• Published 5th Apr 2012
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My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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The stones below Blaze’s hooves sizzled as she looked at the ponies around her. “So powerless... I shall have to correct—” She paused when she noticed movement to her right. She smiled, revealing her sharpened teeth. “Perhaps my work won’t be too difficult.”

“Ugh,” Twilight moaned as she laid on her side. Parts of her mane had been singed and were still smoking. Her friends didn’t look to be in much better shape. Suddenly, a red aura seized her right hind leg and lifted her upside-down off the ground. Her eyes snapped open and were met with Blaze’s own. Twilight let out a small whimper.

“Ah, my faithful student,” said Blaze in false joy. “You managed to put up a shield just in time to keep you and your friends from becoming ash. I’d expect no less of you.”

“W-what have you done with Celestia?” Twilight quivered.

“I am Celestia,” Blaze coldly replied. “Or rather, I’m what Celestia should be. A powerful, competent leader that can defend this land.”

“Why... why would you try to hurt us then?”

“Because...” Blaze leaned forward. Her eyes bored into Twilight’s, who tried to look away, but Blaze’s magic kept her looking forward. “You are weak. Your friends lie beaten, Luna is most likely not in a better position, and that trash is hopefully dead... I’ll need to check for a body though.”

“P-princess Celestia would never say something like that,” Twilight stuttered.

“Yes,” Blaze hissed, “because I was soft, just as you are now. Look around Twilight Sparkle, where has friendship gotten us? I couldn’t handle Discord, he nearly destroyed you, all of us would have died at Chrysalis’s hooves had it not been for her own hubris, and now I nearly destroy you just by existing. I can now see that this land needs to be reshaped, but first we will need to burn off the fat it has accumulat—” A hoof smacked right into Blaze and knocked her into some nearby rubble.

Twilight fell onto the ground and looked up to see the hoof stretch back to its owner. “Luffy!” Twilight cried.

“And you said she wasn’t a jerk,” Luffy replied. He placed his hoof near his mouth and blew on it. “This must be what fighting Ace feels like.”

“But how’d you survive the blast?” Twilight asked as she shakily got to her hooves.

Luffy tilted his eyes upward as if he were looking directly at his brain. “No clue. Guess I just got lucky.”

“I suppose I am lucky than,” Luna grunted as she pulled herself out of the rubble. She shook off some dust and looked over at Luffy and Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, did your friends make it?”

“Barely,” Twilight replied. Her eyes doubled back to her friends, who were all starting to regain consciousness by this point. “Princess, what are we going to do abou—” A wave of flame, blocked only by Luna’s instantaneous shield, washed over them.

“Fools!” Blaze roared a few feet above the other ponies. “You are like cockroaches! I crush you only for you to pop back up again! Burn!” Flames shot out of her mouth and joined the ones already coming out of her horn.

While her shield still held, Luna herself was forced back a few inches by the sheer power of the flames. “Twilight Sparkle! Retrieve your friends and get to the Elements! They are the only hope of stopping her!” She winced slightly as the tip of her horn blackened.

“But what about you?” Twilight yelled over the roar of the fire.

“I will hold her! This is my responsibility as much as Nightmare Moon was sister’s! I will not let her harm anypo— where is Straw Hat?” Both the mares now noticed the Luffy had somehow slipped out of the shield and the flames.

Above them, Blaze continued her assault. This cannot last. Luna can’t defend both herself and the others at the same time. I just need to— Something glinted to her left. She stopped sending out her flames and sent her mane to cover her left side. It barely made it to stop a barrage of hooves, which sizzled on contact with her mane.

“Ow!” Luffy yelled. “Darn, guess beating you will be a little harder than I thought.”

“You!” Blaze screamed. “Why can’t you die?!” Another beam of flame erupted from her horn and sailed toward Luffy.

“Yikes!” He stretched out his front hooves and grabbed onto a broken pillar down below. His body snapped toward his hooves and barely avoided Blaze’s attack. His eyes turned up to see another jet of fire rushing toward him. “Crap!” However, the flames were stopped by a deep blue aura. “Huh?”

“Luna!” Blaze roared. “You dare defend a pirate?! Think of the pain they’ve caused you! Caused us!”

“That... that may be true,” Luna said in a small voice. “But I also made friends, friends that stayed with me through everything. When I lost them, I... I felt so lost, so powerless. I just wanted to make everything go away.” She looked at Blaze with pleading eyes. “Please sister, it doesn’t have to be this way.”

Blaze cackled before glaring at Luna. “You’re just like the rest of them, a fool that thinks friendship can save you.”

“It will,” Luna calmly replied.

“Ha! What can it d—” Blaze’s eyes went wide and she quickly spun around and noticed six ponies running away from the ruins and back to the rest of the castle. “No you don’t!” Blaze’s mane turned into tendrils and zoomed over to Twilight and her friends.

Twilight dared to glance up long enough to see the fiery tentacles racing towards her and her friends. Her horn glowed bright and a shield erected itself around them. However, cracks ran down it almost as soon as Blaze’s mane made contact.

Blaze cackled more. “You think that spell can stop me?” More tendrils shot out of her mane and rushed at the shield. “Farewell, my faithful student! Take your friendship with you!”

“No!” Luffy and Luna both yelled as they rushed to stop Blaze’s attack. However, Blaze’s mane was too fast and shattered the shield, only to harmlessly brush against another shield.

“What?” Blaze asked before a bolt of magic hit her square in the chest and knocked her back.

“Hooves off my sister!” Shining Armor yelled, his horn ablaze with magic. Four other guards stood at his side, their horns lit up as well.

“Shiny!” Twilight said in relief.

“No time for talk now!” Armor replied. “I don’t know the whole story, but you and your friends need the Elements. Get going!”

“Shiny...” A determined look crept onto Twilight’s face. “Thank you.” She turned and looked back at her friends. “C’mon!”

“Right behind ya!” said Applejack.

Dash enthusiastically smashed her hooves together. “Lets show her nopony messes with the Princesses!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie yelled. “She’s just a big meanie!”

“Oh, she’s so mean,” Fluttershy shivered. “What if she scares the animals in the ga—” Fluttershy furrowed her brow and raced ahead of her friends. “Nopony hurts the animals!”

“That’s the spirit Fluttershy!” Dash smiled before rushing up to her friend.

“This is terrible!” Rarity screamed while running with her friends. She gingerly levitated part of her mane in front of her face. “It’s scorched! Scorched!” Her friends glared back at her. “Oh, and she’s an evil monster that must be stopped at any cost... for the sake of fashion!” That said, Rarity and the rest of the group left the battlefield and entered a corridor of the castle.

“Rah!” Blaze screamed. “Pests! All of you!” She glared down at Armor and the guards. “You are my servants! You do as I command!” Lightning-like beams of flame exploded of Blaze’s horn and honed in on the guards.

“Stay strong men!” yelled Armor. “The shield should ho—” The fire effortlessly cut through the shield and set all five ponies ablaze.

“No!” Luna yelped. “Sister!” she cried at Blaze. “How could you?!”

“You should thank me,” Blaze said with a maniacal grin. “Those guards who could do nothing before are now empowered by my flames.” As she spoke, the smoke and fire surrounding the guards blew away, revealing five demonic entities.

It appeared as if they were still caught in Blaze’s flames. Their bodies danced with fire, which played around the golden armor they were encased in. Standing in front of four of them was a larger guard composed of blue and white flames, as opposed to the white and orange flames that made up the other guards.

“S-sister, what have you done?” Luna despaired.

“The first step in correcting this kingdom,” Blaze coldly replied before turning her attention back to her guards. “Find the Bearers and seize them.” The guards silently nodded and departed, leaving a smoking trail in their wake.

“Stop!” Luna cried rushing after them.

“Yeah!” Luffy yelled.

However, a giant wall of flame erupted from the ground and rose high into the sky before doubling back to create a half-sphere that enclosed the ruins. “You’re not going anywhere,” Blaze hissed. She glared at Luna. “You’ve betrayed your family and your country. Luna, your previous imprisonment will be a dream compared to what you’ll suffer now.” She shifted her focus to Luffy. “As for you, I’ll flay you and stretch your body around Equestria’s borders as a sign to the rest of the world.”

“I’m gonna beat you first,” Luffy replied while glaring at Blaze. “You know, I thought you were a jerk at first, but you’re worse than that. Twilight looked up to you and you wanted to kill her!” Luffy’s eyes sharpened a little. “You do whatever you want with your kingdom, but don’t mess with someone like that!”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Blaze roared. “You do not know this land, its laws, or its subjects. I can treat all of those things however I want!”

“You don’t get to treat my friends that way,” Luffy sternly replied.

Luna trotted forward and stood by Luffy’s side. “Well said. Straw Hat, we will aid you in this fight.”

“Weren’t you kinda sick?” Luffy asked.

“It was nothing...” Luna’s face reddened a little. “We... I just had some heart complications. Besides...” Suddenly, her form glowed and enlarged. When the glowing stopped, Luna was now pure black and adorned with silver armor. “I can actually put this form to good use for once.”

“That’s awesome!” Luffy practically screamed in amazement. “Can everypony do that? Aw, please tell me I can do that!”

Luna took a deep breath. “Um... no... we’ll explain it when this is done.”

“Sounds like a deal!” Luffy and Luna then rushed forward at Blaze, both letting out loud battle screams.

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