• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,341 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 7 - The Revolution Starts

-3rd POV-

-Lighting the fire-

In a dark chamber, ponies and griffons covered in cloaks talk under the useless light, failing to reveal their identity.

"Gnosis has not only failed, but he has put our mission in jeopardy"

"We cannot afford to make the same mistake. If we do, they'll be prepared for us. We need the element of surprise on our side."

"No…we need the elements."


"The elements. If we have one of the six elements in our clutches, Celestia will have to listen to our demands."

"Are you planning to make the same mistake? Gnosis has attempted that and failed! Do not be a fool if you think we can just send our forces anywhere all over the place without a care in the world!"

"Then let's hit it where it matters."

"Canterlot's a bit too early, don't you think?"

"No…Where all the elements live…Ponyville."

-Kasin's POV-

-The smell of ember-

I was on earth…my world…I could see a familiar burning house.

The screams of fear are heard as all I could do is watch. The house was no ordinary one. It was a big mansion. I have gazed upon the fire ruining all the clean windows, smothering them in red lights and grey smoke. The monuments of man have wept for the lost of their owner, who was in the building along with other screaming victims.

The smell of it…it was so real…And this had happened in broad daylight.

How could you ruin a beautiful morning so easily? Without any care in the world? I watched it all go down. Soon, I could see a child running out of there. He had the light brown hair, green eyes, an torn shirt with a full heart, blue pants, green sneakers, and a green sash. He was crying as he ran while the voices yelled.


The little boy did as he was told, and he ran…

The little boy…That little boy…is me.

Then, I awoke. I have found myself crying in my sleep. I immediately wipe them off and look at who was in front of me. Twilight and Spike.

"Kasin…what…what's wrong?" Twilight asked worried.

"I…I…" I couldn't help but stutter and hold back the words.

"Come on, tell us." Spike added.

"I…can't…no…" I finally spoke. "It was just a bad dream…really scary one and all…"

Twilight only took it half way. "Well, even so, no normal dream could make you cry like that."

"This is the third time Kasin, why now?" Spike asked.

He was right. After fitting in Ponyville three weeks after my arrival, I have gotten more acquainted with everything. However, this dream suddenly came…No…This memory came back. For the last three days, I have been caught, crying in my sleep. It wasn't healthy, even Applejack says I need some help before I could work. Today, I would be going to Sugar Cube corner, but if they hear the news, then I'll be declined to work too. I sighed as I said, "I don't know…this problem never came up until now…"

"What was the dream?" Twilight asked.

Before I could even mutter, the vision of the blazing house haunted my mind. The sun showered a full light to allow me to see the house on fire, as ashes, and soon as a graveyard of them. I clenched my head and was nearly on the verge of crying again. I had lost control. "PLEASE! DON'T LET ME TELL YOU! I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS…THIS…NIGHTMARE!!!"

The two stepped back as I gasped for air. I was so stuck. The memories of that time. Why have they come to haunt me now? Is it a sign? Or a reminder? But no matter how I look at it, it would just be that awful, awful day.

"K-Kasin?" Twilight stuttered. "I really don't think you should go to work for now."

"T…T-Twilight…" I said still shivering.

"I'm gonna go tell Pinkie you're not feeling well, just sit tight, alright?" Spike told me before he left to do so.

Twilight sat next to me as I sighed. For a while, she let me calm down before she started to talk.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Twilight asked.

I took deep breaths letting all my frustration go. I began to tell the story steadily as she listened carefully, not trying to interrupt.

"Twilight…Before I came here…before college…before I lived with my grandfather who passed away…I lived in a mansion…"

"You can compare that mansion to a castle, it had everything. Decorated rooms, fine cuisine, statues of the most well known or respected, and most of all, a loving family…"

Twilight's eyes glimmered at the description of my home. But before she could ask, I dropped the bomb.

"However…one day, I had lost it all in the broad daylight…Someone came and torched the house…I hid while I watched my…my…"

I sniffed up as I tried to continue.

"I…watched my family burn before my eyes! It…It was horrible! And during the day too!!! What…What did we do!? They didn't even take anything! They burned everything! All of our property, our money, but most of all…MY FAMILY!!!"

I wailed in remembering all the nightmares. The horrors of it all.

"Nothing got better…for the next few years, I had lived with my grandfather who ignored me…I had spent all that time with him taking care of myself…Then after he had passed away, I had been given an inheritance of my family…But with no one to look after me, I lived alone…That was before I decided to go to college…"

I gasped for air once more, as if I had just swum out of my nightmare trying to drown me. Shivering, I awaited a response from Twilight. In the corner of my eye, she held out her hoof around me and patted my back.

"It's…alright now…" She told me. "I'm here for you…We're all here for you…"

I couldn't think, but I was comforted hearing her say that. Her tears showed compassion and I had felt relieved that I had gotten it off my chest. She stayed with me and hugged me for a while.

A moment later, I noticed something. She had gazed at my eyes suddenly and started to feel warm. My heart started to pump as I felt as if I was being held tighter. Eventually, she realized she was hugging me a bit too much and begins to loosen up. As she did, she was about to apologize before she gazed at me again. Soon she closed her eyes and soon she went up close. Was…Was she about to kiss me!? I only need to wait to get my answer. I closed my eyes and soon, her lips went to mine. Our kiss felt even hotter. Our tongues caressed each other before our it had finally ended after a minute or so. After our mouths had moved themselves away from each other while a strand of saliva measured the distance, we saw our red faces. We were both sweating and the hair on our heads were somehow turned into bed heads. We got up and straightened out our messy hair.

"Uh…H-How did our hair even get all messed up!?" I questioned.

"I don't know! They weren't even touching anything!" Twilight added.

After straightening our hair, we stood still. Twilight then began to say, "What…what am I doing? Oh, ponies will think you're some sort of…and they'll think I'm a…I mean, your seventeen after all!"

"I-I know! B-But, I didn't…You didn't…I…"

We could not find where we were going with all this. Soon, Spike came back, and I jumped at his arrival. Twilight and I distanced ourselves before Spike came into the room. But in doing so, we had made it too suspicious why we were staying so far away.

As Spike entered, he said, "Pinkie said it was okay and that you can just come back tomorrow if you're feeling better…"

Spike stared at us before he pulled a wicked smirk. He then slowly said a question that would make our hearts pump even faster. "Did you two have fun?"

Twilight and I jumped before she said, "Spike! When did you start asking questions about such a thing!?"

Spike shrugged as he said, "Ever since you would DO such a thing."

Our faces blushed further. Silence overflowed the room as Spike was winning at the debate we were having. He was doing it at the rate of a landslide. Finally, he gave up asking Twilight and turned to me.

"Well, since Twilight's so uptight. Kasin! How was it?"

I didn't know what to do. No good answer could come up to my heated mind. I then said shyly and quietly, as quietly as the time me and Fluttershy went to that party and a stallion asked her out. "…It was nice…?"

"What?" Spike asked.


Spike was a bit frustrated that he couldn't hear me. "Come on! Speak up!"

I began to only make whimpering noises as I hid behind one of my long strands of hair. Spike sighed as he said, "Fine! I don't even care anyways!"

When Spike walks out on them annoyed, Twilight and I chuckled. That kiss earlier probably won't happen again…right?

-3rd POV-

-The Attack-

Ponyville was having a normal day until the sound of marching was heard from all corners of the town. It awoke anyone sleeping like Rainbow Dash on the cloud nearby. She along with many other ponies gazed at the spectacle of what was approaching their quaint town.

"Whoa!" Rainbow said, expressing her surprise at the sight.

Just outside Ponyville was an army full of armored revolutionaries. Each of them had a clad of black steel armor, some armed with sharp weapons like axes, lances, spears, and swords while others seemed ready to tackle all that stood in the way. After a moment, they raised their flags and started the attack.

"CHARGE!!!" The commanders yelled in a war cry.

They all rushed in, pushing all in their way down. They had taken the streets in mere seconds and the denizens of Ponyville who rebelled were knocked out, tied up, then thrown in a cage. With the seemingly endless army barging down Ponyville so easily, they had claimed the town. The one to declare it was a gray stallion unicorn with red eyes and a red mane. His armor had a red cloak with a yellow line to represent he was the leader of this mission. He stood on town hall and pulled out the flag with a symbol of a crown marked out by the letter "U", representing Unity's new order.

"I, Scorch Vies, claim Ponyville in the name of Unity's Revolution! May Equestria make room for a new order!" He shouted for all to hear.

Rainbow spied from her cloud, avoiding peeking her head out too much so she wouldn't be noticed. She watched as Scorch jumped off the roof of town hall and walk up to his men.

"What's your report so far?" Scorch questioned.

"Sir, we have about 80 ponies who rebelled against us tied up and put in cages. We have yet to find the wielders of the elements, at the most, Twilight Sparkle." The soldier reported.

"Well, we'll have to get searching then. If I remember correctly, one was an caretaker of animals, another was a farmer, and the other one is a tailor." Scorch remembered. "As for the others, the info we had received were either vague or too much dialogue to pinpoint, but we should find them easily, so get going!"

"Yes sir!"

As the two splits up, Rainbow becomes concerned for her targeted friends.

"Shoot! They're after all of us this time!" She pointed out to herself. "I better get them before it's too late!"

Rainbow flew fast from her cloud, enough for the army below not to notice in time.

-Rainbow's POV-

-Before it's too late-

I was flying at my best, hoping to reach Applejack in time. I'm sure she needed to be warned first since that farm is so huge, as for Fluttershy and Rarity, they fit in with the town long enough for me to reach them later. So first is Applejack, I just have to get there now!

When I flew in close, I saw Applejack bringing in that cart full of apples. Along with her was Big Mac and Applebloom. I landed right by them, giving them a shocker.

"Agh!" Applejack shouted. "Dang it Rainbow! You should know better than to do surprise landings near ponies!"

"No time to argue Applejack! We have a HUGE problem!" I told her.

"What's wrong?" Applebloom asked.

"There's a huge army of those revolution guys all over Ponyville!" I explained. "This time, they're after all of us! Not just Twilight!"

"What!?" They all screamed.

"That's right! Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, you, and me are in danger too! They're looking for us, and from the way they locked up the other ponies, I have a feeling they want to do more harm than anything else."

Applejack huffed before saying, "Darn those varmints! They really know how to cause a ruckus."

"Come on Applejack! We have to get out of here!"

"And leave my family behind!? I'm not gonna let those ponies lay a hoof on the apple family!"

"They're after us, not them! Besides, I think Big Macintosh can handle them if they do try to hurt your family."

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied.

Applejack was so unsure about all this. "But…But…"

Applebloom tugged her sister and said, "Don't worry! We'll be alright! Go get the others so you can save Ponyville!"

Applejack stared at her brother and sister before she nodded. She walked over to me with a sad face and said, "Let's go."

With that, we ran through the orchard. Behind us, I saw those revolution ponies questioning Granny Smith near the house. I saw her tilting her head in confusion while those guys were all annoyed, groaning whatever Granny was telling them. After a while, we were at Fluttershy's cottage…just too late though.

An armored pony came out and said to the other two just outside of the house, "The yellow pegasus was the only one in here. Other than her were just a bunch of animals."

"Well, we got the other element. That's two by now, right?" The other one asked.

"Yeah, the yellow pegasus and that whiny unicorn."

"Alright, let's go back to the others. No use staying here."

After the three left, me and Applejack were freaking out!

"Oh no! They have Fluttershy and Rarity!" Applejack pointed out.

"Darn it! I was sure they wouldn't find Fluttershy's house so soon! Rarity's too." I commented. "We have to get Pinkie and Twilight!"

"We better not waste time! But…we shouldn't just go running everywhere. They'll notice us and throw us in the slammer." Applejack replied. "We'll need to be cautious."

-Twilight's POV-


I was reading with Kasin, trying to get his mind relaxed. The nightmares he's been having worries me, so hopefully, a little nice, quiet, and peaceful time together will help him get out of this cycle. He seems to focus on the book so much, he's just like me…N-Not that I mean anything by that! I mean…

"Twilight! Kasin! There's trouble outside!" Spike yelled.

Kasin and I exchanged the same worried look. We ran to the window and saw the ponies in armor.

"Aren't those the revolutionaries?" Kasin questioned.

I gulped as I replied, "Yes…And they've taken over Ponyville…"

Suddenly, a loud knock came at the door. We knew who it was as we peeked through the window. I closed all the curtains with my magic and barricaded the door quiet enough for the ponies outside not to notice. I then ran upstairs with the others following me close by. It was getting dangerous with the revolutionaries just outside. I lead Kasin and Spike to the balcony.

"Twilight, why are we up here?" Kasin asked.

"We're going to sneak down the house." I answered.

"You want us to climb down this tree!?" Spike quietly yelled. "You gotta be kidding me!"

"We don't have much of a choice!" I responded. "They're blocking all the doors, so we'll have to make do by sneaking down where they least expect it!"

"Couldn't you just teleport us?" Spike questioned.

"Not all of us at the same time! That'll take too much energy! And even if I do, we might end up somewhere near those revolutionaries are!"

"I guess we have no choice…" Kasin stated. "Twilight, me and Spike can climb down easier, but you'll need to hold onto my back."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"It'll be faster, now get on!"

I did what he said, and got on Kasin's back. Kasin and Spike climbed down, leading us to the trunk of the library. We did well hiding behind the leafy branches, and as we got closer to the ground, we landed into the bushes. There, we waited for the nearby ponies to turn a blind eye. I couldn't help but notice the ponies inside the library were looking for us, only to find Owlicious.

"Hey! Was there a Twilight Sparkle here?" One of them asked.


"Hmm…I guess she doesn't know who she is." The other pony deduced.

"Hold on, I think she might be lying." The first one inquired. "You know! lavender unicorn? You better give up her location, or somepony is gonna get hurt!"


"You of course!!!"

I couldn't help but snicker at what was going on inside. Kasin and Spike closed my mouth from making anymore noises, as two more revolutionaries passed by.

"That was close." Kasin whispered. "We don't have much time! We gotta get to the others!"

"I think we should go to Sugar Cube Corner." Spike suggested "Pinkie should be there, and it's close by too!"

"Good idea Spike!" I commended him. "Alright then! Let's sneak over there!"

We pulled the bush from the ground and snuck carefully towards the store. It was difficult with all the ponies everywhere looking for us. along the way, I saw ponies tied up and put in cages.

"How awful…" I spoke softly.

"We can help them after we get…wait…" Kasin signaled us to stop, giving him a chance to look at the cage a bit more. "Lyra?"

I looked at the cage to see Lyra in there. Her eyes widened as she squirmed over to the bars. "Kasin?!"

"No…they got you too?"

"Kasin…You need to get out of here!" Lyra told him. "Twilight? Spike? Are you in there too?"

"Guilty." Spike answered.

"You all really need to go! These guys are looking for you and your friends. They already have Fluttershy and Rarity you know."

I was shocked. Rarity and Fluttershy have been caught already!? "No…!"

"They did WHAT!?" Kasin nearly yelled. "Where are they!? I have to help them!"

"Kasin, please! Live for today, fight another day!" Lyra pleaded.

Kasin groaned at what he had to do. "Fine, but I swear, I'll find a way to get you all out of this!"

"Hey! What's that bush doing here?" Somepony questioned.

"I don't know, I don't think it was here a second ago."

The three of us froze in fear. Somepony found out!! We stood still for the last few seconds before we would be caught. I peeked behind us and saw that they got closer and closer. Suddenly, Lyra started banging on the cage, getting the revolutionaries attention.

"HEY! YOU TWO!!!" Lyra screamed. "LET ME OUTTA HERE!"

"Quiet you!" The stallion demanded.

"Ugh, war prisoners are so annoying." The other said as they walked up to the cage and away from us.

"You better can it, or else!" The stallion demanded again.

While Lyra bought us time, we snuck away and went to Sugar Cube Corner. With all the ponies guarding the front, we tried sneaking in the back. Bad idea though, because they were there too.

"Hey, was that bush always there?" One of them asked.

We started to sweat before the other one replied, "Yeah, I think so…Wanna go check on Scorch? This is way too boring."

"Yeah, okay."

The two left, letting us get out of the bush and into the store. We snuck through the kitchen seeing just beyond the doors were revolutionaries eating.

"Boy! This stuff is delicious!" One of them said. "I never tried anything like it!"

"Oh, it's, um…A recipe made by our newest employee, Kasin." Mrs. Cake informed them very frightened of the ponies in the restaurant.

"Really? Well, I can't wait to meet this kid someday! He's a really good cook." He commended Kasin indirectly. I could notice Kasin smiling a bit at the compliment.

We went upstairs and to Pinkie's room. We knocked quietly on the door.

"Pinkie!" Kasin whispered. "Open the door! It's us!"

"Yeah right!" Pinkie replied. "You're just those revolution ponies that want to take in Pinkie Pie! But I'm not Pinkie, and she's not in here!"

We gave a blank stare at the door. "Pinkie, we know it's you." I said bluntly.

"No~ It's~ not~!" Pinkie sung back.

"Pinkie, it's me! Spike!"


"Yeah, and I'm here with Kasin and Twilight too!"

Pinkie opened the door and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier!? Quick! Get in!"

Pinkie scooped us in her room and locked the door as well as barricade it. She trotted over to us with a smile.

"I'm so glad you didn't get taken guys! That would just be awful~!" Pinkie sung.

"I'm glad you're okay too Pinkie." I replied.

"So what now?" Kasin asked. "We can't just take them on without a few more ponies on our side. We don't have much of a fighting chance really."

"I know! How about we find the guy who's in charge and take him down?" Spike suggested. "That way, all the other ponies will freak out and get out of here."

"Um…but we don't even know WHO is in charge." Kasin pointed out.

"Oh right…"

Then, an idea hit me. "I know what we can do!"

"What?" They all asked in unison.

"Pinkie, I'll need a piece of paper and something to write with."

Pinkie zipped off and came back with a feather, ink, and paper. I went on and started writing a letter.

-Twilight's Emergency Message-

Dear Princess Celestia

Ponyville is under attack by revolutionaries, and we need your help! If you can send aid, please do so, we are still hiding from them as we speak, so hurry!

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

-Back to the story-

I rolled up the letter and gave it to Spike. Spike nodded and breathed fire onto the letter, sending it to Celestia.

"What was that?" Kasin asked, wondering how did that help at all.

"We just sent a letter to Princess Celestia." I answered.

"Do you think if he breathed fire on me, I'll be sent there too?" Kasin asked.

"I…don't think so."

"Darn…!" Kasin and Pinkie said in unison.

-Applejack's POV-

-Meeting up with the others-

Rainbow and I were still running to Sugar Cube Corner, hoping to reach Pinkie in time.

"Come on! We don't have much time!" Rainbow yelled.

"I know that! You know I can't keep up if you're flying like that!" I yelled back.

When we rushed in through the front door, we saw a whole lot of revolution ponies at the tables. Me and Rainbow stood still staring at them for a while before one said, "Hey! It's them! Get 'em!"

When the crowd roared rushing at us, me and Rainbow simply said, "CRUD!"

It didn't take much to beat them. Rainbow zipped around them, tripping the ponies while I kicked those ponies back to their crowd. It wasn't long before we used their own ropes to tie them up.

"There, that should hold them for now." I stated. "Now, all we gotta do is find Pinkie…"

"Here I am!" Pinkie said right behind me, scaring the apples out of me.

"Pinkie! Don't just come out of the room!" Kasin scolded as he went downstairs. "We weren't even sure if…Applejack? Rainbow?"

"Kasin! You're alright! Is Twilight with you?" Rainbow asked.

"Me and Spike are here, yes." Twilight informed us.

The remainder of us had regrouped at Sugar Cube Corner. We sat down by the table, there, we told the others about everything that's been going on, as well as Fluttershy and Rarity.

"We already know…" Kasin said slowly. "We gotta do something!"

"I've already sent a letter to the Princess, I'm sure she'll help, so we'll just have to wait." Twilight suggested.

"Wait? Aw, seriously!? What if they come too late?" Rainbow complained. "We gotta take action onto our hooves! Come on, we can take 'em!"

"As much as I want to Rainbow, I don't see us easily overthrowing these guys so soon." Kasin replied. "There's too many, plus, they're still after you girls! I don't exactly know why, but if their mission is to take you, then we have to do our best to make sure you all are safe!"

"What about Fluttershy and Rarity then?" I asked. "We can't just leave them with those metal heads."

"I know, but I really don't want to lose any of you either…" Kasin explained.

Pinkie then jumped onto Kasin's back reassuring him, "Don't worry about us! We've been through a lot more than this anyways!"

"Are you sure?" Kasin asked unsurely.

"Totally!" Rainbow answered. "Trust me, we can take em! And I can guarantee you everypony will be safe!"

"Promise?" Kasin asked.

"Pinkie Promise!" Rainbow replied very sure of herself as she placed her hoof onto Kasin's hand. "Now, come on! Let's get these revolution guys out of here!"

"YEAH!" We all cheered except for Kasin, still unsure about all of this.

-3rd POV-

-Counter Attack-

The six left the bakery and commenced the phase to strike back. First, Twilight and Pinkie began to head straight for the cages scattered around Ponyville. Kasin and Rainbow followed Twilight while Applejack and Spike followed Pinkie. If all went to plan, they would free as many ponies while Rainbow and Applejack fend off the Revolutionaries whenever they attacked. Twilight would use her magic to unlock the cages while Pinkie would use a random object, like a saw, a hair clip, or even a key to unlock the cage. Kasin and Spike would untie the ponies with their opposable thumbs, making it much easier than any of the others could hope.

Over by Twilight's team, she heads towards another cage. The same one with Lyra in it.

"Lyra!" Kasin called.

Lyra lifted her head to see Kasin without the bush.

"Kasin!? What are you doing!? You need to hide!!" Lyra told him worried.

"Relax Lyra, we're going on the offensive!" Kasin assured her. "Just hold on!"

Kasin gave Twilight the signal, and the cage was blasted open. Kasin went inside and untied the ponies inside, especially Lyra. After the ponies exited, Rainbow gathered the large amount of captives and brought them under her command.

"Alright! Listen up everypony!" Rainbow called. "Just go to a safe house until all this blows over! Me and my friends got this!"

The ponies understood and did as they were told. Lyra was hugging Kasin, very grateful for what he did.

"Thank you Kasin…Are you sure you'll be alright?" Lyra asked.

"I'll be fine, I'm happy to see you're okay too." Kasin said in relief.

"Lyra!" Bon-Bon called. "Let's go! The armored ponies are coming back!"

"Alright, Bon-Bon, just hold on!" Lyra responded. She nuzzled Kasin and said, "I'm gonna go now, good luck!"

"I will. You be safe, okay?" Kasin told Lyra as she ran to Bon-Bon.

Soon, the revolutionaries arrive and surround Kasin, Twilight, and Rainbow. They didn't need to yell a command as they just went in and rushed at the three. Rainbow flew in a circle and unleashed a tornado at the revolutionaries while Kasin pulled out his slingshot and fired chemical bottles, throwing sneeze powder into the air, causing the foes to have stuffy noses while Twilight blasted them with her magic.

"Come on! We can't waste any time here!" Rainbow yelled as she kicked another pony.

Kasin nodded and carried Twilight while she continued to blast the revolutionaries behind her. Rainbow rammed the rest of the ponies hot on their trail and flew back to the other two.

Meanwhile, Pinkie's group was dashing around, opening cages twice the rate Twilight was going at. Spike however could only untie so many ponies at once before going to the next cage.

"Pinkie! I know we have to help all of them as quickly as possible, but can you slow down enough for me to catch up?" Spike pleaded.

Applejack scooped Spike onto her back and said, "Come on Spike! You're gonna have to try and keep up!"

Spike rolled his eyes at what Applejack just said. As he stared into space, he saw one cage in particular that only had two ponies in, specifically, Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Guys! Guys!" Spike called. "Rarity and Fluttershy are over there!"

Pinkie and Applejack look and see their two captive friends. They rush on over there and unlock the cage, allowing Spike to go in and untie them.

"Thank goodness you two are alright!" Applejack sighed in relief.

"Yeah! When I heard you two were taken, I was like, "OH MY GOSH!", and everypony else was like-" Before Pinkie could finish, Applejack shoved her hoof on Pinkie's mouth.

As Rarity got untied, Spike went to Fluttershy.

"Oh, it was simply awful! Those ruffians came barging in my boutique and just tied me up without warning!" Rarity complained.

"It was, I thought they were going to hurt the animals, so I got them all to hide before they came in." Fluttershy added as Spike untied her.

"Well, at least you're safe now." Applejack said. "Come on, the others need our help too-"

"Not so fast!"

Pinkie's group turned to see Scorch along with two sets of armor floating by him. One set of armor had the wing plates similar to Wing Gar's, and both were enveloped in a red fiery aura. The leader and the enchanted armor stood in front of the group.

"Who's that?" Spike questioned.

"I think this pony is the bad guy." Pinkie whispered to Spike. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Bad? What's so bad about what we're doing? We're here to start a new era of harmony. We just need a few sacrifices to start it." Scorch stated.

"Hurting other ponies isn't gonna help start harmony! What you're doing here is ending it!" Applejack rebutted.

"Yeah!" Rainbow yelled as she makes another dashing entrance, landing right by them. Twilight and Kasin caught up with the others and stood by. Scorch looked at the rag tag team of rebels and chuckles.

"Quite a small group to take on an entire army, don't you think?" Scorch retorted.

"We're more than enough to take on guys like you!" Rainbow implied.

"Wrong." Scorch said in a very sadistic tone. "I'm more than enough to defeat you. What you're doing here is signing your graves. Do not underestimate us, we have many talented warriors that will help reshape this country!"

"Reshaping!? Your destroying it!" Twilight scolded. "You have to see what you're doing! So many ponies are getting terrified of this attack!"

"Like said, a few sacrifices are necessary…" Scorch responded. "Let me show you a good example."

Scorch's horn lit up on fire, and soon a wall of flames surround the team. The blazing temperatures heated the area enough to feel as hot as a desert. The girls a intimidated by the power of Scorch, and see the walls closing up on them.

"We gotta get out of here!" Twilight commanded everyone. "I'm gonna blast a hole through the fire, everypony jump through it when it opens!"

Twilight did what she said she would. She shot a magic bolt, opening a hole through the fire. Rainbow helped everyone get out. Once that was done, Rainbow Dash called Twilight over.

"Twilight! Come on!"

"Alright! I'm coming over…Kasin!?" She realized Kasin stood still.

Rainbow noticed too and flew to him. "Kasin! What are you doing!? Don't you see the fire!?" She yelled.

Kasin still didn't move. Before anyone knew it, Kasin fell down. His eyes widened to much fear, and soon he began to shake uncontrollably.

"K-Kasin! W-What's wrong with you!?" Rainbow questioned, panicking at his state.

Twilight knew what was going on. "Rainbow! Kasin is having a seizure!"

Everyone from outside the flaming room gasped as well as Rainbow Dash. She started to panic and tried to pull Kasin, but he was stuck to the ground shaking.

"Rainbow! You have to get out!" Twilight yelled.

"No! I'm not leaving Kasin to die in here!" she responded. "Come on Kasin! We have to go!"

Before she tried to pull Kasin out one more time, the enchanted armor attacked Rainbow. Thanks to Twilight, she managed to levitate Rainbow out of the way, but the enchanted armor held Kasin down, not letting him go. Rainbow screamed as she reached out to Kasin.

"Rainbow! We have to go!" Twilight told her.


The fire closed in, Rainbow and Twilight managed to escape just barely, but Kasin was left inside. The flames made a pillar of red before it finally disappeared. The group was shocked to see Kasin had not made it out in time before it had closed.