• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Cry for the night - Failure

-Applejack's POV-

-Jammed Element-

With a huge attack on the castle, a lot of things have been happening. We all managed to get to the end of it, but my Element just HAD to go on the fritz! The darn thing wouldn't work when we really needed it. I tried hitting the thing, but it just won't go!

"Come on you stupid thing! All of Equestria is depending on us!" I yelled at my Element.

"Applejack! That's not gonna fix it!" Twilight told me.

"Well, what's wrong with it!? We need it working NOW!"

Spike then snapped his claws and guessed, "Maybe your Element isn't working because you're not being honest!"

"And what's THAT supposed to mean?" I glared at the dragon, making him sweat a little.

"Wait! Spike might actually have a point!" Twilight stated. "Our Elements didn't work that other time because we were influenced by Discord to not act ourselves! So maybe something Applejack is doing is stopping her Element!"

"And what in tarnation could that be?!"

"Quick! Start telling a bunch of stuff that's true!" Pinkie suggested.


"Just do it!" Rainbow demanded.

I quickly got on to it and said all the things on the top of my mind. "Uh, let's see, there was that time I took away all of Pinkie's candy to make sure she didn't get cavities, the time I accidently bucked Big Macintosh when I wasn't paying attention, and the time I stole the gunpowder from Applebloom to stop her from doing fireworks for her cutie mark."

"YOU STOLE MY CANDY!?!?!?!" Pinkie roared, angrily.

"Just a…well, a barrel…I mean, you gotta admit, all that sugar is gonna rot your teeth quick!"

"Well? Did it work?" Fluttershy asked.

We all looked at my Element. Nothing. It was so frustrating! What's going on!? Why of all time it stopped working now!?

"I think I know what the problem is!" Rarity declared.

"What is it?" I asked, surprised she figured it out.

"You Applejack. It's because you lied."

"What!?" I shouted. "I never told a lie to anypony! Never have! Never will!"

"Wrong! You told a lie…to yourself!"

Everypony gasped while I just rolled my eyes. "Oh please, what would I lie to myself about?"

"Then tell us Applejack…Are you in love with somepony?"

For some reason, I froze up to that question. I felt something urging me to say something, but what!? I…I'm not in love with Kasin…am I? No, I mean, he's a nice kid and all, and he does help out but…Oh, what am I saying? I can't say it's because he's a human! I said it myself that I accept him for loving a pony, but…what's the reason!? Why can't I find one!?

"Applejack! It's time to tell the truth! Are you in love with somepony?!" Rarity stressed the question even more.

"N-No! I'm not! I…I-!"

"Would you hurry up!?" Kasin yelled from outside while dodging the attacks of the monster.

"We're trying to! But Applejacks being a pain in the flank!" Rainbow insulted me. She's gonna pay for that later. "She won't say the truth!"

"What are you talking about!?" Kasin questioned while still fighting the cloud monster. "Applejack never tells a lie! She said it herself!"

"Kasin…" I muttered.

"It's not to somepony else!" Rarity explained. "She's lying to herself!"

Kasin looked up to me and his eyes were widened surprised. While dodging the attacks of the cloud monster, he started shouting, "AJ!"


"Listen! Whatever you're holding back…Well, at least let one person know! You don't have to tell the whole world your secret, but you shouldn't let that secret hold you down! If you have a hard time getting others to accept it, at least…Accept it yourself!"

True words to live by struck my heart. I felt a warm beating and soon, I felt like saying something. But once more, I hesitated.

"Applejack!" He called me. "You gotta-!"

Before he could finish, the cloud monster struck lightning on the him, and knocked him out cold!

"KASIN!" We screamed.

Kasin was still alive, and he began to crawl to us.

"I-I can't die now!" Kasin said to himself. "I promised…Gold! I promised to protect the princesses! I can't let this thing stop me!!"

The cloud monster was about to kill Kasin if we didn't do anything. I felt something twisting my stomach. I couldn't help it anymore.

"ALRIGHT! I ADMIT IT!" I finally broke. "I'm in love with Kasin!!"

It felt scary to say all that, but it stopped the pain inside. I looked at the others having their jaws opened up. It was embarrassing.

"Uh…" Rarity began to say. "Y-You know, we just wanted to uh…you to say 'yes' to being in love with somepony. We didn't need to know with whom."

I now felt like lassoing Rarity's neck! I was now angry and beyond embarrassed! But that didn't matter anymore, my element began to glow again, but this time, brighter than all the others.

"What’s happening now!?" Rainbow questioned.

"Your Element!" Twilight said to me. "It's! It's growing!"

My element started to craft more gear out of magic. My hind legs had on long shoes and wrapped around my neck was not the necklace, but a royal scarf with my Element hanging off one side. There were a few strands of necklaces wrapping my scarf too, and conveniently, a lasso for me to use.

"Whoa!" Spike yelled. "You look awesome!"

"Twi! What the hay is going on here!?" I questioned.

"I…I have no idea…but can you still use your Element?"

"I think so."

"Good! Then lets save Kasin!"

Before we used the Elements, we saw Kasin was finally knocked out. He couldn't move away from the monster anymore, and the cloud began to charge up something bright.

"W-We're too late!" Twilight pointed out. "Even if we used the Elements, it won't stop the lightning!"

"NO!" I screamed, rushing in blindly. I just realized what I'm truly feeling! I'm not losing him now! Just when I was at Kasin's side, the lightning was shot, and it made its way to me and Kasin.

"APPLEJACK!" The others called.

Now call me crazy, but something about this gear on me told me it wasn't for show. I actually tried kicking the lightning, and unbelievably, I actually did! It then made its way to the Cloud monster and shocked it back. Everypony, even I couldn't believe it. This stuff was amazing! I never felt so much stronger now!

"Whoa, Applejack's awesome!" Spike cheered.

The cloud monster was persistent though. It made tried making a big knife made of ice and threw it at me. I didn't want to get myself cut, but I didn't know what made me think a lasso was a good idea. Thoughts of how I should fight back just kept coming to me, like something was telling me what I can do now. Reaching for my lasso, I caught the knife, and soon threw the whole ice sculpture at the monster, cutting it in two! I actually did it. I beat the cloud monster by myself. Everypony else were dumbstruck though. Even I couldn't believe it. It didn't take long before my Element finally turned back into the necklace around my neck. I looked back at Kasin and poked at his bushy hair, trying to wake him up.

"K-Kasin? Come on…It's time to wake up…"

He twitched a bit and groaned as he got up and held his head.

"Ugh…What happened?"

"Kasin!" I yelled, hugging the boy. Was just so happy to see he was alright. Kasin was a bit surprised by my reaction.

"AJ…Why are you crying?"

I widened my eyes and checked my face to see a few tear drops from my cheeks. "Eh heh…Just got real scared thinking I- I mean we! Scared we finally lost ya."

"Oh…sorry for almost dying again." He said jokingly.

"So uh…now you know…"

"Hm? Know what?"

"About…who I'm in love with…"

"You're in love with someone!?" Kasin reacted surprised.

"Wha-…Didn't you hear me earlier?"

"I think I was knocked out. Who was it?"

"…Never mind…"

Kasin simply tilted his head confused until he turn his attention to the princesses. "Oh no…"

He started running over to them, he seemed real worried too.

-Gold's POV-

-Holding the front-

With my men, I went forth to aid the others on the front lines. Our forces were no ordinary squad, so I knew we'd be a great addition to the help they required. The battle for the front gate was still going on. It was a stale mate of the door still standing or falling. If it were to be broken, the revolutionaries would cause chaos in the castle and take it over completely. We couldn't let that happen, so with our greatest strength, we held the front until the princesses defeated those two.

"Keep fighting! We need them to stay away from the castle!" I encouraged them.

"AYE!" They all cried as they pushed the revolutionaries back.

"For freedom!" One of the revolutionaries yelled.

They too cried out for battle. We matched at strength and pride, but our endurance could only last so long. We eventually became tired, still determined to fight to our last breath. But even that wasn't enough with the overwhelming forces passing through straight to the gate. They were sly, trying to break it down under our noses. But their plan worked. The gate soon had a gaping hole on the bottom, letting anypony inside.

"No!" I shouted.

Many of the revolutionaries swarmed inside, even if injured. We all tried to stop them, but they were determined to get inside and either slipped away or beat us to get through. We all tried, but we have failed. The revolutionaries were inside the castle!

"My squad! Follow me! We need to stop them from attacking the princess!" I commanded.

"Yes sir!"

We all rushed in and fought those in the castle. They were scouring for the princesses as many of us tried to contain them. I knew it was inevitable until they found them, but if we try to hold out a bit longer, the princesses would defeat Thunder Lance and end this battle. Just a little more.

-Celestia's POV-

-Not strong enough-

I and Luna were giving it our all against Thunder Lance. His tricks was often lightning storms and beams of electricity. We evaded and countered successfully landing blows on Thunder, leaving him in a difficult position.

He breathed restlessly. I knew I had an opening shot, so I took it and rushed at him. When I got close, I saw the look of terror in his eyes as he said, "You wouldn't kill your own sons would you?"

I was a bit taken back. It was true, when I trained all of them, I treated them as family. Remembering those times had made me hesitant to fight on, but I should have known it was a dirty trick as he zapped me up close with volts of electricity onto me.

"Gotcha!" He chuckled as he pushed me downward.

I was falling, but I ended up getting caught by Kasin. He fell on one knee and placed me gently before collapsing.

"Kasin! Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm…sorry…I'm too weak to help anymore…" He told me. "But I want to protect you…"

"It's alright, you've done more than enough." I assured him.

He smiled weakly before he began to rest with Applejack who came with him.

"Don't worry princess. I'm not gonna let anything happen to him."

"I better get back to him."

Before I left, Applejack stopped me. "Hold on! I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"If I know a thing or two about family, it's that no matter how angry we are at each other, we never want to really hurt each other. That guy up there? He's not your son. So don't feel sorry for him."

I nodded taking that into mind. "Thank you Applejack."

I took off and went to my sisters side. We both looked at Thunder Lance already with another attack. It was his infamous Lightning bomb. A ball of electricity compact with unstable energy to cause a destructive combustion.

"Remember this Luna? You always said you hated fireworks!" He joked.

"I just hated your fireworks." Luna stated.

He began to throw out a parade of bombs onto us, but we pulled out a trick of our own. Together, we ignited our horns with the power of the sun and moon, and together we shot out a beam of day and night upon Thunder. The bombs he shot were blasted away, and Thunder became frightened. He knew he was beaten, but that didn't stop him from doing something unspeakable.

"If I can't blast you away…" He said, turning to Kasin and Applejack. "Then I'll blow your friends away!"

He shot three bombs to them. Applejack noticed and tried to pull Kasin away, but the first bomb exploded and pushed her away from Kasin. The second denied Applejack to get any further, making a huge gaping hole, unable to cross it in time to reach Kasin. The third was heading directly for Kasin, who was already trying to escape, but his legs seemed to be injured or exhausted. Luna realized what was happening and flew down to rescue Kasin.

"Luna! No!" I called out.

Those moments of time became slow. At the same time Thunder was taken out by the combo of me and my sister's attack, Luna had been blasted by a thunder bomb, saving Kasin in the process. It was silent for me. I just watched her fall right in front of Kasin. I flew down to her while Kasin tried to wake her up.

"Luna! Luna!" He cried. "N-No! Don't die! Please!"

"Sister…!" I muttered.

"C-Celestia! We need help! We need doctors! We need to heal her wounds! We need…we need…!"

Before he could continue, the revolutionaries came and witnessed what took place.

"Not Thunder Lance too!" One of them said, looking at their defeated commander.

"But look! He left the princesses weak! Even that monster!"

"Get them while their down!"

They ran to us with mighty battle cries, confident that they were going to win. Kasin however turned to them, and soon, the following happened.

The air turned stale and everypony became silent. Kasin looked at them with anger as he shouted, "GET OUT!!!"

The roar struck whatever courage they had left out of them. Some fainted while others went on their backs horrified by what they had witnessed. Most ran for their lives. I didn't know what happened, but it had worked. The revolutionaries were driven out. I then saw Commander Gold enter the scene, who also happened to see Kasin's abilities.

"Kasin…that was incredible…" He spoke until he turned to Luna. "Princess!"

Kasin too turned his attention to Luna as Gold brought in the medical team. They brought her inside the castle while Kasin cried to the commander.

"I'm so sorry Commander! I failed! Luna tried to protect me, and there was nothing I could do about it!" He said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's alright Kasin…You tried your best." Commander Gold Shield assured him as he patted him on the shoulder. "Besides, she wanted you safe. That's something truly honorable you know."

"But…I don't want to be alive if…it meant Luna was gonna be hit!"

"Kasin!" I called to him. "Don't say that! Luna would be devastated to hear you talk that way!"

"It's true though! I failed my commander on my promise! I failed Luna and let her got fried! I failed you!" He cried more. "I couldn't protect your sister! What good am I!? I failed everyone! I can't even protect myself! I'm so weak!!!"

Before I could respond, another stale feeling echoed the air. This time, it was against us. The energy went directly to Kasin, making him fall unconscious in the process.

"Kasin!" We shouted.

It wasn't just him. The elements as well were knocked out from the spread of the energy. We looked up to see a figure walking towards us. It was a jade green pony with brown eyes and had a brown messy mane with a notch of hair tied. His cutie mark was a white broken heart and had on a brown scarf.

"Who are you!?" The commander questioned.

"Forgive me. This was never one of my plans." He said. "I do plan on invading your castle one day, but now is simply not the best time. I shall take whatever of my men I can find and be on my way."

One of the revolutionaries awoke and looked up to him. His eyes widened as well as anypony else who have awoken.

"Shale!" They called him. "I-I mean, Leader Shale! W-What are you doing here!?"

"Leader!?" commander Gold repeated. "You're the leader of the revolution!?"

He looked at us and said, "That is correct."

"You little foal!" Commander yelled as he dashed at Shale. I stopped him however and said, "Stop! We're not at our best. We should just let him leave…this isn't his territory we'd be fighting in."


"Hold your grudges. Kasin was taken down by shale so easily. We can't let him in another fight at his current state."

The commander looked at Kasin and seemed to have understood the situation. He nodded and let Shale leave with his men, but something changed.

"What did you say?" He questioned. "Kasin is a human name, is it not?"

"H-How do you know that!?" I responded.

"That…that's a human boy…!"

How was this possible? Shale knew about humans? I wasn't sure what was about to happen until Shale then recklessly ordered his troops, "Seize the boy! He has the Chaos Roar!"

"What? Chaos Roar?" I repeated.

The revolutionaries stampeded towards us and pushed me and Gold Shield away. one pulled out his sword and placed it near Kasin's neck! Before I could stop him, Shale yelled, "No! I said take him! We need that one alive."

"What do they plan to do with him!?" I wondered.

The revolutionaries understood and their teeth then clenched onto his shirt before they ran away. Commander Gold let out a whistle, and soon, his pegasus team flew in and pushed away all the revolutionaries, surrounding Kasin with a protective barrier of his comrades.

"Hey Shale!" Commander called out. "Don't think you can take one of my men and get away with it!"

"Do you even know what this boy is capable of?" Shale questioned us.

"Doesn't matter. If you try to take one of us, you're fighting all of us!"

Shale only glared as he gave up the capturing of Kasin. Before he left, he declared, "One day Celestia. You will lose your throne to me, and I will make everything right! Starting with that boy!"

He left along with all of his men, except for Thunder Lance. The last thing he said to me about him was, "I don't plan on ruling this kingdom with tyrants like Thunder Lance. If he's going to act this way to my people, then he's better off with in your dungeon."

Hours later, we began to rebuild the castle. Nothing was alright. The gardens needed to be repaired, the towers was a mess, the gate was open until it was replaced, but most of all, my sister.

Me along with Twilight and her friends were in the medical room. After we were treated, we awaited the doors of Luna's room to open. She was still asleep when we entered.

"How is my sister doctor?" I asked.

The doctor took off his glasses and said, "I'm…very sorry to say…Princess Luna is in a deep state of shock to her mind. The explosion had knocked her out beyond cold. If we had the necessary equipment and medicines, we could have woken her, but for now, we have to cope that…she's in a coma…"

I…didn't know what to say. My sister now lays on the bed asleep for how long? I fear…that what if this would be just like that painful reminder of her banishment for a thousand years? I fear that…I'll be in the castle without my family again…without my sister…

"Doctor? Where's Kasin?" Twilight asked.

"He's in the other room. I have something else to tell you though…um…Kasin is heavily depressed. I tried to get you in there sooner, but he demanded that nopony enters his room. I don't know what to do about this problem though, it's beyond my hooves."

The girls were taken back and insisted that they entered.

"Let us see him! He needs us!" Rainbow ordered.

"The kid needs his friends!" Applejack added.

"Stop!" the doctor responded. "I'm sorry, but he strictly said nopony enter! I have never backed out an order from a fellow comrade under Commander Gold Shield unless otherwise. I will not let you enter unless I get higher authority or if Kasin says otherwise. For now, I will respect his decision."

The others were defeated by that statement. I decided to go see him myself. I felt that there was something I need to tell him. "Doctor, I want to see him."

"Uh, but…um…Yes your highness!" He reluctantly agreed. I entered Kasin's room alone and viewed what he was doing.

Crying. He was punching the wall, ruining the treatments given to him.

"Kasin! Stop!" I yelled as I levitated his hand into place. "You're hurting yourself!"

"Dang it! I told the doctor to not let anyone it!" He cursed. "Let go of me! I can do what I want! It's my body!"

"So was Luna and her body. It was her choice to defend you. Will you let her toss away what she had in vain?"

"Shut up!" He yelled at me. "She doesn't want a loser like me! I'm a failure! I can't even protect anyone! I failed to protect Luna, I failed to stop the cloud monster, I didn't do anything! I can't do anything right!"

"My sister protected you…and if she wanted to save you that badly, then I have to make sure you stay safe!"

I pinned him down with my hooves on his arms and my hind legs onto his legs. He couldn't move anymore and was forced to stay put.

"Let me go! I told you! I'm a lost cause!" He cried with even more streams of water from his eyes. "I lost my mom…I lost my dad…I lost another dad! I lost my brother, I lost my sister, I lost even Luna! I'm just a big loser! I can't save anyone…I can only lose them…What good is it even trying anymore!?"

"Stop Kasin!" I demanded. We stood silent with me still standing over him. Finally, I began. "You've been through so much…The revolutionaries are just one of the many things trying to steal everything away, isn't it?"

He still struggled to get out of my grip while I talked. "Being through so much, you're now thinking about what you've lost…what used to be there…what could have been there…But you have to open your eyes Kasin. Even more then you are right now! You've been counting losses and grief, but what's here now!?"

He was silent. I got off of him as he opened up a little booklet of pictures. He looked at Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. A picture of a two other ponies labeled Lyra and Bonbon, and another photo was a human that was labeled, "Bass".

"I…still have all of them!" He answered with a raspy, tearful voice.

"And you haven't lost Luna yet." I reminded him. "You still have a lot left. You can still be with them."

A lesson I gave him, I too have learned it myself. My family may have gone, but I still have my friends. I'm not truly alone. I too am loved. I leaned over to Kasin and gave him my thanks.

Our lips touched for a few moments before I pulled away. He blushed a bright red as I said, "Thank you…I too have learned my lesson."

I left him I alone in the room, knowing that he won't hurt himself anymore.

-Kasin's POV-

-Discord's Deal-

I made sure to check my bandages and wrap myself for any other injuries. After that, I waited for my hands to heal from the scratches I gave myself. I didn’t expect however to see the Draconequus again in my room with a poof.

"Hello again!" He said with a smile.

"You!" I yelled back. "Who are you?"

"Ah! That's right! I should tell you now!" He began with a stage suddenly appearing behind him. "I'm Discord!"

"Discord? Hey! I read about that name! King of Chaos!"

"And now a good guy!" He added.

"How can I trust you?"

"Oh, I guess that favor I did to your brain wasn't good enough."


"Anyways, I see your all better now from your little trauma?"

"Yeah. All thanks to Celestia."

"But are you ready for them?"

"Hm? Ready for who?"

"Challenges, revolutionaries, the whole chaotic pack! Are you ready for it?"


"I mean if you aren't, you might just lose everypony like you lost Luna. Maybe even worse!"

What he said frightened me. I fell back from the thought of it. I didn't want that to happen…but what can I do?

"What…should I do?" I asked.

"Simple. Get stronger!"

"Yeah! But how!?" I questioned.

"You don't notice where you are right now?" He asked. "Canterlot, capital of Equestria, best military around? Commander Gold Shield? Ring any bells?" He said while conjuring bells to fly around my head.

"Wait, you mean…join the army?"

"Oh! And the boy got it! Give him a hand folks!" He taunted as his clones clapped for me.

"But…what about the others? They're not allowed to fight…"

"Isn't all this for them? And besides, all you need is to get stronger! Once your done, you can just go back home with them. I'm sure they can let you do some vacationing back and forth or something."

I was unsure what to do. It was a choice to say goodbye to my friends for a while, but it would be worth it. I needed to know one more thing however. "Why do you want to help me?"

"I fancy fellow earthlings, especially those who have chaos powers like me."

"Powers!? I don't have powers!"

"Oh, you do! Humans don't know this, but they have amazing abilities! The reason they haven't noticed is because since they're using it on each other every day, so they're used to it and don't believe it's there."

"What powers exactly?"

"Chaos, or specifically, emotions. Let them out, and you can blow everyone away by yelling at them. You already showed a hint of those powers by getting so angry, you become stronger."

"But…how do I control it?"

"I'll help you with that."

"What are you getting out of all this? What would help you in the end?"

He went close to my face and said, "I want to see how this plays out. Humans like you are always trying, and the more you try, you often screw up. So if you succeed, that'll be great for little Fluttershy there. And if you fail, I get to laugh at your powers going haywire!"

"You truly are despicable, you know that?"

"So, is it a deal, or not?"

He pulled out his claw and awaited for my hand. I thought about it for a while. With great displeasure, I agreed. He smiled and said, "Excellent."

About an hour later, I peeked outside to see no one in the room. I left and went looking for Commander Shield. Finding him in the barracks, I walked over to him.

"Kasin!" He called me. "I'm glad to see you're alright!"

"Glad to be too." I replied.

"It was an honor fighting alongside you Kasin. I hope I'll get the chance to do it again if it comes to that."

"Actually commander, I want to join the army."

He gave me a surprised look. He quickly said, "Are you sure? We're aiming for big stuff here. If you're doing it to get back at the revolutionaries, it'll be a while before our first attack."

"I want to get stronger." I told him. "If I get stronger, then I'll be ready for anything. I can protect my friends and anyone else too!"

"Ah…" He understood. "So you want to do some training?"

"You know it!" I replied.

"Well Kasin…I guess you're in."

"Sweet!" I cheered.

"Now for your first mission." He told me immediately. "Go inform Princess Celestia and your friends. They all need to know."

"Right! Yes sir!" I saluted as I left the barracks.

I made my way around the castle, but it turns out they weren't here. They were actually at the train station! I ran there as quickly as possible through the streets of Canterlot. The uptight society here screamed at my appearance, but I didn't care. My mission goes first.

As I arrived, I saw the seven of them along with the Princess herself. I walked over to them as they spotted me.

"Kasin!" Twilight called me. "We were waiting for you!"

"I halted the trains for you." Celestia informed me.

"Time to head home partner." Applejack told me.

I smiled as I began to say something that might hurt them. "I'm sorry, but…I'm not going back."

They all stared at me, apparently not hearing what I said.

"I'm sorry dearie, did you just say you're not coming home with us?" Rarity asked.

"You did." I replied.

"Haha! That's a good one!" Rainbow said, laughing it off. "Now come on! The trains waiting!"

"No Rainbow…I'm staying here…"

She flew up to me looking a bit annoyed. "What do you mean you're not coming home?!"

"Celestia…everyone…I decided to…join Commander Gold Shields squad."

They all stared at me blankly for a moment. They were heartbroken and soon came the uproar.

"Kasin! Just…stop! I know losing Princess Luna right before you was horrible, but revenge isn't gonna help either!" Twilight told me.

"Come on bro. They don't want you to go." Spike said.

"Hey that rhymed!" Pinkie commented.

"Please don't leave!" Fluttershy begged. "You don't need to get back at them!"

"Are you being hard headed or what!?" Rainbow shouted at me. "You can't just stay here! Where are you gonna live? What about your jobs!?"

"I quit."

"NOOO!" Rarity screamed. "We need your skills as a masseuse!"

I rolled my eyes at that, but nonetheless, they were yammering on about how revenge is wrong. Immediately, I said, "This isn't for revenge! This is for all of you!"

They stopped and waited for me to finish. "I don't want what happened to Luna repeat ever again! If I'm gonna have the power to prevent that, then I need to get stronger! I'm gonna be part of the army until I feel like it's good enough."

Standing silent, Celestia said, "If you truly want to do this, then I'll allow it. I'll give you a room and anything else you require."

"Princess!" They all said. She stopped them as she stated, "This is a choice Kasin made for you. A sacrifice he is doing from both sides. He doesn't want to do it unless he feels in is necessary. Can't you respect that?"

They all looked down before they all ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug ever. Without words, I saw them get on the train one by one. I stood by Celestia as I saw them off. A few tears trickled down our faces as this would be a goodbye long without another hello to each other.

All I can do now is get stronger as soon as possible.

Author's Note:

The end...of half the story!
Yes, we have reached our milestone in the story! Thank you for reading all of this! I also would like to thank you for hearing your opinions earlier! I'm tallying them up to make decisions, so post opinions frequently! (Unless it's hate mail.)

BTW: Yes, this chapter was very similar to a One Piece episode, and I'm sorry. I accidentally did that in the process, but this chapter is important. It's to make sure the characters are actually growing and not just sitting around collecting dust. (Except for a pony name Dust Lover)

BTW: Please recommend me some more groups to post my stories.

Question for now: What should happen in the next chapter? :pinkiehappy:

:twilightblush:Twilight: 3
:ajsmug:Applejack: 2
:fluttershysad:Fluttershy: 1
:rainbowhuh:Rainbow Dash: 0 (People still remember the fact that she pushed Kasin off the cloud that one time in chapter 11.)