• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,140 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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A Midnight Raid? Ace Makes A Run for It!

A misty breeze caused Ace to slightly shiver, ending his afternoon nap. He slowly lifted his head up and yawned, stretching his forelegs over his head. His eyes sprung open and his jumped to his hooves upon feeling grass and dirt beneath him in place of his bed.

A vibrant mist surrounded him, tinting his vision with a spectrum of colors. He turned his head toward the slush of running water. His eyes widened at the sound’s and the mist’s source.

Liquid rainbows flowed down from the clouds above and collected in ponds all around Ace. As his eyes adjusted more to the mist, he saw that buildings were placed around him as well. Despite the fantastical setting, Ace tensed up, his eyes scanning through the fog and his ears pointing straight up.

A silhouette appeared to Ace’s right and he spun in its direction. He crouched down as it drew near.

“Still a little on edge, I see.”

Celestia appeared through the fog as is parted away from her. Ace remained crouched and glared straight at her.

“I thought some fresh air would do you good.” She glanced down at Ace’s mismatched left leg. “Perhaps get used to walking on that.”

“I can get used to it when it’s an arm,” Ace growled. “Why drag me out to wherever this is anyway?”

“‘Wherever this is’ happens to be one of the Equestria’s top locations and training ground for the Equestria Games.” Celestia’s horn glowed and two rough prismatic balls floated to her side. She took a small bite out of one of them and shivered a little. “Personally, I could come here just for the Veneightian Rainbow Ice… I can never make them as good as the vendors. Care for one?”

The second ice ball floated over to Ace. He glared at it then back at Celestia, remaining rooted in his spot. “I don’t know what you’re trying, but it’s not going to work. I’m getting out of here and getting back to my crew.”

Celestia’s smile vanished and she sighed. “Even if you were to run to the ends of Equestria, where would you go? Could you clear the Calm Belt alone? Survive long enough to make it to another island? How would you even find your own crew on the vast seas? You have no vivre cards and you won’t find any log poses here. Even if you could teleport, it would only get you to the Calm Belt at best.”

“I don’t care!” Ace sprung up and pulled back his right foreleg. “You shouldn’t have given me so many escape routes. Fire Fist!”

Ace shot his leg out only to feel the air shift a little in front of him. Not even a flicker of flame came off his leg.

“I thought you might try something like that,” Celestia sighed. Her horn glowed and Ace felt something tug at his left hindleg. Looking down, he saw that a thick anklet was wrapped around it. “That’s just a small insurance so you don’t accidentally hurt other ponies in one your ‘escape attempts.’”

Ace put his leg down but continued to glare at Celestia. “Why don’t you just drop the act and throw me in a cell?”

“Because, as far as I’m concerned, right now, you have a clean slate. I don’t care what crimes you committed as a pirate or how many escape attempts you make, as long as you don’t hurt anypony else in the process.”

Ace stared at Celestia for a moment before stomping his hooves. “If you’re gonna do that much then why not just let me go back to my crew? What does it matter to you?!”

“I put this whole land at risk for your and Straw Hat’s survival.” Celestia’s eyes sharpened to match Ace’s glare. “I owed him that much. Now one of the greatest evils I’ve ever faced is out for revenge and could be upon us any day now. I do not need the addition of the World Government marching in a selling this country off bit by bit to its Nobles and its military all because I aided the escape of one lone pirate.”

“How would the World Government know? You said they think I’m dead, so let them continue to think that.”

Celestia shook her head. “What will they think when a man with the exact same abilities suddenly appears on the exact same crew Portgas D. Ace served on?”

“I’ll figure it out!” Ace shouted. “Pops will he—”

“And what if Whitebeard isn’t there?”

A hush fell upon the clearing, leaving only the sound of the rainbow streams. A shadow fell over Ace’s face, but the intensity in his eyes seemed to multiply.

“Pops will be there,” Ace said through gritted teeth.

“Even ignoring the War, for how long?” Celestia said, trying hard to hide that she had tensed up. “Would you keep trying to make him King, despite neither him nor any other pirate getting any closer to the One Piece for the past twenty years? What do you do if he dies before that? What will yo—”

“Pops won’t die, not till he’s King!” Ace suddenly went to a gallop straight at Celestia. He jumped into the air and then shot down at her with his right hoof extended towards Celestia’s face. “Don’t take Whitebeard’s name lightly! He will be Ki—”

The sleep spell hit Ace before his hoof got within a foot of Celestia. A levitation spell arrested his momentum and ensured he didn’t fall like a rock to the ground and a teleportation spell sent him back to his room at the Castle.

Alone now, Celestia looked up to the streams as they spilled down from the clouds. “Darn and it sounded like he was making progress with Shining Armor.” She let out a deep sigh. “I’ll try and figure something out to do with him later.”


The moon shined high over Canterlot. The night patrol of pegasi guards flew methodically around the castle, eyes scanning the grounds for any disturbances. The few repair ponies on graveyard shift laid down new stone in the damaged tower, occasionally cracking a joke with each other. Other than them, the castle was bereft of voices.

Ace shot up from his bed, nostrils flared and eyes darting around. His vision was quickly obscured by a piece of paper that smacked into his face. He flailed at it and scraped that paper off, but rather than falling onto the bed, it remained in the air, a faint glow coming off it as it straightened itself out. As it did, its smudged and crumpled writing became legible once again.

Fire Fist,

My apologies this afternoon did not go as smoothly as I hoped. Sleep spells have a tendency to make one a little peckish, so this letter is also enchanted to serve as a map to the kitchen. You are free to take whatever you wish from there as well as explore the castle at your discretion. Some guards may stop you from going to certain restricted areas though.


Ace glared at the letter and imagined it bursting into flames. The cold touch of the Sea Prism Stone anklet was the only thing keeping the vision from become a reality. A loud grumble from his stomach broke his attention and he sighed.

“Damn it.”

Ace slid out of the bed and silently made his way over to the door. He snorted at the paper when it flew ahead of him and came to a rest to the right of his head. Poking out into the hall, he took a look around, finding the hall empty, save for one long figure. Jinbei sat fast asleep across the hall, his hulking body pressed up against a pillar that stood in a row with others in the middle of the hall.

Ace snuck past Jinbei and followed the letter as it continued to float ahead of him. At the same time, he moved closer to the shadows created by the pillars and the flames that decorated them. There were pairs of guards here and there down the hall, standing in front of doors of varying sizes. At the sight of Ace, they would straighten a little and adjust their spears.

The map eventually led him to a rather large door. The letter floated in front of it, but as Ace got closer, it pushed itself through the crack and disappeared within. Ace pressed up against the door and gave a grunt as he pushed it. With a creak that echoed down the hall, it opened enough to allow Ace to slip in.

For a moment the room was dark, but fires quickly sparked up a few feet overhead, illuminating the area. There were rows upon rows of glistening prep stations, all equipped with countless cooking utensils, storage devices, and stoves. One wall was filled with ovens of varying size and type while the opposite wall was decorated with an equal amount of fridges. Far across the room from where Ace stood, on the third wall, were a multitude of doors, also coming in different sizes and shapes.

Another grumble brought Ace’s eyes over to the fridges and he marched over to them. He reached out to the handle of one of the fridges, but the space between it and the actual fridge was too small for his hoof to loop through. With a snort, he put his hoof down and reached out with his mouth, clasped the handle, and pulled.

The fridge lurched open, putting Ace off-balance. He haphazardly scuttled backward, limbs flying in all directions until gravity won out and sent Ace crashing down onto his left side. Pain flared up along his side while his vision blurred. A vision of boiling magma flashed before Ace and cause his body to spasm and then lock up.

The heat slowly faded to a dull throb. Ace remained on the floor taking slow breaths and feeling the sweat that now covered him cool. Inhaling deeply, he pushed hard with his legs while bracing himself against a nearby prep station. The pain in his side grew a little stronger, but he managed to wobble back to his hooves.

A look at his side revealed that the bandages covering it were still white, but that did little to alleviate the rhythmic jolts coming from it and all up Ace’s left foreleg.

Damn, he thought, I need some ice now t—

A bag of ice a little bigger than Ace’s hoof then rose up in front of his face. Purple claws pressed up against the bottom of it and shook a little from the cold. Ace turned his eyes away from the bag and down toward the scaly creature holding it up. Aside from the green spines, it reminded him gecko he’d rode for a bit in Alabasta, albeit much smaller.

“Uh, thought you might need this,” it said.

“Thanks.” Ace took the ice bag, precariously balanced it on his right hoof and pressed it against his left side. “This’ll make carrying food back a little harder.”

“Oh, I can help you out with that.”

Ace raised an eyebrow at the creature. “Are you a servant or something?”

“Oh no. I’m Spike.” Spike waved his arms around, before suddenly clasping its chin and gaining a pensive look in its eyes. “Well, I mean, I do help Twilight out, but that’s as an assistant… hmm, is that type of servant or is a servant a kind of assistant? Oh, I’ll just ask Twilight when sh—”

“Okay, okay,” Ace sighed. He gave his head a shake. “You’re an assistant or whatever.”

“Sounds like somepony’s having some hunger anger,” Spike said with a chuckle. He then turned and opened up the fridge and peered inside, grabbing a variety of various foods. “Happens to me all the time. Actually came down here since I wanted a midnight snack. You got any preferences?”

“Whatever looks good, meat if they have that.”

“Huh.” Spike paused his search and looked back at Ace. “Twilight and Princess Celestia said they had some guests that were a little odd staying at the Castle, but didn’t expect that… then again there was that stretchy meat eating pony monster a few days ago.”

Ace cracked a small grin. “That was probably my little brother, being reckless as always.”

Spike’s eyes lit up. “Oh! Twilight didn’t explain that. So wait, does that mean you’re a super cool pirate too?”

Ace’s grin widened. “You bet. I’m part of the best crew on the Grand Line.”

“Oh cool!” Spike pulled out of the fridge with a plate stacked high with various vegetables and cheeses. “You gotta tell me about it! Twilight’s been too busy with something involving Princess Celestia to really explain everything and everypony else is off somewhere else with Princess Luna apparently. Honestly, been a little boring around, especially since Twilight’s wanted to keep me in our room most of the day.”

Spike tilted his head so that he could look past the food up at Ace. “This gonna be enough for you?”

“Eh, it’s a start.” Ace shrugged.

“Geez, sounds like you can eat on Pinkie’s level,” said Spike. “Where are you gonna eat this anyway?”

“Well, probably can’t take it back to my room without waking up Jinbei, and I’m not in the mood to deal with him again.” Ace glanced over at the series of doors that line one of the walls. “What do you recommend?”

“The guest room has plenty of space. Plus, Twilight will probably be with Princess Celestia all night again, so she won’t mind.” A sly grin appeared on Spike’s face. “But there’s one condition?”

Ace raised an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”

“At least two stories!” Spike said with a smile.


“... and that’s how Pops managed to avoid an avoid an all out war with another Emperor,” Ace concluded.

Spike’s head was propped up on his arms and there were bags under his eyes, but his attention had stayed on Ace throughout the entire story and the one previous to that, barring a short break to get some more food. By now, the moon was far to the west, with only a few hours left until dawn. Despite this, Ace was wide awake and with a smile on his face.

“I didn’t think pirates could have so many crazy powers,” Spike yawned, the late hours hitting him now that the stories were over. “I mean, your phoenix friend I can kinda understand since Princess Celestia has a pet phoenix, but a lot of your crew sounds like something out of comic book.”

“This coming from a dragon that lives in a land of magical horses,” Ace said with a laugh.

“Not as crazy as a pony that can turn into fire.” Spike’s eyes narrowed a little. “I still don’t fully buy that. Even Twilight can only turn her mane into fire for a few seconds and that takes a lot out of her. Nopony can make their whole body fire though.”

Ace raised up his hindleg, showing off the anklet. “If this stupid thing weren’t on here, I’d show you.”

Spike stared at the restraint. “Can’t help you on that. Even if I could breath fire hot enough to melt an anti-magic bolt, it’d be way too hot to get near a pony… or anything flammable really.”

“Oh well,” Ace sighed and leaned back. “I’ll figure a way out of it and get back to my ship eventually.”

“You really wanna see you dad again, don’t you?” Spike asked, his tone softening a little. “Guess Luffy wants to get back as soon as he’s better too, right?”

“Yeah, but he’s got his own ship and crew to get back too.”

Spike tilted his head. “Wait, your dad doesn’t mind him having his own crew and wanting to try and be the Pirate King?”

Ace laughed loudly and waved a hoof back and forth. “Ah, I should’ve explained. Luffy and I aren’t related by blood, but we grew up together. Plus, Luffy’s a good brother with a great crew to keep him in check, but Pops has spent years working to become the King. Luffy won’t be able to close that gap for a while.”

“Okay. I think I get it.” Spike nodded a few times. “It’s kinda like what I have with Twilight. Know it may sound kinda weird, but I’m definitely glad to have her as family, even if I never met my real parents. All the dragons I’ve met so far weren’t that nice.”

Ace tensed up a little. “Yeah, people said a whole lot of things about Pops too. That he was a monster, that his crew were demons just for being his sons.”

“Um…” Spike blinked and felt an urge to scootch back a bit. “That sounds a little rough. I mean yeah, you’re pirates, but that’d kinda be like saying I was bad even as an egg.”

“Yeah, yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Ace said in a somber tone. He lurched upward and started moving over to the door. “Well it’s late and we’d best get some sleep.”

Spike opened his mouth in a wide yawn and covered it with a claw. “I think that’s a good plan. Oh! One last thing.”

“Yes?” Ace asked as he pulled open the door.

“Can you tell me some more stories tomorrow?” A tiny glimmer pushed through the haze of sleepiness in Spike’s eyes. “Like when your dad fought the old Pirate King? I mean, I know that was before you were born, but you heard stories, right?”

“Yeah, I did,” Ace said while facing the door. “I’ll tell you some more stories tomorrow, Spike, just not about Roger.”

“Um, okay, goo—”

Before Spike could finish, Ace left the room and shut the door behind himself. Spike stared at the door for a moment, scratched his head, and then shrugged. Picking himself up off the ground, he slouched over to his bedroom. Curling up under his covers, he blew out the lone candle that illuminated the bedroom. As he drifted off to sleep, he envisioned a clash between Whitebeard and Gold Roger with a young Ace watching at the sidelines.

Yet, in the back of Spike’s mind, aside from Ace being there when he shouldn’t have been born, something felt off about the picture. The thought didn’t last long though and was lost amongst his dreams.

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