• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,118 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Running Errands in Canterlot? A Chance to Escape?

Ace’s stomach grumbled and he stirred from his sleep. A nudge at his side forced open his eyes. Ace stared up at Jinbei and snorted at him.


“Your dragon friend wanted to see if you were awake yet and wanted to get breakfast.” Jinbei let out a sigh. “I know how your sleep cycle can be, so I sent him off, but it seems you’ll be awake for breakfast after all.”

“Well, if they’re giving food might as well take it.” Ace slipped off the bed and stretched out. He winced from the previous night’s fall, but managed to stay balanced. He saw Jinbei had stepped closer and met the action with a harsh frown.

Outside of Ace’s room, sunlight mixed with the stained glass windows lit up the halls in vibrant shades. Like the previous night, there were guards here and there, but they remained rooted at their posts rather than approach Ace and Jinbei. The two walked in silence for a bit with Ace occasionally glaring at Jinbei.

“I’ve been checking on Luffy,” Jinbei finally said. Ace tensed up and his eyes widened. “His injuries are recovering, but it’ll still take a bit for him to wake up.”

“That’s good to hear… I guess,” Ace grumbled as he lowered his head. “He should’ve just stayed with his crew.”

Jinbei turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “That’s right, we’ve been quarrelling so much I haven’t had time to explain the entirety of the situation…” Jinbei scratch his head with a hoof. “Though I suppose I don’t know everything either. Oh well, I’ll tell you what I know at least…”


“... and that’s how he got to Impel Down?” Ace asked while Jinbei pushed open one of the large double doors that led to the dining hall.

“Yes,” Jinbei grunted. “That brother of yours is truly a grand fool, but a determined one.”

“But what about the guards? Or Magellan? I know Luffy isn’t strong enough t—”

“Hey Ace!” Spike called out from a table near the right side of the hall.

Jinbei smiled and waved. “Good morning, young dragon.” He then turned back to Ace. “We can talk more after breakfast.”

Ace and Jinbei walked over to the table and took their seats. Ace grinned slightly seeing another pony at the table as well.

Shining Armor sat opposite of Spike with a large stack of pancakes in front of him that he was busy chowing down on. Spike was doing the same, although his stack had various gems poking out through the piping hot cakes.

Almost as soon as Ace and Jinbei sat down, a server appeared by the table and asked, “Sirs? What would you care for?”

“The pancakes, please,” said Jinbei. “And a side of seaweed soup if you have it.”

A sweatdrop appeared on the server’s face. “That’s normally reserved for lunch but I can check.”

“As many pancakes and fruit as you can fit on a plate,” said Ace. “Some bacon too.”

“Eh….” The server’s eyes skewed upward. “I’m afraid I’m not familiar with that dish, sir. I’m sure we have the ingredients for it though if you could just tell us the recipe.”

“Huh?” Ace raised an eyebrow. “Ingredients? It’s bacon. What? Do you not have pi—”

Shining Armor leaned over and jabbed an apple into Ace’s mouth. With a nervous chuckle, he turned to the server. “Uh, sorry about that, you know how foreigners can be. Don’t worry about the bacon stuff and just bring everything else, okay?”

“Of course, Captain Armor.” The server gave a small bow and then zipped off through a nearby door.

As soon as the server was gone, Ace spat out the apple and gasped for air. He glared up at Shining when he was recovered. “The hell’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry, sorry,” Shining said. “Guess nopony gave you the whole explanation about meat here.” He glanced over at Jinbei. “Mr. Jinbei, you might want to get ready to catch him if his reaction is anything like his brother’s… at least that’s what Twily told me.”

“Wait what?” Ace swung his head back between Shining and Jinbei. “What’s he talking about? What’s this got to do with Luffy?”

Jinbei scratched his chin. “Well, you see, Ace…”


“Ah, that was good.” Ace leaned back in in chair and patted his stuffed stomach.

Shining glanced at the stack of plates in front of Ace and then at Ace himself. “You seem to have taken that whole lack of eating other animals better than your brother.”

“Oh, no, that still sucks,” Ace said with a few shakes of his right hoof. “But no meat is a small price to pay while I recover.”

The main doors to the dining hall opened wide and Celestia stepped inside. As she drew near the table everyone was at, the slight bags under her eyes became noticeable. Yet, she still wore a smile on her face, even with the glare Ace gave her.

“Your recovery does appear to be going well,” Celestia said. “I do have a good indicator of it.”

A tiny scrap of paper floated upward so that it hovered between Ace and Celestia. Smoke swirled around one corner of it that was charred to ashes. A closer look over a few seconds revealed that the smoke was condensing bit by bit, restoring the burnt part of the paper. Ace’s eyes widened for a moment staring at it before sharpening again.

“That’s Luffy’s,” he snarled.

“And I intend to give it back to him as soon as he awakens,” Celestia replied. The paper then floated a little closer to Ace. “You may hold onto it too, if you wish. It was yours to begin with, after all.”

Ace swiped the piece of paper out of the air and shoved it behind his right ear. A hush fell upon the dining hall. Shining, Spike, and Jinbei all traded looks for a moment before Jinbei clasped Ace on the back.

“Well isn’t it good that you’re beginning to feel better!” Jinbei exclaimed before letting out a hearty laugh. “You know, that’s actually my first time seeing a vivre card restore itself. Isn’t that lucky?”

Ace glared up at Jinbei, but froze when he realized that Jinbei’s hold had shifted and tightened so that it was around his neck. With a sigh, he relaxed and sunk into his chair. “I suppose anything is better than Impel Down.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” said Celestia. She then turned her head towards Spike. “Anyway, aside from dropping that off for Fire Fist, I have a request for you, Spike.” A scroll materialized at Celestia’s side and then flew over to Spike and unfurled itself in front of his face. “There are a few items I’m in need of to help Twilight with her lessons.”

Spike scanned over the document, pausing here and there to reread a line or go over it with a claw. After reading through it a few times, he stared up at Celestia. “Um, are you sure you want me to get all this? I mean, alone it’s not all that heavy, but I’d need a cart or something, especially since this stuff is scattered all around Canterlot.”

“I understand completely, Spike.” Celestia’s eyes went over the whole group. “That’s why I’d like everypony here to help if they can. Your injuries are all healing well and it will be good to get some fresh air outside the castle.”

“Hmm…” Shining peared over Spike’s shoulder at the list. He read over it twice and then looked up to Celestia. “I suppose with a cart this wouldn’t be too much, might take us a bit to haul it all back to the castle in our current states though.”

“Oh, take all the time you need,” said Celestia. “I won’t be using them until tomorrow so I’m sure three stallions and one loyal dragon can manage it in that time.”

Ace raised an eyebrow. “Three?”

Everyone else in the room room turned their heads toward Ace. Ace’s eyes widened before he burst out laughing.

“Ahhaha—ow…” Ace gasped and clutched his left side. With his breathing a little more labored now, he said, “Heh, what? I need to do community service alongside imprisonment?”

“Well, the others could manage if you’re that unwilling to help them,” Celestia sighed. “I’d still like for you to accompany everyone else though. Getting some fresh air daily will speed up your recovery.”

“And what if I just feel like staying right here?” Ace crossed her forelegs and sunk into his chair.

Jinbei glared at him and snorted.


Ace tepidly rubbed the large lump on the side of his head while his slunked alongside Jinbei out into the castle’s courtyard. Spike stared up at him as they walked past the cultivated shrubbery that filled the courtyard. Shining Armor kept silent and focused his eyes forward while helping Jinbei pull the cart they were both hitched to. When they made a left turn though, Spike broke the silence.

“Wouldn’t it be faster to go through the main entrance?”

“With the way things have been recently, there’s been a near-constant crowd out there,” said Shining. “Most of the reports for the Guard have just been dealing with keeping all the ponies out there calm. Anypony coming out that way is bound to get noticed, let alone two unfamiliar ponies escorted by an injured Captain of the Guard and Twilight Sparkle’s Assistant.”

“Got me there.” Spike scratched at the spines atop his head. “What about the Statue Garden then? It’s definitely faster than going by the waterfall.”

“After the incident with Discord, Celestia isn’t taking any chances, at least not until things calm down a bit.”

“Okay.” Spike shuddered. “Maybe a few extra minutes is worth it to not unleash Discord.”

Ace listened to Shining and Spike prattle on about which way the group would be leaving. His eyes had been on the ground until he had seen Spike shudder. He then turned his head toward Jinbei.

“So what’s this they’re babbling about?”

“Some ancient foe sealed away, I believe,” Jinbei explained. “He’d even attempted to break free and enter the war.”

“Maybe he could have helped out,” Ace snorted.

Spike jumped up to Ace’s face and waved his claws and shook his head back and forth. “No, no, no. You do not want Discord anywhere near you, your friends, or really anything at all related to you. He’s the worst possible thing you could find in Equestria.”

“Right… and the second worse thing in Equestria?”

“Probably an angry dragon,” Spike said. He saw Ace about to break out laughing and blushed. “An adult dragon! An adult dragon!”


The Canterlot Streets brimmed with ponies. Many were just making their daily commutes and others were fixed to a single spot from which they sold their wares. The group’s cart was just one of dozens pushing through the crowds. Although, more than a few heads turned at the sight of Shining Armor or Jinbei.

Spike now sat atop the cart. Gazing over the crowd, he pointed a claw towards a nearby intersection. “So just take a right up here.”

“I think we’re good on finding the armory surplus store, Spike,” Shining chuckled.

“Taking a prisoner to the place with all the weapons seems smart,” Ace quipped.

Jinbei gave him a glare. “You’d probably just wind up hurting yourself. Besides, Ace, this is a good chance for you to meet some of the locals. Think of all the food they’ve got to try too.”

“I’ll think about food later.”

“Probably for the best,” said Shining. “Let’s focus on getting at least the first half of the list done before dealing with food again.”

The group soon came upon a large warehouse style building. Stained glass insignias lined the walls. At the front of the building stood a massive steel door flanked by two guards. Spotting Shining Armor, they drew a salute and lit up the horns.

“Good morning, sir,” the said in unison over the groan of the door cracking open enough to allow the group in.

Sunlight provided an ample amount of illumination for the insides of the storehouse. The left side of the warehouse broke up into aisles of bulk rations, medical supplies, and other items the royal guard made a bit too much of. On the right was cage that partially obscured the contents within. Enough light got through to glint off of something metallic though.

“Hmm, now the training dummies should be…” Shining muttered to himself as the group drew near to a gap in the cage that sealed off half of the store.

A lone pony sat in the gap with a few cards spread out in front of him on a wooden counter. With his muzzle pointing at the cards, his hat obscured his face.

“Morning,” said Shining. “I’m picking some dummies today for training purposes up at the castle.”

“I think you’ve already got enough of those.”

The pony raised his head revealing his white coat and mime-like complexion. Ace suddenly flew forward and jumped through the gap. He grasped the pony and throttled him to the ground.

“Where is he?” Ace roared.

“Guh,” Laffitte choked. “Even with that sea prism stone, you’re still quite a monster.”

“Ace!” Jinbei rushed forward, smashing through the counter. “What the hell are you doing?”

Ace pressed his hooves down a little harder around Laffitte’s neck. “He’s with Blackbea—”

A bulky leg slammed into Ace’s neck and chest. The force of the lariat lifted him off the ground before its user slammed Ace onto the ground.

Laffitte struggled to his hooves, giving a few coughs as he rubbed his neck. “Thanks, Burgess.”

“Wihahaha! No problem!” Burgess bellowed. He then lowered his masked face towards Ace he he struggled underneath him. “Well, Ace, you’re looking a whole lot better. Glad to see the war didn’t take the wind out of you!”

He leared back at Jinbei. “You too, Jinbei. It’s been a while since I got a good fight out of a Fishman.”

Jinbei unhitched himself and took a few steps forward. His tail whipped against the ground cracking the floor. “I don’t know how you got here, but I will not allow you to drag this land into whatever scheme you’ve concocted.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” said Shining. “I get the feeling breaking into a supply store is the least of your crimes.”

Shining then glanced back at Spike, who was still perched atop the cart, his head darting back and forth. Shining’s flat tone got him focused.

“Spike, I need you to get back to the castle as fast as you can. Send a letter to everypony if you can as well.”

“But what abou—”

“Go!” Shining shouted as his horn grew bright. “We can handle these guys.”

“Oh, can you?”

A hoof streaming with a black misty aura reached out and touched Shining’s horn. The magic around it flicked and then was snuffed out by the shadowy substance. Shining paled and shuddered before quickly jumping back. He was still shaking even as the color returned to his face and he tightened his jaw.

“Zehahaha.” Blackbeard grinned at Shining’s display, showing off his crooked teeth. “I’m just here for Ace, but if you wanna try me, I do need a little practice.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait check out the latest blog post for more detail

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