• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 14 - Cry for the night - Skirmish

-Luna's POV-


I don't know how long I was in Kasin's dream, just know that it was long enough for it to pass to the next day. I spent so much time with him in just a single night, but that was in the dream. Now it is time to wake up, and see who Kasin is in the real world. I looked at Kasin who apparently snuggled next to me during his sleep. It was quite adorable of him to do so. He eventually woke up and looked up to me with a smile.

"Hello Luna." He greeted. "Wonderful morning we're having."

"Yes, indeed." I replied.

He moved in closer and lied his head to me, making himself feel comfortable. "Thanks for…what you did…I feel happier again…more than before…"

"I'm glad to hear that."

I got up and went to freshen up. Kasin was still trying to rise out of his slumber as he slowly crawled off of the bed like the undead. He was just precious, like watching a little colt sleeping. This was the same creature that defeated the attribute master, Scorch Vies? If Celestia hadn't said it herself, I wouldn't believe it. He seems to have such a frail heart, yet his mind is so complex. I hope we can fix what is broken.

"Luna?" He called.


"Thanks for what you did…in my dreams…"

"It's nothing Kasin. It is my duty after all."

He smiled even more, with a great amount of gratitude. After we left the room, he held my foreleg closely and walk alongside me. He was particularly clingy towards me, but I didn't mind. With a hungry stomach of ours growling for cuisine, we went straight to the dining room for breakfast. Along with my sister, I saw the elements residing alongside her among the table.

"Ah, sister, you're here." Celestia welcomed me.

"Oh, Princess Luna! Is Kasin-" Twilight trailed off as the girls and Spike looked at Kasin still holding onto me. He smiles as he sits down with me. By now, I still have him by my side. He must have been very happy for what I've done for him.

"So…how was last night?" Rainbow joked.

Kasin blushed as he said, "W-What do you mean by that!?"

"Just wondering, you seem really close to her and all."

"I just did him a favor." I answered for him.

"Well that must be some favor." Rarity added, making all of them laugh. I must admit, she was quite clever with those words. Kasin was quite embarrassed, but I'm sure a little fun can't hurt him too bad.

-3rd POV-

-Starting Storms-

Upon the walls were guards on top duty for the so called monster, which was really just Kasin. They scoured the area with patrols and spears ready for combat. Just outside the walls, upon the bushes were revolutionaries hiding, waiting for the time to strike.

"I can't believe this!" One of them exclaimed. "Why is the place on top guard!? Do they know we're coming!?"

"Quiet!" The other commanded. "Commander Thunder Lance knows what he's doing! Just be patient. He has a special surprise for them just in case too."

The one called Thunder Lance, a yellow pegasus with a blue static mane and light blue eyes armored from chest to hooves went up to the castle walls and looked up to the skies.

"It's time." He said with a sadistic grin. The guards took notice of Thunder Lance and with him, a monstrous cloud, a beast of some sort flying over.

"WHAT IS THAT!?!?" The royal guard questioned.

"We were going to find a monster anyways! Just sound the alarm!"

The ringing sirens echoed throughout the castle, alerting everyone the time of battle has arrived. What they didn't know was what was going on. Meanwhile, Celestia and the others in the dining hall also were aware of the alerting noise throughout the castle. One of the guards came in to tell them what was going on.

"Princess!" They called. "The revolutionaries are attacking! And they brought in another monster!"

"What!?" Celestia reacted.

"We await your orders-OH MY GOODNESS! THERE'S THE OTHER MONSTER!!!" The guard yelled as he pointed at Kasin.

"Get him!" The other said.

Before they could, Luna blocked them and yelled, "Stop right there! This is Kasin! A good friend of the elements! Stand down!"

The guards were shocked and lowered themselves to her. "Our deepest apologies Kasin!"

"I-It's fine." Kasin replied. "So what's happening?"

"A massive attack. The scale of it isn't enough to match up the forces we gathered to uh…go after you."

"huh, convenient."

"But we have another problem!" The other said. "They have Thunder Lance! An attribute master along with a cloud monster of some sort!"

"Cloud monster?" Kasin repeated. "Sounds like a problem. Do any of you have any way to beat that?"

"We don't have a full proof plan yet, but I think the quantity of our forces are enough."

"Kasin!" Celestia called. "You must go hide with the others!"

"What!?" Kasin yelled.

Before Kasin could complain any further, Celestia used her magic to teleport herself, the girls, Spike, Kasin, and Luna to a safe room. Celestia was about to leave with Luna, but Kasin went in the way.

"Hold it! Why can't we help!?" Kasin questioned.

"Because I cannot risk losing the elements to this war!" Celestia explained. "It's far too risky."

"Elements?" Kasin repeated as he turned to the girls. "What the heck is she talking about? What elements?"

"That's right." Twilight realized. "Kasin, we never told you about the elements of harmony."

"Oh, that? I read it in some old dusty book…Wait, YOU SIX WEILD THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!?!?"

"Wow, he caught on quick." Rainbow stated.

"Wait a minute! Can't they help too? They're strong! You could use all the help you could get!" Kasin told Celestia.

"Kasin, please understand that this is for their safety. If I were to lose even one of them, the elements would be utterly useless, and the next time evil strikes, we would be defenseless." Celestia explained once more.

Kasin crossed his arms as he said, "Then bring me at least!"


"Don't give me that element trash! In case you haven't forgotten, there isn't a seventh element! I'm just a lone human who happened to be here when you need one!" Kasin exclaimed. "I'm ready to fight! I'm not gonna let them hurt anyone!"

Celestia sighed as she said, "Fine. But you must follow my instructions, is that clear?"

"Leave it to me!"

With that, Kasin was teleported along with Luna and Celestia to the battlefield. The others however were left behind.

"Wow, Kasin just ditched us." Spike pointed out.

"Spike!" They all yelled.

-Kasin's POV-

-Preparing for Battle-

I was teleported along with Celestia and Luna to the barracks filled with royal guards. They were armored and geared for battle from spears to swords. When they all looked at me, they screamed, "MONSTER!" Before aiming their weapons at me.

Celestia immediately said to all of them, "Hold your fire! This is a friend! Kasin to be exact."

"What!?" They all said.

I then heard murmurs of the many guards, saying things like, "That's THE Kasin?" and, "The same guy who took down Scorch Vies?"

I ignored their compliments and focused on the situation on hand. Revolutionaries attacking the outer wall of Canterlot, and will soon burst in through if nothing was done. I quickly studied the map while Luna loomed over me and observed me before saying, "Pride…it's nice to see you again."

I looked up to Luna with a raised eyebrow. "Pride? What do you mean?"

"That look in your eye. Kasin, you're other ego is coming to play. Do you not see it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I see…you aren't aware of your personality disorder, are you?"

I stopped and slowly looked back at Luna. This was news I never heard before. "I have…what!?"

"Kasin, when I was in your dream world, I met two sides of you. One who was shy and kind, the other was strong and prideful. You have a personality disorder Kasin. It just seems that one will only show when the time to fight comes."

I looked at my hands and thought a bit to myself. I don't see anything different, but the confidence that flowed through me was evidence enough. But a personality disorder? I never would have thought…

"Kasin!" Celestia called me. "Come over here, we need you."

I left the conversation between me and Luna and went over to Celestia. With her was a group of soldiers. They wore a different uniform however, for their armor seemed light and weightless, with them was were three sheaths on the left side and three for the right. The pair of triple sheaths consisted of two for swords and one for spear on each side. Some were pegasus and others were unicorns. Nonetheless, I could tell these weren't your run of the mill guards.

"Kasin, this is the squad of soldiers you will be aiding. I want you to stay by them and do all you can. Follow every order." Celestia told me. "This will be your commander, Gold Shield. He served after his father, Steel Guard."

"Ah, this must be the legendary Kasin, guy who defeated Scorch Vies, huh?" Commander said. Commander Gold Shield was a white pegasus with a yellow mane and golden eyes. His armor was as golden as his name, but packed only the chest armor, revealing his golden shield cutie mark. "Commander Gold Shield, ready to go."

"Got it Commander Gold." I said while shaking his hoof. I turned to the window and saw the cloud monster they spoke of. It had multiple eyes, streaking yellow pupils that looked electrifying. Those eyes however weren't for seeing apparently, I saw it shoot lightning and burn the castle walls while many revolutionaries kept bashing at the door. One in particular had my eye. It must be the attribute master like Scorch Vies, the one they were talking about. Thunder Lance.

"Kasin, pay attention to what I'm about to tell you." Gold called me. I drew my attention to the map of Canterlot and saw many figurines representing us and them. He showed me the main problem. Thunder Lance and the cloud monster.

"You know our main situation here. With the royal guards who were luckily on top guard because of you, we were able to avoid letting even one of them in. But once Thunder Lance comes into battle, we'll be in deep trouble. The monster they have shows one heck of a problem too."

"So what's the plan?"

"Our squad will take on the monster. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna says that only they can fight Thunder Lance, so we'll leave that to them. As for the rest of our current army, they'll be focusing on stopping the stampede of revolutionaries at our doors."

"What do we know about the monster?"

"Honestly, only what we've seen it do. Shoot lightning like a cloud, that's all."

I sighed as I looked into their remaining gear in the armory. Swords and spears, nothing I know how to use. I pulled out my slingshot and took a look at my remaining ammo. Nothing much sadly, I have yet to restock, and now I'm limited with a bag of lead pellets, a couple of gum traps, and one flare pellet. Knowing I will soon be desperate soon, I took a couple daggers, or to them, short swords. "This will have to do."

"Are you ready Kasin?" Gold asked me.

"Now or never."

He nodded, and soon he, I, and our fellow squadrons rushed out the gate and headed into battle. We were on top of the walls, and below us were the attacking forces. More units would soon be deployed there, but that was the least of our concern. The main goal of my team was to take down the cloud monster that would easily fly over the wall and wreak havoc inside out. With our team, we're able to force it to stop it on those very walls and fight it.

I can't easily describe the cloud monster when it came. If you played Kirby before and fought Kracko, then I guess you could say it was like him, but with a bunch of yellow eyes everywhere shooting up lightning. When up against it, the first group threw spears, but they would simply pass through it. Unicorns were next, and they prove to effect it, but not very much. Last were the archers, including me. Arrows and my lead pellets just went right passed it. So far, only magic worked, but with its low efficiency, it would take too long to beat it before it destroyed us. The creature finally countered with a chaotic flurry of lightning. Many of our soldiers were hit and injured. Gold commanded the medics to take them somewhere safe to heal. Not very long, our men had been reduced to only a handful of unicorns and half of our pegasus. I was getting tired and knew we had to think. Fast.

"Wait a minute…" I said to myself. "Argh! Of course! How could we be so stupid!?"

I quickly ran to Gold and said, "Commander! The weakness of the monster!"

"Yes, I saw the magic effect it! We need more unicorns here, stat!" He ordered.

"No commander! That thing is a cloud!"


"What do you think!? Pegasus! Get them to buck that sucker!"

Gold hit his forehead while saying, "Of course! Why didn't I realize sooner!? Pegasus! Listen up! Get flying and kick that monster! Kasin! Stay here and command the unicorns while I fly out as well!"


Gold Shield flew out with the others and went ahead to beating the thing up front. They gave it to the monster, and it was working. I gave the command for the unicorns to shoot the eyes so that we could draw its fire away from the pegasus. For a while, it worked! The monster soon flew lower and lower until…


A gigantic lightning bolt was shot from above and electrocuted all the pegasus. I couldn't believe my eyes, and neither can my team. They all fell down while the cloud monster broke free and went on ahead, blasting me and the others away. I fell of the wall and down to the ground. I was so tired, I couldn't get up. Everyone was too busy fending off the revolutionaries, but I couldn't help as I saw the cloud monster get through along with Thunder Lance.

"…Dang it…"

-Celestia's POV-

-Celestia and Luna vs. Thunder Lance and the Cloud-

I flew with my sister over the battlefield. The revolutionaries were upon the gate while fighting with the royal guards. An unbearable sight to behold, but I must be strong. I need to find Thunder Lance. As we flew across the castle, we have found Thunder along with a squad of his own pegasus and the foretold cloud beast. With the intent to stun, we took down the pegasus around him and face to face, we confronted Thunder and his cloud monster.

"Celestia! I haven't seen you for a long time!" Thunder taunted. "How long has it been? A hundred? Two hundred? Or was it…yes! A thousand years! Where are my manners?"

"I never liked his tone." Luna commented.

"Oh hush Luna, hasn't being on the moon taught you some manners?"

I immediately shot a bolt at him, only for it to be dodged. Nonetheless, I yelled, "You best hold your tongue! You are in much trouble!"

"Oh, are the two faithful princesses going to take me down?" Thunder chuckled. "Are they gonna do a better job fighting than how they helped Unity?"

Words struck me down, I felt my incompetence feasting on what little faith I had left.

"You do not know what happened here during those times!" Luna shouted at him. "She was under more pressure than you could even carry! She had to pick up what was lost! She had to rebuild Equestria itself after my recklessness!"

"Luna…" I muttered.

"If anypony were to be blamed…it is me…"

I never knew this. Luna was fully aware this whole time? Thunder however only huffed as he gritted his teeth.

"So it's your fault Unity fell!? If that's the case…YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!"

Thunder charged ahead with electricity enwrapping his hooves towards Luna. I quickly took action and created a shield, blocking the attack. Luna countered by charging a star spell, shooting one at him and blowing him back in the process. Thunder tried a different maneuver and began circling the skies, letting out a fierce hailstorm of lightning. Impossible to dodge, we were struck by three to four before finally shooting down Thunder Lance from his reign.

"Pretty good…" Thunder grunted.

"Are you ready to give up?" I questioned.

"Heh, I still have my little monster to take care of you."

We turned our gazes to the cloud monster to see the most unspeakable thing. The creature had begun attacking everything. Our walls, the castle, but most of all, the revolutionaries themselves.

"AAAAGH! Commander! Help! The Cloud monster is-!" Was all one of them could say before he was shot by the beast.

"What is that thing doing!?" Luna questioned.

"Ah phooey! The dang creature is just so stupid not to know which ponies to kill." He complained. "I guess that's what happens if you get a monster from Tartarus."

"Tartarus!?" I repeated. "How…How could you free such a…emotionless beast from there!? How could you even think that was okay!?"

"Anything it takes to get you off that throne!"

"You're a monster…"

"And you're the one who made me who I am. I'm strong because of you Celestia…Either way, it's your fault."

Words piercing me so easily. However, before I could falter, my sister stood up for me again.

"You're the monster Thunder." She stated. "We gave you the power, it was you who has misused it. It is your fault that you have just ended the lives of your own fellow soldiers due to your lack of compassion. It is you who is wrong."

Thunder growled saying, "I don't need to hear that from you!!!"

Thunder raced on battling us once more. We were more than enough to take down Thunder, but that wasn't the case as now the monster began racing towards the castle. Luna fought Thunder alone letting me chase the Cloud monster. Knowing it was from Tartarus, only one thing was capable of defeating it for good.

The Elements of Harmony.

-Applejack's POV-

-Meanwhile with us-

The seven of us were in the safe room in the castle. I tell ya, I really wanted to give a thing or two to those revolutionaries, but with the princesses orders saying otherwise, we had no choice. It was worrisome for all of us though knowing Kasin was out there while at the same time for some of us, jealous that he was able to fight. Rainbow being the most expressive.

"Ugh! I can't believe him!" Rainbow complained. "You know, wasn't there a saying you should stick with your friends no matter what?"

"I don't think that applies to him this time Rainbow." Twilight pointed out.

"Well, he just ditched us! I mean, what else does that say here?!"

"Actually, I was just kidding." Spike stated.

"And if you think about it, the reason Kasin fought is so he could protect us." Fluttershy also mentioned.

Rainbow had a tough time arguing with that. "Well…Still!"

"Can it Rainbow." I said. "I want to go out there and help as much as you do, but we're just gonna have to cope with it. I just hope they can make it out okay."

Pinkie moaned yelling, "Aw! This is so boring! I wish we could do something!"

Rarity's eyes sparkled with an idea. "I know!"

"I can tell that's not a good sign." I said.

Rarity gave me a mean glare before continuing. "I was going to suggest a little conversation to pass the time! Why don't we try to distract ourselves from what's going on outside so we can relax."

As silly as that may sound especially what was going on outside was a war, there wasn't any better idea other than breaking out and helping the princesses out. Which would get us in a lot of trouble. With all of us saying okay, Rarity smiled.

"Wonderful! Alright! Let's start with the first topic. Romance!"

Rainbow and I quickly groaned.

"Augh! Are you for real!?" Rainbow complained.

"How stereotypical can you be?" I questioned.

"Fine! Fine! We won't get too deep into it." Rarity stated. "I was just wondering if anypony had an eye for somepony else?"

We were all unsure on how to answer, except Pinkie immediately saying, "Nope! Nopony yet!"

"Come on! It's not so hard. At least raise your hoof to give a hint!"

Still hesitant, we stood still. It wasn't long before it got so boring, I found three of my friends raising their hooves. Rainbow, Twilight, and Fluttershy. What surprised me the most was I found myself raising mine as well.

"Really!?" Rarity questioned as she had her eyes on Rainbow. "You found a special somepony!?"

"H-Hey!" Rainbow snapped back while pulling her hoof down. "Just a little crush! Nothing else!"

"Who is he? Is he somepony we know?"

"Uh-Uh! I ain't spilling nothing! I just wanted to waste some time, not blurt out any love junk."

Rarity was disappointed but turned her gaze towards me. "She's not the only pony surprising me. Applejack, when did this happen?"

"What!? I uh-" I stuttered before pulling my hoof back down. "I was just uh…stretching…"

They all gave me a nasty look.

"Nice try AJ, but you out of all of us know how bad you are at lying." Rarity stated.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Spike asked.

"No one!" I yelled.

"And there goes another lie." Rainbow pointed out.

"Oh! This is so exciting!" Pinkie said while hopping to me. "Is it Spike? Is it Doctor Whooves? Is it Kasin? Is it-"

Somewhere around those guesses made me sweat and put a hoof to Pinkie's mouth.

"I ain't in love and that's that!" I stated putting my hoof on the ground.

Rarity sighed before saying, "You know, lying to yourself are some of the worst lies you could give to anypony. You'll be clouding your mind thinking like that."

"Hey, I'm the Element of Honesty for crying out loud! I'm pretty sure I know when I'm in love or not."

Rarity sighed before saying, "Suit yourself."

She then turned her gaze to Twilight and asked, "So Twilight, I see you're being honest unlike a certain somepony."

"It's not too much of big deal…I think…" She said while blushing.

"Oh my, he must really mean something to you."

"He is…I'm just…not too sure if he feels the same way…"

"I don't want to badger you by asking who he is, seeing how it drives away the first two." Rarity said while looking at us and back to Twilight. "Anyways, you should at least ask. Nothing is worse than living with a moment of regret."

"Wow Rarity! You sure know a lot about love!" Pinkie commended her.

"Well, someday, I too hope to be married happily with the stallion of my dreams~!"

"He might be closer than you think." Spike said.

"He might be Spike." Rarity replied happily. "Of course, on to Fluttershy! I knew you'd find the right stallion! He must be somepony that means a lot to you."

Fluttershy blushed while saying, "I…well…um…I'm just happy to spend time with him every now and then…I had the chance to have him stay at my house, but I…well, never asked, and it's…kinda too late."

"Oh my! Is he seeing somepony already?!"

"Oh! No, no, no , no! At least…I don't think so…But it's fine. Like I said, I spend a lot of time with him, so it makes it up."

"That's good to hear dearie." Rarity while giving a little hug to Fluttershy. "Well then! That was a good talk! How about another topic?"

"NO!" Rainbow and I shouted, making her frown.

Suddenly, the doors to the safe room started bustling. We all got close to each other thinking it was the revolutionaries. When they opened, it was Princess Celestia!

"Princess!" Twilight called, running up to her. "What happened? Is everything alright?"

"It appears a new threat emerged, and we need the help of the elements right now." The princess explained.

"Aw yeah! Finally!" Rainbow cheered. "We got this! Let's go get the elements, now!"

"On it! Follow me girls." Twilight said, taking the command. "By the way Princess, where's Kasin?"

The Princess brought up a saddened expression. "I'm unsure, he was assigned with a squadron to stop a cloud monster from entering the castle, but seeing how it got inside…"

We weren't sure what to say to that. Rainbow didn't take it lightly either. She then flew off, making us call her out. "Rainbow! Get back here!"

I think I heard her say, "Dang that stupid kid!" while flying away.

-Kasin's POV-

-Bonds of the squad-

I was lying on the floor of the castle grounds. Injured, I was unable to get up. I could hear the battle cries of the others giving it their all. I thought they'd be too busy to notice me seeing how hard the front was. Being wrong however as two of my fellow pegasus units came to my aid.

"Quick! Bring him in!" They ordered.

They carried me to the tower and not much longer, the medic team brought me back up to speed. wrapping injuries and healing me as quickly as possible.

As soon as the unicorn finished, he told me, "You're good to go mate! Now give 'em what for!"

"Thanks!" I commended him as I rushed out to my commander, still alive luckily.

"Ah! Kasin! Good to see you back up!" He said gratefully. "Glad to know I didn't lose even you."

"You saved them all?" I questioned. "All of your soldiers?"

"My tactics may be on the safe side, but I leave nopony behind. Not even you son."

"Oh please, I'm not that young."

We walked out of the tower and looked around the castle grounds once more.

"We have orders to take down the cloud monster. We failed to stop it from going any further, but we can still take it down. My pegasus team is ready for another attack."

"Commander, give me a second. I need to gear up on one more thing before we go."

"Make it fast. I expect you to be there on the heat of our next fight with that thing."

With that, the commander and his team flew off. I ran back to the tower and to the medic team.

"Huh? What is it? Something wrong?" The doctor asked.

"I need a spell on me."

"What kind?"

"Cloud physics, and make it snappy, I need to help the others as quickly as possible!"

"Alright then!" He said while aiming his horn at me. The spell wrapped me with the familiar sensation, a confidence to walk on the clouds itself. After so, I dashed off to find the monster.

"Come on! Come on! Where is that thing!?" I panicked while scouring for it or at least my comrades.

Soon enough, I found it, and it was making a mess of things. The cloud monster was out of control, but that wasn't all that was to be concerned. From the corner of my eye, I saw Luna fighting Thunder alone, and some of our soldiers aiding heavily injured revolutionaries, almost as if they were struck by lightning. I couldn't comprehend the battle going off at such a chaotic scale, but soon enough, something else entered the scene.

"Ah, nothing better than the smell of chaos."

I turned to the voice and spotted the most abnormal creature I've ever seen. A creature with a pair arms, legs, horns, and wings that were different from the other. It had a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat, a bat's right wing, a pegasus's left wing, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. A chimera type creature! Never seen one before, but not only that. Only one word escaped my mouth to describe it.

"A Draconequus" I muttered.

"Ah, aren't you a sight." He said well circling around me. "Haven't seen a human in ages."

"You know about my kind?"

"Ah yes, I mean, I was born in the same world as them a long time ago." He informed me.

"You? Came from…Wait, what!?"

"Oh, don't let my valuable information stop you from fighting." He said with great delight. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

He was right. No time to wonder, I had to help the others. Of course, I wasn't about to let whatever this thing go away too easily.

"Wait…Why are you here?"

He chuckled as he answered, "Just an old friend of Celestia coming over for a visit. I was going to pester her with some pranks, but this is much better!"

"Better!?" I repeated. "This is a battle in the castle! If you're a friend, then help out!"

He groaned as he said, "Fine, how about I do a little rearranging for you?"

"Rearranging?" I repeated. "For what?"

He pulled out his paw and poked my head. I felt something change in my mind, something drastically different. "I bet you're annoyed having two egos in that head of yours. Let's fix that."

"Wha-What are you doing!?"

"Don't fret, after this, you'll never have to worry about that cluttered brain of yours. In fact, you'll feel much better."

Something was changing drastically, and no later, I felt…different. Mind shifting into, I don't know. I suddenly felt new feelings and old ones coming back. It twisted my mind, and it soon felt…natural. everything was building together quick and soon, I became a new person.

"Whoa…" I muttered while looking at my hands. "What…did you do?"

"I merged your kind shy night valley to your burning prideful sunshine valley." He chuckled.


"Oh nothing. Other than that, I'm sure you'll have an easier time fighting now."

I walked off slowly and turned back saying, "…Thanks…" Before running head on to the battle.

Soon after, I confronted the cloud monster and the other squad mates of mine. I jumped at the enemy and managed to land a punch on it. The attack of mine was much stronger, more than any other punch I've pulled. Whatever that guy did to me earlier, he made me stronger somehow. I felt enlightened and my mind cleared of any ill will. I pushed on and did the routine of attacks over and over. Each punch either knocked out an eye of lightning or hit it real good to flinch. The last time however, Thunder, the pegasus fighting Luna went to me. He bashed me and soon got me caught in the line of fire of the cloud monster. Before I could get shot however, a member of Gold's Squad rescued me and placed me safely to the floor.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" I answered.

"Alright then! We best show them our pride for Equestria now, right?"

I pulled out the knives I packed earlier and eyed the cloud monster. "Yeah!"

Letting out a battle cry, I rushed at the monster with my allies. The bond we share of the common enemy, common goal, and common pride. Though we have met only for such a short time, I wanted to place my very life on the line for any soldier. As we got closer, the cloud monster did something new. It then let out a snowstorm! Brushing all of us off and blanketing the place with snow.

"Urgh! Dang it! The snow won't let the pegasus fly!" I realized. "The armor is heavy enough! the cold's sapping their strength!"

"All soldiers! Retreat!" A voice called.

I looked up to see Celestia along with the others. Gold nodded and called out his units.

"Everypony! Follow me! If you're ready to fight, we'll be heading to the gates to help out! If injured, bring them to the tower! Kasin! Stay here with the princesses!"

"Commander!" I called.

"I trust in you, kid." He said smugly. "Seeing how strong you are, I know you won't let me down."

As he went off, I looked back realizing the cloud monster already going towards me when I wasn't paying attention. Luckily, Rainbow swooped down and bashed the thing to the ground! The cloud monster practically started raining tears from the looks of it!

"Rainbow!" I called out.

She flew to me and punched my arm. "Ow! What was that for!?" I questioned.

"You freaking have to nearly die again!? If you do that next time, I'll kill you myself!! I mean, do you know how worried I was!?"

"Why the heck do you care!?"

"Because I'm your friend!!"

"Well…! Touché, but still! I-look out!"

I pushed Rainbow out of the way from an incoming hail dagger from the cloud monster itself. Standing by Rainbow, we heard Twilight's voice coming from the shattered walls of the castle.

"Rainbow! Come on! We need you for the elements!" She claimed.

"Oh, right! Got it!" Rainbow understood, checking on me before going to the others.

Celestia flew back to her sister and helped her against the fight with Thunder Lance while the Elements of Harmony were ready to work their magic.

"Alright, here we go everypony!" Twilight said as they all began to float off from the floor. Soon, the artifacts they were wearing, which I just noticed, began to glow. A rainbow stream connected to one another, and soon I saw Twilight's tiara about to shoot something.

But that wasn't the case. The elements stopped the rainbow flow, and the Elements failed.

"WHAT!?" Twilight exclaimed.

"That shouldn't happen!" Celestia stated.

"What’s the matter? Your Elements broken?" Thunder taunted.

I looked closer to see all the elements still glowing except for…

"Applejack! Your Element! It's not glowing!"

"What do you mean!?" She yelled before realizing hers wasn't working. "What in tarnation!?"

The cloud monster noticed the girls and began to charge something fierce. I couldn't let another problem bother them, so I attack the monster by throwing my knives, actually cutting some cloud off. It glared at me while I shouted to the others, "I'll distract it! You fix the elements, and fast!"

"Kasin!" Fluttershy yelled while I continued my fight with the cloud monster. The cold climate was getting to me, to a point where I felt my legs barely standing.

"Not good…I need to rest a bit so I can go at full strength…but if I let that thing do what it wants, they might hurt the others…"

Just need to fight the cloud off until they get the Elements working…hopefully soon.

Author's Note:

Yes, that was Discord earlier in case you're wondering.

Post a comment on what you think about...
-What do you think of Gold Shield?
-Who should be with Kasin?
-What's wrong with Applejack's Element?
-What will happen next!? Oh wait, nevermind. I got that one covered.