• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,138 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Set Adrift: Mechanical Brother of Mine


“Er, I think it’s the fourth piston. It’s no—” A cacophony of heat and noise cut off the pony. The giant train-like behemoth he was under let out a giant heap of smoke as its frame rose up for a brief moment before sagging down. Gears screeched when they went wrong way and parts of the metal line bent and deformed. It was over in an instant but the sound still rung through the air.

The pony who had been cut off by the explosion slowly pulled himself out of the mess. It was difficult to make out his cream yellow coat underneath all the soot the machine had deposited on him. His red and white mane glistened with the sheen of motor oil. The oil was so thick that it made the white part look dark grey. He blearily took in his surroundings and stumbled a little before another pony rushed to his aid.

“Easy there,” said the other pony. Save for a dirty red mustache and a slightly different cutie mark, they two ponies were identical. The mustachioed pony was even just as dirty.

“Well... at least you didn’t lose your mustache.” The mustache-less pony let out a nervous chuckle and fell to the ground. His muzzle pointed down and he dared not make eye contact with the other pony. “Flam, what are we gonna do?”

Flam took slow steps over to his brother and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Now Flim, it’s just a little jam tha—”

Flim swatted the hoof away before it made contact. He was now glaring straight at his Flam. “We’ve been having multiple ‘jams’ ever since that blasted cider competition!” He then stared at the Super Cider Squeezy 6000 for a few moments. When words came out of his mouth, the bit like a bitter wind. “Brother... we might have to start from scratch.”

“What?! Flim, we’ve retooled, added, subtracted, and reworked her, but we’ve never ever fully scraped her. Even her register is from back when we used to just sell cider off the Manehatten streets. You can’t be serious!”

“Flam, you know her as well as I do! The pistons are a mess, the gas tank is on the verge of leaking into the cider storage, the magical receptors are on the fritz, and the darn steering wheel is jerky as Tartarus!”

“To be fair, the last one has always been an issue,” Flam meekly replied.

Flim reached out and grabbed his brother by the shoulders. “Brother, we have to face facts. Sweet Apple Acres really cooked our goose. We’ve barely been able to get by with what we’ve made in towns.”

A small brown maple leaf blew in the wind and fell onto Flim’s mane. “To top it off, the fall isn’t going to last much longer. When winter sets in, we’ll have to deal with even higher prices to get apples. We’re not far from Baltimare. We should just sell what drinkable cider we can there, get what we can for scrapping the Squeezy, and start anew in the spring... we can always do song and dance if we need cash to get through winter.”

Flam’s face blanched a little. “I will no—”

“Flam!” Flim grasped his brother tighter and gave him a shake. “We have to give it up. Unless Princess Celestia sends a holy mechanic from the sky to fix her, the Cider Squeezy is done!”

Nature responded to Flim with a loud boom. Violent tremors erupted from the ground and shook the brothers and their machine. The two of them fell to ground and held their ears for fear of losing their hearing along with their balance.

As swiftly as it had come, whatever had occurred abated. Neither of the brothers moved for a few moments. The barren road around them became deathly quiet. The only noise was the pitter-patter of oil leaking from the Squeezy. When no further tremors came, they dared to lift their heads up and look at each other.

“Are you okay brother?” they asked simultaneously.

Flam got off the ground and wiped some of the dirt off himself. It was a futile attempt as most of it stuck to the mess that was already covering his coat. “Nothing worse than that time in Las Pegasus.”

“Don’t remind me.” Flim shivered at the memory of the ground turning to mush and the earth cracking like an egg. He scratched his head for a moment before speaking again. “...but Baltimare never has earthquakes. What in Equestria could have caused that?”

Flam pointed off the road. “Perhaps that?”

“Perhaps what?” Flim squinted his eyes and then noticed that, where the landscape had been rather flat before, there was now a clear deformation. “Brother, maybe we should go investigate?”

“I suppose... it’ll beat dragging the Squeezy to Baltimare,” Flam sighed. He trotted off the road and over to the oddity. Flim followed close behind.

“Do you think that’s what caused the quake?” asked Flim.

“It could have been a meteor.” Flam casted his eyes and a hoof up to the sky. “You know, those little rocks that float really high up and fall down when nopony’s expecting them.”

Flim’s brow and lips shifted down and his body slumped a little. “So we’re going to inspect a rock then?”

“Now hold on a minute Flim, it might just be a rare rock. If you’re saying money’s gonna be tight, we should take whatever we can to help get by.”

They reached the crater and gazed down. Both of their eyes went wide. Flim rubbed his before looking down again. “Brother, that’s not a rock.”

A pony bigger than they had ever seen was lying in the middle of the crater. Standing up, he could have easily dwarfed Flim and Flam, despite their lanky appearance. But where Flim and Flam were spindly, this pony was heavily muscular. His legs were especially prominent and his front legs’ musculature was exaggerated to the point of being cartoonish. The star emblems on them just accentuated the pony’s oddness.

He had on a red unbuttoned hawaiian vest over his torso. His mane was the same electric blue hue as his coat and hung limply down across his shut eyes. A pair of angular sunglasses rested behind his ears. The brothers noted with interest that while he had a horn, it didn’t match his coat’s color and glistened with the unmistakable shimmer of metal. Like his horn, a good portion of the pony’s upper muzzle was metallic. To top off his strange appearance, the pony’s chin appeared to be made of three triangles.

Like his brother, Flam rubbed his eyes to make sure there was actually a pony in front of him. When he withdrew his hoof, the pony was still there and unconscious. “This is gonna be one of those days, isn’t it brother?”

“It might be,” Flim mused. A sly grin was now growing on his face as he gestured a hoof to the pony’s flank. “What to do make of that?”

Flam’s eyes grew wider when he was the pony’s cutie mark. It was wrench and a hammer forming an “X” shape. A nail ran through the middle of them, completing the mark. “Brother... you don’t think...”

“Celestia works in mysterious ways.” Flim jumped down into the crater and used his magic to prop up half of the pony. The effort caused a few droplets of sweat to form on his face and his breathing became slightly labored. “Come on brother, he’s quite heavy. I’ll need your help to get him out.”


“Ugh,” the pony mumbled. He slowly opened his eyes and let them readjust to the light, which wasn’t too hard given that it was night. The sweet smell of apples cooking drifted into his nose. His stomach growled in response.

“Hmm, looks like our guest is awake and hungry,” came a voice.

The pony glanced to his left and was met with a two ponies staring at him. They were sitting around a fire and cooking something in a skillet. A large barrel was propped up near the fire. A small bit of amber-hued liquid dripped out of it.

The pony raised a hoof and rubbed his head. “I’m really not feeling super this w—” He stopped rubbing his head and pulled his hoof back so that it was directly in front of his eyes. Like other parts of his body, it was bandaged up since it had had a few cuts on it. His pupils contracted as he took in the sight. “Eh?”

Flam handed the skillet over to Flim and trotted over to the now-awake pony. “Don’t worry. Luckily, nothing was broken or needed stitches. You must be quite tough to get through whatever landed you here without any serious injuries. How about you tell us over dinner?”

“Eh?” the pony repeated. He looked away from his hoof and at Flam. “Okay, this is so not super. First, where’s my hand? Second, why are you talking? Third, where the hell am I?”

Flam rolled the questions around in his head. His attention went back to Flim, who was still tending to dinner. However, Flim’s ears were perked up and attentively listening to the conversation. “Brother, do you know what a ‘hand’ is?”

Flim gave a shrug in response, his mind more on not burning the apples he was cooking. Flam turned his attention back to the pony. “Sorry, I’m not sure what a ‘hand’ is. Is it some sort of tool?”

“No, it’s...” The pony stopped when a realization smacked him in the head. Damn, of course a horse wouldn’t know what a hand is... His eyes shifted down to his hoof again. He brought up his other front hoof and touched both of them together. He ran his left hoof over his right hoof and vice versa, making out the shape. He reclined back and banged his head against the Squeezy. “A horse, that’s just great.”

Flam tilted his head a little at the pony’s response. “Um, I don’t follow.”

“Bear bastard blasts me off and turns me into a damn horse.” The pony kept staring up at the sky, not noticing Flam’s face becoming more and more contorted with worry.

“Perhaps you could explain?” Flam asked.

The pony took a deep breath and bent his head back down to look Flam straight in the eye. “The whole story’s a little crazy, but the gist of it is I got separated from a few of my friends. Now I’ve got to get out of wherever-the-hell this is.”

The pony dug his legs into the ground and used his front hooves to push himself up. However, he quickly fell back to the ground with a thud. Flam rushed over and helped him back up. “Easy there, you’re still beaten up pretty bad.”

“I wish that was all that was wrong,” the pony sighed.

Flam draped the pony’s left foreleg over his back and started marching over to the campfire. “If you wanna get somewhere, my brother and I have a proposal we’d like to make. Why don’t we talk it out over some food?”

The pony tried to take a few steps but was more or less dragged by Flam. He blew up his limp pompadour. “Might as well, I’m probably not getting anywhere by myself like this.”


Flim and Flam’s bowls floated in front of them while they watched the pony eat. Pieces of apples went flying everywhere but most of it ended up on the pony’s muzzle. When he finished his bowl, he extended his tongue out and licked off the remnants of the food from his face. He bent his head out of the now empty bowl and and patted his stomach. “Gahahaha! Good food! Now if only you had something to wash it down with!”

The brothers stared at the uncouth pony for a minute before Flim spoke up. He gestured over to the barrel next to the fire. “We do have cider.”

“Cider?” The pony somehow managed to scrunch up his metallic nose. “Not my thing. Ya got any soda?”

“Soda?” both of the brothers exclaimed. Their eyes turned upward a little and it seemed like they would pass out for a second. However, the focused again and glared at the pony.

Flim took the initiative and thrusted a hoof at the pony. “Now see here. We are the finest sellers of cider in all Equestria. We would never dirty the Squeezy with that diabetic concoction!”

“Not even if it meant earning double the bit we make!” Flam added.

The pony shoved his two front hooves back and forth in response. “Okay okay. Guess I’ll just get some in Baltimare or wherever. Sheesh. Speaking about that, what’s this deal you want to talk to me about?”

Flim set his bowl aside. “Well, mister... oh hay, we haven’t even gotten your name.”

The pony smiled and flipped his sunglasses onto the bridge of his nose. He stuck he forelegs together so that the markings on them formed a star and raised them high above his head. “Franky! You better remember it!” He then fell flat on his face due to the shift in balance.

“Er, right,” Flim replied. “Anyway Mr. Franky, we want to get to Baltimare and you want to get to... wherever it is you were before you... landed.”

“That’s right!” Frankly bellowed.

Flam scratched at his mustache in a nervous manner. His eyes went down to Franky’s cutie mark and then back to Franky’s face. “The, uh, problem is Baltimare is a bit of journey away by hoof. Now we also have a problem with our ride and dragging it will take quite a while.”

Franky’s ears instinctively perked up a little. “Ride, huh? What sort of things you ride on this island anyway?”

Flam opened his mouth to question what Franky meant about “island” but instead chose to point to something behind Franky’s head. Franky flipped up his sunglasses before turning around. With his eyes unobscured, he saw the crimson reflection of fire on steel. Even in the night, his eyes could trace the outline of the massive machine. Most of his attention was on the parts that were illuminated by the flames though. Those sections of the machine were easier to make out and see their inner workings.

“Gahaha!” Frankly chuckled as he got onto his shaky hooves and shuffled over to the machine. “Now this is a fine piece of work! Good craftsmanship, sturdy materials...” His eyes went over to a pair of conductors. “... a few unfamiliar things, but a beauty nonetheless.”

So much like the Sea Train, Franky thought as he stopped at the Squeezy’s side. Taking in the entirety of the machine, he placed a hoof on it. The smile instantly faded from his face. Now he heard the sound of leaking oil, the crack of messed up pistons, and the tension in the steel just waiting to burst.

Franky didn’t turn around and kept his hoof on the machine. “She’s been through a lot. You’ve had her for a long time, haven’t you?”

Flam gave his brother with a forlorn frown before turning Franky. “Yes, w—”

“Then why did you do this to her?” Franky snarled. He rapidly spun around with eyes boiling with rage. He stumbled over to Flim and Flam. They wanted to turn away from him but his glare held them captive. “She’s been around awhile, so accumulating damage is natural, but what’s messing her up now is new. What did you do?”

The brothers quivered and stayed silent for a moment. The only sound was the crackling of the fire. Finally, Flim gulped and spoke up. “We were foolish. We got greedy and forgot what made us and her so great in the first place. Now we’re all paying the price.”

“Please,” Flam called out, falling at Franky’s knees. “You clearly know what you’re talking about. We’ve tried everything with her, but it never holds. She’s been with us since we were colts!”

A caravel ship was aflame. Franky had known her for a just a few days but she was the only one of her kind he had ever seen. She had climbed mountains, braved storms, even flown into the sky. She had been a brave ship that had held her crew close to its heart. The machine in front of Franky now wasn’t on the same level, but there was still love in it.

Franky relaxed his shoulders and fell on his haunches. “You two are a bunch of idiots... but I can tell you’ve taken good care of her. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Really?” the brothers cried. They fell to their knees and hugged Franky’s legs. “Oh thank you! Thank you!”

“Cut it out.” Franky vigorously swung his legs around to dislodge the brothers. “Actually, I don’t think I ever told you I was a craftsman. How’d ya figure that out?”

The brothers both chuckled. Flam then gestured to Franky’s flank. “Simple, your cutie mark.”

“Huh?” Franky twisted his neck back and glanced at the bizarre mark on his flank. “That what this weird thing is? Sheesh, what a freaky island... although I’d be fine with a tattoo if I had my hands.”

“There you go again with those ‘hand’ things,” Flim commented. His horn lit up and a tin box flew out of the Squeezy and over to the three of them. To Franky’s eyes, the box somehow opened itself, revealing nuts, nails, and hammers. “If you need tools, we’ve got pretty much anything we need right here.”

Franky bent down and rustled his muzzle through the tool box. However, he quickly pulled back his head, glanced at the Squeezy, and then raised an eyebrow at the brothers. “This is all you’ve got? Where are your welding torches? Your saws? Your screwdrivers? Hell, the most you could make with this would be a mediocre crate.”

Flim looked to his brother for advice, but they both had the same confused expression on their face. Their mouths were now scrunched up as if they were chewing on their words, trying to figure out what to say. “Um, surely you use simple fire and sanding spells as a craftspony, right?”

“‘Course I use fire and sanding, but what’s this about spells?” Franky asked.

“Thought something was up,” Flim mumbled. He trotted over and tapped Franky’s horn, producing a klink. “Fake. You’re an earth pony, aren’t you?”

Franky tilted his head until it was at an odd nearly-ninety degree angle. “Eh? Earth pony? You saying not everything on this island has a horn like you?”

The response quieted Flim, which meant Flam had to take over. “Where did you come from again?”

“Far enough away that all this pony stuff is pretty confusing. Eh, whatever.” Frankly let out another chuckle and picked up a hammer and some nails with his teeth. “This ain’t the first time I’ve been incapacitated on the job. I’ll do what I can with what ya got here. When we get to a town, I’ll need some real tools though.”

Flam put up a hoof in objection. “Um, we’re a bit strapped for cash as it is, so...”

“So I’ll steal it,” Franky finished the sentence. “Forgot to mention, I’m a shipwright to a pirate crew, so stealing is no issue to me.”

The brothers’ jaws gaped open before both of them started stuttering similar words. Flim managed to form a coherent sentence first. “Y-you’re a... a criminal?”

“Yep!” Franky set down the nails and readjusted the hammer in his mouth before getting on his belly. He shuffled his body around and disappeared under the Squeezy. However, his voice still echoed throughout the night air. “Don’t worry though. You have my word that I’ll fix this machine up.”

Despite the cool night air, a little bit of sweat trickled down Flam’s face. “Brother... we’re not hiding a fugitive are we?”

“As you said Flam,” Flim sighed, “it can’t be worse than Las Pegasus.”


The sound of a hammer hitting metal filled the darkness. By now, the moon was high in the air and casted its glow on the Squeezy. Flim and Flam had stood by the Squeezy for some time, asking if Franky needed their assistance, but he had remained silent. The only noise he produced were a few grunts mixed in between hammer swings. The sound had eventually become rhythmatic to the brothers and they had snuffed their fire and gone to bed.

Long after the brothers had fallen asleep, the hammering stopped and true silence graced the road. A dirty blue hoof appeared from under the Squeezy and pulled its owner out. The hammer was still clenched between Franky’s teeth. He slowly wobbled back to his hooves. Just as he was upright, he fell to the ground.

“Dammit!” He spat out the hammer but didn’t even have the strength to send it more than a few inches away from his mouth. There were deep bite marks on the handle and a little bit of blood dribbled off it and into the dirt.

Crap! Franky thought. It’s worse than I thought. A hammer isn’t going to fix it! Hell, just dragging it to the next town could permanently wreck it. They really don’t have any other tools?

Franky glanced down at his hooves. He peered closely at them and noted the small lines running along them and the faint shimmer of metal here and there. He prodded his left foreleg with his right hoof and with a click it separated from the rest of his leg to reveal four holes inside his wrist... if he could call it a wrist that anymore.

“Hmm, so my schematics are still the same then?” Franky peered at the holes before a small piece of lead popped out one of them. He slammed his right hoof into the ground and gritted his teeth.“I could use Fresh Fire if I had more fuel. Damn! There’s got to be a way to fix this! I can’t be stuck here!”

He gasped when he thought back to what Flim and Flam had talked about. His eyes went over to the fire and the barrel of cider they’d all been drinking from. He pushed himself off the ground and slowly advanced over to the barrel. He felt around his side until he found a point where he could push down. Part of his torso opened up, revealing a compartment with three empty bottles in it. He took one bottle out with his mouth and filled it with cider. He eyed the full bottle for a moment before sticking it back in his compartment and grabbing another bottle. “Hope this does something at least.”


The smell of burning oil and the sound of machinery awoke Flim. Flam awoke shortly after. Neither of them moved and instead took in the noise and scent. “Brother, you don’t think he’s been up all night?” asked Flim.

“In the state he was in?” Flam balked. “I’m sure he just got up earlier than us.”

“I suppose. Perhaps he’s made progress then?” Flim squirmed out of his sleeping bag and stretched out his limbs. After producing a few cracks, he made his way over to the Squeezy. He then proceeded to scream like a filly who’d just got her cutie mark. “Flam come quick!”

Flam attempted to race out of his sleeping bag but his right hindleg got caught on the edge of it. He fell and was sprawled on the ground for a second before he spat out the dirt in his mouth and got back up. He shook off the fall and limped over to where his brother was. “Flim, what the hay is...”

Flam’s words fell flat at the sight in front of him. The Squeezy was billowing out a steady stream of white smoke, it engines were running but silent, and its magical conductors hummed in the morning air. It was like the Sweet Apple Acres incident had never occurred at all. What’s more, the Squeezy now glinted in the morning light with what could only be described as a healthy glow.

Flim slowly reached out a hoof to make sure the fixed Squeezy was actually there. His lips quivered as he mouthed words before actual sentences took shape. “F-flam... in all her years, she’s never looked this good.”

Flam rubbed his eyes and tugged at his mustache to confirm that he was awake. “I... I know brother.”

“Oh hey brothers, you like what I did?” Flim and Flam searched for the voice’s owner and found him atop the the Squeezy. He was similar to the pony they had had dinner with last night, but certain aspects were different. He now had a genuinely cheery grin on his face, whereas before his smile had had a mischievous element to it. The biggest difference were his mane and tail though. His mane was now flipped up and had a spiky quality to it and it was no longer blue. Rather, both it and his tail were a red hue similar to the brothers’.

“Uh... Mr. Franky?” Flam dared to ask.

Franky enthusiastically jumped down from the Squeezy, landing right in front of Flim and Flam. The brothers now saw that his horn was spinning like a drill and had a faint orange glow to it. The brothers quickly noticed that Franky had a mock frown on his face. “Ah, don’t call me that brother, just call me brother!”

“Er, what?” the brothers both asked.

Franky playfully trotted around them. It almost appeared like he was dancing. “See, I got to thinking last night. This is one fine machine you got here, making all the cider you could want. Would be a shame to leave it. I think I’d like to stay around and work on it... if that’s alright with you, brothers.”

Flim and Flam gave each other a long hard stare before smiles erupted on their faces. “Certainly!” they both said.

Franky raised up his legs again and pressed them together. “Super!”

“Athough...” Flam trotted over and ran a hoof over the Squeezy’s rail guard. “I have to ask, how did you fix it in just one night?”

“It was easy once I got some of that cider in me. I figured out how to use this horn and everything. Wish we had them where I come from, they’d make shipbuilding a breeze.” Franky suddenly reached his arms out and hugged Flim and Flam. “But it doesn’t matter now brothers. We’ve got cider to sell!”

“Y-yes!” said Flim. He and Flam broke out of Franky’s hug and took up their seat on the Squeezy. However, before they lit up their horns to get it moving they noticed something was odd. In front of them was an unfamiliar set of buttons and levers next to some of the older ones. “Hmm?’

Flam eyed some of the new additions and then turned his attention to Franky, who’d taken his own seat behind them. “Uh Franky, what are all these?”

“Oh, I added a few new defensive functions to her.” Franky leaned back in his seat with a grin still on his face. “Never hurts to be too careful.”

Flim and Flam both smiled at Franky’s extra precautions. Flim then reached out for the start button, a simple green dot on the switchboard. “Shall we get on the road?”

“Oh yeah,” Franky called out just as Flim pressed the button, “I also moved the start button. That red one is now the start button and the green one is my own specialty.”

The words connected in Flim and Flam’s minds a second too late. The Squeezy’s engines rumbled to max power, the whole machine shook, and steam hissed all around then. Then, it went silent. Flam wiped the sweat off his brow. “Franky, ya scared us there for a second. I thought the Squeezy was gon—”

The back of the Squeezy then exploded in a burst of apple-scented air. The remains of the campsite were blasted to oblivion. Not that anypony on the Squeezy saw it as they were currently rocketing across the land. Flim and Flam both screamed as the hung to the Squeezy for dear life.

“Franky, stop this thing!” one of them cried out.

Franky simply laughed and pulled up a mug of cider. “Don’t worry brothers! My Coup de Cider is working like a charm. It’ll get us anywhere in no time!”


“I knew it was too good to be true,” Flim sighed. A snowflake fell on the tip of his muzzle, but he didn’t bother pushing it off. It would have just been replaced by another one anyway. Instead, he hugged himself to try and conserve some body heat. He’d need it given the icy glaciers and snow that surrounded him.

All around the three ponies, mountains peaked up and scratched grey clouds. Flam used one hoof to shield his eyes while he tried to search for civilization. He kicked up a fluff of snow in anger. “Darn it! Stranded in the middle of Celestia knows where!”

Franky trotted over and placed a hoof around Flam’s back. “Don’t worry about it brother. The Squeezy’ll get us wherever we need.”

Flam shoved Franky’s hoof away. “We needed to be in Baltimare! By the time we get back to any civilization, our cider will be spoiled thanks to you!”

“No it won’t,” Franky nonchalantly replied.

Flim walked over, eyes ablaze with wrath, and sneered, “Why’s that?”

“Cause, we used up all the cider to get here.” Franky didn’t seem to care too much about the brothers’ eyes popping out of their heads. “What you thought magic alone was enough? Nah, you need some serious cider power to get this far. Complete success.”

“Our... our supply...” Flam stuttered. His form crumpled and fell to the snow.

Flim followed his brother into the snow. “The last of our reserves.”

“Huh?” Franky watched at the brothers stayed motionless in the snow. “We can just make more.” Franky pushed his side and produced two bottles of half full cider. “I mean, if it’s that big a deal, I got three bottles we can all split right now.”

Flim and Flam shot out of the snow. They snatched the two bottles away, not even noticing that Franky’s torso was open like a refrigerator. They galloped over to the Squeezy and hopped on. They downed the cider into the reserve tanks and hit the Coup de Cider button. They were gone instantly, leaving Franky alone in the cold.

Franky raced off in the direction of the the Squeezy’s tracks, yelling, “Brothers! Wait, that was the last cider I had to! If I don’t get more...” He tripped over a rock hidden in the snow and sent up a plume of white. When it cleared, Franky was sitting in a snow angel, his mane and tail blue once more. “Ugh, never doing cider again.”

“Crap.” He pulled himself out of the snow and put a hoof to his head. “What the hay happened? Wait... ‘hay’? What am I saying? Argh, doesn’t matter, gotta get out of this place before I freeze...”


Franky’s whole body shook as snow and wind assaulted him from all sides. When he raised a hoof to defend himself from a northern blast, a western blast struck him instead. Franky had abandoned following the Squeezy’s tracks as soon as snow had covered them. He now wandered aimlessly, occasionally running towards a rock or another unique sight in the sea of white.

Man, I really screwed up! He thought before stealing his mind. No, I gotta keep going. For the Sunny! For Luffy! For everyo

Franky smacked right into the side of the mountain. A collection of snow fell and buried him under it. Luckily, he quickly shoveled his way out with his hooves. “Gah! Screw this island! Is it too much to ask for some... shelter...”

The anger left Franky’s body when he saw that the part of the mountain he’d stumbled into also had a dark entrance. He focused on it and saw that the light couldn’t penetrate it. “Heh, seems like my prayers got answered. Maybe there’s soda inside.”

He galloped over to the entrance and disappeared into the cave. Outside, the last bit of snow dislodged itself from the engraving it’d been covering. Large black letters, weathered by age spelled out a single word:


Author's Note:

Okay, I'll make a blog post on this, but damn, Patrick Seitz does a good job as Franky.

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