• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,118 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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A few minutes ago on the scaffold

Trixie slowly opened her eyes, blinked, and rubbed them. A formless void filled her vision; she failed her legs at it, trying to find something solid to catch hold of. Her hooves managed to connect to a floor, but where it started and walls— if there were any— began was lost in the darkness.

Standing up on shaking hooves, she twisted left and right, only to be met with more abyss. Gulping, she lit up her horn, covering her body in a pale luminescence, but the world was still veiled in black.

“H-hello?” she called out.

A tiny point of light far away popped into existence. It floated closer and closer, growing in size until it was a glimmering sphere larger than Trixie, who was on the “floor” once more, cowering.

“It’s okay,’ the sphere said before spinning to its left slightly. “Hmm, dream visitation is harder than it seems.” It quickly spun back to Trixie and looked down at her with what Trixie assumed was the front of it.

“Oh, my little pony,” it sighed. “I don’t know how this happened, but if we both live, you’ll have my deepest apologies. Especially now that I ask you one immense favor.”

“Tr— I j-just want to go home,” Trixie sniffled.

“Listen closely then. There are some handcuffs you must unlock. Do that and everything else will fall into place.”

“B-but if I’m getting handcuffs off doesn’t that mean I’m freeing a… prisoner?”

The orb sighed again. “Yes, but his freedom will save hundreds, even thousands of lives.”

“And then Trixie will go home?”


“And Trixie will be rewarded for her deed?”

“You already deserve restitution for the nightmare you’ve been through. You have a royal agreement in that.”

“A r-royal agreement!?” A gleam came to Trixie’s eyes. “Trixie does still require bits. Yes, Trixie shall do it! She could probably take the handcuffs off without even using the key.”

“Be careful not to swallow it,” said the orb, its voice slowing fading into the void.

“Swal—” Before Trixie could finish, a metallic taste filled her mouth and something poked at the insides of her cheeks. Shaking away what was left of the dream, her eyes started to clear, revealing the cold wooden floorboards below her.


“Defend Pops’ pride!” a cry went up.

Clasping his bisento for support, Whitebeard dared to look away from the scaffold and the legions of marines that still defended it. In front of him lay an desolate space torn to shreds by his last attack. Unconscious enemies were strewn about, even though many of their weapons were still imbedded in Whitebeard’s torso. However, all of their wounds were dwarfed by the smoldering hole in the center of his chest, still hissing with steam, from a direct hit by Akainu.

Behind him stood a fraction of his men, many with labored breathing and visible injuries. At the forefront of the line that eclosed Whitebeard’s back, Jinbei kept his fists clenched and ready to strike at the marines that flanked them from all sides. All the other pirates were in similar poses, with weapons raised high and pointed at their enemies.

Black shapes darted out of the sky and through the crowd, exoskeletons crashing into any marines unfortunate enough to be in their path. Changelings filled in the space left between Whitebeard’s defenders and the marines, showing off their fangs to the latter. A few younger sailors flinched at the display.

“These things again,” Vista sighed, angeling his sword at one changeling that dared to look in Whitebeard’s direction.

Jinbei unclenched a hand and placed it over one of Vista’s. “They have been pests, but they have no choice but to save Ace.”

“You actually trust them?”

“No.” Jinbei pulled back his hand and cracked his knuckles. “But I’ll make sure they honor their agreement.”


“There,” Chrysalis heaved, a faint glimmer of green vanishing from her horn. “I’ve sent the rest of my hive to defend the old one.”

“Good,” Celestia replied, her body enshrouded in a faint glow. “Then lets get going, I don’t want to keep this mirage spell going for longer than I need to.”

Chrysalis took a small step forward, stopping to taking some breaths. Shivering, she turned her head to Celestia. “Give me something. I can barely walk, let alone fly.”

“There’s more than enough marines to take a bite out of.”

Chrysalis flashed her fangs at Celestia. “Your inexperience will be the death of both of us! Because of you, I can’t get anything from them right now.”

Chrysalis consumed herself in flames, turning her chitlin into deep blue fur. Her horn straightened out and her wings and mane lost their holes, shifting to a hue similar to that of her new coat. Huffing, she looked at Celestia, her eyes still a sickely green.

“Just think about her,” she hissed. “Or would you prefer your student?

Celestia frowned at the display. “Change back before someone sees you.”

As Chrysalis changed back to her normal form, Celestia closed her eyes. The aura around her went from gold to pink, swirling off her like vapors. Watching the aura, Chrysalis opened her mouth and took a deep breath. Her reptilian pupils narrowed while a crack came from fresh exoskeleton growing over the broken areas of her carapace.

The glow soon faded from Celestia, leaving her and Chrysalis staring at each other. Chrysalis shifted her view down to her newly healed leg, flexing it. Grinding her teeth, she marched over to Celestia, snorting at her.

“What kind of joke was that?” she asked.

“You wanted food, didn’t y—” Celestia paused, looking over to the figure behind Chrysalis. Its massive head was bolsted by its vibrant purple afro that matched the ludicrous amounts of mascara and lipstick smeared across its face. The rest of its body, clad in tight leather, seemed disportionately small compared to the rest of it.

“Imposter,” Chrysalis growled.

“Still in a sour mood, I see,” Ivankov pouted. “And here I was just looking for a relatively safe place to drop him off.”

Hefting up an arm, Ivankov produced Luffy, dangling in his grasp. He flailed his fists against Ivankov’s, but they didn’t even leave a mark on his skin. Flopping backwards, he gasped for breath, not even able to raise his arms up anymore.

“L-let me fight,” he said.

“Fool.” Chrysalis trotted over, licking her lips. “You’re spent in everything but your love… I do need something to wash down Celestia’s bile though.”

Ivankov yanked Luffy away, Chrysalis’s fangs sinking into only air. “Ah, ah, ah. I’m here to heal him, not to have you drain what little energy he’s got left.”

“That’s another part of our agreement,” said Celestia. “If you don’t want to be directly involved, help Straw Hat.”

Spreading out her wings, Celestia took off and disappeared into the melee. Chrysalis swung her head away from where Celestia had been and back to Ivankov. Flashing her fangs, she lit up her horn.

“Give him to me.”

“That little warlord must’ve hit you pretty hard in the head if you th—”

“I’ll redirect some of his energy to healing, if that’s what he wants.”

“Yes!” Luffy yelled.

Ivankov sighed and put Luffy down on the ground. “It’ll just be a repeat of before.”

“Kikiki, fools that don’t know when to give up are always the tastiest.”

Chrysalis sank her fangs into Luffy’s arm. A spasm went through his body before he went limp again for a second. All three of them were still as the sounds of war roared around them. Luffy’s eyes then shot open as Chrysalis unclenched her teeth. Jumping to his feet, he let out a yell that echoed across the plaza.

“Now, go save your brother,” Chrysalis said with a grin. “I don’t want to keep dinner waiting.”


A marine and a pirate stared down at the empty hilts in both their hands. Their sight drifted down to the two pieces of metal on the ground, each still vibrating from the fall. Both dropped their useless swords and clenched their fists, the marine pulling an uppercut that slammed into the pirate’s stomach. Letting out a gasp of air, the pirate was still for a moment before sneering at marine and landing a hit to his face, knocking him away.

“Close call there.” The pirate brought a hand to his stomach and flinched. “At least I—”

The pirate collapsed to the ground, mouth open in a stupor. All around him, other pirates and marines fell too, only a few on each side managing to stay on their feet. Celestia barreled through the fray, snatching up any nearby pirate and giving them a slap with a glowing hand before dropping him.

A nearby marine, forcing himself over his scabbard, glared at her as she sped away. “Damn Warlord, she’ll knock us all out with tha—”

The rest of his complaint was cut off by an elongated leg crashing into his face. Luffy lept forward, stepping over the unconscious hordes, his head turned up to the scaffold. To his left, a great figure appeared and rushed forward, its hands extended out at Luffy and its mouth open wide and glowing white like hot coals.

“Straw Hat Luffy located,” the Pacifista stated as it charged its mouth canon. “Preparing t—”

A golden horseshoe bucked against the Pacifista’s iron skull, deforming it and sending out a shower of sparks. Black smoke billowed out of its mouth and it creaked backwards, falling with a thud. Celestia landed next to the mechanical behemoth, morphing her leg back to a human one before it touched the ground. Luffy opened his mouth to say something, but Celestia slashed an arm at him, catapulting him into the air but sending him closer to the execution platform.

She turned back around just as a giant battle ax clanged against her shield. Red emblazoned cloth straining against his rotund form, the ax’s owner pushed his weapon against Celestia, forcing up the ground around her feet.

“The hell are you doing?” the man asked. “You let Straw Hat get away and you destroyed a Pacifista! Actual pirates are causing less damage than you!”

“I didn’t want any of the unconscious marines to get hurt.” Celestia swatted the ax down the ground and glared at her aggressor. “What’s wrong with that?”

You’re the reason they’re unconscious!”


“Almost there,” said Luffy.

Ahead, the plaza was filled with fire, intertwined bodies in the grasps of battle, and explosions, while all manner of munitions flew through the air, along with a few of the combatants. Giants stuck up amidst the carnage, their weapons sending pirates every direction. In a similar vein, Whitebeard loomed over his opponents, his attacks squashing all in his path. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Luffy, yards ahead of him and quickly approaching the scaffold, and leveled his bisento at him.

“Men!” he yelled, glancing back at his defenders. “Don’t bother with a dying old geezer like me! Get to Straw Hat’s side and free Ace!”

“Boss!” Vista yelled, voicing his companions’ concerns. He stared at his captain for a moment before closing his mouth and darting in Luffy’s direction, along with the rest of Whitebeard’s crew. Smiling, Whitebeard raised his bisento, pointing at both the marines still surrounding him and the changelings that buzzed at his sides.

“Gurarara, I’m undefended now.” Like lightning, Whitebeard brought the bladed tip down, carving a trench in the earth and shaking the entire island. “Lets see if any of you can take my head.”

Back near the scaffold, marines swung their blades and shot their guns at Luffy. He flipped and glided through a few attacks, countered with some punches and kicks, yet still got hit, adding a few more injuries to his already-substantial amount.

“Stop Straw Hat!” multiple cries rang out.

“Darn it!” Luffy huffed as the wall of marines around the scaffold thickened.

“Don’t be discouraged, Straw Boy!” Pouncing out of the clashing armies, Ivankov went to Luffy’s side and blinked, sending out a blast of air and clearing away a few marines. “Seems Whitebeard has put his trust in you!”

“That’s right!” came a united call.

Bounding through the marines’ ranks, a collection of the pirates went to Luffy’s sides, smashing their way through Marineford’s last lines of defense. Jinbei rushed to the head of the group, striding up next to Luffy and Ivankov. He raised up a finned hand as he sent out a rippling shockwave with another.

“We need to figure out a way up to the platform!” he yelled.

Ivankov’s hair rustled and then Inazuma popped up, arms flying outwards and extending into mighty pairs of scissors. Their edges dug into the ground, leaving precise schisms in it. As he cut, an ethereal blade raced towards the group, Hawkeye standing on the opposite end of the attack, waiting for his strike to land.

Instead of piercing flesh, the energy slice collided with a steel edge. Mr. 1 gritted his teeth under the weight of the attack, but managed to disperse it. Catching his breath, he failed to raise his arms up as Hawkeye slashed him across the chest. Before the master swordsman could advance, however, a golden hook scraped against the hilt of his sword. Crocodile blew smoke into Hawkeye’s face as he turned his right arm into sand.

“I really hate today,” he said, taking another puff of his cigar.

Meanwhile, Inazuma lifted his scissors off the ground, taking a huge tract of land with them. The “cut” ground wagged through the air like a massive tongue before bending over and falling straight towards the scaffold, landing right at its edge and locking into place.

Luffy darted up the new path. Yet, just as he reached the middle of it, a shadow fell upon the stone in front of him. Grap crashed into the stone, shaking the entire structure and cracking the area under his feat. Muscles barely contained by his uniform, he rooted his feet into the impact zone, blocking Luffy’s path.

“Move!” Luffy yelled.

“I’m not going anywhere, Luffy!” Garp bellowed. “I’ve been fighting pirates since before you were born! If you want to pass, you have to kill me first, Straw Hat Luffy! That’s the path you two have ch—”

Before he could say more, he found Luffy flying at him, far faster than before. Insectoid wings flapped across his back and propelled him into Garp. Flapping even faster, he pushed the two over to the edge until they toppled over the ruined path and spiraled into the chaos below. As they did, green flames erupted across Luffy’s body, revealing black chitlin underneath.

“Strong words,” Chrysalis cackled as they fell. “But you should’ve just hit me.”

“No!” Garp roared as Chrysalis sank her fangs into his shoulder.

“Garp!” Sengoku cried out.

A glow from the corner of his vision made him spin back around. A massive fist of flame crashed into him, sending him tumbling to the edge of the platform and knocking off his cap, revealing the thick afro underneath. With a snarl, he raised himself up and glared at the other man on the platform. “Impossible! Where the hell did you get a key?!”

Flames flickering around him and dancing across his shoulders, Ace flashed Sengoku a smile. “Magic.”

Author's Note:

I imagine Garp's "No!" sounding a lot like Zeus's from Hercules
Whenever Chrysalis is in a hybrid state or has partially transformed her body, I'd like to imagine her looking like something out of the Thing… or if we want to keep to One Piece, Lily from Baron Omatsuri (aka the stuff darkfics wish they could be)

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