. With his force, he pushed the wall down to Rarity, but she simply did what she did before. Closing her umbrella and opening it again, the wall fell to the other way and crushed Earthen Dome! He struggled to get up, embarrassed by the defeat of a gorgeous mare and her umbrella.

"I will not lose like this…!" Earthen declared, only to be stopped by a strange force.

"Stop." Shale ordered, who was right behind him. The revolutionaries looked over to Shale as he said, "We're done here. Report back to the waypoint immediately."

"S-Sir! I can beat her! Just-"

"Now Earthen. We've wasted enough time here."

Earthen gritted his teeth but reluctantly obeys. He and the revolutionaries left the vicinity while Shale stayed behind for a bit longer.

"What are you up to?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah! Why aren’t you going with your soldiers or whatever?" Spike questioned.

"I'm only staying behind just to make sure you don't go after them." Shale claimed. He looked back and said, "It looks like they’re safe now."

"But you aren't!" I shouted as I ran up to him. When I got close, he disappeared with amazing speed. We all looked around for him, but it was futile. He got away with his revolutionaries.

His voice echoed from afar and said, "Today will not mark the end of the war. This is simply a delay for the inevitable."

-Applejack's POV-

-Applejack's and Fluttershy's Skills-

I was fighting against Thorn Wood and Glacier Frost while Fluttershy was with the animals. It was kinda tough fighting two at a time, but I knew they were having a tough time too dealing with me. Thorn wood kept growing thorny vines that chased me around while Glacier created ice spikes from near me. Whenever I dodge one from time to time, I get Glacier's Ice to slice up the vine.

"Hey! Stop cutting my plants, frostbite!" Thorn complained.

"You stop getting in my way!" Glacier replied annoyed. He turned to the revolutionaries and said, "And you! What are you doing!? Get the other one!"

The revolutionaries understood and went after Fluttershy. I was too busy to handle them because Thorn and Glacier were on my tail. When the revolutionaries were about to net Fluttershy, the animals went crazy and attacked them!

"AH! AH! It bit me!" one claimed.

"Oh, don't be such a baby- OW! That little squirrel scratched me!" another said.

"Just get rid of the animals then!"

Fluttershy got up angrily and yelled, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

She stared at them and said, "You should be ashamed of yourself! Attacking them just because their protecting me from you! How dare you!"

Suddenly, the revolutionaries became unsure and backed away, eventually running away. Glacier and Thorn placed their hooves on their faces muttering, "Are you serious?"

"That's it!" Glacier shouted. "I'm freezing this place up and let the cold eat you!"

"No way!" Thorn protested. "If you do that, then I can't use my powers!"

"Like your weeds were any help."

"They would have if you'd stop getting in my way!"

"You're in my way!"

While the two argued, I pulled out my lasso and caught Glacier. I swung him around with the rope and tossed him to Thorn. It bruised them a bit, but they still got up. They glared at me with a new suggestion.

"We'll work together until she's down, and that's it!" Glacier recommended.

"Fine, let’s go!"

Thorn made a vine of thorns while Glacier made a ice boulder and shot them to me. I was actually ready for this and just bucked the boulder to pieces. For the vine, I looped my lasso around it and brought it all down. It surprised the two while I ran up to them.

"Quick! Do something!" Thorn yelled.

"Like what!?" Glacier questioned.

It was funny watching the two, but the show had to end. I kicked them off with the revolutionaries, and saw them running for their lives.

"We'll remember this!" They said while escaping.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. The two fought each other more than me, which wasn't a bad thing. I went over to Fluttershy to make sure she was alright.

"Hey Fluttershy! They didn't get a hit on ya, did they?" I asked.

"Oh, no. I managed to stay safe with the animals." She explained. "Sorry I couldn't fight."

"Aw, it's okay sugar cube! You actually helped by scaring those other guys away."

"Oh…That was an accident…"

"Heh, accident or not, it got the job done. We better get going."

"Wait! Applejack, your hoof!"

I looked at my hooves and noticed they were a bit purple. They kinda hurt whenever I put them on the ground. Fluttershy took a look at them and pulled out a bottle of something.

"You have a little frostbite…" She said while placing an ointment on them. "This will make it feel better."

When she put it on, my hooves felt like they were burning at first before they felt all better again. I tested them out and couldn't help but be impressed.

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"Oh, um…well, I thought since I can't really fight, I would at least try and get you all better." Fluttershy informed me. "So, I studied on medicines and fast healing remedies."

"Well, I'll be! Ain't that useful! What was that stuff you gave me anyway?"

"Oh, well…um…let's see…some tree sap of the Everfree Forest, a chili pepper, some saliva of a manticore, a-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slobber of a manticore?"


"You know what? Never mind."

-Twilight's POV-

-Twilight's and Pinkie's Skills-

I was with Pinkie in the book store, fighting against Meta Head and Rubby. The revolutionaries looked like they didn't want to get in the way of their commanders, so they backed away. This allowed us to fight equally by numbers.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Pinkie called.

"Yes Pinkie?" I replied.

"I think I can handle the rubber pony!"

"Are you sure? He grabbed you last time."

"I know, but I think I can avoid it this time!"

"Alright then. I'll take on the metallic pony then."

With that, we went after our targets. When Pinkie went up to Rubby, the two were smiling as they got ready.

"Alright! I'm ready!" Rubby said.

"Me too!" Pinkie responded.

"Don't hold back, alright?"

"You too!"

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY!!!" Me and Meta Head said in unison.

After that, Rubby started his first attack. He swung his foreleg and it extended maxing out its range. As it headed to Pinkie, she hopped over it as if it was no big deal.

"Whoa! Nice one!" Rubby commended her.

"Thanks! That hoof swing was cool too!" Pinkie replied.

"I think those two are just talking rather than fighting." Meta Head thought.

"Well, I guess that's…better?" I added. "Anyways, where were we?"

It was my turn to fight Meta Head. He charged at me with his metallic body on full throttle, and went forth. I used my lightning spell to stop him in his track, seeing how metal conducts electricity, I managed to get Meta Head down. He wasn't down for good though, Meta Head had survived the attack and summoned a blade.

"Very good for a magic user." Meta Head admitted.

"Why thank you." I replied. "I did my studies."

"Of course, magic alone won't help you. There are ways around your spells."

He went forth again, and like last time I used my lightning spell. However, Meta Head stabbed his sword into the ground and attracted the lightning towards it instead of him!

"So, you're using that sword as a lightning rod." I pointed out. "Very smart. Now I can't use my lightning spells, huh?"

"What are you going to do now?" Meta Head questioned.

I smiled as I used my next spell. I let the fire shoot out and surround him in a ring of fire.

"You missed." He pointed out.

"I'm only heating up the room." I told him while casting a coating of snow around me.

"What are you planning now?"

"The ring of fire your in is a heating spell. You're in a circle that is up to 1500 degrees of heat."

He started to sweat from the circle he was in. "What do you hope to accomplish out of this?"

"If I out metal in that kind of heat, what do you think will happen?"

Meta Head understood what was happening. His powers no longer worked as every time he brought out metal, it would melt up. He tried to exit only to be confronted by me, readying my ice spell.

"Now if I cool down the metal…" I said.


My ice spell cooled down his metallic body and froze him solid. He couldn't handle the drastic changes in temperatures and had fallen to his attributes state. Still as stone, but still alive.

"You're a very smart adversary." Meta Head stated while being still. "But any metal I create can still be controlled!"

The metal goop he made inside the ring of fire jumped up to Meta Head. He allowed the simmering heat to free him of his frozen state in exchange for a loss of stamina.

"You're not bad yourself." I replied.

Meanwhile with Pinkie, Rubby was constantly swinging his hooves around but missing Pinkie every time no matter how fast he was or how many times Pinkie was caught in a corner. She had somehow predicted every single move, which I think is due to Pinkie honing her Pinkie sense to a whole new level.

"Man! You're too fast!" Rubby spoke.

Eventually, Rubby wore himself out and sat down panting. Pinkie took the chance and as she got right up to him, she pulled out the party cannon! I have no idea where she pulled it out of, but it was there. She pointed it at Rubby and said, "Party's over!"

And just like that, Rubby was sent flying out of the book store. The revolutionaries gasped and ran after their other commander. Meta too retreated saying, "Dang it. Of all the times I have to watch over him."

The revolutionaries left, and we were victorious. Pinkie was pretty happy as she said, "That was fun! Let’s do that again!"

I rolled my eyes as I decided to go to our next destination.

-Kasin's POV-

-Kasin's and Rainbow's Skills-

I was fighting Via, who apparently had the same chaos powers as me. The only difference was she had the skills of a novice while I perfected the skills of more than a mere amateur. She threw punches that I easily dodged while I tossed in a few hits myself, managing to get a hit once in a while.

"Heh, you're good." Via commended me.

"Thanks. You're not bad yourself." I replied.

"Just so you know, this isn't all I can do!"

She pulled her hoof back and it started to flow with lots of chaos energy. It went forth with lots of force, but I managed to dodge it and mimic the trick, only much stronger. This pushed her off and injured her to the extent.

"Eh…You…You're much stronger than I was told…" Via stated.

"I had to go through a lot for it." I replied. "It was worth it though."

"I don't understand…I had this power much longer than you, yet you seem to have mastered it in only a few months…what is your secret?"

"I got that demon to teach me."

Continuing the battle, I used all that I learned. Feelings lighting up every attack with extra force, the endless training of Gold Shield giving me the endurance and extra mile for all my skills, and the friends giving me a reason. It wasn't long before the last punch to Via's chest brought her down.

Over by Rainbow, she was just finishing up against Shady Doll. The electricity was giving her a boost to her attacks for every tackle and bash given to her, and every time Shady tried to attack Rainbow, Shady got shocked. Rainbow's lightning effect eventually went off, making Shady smile.

"Aw, what's the matter?" Shady taunted. "Out of juice already?"

Rainbow grinned as she finally revealed the small chunk of cloud hidden in her mane. "Nah, I got a lot of juice left."


"Whoa…" I reacted.

"I got a lot of new stuff to show off!" Rainbow claimed. "Check this out!"

Rainbow held the cloud near and did a tornado. Soon, snow began to wrap around her and eventually, she kicked it all out and formed a meteor of ice to Shady.

"No way!!" I yelled in glee.

"I-Impossible!" Shady yelled, unable to get away. The icy meteor crashed and ice chunks went everywhere, taking out a lot of the revolutionaries and Shady along with them.

"Rainbow!" I called. "That was awesome!"

"Heheh! Thanks!" She replied.

We went over to the downed duo and looked at them for a moment.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"Hmm…Guess we better tie them up or something." Rainbow suggested.

Before we could however, a chaos roar was used, knocking out Rainbow. I caught her before she fell unconscious, and looked over to the distance to see Shale.

"You…" I muttered.

"I didn't expect this to happen…" Shale said, looking over at his two comrades. "Shady, Via. I'm sorry for not seeing this…"

I gently placed Rainbow down behind me and looked over to Shale. "What are you doing here Shale? What's your aim in Manehattan?"

He stepped in front of Via and Shady as he said, "I only came fore you."

"Why? What so important about me?"

"You really don't see it, do you? Tell me, who are the only ones that can use the chaos powers?"

I paused realizing what he meant. "You're from…my world…You used to be human!"

"That is correct."

"But what does that have to do with me!?"

"Because Kasin, I want you to come with me." He offered with a hoof raisin out to me. "Together, we can rebuild Equestria."

"Wrong." I said, not taking a step forward to the offer. "What you've done so far…everything that's happened from the revolutionaries…is because of you! You're the reason why I was attacked and nearly killed as well as my friends! I'll never join you."

"I won't give up." He vowed. "You will join me Kasin. We are humans after all. Via would agree too."

"Via is human, isn't she?"

"Yes. Don't you see? The pony kind cannot manage an entire kingdom as well as us humans. We'll have to take control in order to-"

"No way!" I shouted. "Humans made as much mistakes as the leaders here! A rebellion and overthrowing of a kind leader like Celestia will cause even more havoc!"

"…I see she has corrupted you…"

"I wasn't corrupted." I told him. "I was befriended."

I rushed in at Shale with a fist full of chaos energy in hand. When I got close to punching him, he blocked it with his hoof and absorbed the energy. After doing that, he raised his other hoof and punched back with all the energy I had made. I was pushed back and fell to the ground.

"How'd you do that?" I questioned.

"I see you've been mastering the chaotic skills of the humans." He pointed out. "Turning feelings to raw power as well as a boost for all of your other techniques. However, you're going to have to learn some new ways to fight if you're ever going to be a match for me."

I gritted my teeth as I pulled out my slingshot and slung a cannon pellet. When it reached him, it exploded and pushed him back, but not as far as my punch did to me.

"Impressive!" He commended me. "But I won't give up on you! You will see the right in all this soon!"

"I'm already on the right side!" I exclaimed.

Fighting him was beyond difficult. In close combat, he matched my attacks and blocked most of them while countering for the ones that did hit. From afar, my slingshot would be faster than his movements, but some pellets were thrown back to me. And when matching chaos powers, his roar would cause me to shake while mine would push him back by an inch. It was tough, but I endured. He and I matched up to a point where we were at our last stance. With our heads clashing together and hand to hoof pushing each other, it was a stalemate of power, force, and will to the end.

"At this point…" Shale spoke. "We'll both be defeated!"

"At least I'll take you down!" I responded.

Shale smiled as he said, "I'll be glad to be defeated by you Kasin…"

Taken back, I almost lost focus. Before I could ask, a sudden stab from behind caused me to fade out. I was losing blood and vision, but I managed to see Shady struggling with her horn covered in blood.

"Heh…You almost did it, didn't ya?" Shady said to me. "Well now you lost!"

"Shady!" Shale called out angrily, causing her to shudder. "How dare you interrupt my duel!"

"W-Wait! Hold on! I was just trying to-"

"Save it! I cannot believe this…"

Shale went over to Via and picked her up while Shady was about to carry me too. I feared that I was going to be kidnapped until…

"No…put him down." Shale told her.

"What? But I thought all this was to get him on our side."

"I will not do something as petty or dishonorable as that right now. We're just going to gather the other revolutionaries and go back to base. We've stolen enough money from here to call it an accomplishment, so stop whining."

Shady nodded and placed me down roughly. I watched as Shale carried Via away and walked with Shady Doll and all the other comrades. I closed my eyes as I felt the blood loss was too great.

-3rd POV-

-What I would do for you-

The medical team of Gold Shields squadron rushed through the Manehattan hospital doorways with Fluttershy beside them. They were bringing in Kasin lying on the hospital bed, rushing him into the emergency room.

"He had a lot of blood loss…" Fluttershy said surprisingly calm. "Does the blood we're about to give him match?"

"Yes Mrs. Fluttershy. This is suitable for Kasin according to our results." one of the doctors said. "It's a good thing too, I didn't know they matched blood types."

"I'm just glad he'll be alright…"

Hours went by while Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Gold, Spike, and Applejack awaited in the room nearby the ER. Finally, Fluttershy came out and said, "He's alright."

Everyone sighed in relief. "Thank goodness…" Twilight spoke.

"Man, Kasin survived two fights! He's really tough!" Spike pointed out.

"I just can't believe what happened though…" Applejack added.

"Are the two both safe to visit right now?" Gold asked.

"It's fine I think…It won't bother any of them." Fluttershy assured them. "Just make sure you don't make a lot of noise."

They all went inside and saw Kasin sleeping. Eventually, he woke up and saw the others.

"Ah! You're all alright!" Kasin exclaimed. He attempted to move, but felt dizzy. "Whoa…I feel woozy…"

"It'll only last for a minute or two, considering your recovery speed." Fluttershy informed him.

"What happened?"

"You apparently fought Via and later Shale. Shale managed to beat you, but we're unsure how." Gold Shield explained.

"Oh…That's right…Shady Doll stabbed me from the back."

"What!?" Applejack yelled. "Why that no good-"

"Applejack. You need to be quiet." Fluttershy said. "You'll wake up Rainbow."

"Rainbow?" Kasin repeated. "Wait…where's Rainbow Dash? What happened to her?"

"She's fine Kasin. She's just trying to rest off from the transfusion."

"What? Who did she donate blood to?"

"You Kasin."

Kasin paused taking this in. Fluttershy continued to explain. "You lost a lot of blood from the open wound Shady gave you. Because of that, you were in danger of dying due to the amount you were losing. When we brought you in, Rainbow said she wanted to give you her blood. I checked her medical records and examined the dose from yours and they matched."

"Where did you get Rainbow's medical records?" Kasin questioned.

"Over the past two months, I've been gathering information on everyponies health. I have all the girls and Spikes blood types and other information. I didn't get your blood type until today."

Kasin looked down for a moment and then said, "Well…She's okay, right?"

"You bet I'm alright!" A voice shouted.

From behind the curtains, they heard multiple voices saying, "Mrs. Rainbow Dash! You shouldn't be moving yet!" and "Please calm down! You're not ready to go out!"

Jumping out of the curtains making an epic entrance, Rainbow grinned and said, "What? You don't think this was gonna kill me, did you?"

"Rainbow!" Kasin called.

Rainbow went over to Kasin and nuzzled him on the cheek. "I wasn't gonna let my wing partner go down under my watch."

Kasin and Rainbow hugged in joy and relief. "Thanks…I'm glad I have you around…"

Gold Shield was talking to his other comrades, hearing some disappointing news. "Are you certain? This is troubling…"

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Apparently the revolutionaries had a side project other than capturing Kasin. They've been sapping the money from the city near dry, and now Manehattan is experiencing financial problems."

"That’s what he was talking about…" Kasin muttered.

"How awful!" Rarity said sorrowfully. "Whatever shall this city do?"

"I'm sure the Princess can do something about this…" Gold thought. "But this apparently wasn't the first city. multiple sites have been robbed of money or resources. They've been supplying Unity like Robin Hoof."

"If only we knew where they were going to strike…" Twilight thought.

"I know." Kasin announced. He pulled out papers from under his shirt and said, "I managed to steal these from Via when she was down and Shale when he got close during our fights."

"Well done Kasin!" Gold Shield commended him. "What does it say?"

"Plans…big plans…They've been aiming for small areas to keep it under the radar, and hit the big cities like this one once they have the power."

"That doesn't sound good." Spike pointed out.

"It looks like we'll be busy." Kasin said as he handed the papers to Gold Shield. "I think we'll be fine though. I have a feeling we've gotten good enough to show them who's the boss here."

"Aw yeah! Time for a comeback!" Rainbow cheered.

Everyone was smiling, confidence was flowing, sure that their skills was enough to challenge anyone in the revolution. Things were looking up.

Author's Note:

The adventure continues!

Oh my goodness! This chapter took so long to write! I'm sorry it took me so long, but moving on to the next half of the story was actually difficult. Anyways, I hope you like the next level of the main characters. The thought of what should their new techniques should be was fun and expressing them was even better!

ACK! I thought the word counter said 7000 words! I didn't mean to write 10,000! :pinkiegasp:

Please comment on...
What do you think of their new abilities?
What do you think of Gold Shield?
What's up with Shale?
And anything else you can think of, so long as you comment! :pinkiehappy: It makes me happy.