• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,140 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Set Adrift: Rumble! The Monster Unleashed!

A rapid series of knocks broke Chopper out of his sleep. Fluttershy’s house erupted with the sound of multiple animal stirred from their slumber. Discord stuffed pillows beside his head, but they melted against his feverish skin and fur and dripped down like wax.

“For Equestria’s sake!” he hacked. “The one time I could deal without this chaos!”

Fluttershy zipped down the stairs from her bedroom. Beside the door, she pleaded for her animals to quiet down and the ruckus dropped to a collective grumbling. She breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

Twilight stood on the other side of the door. From her bloodshot eyes to her disheveled mane, she looked like a second Smarty Pants incident was underway. Fluttershy gulped.

“T-Twilight. Can… can I help you with something?”

“The reindeer.” One of Twilight's eyes twitched. She pressed herself up close to Fluttershy. “Where?”

“Inside, but I thi—”

Twilight flew past Fluttershy and over to Chopper’s bed. Chopper lost a little color when she pressed up near him. A shaky grin filled her face and she opened her mouth to say something. Whatever energy had kept her up failed her and she crashed onto the bed.

Discord gave a slow clap. “Okay, that’s more what I’m talking about.”

Fluttershy trotted into the room. “Oh dear.”

She picked Twilight up and laid her on a nearby armchair. After she put some blankets over her, she heard the door creak open. Spike came in, spotted Twilight, and sighed.

“I should’ve known she’d do something like this.” He rubbed one of his eyes. “She and Pinkie were up practically all night working on this weird orange jawbreaker thing that did all sorts of weird stuff to Pinkie.”

Chopper’s eyes widened. “The rumble ball… Wait! What kind of weird stuff?”

“What kind of not weird stuff?” Spike retorted. “I mean, Pinkie is weird sometimes in general but not ‘turn into different species’ weird.”

“Ha, like that dabbler knows anything about true oddity.” Discord turned over and huffed. “I’m going back to bed.”

Chopper furrowed his brow. “Tell me everything. Rumble Balls are incredibly dangerous if misused. If someone else ate them, they could be in danger.”

“Oh, well, Pinkie’s fine.” Spike slanted his eyes to the side. “Is kinda weird seeing her in such a deep sleep though.”


The sun had just peered over the horizon when Twilight and Spike arrived at Fluttershy’s. Now it was well into the sky. Twilight was up again and a little more collected. Luckily, Spike had taken down notes while Chopper had explained things and Fluttershy had cooked all of them breakfast.

“Incredible.” Twilight frowned and bowed her head. “I just wish we hadn’t used it up without your permission.”

“It’s okay,” said Chopper. “I can always make more. I’m still just wondering how your friend was able to access the transformations. If she’d eaten a Devil Fruit, I’d understand, but the Rumble Ball should have nothing to interact with otherwise.”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in Ponyville, it’s to not question Pinkie Pie.” Twilight shook her head and then lit up her horn. A small orange ball floated out of her saddlebags and came to rest beside Chopper. “Still, I should have given you this as soon as you were awake. I’m sorry.”

“I’m just glad nopony got hurt,” said Chopper.

While everyone chattered away, Discord kept his back to them and slumbered. The act helped hide the fanged grin spreading across his face with each word.


“You’ll be sore for a few more days, but it’s important that you get out and walk,” said Fluttershy.

Chopper looked down at himself. He straightened out the freshly cleaned pink hat on his head. He then bent over and went on all fours while his legs lengthened and his muzzle and horns grew out a bit. His knees ached a bit and the bandaged parts of his body still stung, but he managed to lift up each hoof and take some steps.

“It’ll be a bit easier like this, right?” he asked.

“I don’t think anypony would mind no matter what you look like…” Fluttershy glanced down. “Perhaps staying in one form would be best though.”

There was a moment of silence in the room. Discord gave a small cough.

“Well… I have some business in town today, so you just get used to being back on your hooves again.” Fluttershy made her way over to the door. She opened it and looked back. “Just please please don’t do too much. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt again.”

“Of course not, Ms. Fluttershy!”

“Okay…” Fluttershy stepped outside and slowly closed the door. When just a fraction of a gap was left, she whispered, “Goodbye.”

Discord rolled over and smiled. “Truly such a caring mare. I’ll be so glad after you complete our little deal and I won’t be bothering her anymore. Now, you know what to get?”

Chopper nodded.

“Good,” Discord purred.

“I still don’t understand why you couldn’t have asked Ms. Fluttershy to get it for you.”

“Ask Fluttershy?” Discord placed a claw against his head and leaned back. “No, no, no. Not after all that poor girl has done for me. C’mon Chopper, old buddy old pal, do a solid for poor Discord… or you may never see your friends again.”

“Okay! I’m going!”

Chopper darted out the door. Discord pressed his claw and bear paw together and grinned.

A little while later, Chopper returned. There were scratches and bruises running up his legs. A few of his bandages had come loose as well. A clear bag filled with blue flowers poked out of the large gash in the pack slung across his back. He wobbled over to Discord and crashed by him.

“You could have warned me about the monsters,” Chopper huffed.

“I thought it just came naturally that a forest would be a little dangerous.” Discord glanced at the blue flowers and grimaced at the clear bag they were in. “You didn’t happen to touch those flowers, did you?”

Chopper shifted his form back to two-legged and stood back up. He reached into his pack and presented the flowers to Discord. “Of course not. Every doctor knows improperly handling medical ingredients is a good way to get hurt.”

“Well, you’re no fun,” Discord grumbled and snatched the flowers from Chopper. He took a small bit of pleasure of not being confined to a bubble at least. He reached under the covers and produced two newspapers. “Here. Though I doubt it’ll do you any good.”

Discord chucked the newspapers at Chopper. Chopper flailed about to catch them. He eventually brought them to the floor and pressed her face to them. His jaw clenched reading over the text and taking in the pictures of carnage and destruction. Tears dotted his eyes by the time he got to the second newspaper. With a sniffle, he looked over it. Discord blinked when Chopper seized the paper and held it high.

“I got it, Luffy!” he declared. “I understand!”

Discord narrowed his eyes. “Understand what? That your captain has lost his head?”

“No, it’s…” Chopper took a breath. “I’ll need to think a little, but I’m probably going to ask Ms. Fluttershy if I can stay a while longer.”

“What?” Discord hissed.

“The medical techniques she’s used to help me and the treatment she’s given you are both unfamiliar me. Plus there’s her herbal supplier. I’d like to meet her too.”

Discord ground his teeth. “But why are you staying? Shouldn’t you be desperately looking for a way to get back to your precious crew?”

“I’ll do that, but now I’ve got time to learn about this land’s medicine and get stronger too.” Chopper turned around. “I should probably bandage myself up before Ms. Fluttershy gets back.”

Chopper limped out of the room. Discord seethed in his bed, smoke and embers rising off of him. He was about to slam his claw into the bed but then remembered he was holding the flowers. He leared over at Chopper’s bed where the small orange ball rested on the bedstand. His gritted teeth twisted into a sneer.


“Thank you all so much for coming.” Fluttershy looked across the table at all of her friends, Chopper, and Discord. Her smile widened and she raised up a teacup. “Here’s to our new friends’ almost recovery!”

A round of cheers went up and everyone took a sip of their tea save for Discord. Instead, a bit of his cup vanished into his mouth while the tea sloshed around despite having only half a cup left to confine it.

Fluttershy gave a small cough and everypony went quiet again. “Um, also, Mr. Chopper has something he wanted to say to all of us.”

“Oooh, is it about more of that weird candy?” Pinkie asked. A glare from Twilight forced her muzzle shut.

Chopper took a deep breath and stood up. He looked over the ponies and then bowed his head. “First off, thank you all very much. If I hadn’t received your care, things could have been really bad.”

“Oh, think nothing of it, dear.” Rarity took another sip of her tea. Her ear twitched when she thought she heard someone giggle.

“I’d like to get back to my friends as soon as possible, but my captain’s sent me a message,” Chopper continued. “So if possible I’d like to stay here and learn about your medicine for a while! I can help out with work or anything else, just please help me get stronger!”

A silence fell over the room. Chopper kept his head bowed and shivered. His lips quivered.

“Of course we’ll help,” Fluttershy said. Chopper looked up to see her smile. “It would actually be a little nice to have someone else around to help out with the animals. They all seem to have taken a liking to you.”

“And I’d love to learn more about you and your medical skills as well,” said Twilight.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I just wanna see all these cool transformations everypony keeps talking about.”

Discord slammed his appendages onto the table and leaned over it, flashing everyone with a demented grin. “Joke’s on you then! You’re about to get your wish!”

“Discord!” Fluttershy shouted. “What are talking about?”

“Oh, just a little fun,” Discord snickered. “You can’t keep me cooped up all this time and expect me not to pull a few pranks. So, to make this little ‘Get Better’ Party a bit more entertaining, I decided all of you should have a taste of what I’ve been through… or should I say drink.”

Everypony’s eyes shot down to their teacups.

Twilight glared at Discord. “What did you do?”

Discord’s grin widened and he pulled out a blue flower from behind his back. “I believe you’re familiar with this? Oh, but you’ve only stepped through Poison Joke. You’ll get quite the kick out of seeing what happens when you ingest it. Well, I will at least. But that’s not all!”

Discord snapped his fingers, producing a flash. When the light dimmed, he was decked out in flame-rimmed cowboy hat, shutter shades, and a suit that seemed a fusion of a cheetah pelt and a spilled lava lamp. Discord blinked, scowled, and then held up half of a rumble ball in his claw.

“I also added a little bit of this to give my little concoction a kick.” Discord giggled. “I took a little peek at all those notes Ms. Bookworm complied and the show should start any second!”

Everypony across the table paled and then sighed. Discord’s jaw slackened. Only Chopper was shivering.

“Hey,” Discord growled. “You should all be panicking!”

“I hate to agree, but I do!” said Chopper. He glared up at Discord. “Rumble Balls are dangerous enough on their own. All your friends could be in danger now!”

“Pah!” Discord harrumphed. “Friends? The only one here that actually cared was Fluttershy… by the way your tea wasn’t spiked. I do have standards, after all.” He glared at the others. “That still doesn’t explain why you’re all so calm.”

“Well, I’d like to give you a good hooflicking,” said Applejack, “but I ain’t about to cause a ruckus at Fluttershy’s.”

“We’ve dealt with Poison Joke before and whatever it does with Rumble Balls can’t be too dangerous,” Twilight said. “You’re still a jerk, Discord, but you’re not the kind of thing too seriously hurt ponies. Not anymore at least. That’s why we’re not going to panic and play your game. We’re just disappointed. C’mon, girls, we should probably get going to Zecora before the effects set in.”

Discord’s face drooped and he bent his back low. With wide eyes, he looked over to Fluttershy. She sighed and turned away from him.

“You’ve got a lot to think about D—” Fluttershy coughed and went to her knees. She groaned and clutched her stomach.

“Fluttershy!” Everypony shouted and rushed over to her.

The disappointment on Discord’s face flashed to panic. Biting his lip, he glanced down at his tea, his outfit, and then his appendages. “No… I didn’t…”

“Hang on, Fluttershy!” Dash bent down and chucked Fluttershy onto her back. “I’ll ge—”

Fangs sunk into Dash’s neck. Fluttershy whipped her head back and threw Dash across the room and through the wall. She took to the air and spread out her leathery wings. Everypony backed away while she growled. Her ears lengthened and her eyes turned a ruby red. They fell on Discord and he shivered.

“Oh sh—”

Flutterbat slammed into him and sent him flying into the air. The blow had such force to it that the entire cottage shook and everypony was knocked off their hooves along with the Poison Joke and what was left of the Rumble Ball. She snarled and let out a screech before taking to the air.

Applejack was the first to rise out of the rubble. She shook the debris off and then rushed over to where Twilight was struggling to get up.

“C’mon, Twi,” she grunted. “Something tells me we’re gonna need a whole lot of magic to fix this.”

Twilight wobbled to her hooves. “The best I can do is a purge spell. That ball’s effects are just medicine so that should be possible but the Poison Joke…”

Pinkie popped out of the rubble and gave a salute. “I’ll tell Zecora.”

“Now to restrain Fluttershy before she hurts herself or anypony else.” Twilight gulped.


Twilight looked to her left. Chopper threw off some rubble that had fallen on him and stood up. The poison joke fell at his side.

“The Rumble Ball’s effects are rooted in Devil Fruit biology. It’s a long shot, but th—”

Chopper fell to his knees and groaned. He paled when he saw his hooves splitting apart and scales spreading up his legs. His whole body was pulsating while blue dots spread across it. He snapped his head over to Twilight.

No! I haven’t even used a single rumble ball! Chopper coughed and spewed a few embers onto the ground while his body convulsed and grew upwards. “All of you, run!”

Chopper’s scream turned into an inhuman roar that shook what was left of the cottage. He grew upwards and punched through the second story leaving only two walls of the cottage standing. More scales grew over his fur while a spiked tail shot out from his back. His teeth sharpened into fangs and his pupils narrowed into slits. Twilight and her friends stared and shuddered at the massive dragon that had replaced both Chopper and a majority of the cottage. It glared down at them with hollow eyes and blinked, returning it pupils to rounded. Then it raised up its claws and flexed them.

“I… I’m in control,” Chopper bellowed. He spun around towards Ponyville. Smoke was rising from the market street. He glanced back down at Twilight and her friends. “I’ll get Ms. Fluttershy back!”

Across town, ponies fled in all directions amidst smoke, flames, and broken stalls. Flutterbat stood in the center of the carnage, devouring what was left of a fruit stand. A rumble gave her pause. Chopper tore through the chaos she’d caused and rushed at her. She gave a hiss and took to the air.

Her hoof collided against Chopper’s massive claw. The shockwave rang through Ponyville and shattered the nearby windows. She zipped backwards and snarled at Chopper. He glared back at her.

“Ms. Fluttershy,” he said. “I’m sorry, but I know how dangerous you are right now. I won’t let you hurt anyone!”

Flutterbat shrieked and flew at Chopper. They traded blow after blow, each sending shockwaves across the town. The constant pounding from afar stirred Discord from the pigpen he’d crashed into at Sweet Apple Acres. With a groan, he stood up and looked over the fight ensuing in the midst of Ponyville. He then spied Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack with Dash on her back running down a nearby path. With a huff, he willed himself into the air and raced toward them.

Applejack snorted at him when he drew near. “Buzz off, Discord! You’ve caused enough trouble today!”

“I…” Discord lowered his head. “I know. You know I’d never want to hurt Fluttershy though. Please, let me help.”

Applejack opened her mouth but Twilight was the first to speak. “We need salt water, lots of it. I was going to transmute a pond but you can conjure some, right?”

Discord looked down at his appendages and flexed them. “I can try.”

Twilight turned from Discord toward Ponyville. “Good, because we may not have a lot of time.”

Chopper and Flutterbat were both gasping for air now. Chopper’s lip bled a little and Flutterbat’s right eye was black and swollen. Each of the blows still rent the air, but the range of the shockwave had shrunken to just a few yards around them.

This isn’t good, Chopper thought. This form takes up too much energy!”

Flutterbat whacked him across the head. Chopper wobbled but remained upright. He glared at Fluttershy while a glow rose up his throat.

“Hey, furball!” Discord shouted. “Over here!”

Chopper glanced over at where Discord had shouted from. A deep pool or misty water stood where a patch of land had been before. Discord huffed and clenched his glowing paw tighter.

“Hurry it up!” he yelled. “Don’t keep a sick draconequus waiting!”

Chopper refocused back on Flutterbat. She was careening towards him with her mouth gaping open and fangs glistening. “Time for some bedrest, Ms. Fluttershy! Draconic Rose, Tail!”

Chopper spun whipped his tail around. It slammed into Flutterbat and swatted her into the pool of salt water with a large splash. Chopper breathed a sigh and then crashed to the ground. He saw some magic flash in the distance before everything when black.


Chopper found his head propped up on some pillows when he awoke. Discord sat on the other side of the room alongside Twilight and her friends. Discord appeared beside himself while the other wore relieved smiles. With a grunt, Chopper managed tilt his head but the rest of his body was unresponsive. Judging by the way the blanket flowed over his body though, he was back to his regular body.

Twilight got out of her seat and drew close. “Glad you’re up. The doctors said you’d be fine, but we were still a little worried.”

“And Fluttershy?” Chopper asked.

“I’m fine,” came a small voice from across the curtain to Chopper’s left.

Twilight pulled it back with a spell to reveal Fluttershy laid up in a bed. She looked more bandage than pony at the moment with dressings covering her torso, two of her legs, and the right side of her face.

Chopper lowered his head. “Sorry.”

“Oh no, Mr. Chopper,” Fluttershy gasped. “If you hadn’t done something, I might have…”

Fluttershy trailed off and tears welled up around her eyes. Discord bent lower and seemed to shrink a few inches. A sniffle sent a chill down his spine. He looked up to see Fluttershy glaring at him.

“Discord, now that Mr. Chopper is awake and okay, I just have one thing to say to you,” she said while her glare intensified. Discord winced when she next opened her mouth. “You’re forgiven.”

“What?” he choked.

“What?” Everypony else yelled.

Dash flew over to Fluttershy’s side and jabbed a hoof at Discord. “Fluttershy, this jerk turned your into a raging bat-pony, nearly did the same to all of us, and got your house and half of Ponyville destroyed! And you forgive him?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy shifted her glare from Discord to Rainbow Dash. “I’m still furious at him though but he actually did mean it when he said he was sorry and I know he’s going to now work extra hard to be a better friend to everypony.” She glared back at him. “Right?”

Discord frantically nodded his head.

Fluttershy sighed and sunk back into her bed. “I just feel terrible for all my animal friends though. I don’t mind too much about the cottage but a lot of them have no place else to go.”

“The old barn could house ‘em for a little,” Applejack suggested.

“It could but…” Fluttershy stared down at the sheets. “Some of my animals are very picky and they might not listen to you or they may have a problem only I know about or the—”

“Okay, okay.” Applejack shook her head. “Breathe, girl.”

Rarity tapped her chin. “There must be something we can do.”

“I think the barn will work,” said Chopper. Everypony turned their head to him. “If the animals have a problem, I can relay it!”

“Oh, how wonderful.” Fluttershy smiled at Chopper. “Thank you so much.”

Chopper blushed. “Think nothing of it, idiot.”

Dash turned crimson. “What did you just call her?”


Chopper stared at the small hut and the trail of smoke rising out of it amidst the deep greenery of the Everfree. Twilight smiled down at him and gave him a nudge forward.

“Come on, I’m sure Zecora will be delighted to meet you,” she said. “You’ve earned it after helping out so much these past days.”

Twilight knocked at the door and a zebra answered. She smiled at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle it is a pleasure to see you once more in the Everfree.” She then peered down at Chopper. “And who is this friendly face? I have not seen him before in this place.”

“Uh, hello, I’m Chopper, nice to meet you Ms. Zecora,” said Chopper. “I heard you know a lot about the local herbs and remedies.”

Zecora smiled at him. “It is nice to hear I receive such praise, even though all I do is make medicine throughout the days. But come inside please, away from the nasty threats in the trees.”

Twilight entered and Chopper followed. His eyes widened once they adjusted to the dim glow of the hut. The shelves were lined with jar after jar of herbs and ointments interspaced between tribal masks and tools. Zecora led them to a collection of chairs that rested beside a bubbling cauldron and took a seat in one. Twilight and Chopper did the same.

“It is good to see that whatever ailments afflicted thee, my remedies have set free,” Zecora mused. “Although… take no offense, your form is unfamiliar to me, could you perhaps be a tanuki?”

“I’m a reindeer!” Chopper huffed.

Twilight threw up a hoof and pushed Chopper back into his seat. She flashed Zecora a sheepish grin. “What he means to say is that he’s very interested in learning a lot from you while he’s here.”

“Yep,” Chopper said while straining against Twilight’s hoof.

Zecora tapped at her chin. “Apple Bloom doesn’t come by as much, so it would be nice to have an assistant to help and such.”

“I can’t wait to learn about all these things.” Chopper’s eyes glistened while he looked around the room. “You’d think a society with just hooves to use couldn’t produce much but this will probably help a lot!”

Zecora leaned over to Twilight. “You new friend’s curiosity is most intensive, but his comments are a bit offensive.”

Luffy! Chopper thought while tightening his grip on his backpack. In order to help you, I’d even become a real monster. I’m gonna get even stronger!



A young woman with flowing pink hair bent down towards the reindeer in a striped shirt at her side. She kept one eye on the trio of people in front of her. One was a portly man with short green hair and three swords at his right side with metallic paint chipping off them. The second man was lanky with an angular face and a mop of bristly blond hair that obscured his left eye. It almost looked like the second man had two hairstyles and the young woman could have sworn the blond hair was just a wig. The third member was a squat woman holding the chained leash of a fox decked out in a top hat and whiskers that resembled a mustache.

“Are you sure these are your friends?” the young woman asked. “They don’t really look like their pictures.”

The squat woman looked back at her. “What a weirdo.”

“Yeah but a pretty weirdo,” said the blond haired man. “The boss will be happy with her.”

“What about the deer?” asked the green haired man.

“I could always go for some venison stew,” the squat woman snickered.


The voice sent a chill down all three’s spines. Something curled around the legs a second before two mismatched and yellow eyes attached to a nightmarish hodgepodge of animal parts glared at them. The creature forked its tongue at them and grinned.

“Because chickens seem much more up your alley.”

The creature snapped the talons of its left claw. In a flash, a green, yellow, and black chicken dropped to the ground where the three people had been before along with a cucumber. The three chickens clucked and looked around in panic before the fox, now free of its master, leered at them and licked its chops. The three chickens fluttered away in a storm of feathers while Discord cackled.

“Oh, that was rich!” He wiped away a tear, produced a magnifying glass, and stared down at the cucumber. “I still have no idea what’s up with this though.”

“Discord!” the young woman darted over, planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Those were Chopper’s friends… I think!”

“Yeah!” Chopper yelled. “Find them and fix them before that fox eats them!”

“Please,” Discord sighed. He conjured up a collection of colorful spheres and fell back on him. “Those bozos wouldn’t even know a straw hat if it hit them in the face. Besides, there is no way I’d let a friend like Chopper here go off with such mundane fellows. Now, the pair rushing at us…”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Pair?”

“Hey Chopper!”

Chopper’s ears perked up. He looked over and spotted a man with a rather protrusive nose and a woman in a bikini top riding atop a bubble cart and waving at him. A smile spread across Chopper’s face and he galloped over to the duo.

“Usopp!” Chopper exclaimed.

The man dismounted the cart and looked Chopper up and down. “Chopper, you’ve really grown! How have you been?”

The woman glomped onto Chopper’s neck. “And you’re so much fluffier now!”

“Oh, I’m so glad we were able to keep his fur in a good condition,” Fluttershy murmured.

Nami and Usopp spun around and stared at Fluttershy and Discord. Discord started back at them and stretched his eyes outward so they bent around the two of them like boas.

“You know it’s rude to stare,” he quipped.

“Oh that’s right!” Chopper gasped. “You still need to turn everyone else back to normal!”


“They were fake?” Chopper yelled.

Discord floated beside the bubble cart as it putted along and slapped his head. “I told you.”

“Well, they did smell a little off,” Chopper muttered.

“I’m just glad we found your real friends,” said Fluttershy.

“Speaking of which…” Usopp glanced at Fluttershy and lingered on Discord’s mismatched limbs. “Are you two planning on sticking around?”

“Oh that would be delightful,” Discord chuckled. “But alas Fluttershy and I have other places to be. We’re just here to see Chopper off… and have a little fun on the side.”

Usopp lifted an eyebrow. “What exactly do you consider fun?”

“For one, the look on your faces when I do this.” Discord grinned and snapped his fingers. In a flash, a beige stallion with a long muzzle replaced Usopp, a peachy pegasus replaced Nami, and Fluttershy went back to being a pony. The bubble cart came to a screeching halt a the former two screamed at the top of their lungs.

Discord had a good laugh and then snapped his fingers again, restoring Nami and Usopp to human form and redoing the illusion spell over Fluttershy.

“What the hell?” Usopp yelled. “Chopper, just what did you make friends with this past two years?”

Nami ran her hands across her body and shuddered. “That was worse than Enies Lobby.”

Both Fluttershy and Chopper glared up at Discord. He pouted his lips at them.

“Oh, what? I wasn’t going come here and not share our little secret with your friends.” Discord snapped his claws again and the craft vanished in a flash. “Anyway, as much I’d love to drop off all your supplies, there’s a juicy bit of chaos brewing in Grove Forty-Six and a certain straw hatted master of disorder is there right now.”

“Now who’s getting imposters confused with the real deal?” Usopp grumbled.

Discord’s grin widened. “Oh, I know all about that paltry little faker, but he…” Discord’s smile fell a little. “Oh drat, he just got axed quite the question. C’mon, no time to waste!”

“Wait!” Nami cried out when Discord brought his claws together again. “Do—”


Chocolate milk showered down on the grove, soaking pirates, marines, and their gunpowder. Even if they could fire, they would have slipped on the soapy resin that normally just made the grass of the archipelago a little dewy. Two halves a robotic bear were strewn across the ground near the pulverized remains of Pacifista. Above the chaos, Discord cackled while half of the straw hats floated alongside him and Luffy rode directly on his back. Luffy chuckled alongside Discord and took a big bite of the cotton candy cloud Chopper, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji clung onto. Zoro sat cross legged on the cloud and calmly took in the pandemonium exploding around him.

“This is awesome!” Luffy exclaimed. “You trained at an awesome place, Chopper!”

“Oh, it really is nice to meet another purveyor of chaos,” Discord mused.

A bit of blood dribbled out of Sanji’s nose as he stared at Fluttershy. She glided beside them with wings extending out of her back. “And such a lovely lady to take care of you too!”

“Oh what a different tune you’d be singing if you knew the truth, Black Leg,” Discord snickered.

“What was that, hodgepodge?” Sanji muttered.

Discord displayed his fanged grin to Sanji and snapped his claws. Fluttershy’s human disguise was torn off and a powder-blue unicorn in a suit stood in Sanji’s place. He blinked, looked down at his hooves, and then over to Fluttershy. The lollipop that had replaced his cigarette dropped out of his mouth.

“Or perhaps you’d prefer if I put you back in that dress you seemed so fond of,” Discord cackled.

Zoro’s eye lit up and a devious grin spread across his face. “Dress?”

“No!” Sanji screamed, his voice echoing across the entire archipelago.

Author's Note:

Chopper's Forms in Equestria.

Brain/Hybrid: same
Walk: Same
Heavy Point: Earth Pony
Horn Point: Unicorn
Jump Point: Pegasus
Arm Point: Big Mac-build Earth Pony
Guard Point: Fluffle Puff
Monster Point: Dragon

Bonus: Kung-Fu Point: Crystal Pony

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