• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 4,340 Views, 177 Comments

Heart Plus - Dawn Arc - SparkStone

The adventures of the Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and a new unexpected friend Kasin kick off after his arrival. With the seven of them together, they must do their best to fix the mishaps around Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Reviving Hope

-Twilight's POV-

-A new creature-

I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most faithful student.

I was walking to Fluttershy's house to give her the book she was interested in. The copy just came in today, so I decided to give it to her as soon as possible. It was very sudden when I reached her cottage however, because when I arrived, I heard a loud crashing noise, followed by a scream which I think belonged to Fluttershy.


I ran over as quickly as I could, and saw Fluttershy looming over a crater. I ran to her to see if she was hurt.

"Are you okay!?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine, b-but…" Fluttershy stuttered.

Before I asked what was wrong, I looked at the crater to see…a creature. One I have never seen before. It had a light brown…mane? I could see a tint of green eyes, and he was wearing clothes. It's shirt was white with green edges and had a symbol of a black broken heart on it, blue pants with a chain on it, and a bag on the other side, white shoes I think, and on his right…foreleg…? It had a bracelet and band on it. The creature was breathing heavily and seemed to be injured. It was bleeding from the head, his arms, and his chest. Fluttershy quickly jumped down and examined it. Of course I protested her actions.

"Fluttershy! Stop! We don't know if it's dangerous!" I warned her.

"But it's hurt! We have to help it!" She replied.

She pulled the creature by the shirt trying to get it out of the hole. I sighed and decided to help using my magic to levitate the creature out of the hole. We brought it to Fluttershy's cottage and lied him on the couch then took off his shirt to check how badly he was injured. It seemed to be a small wound, but the scar was still noticeable. Fluttershy seemed to be sickened by the sight. I have to agree, I was too, and I felt bad for whatever this thing was.

"Fluttershy, get some bandages and some medicine. I think I might be able to treat it…I think…"

Fluttershy nodded and went upstairs to get what I asked for. At one moment, I saw the creature open his eyes a bit wider.

I decided to greet the creature with a smile. "Hello."

The creature widened its eyes and then closed them entirely. I was a bit confused, but that didn't matter. Fluttershy came down with the supplies and we then went on to treating it.

I admit, I'm not very good at this, especially not enough to do it on something I never even seen before, but I was willing to try and save this creature. I applied the medicine to the wounds and wrapped them up. I cleaned the blood, and checked his pulse. It took a while, but he showed no resistance, which did make things much easier.

"Alright, now all we have to do is wait." I told Fluttershy.

"Thank goodness." Fluttershy said in relief. "I felt so bad for it."

I looked at the hind legs of the creature and realized I didn't inspect for any injuries there. I walked over to the bottom portion of the creature and turned to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, I just noticed we didn't check this side yet."

"Oh, alright." She walked over to me with the supplies in her mouth. "Do you think it's hurt down here?"

"We should just check to make sure." I suggested.

We pulled down it's pants and noticed there were more undergarments.

"Well, no blood." I pointed out.

"Why do you think he has shorts under its pants?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I don't know."

Out of curiosity, I levitated a part of it, only to see something we wished we hadn't seen. We quickly put HIS pants back on and the rest of his clothes. I admit, we both blushed after our little "discovery".

"It's…It's a…boy…" Fluttershy stuttered.

"Y-Yes…it is…" I replied.

-Kasin's POV-

-Waking up at a cottage-

I woke up with a very painful feeling among my chest, arm, and my head. I looked at myself to see I was already treated by someone. I checked my surroundings to see two ponies, but one had a horn and the other had wings. I squinted my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. No, they were still there. I pinched myself to make sure I was awake, and I indeed was.

"Why did he pinch himself?" A quiet voice said.

"I'm not sure, it must be what this creature's habit are." A somewhat more confident voice replied.

I looked back to the ponies, thinking I heard someone nearby. Alas, only them.

"This is weird." I said to myself. "I thought I heard someone say something."

"Oh my gosh!" the familiar voice yelled.

I looked back in time to see the most surprising thing ever.

"It talks!" The yellow pegasus said the lavender unicorn.

"I don't believe it!" The lavender unicorn said to the pegasus.

I jumped back to the wall, frightened at the two. I felt my panting hurting my wounded chest, but alas, I couldn't stop from what I was seeing.

"W-What are you!?" I questioned. "Agh, and…why was I hurt?"

"W-We found you in the hole near my house, and w-we wanted to help you get better, so we tried our best to treat you and…" The yellow pegasus stuttered while crouching down a bit.

I was a bit surprised. "You…treated my wounds?"

"Yes, we did." the lavender unicorn said to me. "It was Fluttershy's idea."

I looked at the yellow pegasus and said, "Fluttershy's your name?"

"Y-Yes…" She replied.

"And you were the one who wanted to help me?"


I looked at her for a while. I didn't know what to say. "Thank you for saving me Fluttershy, cute name by the way."

She seemed to have blushed as she said, "I didn't do much…if you want to thank anypony, thank Twilight. She's the one who did all the work."

I looked over to the lavender unicorn and asked, "You're Twilight?"

She nodded yes.

"Thank you Twilight."

"You're welcome mister…" She stopped awaiting for me to say my name.

"Kasin." I answered.

"Right! Nice to meet you mister Kasin!" She said to me as she raised her hoof to greet me.

"Just Kasin." I told her as I shook her hoof.

"Um…Kasin?" Fluttershy called me for attention. "What…are you exactly?"

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I wondered.

"I'm sorry, it's just that…I never seen a creature like you before."

This surprised me. "You never seen a human before?"

"Is that what you are?" Twilight asked me.

"Yes, I'm a human." I answered. "Is there no one else like me?"

"I never seen or read about humans." Twilight explained.

"Strange, there should be about a billion all over the planet." I replied.

Twilight frowned at this saying, "Well, that doesn't sound right, there are ponies all over Equestria and they have never seen or reported any creature like you before."

"Really?" I asked, getting a nod from Twilight as my answer. "What's that supposed to mean? Before today, I saw and lived with hundreds of people like me. All this really doesn't make sense."

"Well, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to help you." Twilight replied.

A moment of silence in the mist of confusion. I smacked my lips feeling quite tired from all this.

"You seem parched, would you like a drink?" Fluttershy offered.

I admit, I indeed was thirsty. "Yes, a drink would be nice."

"Twilight, can you get some apple juice from the fridge?" Fluttershy requested her friend.

"Sure, hold on." Twilight replied.

After she left for what I think was the kitchen, Fluttershy stayed in the room and watched me. For a while, I notice her analyzing me from head to toe. I found this a bit strange, which made me then ask, "So…is there something on my face?"

"Oh! N-No, it's just…" She stuttered before saying, "I never seen anything like you before."

"Nothing like me at all?" I repeated. "Well, I never seen a pegasus pony before. A one without wings or horn, yes, but nothing else."

"Really?" Fluttershy responded.

"Yeah, never seen pegasus, unicorns, or any horse with a horn or wings."

Fluttershy giggled a bit. "Well, I guess there's a first for everything, is there?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I chuckled a bit as well.

I looked over to Twilight and saw her horn glowing as well as a floating bottle of apple juice with the same glow as her horn.

"WHOA!" I screamed before backing up the wall again.

"What is it?" Twilight asked. "You don't like apple juice?"

"I-I-It's not that, it's just that the bottle is floating!" I pointed out.

Twilight tilted her head in a confused matter. "You never seen magic before?"

"Magic?" I repeated. "Can't say I have, but I did hear of such myths."

"Well rest assured, it's not a myth." Twilight replied. "It's quite real."

"I get the idea only those with horns can use magic then?" I asked.

"Yes, all unicorns can use magic." Twilight answered as she then levitated the bottle to me, allowing me to grasp it in my hands. I drank the juice, tasting the extremely sweet yet pleasant taste of the liquid.

"It's very sweet." I replied.

"It was produced by none other than Sweet Apple Acres." Fluttershy told me with a smile as she then looked at how I used my hands. It was very cute how she was looking at me like I should be documented. While I drank the juice, Twilight levitated a book over to Fluttershy.

"By the way, I was stopping by to give you that book you wanted." Twilight told the shy pegasus.

I looked at the book that was handed to Fluttershy. It had the title, "Secrets to Animal Care" having a nice fancy frame work around it as well as a bookmark with a picture of a kitten on it. I found it quite adorable.

"Oh! Thank you Twilight! I was wondering if it was ever going to come." Fluttershy responded to her gift.

"It did take its time to get to the library." Twilight admitted.

"Library?" I couldn't help but become interested. "Is there a library around here?"

Twilight turned to me with a questionable look. "Yes, it's in the middle of town."

I smiled at this. Sure, I may be a nerdy kind of guy when it comes to such a topic, but that's only because I don't have anything else to do in my spare time. "Can you take me there?"

Twilight gave me a surprised expression. "Um, sure, is there a specific book you're looking for?"

"Not really, I just want to see what it has." I answered.

She held her chin with her hoof and said, "Well…Who am I to say no?" She then turned to the door and signaled me, "Follow me."

-Twilight's POV-

-Introducing Kasin to Ponyville-

A while after taking Kasin outside of Fluttershy's house to show him the library, we were at the center of town. Kasin looked around at the other ponies as the others looked back at him mystified of the "human" behind me. They seemed a bit frightened of Kasin while he too seemed scared of them as well.

"T-Twilight?" He called me.

"Yes Kasin?"

"A-Are all these ponies really this candy colored?"

"Candy colored?!" I couldn't help but repeat that with a somewhat annoyed tone. "Are all you humans always so rude!?"

Kasin stepped back and looked down. "…Sorry."

He looked guilty enough to understand how rude he was. I sighed and decided to lay off of the boy. "It's okay, just be careful what you say, alright?"

Kasin nodded understanding what I said. We continued on to my house until we found Pinkie ahead of us.

"Hi Pinkie!" I greeted.

Pinkie turned around and looked like she was about to say hi, until she looked at Kasin and jumped with a loud gasp, and ran away.

"Um…am I really that scary?" Kasin questioned.

"N-No, my friend is just random is all!" I replied, hoping he didn't feel too bad.

"Right…um, anyways, where's that library?" he asked again.

"Oh, it's over here, come on, we'll just head straight over there." I told him.

With Kasin and Fluttershy following me, I lead them over to my house. With no more distractions, we were at the doorsteps the library, and as we entered, Kasin gazed at the room before him. I noticed his eyes sparkled at the books around him.

"Whoa…" He said in amazement. "Just how I like it, lots and lots of books!"

"You must really like reading." Fluttershy deduced.

"I'll admit, I am a bit of a bookworm." Kasin told Fluttershy with a chuckle.

I couldn't help but smile knowing there was somepony else who liked reading as much as me. "Well, what book are you interested in?"

"Hmm…well, maybe we should find something that can help get me better acquainted to this world of yours." He suggested.

"Good idea."

I levitated a book from the shelf, one that was perfect for Kasin. I brought it over to him and lied the "Equestrian Cultures" on his hands.

"Thanks!" He said to me gratefully before he started to read. As he read, I couldn't help but notice how quickly he turned the pages.

"Are you skimming Kasin?" I questioned.

"No, I'm reading it word for word." He replied. "It's incredible though. Pegasus, Unicorns, earth ponies, alicorns, it has a lot of information here…"

"You read all that in just a few minutes?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I…don't really do much other than read on my spare time." Kasin said slowly. "Other than college, I…"

"College?" I repeated. I walked closer to him and asked, "You went to college?"

"Yeah, I took some classes and got a lot out of it." He answered.

"Wherever you came from, it doesn't sound too different from here." I deduced.

"You're probably right. We're both intelligent beings roaming a planet with similar cultures."

"Very deductive reasoning there Kasin." I commended him.

"Um…thanks! You're very smart too."

I couldn't help but blush. I haven't heard another colt call me smart before other than Shining Armor. "…Thank you…!"

Kasin looked back at the book and continued reading. "Hmm…Though this book is very informative, I should worry about where I should stay…" He thought as he closed the book. "Where should I go?" He wondered.

"That's right, you don't have a place to stay…" I remembered. "I mean, you really did just some out of the blue, so we'll just have to let you live…here!"

Kasin and Fluttershy gave me a surprised look.

"Y-You're going to take him in?" Fluttershy asked somewhat slower than usual.

"You…don't even know me that well…are you sure that's okay?" Kasin questioned.

"It's more than alright! I just need to tell Spike, then everything will be fine!"

Kasin gave me a puzzled look. "Who's Spike?"

"He's my number one assistant! He lives here with me." I replied as I trotted over to my desk.

Kasin slowly gave a warm calm smile as he said, "…Thanks…I…never had someone back me up like this before."

"Don't you have any friends that would do the same?" I asked.

Kasin's expression seemed woeful, depressed even. "…Not…really…"

This human boy never had friends? Or even have one to stand by? Immediately, he reminded me of myself before I moved to Ponyville, but the difference between us is that he seemed to longed for friends, as for I only wanted to be by myself.

"That's so…sad." Fluttershy commented.

"It's not so bad, I mean, I have all the time to learn a lot of things and…and…" Kasin finished with a slow stutter.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug as I assured him, "Don't worry, I'll be your friend."

Kasin's eyes widened after hearing those words. "You…don't even know me, and you're not only giving me a place to stay, but you're…calling me your friend?"

I smiled as I said, "Yep! I'm sure my friends will be happy to take you in too!"

"Of course!" Fluttershy agreed. "I'll be your friend too…if that's okay."

Kasin smiled again with a small tear. "I already said this a lot, but thank you so much."

He began to hug us both and time stood still for a while. It was strange, the symbol of the broken heart on his shirt felt warmer.

-Kasin's POV-

-Surprising Parties-

After a while, Fluttershy left saying she has to check on the animals. Doing so, me and Twilight were left in the house, allowing her to get me to know my way around the house.

Twilight showed me the way around. She showed me the kitchen, the quarters of the library, her…I mean "our" bedroom, since the other bed was in her room as well. She showed me her study and the balcony.

As we were out on the edge of her house, I saw the sky was dark, I could clearly see it was night time. I looked up at the stars above and the clear night sky revealed more glimmering wonder than the city ever could. Maybe this world just has a better view of the stars. I truly believe I'm not in my world anymore by now, seeing so many differences from now and before, not that I was bothered by it. I had nothing waiting back for me anymore so I had nothing to worry about now.

The night sky was amazing, starry wonders with dreamy clouds, and the moon gave a soothing feel. I would stay awake until sometime near midnight, and the next day I would be fine. I probably developed some kind of insomnia or something, but I never felt too tired whenever I woke up.

"The stars are much brighter and much more beautiful here." I muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"Yes, it is quite nice." Twilight replied. "Do you like to stargaze?"

"As much as reading." I said with a grin.

For a while, we looked up at the sky sharing the view of the beautiful scene. It wasn't until I heard a voice behind us.

"Hey Twilight!"

I looked back to see a purple reptilian creature with green spikes and eyes. I jumped a bit at the sight of the creature, but stood in place waiting to see if he was at all hostile. The reptile looked at me and we both stared at each other for a while until…

"Ah, Spike! Good thing you're here!" Twilight said. I guess this was the assistant she was talking about. "This is Kasin, he's a human, the first one to have ever been seen I may add."

I looked at Spike more calmly. He did the same as he said, "Um, hi Kasin, I'm Spike!"

He pulled out his claw ready to shake my hand. I grasped on to it with mine and introduced myself. "Obliged to meet you Spike. Twilight said you were her number one assistant, right?"

Twilight nodded while Spike gave out an honored grin. "Yeah, I am."

"One more thing Spike, Kasin is staying at our house for a while since he has nowhere else to go." Twilight informed her assistant.

"Really?" Spike responded. "Well, good to know I'm not the only boy in the house."

I chuckled at his response. "By the way, what are you exactly?" I asked in curiosity of his species.

"Oh, I'm a dragon." Spike replied.

"A dragon!?" I jumped at this. "I read myths and stories about them back home, but I never knew they actually existed."

"I guess there's a first for everything, huh?" Twilight replied to my reaction.

Spike then remembered something saying, "Oh yeah! Pinkie wanted you to come over."

"Another one of your friends?" I asked.

"Yes, she's the one who jumped when she…saw…you…" I guess she stopped realizing how bad it must feel on my end to be avoided like that.

"It's cool, I mean, I wouldn't want to scare her again." I replied.

Twilight looked down a bit feeling sorry for me I guess. She then raised her head with a thought. "Maybe you should come with me so I can introduce you two easier."

"Um…Well, I'm not against the idea, but are you sure it'll be fine?" I asked.

"I'm a hundred percent sure that it'll be alright!" She said betting her pride.

Grinning, I then agreed. Soon me, Twilight, and Spike left outside of the Library. We headed to the bakery Twilight called, "Sugar cube Corner". I did feel a bit hungry, but alas, I'm far too shy to ask anything from someone I don't know. Maybe I should ask Twilight for some snacks once we get inside.

When we entered, the lights were off, everything was hidden in the dark. I peeked inside while Twilight walked in a bit further.

"That's strange, the lights are off." She pointed out as she flicked the switch with her magic.

When turned on, a loud shout saying, "SURPRISE" was heard as dozens of ponies came out of hiding spots from under the table, behind the counters, from the stairs, the archway of the kitchen, and anywhere else that was out of sight. Along with them jumping out, balloons covered the ceiling and confetti dazzled the air. I was indeed out of composure seeing something like this. I jumped back and almost fell at the sight, and quickly went behind Spike. For a while, all the ponies looked at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"S-Sorry, I didn't know this was a party for Twilight." I apologized. "I-I'll let myself out…"

Before I left, the pink pony from before had blocked me and said, "Don't be silly! This party's for you!"

I gave a bewildered look. "For…me?"

She nodded yes for an answer.


"Because this is your welcoming party to Ponyville Mr. Human!" She explained.

Mr. Human? Wait, I thought Twilight said she never heard of humans before. Never mind that for now, I was too focused on the party.

"Um…Thanks, you're really nice, but none of you even know me, are you sure it's okay to go through all the trouble?"

"It's what she does Kasin, for everypony new here." Twilight explained.

I looked at Pinkie surprised that anyone would do this much work for anyone just for being new to town.

"You must be the nicest pony in town." I commented.

"Oh, don't be silly! That would be Fluttershy!" Pinkie informed me as she pointed to Fluttershy who gave a small wave to me. I waved back with a nervous grin.

"So, what do you think of the party?" Pinkie asked.

"Honestly, I love it! Thanks for the party, I haven’t been to one in a long time." I replied.

"What do you mean you haven't been to one in a long time?" Twilight questioned.

I tried my best not to fall back into sadness. With a small smile, I explained.

"I…haven't been to a party ever since my…"

No…I couldn't finish it. The memory of that day…I won't even describe how it was. My blank stare towards the floor was an answer enough to tell the girls it was something I didn't want to recall.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell us." Twilight assured me. "We don't want to make you sad on your party."

"Yeah!" Pinkie cuts in. "Today's YOUR welcoming party! You should be happy!"

I smiled and wiped any tears if on my eyes as I said, "Yeah, you did work real hard on it, so I should be very grateful."

"GREAT!" Pinkie yelled as she grabbed my hand with her two hooves and brought me to the center of the room. "Come on! Time to party!"

She started to dance, and the music began to play by a white unicorn with purple glasses, a blue mane, and on her flank was a music note. She reminded me of Bass. I felt as if I should get to know her later, but for now, I was focused on the ponies around me. They stared at me, some seemed to have smiled at me. I felt accepted, but I couldn't help but freeze up. I'm sort of shy, since I was not used to so many around me, I mean, I didn't have many friends after all! It was quite frightening, and it got worst as Pinkie pushed me with her dancing and made me fall over to another pony. Great, just what I needed, more humiliation. I got up quickly and helped up the pony I crashed into.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" I apologized.

"It's alright mister, Pinkie's dancing will do that to ponies." She assured me with her western accent.

This was an orange pony with a symbol of apples on her flank and a cowboy hat on her blonde mane. her face consisted of freckles and green eyes. Don't get me wrong when I say this, but I find freckles quite attractive on a girl. For this pony, I found her cute.

"Um, I…uh…" I stuttered. Dang my approach to others!

"So you're the new guy huh?" She deduced. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Applejack!"

She pulled out her foreleg towards me for a handshake or "hoof" shake. Who am I to say no?

"I'm Kasin." I introduced myself as I pulled my hand out to her hoof. As I did, the most surprising thing happened. Her "hoof" shake was extremely powerful and shaky! I was literally lifted up in the air up and down as she closed her eyes thinking she was casually shaking her hoof normally.

"Nice to meet you Kasin! I hope I see you around, you look like an interesting guy since you're the only human Lyra told me about!"

Lyra? Does she know about humans? Wait, hold on, I think my grip on her hoof is starting to slip!

And it did! I was then tossed into the air and splashed at the punch bowl, splashing the table with the beverage. I got off the table and saw the ponies giggling at me. I blushed in embarrassment and said, "Sorry about the…punch bowl…"

I then saw a towel floating towards me, the aura wrapping around it was a light blue and it started to dry me off.

"Oh my! Dearie, are you alright?" An elegant voice asked me.

"I-I'm fine, just not used to flying off by a hoof shake before." I replied.

"Yes, that Applejack can be a bother from time to time." She explained. "But she's a good friend nonetheless."

The one talking to me was a white unicorn with sky blue eyes and a swirled mane. She had a symbol of three diamonds on her flank. She looked like she was the fancy kind of pony, and I admit she was quite beautiful.

"Oh dear, you're all wet! We have to get you some more proper clothing to change you out of this clothing!" She told me. "Come to my boutique tomorrow, I'll prepare some new articles for you."

"New clothing!? Are you sure? I don't have any money on me!" I warned her.

"Oh, pish posh! I just want to make sure our new human guest is comfortable in Ponyville."

How generous! I don't even know her and she's insisting on making me some more clothing!

"Thank you so much miss…" I stopped awaiting her name.

"Just Rarity, I'm not married…yet…" She said with a smirk.

"I'm Kasin, nice to meet you Rarity." I replied. "By the way, nice mane! I never seen one swirled so perfectly!"

She seemed to have blushed when I said that. "Oh, why thank you, you're too kind!"

I liked talking to Rarity. She seemed much easier to approach. Things gone well until a pie was thrown at my face. I wiped off the food off of my head and looked up to see a cluster of pies heading towards me. I was splattered from head to toe, and was actually pushed to the ground by that too. I was a bit blinded from the pies blocking my sight, but my ears were fine as they heard a laughter within then crowd. I once again brushed off the pies to see a cyan blue pegasus laughing. She had a rainbow mane and pink eyes, and her symbol on her flank was a cloud with a rainbow thunder under it. Twilight walked up to her with an angered expression.

"Rainbow Dash! How could you do that to Kasin!?" She scolded at the pegasus.

"Oh, lighten up Twi! He's fine! It's just a joke is all." She replied.

Rarity walked up to me with another towel, and levitated towards me to brush off the pies.

"Are you alright?" She asked me again. "I assure you my friends are much more behaved than this."

"I-It's fine." I replied. "I'm actually having a good time."

"Really?" Twilight asked, surprised.

"See Twi! He's fine! In fact, he's even happy about it!" She boasted.

I know I should be annoyed, but having friends was a huge turn point to me. I didn't want to lose the chance. But as I got up, my chest started to sting. I groaned a bit and sat back down. My expression frowned as I had the feeling of needles poking my wound. Rarity noticed in time and called Twilight over.

"Twilight! Kasin seems to be in pain!" Rarity called out.

"What?! Let me see…" Twilight walked up to me as I tried to stay still.

"Is he allergic to pies or something?" Rainbow questioned sarcastically.

Twilight used her magic to lift my shirt, and her expression changed from concerned to frightened.

"K-Kasin, it's not a big problem, but the custard is getting in your wound!" She warned me.

The mood of the party stopped being joyful. They all looked at me, and I felt scared being the center of the attention. I couldn't help but run in the back of the room. It didn't feel nice to ditch everyone at MY party, but it was too much for me to handle. I hid in what seems to be a kitchen, and clenched onto my wound. It really does sting, and it really hurts so much. I heard yelling in the other room, sounded like Twilight was yelling at the Rainbow Dash from earlier.

I sat alone in the room for a while until another pony came in. It was a aqua green unicorn with her mane matching the same color as her coat but mixing it with a white color as well. Her eyes were an enchanting yellow and her symbol on her flank was a harp. She brought bandages, medicine, and towels with her, and started to wipe off the mess off of me.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm…no…I look like an idiot!" I complained. "I haven't gotten friends before, so why am I acting so stupid!?"

"Don't worry, ponies are much more accepting than you think." She said to me. "I'm Lyra Heartstrings by the way."

"Lyra?" I repeated her name, remembering hearing it once in a while. "You're the one that knows about humans, aren't you?"

"Takes one to know one."

My eyes widened. She was a…human?!

"A-Are you a human!?" I questioned.

"I used to be." Lyra replied.

She went on from cleaning to treating my wounds. She spread the medicine on me and bandaged me up.

"What do you mean "used to be"?"

"I died when I was back on earth…well, that was until I remembered this funny spell I read before, and when I said it, it brought me here as a…pony." She giggled at the turn of events. "It isn't so bad you know, and plus, there are times when I can turn into a human again."

"You died!?" I repeated. "How!?"

"Not the best memory I like to recall." She chuckled.

"Well, my life was on the end of the line anyways." I said to her.

"Oh? What happened?"

"Well…everything just…fell apart…" I told her. "In short, it's not the best memory I like to recall."

We both laughed and I smiled at my "former" Human friend. "Well, at least I have someone I can relate to."

"So, did you come here with a spell too?" She questioned.

"Yes, it was in a constellation book." I informed her. "What are they?"

"Dunno, but somepony put a whole bunch of them at Earth and they usually turn into ponies when they come here." She explained. "Nopony knows anything else other than that, but you really are the only human that maintained his form coming over to this world."

"So this really is another world?" I questioned. She nodded yes as an answer. "I see…"

"Before you ask, I don't know any way back, and there might not be a way back." Lyra told me. "I don't have much to say to you except…welcome to Ponyville."

"Is it really as chaotic here as those ponies outside?" I asked, worried of my being.

"Don't worry, we all are a bit strange in our own way, but we still have the heart to get along, you know?" Lyra assured me.

I smiled. "Thanks Lyra. I'm Kasin by the way."

We shook hand and hoof as she said, "Nice to be your friend! I hope we can talk some more later! For now, I gotta go check on Bonbon."

"Alright, see you around!" I waved bye as she left.

I got up slowly and checked my wounds. They've been treated much better than Twilight did before. That's probably because Lyra knows the human body very well, considering she used to be one. Before I walked through the door, I saw Rainbow and quickly jumped back.

"Hey! Hold on! I'm not gonna prank you this time!" She informed me. "I just want to say…I'm sorry about that stuff, I didn't know you were…well, hurt earlier."

Was she apologizing? "Well…that's okay I guess?"

"Anyways, are you alright? I wanted to see if you were still injured or anything."

"I'm fine, Lyra helped me out." I assured her.

"Oh, that's good." She said in relief. "For a second, I thought it was going to scar you for life or something."

"Something already beaten you to that." I said as I looked away.

Rainbow flew over by my shoulder and noticed my solemn expression. "Oh dude! Are you gonna cry!? I said I was sorry! Those pies can't kill you no matter how badly injured you are."

"It's not about the pie prank!" I yelled at her. "It's…"

I exhaled all of my negativity and said to her with a more composed expression. "Look, what I'm trying to say is I'm used to all this pain, and nothing will ever beat what hurts the most…nothing will change that day…"

Rainbow looked at me somewhat worried. She then stood on the floor and put her hoof on my shoulder.

"Sorry about that stuff…I guess I'm a pretty bad friend, huh?"

"Wait…we're friends?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, you're pretty cool, so why not?" she said with a grin.

For a while I looked at her. I wiped the tears starting to shed again.

"Dang it, I can't stop crying…" I complained to myself. "I never had this many friends before…I don't even think I had any friends before today…"

"You're a pretty lonely guy, aren't ya?" Rainbow asked me with a saddened expression.

"Yes…I always wanted friends, but…it was impossible for me no matter how hard I tried…" I whimpered.

"You must have it pretty rough." She said.

"Being alone…for so long…all I did was try to distract myself from my problems…but that didn't make me forget my lack of friends…"

After a moment of silence, I heard someone blowing their nose. I looked over to see Pinkie doing so with a teary face.

"THAT'S SO SAD!" Pinkie yelled.

"H-How long were you there!?" I questioned.

"As long as the others!" She happily pointed out Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack nearby the door.

"PINKIE PIE!!!" They scolded at her for ratting them out.

I blushed in embarrassment seeing that they all spied on my feelings. I placed my hands in front of my face covering my humiliated expression. I didn't want to see them laugh at me…no, this was it, the part where I look so bad that no one will be my friend! I can't help but think so pessimistically on my fate. But I felt a nudge on my hands. I uncovered my hands to see Fluttershy trying to comfort me.

"Well, you don't have to relive your nightmares anymore." She said to me. "We'll be your friends always!"

"You…really mean that?" I questioned.

I looked at all of them nodding in agreement.

"Yeah! We'll always be your friend! So don't worry about it!" Pinkie assured me.

I smiled until they all suddenly hugged me. I blushed immensely as I too embraced them all. Later after the party, I was beat, and I was carrying Twilight and Spike home.

"You know, I can walk, and you shouldn't strain yourself with that wound on your chest." She told me.

"I'm fine, Lyra bandaged me up real good, and besides, I still owe you a lot for letting me stay at your house."

We entered the house and went upstairs. For once, I was too tired to stay up and watch the stars. I placed Spike in his basket and put the blanket over him while I put Twilight on her bed and placed the blanket over her. I lied on my bed and slowly went into slumber.

Finally, I have friends! I really thought I would never make another friend other than Bass in my life. I feel so happy, like a different person, knowing I have those who care about me.

Maybe this world isn't so bad after all…

Author's Note:

Please comment on what you think!