• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 20 - Chaos Sense and Pinkie Sense

-Twilight's POV-

-An idea comes to mind-

Eating at Sugar Cube Corner with Spike, I was having an idle chat with Kasin while Pinkie was in the kitchen. It was about how it was for Kasin to be living with Gold Shield.

"It's alright I guess." Kasin told me. "He and I do see eye to eye, but whenever Rarity comes over, I swear his eyes are on Rarity."

Spike huffed a flame, looking away annoyed. I sighed as I continued the conversation. "Rarity has changed a bit too. She doesn't necessarily talk about Gold all day, but rather is more jovial than usual."

"Well, if they’re happy, they're happy."

"Well I'm not happy." Spike huffed.

Kasin looked a bit sad and said, "Sorry Spike. I know how much she means to you."

"Don't worry Kasin. I got this handled."

Spike walked away sure of himself about something and left the building. I wasn't sure of what he was planning, but Kasin seemed to somehow know.

"Oi Spike. If my Chaos sense is right…oh boy…"

"That's right…" I remembered. "Kasin, didn't you gain some new techniques from Discord back then?"

"Well, kinda. He just taught me how to control them, and now I got it handled."

"But how does it work?"

"My powers?"

"Yes, I mean…Well, it's not magic, because I don't sense any inside of you, but it's still something different."

"I can't really explain it Twi. It's a power that revealed itself to me. The most I can tell you is what it can do."

"Alright then, enlighten me."

He smiled as he turned to Pinkie and asked, "Hey Pinkie! You wanna come outside to see my new tricks?"

Pinkie's head leaned out of the kitchen doors and said, "Oh boy! Sure, I'll be right there!"

A moment later, Kasin brought us just outside of the bakery and began his tutorial.

"Alright Kasin, show me." I told him.

He grinned as he looked up in the sky for something. Eventually, he spots a cloud and started to lower himself.

"First of all, Chaos energy flows along my body. As long as I have an energetic emotion such as happiness, confidence, or anger, I can make any part of my body even stronger, faster, or simply better. For example…"

Kasin then bounced high up in the air, surprising and amazing both me and Pinkie. When he began to fall, he landed on the cloud.

"How did he-!?" I reacted seeing how he is touching the cloud without my magic.

"Second, Chaos energy can also act as a solid energy as well. So as long I have an energetic emotion, I can touch clouds and even walk on water. Of course, I can just turn it off too."

Just as he said that, Pinkie's tail started to twitch. "Oh! Twitchy tail!"

Following her warning, Kasin deliberately fell off and landed in front of us smiling. "Last, but not least is my chaos sense. How it works is kinda like listening to others emotions. I can tell Pinkie is impressed and you're…baffled."

I stared at him for a while before shaking my head. "But wait! How does it work?"

"It works how I told you."

"That's not what I mean. I was asking, where does it come from? What makes it tick? What makes you able to do that when all of us can't?"

"It just does."

I wasn't satisfied with this answer. "So is it pretty much like Pinkie's sense? Out of randomness and all that?"

"No, she works kinda like a TV."


"What's a TV?" Pinkie asked.

Kasin held his chin trying to explain. "A machine I guess I could say. It tells stories or news depending on which channel it has."

"Wait a minute!" I spoke rather curious. "What are you saying? You know how the Pinkie sense works?!"

"Kinda, yeah. I know how she does everything."


"Well, I was so confused at first, but then I tried looking through the window, which reminded me of a TV, because whenever Pinkie went to one side of the room, she came around the other, therefore she has some kind of ability to treat the world like a book or a TV show. She can apparently break the fourth wall."

"Wow! That makes so much sense!" Pinkie commented.

"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!!" I shouted.

"Why does it have to make sense!?" Kasin said while holding his ears. "By the way, you're yelling."

"I'm sorry, but I don't see it. I want to believe you Kasin, but I just need to know if this is real."

"Well, what do you want us to do about it? That's just how we work."

I sighed and thought about it while holding my chin. "Well…is there any difference?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"And is it possible for me to figure it out for myself? To find the REAL truth about how you two tick?"

"Are you gonna dissect us!?"

"WHAT!? No! I want to look more into this!"

"Oh! Oh! Are you gonna do all those fun experiments?" Pinkie asked.

"Sort of. I'm actually going to try some new ones I thought of." I confessed.

"Nope. Goodbye, find some other human to be your lab rat." Kasin said leaving. I levitated him over to me, making him walk in the air in futile to get away from me.

"Relax, it's not going to be dangerous."

"That's what all scientist say…and hope."

A while later, I brought Pinkie and Kasin to the basement of my house. It took a while to set my equipment up again, seeing how I haven't used it for so long. When I finished up, I called them down. As the two walked down the stairs, Kasin gazed at the room surprised.

"You have a basement lab?"

"What? I never told you?" I questioned.

"I don't recall you ever mentioning a lab or your basement…Actually, I never knew you had a basement to begin with!"

"Huh. I guess it never came up." I thought while levitating the helmets on Kasin and Pinkie's head. "Now, let's get started!"

Pinkie was hopping all giddy for the testing while Kasin simply sighed and said, "Well, if this will help you sleep better at night, then sure I guess. What do you want us to do?"

"Just lay down on these benches, and I'll start the process."

"Alright, hold on."

"Oh boy!" Pinkie said, very excited. "I know I already did this before, but not with Kasin!"

They lied down and the benches raised their position. I strapped them down, making Kasin get nervous.

"Geez, you take this very seriously, don't ya?" Kasin stated.

"I take research very seriously!" I claimed. "In the pursuit of knowledge, one must take many precautions to learn more from the mysteries of our world!"

"In case you've forgotten, I'm not from this world."

"Oh shush. Now, let's start!"

I turned on the machine and calibrated the brain waves. Last time showed no reaction with Pinkie alone, but with the two of them, I can compare the relaxed state of the waves and see if they're similar in any way. Moments pass, but nothing seemed to be different. I thought at least being Kasin being a human would show some difference, but alas, it was just as before, it was the same. I knew nothing changed, but I had to ask. "Anything different?"

"I feel…a breeze?" Kasin thought.

"It's just like before!" Pinkie giggled.

"Well, that was a bust." I said while pulling the chord. I took off the straps and released Kasin and Pinkie, walking them upstairs. Along the way, Kasin suggested something.

"Rather than testing brain waves, shouldn't you compare abilities?"

"That's a great idea!" I replied. "Follow me!"

Experiment log 1
I am with Kasin, also known as the homo sapient of Equestria, along with my test subject, Pinkie Pie also referred to as Pinkemena Diane Pie. I am testing on their prediction abilities with in front of me, a table of objects I am about to push off the table while they're blindfolded. This is to see if I can find any similarities to their supernatural talents.

"Alright, I'm about to push off the objects off the table. All you have to do is tell me when one is going to fall."

"Alright!" They said in unison.

I placed my hoof on a blue bowling ball and rolled it. Immediately, Pinkie's tail started to twitch as well as Kasin reacting to the action.

"Twitchy tail!" Pinkie said at the same time as Kasin saying, "The blue bowling ball."

The bowling ball fell and made a loud thud, letting them know they got it right. I couldn't help but immediately ask, "Kasin, how'd you know I pushed the blue bowling ball?"

"Your mischievous intention was directing towards the blue bowling ball."

"You can read minds?"

"No, just emotions."

I decided to look into this further by pushing another object. I pushed a flower pot off, and Pinkie said, "Twitchy tail!" while Kasin said, "The daisy."

It fell and broke as well as making a cracking noise to let them know they were right. I was about to push something else, but before I could decide between the bucket of water or the apple, Pinkie said, "Twitchy tail!" and Kasin said, "Accidentally dropped…Piano?"

I looked up and saw it come down. I jumped to the side as it crashed onto the table, crushing everything. Probably would have done the same to me if I stayed any longer. I looked over to Pinkie and Kasin who were just sitting there waiting.

"You can take off the blindfolds now!" I pointed out.

As they did, they stared at the debris and looked back at me. Kasin looked up and saw a pegasus delivery group as well as Derpy shrugging and saying, "I don't know what went wrong."

"Interesting…" I said. "Apparently, Kasin could put more detail into the falling objects…"

I looked back to the two and saw Pinkie's tail twitching.

"Twitchy tail! Twitchy tail!" Pinkie alarmed.

Just then a two crates fell. Pinkie managed to move out of the way, but Kasin got hit and fell down. We checked on him to see if he was alright. Pulling himself out of the rubble, he looked up and again as they all smiled nervously.

"That thing should have some safety training for extra precaution." Kasin stated.

"Kasin, how come you didn't notice that one?" I asked.

"I guess no one noticed it until it was too late."

"I don't understand."

"No one paid attention to it, so I had no idea it was even there."

"So you do read minds?"

"I can't tell what you're thinking right now. Think of it like, if you are felling angry, sad, happy, worried, or anything towards someone or something, I'll know it's there. If you have any feeling at all, I'll notice you too."

"But where does it start? How does it connect to everything else? What's its origins?"

"How do you expect me to answer that?"

I sighed and looked away thinking of the next way to test their abilities. "There is a difference somewhere, but I can't make it out…"

Experiment Log 2
One of Pinkie's abilities is the pursuit of other ponies. I don't know if she's as fast as Rainbow Dash if she managed to catch up to her, but if anything, maybe we can connect Kasin's parkour techniques to Pinkie's perfected chasing. I lined the two up at a starting line and got out my stopwatch. They were about to do a test run through an obstacle course I set up.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep!" They said in unison.

"Then go!"

They raced on, and keeping a close eye on them, I watched them confront their first obstacle. A tall wooden wall. Kasin ran up to it and over it while Pinkie passed…wait, how'd she do that!? I didn't even see her jump over it or anything! Ugh…

Their second obstacle was a large puddle of mud. The goal was simple, get over it without tracking mud on yourself. Kasin ran and did a long jump over while Pinkie walked on the mud…wait, SHE'S WALKING ON THE MUD!?

"Pinkie! You're supposed to get through without tracking mud on yourself!" I told her.

"Oh! Whoopsie!" Pinkie giggled.

I sighed as they reached the next one. It was a poorly built shed, but I only made it to make sure they can get through a dark room. It was a maze inside and they would be completely blinded by the darkness until they either got out or give up. Kasin went in first while Pinkie went in next. After a moment, no noise was heard and soon out came Pinkie and then Kasin following her.

"Wait, what? How'd Pinkie get in front of Kasin?" I wondered.

"I couldn't see, so I followed Pinkie." Kasin answered.

"But if you couldn't see, how'd you follow Pinkie?"

"She was very excited, so I sense her happiness and followed that."

"Then how did Pinkie get out?"

"I just skipped to the next scene!" Pinkie answered.


"See? Almost as if she can see the future or something." Kasin stated.

"Oh! I can tell you the ending! Spark Stone was planning to-"

"No! No spoilers!"

"Oh right! The readers might not like me doing that!"

"Readers?" I couldn't help but repeat.

"That probably means she's seeing the whole world as a book." Kasin guessed.

"What are you talking about!?"

"Oh come on Twilight, you love reading. Don't tell me you don't understand what's going on."

"I don't!!"

"Oh…too bad I guess."

"How could you understand any of this!? How could you understand how Pinkie works!? It doesn't make sense!!"

Kasin grinned and said, "I still watched TV back then when I was little."


Kasin continued to laugh, making me a bit annoyed. I know I was never close to finding out how Pinkie would work, but how did Kasin know!? And every time he tries to explain it to me, I just didn't understand! It was so frustrating! What is going on here!?

Experiment Log 3
To go further with my investigation, I decided to use my equipment again, this time I used the helmets to connect our minds so I can understand what was going on. I placed the helmets on Pinkie, Kasin, and myself and powered the machine.

"What now?" Kasin groaned. "This is getting kinda boring."

"Don't you like learning?" I reminded him.

"I like learning things I don't know, not things I already know."

"It's still exciting for me though!" Pinkie commented.

"Well, after this, I'll know what's going on once we connect minds." I declared.

"This is safe, right?" Kasin questioned.

"Trust me! I know what I'm doing."

I turned on the machine and started to go to sleep. We should be dreaming soon and wake up in one or the others mind. That's how the machine was programmed. I heard the sparks jump and the gears turning as well as the pumps pumping. It was working its magic until…

"Oh! What does this do?" Pinkie asked, flicking something.

Kasin and I woke up and yelled, "PINKIE, NO!!!"

-Kasin's POV-


I woke up kinda hazy, tired, and mind boggled. I took off the helmet and asked, "Is everyone alright?"

"Yes…I'm fine…" Twilight said…wait, no, Kasin said…Wait…WHAT!?!?!

"I feel all funny!" Pinkie said…no, Twilight? Wait a minute…

I looked at myself and saw…pink hooves instead of my hands. I checked my hair to find it pink and puffy as well as my pink body. No longer than five seconds, we all screamed at the horror of what took place.


I was…I mean, Twilight was checking the machine while being in my body, and Twilight- I mean Pinkie was running around screaming while I looked at myself. I didn't know what to say. This…sucked.

"This is awful!" Pinkie yelled in Twilight's body. "I can't see the readers!!!"

"My magic!" Twilight whined. "I can't use my magic!"

"Are you freaking kidding me!?" I yelled in much annoyance. "Where'd you even get that thing!?"

"I got it from Lyra! She said it was too complicated for her, so she gave it to me!" Twilight answered.

Of course. Twilight doesn't know how to use electricity, so it's only natural that Lyra knew how to power the thing up again and hands it…hooves it over to Twilight…My hands…

"Pinkie, why are you crying?" Pinkie asked. "Oh wait! I mean Kasin!"

"I don't have hands! How in the world do you carry anything with hooves!?" I said in despair.

"Whoa, these hands are so useful." Twilight spoke, fixing her machine. "I don't even need my magic to put it back together!"

"Well I'm glad YOU'RE happy!"

"Hey! That means I can use magic!" Pinkie said in Twilight's body. She then levitated a bunch of books and threw them up to the air. "Whoa! Twilight, you're so good at magic! I didn't even want to raise it up that high!"

"You probably can't control Twilight's powerful magic that easily. Only Twi can control power at that level."

Twilight blushed in my body while I looked at…these…eyes. They looked as if they were watching me, or reading everything we're doing. As if they saw everything we do as a story.

"Um…do you two see a bunch of eyes watching us?" I asked.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." Twilight replied.

"Oh! Oh! Those are the readers!" Pinkie said, dashing Twilights body over to me. "Readers? Are you there? Oh my gosh! I have so much to tell you! But you probably know what's going on, huh? You know, me, Kasin, and Twilight switched bodies! And now Twilight is in Kasin's body, Kasin is in my body, and I'm in Twilight's body! Isn't that freaky?"

"No way! I'm not going through this! Twilight! Reverse the thing!" I demanded.

"Um…Bad news." Twilight said.

"Oh, what now!?"

"It's out of power."

"What!? Well…can't you charge it?"

"Well I can…if I was in my body so I can use the electric spell, but uh…Pinkie's in it."

"Don't worry! I'll charge it up!" Pinkie declared, charging Twilight's horn with magic. We watched closely as the horn releases a fireball, nearly hitting the machine and Twilight…WHO'S IN MY BODY!!

"Whoops! Wrong spell!" Pinkie giggled.



Pinkie was sad as she said, "I-I'm sorry…"

We both sighed and Twilight said, "It's alright Pinkie. Just be more careful."

"So now what? If Pinkie can't use the right spell, how are we gonna get back to normal?" I asked.

"Um…I don't know. Electric spells aren't used by many unicorns. We'll be lucky to find one, or we'll have to find a different source of energy."

"Not good." I sighed in despair. "Why in the world did this happen!? It was a normal day too!"

"Actually, this is kinda normal for us."

"Why are our lives like some kind of comedy routine?"

"Oh! I know! I know!" Pinkie claimed.

"NOT NOW!" We both yelled.

Suddenly, a knock came from upstairs. We all went to see who it was, and surprisingly enough, it was some earth pony. She was a peach brown, had a light brown mane tied with red bands like my hair being tied by green bands from my original body, and had light blue eyes with a cutie mark of a baby bottle and a heart. She was quite a beauty with a face like that.

She looked at us and gave said, "Ah! Twilight! Nice to see you. And you must be Kasin! I've heard many of your good deeds! An honor to meet you sir."

"Elaina? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked in my body.

"Hmm? How do you know my name? Oh, never mind, I need to find somepony, I'm in quite a hurry."

"Who do you need to find?" Pinkie asked in Twilight's body.

"Pinkie? Is that you? Where are you- Ah! There you are." Elaina said to me as she pulled my foreleg. "I was looking for you! Don't you remember what today is?"

I stared at her unsure what to say. "Um…?"

"Oh! I know!" Pinkie claimed in Twilight's body. "It's your son's birthday! Button Mash!"

"Good memory Twilight!" Elaina commended to Pinkie who is in Twilight's body. I'm gonna keep saying who's in who's body just to make sure! Anyways, Elaina continued, "And you promised to make the party, remember?"


"Come along now." She said, pulling my hoof out of the library.

"W-Wow! Either your very strong, or Pinkie's body is easy to push around!" I pointed out.

"Why are you talking in third person?" Elaina questioned.

-Twilight's POV-

-Situation gets worse-

With Kasin gone inside of Pinkie's body to Elaina's son, Button Mash's party, it was just me and Pinkie left to fix the problem. I went downstairs to check the machine and turned to Pinkie.

"Alright Pinkie, concentrate. All you have to do is use an electric spell." I informed her.

"Okay!" Pinkie replied.

"Just try imagining a storm inside your body-"

"Why would I want a storm in my body? Is it so it could shoot lightning? If that's the reason, why don't I imagine the storm on my horn? Wouldn't that be faster? What if-"

"PINKIE! FOCUS!!" I shouted, slamming Kasin's foot into the floor, actually making a hole. "Whoops."

The sudden event scared Pinkie and frightened her. I hugged her and said, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! Kasin's strength is so powerful though, I just couldn't control it!"

"It's okay Twilight." Pinkie assured me. "It's just hard to use your magic though…"

I looked down and understood what she meant. These aren't our bodies, so it's very difficult to use each other's abilities. I decided to find another power source, one that can produce electricity. "Pinkie, we're going to need to find another way. There's no way we can fix this at our current state."

"Okie dokie!"

We were leaving the library and happened to run into Rainbow Dash. She was looking for somepony. Little did I know, she was looking for Kasin seeing how she started to fly towards me.

"There you are!" Rainbow called out.

"Uh…hi Rainbow?" I responded.

"Where were you!? You're late! Oh, hey Twilight."

"Hi Dashie!" Pinkie greeted.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow and said, "Did you just call me Dashie…? Uh, never mind. Look, Kasin, we need to get going! Spitfire is waiting for us, remember?"

"Spitfire? For what!?" I questioned.

"Don't tell me you forgot! She said she wanted to see how we were doing, so she said she was coming over to evaluate us."

"Oh my…Rainbow, I can't, you see-"

"Don't chicken out on me Kasin!" Rainbow shouted as she held Kasin's arm and pulled me away. "Gah! You are such a kidder on a bad time!"

"Rainbow, hold on!"

"We don't have time to hold on! The Wonderbolts are waiting for us!"

We zoomed off going to wherever Spitfire was. In the meanwhile, Pinkie decided to hop off to who knows where! Oh Celestia! What have I gotten myself into!?

-Kasin's POV-

-Dream on Gamer-

Elaina was dragging me to the site of the party, where I stumbled upon something beautiful. Arcade games. I ran up to one in much delight and checked to see it was real. A joy stick, six buttons for each player, and best part? It was real technology.

"Oh my gosh!" I cried. "It's gorgeous!"

"Thanks!" A colt replied happily. He was as short as the Cutie Mark Crusaders and had a spinning red and yellow beanie. He had light brown hair matching his eyes and had no cutie mark. He was with me fiddling with the controls of player two. "Yeah, it sure is awesome, huh?"

"You know it is!" I said while poking at the controls. Even with hooves, it didn't stop me from using them correctly.

"I didn't know you liked videogames Pinkie."

"Well, I don't know about Pinkie, but I sure do love it!"


I looked back at the kid and asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

"It's me! Button Mash! You know? We talked just the other day?"

"Oh…right…I'm in Pinkie's body…" I remembered

"Wait, what do you mean, 'you're in Pinkie's body'?"

"Uh…I'm not Pinkie. I'm in her body, yes, but I'm not her. You see, she's in Twilight's body, and Twilight is in my body, and I'm in Pinkie's body."

"I…I don't get it."

"H-Hold on, I made it complicated. Let me try again-"

"Pinkie!" Elaina whined. "The party is in a few hours! You said you'd have the place set up! I know I shouldn't question your skills, but don't you think you should get started?"

"Ah…ha! R-Right! I should…get on it…!"

Elaina checked Pinkie's forehead and said, "Are you feeling alright? I see you around town a lot, and this is not how you usually act."

"I'm fine! So uh…Just give me a second!"

"Alright…If you have a problem, just tell me Pinkie."

Elaina left while I tended to the empty yard. I was a bit uneasy on how to handle this until I remembered…

"Pinkie's fourth wall breaker! I forgot I'm her now! Okay, I just need to do what the cartoons do…Um…uh…Random objects! Okay, where to find a…Okay, um…"

I closed my eyes and reached out into the air. As silly as it may seem, I felt something. I pulled it out and opened my eyes to see a bundle of balloons tied to my hoof. Freaky.

"Alright! I did it! …Somehow."

I tied a single balloon to parts of the fence and done the same thing again. I closed my eyes and reached out and received a basket of plates, table blankets, and cups. I set those up and did it again, this time it was Derpy.

"What the?! Derpy!?" I reacted rather surprised.

"I don't know what went wrong…" Derpy said before flying away.

I grumbled in disappointment of that event. "Okay, focus!" I said while repeating the process. The next thing I got out was a blue cannon with pink wheels and a flower on the side of the wheel. I stared at it for a moment unsure what to do now and then said, "Okay, I give up."

"Oh, Ah! Hey! Dang you evildoers!" Button cursed.

I looked over his area to see him playing the arcade game. It was a platform game in which you play as a red pony with a black mane or a blue pony with a black mane and jumped on or used your magic on little spherical creatures I have remember reading about, called Parasprites.

"What game are you playing?" I asked.

"Ugh, Parasprite Infestation. It's really hard since the little guys fly everywhere!"

"Can I give it a try?"

"Sure! Just press start! All the turns are free since it was a gift. But you only get three continues, after that, your high score gets wiped off and you have to continue playing while starting over on point racking."

"Ah ha! I see! quite a challenge indeed! Alright then, give me some room."

I went to the second players side and click the start button. We both started together at level 1. With this being the easiest level, I took the time to get used to all my controls. Joystick to move, the A button to jump, B button to shoot, C Button to dodge, and D button to place a trap. The E and F button are item buttons depending on what you happen to find. Button Mash was amped as I was. It's been more than two months since I played videogames. I was quite the geek back then, and I say that proudly. Once the game started, it was just a few parasprites. The eagerness of Button and my skills on the joy pad, we finished the level quick and easy. We kept smashing through levels by doing a trail of jumps on the enemies as well as getting perfect shots right on the mark. From fives to tens, we defeated them easy with the basic skills, but the best thing about our game play was our teamwork. When using traps, the parasprites would take about 5 seconds to notice it before avoiding that area entirely. To counter this, I had Button set up traps while I lead the parasprites to it. We managed to catch them and collect them as well. For every time you catch a parasprite and get to the cage before it disappears, you get an item for the E and F button loadout. The items would usually be a safety bomb, which would push away all parasprites from you if they got too close. Other times would be a pegasus ally to drop lightning onto the field, increasing your survival rate. The best of all out of the items you could collect however was a chocolate bar. Crazy, right? Well, the chocolate bar increases your hit points, which meant if you got hit, you don't lose a life as long as you got a chocolate bar at least once. You can hold as many as you want too! A close second to that would be a chemical bottle, which makes you invincible for a short time and defeating all parasprites you touch during that time. We reached the first boss of the game which would end the first level. Yes people, a single level is that long and takes about the lives of two hundred parasprites to get to the first boss. Wait, did I just talk to the readers? Ah, I hate Pinkie's body.

"Here we go!" I said in excitement.

"Yeah! Alright, let's-" Button trailed off as an explosive shot was fired behind us.

We looked back and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders toying with the cannon before looking at me sheepishly. I turned to the angle where the shot was fired and saw a palooza of party supplies used in that one area.

"That's what the cannon does!?" I shouted in surprise.

"Sorry Pinkie!" Applebloom apologized. "We saw that the party wasn't ready yet, so we thought we could help you out with your party cannon."

"That's what it is? I thought this thing shot cannon balls."

The three of them exchanged confused looks before saying, "It's just Pinkie being Pinkie."

"Hey! I take that very- Oh wait…I'm in Pinkie's body."

"Are you alright Pinkie? You're acting weirder than usual." Sweetiebelle stated.

"Well, I'm not Pinkie, I'm actually-" Before I could finish, Elaina came in and saw the set up so far.

"Pinkie! Are you not done yet?!"


"Oh my. I hope Button's friends won't get upset. Please at least tell me you have the cake."

I started to sweat under pressure and at the same time, I heard the arcade game yell, "GAME OVER!".

Before I could muster up an excuse, the real Pinkie came! Who is in Twilight's body by the way.

"Oh! I'm not too late!" Pinkie said as she hopped over here.

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" Elaina asked.

"I promised to help with the party, so I came of course!" Pinkie stated.

"But…Pinkie's the one who…wait, what?"

"Uh, Twilight!" I said, winking her to play along. "I'm glad you came! My Pinkie-ness is on the fritz! Can you maybe help me out?"

"Sure thing Kasin!" Pinkie said, not getting what I meant when I winked at her.

"KASIN!?" The Cutie Mark Crusaders yelled in unison.

"I don't know why you're calling each other different names…" Elaina said, still confounded by all of this. "But I trust you two together can get the party ready. In the meanwhile, I'll go get Button ready before his party starts."

Elaina left with Button leaving me, Pinkie in Twilight's body, and the three fillies to handle the current mess.

"Okay, what's going on here!?" Scootaloo questioned. "Why did Twilight call Pinkie, Kasin!?"

"That's because I AM Kasin!" I told them.

"And I'm Pinkie!" Pinkie added while being in Twilight's body.

They stared at us for a moment before saying, "WHAT!?!?"

"It's a long story, but basically, me…Kasin, Twilight, and Pinkie switched bodies due to some scientific experiment and now we're stuck like this until we power the machine back up with a new power source!" I told them.

"Are you sure you're not Pinkie?" Scootaloo asked me. "You kinda rambled on like her just now."

I glared at her in response to that comment. I looked back to Pinkie as she was pulling- SHE'S TOUCHING MY TAIL!!! I MEAN…SHE'S TOUCHING HER TAIL- I MEAN…DAH! SHE'S TOUCHING THE PINK TAIL I HAVE RIGHT NOW!

"PINKIE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I questioned her.

"I'm just trying to get something I left in there." She answered.

The tail was pretty much getting rummaged with whatever she's getting out. I waited for five seconds, and anymore is when I hit her- me- Body switching is stupid.

"Got it!" Pinkie declared as she pulled out a light blue bomb with a pink circle with a daisy in the middle for a symbol.

"What is that?" I questioned.

"While you were gone, I made this! It's a smaller version of my party cannon! But you can only use it once per bomb. I call it, the party bomb!"

"Is that even safe!?"

"Of course it is! I've been using it in the last ten parties, and it was AWESOME!"

"It's so weird to see Twilight acting like this even though we know Pinkie's in there." Sweetiebelle stated.

"You have no idea." I groaned.

"It's even weirder how it looks like Pinkie's the serious one here too." Scootaloo added. "Even though we know Kasin is in there."

"I get it!" I growled. "This really sucks…"

Pinkie started bombing the site with party setting devices. She kept going back and forth from the pink fluffy tail to resupply her ammo while the kids shot the cannon all around the place. By now, Pinkie had somehow organized the décor and finished the party quicker than I could ever do. I looked at the streamers across the trees and fence as well as the tables I had set up having party favors in cute buckets as well as twice the many balloons I had placed before and in much better fashion. After all this, I said, "Pinkie?"

"Yeah?" She responded.

"You're so planning my birthday party."

She made Twilight's eyes glamour and hug me tightly. "Oh my gosh! Totally! It's gonna be the best party ever! I just know it!"

"Yeah, I get it! Geez Pinkie!" I chuckled before remembering Twilight and my body. "By the way, where's Twilight?"

-Twilight's POV-

-Things are about to go down badly-

I was brought in front of Spitfire and Soarin while Rainbow was patting the shoulder of Kasin. I smiled sheepishly unsure what to say.

"So, I guess we better get started?" Rainbow suggested.

"Yeah, the sooner, the better. We have to get going for another meeting soon." Spitfire replied.

"Alright then! Give me a sec!"

Rainbow brought me over to the air site where she discussed her plan. "Alright Kasin! Remember our formation?"

"No." I answered.

She became annoyed and asked, "Okay Kasin, what's the big deal!? You've been acting funny all morning!"

"Rainbow, if you let me said this earlier, then you would know that I'm not Kasin."

She pounced on me and held me down. "Are you a changeling or something!?! Who are you really and what have you done with the real Kasin!?"

"Rainbow! It's me! Twilight! I had an accident in the lab and got our bodies switched!"

"Wait a minute…Kasin's in your body!?"

"No, Pinkie's in my body."

"Wait, Pinkie? Why is she in your body? Wait, then which one is Kasin in?"

"Kasin's in Pinkie's body."

"So you three swapped bodies!?"


We were both silent for a while. Rainbow then snickered before bursting into laughter. "Oh my Celestia! No way! You three got swapped! Bwahahahaha!"

I rolled my eyes while Spitfire yelled, "Hey! Is there something wrong down there?"

We both looked back as we realized the awkward position we were in. Rainbow got off and I managed to get up and say, "Y-Yes! Everything is fine!"

"W-We're just stretching!" Rainbow added.

"Alright then. Just do a few tricks and we'll call it a day." Spitfire said before turning to Soarin and whispering, "Those two are so into each other."

"Really?" Soarin whimpered.

I didn't know how to respond to Spitfire's comment. Even though it was about Rainbow and Kasin, I was in Kasin's body, so that would mean she said that me and Rainbow are…No, throw that idea away. The problem at hoof right now is much more important. I'm supposed to be performing tricks with Rainbow Dash! And I know I can't fly either way, so how was this going to work!?

"Uh…Eh heh! H-Hold on!" Rainbow said before turning to me. "Okay Twilight, I'm just going to do a few loops and all you have to do is stay perfectly still."

"I can't stay still if I'm being thrown in the air!"

"Well Kasin did it just fine!"

"I'm not Kasin!"

"Well you are now! I mean, look at you! Besides, I need somepony to help me out! Spitfire and Soarin wanted me and Kasin! I didn't know this was gonna happen!"

"Okay, Okay!" I agreed. "I'll help, just…go easy."

"I'll try."

I got on Rainbow and felt very awkward. Maybe for Kasin, it wouldn't feel that weird, but for me, I still felt like a pony riding a pony. When Rainbow flew off, I held on tightly as we got higher and higher.

"Okay, this is the part where you let go." Rainbow told me.

"WHAT!?" I shouted.

"Trust me! Besides, Kasin can take a fall this high anyways."

I slowly released my grasp and fell off. It was so terrifying for me while Rainbow did many loops around me. While falling, I felt something. It was almost as if it said somepony who's angry will shoot a rock at me. When I looked around, I saw it. It big boulder was racing towards me! I braced for impact before getting knocked far away.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow screamed.

"KASIN!" Spitfire and Soarin shouted.

I was thrown off course by the boulder and crash landed far off from the air site. When I got up, I noticed it didn't hurt very much. Checking my surroundings and then got something telling me another rock will be shot. I jumped out of the way in time to evade even more stones.

"Who's there!?" I questioned.

"Ah, the legendary Kasin." A stallion said with a strange aura I sensed. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Earthen Dome. I attacked Manehattan a while back."

The aura around Earthen was something I could see even when I close my eyes. This must be the chaos sense Kasin was talking about. "Why are you here?"

"I'm on a mission to bring you to Shale. I recommend you come quietly so I won't have to knock you out."

"Ha! You wish! I can…oh wait…this is Kasin's body…I don't know how to fight like Kasin!"

"Um…is there something wrong with you?"

Before I could reply, Pinkie who was in my body and Kasin who was in Pinkie's body came running down towards me. Kasin's hooves were shaking uncontrollably.

"Why are my hooves shaking!?" Kasin questioned.

"It means somepony wants to fight!" Pinkie explained.

"Now my tail is twitching!"

"Oh! That means something is about to fall!"

I sensed it too. Earthens aura was surrounding the stone he had summoned. I managed to see the path it was going to. The way Kasin's body predicted everything seemed so natural as I managed to stay alive because of them. I made my way to regroup with Pinkie and Kasin.

"Alright! I know we're in different bodies, but we can still take him!" I declared.

"I'll try my best, just need to get Pinkie's abilities right." Kasin said.

"I'll do what I can!" Pinkie said also.

We turned to Earthen and fought three against one. This was however with different bodies, so we had to be careful.

"So you fools switched bodies?" Earthen deduced. "Great, now you've made my mission even more complicated. Which one of you is Kasin then?"

"Oh! That's easy! He's me right now!" Pinkie said pointing at her body.

"PINKIE!" We both yelled in unison.

Earthen rushed to Kasin and attempted to snatch him. Kasin panicked and went to Pinkie, grabbed her tail and lowered her head aiming the horn, then spun the tail making my body shoot rapid bolts of magic.

"Oh! I remember this!" Pinkie reminisced.

Both Pinkie and Kasin fended off Earthen from his assault, letting me attack. When I got up close to him, I wasn't able to land a punch. I did however use Kasin's chaos sense to dodge all of Earthen's attacks. I jumped back and pulled out Kasin's slingshot and aimed it at Earthen. I used a metallic pellet for my choice in ammo and carefully placed it on as I kept my eyes on the target. I pulled the sling shot and-


I broke it…

"WHAT THE FUDGE TWILIGHT!?!?" Kasin yelled in anger.

"I'm so sorry! I guess your strength kinda ripped it!" I apologized.

Earthen stared at me unsure what to say. "That was…pathetic."

"Tell me about it." Kasin growled. "But either way, you're still going down!"

Kasin using Pinkie's body, he pulled out a bomb! He threw it and it exploded with streamers and confetti, blinding us from what was going on. From a glimpse, we saw Kasin confront Earthen and pulled out the party cannon, shooting it point blank to Earthen and pushing him off. As Earthen was blown away, he was sending a shower of rocks randomly. Using Kasin's chaos sense, I managed to jump out of every attack Earthen threw while Pinkie climbed on Kasin as he used Pinkie's sense to evade the boulders. After that attack was done, Kasin threw Pinkie into the air.

"Pinkie! Try using a spell on Earthen! Any will do!" Kasin shouted.

"Okie dokie!" Pinkie said as she charged my horn and shot out an ice spell, freezing Earthen in an icy prison! I caught Pinkie who was falling down and went to Earthen Dome.

"What do you think of that Earthen?" I asked smugly.

"Lost again? How can this be? Am I really that weak!?" Earthen wondered, gritting his teeth. "Screw it! Even if it kills me, I'll take the chance!"

Earthen started to glow violently. We all stepped back and saw him starting to grow to the size of Princess Celestia even! He became covered in stone and glowed red eyes.

"This doesn't look good!" Kasin pointed out.

I tried punching him with all of Kasin's strength, but it didn't seem to affect him that much. I looked at his head to see a shard coming out of his forehead. I recognized what it was.

"A strong shard!" I said in surprise.

"The heck is that!?" Kasin asked.

"It's a special shard that allows anypony to become unbelievably strong, only they've been all mined out and haven't been seen in ages! How could the revolutionaries find one!?"

Earthen went forward and attacked us with an earthquake shaking all of Ponyville. Without us being in our original bodies, we won't be able to use the full potential we'll need to defeat Earthen! We decided to retreat and find help, but failed to get away as Earthen managed to create a deep pit for us to fall into.

"Shoot! We got caught!" Kasin shouted.

"What are we gonna do!?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know! We can't get out with us being like this!" I stated.

Earthen loomed over us and said, "Looks like I finally win. Time to claim my prize."

Earthen reached out for me or Kasin's body specifically, and Kasin who was in Pinkie's body. When he was close to grabbing us, something hit Earthen from the back, knocking him over.

"What in the world!?" Earthen reacted as he got up to see Rainbow Dash with Spitfire and Soarin.

-Rainbow's POV-

-Calling Special forces!-

Kasin, Twi, and Pinkie were stuck in a deep ditch and were about to be grabbed by this Earthen guy until we came in! I was flying in formation with Spitfire and Soarin closing in on Earthen who by the way got a major amp up! He had pointy rocks coming out of him and everything! He shot a few boulders up in the sky and nearly got us too, but we managed to evade them in time.

"How am I gonna get this guy?" I thought. "I don't think a thunder cloud or rain will get it. I need something with more power to break that rock!"

"We'll charge it head on!" Spitfire commanded.

"Right!" Soarin responded.

Not arguing with Spitfire's decision, we all dove in and rushed toward Earthen. We all bashed him head on, but the attack was so blunt on us that it knocked the Wonderbolts out! I managed to stay awake and stay in battle too while the others were unconscious.

"What the heck was that!?" Pinkie questioned…or…Kasin questioned. "They just went right in and , 'bop'! Goes their noggin!"

"Rainbow!" Kasin called, I mean Twilight called! "Go get the element from the library! I'm sure that will help defeat Earthen now!"

"Alright Kasin…Twilight…you three! I'll be back to pummel this guy!" I promised them.

"Yeah! Alright! Go Rainbow!" Twilight cheered- Pinkie cheered. I'm gonna have a headache tomorrow.

I dashed over to the library and went inside to find Spike covered in dirt. He looked back at me and said, "Oh, hey Rainbow. You're probably wondering what happened. You see-"

"No time! I need my element before Twilight, Pinkie, and Kasin get crushed by this rock dude thing!"

"Your element? It's right over there." He pointed to the glass case. "Just give me a second to unlock the case-"

I didn't have time to wait, I broke the glass case and pulled out my element. After a moment of glowing, I got my loyalty gear up and ready and flew out the window.

"Happy to help." Spike said sarcastically.

Flying a bit fast with my loyalty gear, I had the time to test out my new abilities on Earthen Dome.

"Alright! Time to see what this baby can do!" I said while looking at what I have. I checked my bag to see what was inside it, and to my surprise, it was a bunch of colorful clouds. "What the hay!?"

"What is it Rainbow!?" Kasin asked, I think.

"Um…Just checking out what this stuff does!"

I pulled out a light blue cloud and watched as I could pull a huge ball of it while still having plenty in the bag.

"Okay, now what do I do with this? It looks like a normal cloud that's just blue."

"Are you ignoring me!?" Earthen questioned as he threw a huge boulder at me. Swiftly dodging it, I got a bit peeved.

"Oh yeah tough guy!? Two can play it that game!"

I kicked the blue cloud, and before I knew it, the whole thing turned into a huge chunk of ice! It fell down and nearly crushed Earthen. I was impressed by what this bag had.

"Okay! That's what I'm talking about! What else does this bag have?"

"Rainbow?" Twilight called I think. "Um…Was that you who threw some ice, because some blocks of it almost squished us."

"Whoops! Sorry!"

I was about to reach for another cloud until I saw Earthen raise some kind of flying avalanche at me! I quickly flew away and suddenly saw my wings expand! Kinda like Wing Gar, but it felt like my wings actually grew! Flying pass the stones, I saw them getting cut up like it was nothing! I couldn't help but grin as I flew down towards Earthen. While going for another bash, I reached for my bag and pulled out a pink cloud. It felt warm, so I put it on my and found my body racing with fire along with it!

"A-Are fire pegasus!?" Earthen spoke. "Impossible!"

"Not for me!" I said while tackling him down. He was blown away and was tossed over to the town hall. I couldn't help but crack a smile while helping those three get out of their hole.

"Man, that was hectic!" Pinkie said- I mean Kasin.

"I know, right? It was all like, BAM! And Twilight was all like all solo, but then we came in and fought him as a trio! Then he got bigger and stronger with that rock, the special one, not the normal rocks he made. And then we ran, and then Rainbow came in with Spitfire and Soarin, but then they got knocked out and Twilight was like, 'You must use the element!' then Rainbow left and got her element and was all like, I'm OP, and then she beat Earthen and saved us!" Pinkie said. Definitely Pinkie.

"Oh shoot! Spitfire and Soarin!" I remembered.

I went over to them and picked them up back on hooves. They were a bit dizzy, but it was fine.

"Ah geez…what happened?" Spitfire wondered.

"Don't worry about it!" I assured them. "Bad guy taken care of!"

They looked over at Earthen to see him passed out. They looked impressed too, just how I hoped!

"Nice! I guess this is good enough for an evaluation!"

"Yeah Rainbow! Nice one!" Soarin complimented.

"Ah, shucks! Thanks you guys!" I replied.

"Well, better get this guy behind bars." Spitfire said. "Nice seeing you three by the way."

"Nice to see you too." Kasin, Pinkie, and Twilight replied in unison.

After the Wonderbolts left, I looked back to the other three. "Alright, so…what about you three? Are you gonna be like this forever?"

"Oh no, I forgot!" Kasin- Twilight said sadly. "We still haven't found another power source yet! Where are we gonna find somepony that can make electricity?"

"Electricity?" Pinkie…Kasin repeated. "Wait! I just got it! Man I'm slow!"

-Pinkie's POV-

-Switching back and forth!-

Me who was in Twilight's body, Kasin who was in my body, and Twilight who was in Kasin's body were lying down with helmets on, connected to the machine. Rainbow was next to the machine after turning back to normal from her element and had a thunder cloud next to the machine.

"Ready?" Rainbow asked.

"Ready!" Twilight replied.

Rainbow punched the thunder cloud and charged up the machine, switching our bodies again! We woke up and looked to see if it worked.

"Are we…normal?" Kasin asked before looking at his hooves. "AGH! I'm Twilight now!"

"Whoa! I'm Kasin!!" I yelled out while playing with my new hands. "This is so much cooler than hooves! And I can even stand on just two of my legs!"

"Pinkie! Stop playing with my body!"

Rainbow was laughing before she calmed down and said, "Alright, one more go?"

"Hold on!" Twilight yelled while being in my body. "This…is so strange! I feel as if…I…I…"

Kasin who was in Twilight's body pushed a vase over and Twilight's tail, or my tail specifically, twitched before the vase fell and broke.

"What was that for!?" Twilight yelled at Kasin.

"Just what you wanted, right?" Kasin guessed.

Twilight looked down deep in thought before looking up and saying, "Y-Yes…Let's turn back to normal now."

Rainbow kicked the cloud and the machine ran again, this time, we woke up back to our normal selves!

"Ah! Good to be back!" Kasin said happily in his body.

"Aw, too bad! I wanted to use your body for at least a day!" I admitted.

"NO WAY! No more of that body swapping junk!"

"Man! You three are a riot!" Rainbow laughed at us, to even falling on the floor. After a while, she looked up and said, "Hey Twi, what's up?"

Twilight stood still in thought before smiling and saying, "Nothing…I…I think I understand what you two are going through now."

"You do?" Me and Kasin said at the same time.

"Yes. Pinkie's body is almost as if it's tuned with the world and Kasin…you're always understanding emotions as they go around."

"So…you totally believe us and understand that this power is legit and not some tall tale?" Kasin asked.

"Yes…I do."

"Well alright then! No need for looking so glum!"

"But…aren't you angry that I didn't believe you earlier?"

"Pfft! I don't care if you ever did believe me! I'm still your friend even if we see the world differently! It doesn't matter if you think one way and I think the other! I know you well enough that no matter what we disagree on, we'll still be friends!"

Twilight smiled before nodding and saying, "Alright then! Thank you both for everything!"

Just then, my stomach growled and I just realized. "KASIN! How could you not eat candy for the past twelve hours!?"

"What!? Why in the world would that matter?!" Kasin questioned.

"Because now I'm really hungry and I'm very tired too after all that fighting!"

"It's your fault for being so reliant on sugar!"

"Wait a minute…" Twilight said before licking her lips. "PINKIE! How much candy did you eat while you were in my body!?"

"I ate two bags of licorice, a pound of cupcakes, and four bowls of ice cream!" I answered. "You'll thank me later."

"WHAT!? That's so unhealthy! Did you at least eat anything healthy?"

"I didn't really feel like it today, so…"

"PINKIE!!" Twilight yelled before chasing me. "I'm gonna make your life sugar free!"


Author's Note:

This chapter was a bit random, but entertaining as well. I was thinking about the episode where Twilight attempted to study Pinkie but failed. So instead, this chapter twists that around and allows Twilight to see the perspectives of both Kasin and Pinkie, even if Pinkie's was brief.

I hope you liked the chapter! Please comment whatever comes to mind. (No hate mail.):twilightblush: